Snoop Dogg reminds Tekashi 6ix9ine that Martha Stewart didn't snitch on anybody

Aux Features Music
Snoop Dogg reminds Tekashi 6ix9ine that Martha Stewart didn't snitch on anybody
Photo: Martha Stewart (David Handschuh-Pool/Getty Images); Tekashi 6ix9ine (Bob Levey/Getty Images

The professional relationship (and honest-to-goodness friendship) that’s blossomed between rapper Snoop Dogg and domestic guru Martha Stewart is one of this era’s sweeter collaborations, and it turns out it’s not just Stewart’s no-bake cheesecake that served to win over the artist otherwise known as Calvin Broadus. In a recent Instagram post taking aim at disgraced rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine, who pled guilty to federal charges of racketeering and more, Snoop praised Stewart for keeping schtum when she was convicted of charges related to insider trading in 2004.

6ix9ine, you see, is currently cooperating with authorities, having already outed rappers like Cardi B and Jim Jones as members of the Bloods gang (Cardi, it should be noted, has been open about her associations with the Bloods in the past). The rapper’s willingness to snitch on his former friends and collaborators hasn’t been received well by the hip-hop world—Snoop, specifically, has repeatedly criticized 6ix9ine on social media.

On Tuesday, though, Snoop switched things up by posting a photo of Stewart alongside 6ix9ine. “As we watch Tekashi 69 (or whatever his name is) snitch on EVERYBODY, I invite you all to remember Martha Stewart snitched on NOT ONE soul during her trial,” he wrote. “Baby girl kept it 10 toes down and ate that prison sentence by herself, like the true baddie she is.”

Snoop’s respect likely stems from his own history with the law—in his youth, he spent time in prison for drug-related charges and, in 1993, was charged in a gang-related murder (he was acquitted in 1996).

Having kept her mouth shut, Stewart was able to rebuild her empire following a five-month prison stint. 6ix9ine, meanwhile, will likely to go into witness protection as part of a plea deal and, per The New York Times, will probably need to foot the bill for the removal of the giant “69" tattoo on his face, lest he never achieve the anonymity he’ll need to avoid retribution.

Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party wrapped up its third season on VH1 earlier this year.

[via Consequence Of Sound]


  • enricopallazzokinja-av says:

    Yes, let’s bash Tekashi 6ix9ine for being a “snitch,” not because he’s a horrible, garbage person who sexually abused minors, physically abused other women, and has just generally been a criminal dickhead. But, yeah, outing Cardi B’s gang ties is the real transgression, here.

    • AnonymousCivilPerson-av says:

      Enrico Pallazo! Enrico Pallazo!

    • emisasaltyb-av says:

      This. Can we just stop talking about this useless waste of flesh and let him die into obscurity already? Stop making stupid people famous

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      He can be two awful things!

    • mrwinagain-av says:

      His being a snitch is WHY he’s getting away with being a horrible, garbage person who sexually abused minors, physically abused other women, and has just generally been a criminal dickhead.

    • chimoss-av says:

      He ahould out everyone he can – in this day and age of ‘Me Too’, etc., fuck it. Guy should out every damn famous one he knows of. Nearly all of them have done things no one in our area of society would ever even imagine doing. Out them all, scrape out the scum, and keep going.

    • stevevicious-av says:

      LOL nobody is mad he “outed” Cardi B. This dude, like you said, is a trash human. It’s more schadenfreude because this dude acted like he was the hardest thing around, calling himself the King of NY and shit. Then he drops dime like a stool pigeon real quick.  So yea people are gonna talk shit. 

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      he’s a horrible, garbage person who sexually abused minors, physically abused other women, and has just generally been a criminal dickhead.We’ve already been ‘bashing’ him for this. We’re just working with the new material we’ve got.

  • videopgh-av says:

    He will take to witness protection about as well as Henry Hill did.

  • skpjmspm-av says:

    There are three general issues with snitching: When the laws are BS and when the snitch is lying and when it’s family. In this particular case, it’s not clear how it’s snitching when the people are already known to be gang affiliated. Don’t know anything really about this dude, but he appears to have been a bad look for the hip hop world from the beginning. The hip hop world getting up in arms now over this is an even worse look. 

  • calebros-av says:

    Martha Stewart more gangster than this dude, confirmed. Seriously though, assuming this guy ever gets out, where the hell are they going to stash him? Antarctica? There’s no hiding those tattoos and I’m not sure how well removal would actually work on the face.

    • sh90706-av says:

      “6ix9ine, meanwhile, will likely to go into witness protection as part of a plea deal…” He’s going to need to remove quite a lot more than that tattoo on his face. No way he can hide from anyone, ever. 

    • sigmasilver7-av says:

       This is so utterly asinine. Who was Martha protecting from jail? Her homies in the country club? What were very likely a bunch of wealthy white guys? Real gangster…

      • calebros-av says:

        Damn, you took that pretty seriously. 

        • boomtownboss-av says:

          well, the 69 dude is looking at a whole lot more time than 5 months. So comparing Stewart snitching to save 5 months of jail is not compatible to 69 snitching facing 10+ years.

      • modusoperandi0-av says:

        You dissin’ the 5th Avenue Crew?

      • phyllis72-av says:

        Does it matter when you’re looking gun is pointed at you?

      • kylevoltti1-av says:

        ask Jeffrey Epstein what happens when you look like you’re going to snitch on rich white guys….. oh wait….. 

      • donkeynutz-av says:

        Lmao!!!!!!!! The Mob is all rich white guys. Literally Original Gansters. Some might argue the most gangster. You’re not bright, or you are just racist towards white people. So you like to make snarky comments about them. FYI, black gangsters hold white gangsters up as idols.

      • chimoss-av says:

        ‘…very likely a bunch of wealthy white guys’Where the fuck did YOU grow up??? Your ‘wealthy white guys’ very literally and seriously OWN like 98% or more of the entire world.You can’t *own* the earth! You can’t *own* the land.They own it.You can’t *own* other people!They do. Through money, pressure, blackmail, etc., they can and DO *own* other people.It is slavery, reinvented. They own the people who can barely pay the rent for their crappy apartments. They own the companies that pay sub-minimum wage so that they can barely pay the rent for their subpar apartments. Set, match and fuck you very much. Love ya!!! Hope y’all come back soon! And they do come back.That’s the problem.

      • frenchrickler-av says:

        Wasn’t she pretty much in like the lowest security, ritziest facility ever?

    • arcanumv-av says:

      I ran across a good article the other day that addressed this from an expert’s point of view. In a nutshell, he has this to look forward to:Most of his tattoos can probably be removed, although maybe not some with certain colors. Many will leave ghost tattoos or white marks.It will be painful.It will take at least a year.It will be expensive (at least $22K for face and neck and $100K+ for full body).Other things I’ve read indicate that a government protection arrangement will not pay for his tattoo removal. Does Ulta sell concealer in Home Depot-size buckets? He should look into that.

    • ndessell-av says:

      No, Stewart was just the bagman that got “snitched” on for the whitest of white-collar crime.

    • Spderweb-av says:

      Martha wasn’t a bad ass. She was protecting her career. If she rated out anybody, she wouldn’t have a show with Snoop Dogg right now. She’d be working at walmart as a greeter. IF the walmart execs would allow her to even be hired. She didn’t snitch in her own self interest.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      I’m incredibly worried for the safety of Toyota 2wo x 4our…they should cut off his entire face, just to safe…and since he’ll need something for a face, they should use the tissue from his ass. That’s right, just cut off his entire ass, and stitch it where his face should be. That’s how it works, right?

    • deckoftheyard-av says:

      That’s why he should just find a tattoo artist who does good cover-up work, I bet you could change that one on his face to “68″* without too much trouble. Then no one will be the wiser!
      * Which means you could also make it “88″, but that’s probably not a good idea.

    • stevevicious-av says:

      Look up Alpo Martinez. He was a famous snitch that is walking the streets of NY to this day after snitching on everyone. He’s what the movie Paid in Full is based off of. 

  • lattethunder-av says:

    This would make for a killer remake of ‘My Blue Heaven.’

  • vee-one-av says:

    Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don’t glorify it. 

    • brianfowler713-av says:

      No offence, Snoop, but THIS. ▲▲▲↑↑↑

      • burnerdeath-av says:

        Shut up, cracker.

      • kylena-av says:

        Hasn’t Snoop been long rumored to have snitched in the past as well? Any person would have snitched. Tekashi got KIDNAPPED by his own gang. Why would anyone stay quiet and go to jail for 40plus years to protect people who kindapped and extorted you.

      • frenchrickler-av says:

        Right? Nobody benefits from omerta but other criminals. Snoop seems like a stand-up dude now and does things for various communities. I’m surprised he’s going for this^ look.

    • burnerdeath-av says:

      Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum

      • brandonii-av says:

        This helps

      • yummsh-av says:

        Lol @ ‘rat fink’. Thanks for chiming in, Mr. Cagney.

      • jifaner1301-av says:

        No. This whole “don’t be a snitch” bullshit works its way all the way down to little elementary school kids. They won’t tell who hit them at recess, or whole stole from their neighbors’ desk, or who is threatening them at the bus stop because “it’s bad to snitch”. No. It’s bad to LIE and falsely accuse. It’s the right thing to tell on someone hurting others or causing harm. It’s the right thing to do as a kid, and it’s the right thing to do as an adult. 

        • sjsfmss-av says:

          Exactly – those who are often impacted by the bad actions of others and then forced into silence aren’t necessarily bad actors themselves

          They’re just in a bad situation that they can’t work out of because the bad actors create this environment where no one can call them out on their shit

      • thesecondcomingofratbastard-av says:

        Afuckingmen.  praising rats is some camp guard bullshit.  why not praise border patrol for keeping us all so safe, or judges for being fair and impartial.  people who trust cops should stick to their enclaves in the suburbs and refrain on commenting on a reality they know nothing about.

        • stranger2306-av says:

          We aren’t talking about someone snitching on environmental activists here. Are you OK with someone staying silent if they know someone who robbed your home?  Doubtful.

          • thesecondcomingofratbastard-av says:

            As i said, the rest of us don’t count on cops to take care of ourselves.  Someone robs my house, i don’t call cops, nor do the rest of us adults who don’t need a proxy mommy and daddy to fix shit, we deal with it ourselves.

      • dobg-av says:

        Yeah but who are you calling when your house get robbed baby?

      • imnotmeanymore-av says:

        Yeah you talk good shit online, but the first time some shit really happens to you you just run right to the police.

        Also, I think you mean ratfuck. Ratfink is a cartoon rat that drives dragsters.

      • crapmcpoopin-av says:

        I wonder if the families with dead kids thanks to scumbags who didn’t get snitched on agree with you. I’m all for less police in our communities, but you don’t substitute a peckerwood cop with your local gangbanger/drug dealer. Both are fucked.

      • deeeeznutz-av says:

        As a reminder, he started cooperating with the police after his friends decided to kidnap, rob, beat, and potentially kill him over some minor shit. You can’t fault the guy for going full scorched earth on them after that.

        • 123456abcefg-av says:

          Also as history has shown. They almost all fucking cooperate, because shitty people don’t really have loyalty and tend to be very selfish.

