Sex And The City star Chris Noth accused of sexual assault by two women

The two alleged incidents took place more than a decade apart

Aux News Chris Noth
Sex And The City star Chris Noth accused of sexual assault by two women
Chris Noth Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault.

Chris Noth has been accused of sexual assault by two separate women, who allege the incidents took place more than a decade apart. Both women made their allegations against the Sex And The City star in an article from The Hollywood Reporter. Both women say that seeing news about Noth and the Sex And The City revival And Just Like That… made them want to come forward with the allegations. THR did not reveal either women’s identities.

The first woman claims she met Noth in 2004. At the time, she was 22 and had just begun an entry-level job at a “high-profile firm” in Hollywood where celebrities, including Noth, often appeared.

“He would walk by my desk and flirt with me. He somehow got my number from the directory and was leaving messages on my work phone. My boss was like, ‘Mr. Big’s leaving messages on your voicemail,’” she says.

According to the woman, Noth eventually invited her over to his West Hollywood apartment to hang out in the pool. A friend of hers had an apartment in the same building, and she brought a second friend along with her.

Eventually, she and Noth allegedly ended up in his apartment alone. She says he kissed her, which she reciprocated, but then stopped. She told him, “Thank you, I’m going back to my friend.” However, according to her account, he pulled her to him, moved her toward the bed, pulled down her shorts and bikini bottom, and began to rape her. “It was very painful and I yelled out, ‘Stop!’” she recounts. “And he didn’t. I said, ‘Can you at least get a condom?’ and he laughed at me.” She explains that she was treated for her injuries at Cedar-Sinai Hospital, and in 2006 she eventually sought help from the UCLA Rape Crisis center.

The second woman claims she met Noth in 2015, when she was a server at a nightclub. “I was truly star-struck,” she remembers. “He was hitting on me, for sure. I was flattered. I knew he was married, which is shameful of me to admit.” She was 25, and he was 60.

Noth asked her out for dinner, and she accepted. By the time they arrived at the restaurant, the kitchen had closed, and she says they drank wine at the bar instead. He ultimately invited her up to his apartment to drink whiskey. “I thought, ‘We’re going to drink whiskey and talk about his acting career.’ It sounds so stupid,” she tells THR.

At the apartment, she claims Noth tried to make out with her, then stood and thrust his penis into her mouth. Then she recalls, “He was having sex with me from the back in a chair. We were in front of a mirror. I was kind of crying as it happened.”

“I went to the bathroom and put on my skirt. I was feeling awful. Totally violated. All of my dreams with this star I loved for years were gone,” she says.

Noth, who also starred in Law & Order and The Good Wife, tells THR in a statement: “The accusations against me made by individuals I met years, even decades, ago are categorically false. These stories could’ve been from 30 years ago or 30 days ago—no always means no—that is a line I did not cross. The encounters were consensual. It’s difficult not to question the timing of these stories coming out. I don’t know for certain why they are surfacing now, but I do know this: I did not assault these women.”

UPDATE [12/16]: In a statement, LAPD Sgt. Bruce Borihanh said, “We are still looking into the nature of the report and trying to narrow down where, when and if where the report was filed.”

Noth’s lawyer, Andrew Brettler told Deadline, “No one from any law enforcement agency has contacted Chris or any of his representatives. Obviously if anyone does reach out, we will cooperate fully.”


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Seeing him die on an exercise bike made them want to come forward?

  • kim-porter-av says:

    Is it somehow anti-#MeToo to wonder, why now? Not saying anyone’s lying, but I always wonder.

    • ohnoray-av says:

      maybe they were at a place in their healing that they could talk about it, and seeing his face so much recently made them want to finally speak out. the thing with sexual violence is that it can take decades before you begin to process it, and instead you just cope with it as best you can. I hope one day I have the strength to speak out against my abuser.

      • djclawson-av says:

        That’s way better than me “studio pays them to hold it off until the show airs” theory and they know they’re not going to get any justice anyway so why not?

