Sorry, trolls: Rotten Tomatoes will no longer let users review a movie before its release 

Aux Features Film

Nothing gets a troll’s juices flowing more than bagging on a blockbuster movie with a lady in it, so much so that the internet’s best and brightest have taken to crying about movies like The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel before they’ve even seen them. This sort of behavior’s been facilitated by review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, which allows users to review and comment on films prior to their release date. Now, since this function has often led to coordinated downvoting campaigns by 4chan chuds, Rotten Tomatoes is making some charges in order to improve the overall user experience.

Noting, in the understatement of the year, that it’s “seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling,” the company is disabling the comment function prior to a movie’s release date. Per Rotten Tomatoes, the change will “accurately and authentically represent the voice of fans, while protecting our data and public forums from bad actors.” Audiences will be able to leave a user rating and comment once the movie officially opens, when trolls will no longer have the power to dictate a film’s narrative.

As of now, Captain Marvel has only shown in select press screenings in New York and Los Angeles, with the reaction being mostly positive. It hits theaters on March 8.


  • argiebargie-av says:

    Cue to MRA assholes whining about “Free Speech!”

    • kirinosux-av says:

      Dave Rubin Bashing Thread?Dave Rubin Bashing ThreadIf you ever wonder why Youtube recommended you stupid videos by Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, blame this fucking hack

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        Yeah, blame this harmless centrist who you raving ideologues think is Hitler because he dared to leave your warped regressive club.

      • CommonVices-av says:

        I was unaware of this individual before this post, but from skimming the videos you’ve linked, I’ve gathered that the abstract concept of a condescending smirk was brought to life by the birthday wish of a racist child… That’s his origin story, yes?

        • kirinosux-av says:

          He was a former TYT correspondent who left TYT after asking for a 6 figure salary higher than Cenk Uygur’s salary. He claimed to have left TYT because of “anti-semitism” but we all know that was BS since Ana Kasparian and Ben Mankiewicz are owners of TYT.He then calls himself a “liberal” but only interviews Alt-Right figures including Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. He’s also gay and his husband is his show’s director and producer and yet he’d gladly have Ben Shapiro spouting anti-gay marriage propaganda to his face. Why? Because his show is funded by the Koch Bros and thus he’s pretty much the official mouthpiece of the Koch Bros on Youtube.He’s a literal human sell out shill. His face will define “shill” and “sellout” in the dictionaries for the next few decades.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Brie Larson *says something about wanting diversity and inclusion*Why don’t you smile you racist man hater!? 

      • cc1977-av says:

        OMG this. Playing devil’s advocate for a split-second, I saw something—a comment, a YouTube video title, something—that claimed she was racist. Thought maybe she’d made an offhanded remark on Twitter years ago or something. So I clicked to read more, so help me God.

        But no; she had the gall to call for more diversity in films, so therefore she’s racist against white men. Sigh.

        I can’t wait for this thing to make all the money. 🙂

        • thecapn3000-av says:

          I’m generally disillusioned with Marvel movies, but I’d be willing to see this just so it makes all the money and pisses off the petulant little pieces of shit that object to anything not male and white.

        • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

          She didn’t just call for more diversity, that’s fine, nobody cares about that. She specifically discriminated against straight white men, which is (drum roll)…racist! You can’t publicly say that a film isn’t for a certain racial demographic and not expect to be called a bigot.

        • qvckiv-av says:

          Every time a brown person and/or woman works, a white man goes hungry and homeless…forever.Save the white man.

        • jackmagnificent-av says:

          As a white man, I feel I should point out that nobody is racist against me; rather, people hate me for my shit personality and my tendency to interrupt movie screenings by yelling “BULLSHIT” during sex scenes and leaving noisily, pantsless.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        She specifically discriminated against a demographic based on race, gender, and sexuality. This is different than just calling for more diversity. This is racism.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        A woman can’t be a captain, this is ridiculous nonsense!

    • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

      The feature was not a “review” feature, it was an anticipation feature. Disney pressured them to shut it down because there’s a backlash against Brie Larson’s weird politicalization of a comic book movie. She has insulted a large audience demographic and now they have no way to voice their displeasure. But I guess they’re all trolls.

  • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

    “Audiences will be able to leave a user rating and comment once the movie officially opens, when trolls will no longer have the power to dictate a film’s narrative”But they can still just flood the ratings with bad reviews once the movie opens and screw up the ratings anyway. Because what else are they gonna do with their time. Ps: jeebus, the angry comments on that story are something else. It’s not even funny anymore to see the impote rage of these dorks. It’s just depressing 

    • dog-in-a-bowl-av says:

      By then there will be plenty of reviews by people who actually saw the movie, so it’s at least an improvement. I doubt many people were going to movies’ pages before they were released to leave a good review.