      • alexanderstream-av says:

        You’re a fucking retard…

      • mr-prince-av says:

        Oh shut up, shouldn’t you be out selling crack and indoctrinating kids into gangs to shoot one another over fuckin sneakers and then crying “oh whypipoo how can you ruin my neighborhood with all them drugs! Oh no whypipo why are my black children shooting one another over the fucking colors they wear!?”

      • burnthisplease-av says:

        I hate cops too, but this is wayyyyyyyy too simplistic.

      • nchart87-av says:

        We are talking about the Bloods, one of the most notorious gangs and their members. I mean, are you pro the Bloods? Or just heavily anti-cop? Also, I’m not sure anyone on this planet is more “lily white” than Martha Stewart so maybe ease the fuck off of what race you think people are based on comments, you dumb motherfucker.

      • lkjflaksdjlfkajsdlkfjasldkf-av says:

        Howdy nigger, shoot any other niggers lately?

      • blessedentropy-av says:

        How about you ask the cops yourself, when the SWAT team stops by your house? Hope you enjoy your last moments, heathen.

      • bigmagaman-av says:

        Hey gangbangin hood rat. Sell any drugs, rob any liquer stores, shoot up anyone’s house today?? I hope ur the next statistic in a routine traffic stop, Bitch.

      • Shiz1-av says:

        lol, you realise you can be against police violence and their treatment of minorities and think criminals are fucking awfull and should be punished. Hell that’s the position you should be having if you give a shit about the lives of others. In case you didn’t realise the people most affected by criminals aren’t rich whiteys. but please do actually go to neigborhoods ravished by drugs and tell mothers “hey atleast a cop didn’t kill your child”. seriously you are so far up your ivery tower you don’t realise how much you come of as a hypocritical racist fuck.

        • superionmaximus-av says:

          Who do you think put all the minorities in ghettos? Who do you think runs the gangs and brings in the drugs? Their rich white asses live in those gated communities you say are unaffected by crime. Who do you think doesn’t give a fuck when a little brown girl goes missing, or a little brown boy has no other paths to choose in life but into a prison cell? Who built the school to prison pipeline? It’s those mother fuckers at the Yacht Club that have those brown boys selling those drugs, and those brown girls used up pimped out and killed. Since the cops work for those same rich mother fuckers that donate allot at the annual police gala and fund raiser, you don’t see them up in those communities raiding mansions all the time taking back the blood money. Face it, America is only the land of opportunity and freedom for some. For most, you’re just a slave. Did you know there’s more black people in prison in the USA today working for $1 a day then there were slaves in 1850? And you aren’t a hell of allot better off working at an Amazon fulfillment center either. You have a slave based economy. But just like in every other empire, the masters blame the slaves for all the problems.  

      • turdfurgeson1-av says:

        Come get me biatch.

      • viron22-av says:

        Nice generalization, fuck your stupid ass and anyone who assumes that a badge generates corruption. Bet you probably stammer and slouch in the car at traffic stops, “Y-y-y-y-yes Mister Officer, you have nice day now s-sir!”

        • aronjlove-av says:

          So, how much cop dick can you fit in your mouth you pathetic boot licking fuck?

        • obfuscationrevelation-av says:

          Bet you probably stammer and slouch in the car at traffic stops, “Y-y-y-y-yes Mister Officer, you have nice day now s-sir!” If some asshole broke into my apartment and held me at gunpoint to rob me of my Cheez Whiz and Keystone I’d be “yes sir-ing” him, too. That doesn’t mean he actually deserves respect. It’s just self-preservation.

      • kasstastr0phy-av says:

        So heres a very logical question for you. Do you know how the police do their job? Investigating. How does an investigation work? By asking questions and people answering them. So please explain to me how a veil of silence is going to help. If a woman walking down the street is attacked and raped, and people see it… but when the police canvas the area and people refuse to talk… who does that help? No one wants to be a snitch and tattle on the criminal but all it does is hinder the investigation and ultimately hurt the victim. Does that make the people refusing to talk an accomplice? I mean they are protecting the criminal who did the crime. Where is the honor in that?

      • gsts-av says:

        ^This is the truth,Only a piece of shit goes around snitching on everyone. All these kids defending it need to step back and remember back in elementary school, your told not to be a fucking taddle-tail. 

      • zer0space-av says:

        Are you a 13-year old or do you just pretend to be one online?

      • gernblansten-av says:

        Excellent thought. Why support anything that might increase the police getting actual bad guys, when instead they can just run around and rough up random brown people.

      • stranger2306-av says:

        Hypothetical: Someone murders your loved ones.You still gonna be mad at anyone who snitches on the murderer?

      • spacesheriff-av says:

        cops suck, but i’m not going to praise martha stewart for keeping a few of her bougie pals from being locked up for a spell. more millionaires in prison, not fewer

      • dutchmaan-av says:

        Cops need to be snitched on as well, fuck your (“lily white peckerwoods”
        *racist*) complicity in corruption!

      • z2221344-av says:

        I assume you hold this position for everyone who ratted out on Trump and all is many crimes?

      • Goodson-av says:

        No, fuck you. Yeah policing is fucking broken. We need to fix that. But that doesn’t excuse a system that excuses and celebrates criminals and the crimes they commit. And you are doing it right here. Put the blame on all the guilty parties, cops and criminals alike. 

      • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

        So, if my kid gets savagely beaten by a group of kids at his school and there are multiple witnesses and video, NOTHING is to be done.My kid just has to suffer in agonizing pain and have the ABSOLUTE joy of EVERYONE at his school talking shit about him not only behind his back, but TO HIS FACE. Oh yeah, he also has to go through being jumped EVERY day after school by this same group of kids.But according to you, we can’t do DICK about it.Oh wait, he can scrounge together his OWN gang of kids and WHOOPIE now we have an ENDLESS GANG WAR.FUCK YOU.YOU ARE SUBHUMAN VILE FILTH.

        • caven-av says:

          That’s assuming the system works as it should. When I was bullied as a kid, I quickly learned that adults had the uncanny ability to make things worse. Given that one of my bullies was a serious enough gang member that he was eventually gunned down by a rival gang, I had absolutely zero interest in finding out what he was capable of doing to “get even”. Would you want your child to speak up if the end result was that the bullies received little to no punishment, started regarding your child as an actual enemy, and increased the intensity of their beatings, and thus the odds of death? While I hate the idea of violent people like that getting away with the things they do, I’m not about to risk my health/life or that of anyone I care for for anything less than a 100% iron-clad guarantee that justice will be served. In your hopefully hypothetical example, I’d rather take the approach of pulling the child out of the school than risk making the child an even more attractive target for bullies. While I’d want witnesses to come forward, I could absolutely understand the reluctance for any of them to volunteer to be next in line for the beatings the bullies have graphically demonstrated themselves capable of administering. We really need a system that doesn’t punish people for trying to do the right thing.

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            Except there is NO guarantee that pulling your kid out of school will stop the bullying.There was a horrific incident a few days ago where a teenager was stabbed to death during a ‘massive brawl,’ and instead of ANYONE calling the authorities, everyone had their phones out recording the fight and bleating, “YO WORLD STAR DAWG!!!!!”If your child is beaten by a group of people you go to the cops.END OF DISCUSSION.

          • mothercoconuts-av says:

            In the example you give, sure, if someone if being stabbed to death, call for help, but all means.But calling the *cops* to break up fights between kids? No, no, no, not in a country where cops *shoot* children. Because while I don’t condone violence, I would rather see your child be beaten up and survive, than see children shot at by cops for participating in behavior they might grow out of. For many minorities, letting a fight happen feels more safe than calling in the cops to fire first and ask questions later. And if you think that’s stupid, kindly take it up with the police force who trains them to be that way. 

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            So, you think a group of kids kicking and stomping and punching 1 kid is perfectly acceptable behavior and the group of kids MUST not be punished but indeed praised and rewarded and excused because they are simply ‘sowing their wild oats’ or some other bullshit justification and SURELY they will ‘grow out of it.’Spare me.

          • stevevicious-av says:

            Dude that person literally said “don’t call the cops on a fight at school”. Not “Don’t go tell teachers about a fight at school”.

        • mothercoconuts-av says:

          Why are you this angry at another person over a hypothetical situation you created? No one is subhuman vile filth because your hypothetical kid got the shit beaten out of him. Try to be rational. 

        • JamesBob-TX-av says:

          Damn there’s a lot of cops on avclub; is this some kind of hangout for you guys? First; as a middle-class, white, suburban male fuck thinking the cops or the authorities or whatever you want to call them give a shit about keeping me, you or our children safe. The powers that be don’t give a shit if your kid lives or dies; it is no more or less simple than that. Second; teach your kid to make some friends, buck up and take care of themselves because no one else is going to, that isn’t how the world works anymore. Along the same lines, if your kid is getting grief and no one else is on their side YOU are and it is time to take action. The cops, the teachers, the principle, whatever are just there to collect a pay check and go home; again they don’t really give a damn about your kid.Third; snitches perpetuate the incarceration society and police state we already have any make it worse. You can’t rely on authority but you should be able to rely on your family and neighbors but if they’re all snitches then you don’t even have that. If you’re going to wait for the justice system to tend to your child’s needs, for teachers or administrators to care, your kid is already in a ton of trouble…they should at-least know when they stand up for themselves finally you’re not going to rat them out for it. 

        • thadburle-av says:

          Enroll your kid in martial arts so he can defend himself.

        • antifaz-av says:

          i was in full support of your statement until you started with the untermensch shit at the end.smh…

      • womenarealwaysvictims-av says:

        Shut up, Fredo, you’re not smart enough for this board.

      • kelly0296-av says:

        I agree with you. But I’m a white guy who grew up with the mentality that you don’t snitch. It’s not a race thing

      • lordofmoo-av says:

        Hey, I worked with someone whose brother got fired for spitting in random peoples food, and adding other things – he was arrested and whatnot, ‘cuz someone ratted on him.But, hey, who knows. Maybe you coulda had a little extra loogie with your potato salad. After all, snitchin’ is wrong.

        I’m not saying it’s always the right thing to do – or something I would do, but in the right circumstances, it’s completely justifiable. If, for example, I knew someone was sexually abusing a minor? (Or, well, anyone for that matter) I’d call the cops in a hot second.Y’all seem to equate ALL cops with the bad ones. I’m not saying even the majority is good, but not ALL people in any profession are either good or bad. Hell, I remember reading about a Butcher in Canada who was killin’ folks and throwing them bit by bit into the buckets at work that went to the rendering plant. That guy was fucking horrible and all he was doing was cutting steaks, not law enforcement.

      • chimoss-av says:

        From ‘lily white’ to ‘rat fink scum’The analogy is actually beautiful – natural life vs human life. Interesting.

      • floofynom-av says:

        You’re obviously a big fan of gangs…? Gangs are much better than police, obviously, because the leader has absolute power so can kill whoever, whenever, wherever, they want, just because they want to. They always create the nicest neighbourhoods to live in, where everyone is safe and well-off and can live in peace… Yeah… Gangs are great…

      • migglesworth1-av says:

        So the same guy who is making racist insults at white people is also against exposing members of violent gangs…….

      • vibratingsheep-av says:

        You got anger issues, bro.

      • blackscreen-av says:

        The minute someone fucks with your shit you’ll be all “WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP THIS??? I WANT JUSTICE NOW!!!”