        • ohnoray-av says:

          maybe it can be both, I don’t blame them if that’s how things played out. therapy is expensive as fuck, and existing with sexual trauma is hard to balance with day to day living.

          • djclawson-av says:

            I wouldn’t blame them either. I’m just curious if studios are doing it. I’ve noticed not a single actor playing a Marvel character has had a scandal of any kind (except for being anti-vax and that didn’t even get her fired).

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            There have been allegations of domestic abuse against Jeremy Renner.

      • Harold_Ballz-av says:

        Wishing you all the best in your recovery, friend.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Yeah, trauma doesn’t move in straight lines. I’m not a victim of sexual abuse, but I have other traumas I’m dealing with. Sometimes everything feels okay and then suddenly one day it doesn’t. Sometimes on a day like any other you think, “I have to say something.”I second your hope that you get to speak out one day. Until then, keep on trucking and I hope things get better every day.

    • smcat-av says:

      Are you serious?

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      Why not now? What is there to gain today that wouldn’t be gained two years ago or two years from now?When two strangers accuse a person of the same thing, I need overwhelming proof to change my mind about that accusation being true.

      • kim-porter-av says:

        I guess. It really wasn’t meant to be accusatory. I was just curious. It seems like, according to them, this would have been the first post-#MeToo attention he got, and they decided to come forward now.

      • tq345rtqt34tgq3-av says:

        I think a big part of it is that no one is willing to take the hit to guard people like this anymore. The internet is ascendant, and spin control is nonexistant.  The days when the people with the money could control the narrative at will have dried up. 

    • recognitions-av says:

      Boy I would love to just once come to one of these posts and see a bunch of comments actually sympathizing with victims

      • buh-lurredlines-av says:

        We would love to see you apologize for your blathering on Jussie Smollette innocence but hey it is what it is

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      I think it’s fine to wonder as long as it’s not making assumptions. Sometimes it opens up other factors like studios or agents paying hush money without getting to the root of what allows people to act this way. 

    • sgt-makak-av says:

      Both women say that seeing news about Noth and the And Just Like That… made them want to come forward with the allegations. THR did not reveal either women’s identities.It’s right there in the first paragraph. But hey! You’re just asking questions, right?

      • manwich-av says:

        “the Sex And The City revival And Just Like That…Both women say that seeing news about Noth and made them want to come forward with the allegations. THR did not reveal either women’s identities.It’s right there in the first paragraph. But hey! You’re just asking questions, right?”Seems like a weak reason to come forward now if you ask me. 

    • bebop999-av says:

      Yeah, you kinda answered your own question.

    • stormylewis-av says:

      The women raped in 2004 reported it to the Hospital and their shared boss.

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      I’ve been thinking about your post for a while.I cannot answer for them. Nobody else but them can.So I’ll go for someone I CAN answer for.Hi! I’ve been sexually assaulted. I’m an adult male, was at the time of the assault. This was about twenty, close to thirty years ago.A celebrity – very VERY VERY drunk – approached me at the event that I was working at, grabbed my waistband, shoved their hand down my pants, grabbed ahold of my genitalia and squeezed pretty damned hard.I was not particularly happy about this. I was encouraged to not go any further with it on pretty much every level – between the peer group basically siding with “woah, a famous person touched your penis, you are so lucky” and the general view from management that any contact from a customer must have been your fault. After a bit the pain subsided and I got a few beers from the boss and I just let it go.I don’t make a fuss about this because, to me, it’s not worth the effort. The person in question is long since banished from the public eye for generally self destructive behavior. The incident itself is long past any time it could be prosecuted, and frankly I’m pretty sure I’d have been ignored if I’d tried.If this person suddenly resurfaced and started with the same kind of bullshit behavior? Hell yes I’ll find someone to talk to. I took the hit and probably should have tried to do something, but this was a famous person that I was supposed to feel honored to be assaulted by. For now I’m willing to accept that they’ve driven their life into the ditch and that’s what they get for acting that way.