    • laserface1242-av says:

      I mentioned this before but what if they required their to upload a picture of their ticket stub before they let users post their reviews? It’d set another barrier to prevent all but the most desperate trolls from effecting the audience score. 

      • cordingly-av says:

        I wonder if there would be any incentive for movie theaters to give out a “Rotten Tomatoes Code”.

      • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

        That would depress their traffic numbers too much so they will likely not go for that. But it’s an idea. 

        • laserface1242-av says:

          Maybe they can still post comments or a review but if they don’t have a ticket stub it won’t count towards the audience score. 

      • shadowstaarr-av says:

        I think something like that would be easier for a single person or group to set up a way to circumvent it (i.e, getting a real ticket or doctoring an image to look like a ticket and uploading it to share with people to use) than it would be implement any sort of way to block people from cheat the system.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        Jesus, this isn’t even a review feature, it was an audience anticipation feature. You want people to submit paperwork to be able to voice an opinion?

      • 2lines1shape-av says:

        That would work except that the chuds are largely a minescule group of foreigners whose ENTIRE hobby is fucking with Western ideals for shits and giggles.So it would be entirely in sync with their worldview for them to buy a single ticket, photoshop 80 different times onto it, and them spam the site again.It’s not even a movement, it’s just a few hundred assholes, over and over, for every Ghostbusters and Thundercats and She-ra.And they succeed in making news EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME with their fake bitching.

      • nogelego-av says:

        What if they have a ticket on their phone that’s just a QR code? What if the theater is one of those old-timey ones in upstate New York that doesn’t print tickets but has one of those rolls of Carnival tickets that’s red and has “Admit One” on it? What if there’s no identifiable title on the ticket and it just says Theater 4? What if you see it during a free screening?
        What if an incel usher collects all of the discarded stubs from the theater floor and spends his evening drenched in sweat furiously writing multiple bad reviews surrounded by cum socks and urine-filled Citrus Drop/Mountain Dew/Heee Haw/Moon Mist/Mountain Frost/Mountain Fury/Mountain Holler/Mountain Lightning/Mountain Lion/Mountain Maze/Mountain Mojo/Mountain Roar/Mountain Yeller/Ramp(?)/Rocky Mist/Sundrop bottles?
        What then?

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        I think doing so would stop a lot of users who aren’t trying to troll from posting at all. Better would be to just give people a “verified viewer” stamp or something similar to how Amazon gives customers who actually bought a product a stamp.

      • qvckiv-av says:

        So you get a brisk trade in photo-manipulated pics of fake tickets or user photos?These are VERY desperate trolls, don’t kid yourself. They will do that shit.

      • radek13-av says:

        And one minute of photoshop and thousands of copies later, you are back trolling in the same boat.

      • xpdnc-av says:

        It wouldn’t help, a picture of the stub would be too easy to fake or copy. About the only thing that would help would be to exclude anonymous reviews from the calculation of the score. All reviews could be displayed but only reviewers that had their identity verified would be counted. People might be a bit less vitriolic if their words could be laid at their feet.

    • CommonVices-av says:

      Ps: jeebus, the angry comments on that story are something else. It’s not even funny anymore to see the impote rage of these dorks. It’s just depressing I believed you 100%, but checked it out anyway out of morbid curiosity. Sweet holy hell, reading those made my soul throw up…I get that the coverage surrounding this movie has brought up issues like diversity, inclusiveness and empowerment, BUT WHY IN THE EVERLIVING FUCK AM I, UNDER AN ARTICLE PERTAINING TO A MOVIE ABOUT A FICTITIOUS SPACE COP, READING THE PHRASE “WHITE PEOPLE DIDN’T OWN THE SLAVE SHIPS”…?!? FUCKING SERIOUSLY?!?

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        Because SHE chose to discriminate. SHE made it political. SHE pushed a regressive agenda in what should be an excellent film. People had when pro insert their insipid ideology into pop culture.There. Question answered.

      • 555-2323-av says:

        “WHITE PEOPLE DIDN’T OWN THE SLAVE SHIPS”That right. It was… Insects.[First attempt at a Peter Cook/E.L. Wisty reference. Today.]

      • cigarette38-av says:

        I’ve often suspected the Dutch were secretly African agents provocateur.