      • laqu-av says:

        Most cops that beat people are black and latino. Watch the news a bit more.

      • dr2052-av says:

        You’re a clown, and your comment is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Your argument presumes that all law enforcement is corrupt and hell bent on persecuting minorities. While it is a sad fact that this happens, far too often, the reality is that the majority of law enforcement take their oath seriously and do their best to protect and serve the public. Are you going to deny police help if you’re being assaulted? What if your child or a family member is hurt, abused or murdered? Would you look for police help then? You’re argument is hypocritical and childish. Hey but at least you get to look HARD !

      • notgettingpaidtobecreative-av says:

        I bet you have a good life and a bright future. 

      • scoobyscrew-av says:

        Wow, what apiece of shit. Thanks for pointing this out about yourself.

      • csp-av says:

        What are your thoughts re: cops snitching out other cops for fuckery? Should “good” cops stay quiet and let their colleagues oppress minorities, relying on minority communities to speak up for themselves to try to stop it? Or, would having a cop state “Hey, Sergeant Buford T. Fuckstick has a habit of stopping black folks for no reason, planting evidence and then arresting them for felonies, and I’ve witnessed it” be helpful for getting shitheads fired or maybe even put in jail?

      • chris01970-av says:

        Tell that to the families of the people murdered by the Crips and Bloods gangs.

      • lolwhocares-av says:

        Found the criminal. Try not committing crimes, scum.

      • lukewarmest-av says:

        Who knew Devin Nunes was into kinja?

      • Deveroth-av says:

        i am a rat fink scum. suck my dick, faggot bitch.

      • believelander-av says:

        I mean not gonna lie, snitching can be very .

      • howaboutwedidnt-av says:

        “Criminal gangs” as a third political party is…an idea.

      • eqwewqewqeqwe-av says:

        Book. Try reading one.

      • Klutzy-Puppet-av says:

        Kill. Yourself. Not even a joke. You are a fucking degenerate sack of shit.

      • partysquared-av says:

        Hello BurnerDeath, I’m working on my post-graduate thesis and need to interview people who are dumber than Tekashi 6ix9ine. Would you mind answering a few questions?

      • random-commentor-av says:

        rat fink?  Lol.

      • kinggojira-av says:

        So youre ok with gang activity.

      • runt4-av says:

        “Lily white peckerwoods.”Yikes. That’s not even clever enough or funny enough to be good. That’s just a sad attempt at whatever you were attempting. Maybe sit the next round out.

      • fletch123-av says:

        Fuck you.  Keep blaming whitey for your shitty hood.  Don’t place any blame on the bangers that can poison and murder kids with impunity because you are too badass to drop a dime.

      • chikacroissant-av says:

        If you promote a culture of criminality and intimidation i dont wanna see you bitching about mass black incarceration.

        Riddle me this: Whats 6 percent and also 50 percent?

      • is350-av says:

        I’ll happily be a “lily white peckerwood”, i’ll never be in a position that I would have to snitch because I live a good life but I hope criminals like yourself get snitched on, so we don’t have waste of humans like yourself on our streets.

      • pomey-av says:

        Lmao imagine being this toxic of a person that you’re standing up for murderers and cartel members.  Ghetto culture is toxic AF.  

      • cantinflask-av says:

        Says the pendejo who will twist right into the bosses office if it will get him a shift or OT at someone else’s expense.Retire your Onyx CD, you are fucking whack.

      • vin-weasel-av says:


      • beefwaffles-av says:

        Rat fink scum, here. I upvoted it. Good day. 

      • itsokaytobewhitegangsta-av says:

        Maybe if the minorities didn’t create the majority of crime and respected our laws and officers they wouldn’t get “beat”.  Crawl back under the floorboards you came from roach.

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      No need for other comments. Everyone should just upvote this

      • burnerdeath-av says:

        The whiteness of the avclub reveals itself het again. you can’t handle jail time don’t do the crime. Snitches at sentence dodgers willing to cooperate with an agency terrorizing their community to get out of beinfg responsible for their actions. A snitch is a shitty thing to be, not some hero.

        • disqusdrew-av says:

          This isn’t a white thing. No one said a snitch is a hero. Necessary, but not a hero. I’m all for criminal justice reform. It’s an issue that is vastly is underrepresented the political world on both sides. But the “snitches get stitches” culture is just plain wrong any way you slice it. You’re allowing criminal activity to continue to harm your community and the goal is to not harm you community in all its forms. It helps no one when there’s criminal activity known by people and they stay silent. Providing info for reduction of your personal sentence is an effective tool in combating criminal activity and corruption from street gangs all the way up white collar political activity (maybe turn the news on today for an example). Police abusing that tool (falsifying admissions to drive up arrests and indictments) is a separate issue along with many other potential police abuses and rights violations that should be addressed and cleaned up. But the focus should be cleaning up that institution (policing, prosecution, overall justice system), not contributing to a cultural belief any kind of snitching is shameful. Keeping that belief alive gives shields for criminal activity to hide behind.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            When the police start snitching on each other, I will buy into this argument. Otherwise, it is bullshit and just a tool to keep minorities and the lower economic classes in line.

          • disqusdrew-av says:

            Hold them accountable, fight against outsized claims of “qualified immunity” for officers that do wrong, work to support policies that make it easier to fire police officers and push back against police unions. All of that can be done while at the same time not shaming snitching. This is not an either or situation. You can work on both and that’s how you move towards a better society.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            Authority needs to set the example. 

          • disqusdrew-av says:

            I hear ya and I wish that would be true. But that’s not always the case and why the public has to keep public servants (both elected and not) accountable. But again, you can do that while also not shaming those who snitch

          • thadburle-av says:

            For me it’s comments like theseEdit: There was supposed to be a screen grab here of this:

          • stranger2306-av says:

            How many innocent murders have there been in Chicago alone from gang related activities? But I sure hope no one snitches on the guy who shoots at a playground because “no one likes a rat.”

          • ohtoronto-av says:

            “Snitching” is used extensively to prosecute white-collar crime too.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            Snitching has a broad spectrum of meanings, so no I am not an absolutist, but it is used a lot to criminalize minorities and poor people. If snitch testimony was forbidden in court, I would be less bothered by it. Maybe if the police did not have such an us and them mentality, they wouldn’t foster that in the communities they currently over police.

          • superionmaximus-av says:

            Not to mention when cops commit crimes, their fellow officers investigate them. SIU and internal Affairs shouldn’t made up of cops. They should be an unbiased, independent branch of the DOJ that hires, trains, and promotes separately from the police. The police should not be policing themselves. 

          • crapmcpoopin-av says:

            Honestly, this burner is probably TomatoFace pretending to be a POC so that he can bait some less intelligent members or this commentariat into saying some racist shit.

          • framestoreg-av says:

            Providing info for reduction of your personal sentence is an effective tool in combating criminal activity and corruption from street gangs all the way up white collar political activity (maybe turn the news on today for an example).And this is the right point. Whistleblowing and snitching are the exact same thing. To be supportive of one and not the other is just a massive hypocrisy. That, and the people at the top of criminal conspiracies and enterprises achieve that position by transferring risk down the chain and insulating themselves from the frontline criminal activity. Unless others in the organization are provided an incentive to help investigators establish the involvement of kingpins (be they gang leaders, presidents, or CEOs), there’s a precisely zero percent chance that the true criminals will ever be touched while a ton of underlings who are mostly doing a job (albeit an illegal one) take the consequences.

          • reoze-av says:

            Whistleblowing is a selfless self sacrificing act someone makes because they think their own career or reputation is worth destroying over some type of ethical or legal issue. Being a snitch is trading information solely to better yourself, generally in a situation your own stupidity landed you into in the first place.The moral line between them, couldn’t be wider if it tried.

          • KingOfKong-av says:

            Whistleblowing = someone not doing anything illegal reporting others for doing illegal things because they want the illegal activity to stop
            Snitching = someone doing illegal activity reporting others for doing illegal activity so that they face lesser consequences for their illegal activityThese two things are not the same. Tekashi had no problems associating himself with criminals and committing crimes himself as long as it gave him street cred, it’s only when the criminals turned on him that he decided to report his former friends and everyone else he’s heard of.

          • caven-av says:

            Whistleblowing and snitching are the exact same thing. To be supportive of one and not the other is just a massive hypocrisy.No, there is a difference. With snitching, it’s a person who got into to trouble doing everything they can to minimize the consequences of their own misdeeds. With whistleblowing, it’s a person who’s deliberately putting themselves at personal risk to expose wrongdoing.Ultimately, it’s a net benefit if either one is instrumental in taking down powerful people guilty of misdeeds, but I’d trust a whistleblower in my house far more than I would a snitch. 

          • stevevicious-av says:

            No whistle blowing and snitching are not the same. As others have pointed out snitches are usually criminals as well. Whistle blowers typically are not.

          • bleachedredhair-av says:

            Not quite. Whistle-blowing is motivated by wanting to do the right thing, not trying to save your own skin. 

          • phyllis72-av says:

            But it does. Look at Whitey. 

          • tormata-av says:

            It’s a white thing if you think snitches get snitches “culture” is a thing that is applied to anyone outside of criminals. Do you think a mail lady that gets robbed is considered a snitch? Him telling isn’t the problem here. It’s that he’s telling on people he was committing crimes with. He was the instigating factor in a bunch of the crimes he’s helping people get locked up for. He offered to pay a “friend” he named a song after to shoot another rapper, he paid the man a reduced amount when he didn’t hit anyone, then snitched on the gunman when he got arrested.
            Even the way you’re talking about “snitches get stitches” tells me you’re not actually familiar with the concept. Of course it’s wrong. It’s an allusion to how criminals might respond if you tell on them. A woman my nephew went to HS with was involved in a drug dealing operation and got arrested. The cops convinced her to cooperate them and the people she was snitching on found out. She didn’t get stitches. She got murdered and chopped up. You’re talking about snitches getting snitches like it’s a community wagging their fingers at people instead of warning them.The people who say shit like this haven’t actually been around the type of people they’re advocating other people get themselves involved with by testifying against them. Who have you snitched on?

          • bleachedredhair-av says:

            Anyone who snitches on Donald Trump is a hero in my book. 

          • shindean-av says:

            I don’t think you’re for criminal reform if you think snitching is a progressive tool.
            When is the last time you ever saw a community, ANY community improve with the help of snitching?
            Yes, providing information on criminals is important…and that’s their goddamn job as police officers! They’re supposed to talk with witnesses and gather evidence before assholes like Tekashi can call hits on people.
            Or if you’re smart, like certain politicians and Nipsey Hussle, you don’t snitch on the gangs and instead help create peace and opportunities to reduce the violence in the community.
            Nipsey died because he didn’t want a snitch around him while he helped continue to improve his community, I couldn’t give you a better metaphor if i tried.

        • bcfred-av says:

          Who knew Martha Stewart fans would be so strident!

        • corvid92-av says:

          *cries about racism and the damage being done to minority communities by being openly racist and supporting the actions of people who cannibalize their own “community”

        • crapmcpoopin-av says:

          Bet you would want a white peckerwood to snitch if it meant less cops killing minorities, but ya know… its a one way street with you.

