Seth Meyers reveals his COVID status from his latest remote Late Night location

Oh, and he also mocks Ted Cruz for being spineless, pathetic, cowardly—and Ted Cruz

TV News Seth Meyers
Seth Meyers reveals his COVID status from his latest remote Late Night location
Seth Meyers Screenshot: Late Night With Seth Meyers

Well, it must have been a nice few months of freedom, anyway. As Seth Meyers returned to his Late Night hosting duties on Monday, viewers were treated, once more, to a tour of Meyers family reading material and interior design, as the host found himself in self-imposed COVID exile. After testing positive for the newest rampaging virus variant last week, Meyers was forced to ditch several shows, and, while Meyers assured everybody he never had any symptoms of Omicron, Delta, or Greek letter-to-be-named COVID (thanks to being sensibly vaccinated and boosted), Monday’s Late Night saw Meyers broadcasting remotely yet again. (Complete with a visit from the old Sea Captain painting that may or may not be a figment of Meyers’ locked-down imagination.)

And while Meyers was grudgingly appreciative that he wasn’t forced to do his late-night show from his in-laws house or that attic space with all the wasps, he certainly seemed over it all, as far as interviewing celebrities from a photogenically tidy living space goes. “It’s not good that we’re getting good at doing our show outside the studio because a virus is running rampant,” noted Meyers, who yet took advantage of the lack of an audience (and, perhaps, the leavening influence of his staff) to wheel out his enthusiastically terrible Al Pacino impression. Twice. Cabin fever is very real, people.

Regardless of that whole global pandemic that Republicans keep prolonging by rushing into the arms of every quack and bloviating meathead peddling fake “miracle cures” (this week, it’s literally drinking your own pee), the show must go on. “Now where was I?,” Meyers soldiered on after five minutes of self-deprecating at-home shtick, before sadly remembering he had to talk about Ted Cruz. In his A Closer Look segment, Meyers did, indeed, have to address the fact that the Texas senator and noted political bottom had once more debased himself on national TV. (And here, it should be stressed that nobody is kink-shaming. It’s just that, if you’re into getting pissed on in public, it’s probably not going to endear you to America if it’s Fox News fish stick heir and authoritarian dick Tucker Carlson doing the whizzing.)

Recalling how Cruz has memorably and repeatedly exposed himself as the GOP’s degradation receptacle (like the time he campaigned for Donald Trump after former president and alleged fetish-tinkler Trump publicly and personally mocked both Cruz’s wife and father), Meyers had to give it up to Cruz for momentarily forgetting his place and daring to call the 2020 insurrection by Trump’s minions, a “terrorist attack.” And then Meyers promptly took it back by showing clips of Cruz shame-shuffling onto Fox to have his blushing face rubbed into the carpet by Carlson, whose staff (who clearly like to watch) even whipped up a little chyron-based mockery-topper for the occasion. (“Cruz’ing for a bruising,” read Carlson’s onscreen graphic, perhaps in deference to his guest’s masochistic bent.)

Holding Cruz up as emblematic of today’s still Trump-worshipping GOP, Meyers concluded, “This is the core of modern GOP politics. You have to prove to the base that you have no dignity, that you are willing to humiliate yourself for them, and that there’s nothing too pathetic for you to do in order to win their favor.” And if Ohio lawmaker, fellow fascist bootlicker, and multiply accused coward in the face of rampant sexual abuse Jim Jordan is coming for Cruz’s whiz-scented sackcloth by suddenly refusing to cooperate with the committee investigating the January 6 insurrection (after previously claiming he had nothing to hide), Meyers wasn’t prepared to unfasten Cruz from his favorite whipping post just yet.


  • breadnmaters-av says:

    These celebs never say anything about how they may have become infected. Sure, they may view that as highly personal info, but I really would like to know how many and what kinds of precautions these people take. Are they vigilant most of the time or really just schmoozing with friends and colleagues like the old days? My own behavior might be considered overly cautious; I’m still living like it’s 2020 (because it pretty much is). I guess I’d like to know what level of caution these folks exercise because it might help me to figure out how to ‘do’ the pandemic these days. I can’t help but wonder how seriously the stars are taking this.

    • amazingpotato-av says:

      I’m with you on this. My wife and I are vaccinated, we always wear masks, routinely use alcohol to santise surfaces, etc – ie. take all the supposed precautions (we’re in Colombia though and people here are overall very good at taking this whole situation seriously). And yet…we’re currently at the tail end of having covid (for the second time in two years!). Our two little boys are poorly, too, although thankfully also seem to be on the mend.

      I’m sure lunatics will say “ahhh see what good your vaccine did you!” but nuts to them. If there’s no “right way” to avoid getting sick, then obviously the best course of action is to limit the chances of it happening and, if you do get it, keep it contained.

