Rick And Morty Babies: The annual Adult Swim April Fools prank has arrived

TV Features Rick and Morty
Rick And Morty Babies: The annual Adult Swim April Fools prank has arrived
Photo: Albert L. Ortega/WireImage

While we here at The A.V. Club news desk—whose jobs can, if you’re feeling grandiose, be loosely described as an ongoing and losing effort to discern what’s even fucking real any more in the roiling information soup of the day to day internet—have, as a rule, a pretty low tolerance for April 1, a.k.a. The Funny Lying Day, we do have to give some begrudging admiration to Adult Swim’s annual efforts. If nothing else, the network’s yearly pranks show a hell of a lot of effort, even some risk, whether that means debuting a highly anticipated episode of Rick And Morty months early, or running The Room three years running. Or taking an episode of Rick And Morty, re-naming it “Rick And Morty Babies,” and having kids re-record all the dialogue. That sort of thing.

Anyway, Adult Swim took an episode of Rick And Morty (fan-favorite “Total Rickall,” FYI), re-dubbed all the dialogue with kid actors, and aired it tonight as part of their “Adult Swim Junior” initiative. It is, suitably, surreal (they re-did the whole intro, and Mr. Poopy Butthole is now named “Mr. Poopy Butt Butt), although it also reminds you that Rick And Morty is pretty funny no matter what you do to it. We’ll never think about a small child saying something is like “’90s Conan” ever agian.

No word yet on what else will be getting this treatment—Robot Chicken and Family Guy are both on the schedule, but who knows—but you can see the altered episodes, at least for now, on the above YouTube link.


  • disqus-trash-poster-av says:

    I was watching the Aqua Child Force when the stream went private. It was the one with the Mooninites and the Foreigner belt and instead of Carl’s porn they were talking about his coloring books.

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      The Aqua Teen episode worked better for the joke because they surprisingly had to bowdlerize more of the dialogue than they did for Rick & Morty.

      • thegreetestfornoraisin-av says:

        The best Bowdlerized bit was at the end, when Ignignokt is flipping off the Earth, and the re-dubbed kid says, “I’m shaking my fist at you and not raising my middle finger because this is a kid’s show!”

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      Damn. That sounds awesome. Do you (or anyone else) know if these junior eps have been posted elsewhere? The youtube stream they put out has ended and is set to private.

  • gumbercules1-av says:

    Looks like it was pulled (or maybe it was accidentally released early). For now, a trailer is all I can find.

  • tigersblood-av says:

    Well that went nowhere.

  • pak-man-av says:

    “We’ll never think about a small child saying something is like “’90s Conan” ever agian.”

    Typo aside, I feel like you tried to zag and then realized you had to zig on this one. Like- halfway through you realized that you’d never have thought of a small child saying something is like “90s Conan” before, so “The same way” didn’t apply, and you ended up with this, and despite having access to a delete key, you went for it!

  • spoospoospoo-av says:

    Sorry, adult swim, you’re don’t deserve to mentionabout the Venture Bros. You know what you did and I will never forgive you.

    • anthonystrand-av says:

      Didn’t they keep that show on for like 15 years?

      • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

        Yeah, and R&M is now following the same pattern of a year or two between seasons. Venture Bros got really good the last two seasons and cancelling it when Doc and Jackson were beginning to tie -everything- together was a shit move. To say that Justin and Dan aren’t following the same pattern now is sheer blindness.

        • splufay-av says:

          To be fair I think there was a lot of behind the scenes stuff that led to Venture Bros being cancelled. That massive seven-season contract with Rick and Morty definitely has a hand in it, but I think Mike Lazzo stepping down was the true death knell. Dude had some questionable moments throughout his time there but there’s no doubt he kept Venture Bros alive out of pure love for the project. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Venture Bros was officially cancelled just a few months after he stepped down

          • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

            I read about that as well with Lazzo, but it also makes me wonder if Doc and Jackson stepped up their game the last two seasons to try and tie everything all together. In all honesty, the last episode (?) (I keep my hopes up) did really put a bow tie on a lot of things. I’m fine with how it ended, but I’d be absolutely happy if they just ended up doing a new season every two years for the rest of time. 

      • spoospoospoo-av says:

        exactly. it was only on for like 15 years

    • endymion421-av says:

      The Venture Nephews!

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