Sam Raimi: "There's more Evil Dead coming"

Aux Features Film
Sam Raimi: "There's more Evil Dead coming"
Photo: Nicholas Hunt

Just in case you thought this weekend’s New York Comic Con was all about The Walking Dead, Dread Central says it wasn’t the only zombie-related thing to get some news. Horror director/producer and early Quibi supporter Sam Raimi also had some stuff to announce, and that stuff was specifically that, “there’s more Evil Dead coming.” He also noted that longtime series star Bruce Campbell, who hung up his chainsaw last year after the cancellation of Starz’s Ash Vs. Evil Dead, will be on board as a producer, but that’s apparently all the information he gave. We don’t know if this will be a continuation of the original series (as the TV show was), a sequel to the remake from a few years ago, or another full-on reboot, but—as Raimi says—“there’s more Evil Dead coming” either way.

This is pretty much the same as what Raimi said a few months ago, when he said he was talking to producers about doing something with Evil Dead, whether or not he could convince Campbell to pick up his boomstick again. His NYCC comment sounds more definitive than what he was talking about earlier in the year, though, so maybe there really is “more Evil Dead coming” this time around.


  • stephdeferie-av says:

    of course. there are always more evil dead coming…& coming…& coming…

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    And of course that’ll mean more appearances from the ‘73 Olds Delta 88:

  • facetacoreturns-av says:

    This series has stayed great far longer than it had any right to, but Ash is the heart and soul of Evil Dead. If there’s no Ash, then what’s the point?

    • puddingangerslotion-av says:

      The point is… toolshed!

    • mullets4ever-av says:

      the reboot seemed to prove that pretty conclusively.

      although that also had a bit of a misfire aspect to it, as the creative people behind that movie were clearly huge fans of the original. it makes sense- the original movie is a delightful and nasty little horror film with the addition of having a delightful backstory of these scruffy nobodies from nowheresville who made this movie by begging, borrowing and stealing because they were too naive to realize that what they were trying to do should have been self evidently impossible.

      the problem with that is of course that when they made evil dead 2 as part sequel/part ‘remake/the movie we would actually have made if we’d had money and proper gear the first time’ it redefined a lot of what that series is remembered for. It became a horror comedy, with the boomstick and the chainsawed (and then chainsaw) arm and all the trappings. trying to take it back to the era before those aspects wasnt well received.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        I still maintain it was a good film, in the spirit of the original, and 90% of the bad reviews were people wondering where the jokes were.

    • kris1066-av says:

      I would FULLY support an “Evil Dead” with Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo) and Brandy (Arielle Carver-O’Neill).

    • homerbert1-av says:

      I love Campbell, but as long as Raimi is on board to direct, I can live without him. Ash Vs Evild Dead was a great swansong for the character. I’m desperate for Raimi to direct more Evil Dead. More anything really. He can just do a new horror/comedy in the Evil Dead/Drag Me to Hell style, call it Evil Dead and I will be very ok with that. That said, all the better if Campbell is back. 

    • rogueindy-av says:

      Have you forgotten the first one was an ensemble piece, and it wasn’t clear until late in the film that Ash would survive?

  • themightymodok-av says:

    Good news! Would like to see the Ash vs Evil Dead crew again without Ash, though it would be weird. Hopefully Bruce Campbell can be dragged out of retirement.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      It be nice for Bruce to return, but if he doesn’t I think Dana DeLorenzo and Ray Santiago as Ghost Beaters Kelly & Pablo have demonstrated that they have the potential to step into the Jefe’s shoes. Maybe Ash’s daughter Brandy too. Also f*** it why not bring Jane Levy from the rebooted movie onto the team too.

  • murrychang-av says:

    Honestly I liked Stan Against Evil better, I wish that was coming back. I was always more of an Army of Darkness fan over Evil Dead. Stan Against Evil had the Army of Darkness comedy feel that Ash vs. Evil Dead’s over the top gore just didn’t have.

    • justsaydoh-av says:

      John C. McGinley is great. Pretty much doesn’t matter what the show is.Dr. Cox vs. Evil Dead.

    • cordingly-av says:

      My biggest gripe was DiGregorio fighting for a different, better sounding show.

      • murrychang-av says:

        Not sure what you’re referring to there?

        • cordingly-av says:

          The show runner was in a constant battle with a producer who held onto some of the character rights and ultimately left over the season 2 finale, which was intended to be much different.

          • murrychang-av says:

            Huh interesting, I didn’t know anything about the behind the scenes stuff of it.  Regardless I liked it better than Ash vs. Evil Dead and am sad that it’s gone:( 

    • bluebeard-av says:

      I loved Stan Against Evil, but it was a different show, and kind of went off the rails. It felt like the seasons were too short, but they also struggled to fill in what they had. John C. McGinley, Janet Varney, and Deborah Baker Jr. were a really fun team.

    • steviexmcfly-av says:

      The issue with that show is that the writing was not very good, especially in the last season. The cast extremely carried that show.

      • murrychang-av says:

        Oh yeah the cast and the jokes carried the show but I wasn’t in it for great plotting I was in it for the cast and the jokes.I can’t find a clip but the ep with the fake Mulder and Sculley has one of the best exchanges of any comedy lately:Fake Sculley: How did your daughter get my number?Stan: I don’t know how she doesn’t drown in a rain storm, I got questions of my own lady.Had to pause it so I could laugh for 5 minutes straight.

  • trent100-av says:

    Road warrior Ash or GTFO 

  • andysynn-av says:

    So if we can’t convince him to strap on the ol’ chainsaw one last time… has anyone considered just chopping off one of his hands and growing a second Bruce Campbell who will?

  • steveresin-av says:

    I’d be on board for the TV series continuing with Ray and Dana taking the reigns. Dana in particular was incredible.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Dana DeLorenzo as Kelly and her signature F-bombs are the best thing about the franchise at this point. There, I said it 

  • barrot-av says:

    Raimi always looks like he hasn’t slept in a very long time. 

  • kris1066-av says:

    They could bring back Kelly and Brandy to fill in the years that Ash was in cryogenic sleep.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Evil Dead 2 is in my top 5 of all-time. I still remember renting the VHS from Wall-to-Wall Sound & Video when we saw the box. I wrecked my Camaro that night in 1988. I got late fees because the movie, along with 2 more, were in the back seat, and it took weeks to fix the car.Paid the late fees, and we promptly rented the movie again, having not yet watched it. It was glorious, and it cost me over $3000 by the time I paid for the late fees (and car repairs, stupid unibody frame).

    • delight223-av says:

      Funny how the first time I saw 1 and 2 as a sleepover double feature at age 11 I thought 2 was weak as fuck but now it’s my favorite. Maybe it was the green blood? I was a stickler for watered down gore as a kid, I guess.

  • bluebeard-av says:

    It’s a trick.  Get an axe.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • 555-2323-av says:

    I can picture an Evil Dead without Ash as the main character, but I’d need him to be at least the Man in the Chair for his Deadite-fighting compadres. Not just one scene, several. But jeez, they could film them all in a day and let Bruce Campbell go fishing or whatever.

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