Shia LaBeouf addresses FKA Twigs abuse allegations: “I hurt that woman”

On Jon Bernthal's Real Ones podcast, LaBeouf said he now wants to be a "billboard, for a principled way of living"

Aux News LaBeouf
Shia LaBeouf addresses FKA Twigs abuse allegations: “I hurt that woman”
Shia LaBeouf Photo: Rich Fury

In the open letter he sent to Olivia Wilde this week—discounting her assertion that he was “fired” from her film Don’t Worry Darling—Shia LaBeouf mentions former romantic partner FKA Twigs only once. “My failings with Twigs are fundamental and real, but they are not the narrative that has been presented,” he wrote, presumably referring to a series of allegations that the British musician has made against him, suing him for “sexual battery, assault, and infliction of emotional distress” during the course of their relationship. “There is a time and a place to deal with such things,” LaBeouf wrote to Wilde, “And I am trying to navigate a nuanced situation with respect for her and the truth, hence my silence.”

In contrast, LaBeouf reportedly didn’t mention Twigs’ name at all during a new episode of Jon Bernthal’s podcast Real Ones tonight (apparently, the aforementioned “time and place” to break his “silence”), instead only referring to her as “that woman.” For example: “I hurt that woman,” he tells Bernthal during the interview, although he doesn’t appear to have addressed many of the specific allegations against him. (LaBeouf formally denied all of Twigs’ accusations against him in 2021, when he filed a motion to have her case against him dismissed.) “And in the process of doing that, I hurt many other people,” he added, in a manner similar to comments he made in December 2020, asserting that he had been “abusive” both to himself, and others, “for years.” “And many other people before that woman. I was a pleasure-seeking, selfish, self-centered, dishonest, inconsiderate, fearful human being.”

As with the Wilde letter, LaBeouf—who admits in the interview to infidelity and not disclosing STDs to sexual partners—cites the birth of his daughter as a transformational moment for him. He goes on to call “that woman” a “saint” who “saved his life,” because “Had she not intervened in my life and not created the avenue for me to experience ego death, I’d either have a really mediocre existence or I’d be dead in full.” (LaBeouf also states, as he has elsewhere this week, that he considered killing himself after the allegations became public. “I went and loaded up a gun and sat on my table.”)

LaBeouf—who’s currently starring in Abel Ferrara’s Padre Pio—noted how that “ego death” stemmed from his status as a member of “the tribe of the fuck-ups.” “I’m a very public sinner, a very fallible person in the public sphere, What I think now my purpose is, is to not do… The other examples that we’ve had of how to navigate something like this — which is to go after the woman, or try to win a court case, or get back into a fucking movie or like get back on at all.” (Padre Pio will debut this year in competition at the Venice International Film Festival.)

LaBeouf posits himself as he is now as a “billboard, for a principled way of living.” He also drew comparisons to Josh Brolin and Mel Gibson as actors who’ve been accused of domestic abuse in the past, and tried to chart a course through Hollywood in the aftermath. He also mentioned that he now has a “squad” of “60 dudes” who he has weekly Zoom meetings and bike rides with so that he can get feedback on his actions, “in real time.”

The two-hour interview is available on Bernthal’s Patreon. In a clip from the conversation made public on his Instagram, Bernthal (who starred with LaBeouf in 2014's Fury and then in 2019's The Peanut Butter Falcon) weighs in himself, apparently attempting to chart his own response to the allegations, saying, “I don’t know what it’s like to put my hands on a woman, or for a woman to say I put my hands on her.” He also says that his role as LaBeouf’s friend is to ensure that “you never do it again,” while also expressing support for him.

FKA Twigs made her allegations against LaBeouf in 2020. They currently have an April 2023 court date set for the lawsuit.

If you or someone you know is suffering from sexual abuse, contact the RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.

[via Variety]


  • ohnoray-av says:

    I’m glad he’s not in active use because he would have kept on abusing others, but fuck, the “self enlightened” brand of toxic masculinity that is happening lately is some deep level of delusion.

    • the-allusionist-av says:

      I’ve lost track. How many redemption tours does this make for Shia now? It’s surely not the first.

      • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

        Come on, give the guy a chance. Or seven. His ego died! Also, doesn’t ego death require drugs? 

