Screech is out of the clink and in the hole for $94,000

Aux Features TV

After paying his debt to society, Dustin “Samuel ‘Screech’ Powers” Diamond still owes $94,000 in back taxes to the state of Wisconsin. Screech’s legal troubles began in December 2014, when he was arrested for stabbing a guy with a switchblade (which was really more of a Marvin Nedick move). By January 2015, the trial of the century was on the docket, and in June of that year, Screech was convicted and sentenced to four months in jail. In an interview with A.C. Slater, a.k.a Extra!’s Mario Lopez, Screech insisted he was just protecting his fiancée Violet—we mean, Amanda.

Screech also said he wasn’t really behind the tell-all book, Behind The Bell; apparently, his ghostwriter got carried away. Now it sounds like he’ll need to start shopping around another memoir. The Chicago Tribune, your source for all breaking Screech news, did some sleuthing on Wisconsin’s Department Of Revenue site, and found his name on the list of delinquent taxpayers. According to the site, Dustin Diamond owes Wisconsin $93,768 in back taxes; he’s also already violated his probation order. His alter ego Screech probably just has some overdue library books, so this might be as good a time as any to make the switch official.

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