Say goodbye to sleep, AMC is showing all 22 Marvel movies in an insane 59-hour marathon

Aux Features Film
Say goodbye to sleep, AMC is showing all 22 Marvel movies in an insane 59-hour marathon
Photo: Avengers: Infinity War

Now that spring has finally arrived, many of us are rejoicing over the warmer temperatures and the glorious gift of leaving work when the sun is still out. But soon, a select brave (er, insane) few will venture out of the daylight and into darkness to complete an honorable (again, insane) mission: watching every Marvel movie back-to-back for a whole two and a half days.

AMC knows MCU fans care little about maintaining healthy vitamin D levels or normal sleep patterns, and are practically incapable of seeing a Marvel movie too many times. (Never forget the fan who saw Infinity War 100 times in the theater). Such has been proven by previous AMC Marvel marathons before — one nearly sucked the last remnants of sanity from The A.V. Club’s own Alex McLevy — but now the theater chain is getting truly fucking bonkers. Starting on April 23, AMC will show all 22 MCU movies in a massive Marvel movie marathon that asks the true diehards to prove their fandom once and for all by sacrificing sleep and body hygiene.

If you’re worried about feeding yourself and staying properly hydrated during such an endeavor, thankfully the Alamo Drafthouse has you covered. If you’re lucky enough to live near an Alamo location, the chain is also hosting a marathon of every MCU movie.

Both marathons will kick off with 2008’s Iron Man, leading up to Captain Marvel, and of course ending with Avengers: Endgame. That’s a whopping 59 hours and 7 minutes in total, according to Slash Film, which is a fuckton of Marvel to put into your eyeballs in one sitting. That also means you’ll need to sit through 56 hours of movies before you even get to the final three-hour Thanos showdown. So please, begin stocking up on Red Bull and deodorant now and planning which movies (Thor: The Dark World, obviously) you’ll be taking some quick naps during.

If you choose to accept this mission, get your tickets over at AMC’s website or the Alamo Drafthouse website.


  • mrguilt-av says:

    …and future generations will debater if the release order is superior, or the chronology of the movies (“Captain American: the First Avenger” (1940s) followed by “Captain Marvel” (1990s)…), or some “Machete Order.” 

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    Hahahaha, fuck that. Just go on wikipedia and re-read the synopses. 

    • satanscheerleaders-av says:

      I just re-edited all of them. I have seen maybe three of these movies.

      • asynonymous3-av says:

        “In Iron Man (2008), billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist Tony Stark invents rape.”“Avengers: Infinity War ends when Thanos flicks a giant booger at Captain America and says, “Eat boogers, boogerface!” Then all the X-Men die.”

  • dirtside-av says:

    I kind of figured someone would do this. Now I’m wondering, how much further can this go? Ten years from now there’s going to be another 22 (or more) Marvel movies and I sort of imagine that a theater might find it difficult to find takers to sit through literally 5 days of movies non-stop.

    • itrainmonkeys-av says:

      Nah, I imagine after this they start over with the next phase and build up new marathons for down the line. 

      • toronto-will-av says:

        But it won’t be a clean break. We haven’t seen the last of Black Panther, Guardians, Captain Marvel, Spiderman, Doctor Strange or Black Widow. And others, like Ant Man, probably also carry on.That makes it hard for them to simply re-cast core characters. I don’t think people would actually be that troubled if they did, but I think they’ll probably go for a soft-reboot approach that preserves continuity, instead.

        • itrainmonkeys-av says:

          Well, yeah, obviously we’re getting more movies with (most of) the current heroes. My point is that the next phase will likely be building to another big climax/villain and future marathons could be made up of the newer movies coming out. They could still include the first Doctor Strange or Spider-Man if they really want to but I can’t imagine them just continuing to add more movies on top of this existing marathon of films. We’ll see.

          • thefaceofterror-av says:

            You’re probably right, but I’m still fascinated by the idea of a 5-day, non-stop movie marathon. 

          • king-cobra-av says:

   doesn’t have to be just one way or another. They could sell separate days as is. Or have separations in show time for breaks. Or let you buy into only what you want to see…etc. It’s up to the theater. Seeing something in theaters after you can ostensibly never do it again is a bigger draw for me personally than a marathon anyway.

        • gawkeruberalles-av says:

          Black Widow, lol.

        • kirkspockmccoy-av says:

          Why is continuity important. The fans of Star Trek Discovery don’t give a shit about history or canon. So, how come continuity matters in some things but not in others?

          • toronto-will-av says:

            (a) Star Trek has >50 years of TV shows and 13 movies, created by countless different people, over which to try maintaining continuity, which makes the degree of difficulty very different. (b) Star Trek fans whine relentlessly about continuity issues(c) Discovery actually does care a lot about continuity, and spends too much time working to reconcile how its new stories fit with canon. (d) I didn’t make a pitch for continuity being important. I actually suggested that it was over-rated, and that people would quickly get over it if they simply re-cast soon-to-be-dead characters like Captain America and Iron Man.

          • misscashleymari-av says:

            I hope they don’t do that. I can’t imagine anybody but Chris and Robert in those roles. 

          • toronto-will-av says:

            Marvel certainly has a deep enough roster of characters that it shouldn’t *need* to re-cast, but it might be tempting.The characters expected to die (Iron Man especially) have been so central to the universe that it’s hard to imagine it without them. And of course they’re basing movies off of comic book stories that often feature those characters. They may at least need to do a Miles Morales-type soft re-cast where someone else assumes the mantle of the same hero.It actually helps Marvel that it’s always been more of ensemble, as compared to DC, where if Batman and Superman aren’t in a shared universe story, everyone would be asking “where are Batman and Superman”?

          • jaecp-av says:

            The shitty thing about Miles story is that they STOLE NED! Iron man is going to die but I can basically guarantee you that when we get Pepper Potts as rescue that she’ll have an AI voiced by Tony because the secret suit he left behind obviously has to have that!Plus they might decide to do movies out of order at some point
            Or he’ll be a skrull for secret invasionOr he’ll have a bunch of video recordings laying around that just so happen t be 3d blue projections or something Comics are dumb. Downey is going to be in Marvel movies till he dies. I cant fucking wait! I just love them so much.I just wish DC didn’t own Wildstorm because we will never get an Authority movie (

          • macintux-av says:

            You mean the MCU stole the idea of Ned from the Miles comics, right? Just so we’re clear on the origin of that character.Someone on YouTube pointed out that the latest MCU Spider-Man has essentially “borrowed” heavily from the Miles comics. This isn’t the brash, mouthy Peter Parker we grew up on.

          • jaecp-av says:

            Yep, that’s what I’m referring to.I mean, I grew up on the 90s cartoon and the movies before reading ultimate Spider-Man in my teams 

        • Skunch-av says:

          honestly, with the differing art styles of illustrators in comics, recasting core characters wouldn’t be all that odd.Look at all the ways Wolverines’ face has been drawn, or Peter Parker, etc.

        • waffle99-av says:

          RIP Rhodey

        • yummsh-av says:

          No one’s getting recast, nothing’s getting rebooted, and yes, people would be very troubled if either of those things happened.

        • edwardchristina-av says:

          Dude, you saw Capt Marvel. Pretty soon they’ll just have a stunt double stand in place, and CGI whatever acting they want to happen.

        • blarghblarghblarghityblargh-av says:

          Recasting would be easy if they’d get it into their head to treat it much in the same way as changing the creative team on a book. Writing and artwork change all the time, and serial movies at least change directors and writers fairly regularly. They just need to start treating the cast in much the same fashion and advertising the concept to generate public awareness of the concept..

