Sam Elliott on his Oscar nod: "It's about fucking time"

Aux Features Film

This morning, thanks to his work in A Star Is Born, iconically mustachioed cowboy-man Sam Elliott earned his very first Oscar nomination, and according to Deadline, his first reaction to the honor was, “It’s about fucking time.” He also added some more measured reactions that are significantly less fun, noting that the nomination is “really about the work” and “the creative process,” so “it’s great to be recognized for that.”

Yeah, that probably is great, but Elliott’s initial point stands: It’s about fucking time. He began his acting career 50 years ago, and since then he’s managed to make every role memorable just from the strength of his Western drawl and big bushy mustache (even if he doesn’t always have a mustache). He was in Road House and The Big Lebowski and Parks And Recreation, even if that last one isn’t technically a movie, and it’s taken until now for him to get some recognition from the Academy Awards.

As for why this latest take on A Star Is Born seems to be blowing up so nicely, Elliott said Bradley Cooper’s version of the story is “beautiful,” and he’s “grateful to be a part of” a movie like this that touches on important themes like love and addiction. Deadline also notes that he seems “humbly surprised” by the nomination despite his good line up above, noting that his “biggest takeaway” is actually how fortunate he is to still be in the acting game.

We’ll find out if Elliott wins when the still-hostless Academy Awards are held on February 24.


  • tampax-av says:

    Sam’s one of my very favorites.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    He also does a bitchin Coors commercial. 

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Well, sometimes there’s a man.  Sometimes there’s a man.  

  • token-liberal-av says:

    When an actor can out mustache Tom Selleck he should automatically get an Oscar.

  • caitlinsdadvp-av says:

    Sam Elliott can do or say whatever the fuck he wants. He’s Sam fucking Elliott.
    I won’t use so many cuss words from now on. 

    • clevernameinserted-av says:

      A while back some radio show was doing a segment on celebrity encounters and one of the callers said that he was in a store and saw a kid go up to him and say, “Wow, you’re Sam Elliott!” to which Elliott replied, “No shit.”I have no reason to believe it’s true, but I want to believe more than I ever did in God or my mother’s love.

    • SerialThriller-av says:

      Have it your way, Dude.

    • kinjasuckstrumpsballs-av says:

      Remember that he and Kathy Bates were the only decent thing about The Northern Li- sorry, The Golden Compass. Exactly as they were when I read them in the book. Also, he was one of the stars who pointed the finger at the Catholic church for fucking with the film.

      • snowb4llinhell-av says:

        I haven’t seen The Golden Compass, but you better not be dumping on my girl Lyra Silvertongue. She’s one of the best fantasy protagonists of all time!

      • 555-2323-av says:

        Also, he was one of the stars who pointed the finger at the Catholic church for fucking with the film And they did fuck with it, those damn Catholics. The film wasn’t great but it was crippled by boycotts and protests before it was even finished. And the movie didn’t even touch on half of the dreaded atheism that everyone was afraid of.  Nor did it advocate it, as neither do the books.  That might be ironic, I don’t know.  I’m not Alanis Morrisette.

  • unregisteredhal-av says:

    I just looked up his bio for kicks, and it’s kind of funny that there’s not much Western about him. He grew up in Sacramento and Portland. I just sort of assumed he rode into Hollywood on a dusty horse.Also, I had no idea he was married to Katharine Ross, from The Graduate. Based on the date of their daughter’s birth, it seems the marriage was hastily arranged. They’ve been married for 34 years, so good for them.

    • hemmerlingformitchell-av says:

      Thank you for pointing out that their child was a mistake.

    • 555-2323-av says:

      I had no idea he was married to Katharine Ross, from The Graduate I knew that, but in keeping with my idea of Sam Elliot, I think of her as Katharine Ross from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.Anyway, it IS about time. He was very good in that Blythe Danner movie that no one but me saw, and he was literally the best thing about the Golden Compass movie. I haven’t seen A Star is Born and I guess I will some time – now that I know he’s in it.

      • bcfred-av says:

        Road House was on one of the basic cable channels the other day, and I swear he should have been nominated for that one. 

      • bad-janet-av says:

        I wish they could de-age and recast him as Lee Scoresby for the new adaptation. He’s the only Lee in my mind!

        • 555-2323-av says:

          I wish they could de-age and recast him as Lee Scoresby for the new adaptation. No need to de-age him, really, I wouldn’t think.  Lee Scoresby could be any age, if it’s Sam Elliot’s age.

