Scientists to eviscerate Trump in COVID doc Totally Under Control: "The truth will make you sick"

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Scientists to eviscerate Trump in COVID doc Totally Under Control: "The truth will make you sick"
Donald Trump on the White House lawn on Sept. 30, less than 48 hours before he announced his COVD-19 diagnosis Photo: Drew Angerer

Just hours after former reality TV host Donald Trump announced he and his wife tested positive for COVID-19, Neon released the very dramatic trailer for Totally Under Control, Ophelia Harutyunyan, Suzanne Hillinger, and Alex Gibney’s upcoming documentary about the Trump administration’s coronavirus pandemic response. “This film was made in secrecy over the last five months,” reads a title card during the trailer. “Three directors interviewed countless scientists, medical professionals, and government officials on the inside to uncover the truth.” [We didn’t bold that last bit, the trailer did.—Ed.]

“We, the scientists, knew what to do for the pandemic response. The plan was in front of us, but leadership would not do it,” says Dr. Rick Bright, soberingly sounding like a Jeff Goldblum character trying to warn others in a disaster movie. “It is time to lay our careers on the line and push back.”

Dr. Bright actually already put his career on the line in May, when the former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority filed a whistleblower complaint alleging that the Trump administration ignored his warnings about the COVID-19 pandemic and that he was moved to a new position in retaliation. Dr. Bright’s sentiments are echoed in the trailer by other scientists and health officials: “Political leaders caused avoidable death and destruction.” “The scientists sounded the alarm every day the us government was doing nothing.” “Its complete bullshit. He has no idea what he’s talking about.”

Edited like the latest horror thriller (which it kind of is), the trailer culminates with an ominous message, “the truth will make you sick,” before concluding with what all good trailers include, the central figure saying the title of the film: “We have it totally under control.”

Donald and Melania Trump are expected to complete a full 14-day quarantine after their positive diagnoses on Friday.

Totally Under Control will be available on-demand on Apple TV+, iTunes, Amazon, Fandango Now, Google Play, YouTube, Vudu, and other digital services on Oct. 13; it will hit Hulu on Oct. 20.


  • harrydeanlearner-av says:
  • precognitions-av says:

    turns out he’s a bad person

  • treeves15146-av says:

    Please explain how everywhere else in the world (that are telling the truth which exempts China, Russia and many asian countries) have the exact same infection rate and death rate as America? Everyone praised Europe’s “response” and Covid is back just as bad as ever there. It is a “NOVEL” virus never seen before, they are still figuring out how to treat it. The WHO and CDC did not even say to wear masks until April and said not to.
    America has 320 million people. Spain has 40 million. If you add up France, Spain, the UK, Italy, Ireland and western europe so it equals about 320 million people (as America), the total dead are..about 190,000. (and rising now faster than in America)  The same. So what exactly did America not do that would have made any difference?

    • happyinparaguay-av says:

      Sounds like you’ll have to watch the movie and find out!

      • treeves15146-av says:

        No. I do not like conspiracy theories no matter who does them. It is dangerous to tell people that lost love ones that “the government” could have done something (or like 9/11 truthers, shameless say the government did it) when it is nonsense. There is no evidence at all connecting Trump spouting optimistic nonsense to Faucci, the taskforce, the CDC, every state or any other hospital in America not doing everything they could. There is no connection at all.

        • turk182-av says:

          um, yeah, Faucci and trump are both on tape saying that it was dangerous and they downplayed (misled) the American people regarding masks as to not cause panic or a shortness of PPE for medical professionals.You’re right, we will never know what might have been, but we know calling it a hoax and doing very little didn’t work.

    • lordburleigh-av says:

      They were hit before the United States was.

      • treeves15146-av says:

        By what, a few weeks?  And the death rate and infection rate are still the same everywhere. 

        • lordburleigh-av says:

          The US is much geographically larger than the countries you just listed, which has an epidemiological effect.I mean, if the point is that Trump’s mockery of certain advice, messing around with the CDC and WHO, and promotion of unproven treatments directly influenced the rate of infection for the worse, that’s hard to say on a large scale. But there are correlations such as the hotspot surge in Tulsa following his rally.If, additionally, the point is that on a local level medical professionals did everything they could and very likely dramatically reduced the infection and fatality rates than they could have been, that seems probable to me. If, for instance, the Trump administration hadn’t eventually gotten on the side of lockdowns, I’m sure it would’ve been worse, but it did take them longer than it did for most local-level governments. That’s less a matter of a lapse in practical effect and one of moral leadership.

