Rest assured, the guy from Jamiroquai is not the fuzzy "Q Shaman" who stormed the Capitol

Aux Features Music
Rest assured, the guy from Jamiroquai is not the fuzzy "Q Shaman" who stormed the Capitol
Photo: Samir Hussein

Hey everyone, the FBI needs your help identifying the Capitol rioters, which is pretty funny since most of them livestreamed the insurrection and posted it to their Parler accounts. Among the many right-wing celebrities in attendance—horrible to see you, Baked Alaska!—was Q Shaman, the alter ego of Jake Angeli, an actor and QAnon subscriber who’s been seen at numerous pro-Trump rallies. In several photos and videos, Angeli (and his tattoos) can be seen leading the mob and posing atop the Senate dais.

Anyways, we feel the need to share this information because we don’t want the FBI to go knocking on the door of Jay Kay, the lead singer of beloved funk outfit Jamiroquai. As footage of the riots hit social media, several users noted a resemblance between Angeli and Kay, citing the latter’s penchant for creative and elaborate pieces of headgear. Kay, dismayed by this virtual insanity, took to Twitter to state that he’s too busy being locked down in the U.K. to try to upend American democracy.

“Good Morning Washington, loving the headgear, but not sure that’s my crowd,” he said via the band’s official account, which arrived with a video in which the singer adopted a Southern twang. “Now some of you may be thinking you saw me in Washington last night but I’m afraid I wasn’t with all those freaks,” he said.

Watch it below:

And here’s the video for “Virtual Insanity” because, goddamn, it’s still good as hell.

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  • murrychang-av says:

    The guy in the bubble WAS actually Wayne Coyne but he wasn’t anywhere near DC.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    I don’t know who they’ve got in the writer’s room, but these latter seasons of America just got weird. It’s basically nonsense at this point.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    When it comes to MAGA, the insanity isn’t just virtual.

  • hankdolworth-av says:

    I prefer “Virtual insanity” to the analog version we say yesterday.

  • djburnoutb-av says:

    For real, one of the very fucking best songs of the 90s, any genre. I’ve loved Jamiroquai ever since, even though a lot of their stuff sounds pretty similar. Brilliant video, brilliant pre-CGI effects, brilliant vocals, brilliant instrumentals, catchy as hell… ticks all the boxes. (Plus, “Travelling Without Moving” dropped when I was living in Spain in 1996 and it was the only album everyone in my family could agree on, so we listened to it constantly… to this day, this song takes me back to those simpler, sun-dappled Mediterranean days of yore.) I always used to say that Jay Kay is living proof that some white men are funky and can dance… him and my old best friend Valentine, who he reminds me of in many ways. Valentine died by suicide a few years back and this song also reminds me of him, too. Both super talented guys. Wasn’t expecting to end this post crying.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      I’d rather listen to Grand Funk Railroad tbh.

      • djburnoutb-av says:

        The cool thing is, you can do both!

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          Why would I do that when there’s an equally shitty band with slightly better music?  Seems like a waste of time.

          • catsss-av says:

            Why the unnecessary rudeness?

          • djburnoutb-av says:

            Music is all about efficiency. 

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Look at the Time Lord over here.

          • djburnoutb-av says:

            More like Star Lord when it comes to choons

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Nah. Unlike him, I’m aware there’s culture after 1983.It just doesn’t include Jay Kay is all.

          • djburnoutb-av says:

            OK, truce. TBH I don’t know GFR that well beyond the big hits. I wouldn’t have thought to compare them to Jamiroquai, as I think of them as more of a rock/blues band despite the name. If you get into the deeper cuts are they funky?   

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “If you get into the deeper cuts are they funky?”Not really.Story time: We were waiting outside the movie theater one night long ago for our group to coalesce before heading inside, when the last guy we were waiting for, comes roaring in in his Jeep blasting music. He parks, gets out, and having recognized the tune, I made a comment about him listening to Ministry.He looks at me confused, and says no, he was listening to Rammstein.Now, I got no problem with Rammstein per se. ‘Engel’ is a lovely little tune. But why would I listen to ‘Du Hast’ when ‘Just One Fix’ is sitting right there? And I realized at that moment that it’s not about music snobbery, it’s about time, and how little we’re given.So, every time I listen to Jamiroquai, all I can think of is that I could be listening to the dozens of artists he was inspired by and did a much better job in the first place instead of wasting my time with a lukewarm impression.

