Ricky Gervais isn’t David Brent from The Office. He’s worse

Ricky Gervais' latest Netflix special finds a new low for the once-revolutionary comedian

Aux Features Ricky Gervais
Ricky Gervais isn’t David Brent from The Office. He’s worse
Ricky Gervais Image: Netflix

Ricky Gervais no longer does comedy. He does grievance. Two minutes into his latest, hourlong outrage bait for Netflix, Armageddon, he’s talking about the backlash he generates and how he’s putting “woke” in his Twitter bio. Later, amid adlibbing about Chinese people eating dogs, taking an applause break for saying that white people invented the N-word, and bragging about his nine bathrooms, he cries out, “Fuck my legacy.”

With Armageddon once again putting Ricky Gervais’ name in headlines alongside the words “offensive” and “boring,” it’s worth confirming that, yes, Ricky Gervais did, in fact, fuck his legacy. Along with Stephen Merchant, Ricky Gervais revolutionized sitcoms with the 2001 mockumentary series The Office. Playing the witless and tactless boss David Brent, Gervais explored the social norms of the workplace with a boss that reveled in the inappropriate. He wasn’t exactly a villain; he didn’t make crass and racist jokes because he was ideologically driven. David Brent tells jokes because he just wants people to like him, and he often knows when he’s crossing a line. The brilliance and catharsis of the series are that people often have to deal with those in positions of power who act like this.

When Gareth tells David a racist joke in the series two premiere, “Merger,” Gareth’s assurance that the joke isn’t racist gives David the greenlight to repeat it later. However, the context changes when a Black co-worker is present and David clams up. There’s a knowingness to his character that understands right and wrong, allowing us to judge the character but also delight in his recognition of the infraction. It doesn’t give the moral high ground to the viewer. It lets the comedy play out objectively and realistically because David wouldn’t repeat a joke he knows is racist in front of a Black colleague.

On The Office, Gervais established a comedic persona in the vein of All In The Family’s Archie Bunker. Neither insufferable ignoramus was all malice. Just like how Archie had Edith, David had people around him to reflect and react to his transgressions, allowing viewers to feel some catharsis in the generational and socio-political divides that haunt dinner and breakroom tables worldwide. This offered grace to the bigot, a chance to learn, laugh, or cry. More importantly, it reflected an actual world that real people lived in.

Today, Gervais starts jokes with “in my day” and ends them with “two genders.” Alone on stage in his latest thoroughly depressing hour of comedy, it’s hard to imagine the types of people Gervais targets. A parade of strawmen, -women, and -children populate Gervais’ flights of fancy but offer no truth. These are just jokes, Gervais reiterates, and therefore don’t have to make sense or, in the case  of his musty Michael Jackson material, even be relevant. They simply have to garner a wave of laughter and applause at the idea that white, able-bodied people are really the victims in all this “treat people with respect” nonsense.

A lot has been made about not punching down, and part of that is because there’s joy in watching powerful people receive their comeuppance. That schadenfreude is harder to elicit when someone is dealing with issues outside their control. There’s catharsis in seeing an authority figure who doesn’t deserve nor respect their position cower under the weight of regret and fear. There are layers of truth to his performance as David Brent and those around him, the downcast eyes that often follow another’s embarrassment. Gervais himself is powerful and arguably an authority figure, but there is no one to check these impulses. The closest thing we get to self-reflection in Armageddon is learning that his wife, Jane, asked him not to do the voice of a fictional quadriplegic child. He feigns regret as he admits that he promised her he wouldn’t. Maybe that’s always been the downside to The Office: Allowing Gervais to indulge in offensive comedy while treating his character with grace and dignity lets him have his cake and eat it, too. On Netflix, Gervais is there to eat cake. Just don’t expect to laugh.


  • ryanlohner-av says:

    The best part is always when they say “The network will never put that one on the air.” Except you just heard the joke, so clearly they did.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      People were so laudatory of his Golden Globes monologue a few years back, treating his digs at streaming services (which he works with) like some huge truth-to-power moment; as though he hadn’t been invited and the monologue certainly vetted by the network beforehand.

      • bumbrownnote-av says:

        Were people all that laudatory? hmm? Nobody in the audience seemed super happy

        • chris-finch-av says:

          Beyond the people in the room, yes. The morning after, reddit and facebook were falling over themselves to praise him for showing those Hollywood bigwigs what’s what. Heck, Tom Hanks’ grimace was the thumbnail for the very popular youtube clip of the monologue.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Yeah, Gervais’ Golden Globes performance is a hallowed moment in ‘red-pilled’ circles.

          • Rev2-av says:

            “Red-pilled” = people with a sense of humor? Is there ANYTHING wokensteins AREN’T bitter about?

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Ahh, that’s the word I was looking for: red-pilled. Thank you.
            Yes, that sums up perfectly the kind of person Gervais is. Like an extended family member who thinks they see things for how they really are and in a way most other people can’t (probably calls them “sheeple” unironically), but actually just uses it as an excuse to be a bigot.

          • tiger-nightmare-av says:

            I want to live in the universe where Gervais’ first bigoted special came out a week after Will Smith slapped him at the Oscars.

        • galdarn-av says:

          “Nobody in the audience seemed super happy”No shit. It’s people at home and in the media and on social media who lauded it.Why would you ever think OP meant that the butts of the jokes were laudatory???

      • bio-wd-av says:

        The venn diagram of people who thought that was hysterical and who say stuff like trump derangement syndrome or gender ideology is close to a circle.

    • bumbrownnote-av says:

      that comment on that one is a bit tired now too.

    • doobie1-av says:

      This is the basic problem with aging as an “edgy” comic. Edginess doesn’t age well in general, but when you’re young, you’re usually taking on the old sacred cows and loosely arguing for a new way of looking at things that can be interesting and thought-provoking even if you’re ultimately wrong. Almost all aging “edgy” comedians fall into the trap of attacking new cultural ideas instead and doubling down on the prevailing worldviews of their peer group at age 25. Usually that just means more racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc than is generally considered polite, with no real nuance or insight.  It’s all the edginess of bingo night in a red state nursing home.

      • 20thcenturyduncan-av says:

        Yep. When you’re young, you’re edgy (a word that “Hedwig” justly mocked); when you’re old, you’re Bob Hope saying “The Beatles – hair today, gone tomorrow.”

  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    “Outrage bait is bad.”-The AV Club

    • dirkgentlyy-av says:

      They completely glossed over the fact that the outrage bait isn’t what’s bad, it’s that he’s just so fucking unfunny and desperate for people to approve of him it’s beyond cringey. Anyone who genuinely enjoys his work should be listened to with a full pound of salt

    • davidwizard-av says:

      It’s bad, lazy comedy. It’s great for blog posts. The medium matters.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    He wasn’t exactly a villain; he didn’t make crass and racist jokes because he was ideologically driven. David Brent tells jokes because he just wants people to like him, and he often knows when he’s crossing a line.I feel like this encapsulates the missed opportunity in this article; David Brent is a bully and forces people into awful situations time after time. He doesn’t know when he’s crossing the line; most of the humor in the show revolves around this fact. He knows the bread box joke in the Merger episode is racist and the entire joke in that episode is he’s totally okay telling that joke in a professional environment until he’s literally face-to-face with the subject of the joke. I think it’s the second or third episode when he tries to fire Tim for a pornographic meme, then immediately backpedals when he learns his buddy was the culprit, and tries to weasel his way out of a simple apology. Tell me that’s not a bully.Gervais’s current image is such an extension of David Brent. He’s trying so hard to get us to love him; it’s just that he’s going about it in an overly winking way: he’s the one brave enough to say these things, so he must be on our side. Everything about Gervais encapsulates Brent: his position of success and power has created this remove from the everyday people around him, and he desperately wants to gain their approval via a messy, look-how-willing-I-am sense of humor.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      Heck, when the black employee says he knows what joke Brent is telling, Brent backtracks and shames the employee for making the joke. Brent helps steal Tim’s shoes and throw them on a pub. He witnesses his employees pantsing another employee and starts cackling “tickle him! Tickle him!”There’s never a point where Brent learns anything; he gets sacked and receives a tiny grace at the end of the special when he tells off Finch. Y’all gotta rewatch that show.

      • nell-from-the-movie-nell--av says:

        I think the UK The Office worked well because you do see Brent begin to wake up in the final moments of the final episode. By telling Finch to go to hell, he’s essentially realizing that seeking approval through punching down is an empty existence. I would bet anything that was a Merchant suggestion, not a Gervais tweak. 

      • minimummaus-av says:

        Nah. I have it on DVD and I should give it away because I don’t plan on watching anything with him in it again.

      • amessagetorudy-av says:

        There’s never a point where Brent learns anything; he gets sacked and receives a tiny grace at the end of the special when he tells off Finch. Y’all gotta rewatch that show.Hell, even in the follow-up series “David Brent: Life on the Road,” he’s still as much a clueless, obnoxious figure as he is a pathetic one. And he’s pathetic and friendless through much of it BECAUSE he’s clueless and obnoxious. They try to soften the edges at the end but you get the definite sense he’s learned nothing and will be telling jokes at the expense of his fellow residents of the senior home.

        • paulfields77-av says:

          That was a disappointment to me, as the bit in the final episode of The Office where he tells Finchy to fuck off felt like a turning point for him. For him just to revert to his previous behaviour was a betrayal.