      • rktman16-av says:

        I forgot he was in Golden Compass, but indeed he was the only good part.

    • monsterdook-av says:

      I believe they had been together for years prior (met on the film The Legacy). Kind of like Paul Newman and Joann Woodward, one of those atypical Hollywood no-drama marriages that just kind of fits.

      • unregisteredhal-av says:

        Yes, they were together for about six years before that, so it’s not really fair to call the marriage hastily arranges. It seems like it was more of a formality.

    • treatmentbound-av says:

      It only took me about 20 minutes to figure out she was playing the therapist in Donnie Darko!

    • phegh-av says:

      I love about him that his version of masculinity is doing his work without drama, keeping his business off the street, and going home to the age-appropriate wife he’s been with for forty years at the end of the day.

      • bcfred-av says:

        A friend of mine was a producer of original movies for TNT Classics and worked with Elliott numerous times.  She said he’s hands-down her favorite of all the actors from those productions.  The worst made me sad, though – Holly Hunter.

    • kinjatheninjakatii-av says:

      Fun fact, Sam Elliot went to the same Portland high school that Tonya Harding and members of The Kingsmen(of Louie Louie fame) attended.

      • unregisteredhal-av says:

        That is a fun fact!

        • kinjatheninjakatii-av says:

          Other famous alumni of David Douglas High School include The Bionic Woman star Lindsay Wagner and LA Rams Linebacker Samson Ebukam!

      • theupsetter-av says:

        Fun fact: Dead Moon bought the old mono record cutter from Northwest Recording Studios that The Kingsmen recorded Louie Louie on and used it for all of their early records. That’s why the majority of Dead Moon’s recorded output was in mono.Other fun fact, in the 80’s a Seattle radio station tried to get Louie Louie made the Washington state song. There was a contest and it came thiiiiisss close to making it. The final song chosen is called “Roll On Columbia”. How does it sound? How the fuck would I know…

    • winn-av says:

      He first really attracted notice in Lifeguard, where he played a sexy slacker who is still a So Cal lifeguard at the advanced age of 32. The first thing I ever saw him in was a horror movie called Frogs with Ray Milland, where he was sort of an ecologist hippie warning Milland of the dangers of all that pesticide he was spraying around his Florida swamp mansion. So the Western thing definitely came later.Oh, and that’s Katherine Ross from The Legacy and The Stepford Wives, thank you.

    • kokoandyumyum-av says:

      He graduated from my high school!

    • Robdarudedude-av says:

      I just looked up his bio for kicks, and it’s kind of funny that there’s not much Western about him. He grew up in Sacramento and Portland.Well those cities are pretty much on or near the West Coast 😝 On the other hand, John Wayne grew up in Southern Cali and went to USC on a football scholarship, so typecasting is everything I suppose.

  • jrlemke-av says:

    The fact that he didn’t win Best Supporting Actor for Road House is a fucking travesty and negates 80 years of Academy Award prestige.

  • hoodooguru-av says:

    He should have won for Lifeguard!

  • therealchrisward-av says:

    Reposting my earlier comment: my friend and sometimes AV Club contributor is writing a column about Road House every single day this year. They’re phenomenal.

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      I’ve been reading these daily. Please tell your friend he’s doing the Lord’s work.

    • jimtaggartphonypope-av says:

      Agreed, they’re excellent.

    • a-t-c-av says:

      it’ll take me a while to get around to catching up with those in full…but damn if that isn’t possibly the most unique resolution for a new year I’ve come across since the guy who said, “to try anything once, except crack ’cause it’s 1st time addictive…& Morris dancing ’cause it’s crap”…

  • eldudereeno-av says:

    Do you have to use so many cuss words?

    • orbitalgun-av says:

      I love his performance in that movie. He shaved the mustache, yet somehow became even more gruff and badass.

    • mattyoshea-av says:

      For years I wondered “What happened to Ryan Hurst?” before someone told me “He’s the big hairy guy on Sons of Anarchy.” I had watched two seasons of that show and never put two and two together that he was the same guy from We Were Soldiers and Remember the Titans. And yes, Sam is the best part of We Were Soldiers. 

    • arihobart-av says:

      There was another such encounter where the younger guy greets him with “Good morning, Sergeant Major, and he gruffs out “I’ll tell you what kinda fuckin’ morning it is.” Later, of course, in the midst of battle he gives the younger sergeant exactly the right words to buoy him up.

