Sandra Bullock to take a break from acting and see what this “family” thing is all about

The Lost City looks really fun, so why bother trying to top it?

Aux News Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock to take a break from acting and see what this “family” thing is all about
Sandra Bullock Photo: Jamie McCarthy

The Lost City, the upcoming rom-com adventure movie from directors Adam and Aaron Nee looks like a surprisingly good time (we maintain that the “my dad was a weatherman” joke in the trailer is dynamite), and if it’s as much fun as it seems like it’ll be, star Sandra Bullock just might be ending her movie career on a high note… for now. Speaking with ET, Bullock revealed that she’s going to take a break from acting so she can be “in the place that makes me happiest”—which is, evidently, not the famously warm-hearted and comforting world of movie-making.

Bullock says she takes acting very seriously when she’s at work, so much so that it’s a “24/7 job,” but at this point in her life she just wants to “be 24/7” with her family. “That’s where I’m gonna be for a while,” she says, taking up her time “servicing their every need” and managing “their social calendar” instead of being in movies. (ET notes that Bullock’s kids are 12 and 10.)

Not to force Bullock to turn everything into work, even when she’s not working, but this does sound like it could be the premise for a sitcom… A famous mom takes a break from her high-profile job so she can stay home and give her kids more attention, resulting in some wacky hijinks where they want to go to a party or something and she’s like “I’m a cool mom, I’ll go to the party with you” and it’s funny and awkward. Maybe the pilot episode ends with her agent landing some huge offer, but then her kids her like “don’t take the job, we want you to stay home,” and it’s very touching. Write this stuff down, Sandra! We’re on fire here!

Also in the chat, Bullock noted that the other parents in her community know her as “the crazy lady with the pandemic,” explaining that “they know their children will return without COVID when they’ve come to our house,” which makes us think that her desire to stay home more is partly due to anxiety about going back out into the world or maybe the celebrity equivalent of a “great resignation” thing. Like, it’s pointless and silly to ask anyone to go back and work in an office now, even if that office is a movie set, so why not just stay home and do something that is more fulfilling?


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Neat. A rich person is taking a year off from working.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Good for her.

    • delete999999-av says:

      Look, none of us probably should care about what celebrities are up to, but if you’re reading this article you on some level get trashy fun from it. Either make peace with the fact, or stop reading basically a “what’s up with the rich people these days” site. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        You think I read these crappy999999 articles before I comment999999?
        If anything, on this one, I am jealous9999999 that someone gets paid obscene amounts of money to do a cushy job where the only real requirement is you be very pretty99999999, gets to take a year to not make obscene amounts of money to not do a cushy9999999 job for a while.

      • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

        I like to skim these articles and then comment crappily. It’s a time honored tradition to shit on celebrities ‘round these parts. It’s the AV Club after all. Or, well, what’s left of it.

    • anitaymoore-av says:

      Good for her, she’s able to do it. Yeah, she’s rich and she does some really wonderful things with her money for other people; she has donated millions to charities and disaster reliefs. She acts, she produces, she directs…she works hard for what she has. Now, she is fortunate enough to take time off to focus on her family…that’s a really nice thing.

  • mothkinja-av says:

    As a premise to a sitcom, I prefer the idea that her kids don’t really want to spend more time with her so they start putting together a project that will tempt her back into her movie career. Think Parent Trap, but instead of trying to get the mom back with the dad they’re trying to get the mom back with her job so she’ll stop making them her shitty breakfast omelets.

  • docprof-av says:

    One thing I can say for all the Star Wars shows is at least they’re all in the same continuity. I don’t have a clue where all the Star Trek things fit together anymore.

  • dmfc-av says:

    you maintain that “my dad was a weatherman” is a good joke?That’s like 80s sitcom trash

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    I want just one of these fuckers to say they’re taking a break to spend some time with their money

    • CaptXpendable-av says:
      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        Sadly, physicists with nothing better to do looked into the physics of this and it turns out that a big pool of coins like Scrooge McDuck’s wouldn’t have the properties depicted — you couldn’t dive in and swim around like he does. Kind of takes away the fun of being obscenely rich.

        • mosquitocontrol-av says:

          Lies. Coins are so obviously fluid!

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Wouldn’t it be dangerous to spit out that many coins?

        • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

          Excuse me, the propaganda I have been fed in the US, since day one, leads me to believe that the rich are magical god creatures. The rich work millions of times harder than we do, are millions of times smarter than we are, and should be able to do anything they want, because they’re rich and “they earned it” okay?
          So let’s lay off this “science says rich people can’t do the impossible” talk, lest it morph into, “let’s examine what rich people do behind closed doors” or “maybe 1% of us being rich means that 99% of us have to suffer needlessly”

      • martyfunkhouser1-av says:


    • ruefulcountenance-av says:

      That exact phrase came into my head when I read the article, so yes I agree.

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    I thought she was on the hook for Bird Box 2: Bigger Box, but I guess there’s nothing official with that. Anyway, I didn’t want to let my bigger box joke go to waste. 

  • milligna000-av says:

    Has she ever made a good movie?

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