      • jlrobbinsdewalt-av says:

        I *hated* the original ‘The Office’ and found it unwatchable.  I wanted the British Michael Scott to die.  Guess Ricky was writing from his core.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      This was a long time ago, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but I remember an interview with Gervais and Merchant back when the show was airing where Merchant stated Brent was Gervais, with a few minor tweaks.

      • chris-finch-av says:

        Yep, down to the failed music career.

        • xirathi-av says:


        • mackyart-av says:

          An amusing thought I had was Gervais finding himself in the Philippines and discovering that his 80’s songs were hits there and he’d be more successful as touring has-been musician in the country than as a stand up comedian.
          I found this out because, a few years ago, my wife (we’re Filipino) saw THAT photo of Gervais and recognized him as “the guy from Seona Dancing” and started singing the words to his songs. Apparently, his songs were huge. She’s also never seen any of Gervais’ stand up shows or movies.

          • phonypope-av says:

            Just listened to “More to Lose” out of curiosity, and that’s a legitimately great song. Granted, 80s New Wave is right in my wheelhouse, so I may be biased.

        • phonypope-av says:

          Off the point, but the background in that picture is glorious.  I want to go back to high school and use that for my yearbook picture.

        • precious-roy-av says:

          Who told Milla Jovovich that short hair would be a good look?

    • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

      The article misreads Brent, more so than anything else. He’s not the protagonist of the series. Tim is the protagonist. It’s his story (with Dawn as his “reward” which is a whole other sticky subject…). Brent is the villain of the show, Tim’s true antagonist, and to the extent that he’s ever sympathetic, it’s because he’s SO pathetic that you can’t help but feel embarrassed on his behalf. Finch pretty much only exists as the part of David’s back story that helps us understand why his overwhelming need to be loved and accepted has specifically turned him into THAT. But he serves no real functional role in the narrative.Telling him to fuck off was like Vader throwing the emperor over the rail. It’s a glimmer of redemption, but Vader is still the guy who tortured and murdered thousands (millions? Billions?). That final act in no way makes him any less of a villain in the narrative.

  • bumbrownnote-av says:

    What’s even more tedious than Gervais? Tired think pieces on it from failed hacks at… … uh, can’t even be bothered

  • gonegonk-av says:

    I got turned off by Gervais when I watched the “bonus” material on a DVD of one of his shows where he kept mistreating one of his flunkies and seemed to think it was hilarious. The man is a sick puppy indeed. Ugh…

  • typingbob-av says:

    Are you a robot?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    The person Garvais reminds me of more than anyone these days is Finch, the ultimate villain of ‘The Office’. A pseudo-intellectual thug who expects everyone to find him funny and charmingly transgressive, then retaliates with cruelty if they don’t.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      “How can I hate women when me own mum’s one?”

      • Rev2-av says:

        Maybe he can show how much he loves women by treating being one like cosplay and threatening violence against TERFs for being disgusted with his perversions? Would that be “woke” enough for ya, comrade?

  • nx1700-av says:

    He was FUNNY!! The way people go on these day’s they would explode if we still had Don Rickles Seriously if you can’t laugh at it don’t watch go watch a different comic .

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:
  • bio-wd-av says:

    I demand that everytime someone praises the Office or Extras they strongly note Stephan Merchants writing.  Everything Gervais writes that Merchant isn’t involved with is notably shittier.

    • characteractressmargomartindale-av says:

      ..and weirdly it applies in the opposite direction as well? “Hello Ladies” was terrible, and “Outlaws” is too. The only thing I’ve really liked from them since The Office (and Extras) was the podcast/HBO show.

      • amessagetorudy-av says:

        Hello Ladies and Outlaws were “terrible”?  huh.

      • paulfields77-av says:

        I haven’t seen Hello Ladies, but The Outlaws was good fun.

      • ciegodosta-av says:

        I thought Hello Ladies was pretty great cringe comedy and Outlaws is a lot of fun. Neither close to the peaks of The Office or even Extras, but quite good.

      • nimitdesai-av says:

        Hello Ladies was one of the most painfully awkward shows I have ever seen. 

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Hello, Ladies was fucking great and Outlaws is at least pretty good.   Opinion rejected!

        • usernameorwhatever-av says:

          I remember liking Hello Ladies at the time (despite growing weary of “cringe comedy”) but I was a little turned off by the ending. The whole show is this shallow dumbass being told by his beautiful roommate that he needs to get over only wanting to date beautiful women. In the end, he learns his lesson and… is rewarded with his beautiful roommate.I’m sure it was more complicated than that (it’s hard to remember since it’s been… oh god… 10 years since it aired), but that fact always kind of bothered me. Still, it’s much better than anything Ricky’s been up to in the past decade.ps. I blame late aughts/early teens cringe comedy with the fact that “cringe” is now one of the most overused words on the face of the planet.

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        Outlaws is pretty damn good.

    • socialnetwooky-av says:

      You obviously didn’t watch ‘After Life’ or ‘Derek’

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      What, exactly, has Merchant done sans-Gervais that matches After Life (as an example)?

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      With each passing year it seems Merchant is to Gervais as Larry David is to Seinfeld.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        except they still seem friendly. have merchant and gervais worked together since they wrote that season 2 episode of the us show?

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          Well, Merchant isn’t bald either… I didn’t mean to imply they were completely alike in every single way.Since we were talking about talent/output I figured it was clear that was all I was comparing.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            i didn’t think that was what you were implying, i was just genuinely curious if gervais and merchant were still friendly in the same way and had done anything together since.

    • simplepoopshoe-av says:

      Is Stephen Merchant the pale guy from Logan? If so, he should be more famous?

    • precious-roy-av says:

      Fun random Merchant fact that I noticed the other day. He had a very minor role as a CTU tech in one episode of the show 24. I had to google it to see if I was losing my mind or it really was him, apparently he was a huge fan of a show and they basically gave him a small role in an episode as a favor.

  • jacquestati-av says:

    I’m not one to be offended by jokes. But I am offended by comedians who sideline comedy to complain about people being offended by jokes. 

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      So you are one to be offended by jokes?

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      There is nothing in the whole world less funny than comedians whining that people aren’t laughing at their jokes.

      • mrscobro-av says:

        There is nothing in the whole world less funny than comedians whining that people aren’t laughing at their jokes.
        That was the brilliance of Norm MacDonald, though. Some of his best jokes where the jokes he made because people weren’t laughing at his joke.

  • nell-from-the-movie-nell--av says:

    I honestly just think Gervais cannot help himself. He wants to belong so bad. He wants to be liked with every fiber of his being. But he also resents his own neediness and the objects of that neediness (Hollywood, celebs, etc.). I think Extras is almost more instructive than The Office. Extras put on display Gervais’ inherent desire to climb the social ladder but also his inability to overcome resentments. I think if any one of the targets of Gervais’ lame, obvious Golden Globes “jokes” invited him over for dinner, he’d be there in a heartbeat. As much as he’s deluded, he cannot seem to stop telling on himself in his own work. 

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      the ‘ricky gervais meets…’ and that comedy rountable show he did where he self-inserts himself into comedy history are also telling.garry shandling, god rest his soul, entirely saw through his bullshit and the special is incredible because, while he’s still being funny, he’s basically sauteeing and flambeeing gervais at the same time.

  • Rev2-av says:

    “Woke”, “two genders”?!? How truly scary… Too bad he didn’t crossdress and call women “TERFS” for believing in biology.

  • random-commentor-av says:

    Snowflake says what?

  • batteredsuitcase-av says:

    I have the same problem with Gervais as I do with John Mulaney, Jim Jeffries, and a few other comedians dating back to Dice. They’re so concerned with playing to their audience and making sure the jokes are aimed at the right people, they forget to be funny. As an actually funny comedian said “applause is voluntary, laughter is not.”

    • waystarroyco-av says:

      Whoa Jim Jefferies is amazing and so is mulaney who the fudge are you kidding?

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      I guess I don’t really understand what “making sure the jokes are aimed at the right people” means, but I find John Mulaney funny and Gervais…not.

      • seven-deuce-av says:

        Oddly, I find Mulaney not funny but Gervais hilarious.It’s almost like comedy isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair.

    • unspeakableaxe-av says:

      I struggle to see John Mulaney in the point you’re making here. 95% of his jokes are observational bits about weird people and incidents in his life. He did one topical bit about Trump getting elected; when else was he specifically playing to his audience?

      • nycpaul-av says:

        Mulaney is absolutely brilliant, and I don’t perceive him to be throwing cheap shots at a particular audience. He’s actually the target of the vast majority of his jokes.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          if anything some of mulaney’s audience is the problem. so many of them were dazzled by the clean cut white guy saying nice things about his wife they were scandalized when the guy who constantly talks about being a drug addict turned out to be a drug addict. i think his most recent special was great, too.

    • poopjk-av says:

      O_oMulaneys special that heavily focused on his addiciton was quite cathartic for the many people who have lived through or adjacent to that nightmare. 

    • mothkinja-av says:

      Mulaney is routinely praised, including by his peers, as one of the greatest stand-ups working today, so you kind of made me tune you out by including him.

  • 4satire-av says:

    I’m watching it now. He’s covering some of the same ground George Carlin and Lenny Bruce did and it elevated them to revered status. He may not attain the same but he’s doing his own version of that style of comedy – he adds a wink and a laugh – and I don’t see the problem.