    • hewhoiscallediam-av says:

      Best line in a movie I always forget exists. “What are you, the fucking weatherman?”

    • rauth1334-av says:
    • mikepipper2-av says:

      Still my fave moment…

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    That’s…a lot of confidence.

  • dilgar-av says:

    From Tombstone to The Ranch he looks the same. He must be a Highlander.

  • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

    I saw Prancer for the first time this past Christmas, and damn if Sam Elliott didn’t make me cry. Like, bawling.

    • 555-2323-av says:

      I saw Prancer for the first time this past Christmas, and damn if Sam Elliott didn’t make me cry. Like, bawling. That movie is probably the sappiest, most , predictable, treacly Christmas movie in history.And yeah. Me too.

      • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

        I didn’t think it was that sappy or predictable, at least not for a kids’ Christmas movie. I liked that it was sort of left open as to whether the reindeer was actually a magical Santa reindeer. [spoilers]The very ending makes it explicit,with the shot of Santa’s sleigh, but that could just as easily have been in the girl’s imagination, and Prancer was actually lying dead at the bottom of the cliff.[spoilers] Anyway, Sam Elliott’s performance made the movie for me.

        • 555-2323-av says:

          I guess you’re right, Prancer might not have been that predictable, but I first saw it as an adult, with my daughters. We rented the vhs tape from the library. I had to keep going to the kitchen “for snacks” so I could watch from the doorway and not be seen crying like a baby.  [Which at the very least would have scared my youngest — I’m not trying to be all men-don’t-cry here.]

          • derrylmurphy-av says:

            You should also check out One Magic Christmas with Harry Dean Stanton. I recall having issues with that one as well.

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    Seeing him show up on Justified without his lip racoon was strange. I saw a man, but I heard the moustache.

    • trundel-av says:

      I love Sam Elliott. I do. But he was arguably the worst villain out of the entire series. He never actually -did- anything. It was all past stories or idle threats of what he -could- do. Now Mags Bennett.  Mags f-ing ruled.

    • AKBrian-av says:

      I loved Justified, watched every episode. I don’t believe you when you say he had no moustache. You can show me all the pictures you want, but I still see it. Every time. All the time.

      • dresstokilt-av says:

        The real coup would have been casting his moustache instead.Boyd: “Did I hear correctly? Is this lip weasel is menacing my person?”Moustache: ::twitches threateningly::Boyd: ::dies::

  • g22-av says:

    Given that my first exposure to Sam Elliott was from Road House, it’s been quite astounding how far his career has come (having already started at such incredible heights).

  • dirtside-av says:

    (even if he doesn’t always have a mustache)Every moment of his life that Sam Elliott doesn’t have a moustache is a crime against humanity.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      He doesn’t always have hair on his top lip, but on a deeper level, Sam Elliott always has a moustache.

  • libmedtob-av says:

    Not only do I agree with him, but I extend this sentiment to Richard E. Grant’s nomination as well.

  • rpenwell-av says:

    He was in Road House and The Big Lebowski and Parks And Recreation and HOW DO YOU LEAVE OUT TOMBSTONE

  • squirtloaf-av says:

    People, the mustache DOES NOT END AT THE FACE.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    Um, yee-haw?

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    His performance in The Contender is so jarring…but only because he doesn’t have a mustache, he’s still great. And his name is KERMIT.

  • mellowstupid-av says:

    I choose to believe this nomination is for Road House

  • texmex123-av says:

    since no one mentioned it “Mask”

  • poo-javelin-3-av says:

    his first reaction to the honor was, “It’s about fucking time.”

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    I like Sam Elliott.But you don’t get awards for playing yourself in every project.

    • Ruhemaru-av says:

      I thought it odd that Cooper was basically playing Sam Elliot in A Star is Born… and then Sam Elliot came on screen as his character’s brother and out Sam Elliot’ed Cooper’s Sam Elliot.

  • ianfraser01-av says:

    He’s a fine actor but he also stars in The Ranch with Ashton Kutcher and a rapist Scientologist. 

  • endymion42-av says:

    I liked him in Justified even though they stripped him of his mustache.

    • thhg-av says:

      He was supposed to be a ome-seasom bad guy on the show who also bangs Mary Steenburgen. If they let him keep the moustache everyone would be wondering why didn’t he just take over the whole show after staring down Olyphant’s hat and Goggins’, er, Goggin?