        • the-allusionist-av says:

          I can’t even remember how many times I’ve used that one to get out of important engagements. “Sorry, I will be unable to babysit Timothy this evening. My ego died and I have to go to the funeral.”

        • kencerveny-av says:

          Generally, non-prescription, under the table ones.

      • vw0-av says:

        I think this is #2. He went to rehab and then made that movie about his childhood as an actor and his messed up relationship with his dad. And then the Twigs stuff came out, and he’s back at square one. 

        • santaclouse-av says:

          There’s also the time he plagiarized an entire short film from a graphic novel

          • vw0-av says:

            Then for that he did this weird performance art thing where people could just go in a room an insult him or hit me. Some woman apparently sexually assaulted him.

    • crocodilegandhi-av says:

      Does what he’s doing here even count as “toxic masculinity”? Seems too whiny and navel-gazey to qualify as that. This is more like just an insincere acknowledgment of his own shortcomings.

      • ohnoray-av says:

        “insincere acknowledgment of his own shortcomings.”that’s like the definition of toxic masculinity. Depp is using the exact same brand.

    • lookatallthepretties-av says:

      “Real Ones” real one the first 15 minutes of film on physical sproketed film media plastic celluloid film silver nitrate film stock oval red dot called a cigarette burn flashes in top right corner of image frame twice 15 cartridges in a illegal magazine size in the People’s Republic of Kalifornia nothin’ ‘cept Jews niggers spics commies fuckin’ socialist bitches faggots dykes bitches a semi automatic handgun assault rifle SBR legal with a pistol brace NFA compliant tax dodge 300 dollars SBR full auto suppressor tax stamp tramp stamp the girl in I don’t know how to say this without being disrespectful music video in the bell short rah rah skirt in the club pregnant not showing yet people can tell though just by looking at her unregistered firearm curio or relic that fucking awful horror movie the multiplayer map on Halo Warthog vehicle white Jeep Renegade Northern California white supremacist Free State of Jones secessionist unregistered vehicle no plates Arizona Nevada Idaho plates something with a Nazi far right emblem on them 88 16 words Texas mon amour fuckin’ French New Orleans vampires walking through The Valley of the dolls Silverlake movie theatre art gallery long blonde hair Nancy Sinatra patent leather high heeled calf high gold disc earrings white go go girl boots white mini skirt black cashmere sweater David Lynch’s ‘50s Twin Peaks sweater girl photograph of her in media on a balcony at a restaurant in Jackson Hole Wyoming Jack Nicholson’s girlfriend who ran away when he hit a automobile with his automobile in L.A. made it ten feet measure it on a crime scene map Mark Furman bent LAPD Detective gold shield I don’t need to show you a fucking badge you nigger bitch hold up your badge so they know you’re a Polissssman son L.A. Confidential didn’t make it far shot in the back face down taxpayer leopard shoes footprints in pool of blood In Cold Blood psychofuckinpath Sam Peckinpah .45 ACP 1911 pistol WWI untraceable cold piece drop weapon ankle gun .32 ACP didn’t hear nuthin just traffic noise in the distance quiet street famous for fifteen minutes someone in the pool house gunflashes through the window in the dark machete 28 Days Later music party next door seven year old girl never seen again Winona Ryder Petaluma kid the luminous flesh of giants Sandra Bullock’s house skylight white hallway glass panes either side of door plinth with bronze sculpture on right of image left of door as you come in pretty paintings gold frames money small paintings not ostentatious oils almost summer pastel colours grass green river light blue sky blue dots of white yellow flowers woman with a parasol white nineteenth century dress dark hair splashes of summer colours elegance wealth good taste a woman bright white sunlit modernist house hallway Real One repeated the Roman punishment practice of decimation moving down the line every tenth person bang shoot them in the head where they stand Funimation the sound of a child watching Sunday morning cartoons on the Disney channel in the next room fucking Spic livin’ in a house like this in White California there ought to be a law clear the house fully automatic .223 rifle suppressor five thirty round magazines drop it run and gun with a .45 ACP pistol with a suppressor six magazines woman uniformed police officer’s leather service belt one magazine in the pistol two in holster on her belt three magazines in a pocket of the traffic summons book she carries harmless see my hands are full pen summons book mornin’ mam do you know why I stopped you gesture stop sign at last intersection woman looks shows as rapid movement on patrol vehicle videotape woman police officer steps back drops pen summons book draws weapon fires three round into her head perfect grouping faster than you can count she’s practiced this over and over and over again on the police firing range movement in the back seat three rounds there was nothing I could do she was on something crazy eyes didn’t see the child just movement really there was nothing else I could do if your going to threaten someone in North Korea don’t pick such a fucking stupid way to do it with such obvious replies remember how the hostage rescue in Iran went fucking shambles chaos throws three hand grenades into the house in tech bro equivalent of Bel Air in San Francisco Bay area gets back into anonymous looking no there ain’t such thing onto anonymous electric motorcycle plays Riders on the Storm on helmet headphones how do ya think she got the assault rifle here on a motorcycle even a SBR broken down dunno she could have brought it in before buried it see that marking on the tree that branch up there is a perfect sniper spot she must be about ninety ninety five pounds five five two long blonde hair or short a little bit Chinkie round the cheekbones looks a little like Keri Russell a little bit like Lee Remick keep playing the Lanchester N squared attrition game white supremacist Amerika keep sending back girl’s heads in boxes to North Korea now what precisely do you think is going to happen it’s a asymmetric warfare world has been for decades you really should know that by now do you want to wait for another demonstration of how vulnerable the civilisation laughs cynically unamused shakes head at your utter idiocy you you laughs again have built actually is you’re a good actor Mr. Bernthal you too Mr. LaBeouf my apologies for insulting you I underestimated you sincere apologies hope you both make it I play the odds as they really are though rather than how people who haven’t bothered thinking about what they actually do think they are you know occasionally when I can actually be bothered which isn’t often now show me a six grand Mateba .357 revolver echo of a nineteenth century weapon on a Predator trophy wall on I’ll go six grand plus shipping plus VAT at 20% plus deactivation costs I can make that starting with a few grand except except who would deactivate something like that it’s a piece of history in two hundred years it’ll be on the wall of a orbiting habitat in Earth orbit or Mars that’s the point of it drop a .357 cartridge into it click the cylinder once it’ll still fire someone then might need it a once and future weapon chattel property human scale human technology who we were what was worth making then and making well regardless of what it was supposed to mean what was worth keeping till now what will be worth keeping till two hundred years from now you and I will be long gone it won’t someone may need it in two hundred years I mean you can’t shoot a Predator with it I mean they’ll just echo laugh at you and tear your head off after looking you in the eyes to see if you’re a girl ‘cept you can shoot a human with it .357 will do a lot of damage to a human it’s a person killer if you know where to shoot them and you can actually hit them with it not very good odds on that ‘cept it’s better than no odds at all ain’t it have you met a human a lot of those fuckers need shooting