      • bashbash99-av says:

        Who wouldn’t like the wild, shirtless lyrics of Mark Farner… the bong-rattling bass of Mel Schacher… the competent drumwork of Don Brewer?!?! Oh, man!!(for more information about Grand Funk consult your school library)

    • newestfish-av says:

      It wasn’t until recently that I found out this song wasn’t Stevie Wonder.Jamiroquai are great indeed!-d

      • djburnoutb-av says:

        Definitely got a Steve vibe. Imagine getting mistaken for Stevie Wonder? High praise indeed. 

      • saltier-av says:

        Wonder most definitely has to be an influence for Jay Kay and the late Toby Smith. I imagine they wore the grooves off his records as kids.You could easily slip Virtual Insanity into a bootleg copy of Talking Book or Innervisions and everybody would think it’s supposed to be there.  

    • seinnhai-av says:

      Return of the Space Cowboy was the better album by leaps and bounds.I’ll die on that hill.

    • saltier-av says:

      Nailed it! Indeed one of the best of that decade.

  • cariocalondoner-av says:

    I’m getting tired of this never-ending emergency on planet earth.I’ve built my bunker, its time to go deeper underground!

  • gwbiy2006-av says:

    And now I have to post this:

  • the-colonel-av says:

    Wow! Great to hear him call out the cause of COVID, which is humanity’s treatment of animals.  Exactly hell to the yes correct.  Go Jamiroquai, and for god sakes, go vegan!

  • jedidiahtheadore-av says:

    He’s loaded with identifying marks, he should be super easy to find even without facial recognition software.

  • melancholicthug-av says:

    Legit the first time I’ve seen JK with no hat on.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Thanks Jamiroquai.

  • brianfowler713-av says:

    Pop Up video said that Jay Kay was often accused of impersonating Stevie Wonder, and apparently it made Jay Kay’s “blood boil.” Never understood why. Having a voice comparable to Stevie Wonder would be an improvement to me.

    • paraduck-av says:

      There’s a difference between unintentionally resembling someone and deliberately trying (successfully or not, doesn’t matter) to imitate that person.

  • sugarpeasdropem-av says:

    ‘i’m also not Stevie Wonder, though God knows I’ve tried my damndest…’

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    The thing is, they’ve identified a bunch of the guys in those pictures like this wack job Angeli, the guy with his feet on Pelosi’s desk, West Virginia House of Delegate member Derrick Evans, and a few others. They are all known conservatives. But Matt Goetz (R, America’s Wang) is still pushing the conspiracy that it was a false flag operation by Antifa. Here’s hoping next time he gets caught in a fire that he set and poured kerosene on, he doesn’t get out alive.

    • daddddd-av says:

      Yup, they were sharing a pic of this dude from a BLM rally where they crop out his sign that says “Q Sent Me.” He was with the MAGA counterprotestors.It’s kinda funny though, imagine you spend all your time and money traveling the country to worship Trump and then your peers throw you under the bus immediately, call you an antifa crisis actor and get retweeted like 70k times doing so, and you’re still gonna get arrested. You were just doing what the all the Stormfront users in the ProudBoys and groyper and QAnon Telegram/Discord channels were explicitly and unironically telling you to do, and now they’re going to dox your family and threaten you.Great way to ruin your entire life to protect one man’s ego.

  • jrobie-av says:

    Back when Top Gear was on, he came back several times to defend his “Star in a reasonably priced car” speed record.  He did not wear the hat. 

  • dbradshaw314-av says:

    OK, now this all makes sense. It explains the actions of the Capitol police yesterday. Their tepid, ineffective response was not a matter of incompetence, or complicity, or lack of leadership. Honestly, it’s very difficult to handle an angry crowd when the floor keeps moving around under you. Also, the guy sitting at Nancy Pelosi’s desk?  Not his fault at all.  The furniture moved toward him.  Same with the guy sitting in the VP’s chair.  Honestly, THEY’RE the true victims.

  • jamiemm-av says:

    I stole this from my friend, but:Jamiroqanon.Anyways, this is their best song:

  • paraduck-av says:

    The guy on the left is Jay Kay. The guy on the right is, hopefully, soon going to try to convince a court that he was j/k in that photo.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    I was getting more of a Nights Out In The Jungle type vibe ngl. Also shit Keanu Reeves looks rough.

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    I was a bit disappointed that Qanon Shaman didn’t get shot in the face, but then I realized he was white.

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