        • bitpull1-av says:

          The whiteness of the AV Club? How did you escape The Root? Get back in your box.

        • nchart87-av says:

          Lol, because the Bloods do an outstanding job helping their community.  I’m not going to defend some of the shit the cops have done and been doing but I also know that not all cops are bad or bad people.  I don’t think I can say the same about anyone currently in the Bloods though…to each their own though…

        • blessedentropy-av says:

          You’re next.

        • sjsfmss-av says:

          Funny the logic that you should not cooperate so you can “be responsible for your actions” balances with intimidating and shaming those who would expose someones criminal actsBe responsible for your shit, but if someone tries to make me be responsible for my own bad actions they are a POS

        • stryk3r12-av says:

          You don’t want jail time, don’t break the law, fucksticks. 

        • scribble82-av says:

          Just because you’re fine with being a scumbag doesn’t mean that everyone else is.

        • bigjojobongo-av says:

          Aren’t you late for school?

        • joe2345-av says:

          Dude, how do you think people who commit horrible crimes get convicted ? And chill your screed about who and who shouldn’t be talking to the cops Urkel

        • lolwhocares-av says:

          Sure they’re shitty people, but this isn’t about them. It’s about the net positive to society as a whole. No one is calling snitches heroes. Stop glorifying crime, you have such a gross take on this.

        • herecomedatboi-av says:

          Lmao The AV Club is the biggest bunch of bootlicking nerds in the Kinja universe (even including Jalopnik).

        • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

          Someone who makes a false allegation is different than someone who makes a true one. False allegations are bad. Honest witnesses are good. 

        • poopitypoopypoop-av says:

          “Terrorizing their community”

        • random-commentor-av says:

          FYI, no one with actual “street cred” would be commenting on AVClub articles.  100% you’re a white neckbeard troll.

        • krushyou-av says:

          So, the person that snitched on Trump, is that ok? 

        • shindean-av says:

          The AVclub is filled with kids who’s blackest moment in life is watching Black Panther.
          The fact that so many agree with snitching, which has done nothing to actually improve conditions in any community, and they still think it helps, tells you how ignorant they are.

      • banallcommentsomg-av says:


    • forevergreygardens-av says:

      Counterpoint: get ready for some stitches

    • tacomike-av says:

      All cops are bastards and this snitch isn’t helping anyone but himself

    • newdaesim-av says:

      But snitching is demonstrably a terrible activity that tears communities apart, fosters mistrust and paranoia, and grants greater power to authorities who enforce unjust laws. There’s a real hypocrisy in exposing criminality in the lower echelons of society while refusing to do anything about the mega-crooks who control society. Who benefits when drug dealers get snitched on?  The Sackler family.

      • felttippedpens-av says:

        AMEN! Turning State’s witness against murderers is demonstrably worse than not doing something about an entirely unrelated problem that you have no control over or relation to, whatsoever.

      • burnerdeath-av says:

        It’s called being a bootlicker. 67+ people are the type of people who tell corporate when people are thinking of unionizing, and training their children to be rats.

        • blessedentropy-av says:

          You shall see the truth in thy final moments.

        • seeyouinseptember-av says:

          Bud is cheap as shit for his stats, holy shit. i forget if jagged alliance was the game with a weird stat system where there was no difference between 0 and 80 but tons between 80 and 82. but that character is nice

        • kikaleeka-av says:

          Why did you reply that to the guy who agreed with you?

        • lkjflaksdjlfkajsdlkfjasldkf-av says:

          You’re a piece of shit and always will.  You are living the life you deserve not the one forced on you.

        • stryk3r12-av says:

          Take stalins dick out of your ass, you ignorant fuck. 

        • i-call-him-fister-roboto-av says:

          ummm, no. snitching =/= bootlickingbut +1 for the Jagged Alliance screenshot.

        • phimuskapsi-av says:

          Shut the fuck up.You are talking about two different kinds of things to try and shape your message to give it more impact. Snitching, or rather – telling the truth and being honest, is a good thing. A ‘quiet’ populace that says nothing, gets nothing changed. It also allows criminals to function unchecked.

        • partysquared-av says:

          You’re more of a clown than the dude with rainbow hair who tattooed ‘69′ all over his face.Imagine being an Internet tough guy claiming you absolutely would not snitch on the gang that brought you in and then blackmailed you.

      • liffie420-av says:

        I don’t deny the mega rich criminals need to be snitched on as well, they call them whistle-blowers, but you can’t ALSO sit there and say that drugs and gangs are not ALSO tearing apart low income and minority communities. I mean some dude get shot in the middle of the street and ain’t no one gonna say shit? How is that right?  What about his momma, his sister, his brother, his father, don’t they deserve justice?

        • superionmaximus-av says:

          They are not going to get justice because it was probably a cop that shot him in the middle of the street. Till the cops stop being the biggest gang threat there is, killing with abandon and no consequences even when they get the whole thing on video proving the suspect was unarmed and cooperating…   

          • liffie420-av says:

            That’s making a huge assumption, and for sake of argument lets say it was a cop folks would be snitching left and right, lining up to snitch on them. I’m not talking about that, and that’s not the reasoning behind the “snitches get stitches” movement or argument. What I am saying is that gangs and drug dealers ALSO pose a huge threat to poor and minority communities, and THESE are the people that no one will snitch on even though these are the same people destroying the communities.  But no you want to ignore what I said and just blurt out must have been a cop that shot him, so you don’t have to address what my point was.

          • fletch123-av says:

            Cops are the biggest gang threat? Are you for fucking real? What’s the ratio for unjustified police shootings to shooting by drug selling scumbags?I bet it’s at least 1:500.  Fuck off.

        • ferdinandcesarano-av says:

          If you don’t want drug gangs shooting people in the street, then advocate for legalising drugs.  You don’t see Coke and Pepsi shooting people; you don’t see that for any legal product.

          • liffie420-av says:

            I am fine with legalizing marijuana, maybe not so much on things like cocaine and heroin. You never been robbed at gunpoint by a pothead, you (not you personally of course) HAVE been robbed buy someone hooked on coke or heroin or meth etc. And the ting is legalizing does not equate to a drop in price. I have a friend in Colorado, when they legalized pot the only place the price dropped was on the street, on the black market, the legal market price stayed at about what it was before legalizing it, but there is still a black market, and there would be one even if you legalized everything.  

      • compton93-av says:

        But snitching is demonstrably a terrible activity that tears communities apartAnd gang banging or crime are not demonstrably terrible activity that tear communities apart?

      • stryk3r12-av says:

        Are you fucking serious right now?We’re at the point where we argue against cops and laws?Fuck off, this country  is fucked. 

        • newdaesim-av says:

          The country brought it on itself, honey.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          I’d argue against lots of cops. They tend to be quite violent unnecessarily and at home. When caught they rarely face any consequences and their union is corrupt. 

          • stryk3r12-av says:

            Do you also argue against Mechanics because one was dirty and cursed you out once?It’s mentally handicapped to think that all cops are like your gross generalization. 

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            I said lots not all. Plus do mechanics kill people and get to keep their jobs? 

          • stryk3r12-av says:

            Well there’s lots of cops. You just hear about the times people get killed, you don’t hear about the times they’re just doing their job, or the times they stopped someone who was doing something illegal.Also- if mechanic’s jobs involved killing people, then yes, they would keep their jobs.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            And they all stick up for one another and hide reports to avoid transparency at all costs.

          • stryk3r12-av says:

            It’s a fraternity like any profession- even more so because of the amount of hatred directed at them, and the danger of the profession. Sticking up for one another is important for their mental survival, otherwise there would BE no cops.As for the transparency, and such- there’s valid points to be made about that. But just posting “Fuck the police” and inane shit like that is not a way to go about that. Just engenders more hatred and cloistered mentality on their part.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            Well it’s good I didn’t post fuck the police then. They should really be open to reform and independent audits.

        • nicktaxidermy-av says:

          yeah bro, i hate cops. uneven racist enforcement, cruel sociopathic motivations…fuck the police.

        • ferdinandcesarano-av says:

          Not against cops and laws, but against overmilitiarised racist cops and completely unjust laws.

          If police forces were not purveyors of state terror, and if the law did not prohibit people from governing their own bodies (in other words: if we had a just society), then snitching would be a good thing. But in our current society, it is not.

      • z2221344-av says:

        And anyone who would have overdosed from the drugs they’re selling? Anyone killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?Not discounting everything you’re saying – but this isn’t as clear cut as you imply.

      • rdougherty-av says:

        You know what tears communities apart?

        Forcing its people to either be complicit in covering up a crime, or shaming them and making them afraid to do the right thing.

        This is so fucking disingenuous and frankly revolting. Drug dealers aren’t out there fighting against unjust laws. They’re out there trying to make money, and the successful ones are the kind who squeeze out the competition through violence—and insulate themselves from the consequences by having younger people do the riskiest work for them.

      • ohtoronto-av says:

        The unjust laws against murder and kidnapping?

      • saramin-av says:

        What if someone had snitched on the 911 bombers before 911 ?

      • cferejohn-av says:

        OK, but drugs are a shitty example. How about someone who “snitches” on a murderer? Or a rapist? You want those people to keep their mouths shut too?

      • landrey-av says:

        I mean, one can be against both organized crime AND evil corporations, both of whom ruin marginalized communities. I don’t see a difference between a low-level drug dealer throwing a higher-level drug dealer under the bus and a low-level corporate criminal doing the same to his boss.

      • thatsameen-av says:

        Doesn’t matter what class someone is in, they shouldn’t be criminals. Drug dealers and gang members victimize honest hard working people and should be in jail for where they belong. They deserve the same paranoia they create by making the community unsafe. Wish we could get the rich and powerful criminals too but that doesn’t mean we should let the lower class ones off the hook

      • thatsameen-av says:

        Glad to see fellow low lives snitching on each other. You lay with dogs you wake with fleas. People with no moral standing grouping up with each other shouldn’t be surprised when they backstab each other. People like this sell out their community and should be locked up

    • irememberadelstrop-av says:


    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Depends. If I was living in say, Sweden or some other boring socialist hellhole, I’d totally agree with you. But if we’re talking the US wannabe police state, fuck those assholes.

      • Slamus-av says:

        Is there a place you like?

      • dchristien-av says:

        …Have you been to Sweden? I agree with the general point you’re making, but you should totally check out Stockholm. The only way you walk away from that trip thinking it’s a boring hellhole is if you’re a moth more concerned with flying headfirst into the neon lights of Miami or Las Vegas.

      • canfly11-av says:

        Lol this comment is so dumb my head hurts. Hope Tekashi snitches on all these losers. If you don’t want to get in trouble with the law don’t be dumb and order hits on people.

    • nosleep4giant-av says:

      Counterpoint: Snitching isn’t about non-criminals telling on criminals. It’s about being a criminal and not selling out other criminals to reduce your own time. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.Also, fuck the police. DO YOUR JOB and stop relying on the unreliable.

      • kasstastr0phy-av says:

        So heres a very logical question for you. Do you know how the police do their job? Investigating. How does an investigation work? By asking questions and people answering them. So please explain to me how a veil of silence is going to help. If a woman walking down the street is attacked and raped, and people see it… but when the police canvas the area and people refuse to talk… who does that help? No one wants to be a snitch and tattle on the criminal but all it does is hinder the investigation and ultimately hurt the victim. Does that make the people refusing to talk an accomplice? I mean they are protecting the criminal who did the crime. Where is the honor in that?