      • dagwood1000-av says:

        Was thinking about this.Watch an old Western, “The Wild Bunch.” It’s set around 1910 and the old West is dying, killed by rail roads and mouth Christian women. A bunch of bandits get caught in a sting and blast their way out of town. The movie ends with a prolonged gunfight the bandits know will kill them, but they decide to go out in a blaze of glory.These guys know their time is up, and going out in a ‘blaze of glory’ is their end game.

      • kingkongaintgotshitonme3-av says:

        literally just read that and had to close the tab on my browser. so stupid it made my head hurt. 

      • phegh-av says:

        Because the shitposting community is nothing if not diverse in its ‘ironic’ obsessions.

      • SmedleyButler-av says:
    • cordingly-av says:

      I look at the internet of the late 90’s with nostalgia glasses, because surely talking about the “power levels” of Dragon ball characters was also sad.

      My hope is that putting a cap on bad review brigades breaks up some of the coordination of it all.

    • hallofreallygood-av says:

      But who even cares? Stop them from doing that and they’ll just go back to writing it into some dumbass blog or whatever. People bag on critics, but I’m a hell of a lot more likely to take a trained professional’s movie advice over the general public. Have you met the general public? Those guys suck. Look at this shit.Hey [Snaps fingers]. No, don’t look away. Look at it. That’s what the general public thinks about things. 

      • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

        But that was my point, sortaThey will write shitty reviews once they’re allowed to. And people should always be wary of any kind of audience based ratings to decide on what to watch. That goes double for imdb scores which can be tanked or overly inflated so easily

    • bobbylepinto-av says:

      True, BUT, the way they coordinated it before was that they, an extremely small contingent of the most butthurt people alive, could coordinate so their laughably butthurt fake reviews drowned out the couple dozen normal people who had actually seen it pre-release and submitted.Now they’ll be drowned out by the real reviews.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      The whole thing is pretty exhausting, isn’t it? Fucking super hero movies have become political battlegrounds now. It boggles the mind to think that anyone is this worked up over a Marvel movie because Brie Larson dares to have opinions, but here we are.

      • danharmon-av says:

        Superhero movies being political battlegrounds is good because most of these characters have political bases. Captain America fighting fascists- AMERICAN fascists sometimes- is political. Black Panther is political. The X-Men are political. This is what good genre does: represent real-world issues in sometimes disposable packages.Politicizing isn’t the problem. In fact, it’s only a problem to the idiots who are upset about the politicization. Because most of those idiots- white cis dudes- are clearly too fucking dumb to have noticed that these characters have ALWAYS had these political undertones. The fact that they’re railing against it now indicates they’ve never understood the things that they claim to love. (This is why the DC films are so forgettable/dumb; those movies- other than Wonder Woman- have literally no message in them other than “look at this shitty fight scene.”)

        • vulcansareheartbreakers-av says:

          The fact that they’re railing against it now indicates they’ve never understood the things that they claim to love.As a Star Trek fan, yeah, those idiots are all over the place. It’s exhausting and confusing. Like…what do you THINK this stuff is about!? 

      • lronmexico-av says:

        It’s because gamergaters and incels (sorry, that’s redundant) are some of the worst scum on the planet.

    • lucilletwostep-av says:

      Even if they do flood it later on, they can’t deter people from going to see it initially with bad reviews (they did this same thing with Ghostbusters reboot … what a bunch of neckbeards). 

      • tombihat-av says:

        Ghostbusters 2016 was just bad.  All the actors in it are talented.  Fieg is a talented director.  But the movie was just really bad and painfully unfunny.

    • shillydevane2-av says:

      And so what? A collection of opinions has no effect on whether a person likes a movie. If you depend on a RT score to like something, you have bigger a lack of free will.

      • i-am-not-av says:

        You’re a remarkable idiot

      • galdarnit-av says:

        “If you depend on a RT score to like something, you have bigger a lack of free will.”

        So if you choose, freely, to use RT as a tool to decide on what you see, you don’t have free will?

        How long ago was it that you were hit in the head with a brick? I hope you recover well. 

      • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

        They’ve gone less from letting it shape their opinion to more trying to use it to back them via the ol ‘vox populi’ strategy (ex. citing what they refer to as a low user RT score for TLJ as proof it failed…which, again, sort of falls flat as an argument given the fact these review bombing campaigns have been pretty public knowledge well before this point.)

    • lmh325-av says:

      I’m sure it won’t stop them from being able to leave bad reviews, but I do agree with others that once critical reviews are out, there is at least a chance of seeing the audience reaction score in line with the critical consensus as opposed to making it seem like no one wants to see a film. 