        • switawi-av says:

          Marvel has said that there won’t be recasting, that ‘the losses are real’ in this MCU timeline. At least as much as any comic book character can die, lol. So I wouldn’t expect any recasting of major characters for years to come if at all. And why would you recast Steve Rogers or Tony Stank when the comics has already shown how to let someone else take on the mantles of Captain America and Iron Man?

          • jaecp-av says:

            Yeah I mean like… aside from obviously going to be a time travel undo button how do you reboot the MCU? We stuck around because of Iron Man. This is the one franchise where rebooting it not only sucks but because the individual actors salaries will keep going up Disney is highly incentivized to do what has always been my favorite part of comics.LegacyNo reboots and every decade or so you’ll have a new couple of waves of actors as the oldest ones die or retireDisney’s MCU could actually work like a comic book universe. Imagine having Tom Holland as spiderman long enough that we could have a Sinister Six spinoff (or TV miniseries) with Michael Keaton and Jake Gyllenwhatever plus the next 4 villains from the solo films?  Maybe 1 thats new to the film that brings them all together (except what I really want is them to go bonkers and bring in Netflix Kingping)

      • ro37-av says:

        They did a marathon of all 32 Japanese godzilla movies, although I doubt anyone actually sat through the whole thing (since nobody died). Now, if you really want to kill someone, have someone try to sit through all 49 movies in the Tora-san franchise from Japan, the longest running film series of all time.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      I think they might just hand out free capes and rooftop access so people can jump off from all the excitement.

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      Just give me a bucket to pee in and I’ll be fine for a week

    • cinecraf-av says:

      22 years from now, all the existing films and their franchises will have already been rebooted, rendering the current slate of films moot and obsolete.  OBSOLETE! OBSOLETE!  OBSOLETE!

    • time-cat-av says:

      I find your lack of faith disturbing

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      By that time we’ll just have made peace with the fact that no one needs to see ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ again and they’ll just marathon the good ones.

    • offendedwhitenewyorker-av says:

      Eventually, there will be ~74 years total running time of MCU movies out there, and, for the ultimate nerd cred, people will give birth to children and chain them in front of a TV screen until they die.

    • wookietim-av says:

      I am kinda hoping that Endgame is the point where cinematic universes reach the natural stopping point. The MCU has produced a lot of decent movies but it’s getting kinda tiresome.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      After Endgame, they need to reset the stakes for a phase or two. Break everyone off into their own bits so they’re busy doing stuff centered around them, and make the next teamup the Sinister Six or something.Like, I don’t want the Endgame post-credits to tease anything like Galactus or Kang or anything like that. I want it to tease the next generation of heroes.

    • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

      ‘how much further can this go?’–Two words: ‘Death waivers’

    • gnatba-av says:

      I would assume next time around they’ll break for a few hours now and then for people to go home/sleep/shower. Or like 3 per night leading up to the final new one.(IMO a straight marathon is just nuts. Something like 6 per day with a short intermission between each movie (or every 2 movies?) is probably the minimum if you actually want it to be more than just a gimmick.)

      • dirtside-av says:

        I once saw 6 movies in one day, although this was when I was 21. I went to the local AMC in the morning and basically just watched whatever was starting next. Most of the movies sucked because I’d already seen the good ones that were out, so I did the whole more as an exercise. I started with the first matinee and was there until around 11 PM. And there were some gaps in there because the next one didn’t start for 45 minutes, or whatever. Shrink the gap to 15 minutes and you could easily fit in 7 per day, allowing time for sleep. Of course, it’s not really a “marathon” if you get to take breaks 😉
        (For the record: 13th Warrior, The Astronaut’s Wife, Dudley Do-Right, Universal Soldier: The Return, Inspector Gadget, and Deep Blue Sea)

        • bros402-av says:

          I am surprised you didn’t just nope out of there after Dudley Do-Right – or that you didn’t jump off of a roof after Inspector Gadget

          • dirtside-av says:

            Hey, I’ll suffer for my art (my art is apparently “go to the movies a lot”)

    • noviestream-av says:


    • brainlock-2-av says:

      People camped out over a MONTH for Star Wars TICKETS. You think this is going to be any worse/better in another decade?Then again, this may be the last time something like this happens, with the progression of larger TV screens and cheaper tech costs, add in faster streams/pirating, people can just invite their friends over for a marathon at any time, with no dress code.

    • manabi-av says:

      It’ll be the (real) movie marathon equivalent of The Onion’s 9. (I remain convinced some roller coaster enthusiasts would want to ride that if it was real, even with the underwater segments.)

    • jaecp-av says:

      You’ll probably start seeing character focused marathons 

  • the-nwa-av says:

    Why would you want to do that to yourself? I’m as excited as the next mammal for Endgame but I actually want to be completely cogent for it not half insane on lack of sleep and a diet composed entirely of partially inverted sugar syrup and reconstituted meat sticks.

    • brothergumby-av says:

      *Half insane because you had to remember Iron Man 2 and Thor 2 are movies that exist.FTFY

      • ender21-av says:

        Holy cow, that face has seen some things.

        • brothergumby-av says:

          He has seen his BORD.

          • blastprocessing-av says:

            I came extremely close to spraying tea all over my desk. 

          • brothergumby-av says:

            The villains in that movie aren’t good villains, they aren’t memorable villains, but dear lord if they aren’t the most unintentionally hilarious villains in the entire MCU.“Like, what if we had Sam Rockwell play a flamboyant, somewhat stereotypically gay arms dealer who clearly wants to both be and bang Tony Stark, and had Mickey Rourke do a ludicrous Russian accent (that’s still better than that time he voiced a guy in the Rogue Warrior video game).”

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            You pretty much have Sam Rockwell playing Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke doing something that at least he seems to be enjoying, and RDJ getting the cheque he needs to remodel his bathroom.

          • fauxcused-av says:


        • the-nwa-av says:

          Did the holy cow then kick him in the face? It’s the only thing I can think of to explain that kisser.

        • w34m-av says:

          Yeah, it has seen a lot of plastic surgeons!

        • xcvhvbcgjnnxurxsztft-av says:

          …and done some things. yikes.

        • sassinak11-av says:

          NOT just SEEN things.. I’m sure it was an active participant as well.

        • bleepbloop1985-av says:

          lots of fists from boxingI’m sure drugs didn’t help either

        • loveinthetimeofdysentery-av says:

          Fwiw, he had to get a TON of work done to his face after he insisted on learning boxing for a movie by stepping in the ring with pros. It’s not, like, a vanity thing

      • fatherjabroni-av says:

        I liked Thor 2. Much more than Iron Man 2. Or Spider Man 3.

        • brothergumby-av says:

          Ok your diss against the glory that is Emo Peter Parker has earned you my eternal disdain

          • fatherjabroni-av says:

            Dammit. I played the wrong card. Again.

          • wafflezombie-av says:

            Holy shit, I found the other person that enjoyed Emo Peter!  I guess I get the complaints, but I laughed my ass of in the theatre, so it’s all good to me.

        • toasterlad2-av says:

          This is a tepid take at best.

        • bigbks-av says:

          Thor 2 is the best Thor movie and one of the best movies in the MCU and I WILL die on this hill.(Not to bag on Ragnarok. Ragnarok was definitely the best Guardians of the Galaxy movie so far.)

          • fatherjabroni-av says:

            You get all the stars for that observation.

          • inyourfaceelizabeth-av says:

            Thor: Ragnarok was the best Planet Hulk film.  Honestly they can keep Hulk and Thor together I’d watch that they’re an excellent comedy duo.  

          • jaecp-av says:

            My GF probably agrees with you since she basically just watches the movies with rdj and hiddleston and loves Kenneth Braunaugh. She hasnt even seen GotG!  If T2 has more loki then shes gonna be there

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Ronnie Dames Jio?