  • dudebra-av says:

    Sam survived Land of the Giants. That is an amazing feat…

  • shidekigonomo3-av says:

    Weirdly, I’ve always known him best as badass cavalry captain Buckey O’Neill, from the TNT TV movie, The Rough Riders. Also stars a nearly unrecognizable Tom Berenger as Teddy Roosevelt.

  • rogar131-av says:

    I’m pretty much who cares about the Oscars this year, but Best Supporting Actor has Sam Elliott and Richard E. Grant, and I feel divided. Or maybe they should just do a movie together.

  • highroad88-av says:

    The man is not a good actor. He only has one shtick and it’s tired.

  • markcsik-av says:

    Let’s not forget his work on the original “Mission: Impossible.” I did a doubletake when I saw him in a recurring role (the b’ar ate me).

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Did he have to use so many cuss words there?

  • jeninabq-av says:

    Considering that Mahershala Ali and Sam Rockwell have recently won in this category, I think Sam will be the front-runner. Adam Driver is a remarkable actor and was very good in Blackkklansmen, but it wasn’t a very juicy role, and he’s still young.

  • rogersachingticker-av says:

    Oddly, one of my favorite Elliott performance is his cameo in Up In The Air. It’s not as obvious as the similar cameo he did for Reitman as (basically) the Marlborough Man in Thank You for Smoking, and I’m not usually a fan of stunt casting. The role of the chief pilot doesn’t need a big star; it’s the kind of role that might even be filled by a non-actor, get a real pilot to offer Clooney his congratulations. You give Elliott this tiny role and it looks like overkill, but Elliott’s ability to effortlessly convey being comfortable in his own skin plays perfectly against the existential crisis that Clooney’s character is going through.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Well, he sure ain’t gonna show you his dick.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Gosh, I don’t know how he managed to get overlooked for “Road House.”

  • mwhite66-av says:

    Sam’s my hero not only because of his many iconic acting roles, but because he got Katherine Ross to marry him.Every man on my age remembers her from The Graduate, and envies Sam.

  • amoschaos-av says:

    He doesn’t even act. He’s just Sam Elliott in every movie. 

  • nextchamp-av says:

    And if he doesn’t win here then he’ll win next time for his film “The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot”.Which is a thing, and I will be seeing it in theaters on opening weekend.

    • 555-2323-av says:

      “The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot”. Which is a thing, and I will be seeing it in theaters on opening weekend.The title seemed like overkill and too cute, but… they posted the trailer  here I think, and — looks pretty damn good actually.

  • JarvmanBronx960-av says:

    Can someone explain to me how does maybe 25 minutes of screen time in a 2 hour movie earn you an Oscar nod?

  • katiekeys-av says:

    Too bad its for such a shitty movie. 

    • jojotheidiotcircusboy-av says:

      It’s the best version and best soundtrack imo, hence all of it’s nominations and wins so far.

  • J2k-av says:

    “It’s about fucking time“ indeed.

  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    Sam Elliott isn’t even from Texas or anywhere in the South! He was born in Sacramento, California, moved to Portland, Oregon in his teens and then went to college in Oregon and Washington!

  • predac0nz-av says:

    What does this mean for the Contract of San Vangonza?

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    He had to go and ruin an enjoyable moment by using the phrase “it’s about the work”. FFS it’s not work, it’s acting.

    • jojotheidiotcircusboy-av says:

      Pretty sure memorizing thousands of lines of dialog, becoming a certain character with certain speech and facial tics and making them seem believable is “work”…otherwise anyone could/would do it genius.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        this is like saying “being a runway model is hard work, all that walking and staring off into the distance.” Memorizing dialogue (which no you don’t memorize all at once) and adopting facial tics is not work, and the only thing preventing anyone from doing it is pure luck, nepotism, and/or genetics that make you attractive. You’d have made a more convincing case about acting being “work” if you had pointed out all the horrible dieting most actors have to do to remain thin.

        • jojotheidiotcircusboy-av says:

          Jesus Christ, too much dumb to process. Dude, most actors either on the big screen or small screen can spend anywhere from 12-16 hour days on set, and many months on site shooting away from family, that doesn’t include reshoots. Secondly there are TONS of unattractive actors and actresses that are successful in Hollywood dummy! So AGAIN, if it isn’t work there would be tons of people doing it, not to mention doing Broadway for peanuts.The fact that you have to make a point to say that it takes ‘horrible dieting’ to stay thin shows you you are simply a lazy tub of shit.