          • treeves15146-av says:

            The federal government cannot order “lockdowns”. It would be unconstitutional. 

          • lordburleigh-av says:

            I didn’t say they should have tried to order them. “On the side of” means saying local orders are a good idea.

          • ooklathemok1994-av says:

            Killing my parents because you’re too fucking dumb to wear a mask is also unconstitutional. Other examples of laws that clearly break your dumber than dogshit argument. -speed limits, seat belt laws, yelling fire in a public place, taking your dick out and waving it at kids, shooting a gun up into the air while dancing a jig, drunk driving, drinking and flying a plane, fucking a dogYour freedom ends when you endanger yourself and others.

          • treeves15146-av says:

            None of your examples do that.  You sound angry and this is how people like you usually argue.  Bye

          • ooklathemok1994-av says:

            I’ll consider you not spewing any more bullshit as a win. And also my argument was better, so another win.

          • hell-iph-i-kno-av says:

            you speak the bullshit. You deal in conspiracies but you just toss out your assertions & statements without anything to back them up. You’re worthless to even attempt to engage.  You want to have a discussion, we’ll then start stating some facts and cite your sources rather than post like a pompous jackassed know it all. You don’t know shit.

          • wilderhair2-av says:

            Fuck off troll.

        • trigdiscipline-av says:

          They aren’t. You are lying.  You do realize that people collect and publicly release actual data on this, right?

    • zgberg-av says:

      They cut the pandemic response team’s budget the year before. They did not listen to the scientists. They did not administer testing fast enough. Our government failed, plain and simple. If you do not realize this, you are blind and or ignorant. Sure, we would have had deaths, but not like this. We would probably be in a phase of stamping out local outbreaks instead of seeing it continually rise and never fall below a certain point. The government willfully kept things open because they chose economy over lives. There is nothing you can say or quote that will make me see otherwise. I saw it unfold with my own eyes and heard everything with my ears. I listen to every source, not just one. In my esteemed opinion, we should be doing the best to combat it and be an example for the world. We had the infrastructure to do that, based on what we saw with SARs and other outbreaks in the 2000’s. Because of economy and tax breaks, we are now the worst per capita. 

    • nycpaul-av says:

      I live in New York City. Over the course of about four months we were the world’s epicenter for the virus. 24,000 people died- there were refrigerated trucks full of bodies at the hospital three blocks from my apartment. I saw bodies being loaded into them on more than one occasion. After stringent orders to wear masks, shut down places where people congregate, and stay socially distanced, we pulled it down to virtually nothing, in a city with a population of 25,000 people PER SQUARE MILE. Now, people are getting cavalier about the process again, particularly out in Brooklyn, and cases have started to rise. Don’t fucking tell me that doing the things we did had no effect on the spread because that’s horse shit. I won’t be discussing this. I’m making a statement- We did what had to be done in New York. It was painful and it was difficult. But it worked. And this will never go away as long as people want to keep telling themselves that nobody knows how to stop it. Plain and simple- masks, no large gatherings, and social distancing worked and does work, whether or not it’s fun to do.

    • tanookisuitriot-av says:

      The answer is that Europe has in fact had much lower death rates than the US, with the exception of only three countries in Europe: Belgium, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The rest of Europe has had dramatically better results, although Italy and Sweden have come close to the U.S. in terribleness. Thus, the European per capita fatality rate has been much, much lower than the US, but you have chosen counties that skew the data. Here: the “deaths per 100,000″ statistic in the Johns Hopkins data. The U.S. is tied with the UK at 63.51. Compare that to the other site which breaks down all of Europe.) If you pick the five worst countries in Europe and say that they are “all of Europe,” then indeed it will make it seem like Europe is “just as bad” as the U.S. But if you don’t do that, and you actually look at the data from Europe, it turns out reality is different.Now to your question: why is it that some countries have fared worse than others (most notably, the U.S., which has fared abysmally)? There are so many factors, including the randomness of this nasty, nasty virus. But certainly population density, health-care system, public attitudes, etc. all play a part. Why has the U.S. done so much worse than the whole of Europe? Hard to answer. I’m ready to lay some of the blame on Trump, but not all of it.

