Rosario Dawson ignites and then stamps out Punisher reboot rumors

Dawson claims she got bad info about Jon Bernthal's return from a fan at a signing

Aux News Rosario Dawson
Rosario Dawson ignites and then stamps out Punisher reboot rumors
Rosario Dawson; Jon Bernthal Photo: Albert L. Ortega; Alberto E. Rodriguez

Is Rosario Dawson a reliable source for Marvel Cinematic Universe news? She was a mainstay of Marvel’s Netflix shows as Claire Temple (a.k.a. Night Nurse), and she currently has the inside track at Disney+ starring in the Star Wars series Ahsoka. With those credentials, any fan would be forgiven for thinking Dawson had insider information.

Instead, the actor is apparently spreading misinformation about the future of the Marvel shows at Disney’s streaming service. Following the announcement that Charlie Cox would reprise his role as Matt Murdock for the new Daredevil series, Dawson claimed another character would be getting the same treatment. Speaking at Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, she told the crowd (per Entertainment Weekly), “I found out yesterday that The Punisher was happening again, so I feel like it’s my second chance because it was the only one of the shows that I wasn’t in and I love Jon Bernthal. So let’s all make it happen collectively, guys.”

Daredevil: Born Again (as well as the general concept of the multiverse) has opened the door for more of the Netflix Marvel actors to reprise their roles. It wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine Bernthal returning as the Punisher, either in his own show or somewhere else in the MCU. But just as fans got their hopes up, Dawson retracted her statement in a post to Twitter on Monday.

“I can’t be trusted…! Getting intel from fans during signings is iffy apparently,” she wrote. “My bad. I get excited. Confirmation is key when you’re told what you want to hear…”

Are we really meant to believe that Rosario Dawson was taken in by convention chatter like any old fool scrolling too quickly past a Film Updates parody account? With the sheer volume of Marvel news coming out on a regular basis, perhaps she really can’t keep up with the news from official sources. But given she’s an actual employee of the company, it strikes as odd she’d have taken some fan’s word as gospel.

Then there’s the conspiracy theory that has been banded around of late: are these actor slip-ups actually intentional on Marvel’s part to generate hype for certain projects? The layers upon layers of secrecy within spoiler culture are simply getting untenable with a franchise as massive as Marvel. In any case, we’ve come out of the situation with just as much Punisher as we started (read: no Punisher).


  • planehugger1-av says:

    We’re currently on pace to have Jon Bernthal appear on every television program by the year 2025.

  • richkoski-av says:

    Banded. Do you mean ‘bandied?

  • paezdishpencer-av says:

    Way to piss in my Cheerios, RD! You are lucky I am still utterly in love with you…..

  • loveapple777-av says:

    The Punisher is ‘problematic’. No way in Hell is family friendly MCU touching him with a 10 ft. pole. Meanwhile, our regular ‘heroes’ break every law on earth up to including indiscriminate murder, and it’s typically played as justified because they’re ‘sympathetic’. 

    • djclawson-av says:

      They kill people offscreen or without using bullet guns so it’s okay! Lasers never kill anybody!

      • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

        I mean, it’s not like we have lethal mass laserings in this country every day.

      • loveapple777-av says:

        *Spoilers*What really made it palpable for me was the now infamous, “They’ll never know what you sacrificed,” line, and Thor (who can only wield his weapon because he is a just and honorable ‘hero’), instantly deciding that stealing thunderbolt and straight up murdering Zeus was in any way okay. Zeus was portrayed as a jerk, sure, but was in essence attempting to do the same thing Thor was, protect him and his. I wonder what kinds of lessons this content is teaching children about the differences between good and evil?

        • kissmypiss-av says:

          Zeus didn’t die…

          • loveapple777-av says:

            Thor didn’t know that.  He threw a magic weapon through his heart.  He thought he had killed Zeus, and then made him out to be the ‘bad’ one, telling the children “never meet your idols”. 

        • djclawson-av says:

          That was a weird moment. It was also notably bloodless. You’d think a guy who gets stabbed would be gushing blood or something, but not a drop. So it’s all okay!

    • bigt90-av says:

      I mean, Deadpool 3 is on the way too, confirmed for rated R, I’m sure that’ll have some hardcore violence and murder. 

    • maulkeating-av says:

      No, no, it’s all good. Tony Stark just mumbled something about a “cleanup crew” in the second Avengers movie.

      • loveapple777-av says:

        Now that’s a spinoff tv show I’d love to watch.  The superhero cleanup crew.

        • maulkeating-av says:

          We already had that…Of course, Tony Stark had already fucked him over by the time we meet him, so of course Birdman The Vulture is already a bad guy, because heaven forfend we portray Tony Stark as the piece of shit he is. 

  • dudebra-av says:

    Bernthal was good and I would like him to return but I still think Thomas Jane is the best representation of The Punisher yet. The movie wasn’t an all-time great but Jane really captured the over the top violence and manic, dark humor of the comic book.

  • rogueindy-av says:

    “The layers upon layers of secrecy within spoiler culture are simply getting untenable with a franchise as massive as Marvel.”Real reach to try and bring “spoiler culture” into this. Kinda sad really.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Is Jon Bernthal currently playing a mob lawyer in real life? He looks like he’s spent 40 years sunning himself on the Jersey Shore in that header picture.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      I honestly think his best role – nothing to do with mobsters – was Lee Iacocca in Ford Vs. Ferrari. He’s in the background in this scene, doesn’t say a word, but his reactions a bang on. Dude’s got range.

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    Recasting Punisher and not using Bernthal when he’s fantastic would make me a sad panda. 

    • drips-av says:

      I mean .. I wouldn’t see the point in recasting. Frankly (pun intended) I doubt he fits into their overall game plan anyway, so I don’t see him popping up again in the near future. Though it’d be cool to see a “What If…” appearance from… any of the Netflix characters, really.

      • bigal6ft6-av says:

        You can kind of adapt Punisher to any sort of story. There’s the hyper violent urban criminal Punisher but then dopey taking out Z-listers with big dopey weapons Punisher, so they can tweak the character’s baddies to suit whatever story they want to tell. 

        • drips-av says:

          True, but they’d probably have to recast then.  Bernthal has been pretty adamant about not coming back if they waterdown the character and story. 

  • ijohng00-av says:

    i love Punisher: War Zone (2008) so much. it is so ridiculous.

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      War Zone’s cartoonish heightening seems to be the best way to tackle the character. There’s no attempt at “grit” or “realism” or giving Frank Castle any kind of pathos/interior life, he’s a hyper-violent cipher who exists in a nightmarish pulp noir world filled with criminal parkour gangs and easily accessible rocket launchers.

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