Sam Raimi's hell-bent on making another Evil Dead, with or without Bruce Campbell

Aux Features Film
Sam Raimi's hell-bent on making another Evil Dead, with or without Bruce Campbell

We’ve been pretty big fans of the Evil Dead franchise’s many permutations, from Sam Raimi’s original, genre-defying incarnations to Fede Álvarez’s solid 2013 reboot to Starz’s Ash Vs. Evil Dead series. Color us stoked, then, that Raimi seems optimistic that the franchise will live on. Just how it will, however, is still up for discussion.

In a new interview with Bloody Disgusting, Raimi says he’s currently in talks with producer Rob Tapert and original star Bruce Campbell, who said in 2018 that he was through playing the iconic role of one-handed hero Ash. “I’d love to make another one,” Raimi said. “I don’t think TV is in its future but we’re talking about—Bruce, Rob, and myself—one or two different ways to go for the next movie. We’d like to make another Evil Dead feature and in fact we’re working on some ideas right now.”

Raimi, proving himself to be shockingly openminded, says he’s open to a sequel to the Starz series, a sequel to Álvarez’s reboot, or, if all else fails, “a third possibility” that, as of now, remains a mystery. “I would be thrilled if Bruce Campbell changed his mind about retirement, would come back for the original Evil Dead line,” Raimi said. “But if not, I’m very happy to work with, if Fede would come back and make the sequel…but he’s such a big shot now. He’s so successful, an artist in demand, that I don’t think he’d want to do that.” (He’s not kidding, as Álvarez is currently at work on a sequel to fuckin’ Labyrinth.)

That’s a lot to get sorted out, but talks must be progressing well. “I think you may see some action on the Evil Dead movie in the next six months,” Raimi said, positively brimming with confidence. We’ll be sure to have our boomsticks cocked and loaded.


  • noelcroniser-av says:

    That Labyrinth sequel is dead isn’t it?

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    The quality of the Starz show was intermittently unbelievably good. That is the same thing as saying A+++ when you are not looking for Faulkner but instead are looking for Bruce getting his head stuck through the anus looking out the ribcage of a corpse while slipping on entrails. It is amazing that it is still the only thing like it that was around…I heard somebody has a project coming that is of the same Raimi/Peter Jackson Army of Darkness/Dead Alive/Bad Taste splatstick variety and I really look forward to it. I’m really happy Raimi wants to go back to this, it is my favorite out of anything he has ever done.  I just hope he directs it.

    • HALLOWEDPOINTS-av says:

      i was so bummed when it was cancelled. that show had the perfect balance of gore and humor and really stayed true to the feel of evil dead.

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        hell yes, as far as matching the tone of the original (particularly the why and how of splatter and one-liners) it was dead on (accidental pun, really!)

        also the splat went so far on the show I was seriously amazed it wasn’t censored, just shows: you show two people in love making love and you need warnings, multiple corpse fights?  daytime TV!

        • evanwaters-av says:

          I mean, it was premium cable so there was no question of the FCC or Standards & Practices. 

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            I suppose what I am saying is just that I was impressed. Most shows are so timid…it becomes time for the rioting and bacchanalic shit to blow up and there is like five seconds of some guy in a suit pretending to eat people. This show brought the thunder, breathtaking audacity, the ability to reach the most jaded spectator and get them to chuckle and say “wow, that was really gross! Well done!”  And chuckle is understating it, I was passing out laughing at some of this stuff.  And most of the world had no idea it was on 🙁

  • drzarnack-av says:

    If Raimi was back behind the camera, I can’t imagine Bruce wouldn’t return in some capacity. 

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Maybe they could have another go at that Freddy vs. Jason sequel: Freddy vs Jason vs Ash.Yes this almost became a movie. But it fell through. Luckily the script was turned into a comic. 

  • kris1066-av says:

    My Kingdom for an Evil Dead movie with Kelly Maxwell and Brandy Barr from “Ash vs Evil Dead”.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    One thing that puzzles me about Ash vs. The Evil Dead is how it seems to assume that the ending to Evil Dead 2 and the events of Army of Darkness never happened. The only explanation I can think of is that Ash made that part up to pick up women.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      Eh, continuity has never been these movies strong point. Just accept the overall events at the high level and enjoy the splatter in the moment.

    • facetacoreturns-av says:

      As I understand it, the rights to Army of Darkness are held by some other company, so they couldn’t use any of that.

    • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

      Rights/$$ issues.Different producers for different movies would have have to been paid to use elements of those movies.

    • steveresin-av says:

      I’m pretty sure Ash mentions AoD in the final season. He tells his daughter (iirc) that he once went to medieval times.

      • bigal6ft6-av says:

        Which technically happened in the closing minutes of Evil Dead 2!Ash Vs Evil Dead works well enough in continuity with the ED/AoD movies to say “Yeah it fits but some details are fuzzy” which is literally what happens when you watch the Evil Dead trilogy back to back. I do like how Ash vs. Evil Dead in it’s final scene basically got to the original Army of Darkness ending (which was on the Bootleg DVD Cut version I believe). but the S-Mart Army of Darkness ending is still the best. 

    • hollywilder-av says:

      They absolutely do acknowledge it in the last season. 

    • bogira-av says:

      Raimi is on record saying ED2 is basically a remake of ED1 done right but made a sequel so he could actually get it in theaters.  There isn’t a huge continuity jump for either, you can play them as one merged story which is kind of what AvED did.

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      Even moreso if you’re like me and have only seen the directors cut of army of darkness.

