Rian Johnson, Mark Hamill, and the Star Wars fanbase gathered 'round for one Twitter user's inaugural binge

Aux Features Star Wars
Rian Johnson, Mark Hamill, and the Star Wars fanbase gathered 'round for one Twitter user's inaugural binge
Photo: Sunset Boulevard

Star Wars is such a massive cultural phenomenon, complete with oodles of lore and no shortage of discourse, that it might seem unbelievable when you find someone who’s never watched the franchise. At all. As crazy as it is, they exist, and the internet just watched a non-Star Wars fan turn into the biggest emblem of hope and wholesomeness the fandom has. It all started late last month when @vibeswithcisco, a.k.a. Miranda—who goes by Mar, according to Fansided— started tweeting about Reylo (aka the Rey and Kylo ship) and how she had never seen a single film from the saga. She quickly realized she had a ton of mutuals who not only loved the movies, but were encouraging her to watch them. And watch Star Wars she did.

What started as a binge of one of the biggest film franchises of all time turned into a lovefest of onlookers cheering Mar on. She was introduced to C3PO and R2D2, who “look soft as hell;” she asserted how gorgeous Luke Skywalker is; and dubbed Supreme Leader Snoke an “ugly old ass lookin’ raisin.Mar also loves Padmé—which is the correct feeling to have for Queen Amidala—and her love story with Anakin, which leads to maybe one of the best moments in her threads.

It’s thrilling to see her live through the big reveals, like Vader being Luke’s father. And fans, new and old, were there for it.

Even the official Star Wars account welcomed her.

Rian Johnson was excited about Mar’s viewing as well, interacting with her when her laptop cut out while watching The Last Jedi. And do not worry about Mark Hamill seeing Mar fawn over him: He is fully aware of it and sends his regards.

In a fandom known for its toxicity at times, it’s refreshing to see someone gain so much love online. Whether you ship Reylo or not, or like Star Wars, finding joy online is a celebration. May the force be with Mar.


  • bembrob-av says:

    Actually, I want to watch her live Tweets if she starts watching The Clone Wars.

    • martianlaw-av says:

      I’m only interested when she live tweets the Holiday Special. A Happy Life Day To All!

      • bembrob-av says:

        I imagine it’ll go over as well as expected: “Okay, what THE FUCK did I just watch?”

        Also, I hope she live Tweets The Dark Crystal and Age of Resistance.

        • mifrochi-av says:

          Still one of my favorite lines from Rifftrax: “Even in Modesto, there can’t be enough weed to make this seem like a good idea.” 

          • bembrob-av says:

            I loved Rifftrax, even moreso than MST3K (not in the face).I just always felt the sketch breaks during the movie broke the pacing and momentum of the voiceover ad-libs.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        “I am now revoking my interest in the Star Wars franchise.” – Mar.

      • det-devil-ails-av says:


    • tinyjenkins-av says:

      An actual GOOD and different take that Star Wars fans love is the Filoni Clone Wars cartoon. Bring it up whenever idiot TLJ defenders cry that fans hate anything that’s different.

      SW fans LOVE that cartoon. With good reason. It’s incredible.

  • bastardoftoledo-av says:

    The only Star War I truly enjoy is the very first one. I haven’t seen any of the new films, though. Can one find “A New Hope” anywhere without all the digital manipulation?

  • koalateacontrail2-av says:

    This is a sweet story, but…how the hell is R2D2 “soft”??

  • mackattack23-av says:

    Wow this is wildly uninteresting.

    • unique-identifier68-av says:

      welcome to the av club.

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      You’ve summarized the entire concept of Twitter in five words.

    • amfo-av says:

      Perhaps, but it makes more or less the same point about Star Wars, as a comic strip I saw in the 90s, where an old man and an old woman are sitting in facing armchairs, and the woman says “I bet we’re the only two people in the world who haven’t seen Star Wars” and the old man pulls a gun and shoots her in the face and says “Now I’m the only one”……it’s just that this thing with Mar and her fans isn’t quite as, you know alarmingly fucking psychotic.

    • criskywalker-av says:

      Hey, the Force is female!

    • blastprocessing-av says:

      Turn your monitor on. 

  • raulj2-av says:

    Every day this website mines a horrible new vein of sponcon shillery

    • amfo-av says:

      I like “sponcon shillery” because it made my brain go “that’s not a misspelled French phrase of course but maybe ‘sponcon’ is like ‘soupcon’ and if I knew how to speak French I’d know if there was a word I could swap in for shillery and wait what the actual living fuck am I doing right now?”

    • geekmilo-av says:

      Dude, Hillary lost, get over it.

  • websterthedictionary-av says:

    Good for her? I’m always amazed to hear when someone hasn’t seen those movies at all, and it sounds like she liked it?

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Yeah, all too often, I hear from people upon their first viewing of Star Wars, “so that’s it?”Kinda pisses me off, tbh. 

      • StrudelNinja-av says:

        That’s how I was with Firefly. I had spent years being told it’s the greatest thing and when I saw it I was like oh…no thanks. I have friends that haven’t seen Star Wars and they know that if they saw it now they wouldn’t particularly enjoy it. And it’s not like if you haven’t seen it you aren’t still familiar with probably 70% of the story – there’s lots of movies I’ve never seen but have absorbed culturally.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    anytime i meet people who haven’t seen star wars i envy that they aren’t stuck in this machine with me.

  • gseller1979-av says:

    I recently had a friend who had never seen a Matrix movie marathon the entire series. They kept texting me. For the first movie it all “holy shit this is great.” For the second movie it was mostly questions (who is the key guy and why does he matter? what’s the architect saying?). For the third movie it was angry boredom (my favorite: “what is happening and can it happen faster?”). Got to relive my whole emotional journey with those movies. 

  • mathasahumanities-av says:

    This was fun as hell. This beauty showed what is great about the connections we make in fandom and is doing it in such an entertaining way in what is usually such a dank hole of the internet.mar has made my damn evening.

  • tinyjenkins-av says:

    “Toxicity” means “People who dare criticize Disney and it’s shill access media doofs.”

  • amfo-av says:

    I think a big part of what makes Mark Hamill such a good ambassador for the giant corporations that have made billions from his image, and also indicates his general niceness as a person, is the way he can read something like:“Are you aware of this yet?”and not reply:“Am I now aware of a thing you have just told me? Yes, yes I am. I’m not sure how it would be possible to remain unaware of something I’ve just been told. Probably something to do with the way women conspire to drain our precious bodily fluids.”

  • sadoctopus-av says:

    Excited to watch her instant takes on the Iliad.Maybe Yoda will teach her to read.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    That’s actually pretty cool. It can be really hard to just enjoy Star Wars as a piece of narrative sometimes, separate from its status as divisive pop culture juggernaut. I’m glad Mar got to experience it as a story first.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      My son is almost 4, which is roughly how old I was when I first watched Star Wars (it was the 80s and I had older brothers). However, he doesn’t have a concept of guns, wars, or being violently killed (since it’s no longer the 80s and he doesn’t have older brothers), and it seems like a bad idea to make a “fun” movie his introduction to those concepts.Which is all to say, I’ll probably wait a few more years for his first Star War, and he might be old enough to actually process the story and be surprised, rather than just passively absorbing all of it the way I did.

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