      • kim-porter-av says:

        I’m very sorry to hear that that happened to you. Obviously, I agree that only they know the answer to why they’d choose now. 

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        For whatever it’s worth, I’m so sorry that happened to you, and that that was the response you received. You deserved a whole lot better.

      • tq345rtqt34tgq3-av says:

        I’m sorry that happened to you man, that sounds fucking terrible.  

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      It may not be anti-#MeToo, but it is pretty much irrelevant.

    • amfo-av says:

      This familiar “why are they coming forward now” question needs to be reframed into “why is the media listening to these women now?” For all those years we didn’t hear the story, it’s not because these victims were constantly refusing media requests to tell it. It’s because nobody gave a shit when they asked to be heard.

    • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

      I hate to say this can usually only be accomplished once a actor’s star has waned…but that seems to be the case. Anybody with even a slightly viable level of fame ain’t going down for nothing if they haven’t done something outrageously heinous. Unfortunately the tolerance we have for these crimes as a society are kinda high and the reactionary push back is already building just because its getting pointed out more and more. 

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      The “why now?” is immediately covered in the Hollywood reporter article: Chris Noth being front and centre with the sex and the city reboot brought it all up again for the victims.

    • dxanders-av says:

      Is it somehow anti-Prognosis Negative to wonder why you’d say something so aggressively stupid?

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Yes. And I hope after all these replies you can now stop wondering.
      Just a shame Kinja will sort your comment to the top of the “Popular” listing.

    • thenuclearhamster-av says:

      Because of things like MeToo, victims who previously felt powerless against rich and powerful predators are finding the strength to come forward. Once Harvey went down it down, it was open season on rich rapists.

    • fugit-av says:

      It’s an interesting tactic to take the very thing that would trigger/provoke someone to surface claims, and cite that very thing as a reason to be suspicious. It’s PR gaslighting, in effect. “Oh of course seeing Noth all over the media would trigger these women and their memories, give them pause to re-evaluate, and gather the courage to come forward” turns into–> “wait, he’s got a point, why now when he is famous again”. He’s taking the most rationale reason and inverting it to cause confusion. 

    • sh90706-av says:

      we started this slippery slope a few years ago, and we are well on the way down with no stopping. Also Im not saying someone is mis-remembering events from a decade ago.  Just saying its all to easy to ‘convict’ someone in the public court of opinion now.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      maybe seeing him palling around with Ryan Reynolds and the SATC ladies again and getting some notoriety and living his best life made them say “enough’s enough, fuck this guy, let’s nuke him.” I believe their stories should be investigated (and I assume and hope they all worked with an attorney before releasing their stories to ensure they were as water-tight as possible) but when an accused asks stuff like this seems more like an attempted distraction—if he committed a crime, then asking “why didn’t you bring this up earlier?” seems a little beside the point to me, i.e. you can ask that AND investigate this POS.  The whole thing when it comes from the accused smacks of t***p’s bullshit attempts to focus on a leak or conspiracy than on the accusations themselves.

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    Seems like if there are two women, then there must be more than two women.

    • hasselt-av says:

      Pretty good assumption.  The behavior documented here sounds rather predatory, not just a misunderstanding on a bad date.  Predators rarely strike just once or twice.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        The second account in particular strikes me as indicative of a predator. I wonder if Noth made sure they got to the restaurant too late to eat. Then you have a woman drinking on an empty stomach and she’s getting wasted and easier to manipulate much quicker.

    • dirtside-av says:

      On the other hand, it would be hard to generalize that rule, otherwise one could say that if there’s any number of women, there’s an infinite number of women.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        In which case, we should get them on an infinite number of typewriters and have them write Shakespeare. Or maybe something else, we’ve already got a lot of Shakespeare.

      • amfo-av says:

        On the other hand, it would be hard to generalize that rule, otherwise one could say that if there’s any number of women, there’s an infinite number of women.Well, not an infinite number of women. Just an unknown total number of women, which is the sum of the number of women he’s already assaulted, plus the number of women we will eventually have failed to stop him assaulting in the future, because we thought we’d made a clever point about generalisation.