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          There’s a lot I like in Thor 2, despite it being a bit of a mess generally. That final teleportation sequence is a delight.

      • ikazuchi-av says:

        Don’t forget The Incredible Edward Norton.

      • captainholtsdisapproval-av says:

        And the Incredible Hulk!I’ve only done one Movie Marathon before, Back to the Future in 2015. And that was over in just over 6 hours, and at least all the films were at worst pretty solid.Are you really going to appreciate the nuance of The Winter Soldier After over 4 combined hours of Iron Man 3 and Thor 2, which is itself coming off 12 hours of Phase 1?

        • brothergumby-av says:

          Hey.I draw the line at insulting Iron Man 3. Iron Man 3 is a damn fun movie.That said it’s completely out of place in MCU.

          • gamebuff164-av says:

            Ironman 3 kind of feels like it belongs in the Ant-Man arm of the MCU. It isn’t that bad once you get past the comic fanboy butthurt of the Mandarin not actually being the Mandarin. People mostly got upset they didn’t really get their long desired villain and see him doing his thing. It did feel a bit like a tease, and now we are pretty much guaranteed to never get the Mandarin.Captain America got Red Skull, Batroc, Zola, Struker and Zemo – all classic, important Cap villains.Ironman started this whole thing and got Iron Monger, a weird combo of Crimson Dynamo and Whiplash and Aldritch Killian. Not really a killer lineup by comparison.

          • brothergumby-av says:

            Yeah, I’d say there is a subset that just should be considered the “stand alones,” considering they’re largely disconnected from the overall narrative. So basically:- Hulk (only connection is they weirdly brought the general back for Civil War)- Iron Man 3 (just referenced the Avengers)- Both Ant Men- Homecoming…kind of. Oh and also technically in the short they released after Iron Man 3 there is a real Mandarin in the MCU.They probably will not do anything with that though

          • gamebuff164-av says:

            Yeah, Hail to the King (which the highlight was seeing Sam Rockwell again). But they will never do anything with that.

          • magicrat7913-av says:

            I don’t think Homecoming really is disconnected, it’s both an important part of Tony’s growth and develops the character who has the most heart-breaking death in Infinity War. I’d replace it with Thor 2 or Doctor Strange, although Thor does have the reality stone I guess.

          • streetsahead--av says:


          • mathasahumanities-av says:

            Right?Who would have thought that Shane Black wouldn’t be right for an Iron Man movie? That should have been a home run.Maybe he just has to be a hard R.writer and director. Put him and Lexi Alexander on the X-Force franchise or a Marvel Max style TV show.

          • jaecp-av says:

            I mean it kind of started the “tradition” of having the 3rd movie be wild. Would ragnarok have been as far out if 3 hadn’t paved the way?

        • gamebuff164-av says:

          It isn’t my favorite of the movies, but Winter Soldier stand alone for its nuanced story, fresh take and daring to go places we never expected it to go while at the same time mixing in some things like Batroc and Zola in ways that pleased the comic fans.  It is the movie that truly made Chris Evans into Captain America.

          • whiteebolaimporterexporter-av says:

            Dude, you selling them farts or is that only for your own consumption. This is some James Lipton level stuff 😉

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            It is my favourite MCU film but I agree with everything else you said.

      • gamebuff164-av says:

        You have to have time to catch up on your sleep, there you go. Unfortunately (or not!) the latter half is pretty much all winners leading up to a very drowsy viewing of Endgame.

        • brothergumby-av says:

          Eh, you could sleep through the two Ant Man movies if needed. They’re not essential, and plus you miss a whole lot of T.I. not knowing how to act.

        • jaecp-av says:

          Say what you will about Marvel but while they rarely reach a true A ranking none of the second half is below a B-  They are almost all B+

      • morbo4512-av says:

        Man, I must be one of the few people that liked Iron Man 2.
        Iron Man 3, not quite as much. But Iron Man 2 was fun, even if it’s in the middle tier of Marvel movies at this point. I’ve never really understood the hate for it.

        • brothergumby-av says:

          I mean, it’s not the worst.Both early Thor movies are FAR worse. And honestly the original Captain America I’d call worse just because…wooo that second half is a goddamn trainwreck of bad 2010s CGI action.But Mickey Rourke isn’t even trying and Sam Rockwell’s talent is so wasted.

          • mathasahumanities-av says:

            Really?The first Cap and Thor are far better than Iron Man 2. IM2 is the Solo of the MCU. Just a bunch of tell, don’t show setups for other movies with half the actors giving it their all and half not knowing what movie they are in.

        • wrightstuff76-av says:

          It drags a lot in the middle, which makes it feel like a chore to get through whenever I re-watch it.

      • writebastard-av says:


      • fauxcused-av says:

        He was the best part of that movie. 

      • rogerkillerpeck-av says:

        As bad as Iron Man 2 was, I still kind of love the fact that there’s the whole subplot about Whiplash’s pet bird for no other reason than that Mickey Rourke said he wanted the character to have a pet bird.

        • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

          The more I hear about the BTS on Iron Man 2, the more it feels like a strange balancing act between the studio influencing things to make sure there’s sufficient Avengers setup and the inmates running the asylum.

      • Dupe420-av says:

        these are when you nap

      • numberthirteen-av says:

        I preferred Iron Man 2 to Iron Man 3.

        There, I said it. Mk5 tin hat on.

      • ColemanSensei-av says:

        We refer to those movies as lunch and dinner breaks.

      • warriorfan400-av says:

        Yeah you won’t be too sleep deprived. Just sleep through these two. 

      • captain-splendid-av says:


      • paulthewolf-av says:

        I have a cockatoo I would totally ruin a movie with bad accents and silly weapons in order to get my bird back I would vomit rotten tomatoes all over a studio property

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Yeah, if I was a Marvel fan, I could see myself maybe watching a movie-a-day for the three weeks leading up to Endgame, but this is a bit preposterous.

      • ns930-av says:

        watching a movie-a-day for the three weeks leading up to Endgame Yeah, this definitely seems like a more comfortable and enjoyable way to get hyped up for Endgame. Or maybe host mini-marathons over weekends for friends, or something. But this just seems like a miserable experience.

      • beertown-av says:

        This is actually what A-Town and I have been doing, since I only watched these things once when they came out. Forgot how fun The Avengers is once it gets going. Still think Iron Man 3 is the best of that trilogy. Glad they stopped bleaching Chris Hemsworth’s eyebrows after the first Thor. And Guardians is up tonight – I remember being pretty underwhelmed compared to the audience I saw it with, so here we go.

      • alchalant1-av says:

        thats how im doing ittttt tonight is Avengers 1

    • toasterlad2-av says:

      Yeah, I’ll match my MCU psychosis against anyone, but I want to be wide-awake and fully engaged for Endgame.

    • hill27-av says:

      My cousin and I are planning our own rewatch over a weekend because we’re both fans. But even then we are not watching all 22. I love the movies but there are some that i’d never want to rewatch nor do it in a 59 hour sitting. 

    • blankempathy-av says:

      My contacts would probably be glued to my eyes by then. Seriously though I doubt I’d be able to see shit at that point because I’d have taken them out by then due to the pain of having them in for that long.

    • hallofreallygood-av says:

      You gotta do Ed Norton Hulk in the 2nd movie. That’s a pretty rough hill to get over right out of the gate. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I could potentially see myself watching all the films leading up to ‘Endgame’ – apart from the fact that I never want to see ‘Iron Man 3′ again – but I’d much rather do it in the comfort of my own home, over many more than 59 hours, and give myself a nice restful break before jumping in to enjoy the new film.

