Sacha Baron Cohen thanks Donald Trump for "the free publicity for Borat"

Aux Features Film
Sacha Baron Cohen thanks Donald Trump for "the free publicity for Borat"
Photo credits: MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images, Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images

Were we currently living through any other presidential administration/national election cycle/etc., we might accuse Sacha Baron Cohen of dragging the whole American political process into absurdity with the antic surrounding his new film, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm. After all, the Amazon movie, released this weekend, takes direct aim at the current political establishment, most notoriously by roping Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, into an embarrassingly compromised position with actress Maria Bakalova, who plays Borat’s daughter in the film. Unused footage for the film also sees Bakalova making her way into the White House, and apparently meeting with Donald Trump Jr. at a CPAC event.

Of course, we don’t live in less absurd times, and so the narrative around Subsequent Moviefilm hasn’t actually made the American political landscape any more surreal; just louder. Which brings us to today, when Donald Trump took time out of his busy day of looking like a dyspeptic toad with McDonald’s diarrhea to address Cohen’s film when asked about it by reporters. Although he didn’t comment on the Giuliani scene in particular, Trump did discuss the one time he was interviewed by Baron Cohen’s character Ali G back in the day, dubbing the British personality “not funny” and a “creep.”

All of which was just fine by Baron Cohen, who responded to this pan by The Leader Of The Free World with a cheerful thanks to Trump for “the free publicity for Borat.” He also floated a job offer that Trump will hopefully soon need, noting that, “I’m always looking for people to play racist buffoons.”

[via The Hollywood Reporter]


  • robutt-av says:

    McDonald Trump

  • brianfowler713-av says:

    SBC is more optimistic than I am if he thinks Donny the Tramp is just going to leave January 20. I want to believe, but when has donald ever let the law stop him in the past four years? When has anyone in the position to hold him accountable done so? He is going to pull some Mugabe shit (and is likely doing so already).

    • davidwizard-av says:

      First, the courts have held him accountable on numerous occasions.The only other group of people with the power to hold him accountable – the US Congress – has very little involvement in the electoral outcome (barring some scary fringe scenarios). If the electoral college makes Joe Biden the winner, on January 20 Donald Trump will be forcibly removed from the White House by the Secret Service if he tries to stay. If he tries to issue orders to the military at that point, he will be arrested by federal law enforcement and charged with treason.

      • brianfowler713-av says:

        That’s another thing that worries me; how do you hold the Electoral College accountable?

      • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

        This makes me happy, because his fans are decidedly NOT three things:1. Secret Service2. Military3. Federal Law EnforcementHe’ll be whisked out lickety-split if he tries to stay.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Yeah, it’s not going to transpire. I figure there’s going to be some ‘negotiating’ after Trump loses. It’s in his best interests to go…well, not exactly quietly, but with whatever dignity he can muster from a lifetime of not having much.

      • squatlobster-av says:

        Oh please please please let him have a major episode and refuse to leave the WH. The idea of him being led out and dumped on the street outside, ranting while people film him on their phones and laugh and a fat old lady comes up to try and comfort him and he angrily shoves her aside before waddling off in the direction of his hotel, is glorious.

    • hinastrom-av says:

      We’re headed for a large Biden landslide. He’s just not going to have any basis to contest. Unless the polling industry is completely useless and broken and pointless, which is a possibility I guess. He has no allies. The military hates him, and he’s openly at war with the FBI and CIA. There is no logical way for him to keep power if he gets landslided. Even an openly partisan conservative supreme court is smarter than to hand him a stolen election. That would be the last ingredient needed for the civil war stew. 

      • brianfowler713-av says:

        Another concern; what if the partisans on Supreme Court actually want a civil war?

      • browza-av says:

        Thing is, to him and his followers, a Biden landslide will just be proof of election fixing.

        • hinastrom-av says:

          Only the balls deep cultists are really going to believe that voting is fake, the media is fake, AND all the months of polling before the election were fake. They won’t be enough support to allow him to get away with it. 

      • bc222-av says:

        I think a Biden landslide gives him just as much basis to contest as if it were a close election. If he gets blown out, he’ll just say “See! It’s rigged! I couldn’t POSSIBLY have lost by that much! They rigged it TOO MUCH! Dummies! It’s so obvious now!” And every one of his true believers will buy it and blame Hillary and Soros for harvesting ballots and throwing them into windmills.

        • hinastrom-av says:

          Yes, his balls deep cultists might buy that. But it won’t be enough of a base of support for him to steal the election. 