      • mshep-av says:

        This absolutely does not follow, in any mathematical or logical sense.

        • dirtside-av says:

          —-> joke —->…you

          • mshep-av says:

            So funny how folks tend to assume that their audience is too dumb to understand a joke, and never that their joke was terrible.

          • dirtside-av says:

            Why would someone assume their own joke is terrible? If they thought it was terrible, they wouldn’t have made it. Think, McFly.
            Also think about the fact that you saw an assertion that Chris Noth sexually assaulted an infinite number of women, and you thought the assertion was serious. It’s one thing to say it was an unfunny joke, and quite another to act like I was making a legitimate logical claim.

          • mshep-av says:

            You must not spend much time on the internet. People are STUPID. They think that there’s a cabal of billionaire cannibals conducting a child trafficking operation out of the basement of a pizza place that doesn’t have a basement. They think that a global pandemic that has killed millions is either a) not real, actually; or, b) engineered in a lab as a means to trick people into letting Bill Gates inject microchips into everyone’s arm. They they think that public figures experiencing personal and/or professional consequences for their words and/or actions is somehow tantamount to Stalinist repression of free speech.

            For the record, I didn’t actually think you were suggesting that Chris Noth had raped infinite women, but it did kinda sound like the kind of thing that an incel chud would say to discredit the assertion that, if there are two accusers, there are probably more than two victims. Sorry I mistook the very clear premise of your joke about, idk, the existence of cardinal infinites in set theory? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          • dirtside-av says:

            Set theory jokes are the best jokes! And sorry if I was overly hostile in my reply. I had a bad morning -_-

    • mythicfox-av says:

      That’s my thinking. I’d have to dig it up, but I recall hearing about a study some years ago about sexual assault on college campuses that strongly suggests that the people who do it either do it once (probably while intoxicated) and that’s it, or they do it multiple times as a pattern of predatory behavior. Not a lot of middle ground there.

      • hasselt-av says:

        I don’t remember the exact study, but that information came up when I took the sexual assault forensic examination certification course (don’t call it a “rape kit”). One of the most important reasons given for obtaining good biologic samples during the exam (which are surprisingly hard to get) is because so many of these guys commit multiple rapes, it can help at trial to match the same perp to previous assaults.

    • heasydragon-av says:

      What was it my grandmother said, when the first public mutterings about that fucker Weinstein started to be aired? You replace the broken fuse, you flick the switch and then all the lights come on.There’ll be more.  And I hope they’ll be supported.

    • sh90706-av says:

      Well now, this guy was quite a looker back then. That was his whole purpose for being in that show. A fantasy guy. There was probably a line of ladies hoping he’d pick one of them.  That gets in a guys head over time.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      oh yeah, if he did this over 10 years, then he almost assuredly did it BEFORE then and probably afterwards too.  I wonder if we’re in for a Weinsteinian avalanche of accusers over the coming weeks and months; I hope so because this dick’s defiant press release really irks me.

  • cjob3-av says:

    Not Noth! NOT NOTH!

  • bensavagegarden-av says:

    It was pretty thoughtful of them to wait until he left the show, so it wouldn’t impact ratings. 

  • presidentzod-av says:

    At the apartment, she claims Noth tried to make out with her, then stood and thrust his penis into her mouth. Then she recalls, “He was having sex with me from the back in a chair. We were in front of a mirror. I was kind of crying as it happened.”Pretty sure I saw this exact scene on PornHub.

  • blpppt-av says:

    Peter Florrick IRL, I guess.Dammit, now I won’t be able to watch any of pre-Curtis Law and Order without getting agitated. We already had a season and a half of that Trump-loving jackass Sorvino.

  • detectivefork-av says:

    Peloton just can’t catch a break.