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            Jesus fucktard could you scream any more loudly to the universe that you’re a failed actor? Where do you wait tables? Next you’re gonna say all those months spent on set those actors you want to blow are doing calculus in their spare time. You sound like that dipshit weirdo ACT-OR Brian Atene, did Stanley Kubrick not accept your audition video? Judging from your reaction must have a BIG nerve with the dieting crack. Totally worth it. Fuck off and find a more profession’s dick to suck like “reiki master”, that would suit you. Fuck off dipshit.

          • jojotheidiotcircusboy-av says:

            That’s adorable, because you don’t have a logical response to your idiotic theory, now I’m somehow an actor, HAHAHAHA!!! Notice how not a fucking soul here is even agreeing with you? Now you are fantasizing about sucking dick, fagboy! I love this, I’m fucking owning you here…maybe I should just refer to you as Kunty Kinte, hahaha!!!Jump, bitch, jump!!

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            Failed Actor says what? Man you’re really spinning out of control, guess maybe you’re not a failed actor, you’re a failed troll, which is 100x more pathetic. Goodbye Failed Actor/Troll, don’t forget your shift at Applebee’s.

          • jojotheidiotcircusboy-av says:

            Oh wait, you’re still trying to make that stick? HAHAHA!!! I get it, you’re bitter because you are stuck in that shithole called Baltimore rooting for the shitty Ravens and orioles while we’re celebrating another Sox WS and seeing the Pats in yet another SB. You’re probably old and miserable, while I get to bang random chicks whenever I want. Isn’t Family Feud on, old guy?

  • djc1-av says:


  • stevie-jay-av says:

    Enjoy seeing that Oscar go to someone else now!

  • TomMetcalf-av says:

    I want Sam Elliot to narrate my life.

  • ddls-av says:

    this dude is the shit

  • franknstein-av says:
  • b0bsimians-av says:

    Yeah, he should’ve won it for Frogs way back in 1972. I mean, he should’ve won for his denim outfit alone. 

  • grymus-av says:

    Road House: 0 Oscar nods 5 Razzie Award nominationsThe Big Lebowski: 0 Oscar nods
    He’s really not that great as an actor but he has a “Look”. And that has gotten him this far. He should be thankful for this instead of his self entitled “ It’s about fucking time.” B grade TV actor who has made it this far in Hollywood should be happy he’s made some money.

  • therockawho-av says:

    I’ve always wished I sounded as cool as Sam Elliott.  My favorite voice in the entire world.

  • jojotheidiotcircusboy-av says:

    I wish I could change Siri to his voice or my car nav.

  • curlybill-av says:

    He looks so much like my dad that I kind of think he’s my dad

  • hyperionknight-av says:

    He will always be General Buford to me

  • imodok-av says:

    Elliot should have been nominated for his supporting role in The Contender.

  • streetbanana-av says:

    This isn’t much of a story, but I’ll tell it anyway. When I first clicked on this story, I thought, oh he was in Hell or High Water, then remembered, no, that was Jeff Bridges. Which made me think of Starman, and then I wondered whatever happened to Karen Allen, so I went to her IMDB page (turns out she’s worked steadily over the years) and clicked on a Hallmark Christmas movie called November Christmas she was in because I’ve read those AVClub stories about their popularity. And guess who is in November Christmas? Sam Elliott!(I remember him from Lifeguard—hubba hubba—and a goofy but funny movie starring Kirstie Alley, Bill Pullman, and him called Sibling Rivalry.)

  • ellefantok-av says:

    He was FANTASTIC in Justified as well…

  • old-one-av says:

    please accept the award wearing a big gottdamn cowboy hat. we need this. 

  • shthar-av says:

    Oh lord. It’s Chill Wills all over again.

  • rktman16-av says:

    It is long overdue.  He has been one of my absolute favorite actors as long as I can remember.  Now I just need him and Jeff Goldblum to do a buddy film.

  • phimuskapsi-av says:

    Sam Elliot makes ‘The Ranch’ watchable, and even good at moments. That’s saying something.

  • Robdarudedude-av says:

    Sam Elliott is the one person that kept me from going totally vegan.

  • chuckrich81-av says:

    He should’ve gotten it 31 years ago.

  • 1234567qwerty----------av says:

    I think he should retroactively win one for the Big Lebowski. In fact where do I go to start a petition for that?

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