  • braziliagybw-av says:

    The thing about fuckers like Gervais, Chapelle, John Cleese, Rob Schneider, Tim Allen, and others that are always spouting this bullshit about “cancel culture” and “wokeness”, is that their whole schtick is “We should be allowed to joke and mock anything, everything, all the things, without limits”. And then they the spend every second of every one of their multimillion deal specials joking and mocking only half of the things, always the same half of the things, not because somebody, anybody, is precluding them of joking and mocking the other half, but because that other half is exactly who they are catering to and really afraid of for being the ones who could actually “cancel” them for real…

    • bio-wd-av says:

      I cannot recall the last time someone said we should be allowed to mock anyone and proceeds to mock nazis, racists, billionares, anything along those lines.  Nah its just the poor or LGBTQ+ people or the youth.  I swear an AI could do this job its that formulaic. 

      • vargas2022-av says:

        There has been an uproar literally in the last week about John Cleese mocking Trump by comparing him to Hitler. When you say “I cannot recall,” do you really mean “I live under a rock”?

      • bassguitarhero-av says:

        It’s the same as when someone says, “I have a right to do/say this!” They’re always being an asshole. You never have to tell anyone you have a right to say or do something if you aren’t currently being an asshole.

    • johnbeckwith-av says:

      Yep this whole “anti-woke” thing is just an excuse for those hacks to have new “material” which is just griping about how things were funnier back in their day.

    • thepalaeobotanist-av says:

      You forgot Bill Maher. Never forget Maher.

    • poopjk-av says:

      They all feel that they are entitled to continue being famous, in-demand and the top of their field.Everyone you listed is far past their prime and (IMO) are utterly obsessed with forcing reality to change, for the whole world to pat them on the head and say, “No, you really are still #1 with teenagers”.Especially in comedy there is this psychotic belief that once you are on top, you can never be removed and anyone who doesn’t agree is “woke” “young” “dumb”, fill in the blank.Their egos have eaten themselves. That Dave Chappelle wanders around insulting teenagers for being too poor to understand his jokes is beyond any punchline a comedian could come up with.

    • bluto-blutowski-av says:

      “We should be allowed to joke and mock anything, everything, all the things, without limits”

      And without consequences, which is where the bitterness comes from. There is no law that says I have to find your unfunny business funny. Nor that I can’t talk about how unfunny it is.

      • bassplayerconvention-av says:

        Exactly— If these dicks are going to complain “I have a right to be an asshole!” then we have the right to tell them to fuck off for being an asshole.

    • jaywantsacatwantshiskinjaacctback-av says:

      The are the same as the “based” Youtubers who make fun of Biden’s “bumbling” and “incompetence” but don’t say shit when Trump does the same, or worse, shit. Nobody terminally online and brainwormed is coming out of the woodwork because someone made fun of Biden, even at the most ridiculous level. But these same “red-pilled” assholes are too pussy to do the same shit to Trump, scared to have to deal with his unhinged followers (if they aren’t just bad faith, cultists, and/or just plain fucking stupid in the first place). They’ll shout and scream about woke “cancel culture” while remaining completely silent or having some double standard out of fear of actually getting canceled by the true snowflakes on the right. LMAO

    • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

      You’re putting Chapelle and Cleese in the same category of Gervais, Schneider, and Allen? You do realize that the former are undisputed geniuses, and Gervais contributed to the most groundbreaking sitcom of his generation, and their politics are the exact opposite of Allen and Schneider. Further, Chapelle and Monty Python have both been actually deemed “problematic.” What other side do you think needs representation in Allen and Cleese’s work? The massive progressive machinery representing transgenderism and gender/racial theory as *the* official orthodoxy of our time? Are you aware of the number of speakers and academics that have been deplatformed/put out to pasture for crossing this orthodoxy? I can provide ample examples. Who are the people they are afraid of mocking who could actually cancel them? Trumpists? Hollywood, which fully embraces this orthodoxy to the point of using fucking racial/identity quotas? What are you talking about?Are you aware of how controversial even Allen’s last lame sitcom was and that it *was* cancelled until demand made it necessary to bring it back?All of these people have been attacked/vilified/and/or actually cancelled by the people in power, namely the progressive ideologues who run Hollywood. They get to tell their jokes, therefore they are hypocrites for talking about the endless vilification they face?Insert burning house/”everything is fine” meme here.

      • ididntwantthis-av says:

        “The massive progressive machinery representing transgenderism and gender/racial theory as *the* official orthodoxy of our time?”

        Another day, another page right out of the conservative playbook!

        You are so fucking deluded if you think you are a liberal.
        You are a fucking asshole tyrant and it never gets old pointing that out!

        • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

          Hello stalker,As already established, progressives are not liberals. They define everyone based on immutable characteristics and want identity-based redistribution of…everything. They do not believe in free speech and have gone as far as saying that free speech is actively harmful to “oppressed” people, is *actually* violence, and a tool for white supremacy. I just read the UC Berkeley has spent untold millions to create the following positions: Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Chancellor’s Diversity Office; the associate vice chancellor for faculty equity; the assistant vice chancellor for diversity; the faculty equity advisors; the graduate diversity coordinators; the staff diversity liaison; the undergraduate student liaison; the graduate student diversity liaison; the chief diversity officer; the director of development for diversity initiatives; the Office of Academic Diversity and Opportunity; the Committee on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (!); The committee on the status of women; the Campus Council on Climate, Culture, and Inclusion; the Diversity Council and the directors of the Cross-Cultural Center; the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center, and the Woman’s center.This is a behemoth of administrative bureaucracy, all created under the delusion that UC is ripe with racists and that they unbelievably pampered students are actually oppressed proletariat. Total progressive madness at what once was the most venerable institution on that coast.Do you know what the ONE mandatory class is for undergraduates? Not psych 101, or Western Lit (which is deemed racist, of course); WHY IT’S THE EQUITY AND INCLUSION MODULE.And I don’t have the time or inclination to describe the completely discriminatory hiring practices for faculty and administrators put in place there. I’ll just use the words “massive injustice” to suffice.Please explain to me how there is not a massive progressive machinery towering over academia and Hollywood, which, as we have already established, now requires identity quotas to qualify for the Academy Award. I didn’t use the actual name (Academy Awards) as I know that triggers the fuck out of you. Please explain to me how disenfranchised and disempowered these people are, with total cultural control of academia and Hollywood. And don’t even get me started on fucking Google and Meta. Progressives OWN cultural creation. Fucking face it.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You have certainly stated such things! It’s another example of your delusion, where you imagine a third arm on a straight line between conservative and liberal. So you can imagine yourself to be liberal even though you are not.

            Progressives certainly are not conservative! There’s only one other thing to be on the gradient.

            Wow, ranting about diversity, that’s GOP 101 dude, get a fucking clue!
            You are so fucking deluded if you think you are a liberal.
            You are a fucking asshole tyrant and it never gets old pointing that out!

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            So you cannot admit to the reality of the cultural hegemony of the progressive left, and insist that I’m a conservative for being disgusted by progressive illiberalism. Golly gee, you sure are a useless progressive cunt! It’s not like actual liberals have been sounding the alarms about this—including large swathes of liberal academics, from whose research I just pulled from—for fucking years, and have been steadfastly fucking kicked out of the left because of it!! Oh, conservatives are concerned about it, too? That must make me a conservative, which is so important of you to prove that you totally disregard the research presented!! Fuck off, cave cunt!! It’s not as though actual liberals are now considered center right because of how far progressives have lost their fucking minds, including bringing back segregation to campus and using illegal hiring practices! You’re right, I’m basically Rush Limbaugh II for being against RACIAL SEGREGATION AND RACIAL QUOTAS, YOU FUCKING ILLIBERAL DUMPSTER BEAST.HAVE A FUCKED DAY! 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “progressive left”

            Left, as in liberal? The opposite of the right, which is conservative?

            You are a conservative because you are disgusted by actual liberalism and want to take people’s rights away. Every position you take lines up with the conservative playbook. You parrot their talking points. Get a clue you deluded asshole.

            I”m never fucking off, you are a deluded piece of shit and I love pointing that out!

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Yeah, the left also includes socialists and communists! Are they fucking liberals, too, you useless retard?Again, for the cheap seats, progressives are not liberals. You cannot be a liberal and judge everyone based on immutable characteristics, be for censorship (how many deplatformings/firings would you like me to name?), and be FOR segregation, you fucking regressive cunt. Square that circle for me.I’m “parroting” fucking liberal research, dumbtits.Fuck off to UC, regressive cunt!

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Often times, yeah they are. Sharing isn’t inherently right, you are confusing economics with political positions. But whatever, you never know what’s going on or what words mean.

            Your idea of what progressives are is largely made up in your mind, and again, comes right from the GOP playbook.

            You cannot be a liberal and scream that you want to take rights away from people. You are not a fucking liberal.

            You are parroting a Tucker Carlson script.
            I’m never fucking off, you are a deluded piece of shit and I love pointing that out!

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            You’re fucking retarded. Socialists and communists are not liberals and actively fucking hate liberals. Ask SquidEatinDough, your ass-pal.I’m making up precisely nothing. I just listed the massive progressive bureaucracy at ONE (former) top university, pointed out (again) the use of racial quotas and illegal hiring in Hollywood, simply related that progressives have brought back segregated classes/teachers to…all grade levels, and you’re defending all of it and calling me a conservative. Why would I give a shit if I were a conservative?Why do you have such hard tits for me?? And can you answer direct fucking questions? Is racial segregation and discrimination liberal principle? Answer me, oh rock-hard-nippled stalker. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I’m sure they hate you! You are not a liberal.