  • mp81440-av says:

    Sam Raimi’s hell-bent on making another Evil Dead, with or without Bruce CampbellBut…like…you know…only one of those is the correct answer.

  • castigere-av says:

    Nobody goes to Evil Dead to see the Dead. You need a hapless character to sell it. My opinion is that the series just got far too stupid in the second and last season, but Bruce in S1 and Dead by Dawn was just the right amount of buffoon and hero. If you can cast someone who can do that (like an unbuff Chris Hemsworth)maybe you can go without Campbell. If not, you need him.

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      I thought Alison Lohmann did well in the Ash-esque role in Drag me to hell. 

      • castigere-av says:

        I thought the actress was fine in that. Not buffoonish or kooky, though. I felt like that was played straight

        • thecapn3000-av says:

          Of course, its a different style of movie entirely but thinking of how raimi keeps “throwing things”at her, she held her own. Actually maybe even Justin Long could pull it off.

  • raindog42-av says:

    Or you could write something new? Not based on an existing IP? No? Ya, my bad.. what was I thinking…

  • waaaaaaaaaah-av says:

    Raimi, proving himself to be shockingly openminded, says he’s open to a sequel to the Starz series, a sequel to Álvarez’s reboot, or, if all else fails, “a third possibility” that, as of now, remains a mystery.
    They should just bring in another Sam Raimi hero… or heroine.
    (And the fact she played a character in the Evil Dead universe isn’t a plot hole because there were like 12 Xena lookalikes on that show. Also, I’m pretty sure there was both a reincarnated Xena and a Xena clone living in the present day.)

  • evanwaters-av says:

    Get Dana de Lorenzo and give us the further adventures of Kelly. 

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Unfortunately Bruce Campbell won’t live forever (or will he? BWHAHAHAHA), and if he’s not up for it understandably a new comer would be great to take over. The series has a feel and world, but is hardly consistent and linear. Raimi is pretty good at casting the right people too. Let us forget about Oz ever happening, although I wouldn’t say the casting was terrible entirely.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Dana de Lorenzo as Kelly and her signature f-bombs should definitely be the stars & her fellow Ghost Beaters Pablo and Brandy should be in the mix too. Why not merge the continuities (which I think the show already did?) and bring Jane Levy from the reboot over too

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    I’ve been working my way through Ash vs. Evil Dead (I’m almost done with the 2nd season) since it landed on Netflix last week. It’s the most bonkers fucking thing I’ve ever seen, to the point where at least once per episode I’m like HOW IS THIS A THING THAT GOT MADE AND AIRED ON CABLE TV (in a good way), but I’m not surprised Campbell is done with the role. It looks incredibly physically demanding and he’s what, 60-something now?

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      I loved it and was amazed it ever got made. It’s by no means perfect or art, but that doesn’t matter. It’s what it should have been imo at least.

    • 555-2323-av says:

      Yeah, I’m partway through Ash vs. Evil Dead and am really impressed. Not just with the effects (I’m just knowledgeable enough about CG to not be surprised that people with skills and a decent script can Make Things Look Real) but the story as well. It feels like a natural continuation of the Evil Dead movies (despite those continuity glitches that don’t allow Army of Darkness stuff). Bruce Campbell is aging so damn well, too – grizzled but still game – and is now mining that Ash bravado for genuine pathos as well as comedy.I’m bummed that it’s cancelled and am doling out my remaining episodes carefully….

      • subtitles667-av says:

        It’s unclear to me how Army of Darkness fits in to Ash vs Evil Dead.  Like it had to have happened if you’ve seen past the first few episodes of season 3

      • endymion42-av says:

        I loved the whole series and hope you like the rest of it! I might have to rewatch it TBH

    • endymion42-av says:

      Yeah i think he did a bunch of the stunts and if you’re almost done with the second season they you know Ash/Bruce have been through some shit for sure. So that is very impressive. I love the rest of the cast almost as much, but Bruce Campbell is the man for sure.

    • mgp2-av says:

      The third is season is a major disappointment. I was stoked, I listened to Bruce and paid for a sub to Starz and aside from some visual gags that season was a mess. Tapert ran off the showrunner who had done such a great job to that point. The result was a final season that was repetitive and underwhelming and caused Bruce to retire(according to me). Evil Dead without Bruce aint no Evil Dead to me.

    • hell-iph-i-kno-av says:

      isn’t Campbell chilling on his Oregon pot & lavender farm now? probably get jerked for forever & a day about a movie or movies and the cancelled-or-not series has gotta where on some nerves.  best to kick back with some beers in the Airstream and rejoice in the old times

  • nogelego-av says:

    Hell bent on making money is more like it.I remember when he said way back around the time he made that baseball movie with Rene Russo that he was done with movies like Darkman or Quick and the Dead that were style heavy and he wanted to make films that he could take his wife on a date to see or some gibber-jab. My guess was always that he was Oscar-hungry.
    Now I guess he’s just hungry.

  • 555-2323-av says:

    I say, send Ash back to the 1890s and have him meet Briscoe County Jr.What I mean is I’m not sure you can have too much Bruce Campbell.

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    “Sam Raimi’s hell-bent on making another Evil Dead, with or without Bruce Campbell”

    Which Bruce Campbell has *always* said he is cool with and encourages. Can we cool the clickbait a little? 

  • hollywilder-av says:

    I’d be 100% down for a Kelly, Pablo, and Brandy continuation of the Evil Dead series that picks up after the TV show. Brandy grew into her role as the daughter of the Chosen One. Kelly and Pablo were awesome all along. 

  • franknstein-av says:

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