  • mosam-av says:

    Journalistic question – why doesn’t this just say “accused of rape”? Because both these acts as alleged constitute rape.  Given the weird world where less terrible conduct (Aziz’s “misconduct”) is somehow lumped into this, I feel like picking words with caution is wise.  I wouldn’t want someone walking away thinking Noth’s allegations can be dismissed.  This is vile based on any standard.

    • thedreadsimoon-av says:

      how does the second example qualify?

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Yeah, the headline had me thinking he grabbed a woman’s boobs or something, instead we get details of full-on forceable penetration.

    • jshrike-av says:

      In many jurisdictions rape isn’t the codified crime. In this case it’d probably be aggravated sexual assault. I think the headline is an attempt to be more on the side of technically correct, but since this ain’t a police blotter, I’m not sure why that choice was made.

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      I hate to split these particular hairs, but yeah.Rape is a pretty known and understood crime. “Sexual assault” can be weaseled into so many forms it’s nearly useless as a descriptor. Presuming Noth did these things, ‘sexual assault’ could have covered so many forms of unwanted physical contact.Groping while drunk is a bad thing to do. It is sexual assault. However, I do not feel that someone who legitimately got drunk and handsy – but is deeply repentant, accepts that they shouldn’t have, and does not repeat the offense – is on the same level as someone who invites a potential partner in apparently in part using his status over them on the cast to assist compliance, plies them with booze, then rapes them.It’s kinda like reading “person assaulted on subway” only to read in and find they were tortured and murdered in insanely gruesome and messy fashion.

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      Probably bad headline writing, although it’s possible that there’s a policy not to use “rape” unless criminal charges or a law suit have been filed that call it rape, because the definition of rape can be very narrow in some jurisdictions (for example, forced oral is a separate crime from rape in many jurisdictions). Sexual assault is the name of a crime in some jurisdictions (I think California calls it sexual battery), but I think it’s used here as more of a catchall for a class of crimes.Side note: weird for this site to run an article with a fairly detailed account of two rapes and no trigger warning. Is that not a thing anymore?

  • saltier-av says:

    “Both women say that seeing news about Noth and the Sex And The City revival And Just Like That… made them want to come forward with the allegations. ”While it’s certainly possible for these accusations to be true, the timing is interesting. It’s not like Noth has been living under a rock this whole time.

    • paranoidandroid17-av says:

      They both came forward at the same time and decided to contact the Hollywood Reporter

      • saltier-av says:

        That’s the part I find interesting.

        • rogersachingticker-av says:

          It’s not that crazy. The likeliest explanation is that both women contacted one of the handful of prominent lawyers in this field, and that said lawyer has a relationship with Kim Masters and/or the Hollywood Reporter.

          • saltier-av says:

            I think Gloria Allred has a flashing neon sign over her office door for just this sort of case.

          • saltier-av says:

            It’s also interesting that the statute of limitations has expired on both these accusations. Unless there’s 17 year old DNA in a rape kit somewhere that proves Noth did it, there is no physical evidence. According to the THR story the first accuser went to a hospital but decided not to name an assailant when the police came to take her report. How long are these kits kept if no one files charges?At this point it’s he said/she said. That puts whatever legal action that comes from these accusations in the civil courts. Your theory about a lawyer being involved in the story makes a lot of sense. It definitely sounds like someone is laying the groundwork for a lawsuit.That’s not to say there’s no validity to the accusations. It’s entirely possible there is. The rub here is that coming forward after so many years have passed makes it close to impossible to make a criminal charge stick.As the father of two young women, I very much support prosecuting sexual predators to the fullest extent of the law. I strongly encourage any woman who finds herself in a situation like this is to go to a hospital immediately, get examined, and then file charges while the evidence is in hand.

          • bramblebush-av says:

            “I strongly encourage any woman who finds herself in a situation like this is to go to a hospital immediately, get examined, and then file charges while the evidence is in hand.”