            You are making up basically everything and have for weeks. You call people exercising their rights to free speech and association as censorship and illiberal. Because you have never understood what free speech even is.

            Everything you say is a twisted deluded version of what’s real. You do not and have never at any point in these conversations, lived in the real world. It’s all a mutated fantasy on your part.
            You are so fucking deluded if you think you are a liberal.
            You are a fucking asshole tyrant and it never gets old pointing that out!

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Making up what? I just fucking read the diversity administrative positions off to you, we know about hollywood’s quotas/illegal hiring, and you can fucking google the return of segregation in the classroom. Fuck it, I’ll google it for you:https://unherd.com/thepost/is-racial-segregation-coming-back-to-americas-schools/DIRECT QUESTION: ARE THESE LIBERAL PRINCIPLES, ASSTITS?? 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I just gave you an example: You call people exercising their rights to free speech and association as censorship and illiberal. Because you have never understood what free speech even is.

            “the diversity administrative positions”

            So? You act like that matters or proves your point. It doesn’t.

            “we know about hollywood’s quotas/illegal hiring”

            We know that private groups are exercising their right to free speech and association, which you hate. We know you and another moron imagine there must be illegal hiring practices when there isn’t.

            I know you make shit up constantly and are wrong about every fact you’ve tried to present.

            You make a straw man and then ask me if they are liberal principles. Stop using fallacies and get back to me.  

            You are so fucking deluded if you think you are a liberal.
            You are a fucking asshole tyrant and it never gets old pointing that out!

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            I sent you a fucking source in which producers SAID they would be forced to use illegal hiring practices, sugar tits.And we fundamentally disagree that the tech oligarchs should determine who can speak publicly. Put it to bed.If you believe so hard in free speech, I assume you fully support the use of hate speech, correct? You sent me a mountain of bullshit about the evils of hate speech, in which one source said, and I quote, “There is no direct link between hate speech and violence.” So why are you so opposed to this exercise of free speech? Or do you not consider hate speech to be free speech?? Questions, questions…LIKE IS RACIAL FUCKING SEGRAGATION A LIBERAL PRINCIPLE? ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION, WALRUS CLIT.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I told you, I saw that you found another idiot like you. Doesn’t mean it’s true. It isn’t. We fundamentaly disagree on who deserves basic human rights. I say everyone and you do not. I’m never letting that go. I’m not opposed to any exercise of free speech. Unlike you. Racial segregation isn’t a liberal principle and it’s also not a mainstream position. That’s my point. You are presenting straw men.

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            It’s not a fucking strawman, it exists, it is a fucking mainstream position, the fucking thought leaders of the racial justice movement support it and racial discrimination, dumbass deadtits.https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/01/28/racial-segregation-college-campuses-ethnic-division-racist-civil-rights-column/4587577002/Ibram X. Kendi (he’s a thought leader, dumbtits): “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”Keep calling them strawmen as they take over the country and as we CAN FUCKING SEE PROGRESSIVES CHAMPIONING DISCRIMINATION AND SEGRAGATION:https://www.thefire.org/news/trend-racially-segregated-campus-events-putting-institutions-dangerous-legal-groundYOU ARE A FUCKING DINOSAUR.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            It is not a mainstream position. You are a deluded and dishonest asshole. You are fucking deluded if you think you are a liberal.
            You are a fucking asshole tyrant and I never get tired of pointing that out!

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            It certainly is mainstream if it is occurring in fucking academia and at top schools, but you didn’t read the source as you DIDN’T HAVE TIME TO PHYSICALLY DO SO, DEADTITS.How about the oh-so-trendy SEGRAGATED GRADUATION CEREMONIES AT HARVARD, DEARTITS? https://hsdm.harvard.edu/event/harvard-black-and-latinx-graduation-ceremoniesSo you’re telling me THE PROGRESSIVE THOUGHT LEADER (WHOM i SURE YOU ARE UNAWARE OF) IBRAM X. KENDI ISN’T FUCKING MAINSTREAM? HE’S A FUCKING MILLIONAIRE FROM SELLING “ANTI-RACISM” BOOKS INCLUDING FUCKING “ANTI-RACIST BABY.”YOU REMAIN A FUCKING DINOSAUR. AWAIT THE METEOR, BITCH. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Something happening in small numbers isn’t mainstream. And graduation ceremonies are not the classroom but you can’t be honest can you? That some person talks doesn’t mean a majority agree. But you can’t logic either.You have to invent stuff to cover the fact that you are not a fucking liberal.You are a fucking asshole tyrant and I never get tired of pointing that out!

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Something happening at Harvard graduations is pretty fucking mainstream. You must have you head stuck in the rock of Gibraltar not to know what’s going on on campus and in schools nationwide, including both classroom and grad ceremonies, as attested to by the sources I just sent you THAT YOU DID NOT FUCKING READ BECAUSE IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO DO SO IN THE TIME BETWEEN POSTS. Ibram X. Kendi is a bestselling author, deadtits, and he’s all in on racial discrimination.Once again, reality alludes you like dick or pussy or whatever you are into.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Something isn’t mainstream because HR and did it. Something is mainstream based on the actual number of people who support or agree with it. You don’t fucking know what any of the words you use actually mean.Nothing you are bitching about is s mainstream position. The only one in a moral panic all these weeks is you. Being a best selling author doesn’t make you a leader. The number of people who do what you say makes someone a leader. You do not l in the real world. You manufacturer a fantasy to avoid the fact that you are an illiberal tyrant. 

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Yeah, this guy is of no importance to the progressive left L O L:https://www.ibramxkendi.com/bio“DR. IBRAM X. KENDI is a National Book Award-winning author of fifteen books for adults and children, including nine New York Times bestsellers—five of which were #1 New York Times bestsellers. Dr. Kendi is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University, and the director of the BU Center for Antiracist Research. He is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and a CBS News racial justice contributor. Dr. Kendi is the author of Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, which won the National Book Award for Nonfiction, making him the youngest author to win that award. He also authored the international bestseller, How to Be an Antiracist, which was described in the New York Times as “the most courageous book to date on the problem of race in the Western mind.” Dr. Kendi’s other bestsellers include How to Raise an Antiracist; Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019, co-edited with Keisha Blain; How to Be a (Young) Antiracist, co-authored with Nic Stone; Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You, co-authored with Jason Reynolds; and Antiracist Baby, illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky. In 2020, Time magazine named Dr. Kendi one of the 100 Most Influential People in the world. He was awarded a 2021 MacArthur Fellowship, popularly known as the Genius Grant.”He won a fucking Genius Grant, dipshit, and has influenced millions of Americans. If he is not a thought leader, who would you consider a fucking thought leader to be? He was consulted by the White House and proposed a Constitutional Amendment to treat (get this) all racial disparities as PROOF of racism. He’s the motherfucker who introduced the idea that a racial disparity is ipso facto PROOF OF RACISM, ASSTITS.As for segregated graduation ceremonies, eat shit:https://www.insidehighered.com/news/students/diversity/2023/05/02/conservatives-rail-against-segregated-graduationshttps://theconversation.com/attacks-on-segregated-graduation-ceremonies-overlook-the-history-of-racism-on-campus-204991DIE OFF, DINOSAUR 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I didn’t say he was of no importance you pathetic liar. I said something isn’t mainstream just because he said it. You are not showing that your moral panic is mainstream. You are just a fucking deluded illiberal tyrant.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            First off, I’m going to note your links were almost entirely to OPINION pieces. You complained about “segregation in the classroom” and none of your examples are of that. And as always, you misrepresent facts, acting like Harvards entire graduation ceremony is segregated when in fact it’s just “special graduate recognition ceremonies” that take place prior too and seperatly from the actual graduation. And it was from fucking four years ago. Because everything you say is a dishonest misrepresentation of reality. You’ve been doing it for weeks on all subjects. You can’t cope with reality or the real world. I’m not out of touch, you are delusional and a liar who lives in a fantasy so you can escape the reality that you are not liberal. 

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            I SENT YOU SOURCES WITH DOZENS OF SEGRAGATED GRADUATIONS. WHO CARES IF THEIR OPINION PIECES?? YOUR BULLSHIT ABOUT HATE SPEECH WAS OPINION, NUMBTITS.I SENT YOU SOURCES WITH SEGREGATED CLASSES. THEY DON’T FUCKING CALL THEM ‘Segregated Classes’, DIPSHIT, THEY CALL THEM AFFINITY GROUPS. Orwell much?AND YES, MILLIONS OF FUCKING PEOPLE BELIEVE WHAT IBRAM SAYS. THE FACT THAT YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF HIM JUST PROVES HOW FUCKING OUT OF TOUCH YOU ARE. HE WAS ON TIME’S 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE LIST AND SOLD MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF BOOKS. YOU. ARE. FUCKING. OUT. OF. TOUCH.I want you to fucking concentrate, asshat. If a WHITE multi-millionaire author who is influential with the White House, been on fucking Oprah, and teaches at top schools, is a fucking CBS correspondent, and won the fucking MacArthur Grant came out and said, YES, WE MUST RACIALLY DISCRIMINATE, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN SUGARTWAT? ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?WHAT IF WHITE PEOPLE THROUGH THEMSELVES FUCKING ONE SEGREGATED CEREMONY, OR TAUGHT ONE SEGREGATED CLASS? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?WHAT WOULD HAPPEN, WHALETITS??You know goddamn well what would happen, Each of these would be major news stories for fucking months and validate your white supreme pizza menace fantasy.But you just brush off all of the above for…reasons.Die already, stalagmite tits.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You sent me zero segregated graduations. You sent me stories about other, related celebrations that you tried to play off as the regular, main ceremony because you are a pathetic liar.

