Showtime teases us with more Ray Donovan

TV Features TV

Indulging in the very definition of a teaser—i.e., “one who goads others into an unhappy or miserable reaction”—Showtime has released the latest promo for its long-running Catholic guilt-and-murder parade, Ray Donovan. Starring Liev Schreiber as the titular sweaty ball of glowering stubble, the series is set to return on June 26, bringing fans all the Jon Voight action and endlessly cycling redemption narratives that they apparently didn’t get their fill of four TV antiheroes ago.

The new season will apparently see Donovan—a Los Angeles “fixer” who gets high-profile clients out of jams, usually by utilizing varying degrees of force—attempting to patch up his relationships with his wife and daughter, a process that seems to involve a lot of false-sounding promises, pointing guns at people, and pensively staring at crosses. The veteran series’ fourth season will serve as a lead-in to Cameron Crowe’s new ensemble comedy, Roadies, because nothing complements grim treatises on the emptiness of human life like watching Luke Wilson crack jokes while moving an amp.

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