    • rolandtemb0-av says:

      This is the second time I’ve made this point on kinja today, but Gita Jackson wrote a thing that said “the only way to win is to not play.” I think more people are realizing that and staying out of user comment sections, and their absence makes the trolls seem that much louder

    • dj1973-av says:

      It looks like the comments have been removed, so maybe there is justice in the world. 

    • chiswede-av says:

      You know what would stop this? Putting Jay and Silent Bob on the case.

    • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

      Omg a man has different tastes in movies than you do? The horror!You do realize why these movies get shit on or go completely unseen by most men, right? We cannot relate with women being plugged into roles that they don’t fit into. Why is this so hard to understand? A female as an alpha character just isn’t something we can comprehend, nor do we have any interest in changing our opinion on it. If Hollywood doesn’t want my money, ok fine….but, when you question what the butthurt is about you look pretty damn stupid.The simple fact of the matter is that these are not changes that were being clamored for by the majority of the people that go to theaters on a regular basis. It’s an obvious attempt to shift people into roles they aren’t as good in as the people they were meant for. Why is it so hard to understand that there would be a pushback on that?Anyway, this superhero was apparently a woman all along so no change was needed. I just won’t be spending a dime on it because female superheroes give me the douche chills.

      • sarcastro6-av says:

        Excellent parody.

        • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

          Except it’s real no matter how much you tell yourself it can’t be.

          • sarcastro6-av says:

            hahahahahahahaha, holy shit, then.

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Maybe you should talk to men more often instead of the transitioning women that you must be surrounding yourself with. The lack of testosterone in here is depressing yet not wholly unexpected.

      • phegh-av says:

        A female as an alpha character just isn’t something we can comprehend, nor do we have any interest in changing our opinion on it. If Hollywood doesn’t want my money, ok fineBut then, if they made movies just for you, they wouldn’t have that yummy $821,847,012 in Wonder Woman money.

      • vulcansareheartbreakers-av says:

        The simple fact of the matter is that these are not changes that were being clamored for by the majority of the people that go to theaters on a regular basis. All the “diversity” movies you hate so much broke records though. So obviously people wanted to see them. We cannot relate with women being plugged into roles that they don’t fit into. You don’t get to decide what role women should be in, you worthless nutsack. And actually your incel opinions aren’t favored by most men. I just won’t be spending a dime on it because female superheroes give me the douche chills.As in, you’re a douche? Yeah, that makes sense. Seriously I can’t imagine being this triggered and threatened by a superhero movie. You’re a real fucking loser, dude.

        • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

          Actually you dense motherfucker, I do get to decide what roles women should fit into with my wallet. What world are you living in where you think that’s not the case?

      • moggett-av says:

        I think you just used the term “alpha character” unironically! God I wish I had my pseudosociobiology-buzzword bingo card handy!

        • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

          How does badass lead superhero sound? Better? My point is unchanged. Lame as hell and we all know it.

          • moggett-av says:

            It sounds like you’re twelve years old. Which is slightly better since that means you could outgrow your facile, self-congratulatory ethos. 

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Says the guy arguing that life should be fair for everyone “just because”.

          • moggett-av says:

            Who’s arguing that?  I admit kinja is a terrible comment system but I didn’t see anyone talking about fairness. 

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Lol this whole topic is literally about fairness. 

          • moggett-av says:

            Is the argument about fairness?  Or is that you’ve invented an imaginary Harrison Bergeronian opponent to argue with?

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            Nah he’s just a self important dickhead. He’ll never outgrow this

      • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

        We cannot relate with women being plugged into roles that they don’t fit into. If this is not some sort of troll or performance art…I feel sorry for you

        • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

          It’s not. Men and women are different. Welcome to fucking preschool where the rest of us figured it out.Your feminist championing act ain’t gonna get you laid so come on over to the men’s table whenever you’re ready and let us show you the way.

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            “Your feminist championing act ain’t gonna get you laid”I guess you know all about not getting laid“come on over to the men’s table whenever you’re ready”LOL nah 

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Actually….. I have no idea what it’s like to not get laid. I imagine that’s because I don’t limp wrist my way through life like you have up until now.

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            “Actually….. I have no idea what it’s like to not get laid”Sure Jan. Your mom doesn’t count anyway 

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Yawn.Does yours count though?

          • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

            “I have no idea what it’s like to not get laid” — like…at all?Did you sustain a head injury that wiped all memory of your childhood years? Or is this conversation about to take a REALLY uncomfortable turn? 