            None of your sources had segregated classes. You don’t see to comprehend what “affinity groups” even are. No surprise, you have been unable to properly understand any of the liks you have provided on any subject.

            Nothing you are presenting is mainstream, or even the way you present it. You are a deluded liar desperately trying to cover up your own illiberal tyranny.

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Bullshit. They were fucking separate graduation ceremonies for different fucking races. Can white people attend them? Can an Asian attend a black ceremony? Can a white child be part of a black affinity group? How about a black kid in a Hispanic group? What word would you use, you reality-defying retard?https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20220419154828588“Columbia University, Harvard University, Ohio State University, Illinois State University and the University of Texas at Austin are among those offering special ceremonies for black graduates. Yale University, Dartmouth College and the University of Michigan will hold ceremonies for Asian and American Indian graduates. Other schools are hosting special graduations to recognise LGBT, first-generation immigrants, women and low-income students.”I repeat: Ibram X. Kendi, whom you were unaware of until ten minutes ago because you live in the 1980s, is a fucking SUPERSTAR. He and Robin DiAngelo are the best selling authors in the world about “anti-racism”, which is simply racism. They speak for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS AT UNIVERSITIES EVERYWHERE. Just like you don’t know who the actual far right are, seem to think communists and socialists and liberals are the same fucking thing, and do not understand the sheer size of the diversity departments AT EVERY FUCKING INSTITUTION, including companies, not just universities…YOU DON’T KNOW THE PLAYERS. YOU PASS OFF OBVIOUS BAD BEHAVIOR. AND YOU REFUSE TO ANSWER DIRECT FUCKING QUESTIONS.EVERY fucking university spends tons of money on diversity initiatives that don’t fucking work, tons of universities have RACE CODED GRADUATION CEREMONIES, and tons and tons and fucking tons of people know who Kendi is and are influenced by him, including fucking people in this administration, having been fucking namechecked by Biden himself, you ancient cunt:https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/biden-administration-cites-1619-project-as-inspiration-in-history-grant-proposal/2021/04You. Are. Out. To. Fucking. Pasture. You don’t understand how the public now uses the internet, don’t understand any of the players in any of the issues you talk about, and cannot answer direct fucking questions about anything.Drown in your box wine, cat bitch.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Again, these were separate, related celebrations and not the main graduation ceremony.

            LOL at you declaring someone a superstar that you also think I hadn’t heard of until you said the name. That still doesn’t make anything he says mainstream. Things are mainstream based on the number of people who agree or support it, not who said it.

            Your moral panic is almost entirely invented in your demented mind where you take reality and warp it. 

            Just deal with the fact that you are an illiberal tyrant who screamed you wanted to take people’s rights away. Playing pretend isn’t going to change that. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “Affinity celebrations are student-led, staff-supported events that recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of graduates from marginalized and underrepresented communities.”So first off, this is private individuals holding private gatherings, and not official graduation ceremonies. Next:“Affinity celebrations are open to all Harvard graduates who pre-register to attend. “https://gsas.harvard.edu/commencement/affinity-graduation-celebrations

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Uh huh. Here’s a report on 173 segregated commencement, orientation and graduation celebrations, both public and private, and segregated housing and events. I’m sure students of all shades feel more than welcome at each.“Our study examined three universities in depth: Yale, Wesleyan, and Brown. Originally there were others and we may get back to them. But these three elite private universities in New England provide the granite floor for our conclusions. We know how neo-segregation was born and how it grew at Yale, Wesleyan, and Brown. Our study, however, also includes data on 173 other four-year colleges and universities across the country. These include public and private institutions, large and small, representing all fifty states. What we found was that neo-segregation is widespread if not pervasive. About 46 percent (80 colleges out of 173 surveyed) segregate student orientation programs; 43 percent (75 colleges out of the total) offer segregated residential arrangements; and 72 percent (125 colleges out of the total) segregate graduation ceremonies. Though these arrangements are ostensibly voluntary, students can’t easily opt out. We tracked numerous indicators of neo-segregation, from “Diversity Fly-Ins,” (68 percent of the total) where colleges offer minority students an expense-paid segregated preview of the experience that awaits them should they enroll, to segregated alumni groups.”chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.nas.org/storage/app/media/Reports/NeoSeg%20at%20Yale/NeoSegregation_at_Yale.pdfhttps://www.campusreform.org/article/segregated-graduations-separate-students-by-identity-/22005As for affinity groups, boy, they sure sound liberal:“Oftentimes, a teacher of color might be the only one right at their school sites, and be experiencing some racial microaggressions or challenges and not have anyone to really kind of confide in,” Kulkarni said. “So these spaces provide that validation or that support for the kind of challenges that they may encounter.”The same idea has guided the formation of affinity groups at the student level, such as Black male support groups or Latino student associations, or for students with particular sexual or gender identities.”A) Microaggressions have been thoroughly debunked and B) any segregated student or teacher group should be roundly condemned, you fucking neo-confederate, no matter if they are voluntary or been around a bit. You tit.These people don’t sound racist at all: “We really felt this need for a space with just so many different things going on, so many instances of being in a very white-centric work environment,” she said. “We needed a space just for us to be able to come together and just breathe and process and be there for each other.” Dech centered her affinity group around the idea of “racial battle fatigue,” which the University of Minnesota describe as the “cumulative psychological, social, physiological, and emotional impacts of racial micro and macro aggressions and racist abuse on racially marginalized groups.” Microaggressions debunked: https://www.nas.org/academic-questions/30/1/the_pseudo_science_of_microaggressionshttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rabble-rouser/202206/the-problem-research-microaggressionsARE THESE FUCKING LIBERAL PRINCIPLES, ASSASS???

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I showed you these were student led events that anyone was welcome to. You can’t cope with reality because reality always says you are wrong. Liberal principles support personal freedom and liberty. I do t see anyone being forced into anything in any of your examples. I do see you constantly complaining about other people having their personal liberty. Your rant is Fox News 101. You are not a liberal, you are a deluded asshat. Is taking people’s rights a liberal principle, Mr GOP tyrant? 

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Yeah, and I’m telling you the reality that people who talk about needing to “take a break” from white people are racists and that I’m not *entirely* sure certain races would feel comfortable at such ceremonies, orientations, in certain housing, and in affinity groups. I’m sure the massive backlash this has provoked had nothing to do with them carefully wording that anyone could attend, while we both fucking know not everyone is welcome.Being against racial segregation is so Fox News, you got me.People can assemble however they want, and I can correctly condemn them for obvious racism and regressive values. Actually, scratch that, and answer a direct question: What do you think would happen if white students held white only ceremonies, held white only groups, had white only housing? Can you muster up the fucking courage to answer a direct question? I won’t hold my breath. But you can, until you expire, regressive cunt.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            That’s a lot of imagination, as always. Telling me micro aggressions aren’t real even though it’s irrelevant to the topic certainly is Fox News. As is your complaints about personal liberty. Is taking people’s rights a liberal principle, Mr GOP tyrant?

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Um, the fucking people interviewed in the sources you OBVIOUSLY DID NOT READ AGAIN say that they NEED SAFE AFFINITY SPACES BECAUSE OF FUCKING MICROAGGRESSIONS. Pretty germane to the conversation, if you can call it that, because you WON’T ANSWER DIRECT FUCKING QUESTIONS.I just said people can assemble and be racist asshats/super sensitive pussies regarding a concept that has been thoroughly debunked, my point is that we shouldn’t be fucking telling students that they belong segregated. We should make every possible effort to encourage them to get along with people from all walks of life, and that doesn’t happen when you reduce life down to “oppressor” fucking white students and “oppressed” students of colors. And fucking TEACHERS shouldn’t be doing this shit. Unless you believe that fucking middle school teachers are the victims of their white colleagues and that students on ANY FUCKING CAMPUS are in ANY KIND OF DANGER from phantom fucking racists. That is the moral panic, asshat.I hope your tits shatter.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “ NEED SAFE AFFINITY SPACES BECAUSE OF FUCKING MICROAGGRESSIONS. Pretty germane to the conversation”

            How? How the fuck is that relevant to this conversation? Your crusade against microaggressions only serves to show how you are using the GOP playbook. 

            No one is telling students they should do anything. These ceremonies you complained about were student led. The idea anyone is telling students they belong segregated is entirely in your mind because you are a dishonest piece of shit who doesn’t live in the real world, you live in a fantasy in your mind. That’s why you are in a moral panic about people having fucking personal liberty.

            Which you fucking hate. People having personal liberty. That’s why you scream you want to take their rights away you fucking tyrant.