            You know how rare it is for a rape to result in actual jail time? For every 1,000 rapes, only 33 will result in jail time. That’s 3% of cases. You’re also expecting a person who’s been through unimaginable trauma to have the stamina to go straight to the hospital (where, in the US, rape kits cost $6,000 and might not be entirely covered by medical insurance*, and might sit in a police department for decades**, which answers one of your questions), get examined and then file charges. Then if an arrest is made, imagine having to relive the worst day of your life in court while a defense attorney asks you what you were wearing.

            You come off as cavalier about the emotional cost of what you’re asking when you say victims need to take care of themselves. If you want women, including your own daughters, to feel comfortable coming forward with crimes committed against their bodies, you need to help create a culture with an emotionally supportive foundation to even move forward with that, and questioning the timing of accusations isn’t a good start, nor is using the “father of daughters” defense before literally mansplaining rape.



          • saltier-av says:

            I’m not being cavalier at all. Yes, the numbers for getting convictions on any crime are low, especially for rapes. Does that mean just give up and let a rapist walk?The points you make about costs, needed support, etc. are valid, but again, are you saying that we should let a rapist walk because it’s too hard to prosecute?You did a great job of outlining problems with the system, but what solutions do you suggest?

          • trollfa-av says:

            Believing women

          • recognitions-av says:

            Hello yes I have a mansplaining spill on aisle 7

          • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

            So like, you were cool with rape before you had daughters?

          • aslan6-av says:

            Civil courts also have a staute of limitations, and it’s usually shorter than the one in criminal cases. It’s almost certainly expired for the 2004 case. The 2015 assault, which took place in New York, is an interesting one—New York generally has a statute of limitations for sexual assault-related crimes in civil court cases, but for the past few years had a law that opened a window for any sexual-assault related case to be pursued in civil court, no matter how long had passed. So that one actually could have been pursued up until recently, but I believe the window closed this past summer. (Which in and of itself should shut down any discussion of “Why are they coming forward now?” … now is a few months too late for it to be a convenient time to make these allegations.)(Both California and New York modified their statute of limitations for sexual assault charges in recent years, so these restrictions might not apply for new cases. But they still apply to the old ones.)

          • saltier-av says:

            Good info!As I said above, none of this negates the possibility that these accusations are true. However, it almost certainly negates holding him accountable in either civil or criminal court.

      • zwing-av says:

        They didn’t come forward at the same time. Stories like this are researched for months, not to mention all the legal teams who have to go through them. If you want to be suspicious of the timing, it’s more on when THR decided to release it – did HBO get them to shelve it till after Big died? Was THR trying to capitalize on press for SATC? That’s the suspicious thing, not that the two women came forward within the last year.

        • recognitions-av says:

          Actually I’d say the suspicious thing is the famous celebrity who raped two women

          • zwing-av says:

            I’m just replying because I think this comment is a fucking hysterical”Well, actually…” (leaving out the well) given my post literally saying “That’s the suspicious thing, not that the two women came forward within the last year,” and given that I’m clearly on the side of the women and their stories.

          • recognitions-av says:

            It’s just weird that everyone in this post seems hyperconcerned with the timing of the article as if the article wasn’t about a man who raped two women

    • recognitions-av says:

      It isn’t actually

    • erictan04-av says:

      He’s been working, not exactly hiding under a rock somewhere.

    • bramblebush-av says:

      Name me one other project Noth has been involved in with the cultural magnitude and publicity of SatC. The HR article mentions they felt triggered by the press, one of the victims coming forth in October when the marketing began.

    • maymar-av says:

      It’s one of his higher profile roles post-#Me-Too.

      • saltier-av says:

        True. I’m just pointing out that he’s been working consistently ever since his Law & Order days.

        • maymar-av says:

          Right, but we’re finally at a point where victims might feel believed without too much questioning, and a high-profile role could be just enough to prompt someone into coming forward. 

    • dxanders-av says:

      Did that sound smart rather than viciously misogynistic in your head, or does your head work right?

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    Wow. From great week to worst week in 60 seconds. 

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Yet another guy who I’m guessing won’t be invited back to Doctor Who.I have a friend around Noth’s age who told me once during a conversation about Kobe Bryant that he was brought up believing that if a woman comes up to your hotel room, she is de facto consenting to sex, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the allegations are true and Noth truely believes he did nothing wrong.