    • youguesseditfrankstallone-av says:

      Most people who do these expect to sleep during some movies that they’ve seen a lot. Most get to about Guardians and then they doze off for 5-6 hours.
      I’d never do this though. Apparently the theater smells like shit and BO by the time the actual final movie starts showing since people have been eating concession food and farting non-stop for 59 hours.

    • qris-av says:

      Have you not been to an Alamo before? Their food is better than most low-tier restaurant food.

    • misscashleymari-av says:

      You don’t have to lack sleep. Just nap through your least favorite movies. 

    • daisukereds-av says:

      Don’t forget living with this other disgusting mammals, their nerdy wooo sounds and their terrible smells.

    • pizzapartymadness-av says:

      As bad as Iron Man 2 is, I rewatched it recently and San Rockwell is a delight in it. Best thing about the movie.

  • hellosparky-av says:

    AMC might want to get the hang of mastering a website that can actually sell tickets for an eagerly anticipated movie first.

    • nottodayshesaid-av says:

      I was checking the app to see if tickets were on sale yet and JUST realized that the website was down and that’s why I couldn’t log on. Get your shit together AMC.

    • overg-av says:

      IMAX has been down too.  Fandango and/or actual theater locations seem to be people’s best bets today.

      • gamebuff164-av says:

        Fandango shit the bed, too – at least their links to the sites that crapped out.  Regal was fine though, after getting frustrated with AMC I went to them and it worked great.

      • shaytoon-av says:

        fandango is where i ended up buying them since cinemark wasnt working. 

      • paigeharding-av says:

        Nope, the website for my local chain (ArcLight Cinemas) crashed as well. Although not until after I got my tickets. 😉

    • toasterlad2-av says:

      In fairness to AMC, there aren’t many websites that could easily handle the demand for the most eagerly anticipated film of a generation.

    • mr-ducksauce-av says:

      I’m sorry, movie sites usually never go into the billions of people willing to flush into it, it’s not a national security site where it would have to keep up with those type of issues.
      Learn shit and grow the fuck up.

    • mr-ducksauce-av says:

      I’m sorry, movie sites usually never go into the billions of people willing to flush into it, it’s not a national security site where it would have to keep up with those type of issues.
      Learn shit and grow the fuck up.

    • im-right-on-top-of-that-rose-av says:

      I’ve been refreshing at work all day. Still no tickets. I might end up having to stop by after work tomorrow if their site and app still aren’t working.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      Yeah, I gave up on the local AMC theater and got my tickets at Silverspot. I would have preferred seeing it in IMAX, but the seats are much, much bigger and nicer at Silverspot and I’m OK with that tradeoff.

    • Nihilexistentialist-av says:

      Website goes down during abnormal peak usage caused by highly anticipated event. Truly rare!

      • hellosparky-av says:

        You’d think with it being highly anticipated, they might actually, I dunno, prepare accordingly or something. But I guess it’s just more fun to mock fans for seeking basic services like the ability to buy tickets that are advertised.

        • thefaceofterror-av says:

          Eh, the internet isn’t really their main business, and that kind of preparation isn’t trivial or cheap. Offering a service that temporarily beefs up a site’s traffic capacity might actually be an awesome business. 

        • tucker973-av says:

          I was going to reply to you with further snark, but I’ll backpedal and try to explain how things like this happen. You can’t just conjure up a bunch of extra bandwidth for something like this. There are lots of points of failure, especially in a system that’s trying to hold seats for people in multiple places across the world. Could it be designed better to handle the load? Maybe, but I don’t know how their infrastructure is set up. Even the top tech companies in the world – Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc – experience issues with there’s an incredibly high volume of requests. Ask any music fan what it’s like to try to get popular concert tickets 10 seconds after they go on sale, and Ticketmaster/Live Nation have been handling high volume web sales a lot longer than movie theaters have.It doesn’t make anything less frustrating, but it’s not as easy as waving a wand. And in the end, if you want the brutal truth, why would they give a fuck about improving your sales experience? The theaters will be sold out regardless. And you’ll probably go right back to the most convenient theater for the next big tentpole flick even if you’re salty about this. And if not? Someone else will. Again, that doesn’t make it right or less frustrating, but them’s the breaks.

        • Nihilexistentialist-av says:

          Why would they change their entire infrastructure just for this? That makes far less business sense than just having things get bogged down for a few hours. Why are you taking this so personally? Mock fans? Are you serious? This isn’t even the only way to buy tickets in the first place nor was it a permanent thing.

        • avclub-9cbac99b96b86db11c3cb9501e695e31--disqus-av says:

          No, they don’t care. There is not a limited supply and if they don’t presell the tickets now they’ll presell them in a few days when demand dies down or to walkups on show day.

      • whiteebolaimporterexporter-av says:

        Sure but to not anticipate this is shooting yourself in the dick on maximizing profit. 

      • vwwntvownovnow-av says:

        If only a cloud computing platform had the ability to automatically scale the amount of servers based on current usage patterns. You could even call it Auto Scaling..

    • seculartranshumanist-av says:

      I finally got my tickets after 5 hours, but had to go through Fandango to get tickets at an AMC theater. So much for my reward points…

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    I believe that is what they show you in hell.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Hell isn’t the movie marathon itself but having to sit next to unshowered strangers filling themselves with popcorn and hotdogs for 59 hours.

      • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

        And constantly talking over each movie about what it did differently than the original comic.

      • jimtaggartphonypope-av says:

        Reginald VelJohnson already mentioned the Butt Fuck Sluts Go Nuts marathon a couple posts up. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Nah, Hell is a DCEU marathon that never ends and excludes ‘Wonder Woman’.

      • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

        It’s basically just the Ayer and Snyder movies.

        Fuck it. I’ll go to bat for Aquaman being entertaining, if ever so delightfully dumb.

  • decgeek-av says:

    AMC? So 22 Marvel movies at approximately 2 hours a piece for a total of 44 hours. So a 59 hour marathon means 15 hours of commercials or about 1/4 of the time. I think I will pass.

    • miraelh-av says:

      It’s actually nearly 47 hours (because only a handful are under 2 hours) for what’s out including Captain Marvel and adding Endgame comes to roughly 50 hours. The rest of the time would be for breaks to allow the next film to be set up and for people to get concessions, which would be roughly 25-30 minutes each. Whenever I’ve done this sort of thing before, the screen has just been blank while the next movie gets set up.

      • decgeek-av says:

        Oh. AMC Theaters.  I was thinking about having to sit through hours of Fear the Walking Dead promos. 

        • chobaniyogurt-av says:

          I initially thought they were talking about the cable network too, and thought, ‘Isn’t that what DVRs are for? Why not just set the DVR so you can take a shower and y’know, eat a meal?’

      • asynonymous3-av says:

        Does seem like one would have to take a wizz or get a snack every once-in-awhile……speaking of which, does AMC have food other than popcorn and candy? Otherwise you’re going to have some serious intestinal issues.

        • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

          Some are “dine in” theaters, where you can order drinks and bar food (like burgers, wraps, flatbreads).

        • bleepbloop1985-av says:

          Jesus, right? I’ve spent the last couple of months changing to a “real food” diet that doesn’t consist of candies and sodas. Indulging that one night I go see a movie isn’t bad, but damn, I’d fuckin’ fall right off the wagon there unless I left to go get real food.

        • petemwilson-av says:

          The Star Trek marathon theaters had pizza delivered to the lobby and sold.

          • asynonymous3-av says:

            I could dig that; they should get vendors to walk around the theater selling pizza slices and beer. I know I’d sit in one place for 50+ hours if people kept bringing me beer and pizza.Gotta hate it for the employees, though; wonder how many large cups of urine and / or used adult diapers they have to pickup afterwards from the hardcore nerds.

