Okay, but what was missing from Comic-Con 2022?

SDCC returned in-person to San Diego this year, but these touchstone pop culture properties didn’t make the trip

Aux Features Marvel Family
Okay, but what was missing from Comic-Con 2022?
(from left) Fantastic Four (Marvel Studios); Godzilla Vs. Kong (Warner Bros.); Avatar: The Way Of Water (20th Century Studios). Image: Marvel Studios; Warner Bros.; 20th Century Studios

Now that the dust has settled at the San Diego Convention Center and The A.V. Club has broken down our favorite moments from Comic-Con 2022, we can’t help but wonder: What was left out? Which studios and networks should have dropped teasers and news and all that other fun fan stuff, but left us hanging instead? There were a surprising number of glaring omissions this year, and some of feel like particularly big missed opportunities.

previous arrowTwo big misses by Marvel next arrow
Two big misses by Marvel
Marvel’s Image Walt Disney Studios

In comparison to virtually every other studio, Marvel delivered what Comic-Con attendees wanted and then some: updates on their next few films, including the first for , and a road map to the MCU’s next big crossover. In fact, the studio was so detailed with its announcements that what it excluded was more conspicuous as a result. Specifically, even panel-whisperer Ash Crossan couldn’t get Kevin Feige to delve into Fantastic Four. An obvious and inevitable addition to the existing tapestry of Marvel superhero stories, that property has already generated rumors that Steven Spielberg would direct a Fantastic Four film. Feige also wouldn’t explain when and/or how X-Men might make an appearance—on the big screen or on TV—now that Marvel and Fox both fall under the same corporate umbrella. Given the fact that the studio’s TV slate has introduced, or at least strongly hinted at, mutants as a part of the MCU—via the exceptional Ms. Marvel—and Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness featured an alternate-reality team of heroes that included Patrick Stewart’s Professor X, the table is set for the X-Men to start saving lives. It was strange that neither of these blue-chip franchises came up.


  • deb03449a1-av says:

    What if this was an article and not a slideshow?

  • dj-christ-2006-av says:

    “the highly anticipated Gotham Knights”Literally nobody is excited for this show.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Where was Avatar? –
    Jesus, who cares? It was garbage.
    Two big misses by Marvel – That’s right, it’s all about Lil’ Ms.
    Marvel now!
    What about Alien? – Murray & Dreyfuss, together again…in space…I guess.
    Wherefore art thou, DC Extended Universe? – on a farm full of
    guns, pot and children, apparently.

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      Avatar was like a plate full of edible flowers: Very pretty, but ultimately bland and unfulfilling. Its only Ms Marvel right now because it was the most recent Marvel show. It will be about Wakanda in November.

      • shindean-av says:

        I’m fairly sure Avatar is only being made out of a contract obligation to satisfy James Cameron’s ego so Disney could have the rights to merchandising.
        “Tell me I’m still relevant! Tell me I’m still a big deal and don’t have to make a Netflix movie!”

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        They look like they take a long time to make though, don’t they?

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        As someone who grows and sells edible flowers, you’re eating the wrong flowers.

    • radek15-av says:

      Marvel also has its own big fan event in September, they normally hold big announcements back for that.

      • dirtside-av says:

        Well, it’s hard to imagine bigger MCU announcements than “two new Avengers movies,” though they could certainly make a splash at the Sept event if they announce, like… F4 casting, or give official dates for the other Phase 6 movies.

        • lmh325-av says:

          I believe they said 8 Marvel projects (presumably Disney + shows) will be announced at D23 and I suspect F4 casting.

      • pete-worst-av says:

        If you’re referring to D23, that’s a Disney event, not just Marvel. But yes, we’ll probably hear more then.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      People who are upset that Ms. Marvel is a mutant are exhausting.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      I mean, I don’t really give a shit about Avatar, but considering the first of its sequels is coming in like five months, you think its studio would be trying to hype the shit out of it.

      • mfolwell-av says:

        Well, they put out a technically impressive but otherwise inert teaser trailer a little while back. What more could you possibly want?More seriously, there’s a bottleneck with CGI production right now as all the studios play catch up “post”-pandemic, and Avatar’s gotta involve particularly intensive work. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re currently not totally sure it’s going to make the release date, and are reluctant to start the big PR push until they’re confident it’ll be ready.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Kinda seemed like they talked about a hell of a lot of things that aren’t Ms. Marvel, dude.  Where did that take come from?

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Also, imagine being someone who is still pretty sure that “wherefore” probably means “where” and yet still uses this word despite not understanding it. Like, ever actually encounter the scene you are referencing here? Did it seem like she was searching for him?

  • bobloblaw128-av says:

    “the highly anticipated Gotham Knights”
    I think you mean the game

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    Man, I don’t know a solitary soul beyond The Rock who is excited for Black Adam. Everything in the trailer looks like a mid-aughts C+ superhero movie.

    • beertown-av says:

      Even the whole “oooh, he even KILLS people” angle looks weak as hell in the trailer. He smashes a jet wing and the pilot is quickly seen escaping on a parachute like it’s a Saturday morning cartoon. He tosses another dude who would, presumably, die from that, but it’s funny. And if a bunch of bad guys are shooting at you, you have the right to kill them back, that’s just basic action movie 101.

      • mfolwell-av says:

        It’s not like superheroes killing is even unusual these days. The MCU generally doesn’t draw attention to it, but it isn’t averse to its heroes killing bad guys (Iron Man kills a bunch of terrorists, Thor beheads Thanos, Shang-Chi kicks a ton of people off of a skyscraper, etc.). And even in the DCEU, let’s not forget Snyder gave us a Superman who doesn’t give a shit about collateral damage and who snaps Zod’s neck, and a Batman who “manslaughters” his way through goons.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      and the rock seems excited in a weirdly manic way that’s a real turn off. like buddy i don’t give a shit if you’re stronger than superman if superman isn’t in any movies.