    • timebobby-av says:

      Your friend who is close to the same age as Chris Noth is definitely therefore exactly the same as Chris Noth. Not a reach at all.

  • MookieBlaylock-av says:

    Can’t wait for him to be fully vindicated and these women to be shown to be lying trollops.  Just like all those other times that accusers made up stuff against rich and famous men. You know, like….

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Well good thing the character is fucking dead. Won’t have to get rid of him now. Jesus that’s awful, I’m sorry this happened and seeing him back on TV prominently must have been miserable.

    • smcat-av says:

      This is the only appropriate response I’ve seen so far.

    • hasselt-av says:

      And if they hadn’t killed him off in the first episode, I’m sure it would have happened promptly in the next episode they film.

    • fyodoren-av says:

      You mean you’re sorry this was alleged, right?

    • loopychew-av says:

      I liked his character on the new Equalizer show, but pending further investigation I won’t miss him when he vanishes.

    • aslan6-av says:

      My understanding is that they filmed a decent number of scenes with him this seasons–presumably intended to be flashbacks? It’ll be interesting to see what they do with that.

    • pikachu69-av says:

      Yep, a person who brought joy to millions brought misery to two people. Case closed, cancelled!

    • kitschkat-av says:

      Seriously. I’ve spent almost a decade assiduously avoiding any reminders of my rapist – I’ve blocked him on any possible social media, I’ve avoided the city he lives in, I’ve distanced myself from acquaintances we had in common. I very rarely think of him any more, and it’s brought me a measure of peace – I can’t imagine how much pain I would be going through if he was suddenly receiving gushing tributes all over the media.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      also seeing him pal around with Ryan Reynolds, knowing that during his career he has apparently made enough to buy a fucking tequila company…yeah that’d piss me off too

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    I don’t know the man, but does this at least vaguely seem to fit?Abso-fucking-lutely.  

  • killa-k-av says:

    These stories could’ve been from 30 years ago or 30 days agoWe know that, Chris. Why are YOU bringing that up?

    • Harold_Ballz-av says:

      Right?? It’s such a mealy-mouthed “I believe women!” literally one line after casually throwing out the fact these accounts were from years ago.

    • saltier-av says:

      Yeah, that’s the kind of stupid statement that begs another question like, “What have you been up to the last month?”

    • schmapdi-av says:

      I thought this part was interesting : “that is a line I did not cross.”

      Kinda implies he was crossing some other lines …

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      yeah I know, his lawyer or press agent should have reread that last statement…”so you can’t remember if you might have raped someone 30 days ago? Do they start to run together?” Ugh.

  • scottscarsdale-av says:

    The body’s not even cold yet.

  • blackoak-av says:

    So I guess we can expect his character’s death on The Equalizer?(Full disclosure that I gave up on The Equalizer so no idea if he is still on it as a semi-regular or not.)

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Either that is incredible timing they killed off his character so early, or the producers knew this was going to drop for a while, and got ahead of it.

    • aslan6-av says:

      He’d been trying to get written off the property for years—it was first tossed around as an idea for a potential third movie, four or five years ago. And it’s just a hard show to write plots for if Carrie’s not single.That said, stories about him being somewhere in between “a messy drunk” and “full-blown abusive” have been floating around since SATC’s heyday. I suspect the cast and crew have heard at least some of them.

      • rmplstltskn-av says:

        I was at NYU from ‘04-’09 (SATC heyday) and it was known that Mr. Big would hang around picking up college girls.

    • gildie-av says:

      I really doubt Sex in the City wants this association. It would have been much easier to write him out in the decade we didn’t see the characters like they did with Kim Cattrall.They more than likely wanted Carrie to reset to single and always intended to bring him back to die for the drama. 