      • thejuiceisloose-av says:

        What? Most all court cases of this type rely on witness testimony, even if they’re ‘criminals’ themselves.  How else do you think the Mafia got taken down?  Large drug cartels or any other corrupt organization?

      • lolwhocares-av says:

        lol @ don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. That goes for the people being snitched on, just the same, genius.

      • pixelpusher15-av says:

        Counterpoint to your counterpoint: stop being a criminal maybe?It’s really ironic isn’t it? Being a criminal is about putting your interests above others. But, when a fellow criminal gets caught and snitches, they are doing the same thing you are doing, putting themselves first. Then you act surprised and call them out? Odd. A non-snitching criminal and a snitching criminal really aren’t that different. They’re both scum.

      • kinggojira-av says:

        Counter point. Youre wrong, its that simple. If snitching gets more gang members off the streets im for it. Fuck you and anyone else whop supports that shit

    • dfd02186-av says:

      Cooperating with the police has rarely been in the interest of the black community…

    • banallcommentsomg-av says:

      Like how cops stay loyal to other cops when they murder black people? Fuck off.

    • jmyoung123-av says:

      Police first. 

    • rmortega4-av says:

      Hopefully this leads to members of law enforcement exposing the criminals within their ranks.#sarcasm

    • freea-rod-av says:

      I agree, I’m glad Tekashi is snitching, cuz now his child raping ass will end up sporting a fancy new toe-tag.In all seriousness, no, fuck snitching like this. What the fuck societal benefit comes from a child-rapist singing on Cardi or Jim Jones being involved with the Bloods just to lighten his sentence for a heinous crime?

    • sevechild-av says:

      My response to this would be – if you living a life of crime, you shouldn’t bring others down with you when you’re caught. A civilian who has nothing to do with it is a completely different story but don’t live a life of crime, get famous rapping about it, and then turn around and tell.

    • cygp2p-av says:

      And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don’t glorify it.This, but about cops.

    • phyllis72-av says:

      It really depends on the crime. 

      • bleachedredhair-av says:

        Yeah, turning in non-violent offenders to reduce your own sentence is shitty. But murderers and rapists are fair game. 

    • pausethenlaugh-av says:

      Snitching is bad. It’s not shaming. Snitching shouldn’t be in quotes. Giving up information to lessen your sentence in order to turn someone else in is morally bankrupt. And where does that end, anyway?Feel free to look up the small/midlevel criminals and gangs that are allowed to destroy communities because they snitch regularly.You have a very white suburban view of what snitching is.

    • hplc-pump-av says:


    • drinking-til-2020-av says:

      This comment so white it thinks mayonnaise is spicy.

    • jettslave-av says:

      Totally agree. But if Snoop wants to drag Tekashi, I’m all for it.

    • jetboyjetgirl-av says:

      Counter-point: ACAB

    • journeymanbaiter-av says:

      Fuck you, Vee.

    • originalmotorcitybadboy-av says:

      Mr. Hernandez used and promoted the gang and gang activity for monetary gain. After it was discovered by some members Mr. Hernandez was a wankster, he was extorted.Everyone knows now who he is. Mr. Hernandez should never have chosen or developed his famous persona. Contrary to what you feel, snitching is not good for society. It is dishonorable, and true gangsters believe in retribution.There will be bloodshed. Unfortunately, it will not be Mr. Hernandez’s.

    • everytimeihavetomakeanewone-av says:

      Yes, but snitches, as everyone knows, get stitches.

    • hillaryrodhamstalin-av says:

      Go fuck yourself ya snitch lovin’ cop sniffin’ slave master piece o shit.

    • phyzic-av says:

      I agree what you say but in the “rap/hip-hop culture” or community loyal is everything. Pretty much…loyal is everything as when it comes to friends and family. In this together

    • mab37-av says:

      You are a BOS Sir, your words and meaning are poisonous and have no factual basis, you should be taken somewhere and givin ………Proper Orientation the fact that you will not be able to eat solid food….. will be a pleasure for me or someone to “ explain “ or side 😎😎😎, you really should keep stuff like that to yourself……… on the real…… it will be healthier for You BOS💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 

    • mab37-av says:

      You Sir are without a doubt “THE WEAKEST LINK “, get Out!!!!!

    • pursuedbyabear-av says:

      snitching deals get drug kingpins lighter sentences than their mules, who have no information to trade

    • supergunflame-av says:

      It’s not about being loyal to a gang, its about having some fucking dignity.  You out here doing dirt and you tell on a bunch of other people that didn’t get fucking caught so you can walk home with less time while these other cats rot in a cell.  If I rob a bank and with my friend and I tell on him when I get caught, what does that say about me as a human being?

    • funk-doc1112-av says:

      It’s comments like these that remind me that AV Club is mostly white.

    • hawkeye001-av says:

      Obviously you never rolled out and did illegal shit with your buddies in your life. Be the man you depict homie, let the world know what you’ve done. Less your a scared as bitch.

    • mrwinagain-av says:

      There’s a difference between seeing something objectively wrong and reporting it to the authorities, and getting caught doing some criminal shit you willingly went along with and turning on your partners to cover your own sorry ass. One is responsible behavior, the other is milking the system to get away with irresponsible behavior.Snitching is absolutely, objectively shameful.

    • themarvelous1310-av says:

      There’s a difference between witnessing criminal activity and reporting it to the authorities, and getting caught committing criminal activities and turning on your partners to save your own sorry ass. One is responsible civic behavior, the other is cheating the system to get away with irresponsible behavior.

      • blaquestarr-av says:

        This is the biggest problem with the “snitches get stitches” mentality.  You are NOT snitching if you did not participate in the crime.  While I do believe it is a civic duty to report criminal activity or at least try to protect your community from criminal activity, I understand why many people would not come forward due to the fear of retaliation that would happen.  That’s why many victims don’t come forward in a lot of cases.  I wish our culture was more about protecting people than punishing people and could recognize that those two things are not the same.

    • kelly0296-av says:

      The guy was a criminal who committed crimes. So you keep your mouth shut and do your time. You obviously didn’t grow up on the streets. 

    • snitch9-av says:

      Snitches get stitches, social law. 

    • ponsonbybritt-av says:

      I don’t think this makes any sense, because it assumes that the criminal justice system as a whole is “in the interest of society as a whole” and that’s not really true. Innocent people are railroaded, guilty people are slapped with disproportionately harsh punishments, and the whole system is built around maintaining a racist system of control over black and brown people, while inadequately punishing rich white people who commit crimes (like hey, Martha Stewart!). And it’s not like prison does a good job of rehabilitating people or stopping them from committing crimes.  It just teaches people to be better at crime, or takes already screwed-up people and brutalizes them further so that they do worse stuff when they get out.  Cooperating with that system by snitching doesn’t actually help society and should not be celebrated.

      • lauraracoon-av says:

        That wasn’t  hard shelter yrs dawg ,she got cushy prison time.  

      • ohtoronto-av says:

        Bernie Madoff got 150 years. Was that inadequate? Or is he not white?

      • moparmap67-av says:

        What’s the alternative though? If there are 5 people committing crimes and one gets caught and doesn’t say anything, that’s 1 person in jail for a longer time and 4 people still on the street committing crimes. If the one person says something and gets a reduced sentence, that’s 1 person in jail for less time and potentially 4 people in jail no longer committing crimes.While I may agree with you that jail isn’t necessarily the best way to “rehabilitate” criminals, at the same time I’d rather not have more people on the street committing crimes. I guess it’s a question of “long term” vs “short term” reward for society though. Less people on the street committing crimes is better short term gain while in the long run when those people get out they might be worse criminals because they are angry at the system. Though by the same token, if they don’t get caught to begin with they could potentially keep committing worse and worse crimes and it escalates just the same.I think in the long run the “rehabilitation” part is the bigger issue, but I don’t think that means we should demonize people who speak up or praise people who don’t.

        • ponsonbybritt-av says:

          I think the root problem is that crime isn’t its own independent phenomenon – it’s a symptom of other social problems. So the basic approach of “punish criminals after the fact” is fundamentally flawed, because it has that trade-off you talk about – short-term crime prevention, long-term risk of recidivism. I don’t think there’s any way to make that system work.

          The alternative to all of this is, we need to work upfront to address the root causes of crime. For instance, we know that a lot of crimes are committed because people are on drugs – either they do something stupid while they’re high, or else they do something stupid in order to get money to get high. If our society would invest money in addiction treatment programs (through Medicare for all or some other mechanism), then a lot of these people would get clean and just avoid doing crimes in the first place. If we just adopt that kind of thinking more broadly, then I think we could avoid a lot of crime in the first place.

          • moparmap67-av says:

            That’s a pretty fair point.  I would agree that I think a lot of crime does stem from drug use/abuse, so if you can fight it at that level it would be a good starting point.

    • sanmansan-av says:

      Tekeshi 69 raped a 13 year old girl. He’s snitching to get a lighter sentence for raping a 13 year old girl.

    • DerpHaerpa-av says:

      Snitches get stitches, and rats float.

    • riyan-azhar-av says:

      just stop at criminals, or all aspect of life? i mean, wouldn’t it be great if one officer snitched on the other’s transgression, or a buddy tells the buddy’s wife why the husband coming home late, or telling the buddy’s boss that the day off was just for binge watching netflix? that would be swell.

    • Axetwin-av says:

      It’s not the snitching that should be shamed, it’s the completely idiotic way this man went about doing it.  If you’re going to snitch, you do it in private.  You get your lawyer and say “I’ve got names I’m ready to drop, but as soon as I do, I’m a dead man.  So I’ll only give them up to you, the judge and the prosecutor.  I will not do it in front of cameras and reporters for the sake of my own safety”.  What you DON’T do, is start blurting out names in open court for everyone to hear.  If you’re going to screw over your fellow criminals, you need to be intelligent about it.  ESPECIALLY if you have an extremely recognizable physique like Tekashi has, what with all those tattoos.  

    • mscottgarand-av says:

      The little kid wasn’t even a gang banger until he wanted to get more street cred. Then when it got too scary for him and he was facing jail time for his involvement in gang activity he decides to tattle to save his own skin. I think the lesson here is that gang banging isn’t a fashion statement, if you weren’t born into it, stay out of it. Don’t try to be something that you’re not just to sell more songs. I hope everyone involved in this trial gets 40 years and the judge thanks him for his cooperation and tells him he’s eligible for parole in 2049 

    • dankemstein-av says:

      People need to understand there’s a HUGE difference between “snitching” and “tattle tailing”. When you are NOT AFFILIATED and you see something or start getting harassed its one thing to contact someone to intervene. Now when you become part of the problem or affiliated with whatever and you get caught and decide to bring everyone else down with you that’s being a rat. As far as history goes back Rats have always been taken care of. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. 

    • fishmop-av says:

      If the justice system were even remotely fair, this would be true. It ain’t, though, so it ain’t. 

    • jayfra-av says:

      Yea, I’m struggling with seeing anyone as a victim here.