      • blastprocessing-av says:

        How does the theater smell after about 24 hours?

    • pinkkittie27-av says:

      The movie theater chain, not the TV channel

    • mr-ducksauce-av says:

      Your ability to understand things is the same ability to learning to read properly. You won’t even make it past the door so don’t even talk like you had any will to step into this situation.

    • serveradministrator-av says:

      I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought this.I don’t think I’ve heard of AMC Theatres before a few minutes ago.

    • malaoshi-av says:

      You gotta shit sometime. Or not. I mean, you do you. 

  • toshiro-solo-av says:

    So I did the AMC marathons for both the original Avengers and for Age of Ultron. The original Avengers marathon was one of the best theatrical experiences I’ve ever had. No one was sure if Avengers was going to work, so there was palpable excitement about it, but also a bit of trepidation. There were “only” 5 movies leading up to the Avengers, so it was a long day, but it wasn’t nuts. People cheered every time Coulson showed up, people cheered for Fury, etc. By the time Avengers hit, everyone was amped to 10, and the movie played so well that I literally couldn’t hear dialogue at certain points due to people laughing and cheering so hard (think Hulk rag-dolling Loki). It was SO much fun.When Age of Ultron came around, I expected AMC to do a new marathon of the Phase II movies. When they announced that it would be ALL of the pre-AoU movies, I was not convinced that it was a good idea, but my now-wife was all in, so we went. I would NOT recommend it. By the time AoU actually hit the screen, I was only semi-lucid at best, and I honestly didn’t know what I thought of the movie when it was over, because I was not really properly conscious for it.This thing? 22 movies? Nope. Nope nope nopedy nope.

    • etzell1-av says:

      I would be so annoyed if I watched movies for an entire day just to not hear chunks of the movie I was there to see in the first place.

      • wafflezombie-av says:

        The midnight screening of Avengers that I went to was also laughing so loud at the Loki ragdoll that I didn’t even realize Hulk said something until I saw it again.  I don’t care, that particular movie screening is probably my favorite in theatre experience ever.

    • hallofreallygood-av says:

      Would you be surprised if I told you the Brooklyn Alamo Drafthouse was already sold out?I don’t think I could even set aside 59 hours without being fired and my wife initiating divorce proceedings. But I had a hunch it was already sold out, and yeah. Long gone. 

      • jg721-av says:

        For 59 hours? I think that says more about your job security and your marriage than it does the marathon. 

      • MyRottingBrain-av says:

        At least at Alamo you can order meals and get drunk, then sober up and get drunk again and then sober up again before Endgame starts.

      • warriorfan400-av says:

        Yeah I have like 3 AMC theaters in my area and I couldn’t find a showing at any one of them so either they weren’t showing at the theaters where I am (Big-ish city so that’s kinda doubtful) or it was already sold out.

      • jaecp-av says:

        Perhaps they simply dont mind showing up super late and just watching the final phases movies? 135 is the cost of 10 tickets more or less so you’d not be overpaying that much and it would be a better more focused experience

    • tvs_frank-av says:

      You’re supposed to sleep through Thor: The Dark World and Age of Ultron.  And, let’s be honest, Guardians of the Galaxy because you already saw it 30 times.

      • roughroughsaidhangoverdog-av says:

        Dark World, yes, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep though Age of Ultron. Spader’s synthesized voice makes me feel sproingy-sproing in my pants.

      • bammontaylor-av says:

        This. There are loads of places to grab a quick nap in this marathon. Hulk and IM2 are back to back so that would be a good time to sleep for four hours or so, but it’s super early in the night so you’re probably not tired yet.IM3 and Thor 2 are movies 7 and 8 so there’s a good time for like a four-hour nap. (Longer, if you cut out when the Avengers credits roll, it’s not like we need to see the post-credits sequences, right?)Finally, you probably just saw Infinity War, AM&tW, and Captain Marvel recently so time for a good long sleep until Endgame, and there you go!

    • TheBFG-av says:

      I did AMC’s Star Wars marathon for the Force Awakens, so the original six plus TFW…I stupidly thought smuggling in some beer would help (it did help me sleep through the Phantom Menace and part of Attack of the Clones, so I guess it did its job). Anyway, it was fucking terrible. By the time the movie I hadn’t seen came on I was delirious, half-drunk, and barely awake. I had to go back and see it again like a week later because I couldn’t remember half of it.

      That seemed excessive…this…ugh….

      • sassinak11-av says:

        You realize, that’s the plan..By the time you get to the “feature presentation” you are in mo condition to take it in, let alone remember it.. so basically you are going to see it at least twice, if not 3 times just to take it all in.

        • TheBFG-av says:

          Oh I realized that after, I just had more faith in my ability to endure 20+ hours of Star Wars while drinking heavily.

      • toshiro-solo-av says:

        I actually also did the marathon for TFA, and although it wasn’t as much fun as the first Avengers, I didn’t think that one was terrible in terms of being zonked out for the new movie.  They did something weird for that one, though; it started at like 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning or something, so I was mainly only tired through the prequels, which – not exactly a huge loss.

      • bammontaylor-av says:

        We watched the Prequel Trilogy recently to see if we were exaggerating how bad it was.It was even worse than we remembered.

        • pizzapartymadness-av says:

          I did that a few years ago and came to the surprising conclusion that Phantom Menace was actually the best of them.

      • jonboywonder-av says:

        we did it as well. i slept through portions of 1,2,& 6, not by choice. the subconscious is a beautiful thing 😉

    • tucker973-av says:

      I can’t imagine doing that many in a row in a theater. My biggest marathon in a theater was Final Destination 1-3 (got a press screening) and that was a long-ass time to be in a theater. At home, I once did a LoTR extended edition marathon and that was just hell by the end. I can’t imagine anything like what you’re describing, and this thing sounds like a literal death wish.

    • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

      As far as the Fathom events go, the only one I ever did was the Indiana Jones marathon (and to be fair, we skipped out for Crystal Skull.)

      Besides that…every year, one of the arthouse theaters here does a 12 hour horror marathon the last Saturday before Halloween. I think that’s as far as I’m willing to take it. 6-8 movies, many often only about 90 minutes so there’s plenty of opportunities to get up, walk around, stretch, etc.

      • toshiro-solo-av says:

        Yeah, that’s about my limit, too.  That’s an event, it’s a fun day, but it’s just that – a day.

    • spoolingturbo-av says:

      I’ve been to AMC’s Best Picture Showcase (where they show all of the movies nominated for Best Picture) 6 years running now. I think I’ve stayed awake for all 24 hours once. And these are movies I haven’t seen before! I can’t imagine 22 movies. That would be complete and utter torture. 

    • petemwilson-av says:

      I did the Star Trek 25th Anniversary marathon that showed the first five films in order (the sixth wasn’t out until the end of the year) and previewed six, and that was a long time to sit in a theater.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      “the movie played so well that I literally couldn’t hear dialogue at certain points due to people laughing and cheering so hard”Hell is other people.

  • turbotastic-av says:

    If you stay up for the whole thing, you’re going to start hallucinating around the time you get to Civil War. That’s when you unlock the secret, improved version of these movies, where Iron Man is a singing hamburger, Thor is best friends with a tiny flying hippopotamus, and everything in Doctor Strange looks normal.

  • nilus-av says:

    I don’t understand the point of this at all. I love these movies, I kinda want to marathon them. But maybe two a night is max.  

  • shadowpryde-av says:

    Both marathons will kick off with 2008’s IronEd Norton Hulk sad….

  • lakeneuron-av says:

    The words “theater chain” needed to be in the first graf or two — you can get a surprisingly long way through the story not sure whether the movies will be playing at an AMC theater or whether they’ll be telecast on the home of “The Walking Dead” and “Better Call Saul.”