      In other words, if us plebs are having trouble managing despite our best efforts, how do celebrities manage the situation, when they’re arguably used to a life where they schmooze and network?

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Very sorry you and your family, despite your precautions, ended up with this mess – twice. As for the lunatics – no one promised us we would be free from infection after the vax. I wouldn’t have liked my odds before they rolled them out, though. Maybe the only reason we aren’t sick is because we don’t have kids. I just read today that people are having “COVID parties.” Great D:Maybe I shouldn’t assume celebs do any of this differently, although they certainly have to means to keep themselves safe. I’d actually find it interesting to see anyone who has been infected speculate how they became infected. I just don’t know who I should be avoiding these days.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I routinely use alcohol.

        • mifrochi-av says:

          I wipe down the surfaces in my home with alcohol at least once a week. (Takes shot)(Vomits)(Wipes)Clean as a whistle! 

      • kasley42-av says:

        You’ve been sick twice, but you are not among the millions who have died.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        the vaccinations almost certainly kept you and your family out of the hospital.  If anyone tries to rub your nose in shit, tell them that.   I have run out of patience or caring for anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated because it’s not “perfect.”  Viruses are the perfect “fuck around and find out” mechanism for everyone who thinks the CDC is dumb because it’s always changing recommendations, or because breakthrough infections are still possible after being boosted.  

      • notochordate-av says:

        Unfortunately, I’d expect small children to be a vector – I just remember how all of my coworkers reliably got colds after attending and/or hosting family parties.

    • bustertaco-av says:

      I’m gonna hazard a guess and say they know who infected them, or at least have some idea, but would never publicly say. Unless they’re at some huge event, hugging and hand-shaking a bunch of folks, then they most likely ran through their heads what they were up to. Been like, “well, I had brunch with so and so Tuesday, and coffee with whatshisname on Thursday. Hmm, must’ve been one of them, or maybe the waiter?? He did look a bit weird.”

    • treerol2-av says:

      You get to watch Seth Meyers on TV every night. You can see what he does at work, and how he interacts with people on camera. You’ll also often get to see his co-workers. His cue card guy would wear a full-on face shield during filming, as would at least one of his writers.My guess is that his show takes all appropriate precautions, while still actually taping in studio with an audience (as wise as that may or may not be).

      • sicod-av says:

        My downstairs neighbor is an actor (not super famous but a working actor) and she and her husband caught it because she had to prove her dad (who had caught it in Florida which is why she took him out of that state and moved him to Los Angeles) had to be proven alive to Social Security. Sometimes you just have to go out to do stuff and even with precautions you are at risk. Luckily, her dad did not get it again, even if her mom did. I teach in a high school in LA and I have students who have had it twice and are surprised I never got it. In part it is precaution, in part it is luck.

        • treerol2-av says:

          At this point, no matter how cautious I feel like there’s got to be a huge amount of luck involved. I wear a mask all the time and don’t leave the house often, but I still go to the grocery store 1-2 times per week. It’s practically a miracle I haven’t gotten it yet, and I recognize that it’s probably a matter of time until I do.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I can’t help but wonder how seriously the stars are taking this.”

      Well maybe, and I know this is a strange thought, you should mind your own business?

    • isaiaht-av says:

      Stars don’t live like you or I; I wouldn’t take anything they do as a guidepost for making it through a pandemic.

    • themarketsoftener-av says:

      This thought process is based on a desire to hear that everyone who got COVID deserved it, and that you are better and safer and more moral than them, so it couldn’t possibly happen to you. It’s called the “just world fallacy.”Fight that instinct.

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    Ted Cruz […] being spineless, pathetic, cowardlyThis subheadline has been brought to you by the Department of Repetitive Redundancy Department.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    That was pure fucking cringe.It’s astounding to me that the audience doesn’t find that shit to be deeply, DEEPLY weird.Like…if AOC had to go onto, like, Rachel Maddow and apologize TO HER, that’d be deeply weird.

    • sarcastro3-av says:

      They’re a group that views abject obedience, or at least the appearance of doing so, as a virtue.  Like how they do shitty racist asshole things all week and then swear in church on Sunday (if they go) that they’re totally following the example of Christ and so forth.

    • ginnyweasley-av says:

      Fox is like a public square to them and that’s where they more or less get their marching orders. Cruz countered Trump and Trump demanded the equivalent of a pillory for him on Fox News. It worked. Everyone is applauding this but to me it just shows how powerful Trump remains and how he will easily get the nomination on his big lie and perhaps ever regain the presidency over it. What happened to Cruz is frightening because he’s probably the best chance the GOP has of getting away from Trump and he they lost that potential and obviously so. Trump is now cemented as their permanent leader and 2024 nomination unless something extraordinary happens in the meantime.