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        As I understand it, the new series is named after the narration that transitions from his death scene, so there’s no way that this wasn’t in the cards all along.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      maybe the writers will “pull a Chef” on him like on South Park and have the Equalizer take down a serial sex abuser but instead of arresting him, she beats him to death over days?

  • amfo-av says:

    The accusations against me made by individuals I met years, even decades, ago are categorically false. These stories could’ve been from 30 years ago or 30 days ago—no always means no—that is a line I did not cross. The encounters were consensual.I reckon this has to be one of the worst denials we’ve seen, and boy haven’t we seen a lot? This motherfucker… I think what really sets my teeth on edge with this one is the positioning of “the encounters were consensual” after the blathering about timelines and the condescending reminder to us that rape is bad. Like he’s just tossing that detail in there. “Oh yes I did use these young women, but it wasn’t rape.”You know what would have been a much stronger defence, Chris? “I do not routinely seduce, fuck, and discard much younger women.” But he can’t say that. Because he does target young women for casual sex. He’s done it as recently as 30 days ago, he says it right there.Oh, oh you mean I’m misinterpreting that, and the “30 years ago or 30 days ago” is meant to be him saying he’s always known rape is wrong? Nah. That’s a massive Freudian slip, the way he’s written that.  Put the whole thing together, he’s basically saying he’s such a good guy, all the young women he’s banged over the last 30 years were totally into it. no always means no—that is a line I did not cross.A line you did not cross? So you got them drunk, you put them in a contained space, you shoved your dick in their mouths, you jumped on them and started banging away… but it’s all cool because none of this crosses the “line” of them having said “no” first? (And apparently “stop” doesn’t mean no, especially when she “implies consent” by asking you to use a condom which you just laugh at…)Of course I could be wrong about all of this, and these two “encounters” (which he admits took place since he points out they were consensual) may be the only two times he’s ever used his fame and power to manipulate young women into having casual sex with him, and those women have regretted that, and are trying to take down this good, innocent man, who never rapes, because he knows no means no. Yes that seems perfectly plausible.One of the least surprising Milkshake Ducks ever.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    One of the saddest parts reading that second account is how apologetic the woman feels she has to be: feeling shame because she knew Noth was married, saying she acted stupidly. But then society teaches women to feel bad about their choices when it comes to sexual encounters, consensual or otherwise. This woman did nothing wrong, and should be able to tell her story just with the righteous anger she’s entitled to.

    • timebobby-av says:

      “This woman did nothing wrong”Hmm nope, going to have sex with a married man is wrong. More wrong of him, but also wrong of her. Stop excusing shitty behavior.

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      She’s in no way responsible for Noth raping her—that’s all on him—but going out on a date (her description, not mine) with someone who you know is married isn’t exactly “nothing wrong.”

  • rogue-like-av says:

    The two sides of this are hard to reconcile.On one hand, I want the women to get due justice.On the other, I just don’t understand why you would sit on this, bubbling inside you, for ten+ years and now finally decide to come forward.Idiocy runs amok.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Well, I’m guessing Mike Logan won’t be showing up in the Law & Order revival, then. 

  • zwing-av says:

    I replied to another comment about this, but in regards to the apparent “suspicious timing” of this – do people actually think the way reporting works is that women come forward and then it’s like 2 weeks and the story’s out? These stories take months! The article itself states the first victim reached out in August. Interviews with the victims, interviews with people who can corroborate their accounts, research to verify statements, etc., that shit takes time. And after all that reporting, the legal team has to comb through everything to make sure their asses are fucking covered! The ONLY potentially – and I’m talking unlikely but potentially – suspicious things here are:1. THR reached out to HBO for comment, and HBO, aware the story would be out, did some back channel dealing to make sure the story did not come out BEFORE the series was through with Big. 2. THR timed the story to get the most eyeballs, which would be during the run of And Just Like That, when, even if they didn’t know Big would die, they knew he and the show would be in the zeitgeist. But it feels like some people think “Oh these women saw Big die on a Peloton and decided it was time to come for him, and a week later the story was out, that makes more sense to me than them possibly telling the truth.”

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