This deleted scene from Avengers: Endgame reveals a little more about Gamora's fate

Aux Features Avengers: Endgame
This deleted scene from Avengers: Endgame reveals a little more about Gamora's fate
Screenshot: Guardians Of The Galaxy

Despite the fact that you can still go see it in theaters, Avengers: Endgame, now one true box-office king, is making its way to the various formats of home media. As you’d expect, these editions of Endgame will come with a few bonus features, including some deleted scenes. This morning, Marvel shared one of these scenes with USA Today.

(It contains, duh, major spoilers for Avengers: Endgame.)

It isn’t hard to tell why this scene didn’t make the final cut of the movie. It’s awfully hokey, and is rendered redundant by the lengthy funeral scene where most of the characters you care about get their chance to pay their respects to Tony Stark anyway.

One small bit of new information here, however, is some kind of answer as to what happened to Gamora following Stark’s snap. In the theatrical version, we don’t see Gamora in the aftermath of the climactic battle. Since past-Gamora was technically a part of Thanos’ forces, some fans have wondered if she was erased by the snap, and, if not, where she went. Now we have an answer: she’s still here, and didn’t care to take a knee for Tony.

Avengers: Endgame will be out on digital July 30th, and Blu-Ray August 13th.


  • captain-splendid-av says:

    Huh.  I think I’d have much rather had that than the funeral scene.

    • westcoastwestcoast-av says:

      The funeral scene looked like a bad photoshop. Most of the characters looked pasted in. Loved the movie, but that entire scene looked so bad.

      • walshy0827-av says:

        But it wasn’t. The whole cast was there.

        • westcoastwestcoast-av says:

          No they weren’t. Look at the damned thing. It’s so obvious that a great number of them were green-screened into the shot.

          • homerbert1-av says:

            There’s both official and unofficial behind the scenes footage of them all being there together to film it. They’ve talked about all being together to shoot it. They were indoors rather than outdoors so the background was a comp, hence it looking a bit fake. 

          • returning-the-screw-av says:

            It wasn’t, moron. 

          • walshy0827-av says:
        • kimothy-av says:

          Yeah, until after I saw it, I didn’t think they were all there, either. Even while watching it, I was sure that a lot of them had been put in with movie magic. So, the fact that they were all really there just makes it worse.

      • koalateacontrail2-av says:

        In what sense? Like, the composition or the tracking? IIRC all the actors were actually present and nobody was digitally added later.

      • dirtside-av says:

        I sort of bought that in the aftermath of the first viewing, but I saw it again a couple months later and the funeral scene looked exactly like everyone is standing there. Except the funny thing is that Wong is standing directly behind Hulk, to the point where he literally wouldn’t have been able to see anything except Hulk’s back. I think on shooting day they just positioned him behind Ruffalo but didn’t quite realize how wide Hulk is.

      • ethanjh-av says:

        Well it wasn’t a composition so your brain must be broken. 

    • marshalgrover-av says:

      The only thing this seems to have over that, to me, is the shot with Doctor Strange; feels like he’s acknowledging Tony going through the same thing he learned in his movie (“It’s not about you.”).

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      No shit. This is way more moving that the funeral scene.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      No shit. This is way more moving that the funeral scene.

      • nilus-av says:

        Its hard for me to evaluate it outside of the context of the full movie and the emotional state it natural puts you in. I can see it as moving, but also a bit hokey. And withdrawn from it all it seems rather silly, like there are hurt friends all around you guys, I know Tony just died but this isn’t the time for everyone to take a dramatic knee

        • paulkinsey-av says:

          With you 100%. This may have worked for me when I was already teary-eyed from Tony dying, but watching it now, it’s super cheesy.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          Oh, it’s definitely hokey, something I generally don’t have the stomach for most of the time. But the way most of the heroes respond in their own little ways to what’s happening in the moment is what makes it work IMO.

          • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

            That’s why it works for me, because of the different way it’s done by different characters. Hawkeye starting it, looking like it’s more about being emotionally devastated. T’challa following it up because from him it is all about nobility and honoring a warrior’s sacrifice, etc, etc. I think this would’ve played hard in the actual movie.

          • JimKakalios-av says:

            Agreed. If this had been in the movie at that moment, it would have destroyed me.

    • g22-av says:

      But if we didn’t have the funeral scene, how would you fit in the kid from Iron Man 3?

    • manusdei-av says:

      I wholeheartedly agree. It may feel hockey to the author but I think in the theater at that exact moment it would have felt moving. The funeral meanwhile just did not work at all. Not least of which because honestly Goop didn’t sell her sorrow at all.

  • jamhandy-av says:

    Cutting this was clearly the right call, but Mantis in the background being completely confused by what’s happening almost makes it worthwhile for me…

    • soapstarjoe-av says:

      Several of the actors did a good job of conveying character with the seemingly simple act of kneeling. Captain America looks ready to fall over, for instance, while Nebula slides down cleanly and smoothly, as fits someone who’s largely mechanical.