    • jomahuan-av says:

      this is why you never suggest couples counseling for people in an abusive relationship, or non-DV therapy for abusers. the abuser learns the lingo and usually ends up using it to justify more abuse.i hope it’s just a matter of him articulating his points badly, ‘cause…y’know, abuse is bad.

  • moxitron-av says:

    it’s always the narcissistic ones who blabble on about ‘ego-death’, go away Beefyboy…

  • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

    I think we all have to stop and ask ourselves the most important question of all: how does this affect noted traducer Olivia Wilde?

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    [jerkoff hand gesture]

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    “I’m a very public sinner, a very fallible person in the public sphere…”Well then maybe you should stay out of the public sphere? Seems like a win/win solution.

    • kinjakungen-av says:

      I’m not sure he can. Celebs who became famous as kids often end up becoming addicted to their own fame. The kicks they get from recognition and exposure makes it extremely difficult to stay away; their brain has essentially become hardwired to require being in the public sphere.A more extreme example of this: Justin Bieber, and his mea culpa letter he wrote a couple years back.

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        Yeah – he’s a genuinely messed up person.He’s also a *bad* person, but he’s right there with Lohan in the “never had a chance” category.

    • phonypope-av says:

      Also, using “fallible” in this context is a real cop-out.It makes it sound like the things he’s been accused of are the result of basic human failings/imperfections, rather than his specific choices and actions that have consequences.

    • scuzeme-av says:

      He tried being no longer famous. Didn’t pan out.

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    Hmmm. I don’t think I like the principles you’re advertising, Shoe Lebeef.