      • iamamarvan-av says:

        Wait. Who’s applauding this? Wait. You think TED CRUZ was the best chance to get away from Trump??????????????????????????????????

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I keep telling myself (since it doesn’t look like any of the 74 criminal cases pending against him will ever lead anywhere)—wait until his mental faculties deteriorate even more than they already are, and he shows up to a rally and starts drooling or whatever; but he still has enough faculties to not be pushed aside by the GQP when they realize Gov Death Sentence should be the nominee. THAT’s when the last 5 years will pay off for us.

      • MediumDave-av says:

        Until recently, Fox News was the propaganda arm of the Republican Party. Lately, though, it’s more like the Republican Party is the political arm of Fox News. They’re clearly the ones issuing the marching orders.

      • drewskiusa-av says:

        Trump eating a bucket of slop and keeling over is all the hope we have now. Then again, my mom always said that “certain people are too mean to die…” 🙁

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      It’s even weirder that Carlson pushes back so much. He interrupted Cruz twice (in that clip, anyway) to tell him he’s full of shit, but somehow that makes him more trustworthy to their audience after he finishes groveling.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        “You insulted Dear Leader! Your penance is to prostrate yourself before me, his avatar who has never wavered in licking his taint when ordered to do so!”LOL these fucking assholes and their cult.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        also I don’t think the average GQP/Fox News viewer would support Cruz except as a very last resort. Like angry and easily startled cavemen, they can smell fear and uncertainty coming from him like a urine-soaked diaper. The only thing that keeps him from being as big a joke to them as he is to us is that he’s a Republican.

        • muddybud-av says:

          Yah, he’s very clearly someone who has his job solely because of the R next to his name. Hopefully they’ll remember his Cancun trip by the time of his next election.

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            if he’s running against a particularly loudmouth Democrat (e.g. Texas’s AOC) it wouldn’t matter if Cruz had sold his kids to fly to Cancun, they’d still fall in line behind him without question. I suppose that’s the benefit of being in today’s GQP, the “t***p magic” is like a magic wand that can be used to wipe away the most egregious transgressions.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I don’t think it’s that weird; Dear Leader is a cheap feckless bully, and therefore so is Carlson. Cruelty for the sake of cruelty is a sign of “strength” and “leadership”.  Slapping around a submissive (wannabe dom) simp like Cruz is what they live for. Carlson probably had a quarter chub during that entire segment.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      I just hope if Cruz carries forth with his hilarious delusion to run for president in 2024, he goes on Fox News and they rub his nose in shit for this LOL.  (if they don’t I’m sure t***p will.)

  • jackmagnificent-av says:

    I’m going to take an unnecessary stand and say I’m against getting pissed on.I’m also not crazy about getting shit on, but the people aren’t ready for that.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Bring back The Sea Captain.

  • mshep-av says:

    That’s actually a pretty serviceable Pacino. 

  • mrfallon-av says:

    That theatre between Carlson and Cruz is wild, man.  You Americans are fucked.

    • kalassynikoff-av says:

      Problem is Trump is a person who can easily affect the whole world…..kind of like Hitler.

    • nurser-av says:

      Why would you think those two shitbirds for hire have any real sway on this nation? Years from now they’ll be shown in a comedy clip reel with other failed “entertainment” acts like Carrot Top. 

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    can I just say how hilarious it is that there is a group of people that would rather drink their own piss than get vaccinated and have to tacitly admit the libs were right about vaccinations? Why won’t someone make a Youtube video saying that eating dog shit will cure Covid? We are living through one of the greatest self-owns of all time.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      Great suggestion. Personally though, I’d rather see literal snake oil. Snake oil. Just be done with all the bullshit and start hocking actual snake oil as covid prevention/treatment.

  • jimwilke-av says:

    Seth has Covid. Cruz doesn’t. 

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    “authoritarian dick Tucker”!!Tucker Carlson is a super drag queen name. You wouldn’t want to be associated with him the whole time but someone could do it for Snatch Game or something.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    “This is the core of modern GOP politics. You have to prove to the base that you have no dignity, that you are willing to humiliate yourself for them, and that there’s nothing too pathetic for you to do in order to win their favor.” I would disagree slightly with this; I think the core of modern GOP politics is (as someone pointed out on this website) cruelty for the sake of cruelty. In the simplistically binary world these cavemen occupy, you’re either predator or prey, and your opponent is only out to kill you, so you must kill them first, and in order to “send a message” to any other possible challengers, you should really abuse the weak and spineless to prove your “strength”. Or put a different way, Cruz and Blanche Graham are happy to be the subs in the GQP, while the others scramble to be doms (or NOT to be subs).

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    He is Ted Cruz. That is his crime. That is his punishment.

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