        • triohead-av says:

          It’s irrelevant, he says in the same breath that the last election was such a big victory, never been seen before, and that he would have won the popular vote if 3 million illegal votes hadn’t been counted. Neither of those has any basis (which I guess is the same as saying “just as much basis” as claiming this one is rigged). The point being, he’s gonna say it anyway regardless of outcome.

    • dinoironbodya-av says:

      It seems to me like he frequently wimps out of his most extreme threats.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Check the amount of youth who’ve voted so far.  I’d be optimistic right about now.

    • katanahottinroof-av says:

      Regardless of their official stance, the Pentagon will not support him if he tries anything. They detest that stupid fuck and his bone spurs.

    • gildie-av says:

      I have the feeling what is going to happen is he will protest and protest all the way to the last minute then step down with some excuse about how it’s a victory for him to do so, possibly in exchange for debt forgiveness or legal protections or something in a deal that’s supposed to be behind the scenes but we all know about it anyway.
      Then he’ll keep doing rallies and maybe start the Trump News Network which was likely his original purpose for running in 2016.It’s messy and annoying enough to be plausible at least, and I think it’s much more likely than some power grab. Then we’ll have Biden for a while and what really worries me is some 2024 or 2028 ultra right wing candidate who learned all the lessons about what a president can get away with from Trump but actually has some brains and charisma.

      • dinoironbodya-av says:

        What makes you say Trump has no charisma?

        • srocket4229-av says:

          Brad Pitt has charisma. Trump is a seven car smash up with bloody decapitated bodies strewn across the highway and you can’t not look. 

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          What exactly do you mean by ‘charisma’? If you want to argue then define your terms.

      • blpppt-av says:

        He has to step down prior to inauguration day so Pence can pardon him. Because Biden probably won’t.

      • bc222-av says:

        “Then we’ll have Biden for a while and what really worries me is some 2024 or 2028 ultra right wing candidate who learned all the lessons about what a president can get away with from Trump but actually has some brains and charisma.”Oh, that’s definitely happening, except the candidate in 2024 will be Donald Trump. He’ll have his own news network or whatever by then and no one is gonna try to get in his way until they’re 100% sure he’s not gonna run away because he will just steamroll anyone. He’s remade the Republican party into HIS party. The GOP will reap what they’ve sowed until Trump is in the ground, and maybe past that. Though that relies on Don Jr. doing his best daddy impersonation, which he’s so far been terrible at.

    • bluedogcollar-av says:

      The White House will work the same way as a hotel. At noon on inauguration day housekeeping will show up and yank the sheets off the bed and take all of the towels out of the bathroom, his key card will stop working, the kitchen won’t answer calls for room service, and if necessary, they’ll turn off the cable TV and change the wifi password.

    • jlr73-av says:

      I agree. One should never underestimate the raw power of tribalism, xenophobia, and racism. Especially when it is backed by a national “news” network that puts on propaganda talk shows during prime time tv slots.  Combine those with a win at all cost attitude and it’s a perfect storm.

    • muddybud-av says:

      Oh, he’s leaving.On a private jet to Saudi Arabia where he’s going to hide from the law until his death.

    • isaacasihole-av says:

      The White House doesn’t hold magical powers. Even if Trump stays in it, legally, January 20th, he will have NO political power at all. Joe Biden will be president and commander in chief regardless of if he’s actually living in the White House.

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      1). Elections are run by the states, not the feds. 2). States have to certify and ratify the state’s election results before their electoral college votes are allowed to be counted. And in most swing states, that process involves a Democrat at some stage or another of the process so the opportunity for GOP fuckery is limited.3). Most importantly, the 2oth Amendment says that the president’s term ends on January 20th. Unless Donny boy gets 270 ratified electoral votes, he’s out on his ass. Even if the vote counting is still going on, if the winner isn’t declared by January 20th he’s still no longer the president. Who would be in charge then is still a bit uncertain, but it would probably the responsibility of the Democrat-controlled House.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      We can be sure that Trump will challenge the outcome of the election, but – of late – there is sufficient talk about how disastrous to his own image barricading himself in the WH would be. After he loses he’ll be at everyone’s (his creditors’) mercy and he’s at least intelligent enough to know that.

  • geoman79-av says:

    “I’m always looking for people to play racist buffoons.” And Trump would not even have to play-act.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Trump thought Cohen was a creep?Lol.

  • franknstein-av says:

    a “creep.”

  • keith31383-av says:

    He needs all the publicity he can get. His movies our worse then Adam Sandler

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