  • lisarowe-av says:


  • boobsandbacon-av says:

    So he has allegations of abuse against women and he decides the way to keep him in check is to hang around 60 men? Ok lol. This whole thing just sounds like the typical abuser apology tour. Can never just admit to wrong doing without painting themselves in a positive light 

    • the-allusionist-av says:

      But he has a daughter now, so he’s all better.

      • Bugoongu-av says:

        Excuse me, I’m related to a woman, tangentially. This means I could NEVER do anything wrong against women. /s

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        like any conservative t***p supporter who you thought for a second would turn on him by saying “now I have a daughter…” and then finish with “…but t***p deserves a second chance for the things he’s done!” LOL

    • kencerveny-av says:

      And claiming that he’s the real victim. Damn media ghouls! How dare they report on things that actually happened.

    • jayrig5-av says:

      I agree with the broader premise here, obviously. He shouldn’t be publicly trying to rehab his image. But the thing about whatever support group he has… there’s obviously a chance it’s actively toxic or whatever, because men, but what’s the alternative? Trusting himself to hold himself accountable (not worked great so far)? Not seeking outside guidance? Surrounding himself with women he puts the responsibility on to help him? I definitely agree that by going on a podcast and speaking about it he’s inherently doing something wrong and unproductive and disrespectful. I don’t know that that act itself, though, is by nature a negative for him in terms of actual self-improvement. (Which I only care about in the sense that I don’t want him to hurt anyone else, not that I care if he feels better about himself or has an easier time getting work.)

      • morganla-av says:

        Men are not universally bad, or aggressive people. Plenty of good men to work with a willing man who wants to be better.It really seems like a mature thing to do considering. 

    • digger720-av says:

      So as a point of order, it isn’t uncommon in AA/NA whatever-A to have big group texts that are gender specific. It’s also common for people in early sobriety to stick to gender specific meetings or LGBTQIA meetings, etc. This helps foster an open environment where people feel comfortable sharing their trauma/issues/whatever. Hopefully this is easy to understand for some people that feel compelled to shit on this without understanding…EX a woman new to sobriety who has trauma because she was sexually assaulted by her uncle or aunt likely won’t feel as comfortable sharing this in a room with both men and women. Similarly, a man or woman who abused their  significant other may not feel comfortable being honest about the abuse they inflicted with members of the opposite sex. Just cus you don’t like someone please don’t dump on things people do to better themselves. 

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        You’re thinking too much about this!Just scream “BAD MAN BAD,” then have a few pints, then beat the shit out of your wife, then beat the shit out of your kid!It’s called “The Recognitions.”

      • morganla-av says:

        Exactly this. If he is still presumably an abuser tho wanting a new way, he definitely SHOULD work with men to be a better man.His problem is not that he doesn’t listen to women, his problem is that he’s apparently violent in word and perhaps deed.

      • boobsandbacon-av says:

        I’ll preface this with, I’m a black masc person so I do know about “the group chat”. My issue here is that most circles of men just end up being feedback loops of misogyny. Which when you couple with the rest of the actions stated in the article, doesn’t give me much hope that they’re getting the help they need. 

        • digger720-av says:

          Point appreciated. Most of us fall into not realizing random shite like that. I’m in AA and though I don’t buy into a lot of the pseudo religious crap, nobody else cares and i take from it what helps and leave what doesnt (like anything to do with god).Totally unrelated to AA but until proven otherwise I assume everyone is a huge POS until proven otherwise. That includes Shia LeWoof, Olivia Wilde and even FKA Twigs. Frankly all of their lives are much easier than ours since they DONT LIVE IN REALITY, and I can promise you none of them give two shits about our well being. Wish all of them well sort of… but I could care less about taking any of their sides in anything. Same as the Depp-Heard thing (although Amber Turd makes me laugh every time). While it makes for some interesting click bait, none of it changes the way we live our lives. 

          • boobsandbacon-av says:

            Wish you the best on your road to recovery and I truly mean that. Also I don’t know why I thought you were saying African American at first haha. Needed this laugh at my expense.But yeah I feel you there. I don’t really keep up with celebrities outside of their art. I’m too poor to care about anything else lol. Unless they’re a shit person and then I just steer clear from their stuff. So I’m not really taking any side myself, besides the side of women and victims of abuse. So for the sake of them, I hope I’m wrong.

    • morganla-av says:

      The idea is to seek advice and corrective behavior from men who practice it. He can’t be a better man by hanging out with women, he’d just continue being an abuser.It sounds like an Abuser Anonymous kind of setup, and likely works if Shia works it.