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Again, because…the…purpose…of…the…”affinity group”…according…to…the…teachers…interviewed…is…to…escape…WHITE PEOPLE’S MICROAGRESSIONS, WHICH DON’T FUCKING EXIST.How in the fuck is the faculty splitting up students by race NOT sending a message that they should be leery of one another, based on race, especially since they teach SHIT LIKE THIS AT UNIVERSITY:https://guides.library.duq.edu/critical-whiteness-studiesThis kind of shit is rampant. They are literally teaching fucking privileged college kids that they are oppressed by whiteness, systemic bias, etc. At fucking places like UC Berkely. It’s divisive regressive identity poison that has taken over academia and you’re a fucking moron or a liar if you can’t admit it.Again, these fucking idiots can teach whatever they want and the students have the right to be as stupid as fucking possible, but liberals have the right to tell them to knock this shit off and get with the program. I’ve already shown you what their thought leaders think, and you don’t even know who they are. All of this is illiberal, racist garbage that is destroying our competitive edge. But I’m sure you endorse it completely.Scholars have divided UC into two schools now, UC One and UC Two. UC One is the STEM side, which is in the process of being conquered by this shit, too, but is still a serious institution, and UC Two is a deeply unserious place where they study systemic systems of systemic systems of systemic violence, etc.  THAT Berkely needs to be fucking demolished.  Please go on to tell me how this is all fine and liberal and I’m an arch conservative for supporting basic bitch Civil Rights Era ideals of colorblindness, which is now–you guessed it–racist. Fucking google it, then gut yourself.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Telling me micro aggressions aren’t real even though it’s irrelevant to the topic certainly is Fox News!

            These messages regarding affinity you are railing against are literally all in your head. All you do is complain about other people’s personal liberty. Because you are not a fucking liberal, you want to take people’s rights away. 

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            How is fucking irrelevant, you irrelevant cunt? The. Fucking. Teachers. Say. That’s. Why. They are segregating students. What fucking part of this don’t you understand? And can you also not comprehend that the fucking concept has been debunked? So we are segregating students based on bullshit fake science that is also taught to students. You are a fucking clown.You know who came up with the concept of the microaggression? It was a fucking professor sitting on an airplane. And to readjust the weight on the plane, the stewardess asked the professor and another guy to move seats…and both of them were black. So this professor lost his ever-loving-shit and accused her of being a super secret racist. A totally ordinary situation that happens all the time, and this fuckup made it about super secret racism and was so fucking twisted by it that he coined the term and wrote a fucking paper about all the so-fucking-subtle-you-need-a-microscope-to-witness acts of racism black folx have to endure every single day, dammit. And that was in the fucking 80s. It didn’t catch on until the modern racial justice movement seized upon it to label…fucking everybody…racisssssstsss. And it’s been thoroughly debunked and utterly destroyed, and THAT’S WHAT THESE IDIOT TEACHERS ARE SEGREGATING THEMSELVES IN THE 174 FUCKING EXAMPLES I SENT YOU IN THE RESEARCH PAPER YOU DIDN’T READ, YOU TWATLESS CUNT.FUCK YOU FOR THE DAY.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            No, that was one fucking teacher saying why she created a private group for her and other teachers. When you post a quote post the source too you dishonest piece of shit.

            And no, you did not debunk anything and yes, I read your sources and no te do not debunk shit. It’s other people with your fucking opinion. And it’s still not relevant.
            These messages regarding affinity you are railing against are literally all in your head. All you do is complain about other people’s personal liberty. Because you are not a fucking liberal, you want to take people’s rights away.

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            No. The claims behind microaggressions are backed by weak ass evidence. I’ll repost this:https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rabble-rouser/202206/the-problem-research-microaggressionsand this:https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1745691616659391https://archive.ph/qVpQzSo you’re claim is that teacher’s aren’t upset about microaggressions and that it hasn’t led to segregation?Eat. Fucking. Shit:https://meridian.allenpress.com/jbsw/article-abstract/24/1/1/434343/Affinity-Groups-Redefining-Brave-Spaces “Affinity groups are offered in response to diverse students’ experiences of isolation and microaggressions” “Challenges include protecting group members from dominant group curiosity and microaggressions and accounting for faculty time and effort.”https://www.academicpedsjnl.net/article/S1876-2859(23)00210-3/fulltext There is an urgent need to bring awareness and understanding of how microaggressions operate in the clinical learning environment, provide tools to effectively respond, and provide safe spaces for the trainees they impact.Fuck off for the day.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Opinions that the evidence is weak ass doesn’t make the idea debunked. Once again you cannot logic for shit.

            And it still isn’t relevant.

            You are just a fucking deluded illiberal tyrant.

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Yeah, the second link is to a study of the actual evidence published in Perspectives on Psychological Science. It has been cited by 227 other published studies. It is an “opinion” like “the sky is blue” or “Dana Crawford’s Drawers are as Dry as the Sahara” are opinions.The next two links are also published studies. I’m too lazy to look up their metrics, but to call scientific studies “opinions” when they outline their fucking methodology and results is to be supremely fucking retarded.It is relevant. They all are relevant. Microaggressions, as fucking proven by the second two studies—and I can give you 100 other studies—are the absolute obsession of scholars calling for segregated spaces, also known as the dreaded “safe space.”You are either disingenuous, a fucking retard, or a…progressive. All three can be true.Fuck You Forever, Dana, the shiverer of penises the world over.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            That you found people who don’t think the evidence is good doesn’t debunk shit. You are a dumb ass.

            It isn’t relevant you fucking retard. If microaggressions are real, that doesn’t show classrooms are being segregated like you claim. If microaggressions are not real, that still doesn’t show classrooms are being segregated like you claim. IT’S NOT FUCKING RELEVANT BECAUSE IT DOESN’T DO SHIT TO SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM YOU MONGOLOID FART SNIFFER.

            The reality you are trying to deflect from with your bullshit is the fact that you were, once again, completely fucking wrong in your claims about segregated classrooms.

            Because you are a pathetic fucking liar and an asshole tyrant. It never get’s old pointing that out!

          • sargeantfatherchristmascard-av says:

            Sigh.The progressive left is deeply concerned with microaggressions and believe they exist. The evidence that they do is very, very weak.See, how hard was that?Pathetic. I’ve already provided 174 examples of segregated classes, ceremonies, housing, and “safe spaces”, and, as attested two by the final two STUDIES, microaggressions are the reason to create such spaces. I can provide approximately a billion studies claiming this. Please ask me to do so. Are they the only reasons? Nope. But to suggest that the progressive left isn’t entirely obsessed with this concept is…fucking brain damage on your part, and to pretend these events aren’t happening because of it has already been proven wrong.You are smegma. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Your deflections about microaggressions, while spot on for your Facebook Grampa vibe, isn’t relevant.

            You did not show segregated classes. You showed voluntary gatherings. No one is being forced into any segregated situations. You are a pathetic liar.

            “ But to suggest that the progressive left isn’t entirely obsessed with this concept is”

            A straw man you invented to deflect from the fact you didn’t show the segregation you claimed.
            Because you are a pathetic fucking liar and an asshole tyrant. It never get’s old pointing that out!

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “the second link is to a study”

            And no, it isn’t. That is not a study. You never know what the fuck you are reading. 

    • Tuscadero-av says:

      oh damn, what has John Cleese done?

  • jedisoth-av says:

    I’ve long been of the opinion that no one finds Ricky Gervais as funny as Ricky Gervais does.

  • loudalmaso-av says:

    He’s fallen into the downward spiral where he feels he has to keep saying increasingly offensive and/or outrageous things to stay relevant. It’s desperation, pure and simple.

  • dirkgentlyy-av says:

    Um, Stephen Merchant is the reason the office is great, first of all. Ricky Gervais is the worst most cringe inducing unfunny a-hole that’s ever existed. It’s not even his jokes, I don’t find them offensive, they aren’t crude, they’re just so god damn unfunny. He’s like a 7 year old child repeatedly pulling at your arm trying to get you to pay attention to him. Everything he does is: ”Do you notice me now?? Please laugh! Please pay attention to me please please tell me I’m funny! Does anyone like me yet? Am I relevant? Please like me!” people need to stop giving him the time of day so that we can be left in peace. He’s like your idiot coworker that constantly stares at you trying to see if youre laughing at their horrible jokes

  • mrnin-av says:

    Gervais used to be able to pass off his standup as him just playing a character, that allowed him to get away with a lot. His Twitter account has lead to a lot of people questioning where the act ended, if it ever existed.

  • ragingtiger-av says:

    Now I HAVE to watch it!

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    What is he catching flies?

  • terranigma-av says:

    Well done Ricky! Seeing those snowflakes´ tears here in the forum makes me smile broadly.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    lol… AVC triggered, yet again, by actual comedy.

  • shronkey-av says:

    I like to pretend he died of felt poisoning on the set of Muppets Most Wanted.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    Gervais is still funny. He’s not wrong that people now are thin skinned, over sensitive, and get off on being outraged. This comment thread is exhibit A. Although he (and chapelle)-should admit “being cancelled” has had zero affect on them, except for giving them more material.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      Hacks can be funny.But hacks aren’t good. He’s not good or interesting anymore. It’s the same jokes he’s always told or doubling down on his hateful opinions. Yawn.Sure people laugh. But people laugh at Ow My Balls, too.

    • mrjonse-av says:

      Funny is subjective, so I’ll grant you that (even though I haven’t agreed with it re Gervais since season 2 of Extras). I even agree that comedy should absolutely be free to touch on taboo subjects and that it shouldn’t be afraid of offending people, as long as there’s a valid point to be made.But comedy where the only and entire point is “saying things you can’t say” (even though that’s self-evidently untrue) is pure hack. It’s cheap, easy and something any school kid in the world can do.
      This guy revolutionised TV comedy. It isn’t much to expect him to rise even slightly above the level of an attention-seeking, adolescent troll.