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      That was my first thought when I clicked this article: “Oh, AMC’s going to air all the Marvel movies in a row? That might be worth tuning into a couple of times…”Completely changes when you find out it’s in a theater.

    • b-lee33-av says:

      Dafuq is a “graf”….?? 🤨

      • lakeneuron-av says:

        Sorry. Newspaper jargon. I work at a small-town newspaper.

        • tucker973-av says:

          And like any good small-town newspaper or blog, you still didn’t explain things to the reader… like how “graf” is newsroom shorthand for “paragraph” and AMC was AMC theaters.  😉

        • rogerkillerpeck-av says:

          Don’t apologize for his cultural illiteracy.  He should have been able to figure it out from context alone.

          • dystonia69-av says:

            How arrogant. Now people are supposed to automatically figure out “graf” means “paragraph”? Especially since it’s not even shortened correctly, and changes letters around? I think you should apologize for such idiocy.

      • drzarnack-av says:

        Its a German aristocratic rank equal to a count. 

  • chicosbailbonds-av says:

    It might be helpful to inform your audience that AMC is only doing this at three of their theaters – one in Manhattan, one in Chicago, and one in San Francisco.ETA: Oh, and a ticket to the Chicago marathon will set you back $125.  

    • shoeboxjeddy-av says:

      That means they’re selling you tickets for under $6 a movie. By any big city price, that’s extremely fair. Not that I’d recommend any human try this…

    • ColemanSensei-av says:

      Wait, you mean they actually do research for an article and provide information? Where do you think you are, sir!

  • phillamos-av says:

    This reminds me of when Butt Fuck Sluts Go Nuts vol. 14 came out and the local theater ran all 13 previous Butt Fuck Sluts Go Nuts films in the BFSGN-iverse the day before. Took an hour and a half.

  • shoeboxjeddy-av says:

    Please mulch one of your writers into this mill so that we can hear about it. Or don’t, that might be some kind of union violation.

  • toronto-will-av says:

    My luck, I’d settle into my seat to discover a kid behind me who kicks my seat, a person to my left constantly chewing chips and celery sticks and a person to my right who insists on making small talk. Movies only being 2 hours long is good and merciful.

    • brainlock-2-av says:

      I had someone at …Panther? who had some nasty ass smelling relish or something on their hot dog. Grandma took her sweet time eating it, too. 

  • slander-av says:

    I can think of worse ways to commit suicide.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    I could definitely do 2-3 movies a night for 10 days or so but I’ll wait for the massive DVD box set to watch all of them at once

  • miked1954-av says:

    I hear the conservative supreme court just made torture legal in the US. So now you can force people to watch all those Fantastic 4 and Spiderman movies without fear of legal repercussions.

    • rogerkillerpeck-av says:

      Fantastic 4 and all but one Spider-Man movie (Spider-Man: Homecoming) won’t be part of this since they aren’t part of the MCU.

  • Chris1970-av says:

    Shit. I misread this as the cable channel AMC. 

  • brentisangry-av says:

    I can already smell the bathrooms.This is going to be a bad scene.

  • bs-leblanc-av says:

    When did Marvel start making movies? Huh, I might have to check these out.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    Wait, it’s AMC the theater? I figured it was AMC the network and you could just DVR the whole thing and watch at your liesure.This is hardcore.

  • Duke3250-av says:

    Are we still pretending these movies are good?

  • largenz1-av says:

    I mean, I get wanting to catch up on the MCU, but…

  • lobster9-av says:

    The only theatre marathon I have ever done was the Nolan batman trilogy at a Movie Tavern. I observed three main things:

    1. A room full of people ordering and eating full meals is a terrible environment to watch a new movie.2. Discount office chairs rolling around on exposed wood is probably not what directors imagine when they design their soundscapes.3. Watching two films you already know well right before a sequel you watch for the first time can sully your experience of the latter. It heightens the part of your mind that wants to judge it against the aesthetic of the previous two entries.

    • b-lee33-av says:

      Those are the most overrated (they aren’t even mediocre) superhero movies ever created. What a waste of precious life hours. That should be the only lesson you learned from that…ahem…experience.

  • nowayjose503-av says:

    It won’t be so exhausting knowing you can skip out on “The Hulk” and “Thor: Dark World”.

    • rogerkillerpeck-av says:

      Skipping the Hulk film doesn’t help much with sleep/recovery given that it’s only the second movie in the series.

  • flyingofficerbiggles-av says:

    I thought the Turner cable networks were already a MCU marathon.

  • shaytoon-av says:

    interesting to see that the amc in california thats doing this is in SF and not LA. 

  • RminusQ-av says:

    I thought this was AMC, the television channel, at first, and I was like “hmm, sounds interesting”. But paying $125 to spent 2 1/2 days in a movie theatre (and presumably paying another $100 for a popcorn and a Buncha Crunch to tide you over for those 2 1/2 days) is dumb as hell and I’m not surprised that the NYC location is half-sold already.

  • signofthenine-av says:

    So looking at Alamo prices, it breaks down to only $6.14 a movie, or $135 total. But this also reminds me of those gaming cafes overseas where they find someone has died during the marathon session.

  • aubinthemagnus-av says:

    You know, I did a marathon like this for The Force Awakens, and while I loved that marathon experience… 22 movies is too much. Toooooooo much.

  • gookmasterflex-av says:

    And then I saw this ad, right under the article. How fitting.

  • anon11135-av says:

    This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Think about how much that’s saying these days.-An Anonymous Nerd

  • roger-murdock-av says:

    That’s a lot of pisses I would have to take.

  • SlowpokeTexas-av says:

    Not as good as showing all episodes of Rich Man, Poor Man, as described in Beautiful Girls.

  • evenbaggiertrousers7-av says:

    We’re sort of doing this at home. We’re watching the movies in chronological order, that is, the order in which the events in the film happen (Captain America first, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, etc.) However most of the online lists I’ve found have Captain Marvel last, which is ridiculous since it takes place before most of the other films (1990s). The only reason I can see them listing it last is that the post-credit scene wouldn’t make any sense.

  • rbaily3-av says:

    Wow! 59 hours of Marvel movies! And only 24 hours of commercials! Yay?

  • morbo4512-av says:

    Can we get a listing of the theaters that are doing this?
    I don’t want to go. I just want to make sure I don’t get one of the first couple of showings after the marathon, before they’ve had a chance to fumigate the place following three days of Marvel fanboys sweating, farting and doing God knows what else in those comfy leather recliners.

  • sunchips4life-av says:

    Hopefully Thanos kills them all and we can be done with Superhero movies.

  • jagerbomber9-av says:

    I’ll be asleep after Iron Man.

  • fatneckbeard-av says:

    MCU is a legit cult and it scares me

  • w00dm4n-av says:

    I used to think watching the LOTR Extended editions back to back to back was rough when adding in the Hobbit Extended editions as well but this…this is crazy

  • shadestalker-av says:

    The worst part of a 56 hour superhero movie marathon full of truly raving fans?

  • dburns7-av says:

    There’s plenty of breaks built in.  Thor 2, Iron Man 3, Dr. Strange…

  • MCAJayhawk-av says:

    But, they’re not doing it chronologically, so it’s not //Ultra Nerd\. This is a thing, so say my “friends.”
    Seems like something fun to do over a few months, but it’s like the bastard version of the people that are re-watching Game of Thrones early seasons right now.

    “I watched a billion hours of Jon Snow being too stupid to understand why he’s got a stupid look on his face when Tyrion dies. I rewatched 27 epidosdes last month!”That’s not closure, it’s addiction.