  • mrfallon-av says:

    Right so if your ego died, mate, why does 100% of your end of this conversation revolve around managing the way people perceive you?

  • terranigma-av says:


  • whatabadidea-av says:

    I, admittedly, haven’t listened to the interview/chat, and only know what’s involved based off of the article here, but… man, some of y’all are impossible to please.

    the dude is openly acknowledging the hurt he did and saying that he’s trying to become a better person. he seems as though he’s fairly self-aware of the various ways men in power are trying to distance/overcome sexual assault allegations, and is trying not to take the ‘cop out’ route.

    he also mentions spending time with more men, which some of you call out… but I feel like if he were to try and spend time with women to help with rehabilitation, people would just argue that he’s putting the onus on people who are victims to make him a better person. there’s no winning here, for anyone. 

    is any of this sincere? fuck if I know. but — and I mean this sincerely — what is the ‘answer’ to these kinds of situations? do the assaulters in question just completely disappear from the public sphere? do they do an apology tour (but not TOO apologetic, because then it’s not sincere, right?), or do they quietly fade away?

    I’m not saying there has to be a single answer, but someone can also only prostrate themselves so many times in the court of public opinion before the entire situation becomes farcical.

    I think what people miss sometimes is that the whole of someone’s experience is never going to be handled in a single interview. it’s totally possible, via some other avenue, Shia has “already” admitted guilt without any sort of self-aggrandising, but in this particular interview he’s going a bit more into the kind of stuff he’s been doing.

    • blueayou2-av says:

      “what is the ‘answer’ to these kinds of situations? do the assaulters in question just completely disappear from the public sphere?” probably, yeah. 

    • upsideinsideout-av says:

      I think the issue is that, unless you’re a huge fan, you probably really don’t care if he goes away for a few years (or forever). He’s always struck me as someone who was known as a talented actor who can carry movies, but doesn’t take up space in the public imagination like, say, Johnny Depp, with whom many, many people seemed to have developed some deeply parasocial relationships. Should he fade away completely? I personally would not mind if he did. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe he is sincerely working on himself. It means I think he still comes across as douchey and egocentric IRL, and as talented as he may be, I think he is replaceable on film. 

    • recognitions-av says:

      Why is it so hard for some of you to understand that actions have consequences and simply apologizing doesn’t magically make them go away

    • burnitbreh-av says:

      There’s no reason to talk about ‘these kinds of situations’ as a generality. If LaBoeuf genuinely feels like he’s ready to own his shit, he should settle with/not contest Twigs’ lawsuit.

    • beezlebubba-av says:

      The option is actual therapy, not just hanging out with men or women. He has done the rehab bit, maybe it helped, maybe it didn’t. If he is going to commit to a process, he can try again under professional guidance until he gets it.

    • necgray-av says:

      I understand what you’re saying here.But this is a podcast interview. Which isn’t a thing he *has* to do. Like… at all. Not even a little.And for a guy “prostrating” himself he’s still happy to fight legal action.

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        Eh – if he did 90% of the shit alleged, but not all of it, the people who have run his life since he was 8 will tell him to fight the 10%.

    • toecheese4life-av says:

      So I am absolutely for reforming abusers. Actually I think the worst think our society can do is take people who have severe anger management issues and violent tendencies and then put them into environment like prison or shun them. If you tell people they are hopeless and redemption is impossible they are more likely to engage in more toxic and violent behavior.
      That being said I have friend who actually rehabilitates domestic abusers and this anecdotal but her clients that find religion always relapse. Why? Because its just another way to deny accountability. “Oh I was like that before because I didn’t have god.” And the conversation isn’t, “there is something severely wrong with me and I most likely will need long term therapy.”
      You can even see this how he responded to the Olivia Wilde situation. Clearly his behavior made Florence Pugh uncomfortable; his own evidence shows that. But he is more worried about setting the record straight about how he left the project and not that Wilde fired him for his behavior.* So I personally do side eye him especially since he has history of behaving badly on set.
      *Honestly what everyone is missing from that situation is that Pugh was made uncomfortable and people like LeBeouf and Wilde identified Pugh as the problem for not getting the process or whatever BS certain artist types like to claim.