    • dirtside-av says:

      Let’s examine a potential alternate universe where Trump took the pandemic seriously.Instead of repeatedly claiming publicly that it was no big deal and would be over soon, he says we need to take this seriously and take steps to make sure it doesn’t hurt Americans too much.The administration invokes the Defense Production Act and works closely with manufacturers to massively increase the production of masks, both N95 and other PPE (so that health professionals are covered). As a result, there’s no motivation for Fauci and others, early in the pandemic, to discourage people from wearing masks because they don’t want a run on them that prevents health professionals from having access to them. Instead, Fauci and others immediately recommend that everybody wear masks.Because Trump is publicly supporting lockdown and mask measures, there’s much less pushback from his base about it. Mask adoption rates are much higher and shutdown rates (and enforcement) are much higher.Now look me in the eye and tell me that if all of the above had happened, the death rate in the U.S. would be exactly the same as it is now.

      • treeves15146-av says:

        1. What exactly was not done. They formed a task force the second the virus hit here. The put on a travel ban and the CDC and WHO told people until April masks were not necessary.2.There has NEVER been a shortage of anything, ventilators, P:PE and/or masks, despite hysterics about it back in April3. Governors decide to lock down in America, not the president.  it would be unconstitutional. People who do not want to wear masks do not want to wear them.  It is freedom.  people did not want to wear them in 1918 either and revolted against them.  The masks and lockdowns for the Spanish Flu in 1918 lasted a month before everyone revolted.

        • dirtside-av says:

          Yeah, your bullshit attempts to change the narrative aren’t going to work. Others have already provided substantial arguments against you, so I’ll let them stand. Have a nice day.

        • briliantmisstake-av says:

          1. Since you ignored dirtside’s response:Instead of repeatedly claiming publicly that it was no big deal and would be over soon, he says we need to take this seriously and take steps to make sure it doesn’t hurt Americans too much.The administration invokes the Defense Production Act and works closely with manufacturers to massively increase the production of masks, both N95 and other PPE (so that health professionals are covered). As a result, there’s no motivation for Fauci and others, early in the pandemic, to discourage people from wearing masks because they don’t want a run on them that prevents health professionals from having access to them. Instead, Fauci and others immediately recommend that everybody wear masks.Because Trump is publicly supporting lockdown and mask measures, there’s much less pushback from his base about it. Mask adoption rates are much higher and shutdown rates (and enforcement) are much higher.2. The American Medical Association disagrees.3. Governors had the authority and took the necessary action without any support or cooperation from the federal government. The federal government could have done so much more to promote mask-wearing and public cooperation with expert medical advice. The 1918 epidemic is an example of why these measures are vital.

    • wuthanytangclano-av says:

      Excuse me, did you just try to get away with adding the covid death tolls of random European countries (including Italy that was notably one of the hardest hit) to make the USA’s abysmal response to the pandemic look better? I’m guessing it was also you that sharpied up Donnie’s hurricane map

      • treeves15146-av says:

        They are not random, adding them up is comparable to the population of America. But I know math is hard for you

        • wuthanytangclano-av says:

          As half a dozen commenters have pointed out to you, picking a bunch of DIFFERENT COUNTRIES WITH DIFFERENT GOVERNMENTS THAT HAD DIFFERENT RESPONSES just because their combined population is similar to the US makes no statistical sense at all. But I know reading is hard for you.

          • treeves15146-av says:

            Yeah they are wrong.  And America has 50 state governments, all different, that had different responses to Covid too.  Reading is hard, huh?

          • wuthanytangclano-av says:

            You’re way too far gone. Reading comprehension is hard, ain’t it?

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      Firstly, the European Union has a population of about 520 million, whereas the US is at 330 million. So the fact that we have roughly the same number of total deaths is in fact a shocking sign of how poorly we’ve done.
      Secondly, you have a very rudimentary understanding of how epidemiology works. What you’ve listed are called crude mortality rates, which are raw numbers that make it very hard to compare across populations (because even if the populations are the same, the demographic breakdowns can be radically different). In public health we are more interested in what are called excess deaths, which is the difference between the number of deaths we normally see at a given point in the year and the number of deaths we’re seeing now. And by that margin, the European Union has an excess morality rate that’s 28% smaller than ours.
      From the article below:

      Also, if you want to look at specific countries, only Spain, Italy (both of which were hit early), the UK, and Belgium have excess mortality rates higher than the US. Every other EU country is significantly lower:Finally, the article also helpfully gives some reasons why the US fucked up so much worse than Europe:First, there was more time to prepare. Genomic evidence suggests
      that Europe was the source of most infections that became evident in
      New York in early March. The US administration had three weeks’ more
      warning given the lag between initial rises in excess mortality in Italy
      and Spain versus the US Northeast. For the South, West and Midwest
      (accounting for 83% of the US population), the delayed spread of the
      virus should have provided an even greater advantage.Second, the US has a younger population4 and COVID-19 mortality is significantly correlated with age.Third, the US has a lower population density than Europe as a whole
      and for large conurbations within, and viral spread is greater in more
      dense populations.5 Fourth, the later onset should have enabled US authorities to take
      advantage of rapidly improving medical knowledge and capacity (the
      nature of the disease, treatment regimes, testing capacity, and the
      effectiveness of policies such as social distancing and masks).


      • treeves15146-av says:

        Yeah, we have not done “shockingly bad”. It is the same everywhere. Europe does have variance, but it is the same here in America with the states. Almost all deaths have come in a few states and some have very little. You guys keep making the fallacy argument that each little country in Europe is a country equal to America in size and population when they have free travel all over Europe and it is comparable. And COVID is exploding in Europe again

        • bartfargomst3k-av says:

          Why are you bothering to argue when you A). didn’t read anything I wrote; and B). clearly have no interest in learning anything?
          Almost all deaths have come in a few states

          That is completely wrong. The Northeast was the first area to be impacted and has the highest number of excess deaths, but the South, Midwest, and West have all had massive outbreaks and combined their excess death numbers are greater than what we see in the Northeast. Also, given that New York and New Jersey now seem to have the virus under control the majority of COVID deaths from June onwards have been in other parts of the country.

          You guys keep making the fallacy argument that each little country in
          Europe is a country equal to America in size and population when they
          have free travel all over Europe and it is comparable.
          That’s why these are adjusted for population size and demographics.
          Unless you have a degree in epidemiology or public health (which, coincidentally I do) stop spouting nonsense and listen to the people who do know what they’re talking about:

          • treeves15146-av says:

            I am trying to teach you, not the other way around. 

          • bartfargomst3k-av says:

            Except that you’re objectively wrong, have provided no data to show that you’re right, and I am actually qualified to talk about this while you are not.

          • treeves15146-av says:

            Nope, America is in line with every other country. 2. People who do not wear masks choose not to. 3. This is America and people can decide as adults what they want to do. We do not have a nanny state. and 4. There is ZERO evidence anyone ever “lied” about anything.Just shut up about it.  Geesh, you people are opinion nazis.

          • bartfargomst3k-av says:

            You can whatever opinion you want. You don’t get to make up facts, which is what you are clearly doing here.You have no data, no sources, and no evidence of any kind to support your point, so shut the fuck up and wear a mask.

          • treeves15146-av says:

            I cited tons of sources and links and facts.  You just do not like the facts.

          • bartfargomst3k-av says:

            And by “tons of sources” you mean one link to a Vox article from May that doesn’t actually prove your point.I posted multiple sources, including specific numbers. I also have a public health degree and have taken several epidemiology and statistics course. You’re a bad faith shitstain who doesn’t want to wear a mask.Just give it up, admit you were wrong, and wear a fucking mask.

          • galdarn-av says:

            “Just shut up about it. Geesh, you people are opinion nazis.”

            You sound angry.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Let’s stop talking about rates for a moment and talk about absolute numbers for a moment. The US – about 4% of the world’s population and about 20% of the world’s deaths from this disease. That’s under one federal government.(Grabbing a whole host of different countries with to cobble together comparable totals is making the statistician in me’s ears and eyes bleed.)As for what America did not do that would have made a difference? Well,that’s a long long list which cost tens of thousands of people their lives to date, most definitely avoidable deaths.The anti-Vietnam if you like, A country with about a 1000 mile land border with China, multiple other land borders, a high population density as well as a total of around 96 million people. And yet they didn’t have a single death from this until the very end of July and to date had 35 deaths. They also snuffed out their second wave.I can list many more examples of countries doing better – by not having things as irresponsible as the Sturgis motorcycle rally being just one of many things that shouldn’t be happening. Of course to be fair, the Democratic states are on average handling things better to much better and the Republican ones on average … Florida just being one, are not.