  • paulkinsey-av says:

    Now you can look forward to your racist high school friend posting an “I kneel for Jesus. I stand for Tony Stark.” meme on Facebook.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Joke’s on you, I don’t even own a Facebook!

    • argiebargie-av says:

      On the bright side, it gives you yet another reason to block all your racist high school friends.

      • paulkinsey-av says:

        I just fact-check and correct their fake news until they block me, but either way.

        • argiebargie-av says:

          Fact-checking your Trumper asshole friends and family members is an exercise in futility. I either block them or unfollow and move them to the “Acquaintances” category.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Nebula: “NOW WHO WILL PLAY PAPER FOOTBALL WITH NEBULA AND LET HER WIN, JUST THE WAY SHE LIKES IT” (breaks down sobbing)Gamora (with extended middle fingers) “F*** ALL Y’ALL, I’M OUT!”

  • argiebargie-av says:

    For a second there, I was hoping for Colin Kaepernick cameo.

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    Don’t we think part of the plot of Guardian’s 3 will be finding her and recruiting her back on board the team?  (which granted, she has no memory of ever being a part of).

  • easolinas-av says:

    I find myself wondering if we’ll get some kind of special cut of this film.

  • mathasahumanities-av says:


  • kuromizu-av says:

    I love that Hawkeye is the first, because he would be, but I agree that EVERYONE kneeling is definitely hokey. I think it would’ve been cool to see everyone do their own thing. So Hawkeye kneels, and then maybe have Black Panther do the Wakanda salute, have Cap and Marvel and any other military dudes do a salute, etc. etc. 

  • kaingerc-av says:

    I get why all these people would be sad and respectful of Tony’s passing, but having them all go down to one knee like this is the ‘Lord of the Rings’ finale or something felt kinda out of place.

    • opusthepenguin-av says:

      I heard the deleted scene was a tribute to a hero and I thought they might actually have a scene honoring Natasha.  But nope.  More Tony worship.  Bleh.

  • mr-threepwood-av says:

    Yeah, he disappearance was quite jarring (she’s there – and then they’re looking for her), but this scene is awful. Especially with that music.They couldn’t win. They would be laughed at for corniness if they kept it. Keeping it, however, would provide the Gamora scene and also wouldn’t be such a disservice for Black Widow, who, why is only Tony buried?

    • hfdsjfsdsfs-av says:

      First of all, what exactly are you going to ‘bury’ re. Black Widow? Second, I’d bet they wouldn’t be “laughed at for corniness”, you can act tough now but the majority of the audience was a blubbering mess. Imo the cheesiest thing in Endgame, no pun intended, was the stupid cheeseburger line. This at least shows more emotion than the overly stoic funeral (cause half the actors for the funeral didnt even know what they were reacting to).

    • chuckrich81-av says:

      Because they have Tony’s body and Natasha died on an alien planet like 9 years in the past.

  • gwbiy2006-av says:

    I’m wondering how she manages to get off Earth, assuming she does. With all of Thanos’ ships ‘snapped’ away by Tony, there aren’t a whole lot of space flight-capable ships left laying around out there. I’d love it if the opening of Guardians 3 was Quill and the gang roving around looking for her here on earth.  Throw in a scene where Quill goes back to Missouri to visit his grandparents 25 years after he disappeared the night his mom died.

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    I absolutely would have laughed my head off if this had happened in the movie.

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    I think my favourite part is Star-lord. He knew Tony for about 2 hours, and they had an immediate dislike for one another, and kneeling formally is completely out of character for him, but the script says he kneels so he kneels. 

    • hfdsjfsdsfs-av says:

      No they didn’t and no it isn’t. By the time Quill dusted Tony had already showed an understanding for him even giving him a comforting line when he got snapped.

      • theporcupine42-av says:

        Are you thinking of Spider-Man, because Tony definitely does not say anything to Quill as he gets snapped. They don’t interact between Quill ruining the plan like an idiot and dying.

      • sarcastro6-av says:

        Quill had also (presumably; he was there, at any rate) seen Tony give Thanos absolutely everything he had, and nearly die in the attempt, so he wouldn’t have been dismissive anymore even without Tony talking to him as he dusted.

    • nessd-av says:

      Exactly. There are just a few who would be devastated. The rest could have shared thankfulness and sympathy, but this kneeling was a little cheesy.

  • tap-dancin-av says:

    So, everyone falls to one knee at Starks’s last breath? Holy shit, this isn’t freakin’ Camelot. Also, I think Tony would have been offended (or I hope so). If not, then he absolutely was a narcissistic, elitist dick.

  • hfdsjfsdsfs-av says:

    everyone here cutting themselves on their edge.

  • franknstein-av says:

    There is Gamora!

  • Kami_Kage-av says:

    NFL must be fuming about this.

  • det-devil-ails-av says:


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