    • lee00-av says:

      Prison and therapy. He’s admitting he abused FKA and he admitted it before, but then he denied it (before admitting it again). When it comes to the court case, he needs to step up and accept what he did. If he goes back to denying it, it will show he is genuinely not sorry. After that, he needs to accept punishment and work on himself. He has spent years abusing other people, both on and off set. Personally, I don’t think he should continue working in Hollywood after that. I don’t think anyone should be able to spend years abusing their colleagues and walk back into the same job. 

  • the4thkaramazov-av says:

    People absolutely deserve a chance to make changes and move forward in a different direction in their life. But…….that can only happen after the accept the consequences, legal and otherwise, for their previous actions. It sounds like he wants to do the first part without doing the second part. 

    • ialwaysaskedforthis-av says:

      The legal process is still ongoing, unless I’m mistaken. So what he ultimately does there remains to be seen. I personally would not make any public declarations of guilt or innocence in any legal matter outside of the courtroom. Lawyers aren’t interested in what is fair or just. They are interested in making money and the best outcome for their client (from that lawyers perspective), in that order. It’s not an issue of morality for lawyers. And ultimately it probably shouldn’t be in many cases. So it would be unwise for him to say or do anything to give anything to his accusers lawyers to use against him, whether he is guilty, innocent, penitent, or shameless. You don’t provide fuel to lawyers or the state to use against you.

      One would hope that he’d privately come to a place of honesty and penance with anyone he hurt. And then resolve it fairly in an agreed upon fashion during the proceedings.

      He doesn’t owe the public a confession or a sacrifice. He doesn’t owe the public anything at all, unless he and his accuser deem it necessary when coming to terms. So it won’t be satisfying to most people here.

      • lee00-av says:

        “Most people here” likely just want this abuser to face real consequences for his actions and you seem a bit upset about that. 

        • ialwaysaskedforthis-av says:

          I wouldn’t say I’m “upset”. I stated a fairly bland opinion, without rancor. I don’t pretend to have all the answers. The closest thing I’d find to “upsetting” is that “people here” pretend to have answers and knowledge they couldn’t possibly have. Which is fine, as this is just gossip blogging, but I find it interesting and befuddling sometimes how people respond to these things. So I commented.

          I have a genuine interest in how we deal with abusers and victims of abuse. How we prosecute crime, and how we prioritize punishment and rehabilitation. How we deal with providing mental health assistance and protecting society from people who are a danger to themselves and others.

          So when I say Shia Lebouf (who, we can be fairly sure, will be fine compared to people who do not have his resources) doesn’t owe the public anything, I mean that genuinely, and I would say the same of anyone dealing with legal issues. Twigs owes the public nothing. It’s between them and their lawyers and perhaps the state. I hope they all come out of it doing better moving forward. I have no idea what happened between them, what they are thinking now, or how they will resolve their issues, legal or otherwise.

          I had a discussion with someone recently about the death penalty, and my belief that no innocent should ever die because the state wants revenge, and the death penalty should be abolished. And they responded that some people shouldn’t be part of society. I’m not sure I agree, but then, what do we do with people? Do people change, or should we kill them and toss them in the trash? How do we force people to change?

          So I think about these things, and comment, and ask questions. Is that okay?

    • lee00-av says:

      He has also spent many years abusing his colleagues. I don’t think he should continue working in Hollywood after that personally, but I know others will disagree. 

  • ellomdian-av says:

    He also drew comparisons to Josh Brolin and Mel Gibson as actors who’ve been accused of domestic abuse in the pastDude, when Mel Gibson is someone you look up to, maybe it’s time to step away from public life… forever.

    • phonypope-av says:

      I’m not sure if this is why Shia Labeouf used Mel Gibson as a reference point, but he (Labeouf) recently became a hardcore Catholic, and Gibson has been known as a fundamentalist Catholic for a long time.Not sure about Josh Brolin – he was arrested in 2004 for domestic battery against his (then) wife Diane Lane, charges were later dropped.More to the point, it doesn’t seem like that accusation affected Brolin’s career much.  Since 2004 he’s appeared in movies that are critically acclaimed (No Country For Old Men, True Grit, Inherent Vice, Dune) and/or AAA franchise movies (Avengers, Deadpool, Dune)

    • laserfacelvr-av says:

      That’s not what he said though? 