      • luisxromero-av says:

        he’s excited in the same way Ryan Reynolds was excited to play Deadpool. Let the man enjoy it. 

      • genejenkinson-av says:

        Him gifting the Comic Con attendees with free tickets feels really desperate for an actor of his stature. Like they’re preemptively begging people to see it.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Nailed it. All of my nerd friends and I feel the same way.

    • monsterdook-av says:

      I’m excited to see Dr Fate and Hawkman, but that’s about it.

      • tlhotsc247365-av says:

        Yeah I’d rather they get solo movies. The Rock’s whole “the heirarchy of the DCU is about the change” schtick is idiotic.

        Thankfully the Shazam trailer was good and the right tone.

        • monsterdook-av says:

          Yeah, it’s kind of nonsense hype, but I don’t mind him as Black Adam since I have no strong feelings for that character either way. I’d rather they just made a low-key Justice Society period piece.
          I’m mostly curious who will die first, Hawkman or Dr Fate. Writers love sending Hawkman on to his next life (Smallville, Legends of Tomorrow, Justice Society: WWII) and Kent Nelson often takes the role as an Obi-Wan type (Smallville, Young Justice). At least one of them ain’t making it.

          • tlhotsc247365-av says:

            I could care less based on the limited footage they’ve shown. Really wish BA was in the Shazam sequel and have his dark schtick go up against the Marvel family’s light hearted optimism.

      • genejenkinson-av says:

        Aldis Hodge as Hawkman is *just* enough to get me to watch this on a random Sunday afternoon whenever it lands on HBO Max

  • systemmastert-av says:

    A compelling reason to go beyond standing in lines to see trailers that will be out in a week or two anyway and standing in different lines to try and buy exclusive stormtrooper toys to flip on eBay?

  • idksomeguy-av says:

    What was missing besides COMICS, you mean? It’s about time they just renamed it “Trailer Con.”

  • sharticus-av says:

    “Wherefore” does not mean what you think it means. You were, presumably, paid for this. You should know what words mean.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    was genuinely surprised we didn’t see deadpool 3, considering they added deadpool 1 & 2 to disney+ that very weekend and i’m pretty sure it’s supposed to begin filming early next year.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Some big comic book news would’ve been nice.
    I miss watching panels from home.
    WB Discovery just really sucks at marketing. Jim Lee drew the SDCC 2022 bag art in advance of the announcement that Legends Of Tomorrow, Batwoman, & Naomi were getting cancelled. Discovery didn’t bother giving DC a heads up & it was too late to change it by then.
    Although I was underwhelmed by the reveals, Marvel Legends still won by default like Marvel Studios.https://mattthecatania.wordpress.com/2022/07/25/cc-returned-to-sd/

  • sneedbros-av says:

    Stop with the “OK, but” stuff. So annoying

  • sakibomb-av says:

    Riverdale did not have a panel.  It was cancelled.  Also….Avatar, Marvel, etc will have a major presence at D23 in September…

  • docnemenn-av says:

    the highly anticipated Gotham KnightsBy who, exactly? I’m pretty sure even Gotham Knights’ mother doesn’t give a shit about DC TV’s latest foray into I Can’t Believe It’s Not Batman territory. 

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Possibly people mistaking it for a tie in to the upcoming video game.( it’s not , and the publishers are pretty pissed off about it)…maybe ?? Its about as welcome as a fart in an elevator.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      BAE ( Batman Adjacent Entertainment)

    • thestoak-av says:

      I’m sure I’m not the only one who saw the trailer and came to say the same thing.

    • monsterdook-av says:

      Yeah I had to read that twice. A Batman show without Batman on a network that is currently sitting at the end of my driveway for pickup. Yay.

    • bagman818-av says:

      I know I lost all interest after seeing the trailer.

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      The public and the network are clearly looking forward to this show, and this is absolutely not being burned off right before the curtain closes.

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  • libsexdogg-av says:

    What was missing? A Dogwelder movie, Marvel announcing that all future Hollywood movies will be legally obligated to tie in to the MCU somehow, the ghost of Bob Denver eating lunch with the ghost of Strom Thurmond, a screening of Yentl 2: Yentl Gone Mentl, a giant marble with a hat… I mean, I could go on.

  • hankdolworth-av says:

    The news story about the director for the next two Avengers films is a reminder that the Wonder Man Disney+ series he is also supposed to be working on is not on the Phase 5/6 calendar.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      There are another 6-8 properties waiting to be announced at D23 this year. Speculation on what they are includes Armor Wars, Wonder Man, Eternals 2, Deadpool 3, The Mutants, and something for either Black Knight or the Midnight Sons.

  • doctor-boo3-av says:

    “It was strange that neither of these blue-chip franchises came up.”… except Fantastic 4 did. It was given a release date. It may not have been all the details fans wanted – it’s 2 1/2 years away – but it wasn’t ignored.And that Spielberg comment is a weird one to drop in without a source or the context that it went as far as Marvel allegedly seeing if he’d have any interest with the answer being a simple “no”.

  • luisxromero-av says:

    the highly anticipated Gotham Knights
    By whom exactly?

  • dudebra-av says:

    I welcome the inevitable return of Jet Jaguar!

  • ladytron2000-av says:

    I can’t believe someone is still trying to make Emmanuel Chriqui happen.

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  • hcd4-av says:

    You’re asking for teasers of a movie scheduled for 2024?Yeesh, let’s shrink the hype cycle rather than extend it.

  • lmh325-av says:

    Presumably, Avatar and the remaining Marvel questions are being held for D23. They already said 8 Marvel projects will be announced at D23.

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