  • jimtaggartphonypope-av says:

    Not counting commercials, that will be almost 25 hours of movies!

  • pdxcosmo-av says:

    If this were a concert, everyone would get to pee during Thor: The Dark World.

  • rhgoiasrhgoihfgoifsdhoi-av says:

    Did the person who supposedly went to Infinity War a hundred times actually give any proof?

  • anotherburnersorry-av says:

    this is how we got Trump

  • AnotherTallguy-av says:

    Why not do 21 days of a film each?The only Star Wars marathon (pre-special editions) that I enjoyed did this.

  • millennialtears-av says:

    Rather watch the blu rays and skip the commercials.

  • oldsaturn-av says:

    That bulge is a vicious stereotype.

  • tazer79-av says:

    I bet the smell in these theaters will be one for the ages.

  • Ruga-av says:

    Oh how I’d love to participate in something like this at least once in my life. But we don’t get those kind of events here (Switzerland). Closest we get is an Infinity War/Endgame double feature starting on 24.4 at 07:00 am – so Endgame at 10:00 am. I’d be totally down for more movies in a row though. I read lots of blogs/experience reports from the Infinity War marathon last year and it sounded like a “great” experience. Friendships were made which is great. Only downside is the lack of showers 😛

  • sassinak11-av says:

    Are they doing any intermissions?.. I mean I like Marvel, but I’m not wearing a diaper, doing a catheter, or installing an IV.  I mean I’ve done it for other poker games.. but movies?..

  • beertown-av says:

    Surprised no one’s written a single-location horror thriller where a bunch of people go fucking crazy, trapped inside a theater during one of these Marvel marathons.

  • littlebitsofgaming-av says:

    After staying awake for that long, you’ll begin to see hallucinations and maybe that will help you think that Black Panther was good…

  • justwatching2k12-av says:

    More like… “say hello to sleep”. Bazinga.

  • estrode-av says:

    Three letters – DVR

  • golgoth-av says:

    What a dumb way to die.

  • hebroohammr-av says:

    People keep writing about this like it’s an actual thing that the theater chain is just showing along with the regular movies. As far as I can tell it’s at 3 AMCs out of 380. 

  • broadwayblues67-av says:

    “MCU fans care little about maintaining healthy vitamin D levels or normal sleep patterns…”I enjoyed this article or news item or whatever, post; but this comment is:trite. cliche. corny. stuffy. boring. from another time, perhaps the fifties. Something your grandfather would say. etc.The part about having the ability to watch an MCU movie a gazillion times, uh. yeah. Good point

  • DonaldPatrickMynack-av says:

    Sleep during the first two Thors, Age of Ultron, and the slow 2nd act of Captain Marvel, and you will be fine.

  • wookietim-av says:

    After Endgame I am basically done with the MCU. I am sure that other good movies will come out of it but Endgame just feels like a natural ending point to me. Unless they actually find a way to make a good Fantastic Four movie, that is. That I’ll watch.But, to be entirely honest, I am getting tired of cinematic universes. I think I’d rather focus on stand alone movies that don’t have to tie into 19 other movies and run trailers for the next 19 within their time onscreen. 

    • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

      This is where I think DC is currently on the right track. Besides walking off the almost absurdly dour feel of their first batch of films, WW and Aquaman both worked because the shout-outs are, at best, little nods to a larger setting. They didn’t feel like you had to have done cinematic homework to enjoy them. Just take them on their own merits and enjoy the ride.

      • wookietim-av says:

        Trust me – see Shazam. It’s one of the most fun movies I have seen out of DC or Marvel and while it has links to the DCEU (Or whatever they call it this week) it doesn’t spend any time making those links very major. 

  • philadlj-av says:

    Nah, you can take sleep breaks during the following:The Incredible HulkIron Man 2Iron Man 3Thor: The Dark WorldAvengers: Age of UltronI’ve just never felt the need to watch them a second time…

  • ginsuvictim-av says:

    People smell bad enough at the first showing of a movie. I wouldn’t want to show up for Endgame if there’s going to 22 movies worth of increasing BO build-up.

  • SheriffOfAmericanDouchetown-av says:

    Pfh. A 59 hour (and 7 minute) marathon of MCU movies. Try making it through one 2 hour+ sitting of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. That will really test your restraint and resiliency!

  • SheriffOfAmericanDouchetown-av says:

    For those less inclined to sit through 59 hours and 7 minutes of Marvel movies, in New York, they’re showing at AMC Lincoln Square The Dark Knight Trilogy in IMAX 70mm! You can sit through 8 hours of amazing DC movies! I think it’s next Saturday. Why did they pick the 2nd week of April, during the “summer” movie season, as opposed to the last week of August or first week of September is beyond me.AMC had a Dark Knight Trilogy marathon the night The Dark Kight Rises was released, and it was fucking awesome. The difference is that wasn’t in IMAX or IMAX 70mm. Definitely worth seeing if you can. Starts at 12pm.

  • herecomedatboi-av says:

    Christ, nevermind.

  • joplin12-av says:

    Opposed to doing this in the comforts of my own home… And at my leisure…

  • Kugelblitz-av says:

    LoTR trilogy Tuesday was doable, all the original Planet of the Apes (drive-in) was challenging but this is an ultra marathon of viewing.

  • kirbysdreamland-av says:

    I can smell the theater in my head…. no thanks

  • Spoooon-av says:

    “All audience goers will be issued a ludovico headset. Rest assured that all patrons will not undergo any stress conditioning during the show. “

  • dchristien-av says:

    Oh AMC. Call me back when you play the Blade Trilogy.

  • losty5-av says:

    I can’t imagine a worse idea. 

  • AssButt37-av says:

    People are going to poop their pants. 

  • ender89-av says:

    This is silly, they should show them in chronological order with all the marvel tv shows thrown in.

  • MD2-av says:

    The entire theater will be like…

  • jeddank-av says:

    Wait, AMC is going to show Captain Marvel? That’d be convenient if so.

  • e007-av says:

    For $135 I could buy them all and watch them over several days and get better food and be able to pee whenever I wanted without missing anything.

  • coolman13355-av says:

    I may like the MCU enough that I own every movie between IM1 and Ant-Man 2 on Blu and have seen Captain Marvel more than once in theaters (though it certainly isn’t top tier MCU). That being said just no. If I had option before the 1st Avengers I would’ve gladly done it. Even a full rewatch before Ultron would be out of hand. This is just ridiculous.

  • ekimyllek-av says:

    Only available in New York for Alamo and NY, Chicago and San Francisco for AMC.

  • xyling-av says:


  • AssembledAvenger-av says:

    What order are they being shown in?  Release order?  Chronological?

  • uyarndog-av says:

    I’m only mad because you snatched the low-hanging fruit of referencing Thor: Dark World as the go-to nap-through movie before anyone else could.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    HulkIron Man 2Thor 1 and 2Avengers 2No way I want to watch any of those in a theater again.Heck Ant Man 1 and 2 are good but I don’t want to watch them in the theater again either same with GOG 2.

  • scoffin91-av says:

    What is the correct order to watch these in if I wanted to do it myself? Including even the bad ones.

  • mouf-av says:

    I still cant make it through Age of Ultron

  • CityHunter-av says:

    I have a feeling that there will be a news story of someone dying during this marathon and no one noticed until it was time to leave.

  • timebobby-av says:

    Nobody is gonna watch this whole thing, except maybe some Twitch streamer.

  • droopdrawersabbey-av says:

    Hello to sleep.

  • TheExplainer-av says:

    Can we get Topher Grace to boil this down to the most essential twenty or so hours?

  • miked1954-av says:

    I can imagine after hour eleven you will start to confuse with vertical blue pillar of fire opening onto another dimension is which.