    • l00ke-av says:

      I think you’re missing a lot of context here, namely that black people spend a lot of time in prison for shit they should not be sent to prison for. It’s no surprise that not snitching has high value in the context of a system where the police is more dangerous to you than the drug dealer on your street corner.

    • bigjojobongo-av says:

      I hear the word snitch and I think whats next, someone has cooties? Grow up kids.

    • reformedjezsince15-av says:

      There is no moral highground here. C’mon. He participated in everything that gang did. He was a member in that gang. He used them and they used him. Plus he is a pedo pervert rapist. He shouldn’t be snitching on anybody because he ain’t got no one but himself to snitch on. He is a coward and a liar. This isn’t an act of conscience for the greater good or for the protection of others. This is an act of self preservation. He isn’t being honest he is being a snitch. He is throwing anyone and everyone at the prosecution to avoid taking responsibility for is actions. That’s why he is a snitch and not an upstanding citizen. What he is doing isn’t going to shut down the gang or stop gang activity. It’s isn’t going to get drugs off the street. It isn’t valuable. Maybe a few people get arrested. Maybe it just goes away. But him? He reaps allll the rewards. So maybe calm down a little there and look at the situation from a more realistic perspective.

    • ryanln-av says:

      Taking a stance against “snitching” is all well and good until it is your car that is stolen, your parent that is murdered or your child that is raped, and then where are you? Your only choices in those situations are self-help retribution, which can get you throw in prison or worse, or just sucking it up and dealing with the fact that whoever is responsible for that horrible transgression is going to just go about living their lives with no consequence or comeuppance. That is not a world I want to live in. If I could reshape the world from its current form I think I would prefer to live in a world where people just didn’t do horrible things to each other and we had no need for armies, the police, courts or prisons, but this is the world we live in, people are terrible and getting some measure of justice and protecting the public are valuable ends. (Note: this does not apply to people who use the police to settle stupid situations that could be handled by opening up Candy Crush on your cellphone and just walking away.) I for one would be fucking psyched to see someone from the Trump administration go on the record under oath and spill about all the illegal, unconstitutional and immoral shit that administration has done, and I also imagine that most of these anti-snitch people would too. I find that people who have a problem with this are often like Republicans who decry corruption, big government and judicial activism except when it’s their interests that are being pursued and their officials who are corrupt as fuck.

    • dripad-av says:

      I’m with you on this, but I’m wondering in this case if “69″ is doing this for his own self interest (rather than for societal good), not to mention if his information is valid.  That type of “snitching” is worthless, and I would be OK if he got “69’ed” in jail.  

    • SheriffOfAmericanDouchetown-av says:

      Agreed. And it goes both ways. When some shit goes down with the police, other police officers should stand up and rat that police officer out. Snitching shouldn’t be looked upon as a weakness. It should be looked upon as open communication. All sides talking to each other. If everyone keeps quiet and doesn’t say anything, nothing gets done and we’re in the same spot. No one moves forward. And you don’t have trust, which is essential for core communication.

    • johnfranc-av says:

      Absolutely. Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society’s understanding.

    • scoobyscrew-av says:

      In general i agree. There is some situation where outing someone else does no one any good, but a prosecutors convicions record. But in general this is spot on (ill defend myself with a small example. you bought some pt from a friend, small personal amount from a guy who doesnt really sell pot much. Is there really any good for society by outing your guy? No. However this arises from the actual question of cannabis being illegal for the good of society or fear mongering 50 years ago)In any actual criminal offense, especially where there is a victim, everyone should support snitching.

    • stevevicious-av says:

      I think the issue is the 69 made himself out to be this hard, tough, gangster/criminal type that would never snitch. Also you sound like a fucking snitch stool pigeon.  

    • jimcasy-av says:


    • charlesboinlaw-av says:

      Would love to see you post this comment on The Root

    • lolwhocares-av says:

      Thank you.

    • lukewarmest-av says:

      Thank you for posting this. A related aside: some people are calling a certain whistleblower a snitch…

    • farharborpatrol-av says:

      But … what about the stitches?

    • bigdogtonybird-av says:

      sounds like something a snitch would say…

    • thadburle-av says:

      Ratting out someone else to save your own ass is lowlife shit.

    • universalcode-av says:

      Counterpoint: Fuck the police.

    • landrey-av says:

      Yeah when was it decided that average law-abiding citizens should be against people cooperating with an investigation?

    • chasepaypa-av says:

      What youre saying sounds good in theory. But this country is ran by immoral criminals who don’t tell on each other. 🤷🏿‍♂️ Snitching is not the American way 😂

    • feastmode-av says:

      This makes sense in the vacuum of a fair and moral criminal justice system. Not always in real life. “The game is the game, always.”

    • dravenpop-av says:

      Or government could work to improve the conditions that create gangs. Police work and the justice system are structured to come disproportionately after people of color and the poor. Wall Street fraudsters have done more to fuck your life over and all they got was bonuses. 

    • njensen-av says:

      Snitching, tattling, running to tell Mom… it doesn’t always have to be related to gangs or violence. If it isn’t effecting you or someone else then leave it alone and mind your own business. Ugh, nothing bothers me more than self righteous pricks with nothing better to do than get in someone else’s affairs and mess it all up. Jealousy is usually the culprit… or some idiotic religious belief. 

    • gasclay-av says:

      I’d agree with you if not for the blind unilartial divide you made, probably without even thinking about it. The sttandard you suggest is an ideal, sure, BUT, you must also apply it to the state enforcing these rules. And, that doesn’t happen. Cops cop for each other worse than any criminal gangs ever could, because they have state support, and blind allegiance from people like you, who automatically subcategorize criminals into subhuman statoistics rather than people doealing with things. Refusing to “snitch” is merely refusing to get people you know dragged into that meat grinder, without regards to whether or not their treatment will be fair (and, if your circle ain’t white, that treatment definitely won’t be fair). And it is always in service to the snitch, not out of some grand responsibility “to the community”. You’re conflating a lot of ideals and motives here and half of them are fictionalReporting on crimes being committed and snitching are not the same, or interchangable. You can report on people being sus without having to first do the crimes with them, to see if they’re really illegal. TL;DR telling on people to the authorities is not a net positive if the authorities cause more harm than good, or use faulty info from snitches who lie or misremember, to punish people without justifiable cause. The police are not good by default because the ideal of “fighting crime” is

    • bewareofhorses-av says:

      You know anyone in prison? What are they there for?

    • shindean-av says:

      Are you serious?
      What makes you think that snitching prevents further crime from happening?
      What makes you think that snitching helps give justice to the people that were hurt or killed by the actions of this person?
      What city do you live in that snitching directly helped improve your community? Because the violent ones have stayed violent in mine.
      They are not snitching to a judge, or lawyer, or politician to do the right thing.
      They are snitching to a cop to stay out of jail, that’s it.

  • bs-leblanc-av says:

    All this snitching is basically his attempt to go to a better prison. The kind where he has a better chance of surviving a welcome committee that doesn’t like his sexually abusive history with minors

    • yummsh-av says:

      And fewer years therein. There’s no way this guy would last ten minutes in witness protection. Cutting your hair and getting tattoos removed is one thing, but we live in an age where ‘celebrities’ have their images plastered all over goddamn everything all the time. For people who know this guy, there’s no hiding.And what’s he gonna do in witness protection? Work at a grocery store until he hangs himself like Brooks Hatlen? He might as well do that now.

      • bcfred-av says:

        Next resident reading “Tekashi 6ix9ine was here”What the fuck is that???

      • soufirianoctis-av says:

        Oh that’s easy. He’s gonna work in front of McDonalds dressed as ronald McDonald. Only disguise that’d work on him really.

      • Axetwin-av says:

        Yeah. The article mentioned having his 69 tattoo removed, and I was thinking, he’s going to need a LOT more cosmetic surgery than that if he’s expecting to survive in Witness Protection.

      • tap-dancin-av says:

        If he cut his hair and cleaned up, I wouldn’t know him. Actually, I wouldn’t recognize him now. There’s nothing remarkable about him.

        • yummsh-av says:

          That’s why I said ‘for people who know him’. If you were related to or friends with someone he snitched on and sent to prison for the rest of their lives, I bet you’d know who he was. You’re not really who I’m talking about here.

    • hxy3000-av says:

      He was facing 47 years (it’s a RICO case). Only an idiot would keep his mouth shut about the people who already tried to kill him at that point.

    • buckrogers25thcentury-av says:

      The sex with minors thing is pocket change if he goes to prison.  The real money is where he narced on some Bloods.  Every prison has gang chapters and whoever shanks his ass within the first 24 hours will get major cred.

  • larrydoby-av says:

    She didn’t really have anyone to snitch on.

  • steamcarpet-av says:

    Good to know that Snoop and my mom have the same mindset about snitching and doing time.And yes my mom has really said “I dont snitch on anyone. I can do any time standing up!” She also spent time in Riker’s…so yea…

  • yummsh-av says:

    Props for using ‘keeping schtum’, Randall. I haven’t heard that one in a minute. My bubbe used to say it all the time.

  • qwerty11111-av says:

    and, in 1993, was charged in a gang-related murder (he was acquitted in 1996).I believe the technical term for this is fuck around and get caught up in a 187.

  • redrobot5-av says:

    Snoop’s a fucking murderer and this whole HAHAHA its so cute hes friends with an old white lady thing is gross.

  • forevergreygardens-av says:

    Who does this guy think he is? Tim Allen?!?

  • kroboz-av says:

    On the one hand, our current system is designed to punish minorities as much as possible and is thus inherently broken. On the other hand, I dislike Tekashi 69 because he’s a real piece of shit. So I guess it’s almost like the 2016 election all over again where you have to root for systemic inequality bullshit (Clinton) or a real piece of shit who’s awful and a rapist (Trump). History repeats itself.

  • brianfowler713-av says:

    Stupid question, but who does Snoop think Martha Stewart supposed to snitch on? From what I remember, she was the center of her insider trading fiasco, wasn’t she? That’d be like Trump snitching on Trump Junior.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Well don’t think for a moment that Trump wouldn’t sell Donnie Jr. out to save his own ass.

    • btaker-av says:

      She she was tipped off with some insider information and acted upon it. Then she tried to cover up what happened.

      • brianfowler713-av says:

        I thought that was my point; was there anyone for her to “snitch” on, aside from maybe the tip guy?

        • btaker-av says:

          Just pointing out that she was not really the center of the event. Just one of the people who received information.

          • bcfred-av says:

            I don’t remember any specifics – is the point that she didn’t testify against whoever provided her with the inside info?

        • getoffmyyawn-av says:

          There was no one for her to snitch on, because the ImClone CEO was already in tons of trouble months before (he was arrested almost a full year before her grand jury indictment was issued, and he was setnenced to 7 years of prison 6 days later). She had no connection to Waksal really anyways – and didn’t get the intel from him. The feds only knew Martha sold because of their investigation of Merrill – so they already knew her broker tipped her off. They didn’t independently see her sale and flag it (at least acc. to the reports – though that is a thing they very commonly do). So they didn’t need her to flip on the Merrill broker – they already had a Merrill employee who gave them enough. And they had a pretty weak insider trading case against her, so they got her (and her broker) for lying to the government. So, unless she was going to snitch on others in totally unrelated matters, it’s not a great comparison. She went to jail because of Enron. She would not go to jail now. Bigger imbeciles related to ImClone walked absolutely free.