      • treeves15146-av says:

        We do not have 20% of the “deaths” since we count literally everyone that died as a covid death and most other countries (not in Europe) do not. Russia only counts a death as a Covid death if the person falls over and died only from Covid.  China’s numbers are so laughable no one believes them.  india only started counting the months after it started.  Other countries only count covid deaths with no co-morbidities.  

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Do us all a favor and get off the internet for a few days.

    • stevetellerite-av says:

      they don’t and you’re wrong

    • stevetellerite-av says:

      god DAMN yer DUMB

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:
    • brontosaurian-av says:

      You’re an idiot. Everyone else covered why precisely you’re a fucking idiot.

    • charliedesertly-av says:

      “Please explain how everywhere else in the world (that are telling the truth which exempts China, Russia and many asian countries)”Kicking your post off with a major assertion and no evidence for it, that’s what that is.

    • kantsmasher-av says:

      What the fuck are you talking about? The US has 3% of the world’s population and 20% of the deaths. You are conveniently picking the parts of Europe that had a fucked up response to the coronavirus: they did fuck all, like the US, and as a result had high death tolls, at a similar ratio to the US. Who has praised Europe as an amalgam? You are referring to a number of different countries each with their own governments with varying responses and according levels of success in controlling the spread.With regards to masks, there was scarcity at the start of the pandemic and they were prioritised for medical staff. The alternative was to stay in your house, which by elimination would have controlled the virus. As production of masks and a better understanding of the virus occurred over May to July, masks were encouraged if not mandated.

    • dr-memory-av says:

      Believe what you like about the PRC’s published death numbers, but the Republic of China (Taiwan) is not generally known to fake their statistics and we no-joke have a per capita death rate (~62 per 100k people) that is literally two thousand times theirs (0.03/100k)“Hey look, we’re not as bad as Peru” is not the winning argument you seem to think it is.

    • gerky-av says:

      Actually, people praised New Zealand’s response.

    • leonthet-av says:

      OK, obviously you’re pretty far behind on the learning curve on stuff like chemistry, biology, immunology and virology. Have you thought about night courses?

    • trigdiscipline-av says:

      Everywhere else in the world does not have the same infection rate as America. That is a blatant lie. Treating Europe as a single entity is complete nonsense, and you’re doing it only so you can fold in Spain, Italy, and France with countries that responded more quickly and more effectively and have had concomitantly lower infection rates. You’re also ignoring the fact that Australia, New Zealand, and most countries in southeast Asia have done MASSIVELY better than the USA. In short, you’re just full of shit.

    • laylowmoe76-av says:

      I live in a country where bars, clubs, restaurants and movie theaters are open again following a months-long nationwide lockdown. But feel free to dismiss me because it’s an Asian country. That’s not racist at all.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I know stuff like this is building to a crescendo as we approach the election, but when I think about all the damning stuff that’s happened so far, what the hell could happen or come out in mid/late October?  and are any of the cultists even paying attention any more?

    • bigbydub-av says:

      “are any of the cultists even paying attention any more? “Don’t think they were paying attention to begin with.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    I hadn’t even recovered from the schadenfreudgasm last night, when I started hearing the Republican calls this morning for Biden to suspend his campaign, which were met with a resounding NO from Joe’s camp.But Let me put it in terms Trumpers will understand: 

    • charliedesertly-av says:

      They have a common 1-2 punch of ignoring all norms and rules and basic standards of decency and then acting mortified when Democrats might give a fraction of the same back to them.

      • zerofox2010thefinalfight-av says:

        Let them act mortified, but it’s time for them to shut the heck up.

        This feels like saying “Gimme the keys, grandpa. You’ve wrecked two cars already this year. No more driving for you.”

  • vaporware4u-av says:

    Every 3 months, when the home release schedule is really slow,
    a group of wannabees breakout their new iPhones they got for XMAS
    and start recording ‘important people’(Trump’s golf cart mechanic)
    answering the ‘important questions’ that will decide this Presidential election.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    I would likely not have considered watching this until I saw it was Gibney who was behind it. He’s so far been very, very good at distilling conmen’s cons into chilling but digestible films. Guess we’ll see. It’s very a little frightening to be getting a COVID-19 documentary while the pandemic still rages. 

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