      • characteractressmargomartindale-av says:

        He obviously was and is so irked by the negative feedback that it’s taken over the actual material he used to attempt to put out. He’s just trying to be risky and provocative and it just comes off as desperate and needy.

    • AndreaJerkstore-av says:

      What’s funny to me is when people express a negative opinion about some hack, the folks who think hack is funny are like “You sensitive babies are so OUTRAGED and OFFENDED” When almost no one is even mildly outraged or offended, they’re just like “Dude sucks, here’s why” There are zero examples of anyone being offended or outraged in these comments. Mostly, people are making fun of him, which isn’t being oversensitive, outraged or offended. Cracks me up. Such hyperbole. Bro bros being offended by the idea of people being offended, when they just simply don’t like you, or are sad that you lost your touch because they know you can do better. That’s just disappointed, a very different thing than outrage or offense.

      These comedians hit a peak that allowed them to be surrounded by yes men & asskissers, and thought they were too genius too keep doing the actual work, have any humility, or to evolve in any way, which comedy requires as it notoriously doesn’t age well. *They* then become outraged and offended when people start saying they aren’t funny anymore or calling them out on their bullshit, double, triple, quadruple down, and then become angry bitter weirdos accusing everyone of being too sensitive for their boring material, when people are actually like “Nah man, your shit just sucks now and it’s fun to make fun of you on the internet on my lunch break” or whatever hahaha

      Fully agree on your point about the being supposedly cancelled though. The only comedians who have actually been cancelled are Carlos Mencia, Steve Rannazzisi and Kathy Griffen. The rest stand on stage every night in front of thousands whining about being cancelled, even though they wouldn’t have a stage to stand on if they had been. You wanna talk outrage, look at what happened to Kathy. She’s coming back, though. I even saw a clip of Chris D’Elia in front of a huge crowd being like “I was cancelled! I just want my career back!” hahahaha

    • poopjk-av says:

      Lol the thread is people pointing out that he sucks and the old comedians like him equally suck.But you tell yourself its “outrage” and sit there with your shinebox.

    • hennyomega-av says:

      Except people aren’t offended by anything edgey or taboo that he is say8ng, because he isn’t actually saying anything along those lines. It’s all super cluched, tired, painfully generic bulls**t. They’re offended by comics like Gervais whose entire hackneyed act is saying “you aren’t allowed to say things like this anymore” while making millions of dollars saying those things that you can very obviously still say, and how thoroughly boring and unfunny and generic and lazy and completely lacking in anything resembling cleverness or original thought it is.

    • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

      Kill yourself faggot 

    • nilus-av says:

      I think the worst about this comment is that Scott Summers would  ever say such a thing 

    • dodecadildo-av says:

      No one is offended though. No one is calling for his head. His jokes are boring, they’re not worth being offended by. 

  • gterry-av says:

    When it comes to The Office I often wonder how much of the genius of that show was a result of Stephen Merchant, the same way I often wonder if the genius behind Chappelle’s Show is actually Neal Brennan.

    • vargas2022-av says:

      I too often wonder if outwardly successful black people are actually just fronts for the truly talented white people behind the scenes.

    • bassguitarhero-av says:

      Chappelle is genuinely a smart and funny person, it’s that what passed for insight and humor in his prime has now been accepted and moved on, and he hasn’t. Funny bits he used to do about the police getting on the radio and going, “Calling all cars, calling all cars, we’re looking for a black man between… 4’3″ and 7’8″” is just… yeah, we all know. So he keeps looking for more material, and the world’s changed. Now we’re accepting trans people and they’re being more open about it and he just isn’t there. And he thinks he’s being insightful by punching down on him and he’s not. He really moved the needle in his prime, but by now the world’s moved ahead and he’s still yelling at clouds. Or like Abe Simpson said, “One day I was hip and with it, and now ‘it’ has changed and I don’t know what ‘it’ is anymore”

      • medacris-av says:

        I don’t know how best to explain it, but here’s how I feel about Dave:

        Dave Chappelle is black and (as far as I know) cis-hetero, while I’m white and queer. He has experience with racial prejudice, which I don’t, so I try to listen to people who have firsthand experience with being seen as “other” for their skin tone. But they may not have the same experience as I do in terms of my sexuality, so they should listen to my community about our firsthand experiences with homophobia.

        I think some people (Kanye West as well, for instance) need to sit down and realize “So many people are privileged in one way and a minority in another, and we all have different things we’ve been attacked for, so we need to sit down and listen to each other”.

        • bigbudd45-av says:

          the people who need to sit down and put themselves in other’s shoes are the exact type of people who lack the introspection to ever realize that.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      also maybe chappelle’s show wasn’t actually brilliant.

      • nilus-av says:

        Chappelle suffers from “Firefly” syndrome where it was gone so quick that its didn’t have time to start sucking 

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          definitely in the minority but i thought it was a fairly uneven sketch show right from the start. it has some great stuff, but i think it misses as much if not more than it hits. the one thing it will always have over other comedy shows is that it was actually cool.

          • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

            Yes, so true. I lawyer found it uneven and thought the praise of brilliance was stretching it. There were a handful of truly inspired sketches. Some actual moments of brilliance. But literally like a half dozen, maybe. The same ones everyone remembers and quotes. As a whole, the show was pretty good. Chapelle, as a comic, peaked long ago but managed to cross over into “revered,” territory fairly young so he receives praise from the industry by default. 

          • gargsy-av says:

            “definitely in the minority but i thought it was a fairly uneven sketch show right from the start.”

            No you didn’t.

            And yes, you’re in the minority because you’re lying but you -for some reason- NEEEEEED people to think you’re not lying.

      • gargsy-av says:

        Yes, it was. You don’t have to attempt to re-write history just because you don’t like Chappelle now.

  • colonel9000-av says:

    Same as Chappelle, rich old guy syndrome. It’s amazing how Fox News thinking can effect the minds of people who don’t even watch Fox News.Pathetic and sad, especially because when he was a kid we can be certain he suffered the same sort of bullying “jokes” from assholes older than him. He’s become exactly the sort of bullying douchebag he started out targeting.Now, like Chappell, he’s a fucking Trump, and there’s nothing lamer or sadder than that.  Fuck them both, thankfully they’ll both be dead soon. 

  • fuckextremeliberalsuptheirasswiththeirownheads-av says:

    Where do I go for treatment; not physical because the blood vessels in my face healed after laughing at the show too hard, but Mental because fuck was it funny, people like you are making him funnier! So thanks for that. By the way, all people can “have their cake and eat it too” people; however, CAN NOT “eat their cake and have it too” A true “journalist” would know that!! You suck at your craft and to me that’s ironically funnier than you opinion.

  • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

    I recently heard somewhere I can’t remember or I’d share it… a comedian talking about eh difference between GETTING laughs (ego driven) and GIVING laughs (community driven).Gervais is certainly in a GETTING laughs by any means necessary phase – if that isn’t where he’s always been operating.

  • graymangames-av says:

    To me, the bigger issue is that Netflix is so desperate for content that they’re willing to just give outright hacks their own specials. Several of them, in fact.

    I forget the name of the latest chuckle-fuck who pulled this “anti-woke” schtick (I’m not looking him up, screw that), but from what little I saw, he clearly wasn’t ready for prime-time. Still, the algorithm demands more, so they just shoved him out there. Gervais is at the opposite end; he hasn’t had an original idea in ages, so he’s just milking outrage humor until the public catches on.

    Not to say there aren’t innovative specials. Mulaney’s latest one came from a real place, Tomlinson is rightfully taking off, and Patton Oswalt is enough of a craftsman to always be reliable.

    But just depending on outrage for attention is a telltale sign of the creatively bankrupt.

    • poopjk-av says:

      And then they give away huge chunks of it on youtube.From a financial perspective, it has never made much sense. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “To me, the bigger issue is that Netflix is so desperate for content that they’re willing to just give outright hacks their own specials.”

      Netflix ordering specials from people who get big numbers is not an issue.

      The issue is that people, for some reason, continue to watch Gervais and Chappelle. If they didn’t, Netflix wouldn’t be dropping MILLIONS at their feet.

  • fionaanne-av says:

    Obligatory James Acaster post. (Go to 2.30 for the relevant section if you don’t feel like watching the full 5).

  • flowerz-av says:

    Remember Derek? That show where he basically did what RDJ told everyone NOT to do in Tropic Thunder? And he did it for 10 eps or some shit. The costuming department clearly channeled who Ricky Gervais is on the inside with that character

  • mike-from-ottawa-av says:

    James Acaster’s takedown of Ricky Gervais is better and funnier than anything Gervais has done or will do.

  • absolute-candor-av says:

    I saw this article’s title and immediately knew Gervais hadn’t been properly deferential to gender ideology. I hope that someday soon the media will realize that most people don’t believe in it either, and will stop clutching their pearls when people won’t go along with it.

  • cabbagehead-av says:

    So it sounds like Gervais has become like most comics (Carlin, Chappelle) and does not tell jokes but barks out his opinions and expect people to laugh. But i haven’t watched the special just going by the review.Amazed that the original The Office only had six episodes??Gervais’ Golden Globes monologues were spot on and hilarious. 

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Can I just say I was waaay ahead on thinking of Gervais as an unfunny fucking twat , like since he did shitty promos on MTV Europe in the early 90s .