          • brianfowler713-av says:

            I’m just saying your first sentence was my point, or at least my intended one. Snoop seems to think there was someone for Martha Stewart to snitch on, not me.

          • getoffmyyawn-av says:

            Oh, yeah – I got that. I was just adding support for your statement. 

          • reverand-cletus-av says:

            THIS. but let’s keep in mind that 69 is just railing on fuckin’ everyone and everything, now. A bit like Karkaroff before the Wizengamot – anything to reduce his own sentence. ANYTHING.

          • moderatemoderation-av says:

            thanks for the color around her circumstances

        • destron-combatman-av says:

          So your point was that there was no one to snitch on… except other people? Sounds contradictory.

        • salsaburner-av says:

          The Tip Guy.

        • crapmcpoopin-av says:

          The person who tipped her, and the person that likely tipped that person. Martha isn’t a criminal genius, just an opportunist. 

        • ThomasGilchrist-av says:

          She is a rich famous person with rich famous friends….i’m sure she knew shit on people.

        • fuchs04-av says:

          yeah but that’s the thing, trading on inside information isn’t wholly illegal. It’s the stealing of company information that is. Martha used information provided illegally to profit. It wasn’t like she sold 1000 shares of Martha Stewart Omnimedia, she sold shares of ImClone which she has no part in managing.

        • scoobyscrew-av says:

          Tip guy could lead to a huge ring, potential racketeering, huge frauds. never know.

        • loracks-av says:

          You nailed it. Don’t snitch on your plug.

      • jasonstroh-av says:

        It should be noted that she didn’t even go to prison for the insider trading, and had she done what every good citizen should do when questioned by the police/FBI (shut the fuck up), she likely wouldn’t have gone to prison at all.

    • davids12183-av says:

      It wouldn’t have to be anything related to that case of insider trading. It could have literally been anything. This “Varsity Blues” operation that snagged all those parents paying to get their kids into the colleges of their choice only came to light because of a guy in Boston who was being convicted of insider trading. In trying to come up with something to offer the prosecutor, he brought up this college admission scam he heard a friend mention.It had nothing to do with his insider trading, but it snowballed into a much bigger thing.Martha Stewart knew lots of rich and famous people. She might have been able to offer up something on someone.

      • caven-av says:

        And if investigators were on a fishing expedition, it’s quite possible they were trying to entice her into revealing the presence of bigger fish to fry.

    • destron-combatman-av says:

      Pretty sure that for insider trading to exist – someone – likely the people who handle your stocks and investments – have to tip you off to when to buy/sell. So, unless she does literally everything herself… there were %100 people she could have taken down with her. 

    • Spderweb-av says:

      If she did snitch on anybody involved, she likely would have dissolved any future career.  And right after she was out of prison, she gets a book, going on talk shows, and is on a show with Snoop Dog.  I doubt any of that would have happened if she even named a single person that benefited from what was going on.  

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “Talk, Stewart! We want to know how you get your lemon bars so moist and tangy!”“You can cram it, G-Man. I ain’t telling you shit.”

    • ponsonbybritt-av says:

      “Trump snitching on Trump Junior” is actually how a lot of big racketeering type prosecutions work. Whitey Bulger or Joseph Massino, for instance. Charitably, you could say that flipping the leader of the group lets you totally destroy its effectiveness by arresting all the people who actually make it function, and that prevents the group from rebuilding. Less charitably, you could say that rich dudes at the top of society have class solidarity with each other, and leaders of groups often have the political influence to cut a deal and pin the blame on their subordinates.

    • Color-Commentary-av says:

      Martha refused to provide evidence against Sam Waksal and his brother Harlan. They were respectively the CEO and CFO of ImClone, the company whose stock she allegedly traded with insider knowledge.Sam Waksal ended up copping a plea deal and doing 7 years, but Harlan beat the rap and went on head up other successful biotech companies.Federal prosecutors are usually very sketchy people who want to win at all costs. It takes someone with real brass balls to stare them down and refuse to yield to their bullshit tactics. Martha Stewart has the brass balls.

    • gregthestopsign-av says:

      The fact that you don’t know shows us that she was pretty damn good at keeping her mouth shut and doing the time for the minor infraction she got pinged for rather than the ‘real’ shit she’s all up in. *cough* Hoffa *cough*

    • Axetwin-av says:

      She could’ve snitched on the people she got the information from, and she could’ve given up the names of the people she shared the information with.  Insider trading is not a one person operation.

    • ghostofbudddwyer-av says:

      you can snitch on OTHER criminal matters in hopes that it will help your sentencing – it doesn’t have to be limited to your charges.

    • 6969696969696969-av says:

      could be the center but the ppl around doing wrong things should be punished too, and she let those ppl walk free.

    • balto123-av says:

      No. Stewart was never convicted of securities fraud (insider trading). She was busted for lying to a Federal agent (ironically what they tried to get Trump on…since you mentioned him). And she did not snitch on the guy who allegedly gave her the inside information.  The whole case was really dumb and they basically wanted to go after a celebrity. But when the Feds want you, they will interview you until you commit obstruction.  

    • scoobyscrew-av says:

      Maybe, she never snitched. even if she was the leader, she could have outed all the people who benefited. The fines the govt could have imposed would have been a nice windfall, so there was still something for authorities to have gained, and she could have gotten almost no time by the end of that. Of course she was also goign to Camp Cupcake, so was her serving time really that big of a deal. Im hoping to retire some place that nice.

    • devoidofnuance-av says:

      Who ever let nuance or truth get in the way of a good tweet?

    • dotter101-av says:

      I think it is more of a dig in the direction of her being the most white, apple pie cooking badass that kept quiet while wanna be gangster what’s—his—face started squealing like a little girl…..

  • nerdybirdy84-av says:

    Pretty sure I’d snitch to avoid 50 years in prison, too. Not to belittle Martha’s time in prison, but let’s not pretend 5 months is equivalent to 50 years, or that her minimum security accommodations among corrupt financiers are at all similar to 69 having to be moved from one max security facility to another to avoid rival gang attacks.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    I didn’t even know Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart were an item.

  • jebhoge-av says:

    Well, at least this is one positive…I won’t have to see this idiot in the media anymore.6ix9ine, meanwhile, will likely to go into witness protection as part of a plea deal 

  • det-devil-ails-av says:

    Isn’t “don’t snitch” exactly what every pedophile ever said to their victims?

  • markwyss689-av says:

      Witness protection? Where they gonna hide him, the ball pit at McDonald’s or maybe a big bag of Skittles?

  • dvsrey17-av says:

    Wait, but didn’t Star just produce paperwork from around 1998 where Snoop was about to get jumped by a bunch of Death Row gangsters and he snitched to a cop at the scene that Suge was the one that sent the guys after him and that he was also responsible for Tupac’s death?!?

  • rockympls-av says:

    I’ll admit I haven’t paid super close attention, but I’ve always sort of assumed that young Mr 6ix9ine’s tattoos weren’t genuine. They’ve always appeared to be sort of faded, as if he had them done in henna. If that were actually the case, I’d actually have to hand it to the guy. Regardless of the direction a person heads, face tattoos will not serve them well later in life. If they decide to leave the zany world of billboard rap, the tattoos will always cloud the first-blush judgment they receive. And if they stay in the rap “game,” they’ll be the old dude with cheesy tattoos all over his face. That said, it’s possible that I’m just a crotchety old person. Also, now that I think of it, I imagine that the natural process of exfoliation is accelerated in the facial area, so that could account for the faded look.  Anyway, can’t say that I care very much either way.  Though it will be interesting to see if the face tat trend is one that passes us by, or if it continues to gain popularity. 

  • liffie420-av says:

    The funny thing is this dude is gonna go into witness protection after this is all said and done.  HOW IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY ARE YOU GONNA HIDE THIS MF.  Like for real, ok make his hair normal but this MF got a big ass 69 on his damn forehead, what you gonna make him always wear beanies or something LOL

    • diablo17-av says:

      Supposedly he’s going to cover the cost to have his facial tats removed before he enters WITSEC.

      • liffie420-av says:

        That would help, because man I mean I don’t think there is a single more recognizable person out there, regardless of whether you know he made music. That’s a face that’s hard to forget lol.  And hes gonna need WITSEC, while the bloods are not on the same level as something like the Mafia they are also kind of all over even if they are a different “set”

        • diablo17-av says:

          Yeah, I’m kind of thinking his best option is A. relocate to an entirely different country, or B. eat a bullet and get it over with. Bloods aren’t gonna let this go, and he’s got a daughter to think about.

          • liffie420-av says:

            The only good thing about the situation, is that Bloods aren’t as good at finding people as the Mafia. I’m still amazed Henry Hill died of natural causes considering what his testimony did to the Mafia.

  • wheres-my-burrito-av says:
  • gdwh-av says:

    Love his music but he is a fucking idiot.  I doubt Martha got “jumped” into a gang and she made millions she got to keep from breaking the law as a GROWN ASS ADULT as they say. 

  • howsthatlifethingworkingoutforyou-av says:

    MMMMMMM maybe. 

  • rockstarzen-av says:

    Technically – it’s not snitching if the folks you’re dropping a dime on tried to get you GOT.

  • compton93-av says:

    Mr. Snopp Dogg, Martha Steward was not facing 45+ years in federal jail. If Martha Steward was 22 years old and facing decades of incarceration she would sing like the Supremes too. We all would.

  • nchart87-av says:

    I get what Snoop is trying to say, but Tekashi was looking at a hell of a lot more jail time than Martha was.  I wonder if Martha was looking at possible decades, if not life, behind bars, if she would have given up a few people.

  • Cericneesh-av says:

    The whole reason 69 is snitching is because he knows he’s not safe in prison.  He’s a fucking paedophile and if they put him in prison he’ll last maybe two weeks before he catches it between the ribs.  Incedentally, paedophilia is the only crime where I don’t mind “prison justice”.  Even the worst mass-murderers should be protected from violence and forced to live out their sentence.  Paedos?  Toss ‘em in general and send the guards on break.

  • das-geasch-av says:

    “6ix9ine, meanwhile, will likely to go into witness protection as part of a plea deal and, per , will probably need to foot the bill for the removal of the giant “69″ tattoo on his face, lest he never achieve the anonymity he’ll need to avoid retribution.”This dipshit moron deserves whatever prison throws at it.

  • pausethenlaugh-av says:

    the only reason martha stewart did any time is because she talked to cops. if she had just plead 5th and lawyered up she wouldn’t have even faced charges.

  • beesinthewhatnow-av says:

    As a thought, someone snitched on 45 about a certain phone call.  Just sayin’.

  • sup42069-av says:

    “snitches get stitches”“cops need to stop protecting other cops when they do illegal stuff” – the same morons.

  • xiovelrahc-av says:

    Takes one to know one, I guess. 

  • xobyte-av says:

    Oh, FUCK HIM.  This “don’t snitch” culture, is why so many goddamn drug dealers and gang bangers get to run roughshod over these neighborhoods, instead of the neighborhood stepping up and protecting itself and making itself better.