  • mantony-av says:

    I have a great idea: Why not just watch FX, TNT, TBS and a pay channel of your choice, you can see just about ALL the movies for FREE? They run them ad infinitum EVERY bloody weekend. Didn’t mind seeing Winter Soldier this past Sunday though. It’d been a while.

  • captainmiles--av says:


  • red-reign-av says:

    Protagonists win. Save yourself some hours.

  • ColemanSensei-av says:

    El Capitan here in Los Angeles (owned by Disney), put up their 22-hour marathon yesterday but I didn’t open the email soon enough. BAM! Sold out.

    This AMC one is only showing in three theaters. Other than the $125 cost of tickets, I’d have to drive up to San Francisco. Ha!

    We did the original 15-hour marathon leading up to the first Avengers and it was definitely worth it, though it began to smell like a geek-filled locker room about halfway through.  

  • jenziebenzie-av says:

    I did this right before Civil War, 23.2 hours. I practically kicked everyone out of my house and couldn’t even look at them after. It was A LOT. 

  • volantedesign-av says:

    But how much are the tickets.

  • averas06-av says:

    these theaters will fucking reek im sure…enjoy 

  • richardtackett-av says:

    I watched all of the Marvel movies in a row in the weeks leading up to Infinity War. The only thing it did was remind me that there are only like three MCU movies (at most four) that are actually good movies with a somewhat discernible director’s vision.

  • shipman7-av says:

    Back in 2003 I was an assistant manager of a threatre that put on a Lord of the Rings marathon ahead of The Return of the King. It was the extended versions of the first two, followed by the theatrical version of RotK, so maybe 10ish hours. When it was over that auditorium was fucking rank.  The folks that clean up after this marathon are gonna need hazmat suits.

  • Mr-PLP-av says:

    oh… AMC THEATERS. I was thinking of the AMC TV channel while reading the article the whole time and thinking to myself “how did they get the rights to all these movies?”.Makes sense now… (maybe I should take a nap myself)

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Just nap through The Dark World and both Ant Man movies, and you’re golden.

  • Zooperman-av says:

    I love Marvel movies, but a marathon this long will have people dropping dead like a 25 year old kid in an Internet cafe in Seoul. 

  • EricShawnNovelist-av says:

    I have only three words for anyone who plans to sit in one of those theater seats for that long:

    Deep Vein Thrombosis

  • k7c-av says:

    I can’t decide which is more awful – trying to watch 59 hours of blockbuster movies without a pee break, or having to watch 3 hours of any movie in an Alamo Drafthouse…

  • barada-nikto-byotch-av says:

    Sees “AMC Marvel movie marathon”…checks date, gets ready to clear up some DVR space…realizes “AMC” is in reference to the movie theater chain, not the cable network…Have at it, for those that can do the movie marathon thing in a theater. Hell, I couldn’t do it for any two such franchise films, regardless of how much I might’ve liked them.

  • bassmanstarman-av says:

    Luckily they are not doing this on the AMC channel or it would be stretched out to 118 hours imma right? AMC = Alot More Commercials

  • ferrando44-av says:

    Au contraire, this would put me to sleep in 28 minutes. 

  • larrydoby-av says:

    Will this include that Hulk movie with Edward Norton that everyone forgot about?

  • noviestream-av says:


  • dougpatep-av says:

    This, i would not pay for. What I will pay for is a 10 hour synopsis of all the movies with key dialogue/moments, the fight and visual effects sequences. I would pay $125 for that.

  • bloviated-scorpion-av says:

    What about Men in Black?

  • sonnet2018-av says:

    In college, I went to a movie marathon of all 3 LOTR movies (theatrical versions only) for like, 9-9.5 hours. The post-movies conversation I had with an exchange student at the bus stop was easily the most I’ve been incoherent while still being sober 

  • sockpuppet77-av says:

    Ok, so what would you take with you? My list. Toothbrush/paste, deodarant, baby wipes, dry shampoo spray (absorbs the grease in your hair)/hairbrush, phone, large power banks, noise cancelling headphones for when you need to sleep, maybe an eye mask/neck pillow if you’ve got room in your purse. And money, oh my god will you need money.

  • Kissell13-av says:

    Love it, horrible idea.  I predict 2 deaths.  One from exhaustion/lack of fluid intake and one heart attack from 28 energy drinks.

  • grimwood-av says:

    After seeing the abysmal Captain marvel (ok, I watched it until the end, Black Panther I stopped after 15 minutes at home), I wouldn’t even watch any Marvel movie if I got money for it.

  • banned2theshadows-av says:

    Man that is going to smell.

  • tanker-captain-av says:
  • rkieru-av says:

    My preferred method of binge-watching the MCU is downstairs in my basement, where I have a surround sound system, comfortable furniture, and a 120″ projection screen.Amazing how much more enjoyable a binge-watch is when you have a pause button, access to your own toilet instead of a communal bacteria room, and the ability to order takeout.

  • pat12-av says:

    I am wondering why the author is pretending as if AMC doesn’t serve food and drinks. :/

  • reasonablypricedbreakfastsandwich-av says:

    So, sleep during Thor 2?

  • local-man-elsewhere-av says:

    I’d rather watch a 59 hour loop of paint drying…. 

  • elkabongola-av says:

    Man those theatres are going to reek after that

  • suertezorro-av says:

    Why wouldn’t you sleep during Iron Man 2, Thor 2, and Hulk? Maybe Ant Man too?

  • forfuckssakestfu-av says:

    Has anyone got a list of all the movies in the order they will be played? I’d really really like to know why every time I watch a new Marvel film certain aspects are presented as established fact while I have no clue wtf they’re going on about. Iron Man 2008 is 1st. After that, I am lost.Some please point me to a chronological list!

  • agb5-av says:

    Those free refills on the popcorn and soda might finally be worth it. 

  • Vexorg-av says:

    The good news is that you can probably sleep through Iron Man 2 and 3.

  • thepsycolddaily-av says:

    This might have been awesome news in 1997 when people cared about movies being on network television, but who in the fuck would bother sitting through edited movies that are twice as long because of commercials in 2019?

  • misterwin1310-av says:

    Nope. The proper place to start a Marvel movie marathon is Blade, or maybe Generation X.

  • oldmanlight-av says:

    just imagine the smell in that room of anyone who would sign up for watching all these movies back to back. Then add 2 and half more days of farts, energy drink belches and not taking a shower on top of it.

  • lordzorch-av says:

    You can safely skip a number of them: Iron Man 2, first couple Thor movies, Captain Marvel, etc.

  • fauxbravo-av says:

    I did the phase one marathon leading up to the first Avengers. That was too much. I can’t imagine sitting through all these, though do know I’d have plenty of time to sleep as many of them aren’t that great.

  • redplaid-av says:

    I’ll pass, I can do this at home. I don’t care where you are, 59 hours in a theater is going to smell like burnt butter popcorn, flat soda, feet, butts, and you’ll be ankle deep in trash left on the floor.

  • NoirSon-av says:

    I don’t understand why people would do this to themselves. Watching the movies over a period of time with healthy breaks for life, food and sleep, great but marathon sessions like this are insane. Even if you sleep through some of the more recently watched or less enjoyable movies, the type of smells in that theater after 2 plus days…

  • parkerpeters-av says:

    This seems like another one of MK Ultra’s mind games.  Gonna be a hard pass from me.  

  • robottea-av says:

    Can actually help you out:nap/eat/shower during all iron man movies, first two Thor Movies. (and really Avengers/Age of Ultron)

  • SneakyBawls-av says:

    What does some insanity like this even cost?

  • SenorValasco-av says:

    I thought AMC was a network?

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