    • lorcannagle-av says:

      Work friends of mine in the early 2000s were at me to watch The Office and one of them practically forced a DVD of series 1 into my hands.  I laughed once – at the stapler in the jelly.

      • mothkinja-av says:

        If this is supposed to be some proof of your ahead of it’s time sense of humor, let me tell you it’s not. Not finding The Office funny might mean you’re a psychopath though? The tragedy of how awful Gervais has become is that with The Office and Extras, even that first stand-up special to a certain extent, he’d proven to have it in him to be an innovative and hilarious mind in the comedy world. But to deny he was ever funny would just play into what his supporters are saying, that his critics have a shit sense of humor.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Can I just say I was waaay ahead on thinking of Gervais as an unfunny fucking twat , like since he did shitty promos on MTV Europe in the early 90s .

  • milligna000-av says:

    What an awful person. I’m glad the tone of media coverage is changing in America, it’s been depressing seeing folks shovel up his insipid horseshit while ignoring piles of other great UK comedy.

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    Ugh… remember when this site used to have good comedy coverage? I discovered plenty of comedians on here back in the say, like Kyle Kinane and Anthony Jeselnik. Now the most we get is lazy bullshit thinkpieces like this… some geriatric Millennial shaking his fist at “the edgelords”. How about rather than just bitching constantly, you recommend some new comedians that you actually like? This place really doesn’t have to suck this bad.

  • donnation-av says:

    Uh oh, comedian offends sensitive people.  I’ve never heard this one before…

  • lolliecom-av says:

    #RickyGervais #MattRife It’s not on US when you fail to make us laugh. Gentlemen, that’s on YOU. When you catch yourselves complaining about cancel culture… look in the mirror. Is that guy who is liked by sooooo many, whining about some that don’t… is he funny? No. QuityourbtchnaboutUS and get back to funny. I’ve paid to see a lot of comedians… other people go see musicians, I go see comedians and it would irritate the hell out of me to pay someone my hard earned money for them to whine about their audience while I’m in it. THINK. Maybe YOU are the reason I’m cancelling you. That’s fair. Don’t cry about it. Just quit btchn about us.

  • owen2828-av says:

    That special was singularly awful. I’ve been a huge Gervais fan for years and he’s lost me. He’s punching down. He’s afflicting the afflicted, and doesn’t care. He ended the special saying “remember, all laughter is good,” which is so demonstrably false it’s breathtaking. Is the laughter of a bully picking on someone good? Is the laughter at someone’s misfortune good? Bullies laugh all the time. I’ve never before been told that’s good. He also equated the fact that his last special was highly viewed, with being “good.” That’s the Trump school of value. If it’s highly rated, it’s by definition great. Ricky can get richer appealing to bigots if he wants to, and apparently he does.

  • 4slaiden-av says:

    The worst thing about these comedians is that any valid criticism will be shoo-ed away by labelling it “outrage by the woke people”. I am usually thick skinned and don’t really get offended over jokes even though they are against my beliefs (one would say I am following Gervais’ advice) but it doesn’t change the fact that his Netflix special is just painfully unfunny AF.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    I’ve seen The Office several times threw. It was my favourite show for awhile. I started re-watching it again about a month ago… I deleted it off my computer last night. I just can’t with the racial microaggressions on that show. It’s not enough to say “but the show knows racism is bad and other characters condemn Michael” but the white audience members get to have it to ways they get that take plus they get to snicker at Michael’s racism, it doesn’t make it okay.

    The biggest offender is the episode “Did I Stutter?” where Stanley speaks back to Michael in a meeting and HR has Stanley apologize. But like…. the thing Michael asked Stanley for input on moments before the “did I stutter?” reaction is Michael was asking for some “urban” input in the meeting and said “how about Stanley?” which started the whole thing. It’s unwatchable when you realize the episode is about how wrong Stanley’s insubordination is…. tragic.

    Anyway screw this guy and his bad jokes.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    This just makes me treasure Garry Shandling even more, for how he absolutely took Gervais out at the knees when interviewed by him.


    • pabloduganheim-av says:

      Now that was some cringe that I can truly appreciate! Gervais, normally used to thinking he’s some sort of comedic apex predator, was clearly overmatched and in deep, DEEP shit and it was a pleasure to watch that play out! It reminded me of those clips of bullies walking into boxing gyms, talking shit, and then being violently separated from consciousness before they realize that it’s too late to simply STFU and get out of there! Thanks for sharing that! 

      • cinecraf-av says:

        Yes!  That scene highlighted the difference between a first rate comedian, and a second rate one.  Shandling made mincemeat out of him, and Gervais was left sputtering, unprepared for a comedian who, rather than stroke his ego, cut him down to size.

  • been-there-done-that-didnt-die-av says:

    Ive never found him to be funny. He says something and laughs likes its the funniest thing ever, every time. Just because he laughs at his own “jokes” do not make them funny.
    And the US version of the Office is way way better than the british version.

  • barrycracker-av says:

    “Those who are determined to be ‘offended’ will discover a provocation somewhere. We cannot possibly adjust enough to please the fanatics, and it is degrading to make the attempt.”A quote by Hitchens I remember every damn time I come to AV comment section. 

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      You’re choosing to come here.

      • barrycracker-av says:

        Yes. And?

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          You liken the commenters here to “fanatics” that are “degrading” to even attempt to “please”.
          Seems self-inflicted.

          • barrycracker-av says:

            Yes, indeed, the need to self-inflict offensive where there is none is exhausting. And “degrading” because it means conversations like this where one needs to explain things that they already know means treating us all like idiots.

          • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

            Shut the fuck up and kill yourself, you toddler-touching faggot 

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            I didn’t know you, though now I have a better idea.
            Well, at least you’re recognising your own faults, which is the first step in overcoming them.
            Good luck. Elsewhere.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “Yes, indeed, the need to self-inflict offensive where there is none is exhausting.”Soooooooo close to getting it.

          • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

            If you’re not offended by the comments you’re whining about, what word you use for your feelings.And then why wouldn’t that same word not be equally applicable to the opinions you don’t like that you call “being offended”?

          • barrycracker-av says:

            Why would I be offended by someone’s opinion? Have at it. Gervais has his. You have yours. I have mine.  Just like you say.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        I’m sensing vanheat has a new alias.

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          I don’t really know either.
          But coming here just to take a swipe at commenters by quoting Hitchens, a man famous for making arguments, basically saying “if you don’t like the things I say, I don’t care to convince you” is deserving of response on multiple levels.
          So they can expect the same on multiple aliases.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          I forgot about that creep.

      • nilus-av says:

        You mean you aren’t trapped here by a witches curse,  is that just me?

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          I know what you mean, but unfortunately I’ve only myself to blame here.
          I’ve always liked the TV guide, so when I found one that talked back I basically trapped myself.

        • wombat23-av says:

          i need to find one more fucking gecko toe and i’m out of here.

    • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

      Are you offended when I tell you to kill yourself, faggot? If so, then maybe you should just kill yourself, faggot.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Hitchens lol

    • dodecadildo-av says:

      We’re not offended we’re tired. You guys are boring and obtuse. 

    • jimbis-av says:

      Thank you.

    • challysheedy-av says:

      I am also tired of Ricky Gervais pretending to be offended every time someone points out that his jokes are not funny.

    • youcancallmeluke-av says:

      clown emoji

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      So… like you… when you read comments that hold a different opinion than yours?

  • sgspecial-av says:

    Thank you for doing your part to stoke cultural division. You should be very proud Matt. 

  • distantandvague-av says:

    Perhaps I’m in the small minority on this one, but I have never liked Ricky Gervais or found him funny at all. 

  • recalcitrant-doogooder-av says:

    In his special before this one, he couldn’t even be bothered to take his baseball cap off for the cover shot. I don’t know why that bothered me so much but it did. I dunno, maybe I’m just being picky. That said, I don’t find his stand up funny. His oscar hosting…now that shit is great, not “funny”, but great. 

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    I wasn’t offened by alot of it (I’m a 50 year old brown american) but more so bored the fuck by it. It wasn’t really as “edgy” as he thinks it was. It was white noise of a person of my generation.I can’t even remember what it was (like in the last 10 Minutes) he finally said some crap that made me crack up. Glad I haven’t paid to watch his shows in person when he comes to NYC, because stuff like this would make me sleepy in person. 

  • sh90706-av says:

    I finally watched this. Its pretty funny, actually. Maybe not his best work but ok for what it is. There’s a lot of comments here about it being mean, IMO its pointed towards narratives and language, not particular people specifically. Sometimes it gets confusing for people to see/hear the difference.

  • carltonmackenzie-av says:

    D-list Marvel shit.

  • invalidnostcccp-av says:

    I’ve never found him funny, but his comments about disabled people (at least a decade ago) were so offensive that I was completely put off anything remotely related to him. A bit shocked that he’s actually been given another special, but I guess I shouldn’t be after Netflix’s production of Rife’s “comedy,” too.

  • jimal-av says:

    Ricky Gervais has never been funny, and even within the confines of different strokes for different folk I’ve never understood why people think he is. Cackling at your own douche-chill comments isn’t funny.

  • knfarsta-av says:

    Over 200 goddamn comments? For a not-even-letter-grade review? Man, this guy must be up to somethin’.

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    The biggest offense is how the new Gervais special was just meh. But if you’re still getting offended by Gervais, that’s on you. It’s like complaining about hot sauce being hot.

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