  • tracyjackson23-av says:

    If someone did something illegal, it’s a person’s moral duty to report them. The whole snitching phenomenon need to stop. If a guy you are friend with killed a person, you’re going to report him if you’re a normal person. I’d like to think most people would want to stop a person’s involvement in crimes before they do something even more foolish.

  • raptureiscoming-av says:

    Snoop Dogg reminds Tekashi 6ix9ine that Martha Stewart didn’t snitch on anybodyI don’t know the full Martha story… was she also betrayed by someone? Is that how she got busted? Or did she just get busted on her own and is Snoop trying to point out that she took no one else down with her? If she didn’t get betrayed… then there’s no comparison to be made and Snoop should sit back down.

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    I guess if he was dropping dimes on sex abusers there’d be heads exploding all around here.

  • whythechange-av says:

    I’m still pro-snitching, assuming the thing you’re snitching on is something like murder and racketeering rather than just “sometimes he smokes pot” or “that college kid is drinking”. Seems weird that “you should help people cover up their crimes” is such a mainstream POV.

  • crmus-av says:

    What the fuck is this article? Since when do we praise people who broke the fucking law for keeping their mouth shut for other mother fuckers who did the same?

  • jesussavesall-av says:

    You guys are all forgetting one simple point. She didn’t even spend a year in prison. Short timer. Snitches generally turn state to avoid MAJOR TIME. Wasn’t this clown looking at life or something?

  • turtle-bot-av says:

    Are we seriously shaming snitching? lmao hoooly fuck is this grade 8? 

  • zeni-av says:

    Just change that 9 into an 8. You’re golden.

  • seanomatopoeia-av says:

    This is an awful timeline.

  • insertwordshere-av says:

    Is it just me or is it really weird to see Snoop using the word “baddie” to describe Martha Stewart?

  • bembrob-av says:

    When’s the Snoop & Martha ‘brownie’ episode airing?

  • thisladyrighthere-av says:

    1. He outted a lot of people but not Cardi. He mentioned she’s a blood, but that’s info we already knew.2. It’s not that they’re shaming snitching in general, that is what any regular person would do. Their perspective is, that if you elect *not* to be a regular person, but rather a GANGSTER who lives by a different set of rules, then you do not snitch, or you’re more of a target. I’m not arguing what is wrong or right, just explaining here. I agree that people are being distracted from the other shit he did. But also it’s a good message to maybe not pretend to be gangster for the likes too.

  • truthyou-av says:

    F Snoop and all he stands for. Hope someone snitches on his killing ass…but white hollowwood loves his dumbass too much to care.

  • rkpatrick-av says:

    Martha Stewart is hardly comparable to Tekashi.  She was sentenced to less than 6 months behind bars for a white-collar crime; Tekashi is looking at 40+ *years* for straight-up gang crimes….and he recorded several of them to video.

  • gookmasterflex-av says:

     All this animosity for some snitching, but nothing for the pedophilia?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    One thing I found entertaining recently was some tweet from a Youngster asking who Snoop thought he was dissing other rappers. It went something along the lines of, “The dude who bakes cookies with Martha Stewart is telling other people they’re not gangsta enough?” Clearly, “accused of murder” Snoop has faded out of the public consciousness for a lot of people.

  • Stridix-av says:

    This guy is really gonna get it in the arse when he’s in jail.

  • Stridix-av says:

    Damn…I really can’t wait for this to be in GTA VI.

  • lucyogara-av says:

    I’m a little confused about what he did to his teeth in that pic. It looks like he Crayola-ed some white construction paper, cut out the shapes, and pasted them on.

  • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

    Martha Stewart didn’t have anyone kidnap her and try to stomp her head into the ground. Snoop can fuck off.

  • therealjasonx-av says:

    How much time has Snoop served? Everybody knows he’s a snitch.

  • okami13-av says:

    Because facing 9 months is the same as all those years he was facing… I mean come on not even close to the same thing. You honestly Think that fool wouldn’t have taken 9 months and still kept his street creds.. come on I don’t even follow or know this guy but it’s not comparable at all. 

  • torchbearer2-av says:

    I wouldn’t fuck with her, look at what she did to Cybill…

  • mary2957-av says:

    Well someone got warned….

  • chrash911-av says:

    Snoop’s a dumb ass. Always has been, always will be probably. He just gets to be house coon for 15 minutes and is enjoying it.

  • oncripgang-av says:

    Snitches get stitches and i bet you that pussy ass nigga 69 is going to get his stitches 

  • gmshocker79-av says:

    The situation is entirely different for the both of them. You’re trying to act like hiding a murder is something good. Fuck you. What is that was your family member? You’re an idiot piece of shit.

  • stilllaughsatfartjokes-av says:

    A white guy from Chicago praising gang members, none of whom will ever be a threat to his neighbourhood–love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    Calvin Broadus should just shut the fuck up. He’s got no right to speak, fake ass gangsta that he is.

  • judypunch-av says:

    Hahaha, the 69? Look at those tattoos! More likeWitness protection: you ever see the movie Face/Off?69: yeahWP: oh thank god! This is gonna be so much easier to explain……….

  • phucku03-av says:

    Not snitching is the way of life for the poor and minority’s.  There is NO SUCH THING as a honest cop/lawyer/judge/da period. This mother fucker should have kept his cocksucker shut like he was raised to. U cant call yourself a blood and then spill all the goods like a bitch taking it from behind. Just my predictions….. hell be dead within a year. Snitches get stitches and end up in ditches 

  • lkjflaksdjlfkajsdlkfjasldkf-av says:

    Snoop dogg is reminding everyone that even blacks that make it are pieces of shit.

  • kevingarner-av says:

    I don’t believe in that snitching sh*t. You did the crime and got caught… now you want to bring down everybody else to save your own a**… I don’t agree with that at all. However, Snoop comparison is trash… Martha was not looking at life as a possiblity… I think she did 5 months Snoop… That’s not hard time sir. Now of course there are people who faced hard time and still didn’t snitch. Post them up instead.

  • mouseclicker33-av says:

    Martha Stewart was also convicted of insider trading, not gang activity and pedophilia. And she spent 5 months in a federal prison and then the rest of her sentence under house arrested. The two situations could not be any more different.

  • d-loc-av says:

    It doesn’t matter if Tekashi actually snitches on anyone (Cardi a blood hardly a secret), it’s having a REPUTATION as a snitch that will definitely matter to anyone trying to rehabilitate their life (Nipsey Hustle anyone?)Thug life has its own rules, however stupid & sad it seems to those they don’t apply to.

  • kidgetnice-av says:

    Its a good thing, bitch!

  • medapurnama-av says:

    Critics didn’t love this movie but I do.

  • Enginerrrrrrrrr-av says:

    So who the fuck is this guy?I’ve only ever heard of him from Gawker – or whatever this place is called now. Can we stop being obsessed by this waste of space?

  • jav76-av says:

    What is the world coming to when you can’t trust someone with face scribbles? What the heck, Hibachi 69?

  • notgettingpaidtobecreative-av says:

    I don’t care for criminals and murderers. Snitch on every last one of those pieces of human filth. Snitch until you can’t snitch anymore. Make snitching a positive word, it is afterall. God is good. Snitching is good. Bad is bad. Evil is wrong. Even if the snitch is human filth (and he is) let’s finally get something useful out of these worthless folks.

  • rjb3123-av says:

    No snitching = The Blue Wall of Silence we all rail against.

    GTFO here with that cheap ass street shit.

  • c-2-av says:

    Did he also mention how Martha Stewart lies that she made Thai Chicken Wings?

  • charlesboinlaw-av says:

    Where was the rap community when this dude was raping kids?

    Why suddenly hate this dude once he gives up damaging information on violent crimes? 

  • lolwhocares-av says:

    How about not glorifying criminal loyalty? This is gross.

  • aa96-av says:

    I’m only vaguely familiar with his music, and as much as I hate to judge a book by a cover, 6ix9ine looks like a total idiot. He looks like what happens when someone passes out drunk at a college party and everyone draws on his face with a marker. No one who looks that stupid can be much good. His name sucks too.

  • trick187-av says:

    Isnt he “snitchen” on the guys that beat him and robbed him and are plotting his death?? I’d be snitchen on those clowns too… hes looking at 70 years for fools that were using him.. 

  • SensationalGus-av says:

    Are there other game show hosts who are affected by this, or just Snoop?

  • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

    “Having kept her mouth shut, Stewart was able to rebuild her empire following a five-month prison stint”This nonsense is indefensible. There is ZERO evidence tying Stewart’s refusal to “snitch” (on whom??) with her rebuilding her empire.

  • buckrogers25thcentury-av says:

    69 will not survive long in wit sec either.  Even if you can remove the tats well enough so people don’t know who he is, he’s too stupid to last for long in a “keep a low profile and don’t cause trouble” wit sec program.

  • cantinflask-av says:

    Takeshitzi52 is a pedophile, a racketeer and a serial domestic abuser who’s friends also are violent kidnappers. He’s a piece of shit. His pals who kidnapped him are a piece of shit, and you’re blabbing about OLD news with Cardi B.Martha committed financial crimes. She makes a good cake. And fuck her too. She rubs elbows with the system created by, modified for, and to the sole benefit of rich old white people. Prosecutors, judges, traders, celebs and CEOs are all insulated in Nyack or whatever polished Starbucks on the upper east you all live in. Martha got a slap on the wrist, what a fucking hero, right?

    If a latino or a black person did the same, we would be hit with nonconsecutive mandatory federal minimums… then state, and if they can, maritime law books.
    Snitches snitch… because they’re beating the other snitches to the punch. The guys who are silent in his scenario – are no heroes.
    Tabled. Next.
    This suite of blogs sure loves this snitch card.
    Your job is to talk shit about other people 24/7
    Privilege, your name is Randall Colburn.
    I’ll be blunt: you are enforcing silence for those who do actually need to speak out. I’d say this is unintentional on your part, but as is told by the many articles on these sites about snitches.. it’s definitely intentional. But to who’s benefit? Aside from your hard Boondocks Saint ass hunting for clicks?
    How’s your code of silence gonna work for a victim of rape or violence?
    Or the gov’t official who spilled the beans on trump asking a foreign warlord to investigate americans?
    Or the kid in school who is being bullied?
    How about that file clerk who knows these cops are dirty as shit? I take particular delight in this writer enforcing codes of silence that he will never have to suffer by. Though who knows, Crab Orchard Estates is a hellhole, and the hiking trails of the state parks surrounding SIU are becoming particularly dicey.

  • sp88-av says:

    The fact that this shithead even gets media coverage is a testament to the stupidity of the general population.

  • kingpoo69-av says:

    she ate that sentence is a posh prison 

  • krinj-av says:

    Martha wasn’t about to snitch on the corporate gangsters she had dealings with. You think kids with baggy pants and face tattoos are dangerous? Shit.

  • Washtali-av says:

    The love story between Snoop and Martha continually makes my day.

  • elkabongola-av says:

    Lilyhamer season 3 plot

  • reality916-av says:

    Let’s look at a alternate reality: envision what the world would look like if society had the same morals and values (or lack of) of the homies from the hood. While nothing is perfect, would humanity see it’s potential at all or would the world be a absolute nightmare. Drop a few homies off in Kabul or Baghdad and see how long they last.

  • stevetellerite-av says:

    that guy is SUPER DEAD

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