Seeing as it’s almost the big day, here’s Jennifer Coolidge reading Twas The Night Before Christmas

“My great-grandfather used to read this to me when I was a little child on Christmas Eve. Now he’s dead.”

Film Features Jennifer Coolidge
Seeing as it’s almost the big day, here’s Jennifer Coolidge reading Twas The Night Before Christmas
Jennifer Coolidge Screenshot: Netflix

Look, 2021 pretty much sucked. The pandemic continued unabated, despite a couple of revolutionary and life-saving vaccines being available to anyone in the United States. December offered very little relief, as a far more infectious, though, perhaps less deadly, variant tore through the U.S., driving up hospitalizations. It’s something of a trend lately; every year is worse than the last. We get it: Pessimism is such an inviting salve in these trying times.

It can be very easy to get bogged down in the depressing state of affairs. The pandemic is a hydra, in that way, cut off one head, and another one grows in its place. But not all was bad this year. For instance, one Jennifer Coolidge delivered a knockout performance as the hopelessly self-absorbed Tanya McQuoid on The White Lotus.

And this Christmas, the only good thing about 2021 (Jennifer Coolidge, who is the only good thing about every year), has bestowed upon us yet another gift: a slightly blitz(en)ed reading of Twas The Night Before Christmas. We are not worthy.

As expected, this isn’t your everyday reading of the tale. Coolidge brings her boozy energy—and probably some actual booze—to the proceedings. There have been plenty of celebrity readings of the poem, Simon Cowell, Bob Dylan, Stephen Fry, and, unfortunately, Charlie Rose. But none bring that certain joie de vivre that Coolidge brings to it. Who else but her would kick things off by saying, “My great-grandfather used to read this to me when I was a little child on Christmas Eve. Now he’s dead.”

So with that, we hope these tidings of good cheer courtesy of Stifler’s mom find you well, that you’re staying safe this holiday season (and getting vaccinated and boosted to keep those around you safe), and that you have a happy holiday season.

[via Uproxx]


  • catmanstruthers2-av says:

    I’m sorry, but how is this year worse than the last one? Last year there was no vaccine, everything was shut down, we were all quarantined in our homes, people were laid off in unprecedented quantities, and Donald effing Trump was POTUS. Things aren’t exactly rosy right now, but this is the first year in a long time that felt better than the last.

    • admnaismith-av says:

      It was better, but then Trump nor COVID never really want away like they were supposed to, and there is no sign to their end even now.To a tipsy Jennifer Coolidge I say Huzzah and thank you.

      • catmanstruthers2-av says:

        You were expecting them to go away?COVID’s never going away, the best we can hope for is the pandemic becoming endemic sooner than later. And only prison or death will keep Trump away from the spotlight; that’s been a given. Like I said, things aren’t exactly rosy, but I’ll take a vaccine and Trump out of office over the inverse, e.g. the hellscape known as 2020.

        • rafterman00-av says:

          Even prison and death won’t keep Trump away. He’s probably pre-recorded messges to release after he croaks.

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