    • ialwaysaskedforthis-av says:

      I haven’t listened to the interview. Did he say he looked up to Mel Gibson? That would be absolutely insane if he did.

    • morganla-av says:

      Mel’s a known dirty antisemite and rw hack. Now add the abuse…

  • sgt-makak-av says:

    He also mentioned that he now has a “squad” of “60 dudes” who he has
    weekly Zoom meetings and bike rides with so that he can get feedback on
    his actions, “in real time.”Oh cool so he’s either going to the Catholic Church or “60 dudes” to get the help he needs. I got scared for a second there and thought he was going to listen to women to learn. /s

    • ialwaysaskedforthis-av says:

      Let me ask you a question: What women? What do you think women are likely to say to him?

      I’m asking genuinely, because I have no idea what a person would do in his situation. Therapy, certainly. Getting distance from the public eye? Probably. But then what?
      There’s nothing anyone here will find to be satisfactory beside “Dig a hole and pull the dirt in over you”. Which is not an option for the vast majority of living humans who don’t want to die. So what should he do? What’s the right path for him going forward? I’m genuinely curious.

      • lee00-av says:

        Prison and therapy. He’s admitting he abused FKA and he admitted it before, but then he denied it (before admitting it again). When it comes to the court case, he needs to step up and accept what he did. If he goes back to denying it, it will show he is genuinely not sorry. After that, he needs to accept punishment and work on himself. He has spent years abusing other people, both on and off set. Personally, I don’t think he should continue working in Hollywood after that. I don’t think anyone should be able to spend years abusing their colleagues and walk back into the same job. 

        • ialwaysaskedforthis-av says:

          Fair enough. I don’t know enough of the specific details of his past to comment much further, and I hesitate to dedicate the time to trying to dig up what’s truth or rumor, so I’ll accept your assessment without argument.

          Valid point about workplace behaviour. No one should be abused at work.

          But how do we expand that outward to the general populace? When do people with histories of bad behavior get to work again? I knew a man who was homeless for months. He couldn’t get work because he had been arrested for felony theft. He had a history of acting out in stores and when confronted by cops. His only hope was finding a privately owned business that would overlook his record. Which was extremely difficult due to the area he lived in.

          THanks to the charity of friends, he was able to hold out long enough to see a doctor and psychologist, get on the proper meds, and establish contact with an assistance program. He lucked out and found a parking garage that was largely abandonded during COVID, to live in through the winter. People gave him food and water and a little stove to cook with.

          He finally was able to get a little apartment after living outside for months. He died a month later of heart failure, sitting in an armchair in that apartment.

          Shia Lebouf is not ever going to be homeless, I know. He’ll be fine. But what do we as a society say should be done about people with a history of violence or abusiveness?

          I get a little nauseous when I think about Mel Gibson. He seems like a real garbage person. I’m not interested in watching anything he’s in or working on. He hates me and people like me, obviously. Do I think he should not work? I go back and forth on it. I legit don’t know.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Now go to jail.

  • emodonnell-av says:

    “60 dudes” is really stretching the definition of the word “squad.” That’s more like a platoon.

  • rogue-like-av says:

    I’m gonna go there.Who. The. Fuck. Cares. Actor fucks up. News. Has severe relationship issues/problems/shit we don’t like to read about/Who cares.I keep reading this crap because it reminds me that folk making a hell of a lot more $$$ than me actually sometimes, sometimes, have it worse. They are in the limelight. 

  • critifur-av says:

    “that woman” That’s all we need to know.

  • galdarn-av says:

    “The two-hour interview is available on Bernthal’s Patreon.”This incredibly successful Hollywood actor is accepting money from people for his podcast?

  • nogelego-av says:

    This is how I discover Jon Bernthal has a podcast?Way to bury the lede, AV Club.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    he now has a “squad” of “60 dudes” who he has weekly Zoom meetings and bike rides with wait, does he have a “muscle boy posse” (sorry, “muscle man posse”) like Kelvin from Righteous Gemstones? LOLseriously, how does this dicksmack get SO MANY CHANCES?? You’d think he was Daniel Day Lewis’s illegitimate but equally talented son.

  • turk96-av says:

    Should also mention that this freakbag shoots stray dogs as part of his “process”, he told Twig.  Then told her she doesn’t support him when she told him she was disgusted by that.  I hope he never works again.  But he probably will.

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