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Did you know anything about getting laid when you were a child? I sure as shit wasn’t thinking about it when I was 7. Hence, I didn’t know the feeling then. That was quite the stretch. Yes, some of us started getting laid as soon as we felt like it. Weird huh?

          • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

            “Some of us started getting laid as soon as we felt like it” – That’s not what you said though. You said you’ve never known not getting laid.
            At all. Which would imply you never had that ‘I feel like getting laid’ in the first place, since that would imply not knowing what getting laid feels like.

            Unless, again, this is going down a really dark corridor.

            You could have just said you’ve had no problems getting laid and saved yourself the trouble, but nooo – you just HAD to go get yourself another spoonful of hyperbole.

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            And it was pretty damn enjoyable until I just realized I wasted my time reading your replies without knowing I was being trolled. Aka you knew what I meant all along.

          • moggett-av says:

            “Men and women are different therefore women aren’t believable as superheroes,” seems to be lacking a logical through-line. It’s the equivalent of “Apples and oranges are different therefore oranges can’t be used in desserts.”

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Lol i don’t have the patience to scroll up and see if those were my exact words. Maybe they were.No. It’s equivalent to “apples and oranges are different so if you try to use oranges when you’re supposed to be using apples the end result is a shitty tangy clusterfuck that could have been good if you just followed the original recipe”.

          • moggett-av says:

            Nice try, except you just moved your logical lacuna around. If you haven’t caught on yet, nothing of what you’ve said so far is relevant to whether there are specific differences between men and women that would matter to superheroing.  Men who are six feet tall and men who are five foot eleven are also “different”. Are you wringing your hands over whether one of them makes a “believable” superhero too?

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Umm yes? Would I rather see a midget playing the next Terminator or someone like Arnold? The answer is obvious. 

          • moggett-av says:

            Awwwww… You actually believe that an actor’s height matters on screen. That’s kind of adorable. Did you also not know that the talking animals in Jungle Book can’t really talk?  Now I feel bad about ruining your fragile innocence. 

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            Of course it matters. Ahh you must be one of the shorties.

      • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

        So…you can accept a scientist transforming into a giant green berserker, a talking raccoon, a talking tree man, an advanced race of humanoid sci-fantasy aliens that became the basis of Norse mythology, a Nazi scientist living on in a supercomputer, a giant purple alien wiping out half of all life in the universe with a power glove.

        But the idea of an assertive woman lead, based on a character who has been an established part of the Marvel comics canon for so long she’s part of a Goddamn legacy now is something your brain just can’t wrap itself around.

        That is sad. Like, really sad.
        I mean, if I’m wrong and this is some deep cover method acting trolling, well done, sir. But if, as you assert later, this really is serious…man, I can’t even come up with a better insult for you than you’ve already done just by saying this.

        • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

          Yeah….Captain Marvel was a huge part of my childhood. Wtf? Yes, I can accept all of that hokey sci-fi shit before I can talk myself into going to see one more goddamn sjw event movie/snorefest.Frankly, I’m surprised that you’re surprised! This entire article is about a website trying to silence people who feel like I do. Obviously there are a hell of a lot of people that feel the same way. Admittedly, I’ve never written an online review of anything so it won’t hamper me. Again, I’ll just give it my two thumbs down by not paying to see it.

          • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

            The very fact you see THIS as the silencing action says we’re not gonna find common ground here.
            The site isn’t saying they can’t leave reviews. It’s saying they can’t start dumping reviews for a movie they haven’t seen yet – which is a pretty fair thing to do.
            Further as far as the assertion to number…that’s a matter for some debate. If the internet has shown us anything over the past few years, it’s INCREDIBLY easy to shore up bullshit numbers by having someone dummy up a shitload of different accounts.

            Which means, to properly gauge this, we must use the method you yourself subscribe to – cold, hard cash.

            And if that is anything to go by, then I hate to break it to you, but the numbers don’t seem to be anywhere near as much on your side as you want to believe here.

          • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

            I actually 100% agree with you on the money side. Right now, people do seem to be going for it. We’ll see what happens when people tire of every one of these movies being played up as a social justice cause. They seem to only make money for a few unsustainable reasons, the least of those being that the product is as good or better than the way it used to be. For example – Black Panther – was the movie that good or was it just an “event” for black people to rally around? Wonder Woman – same question just replace black people with women. Black Panther is clearly the anomaly here because black people have never put a movie that far over the top before. If they make 5 sequels, they’ll probably all top the previous one. Again, it doesn’t mean the product is good. I’d even argue that the Black Panther part of the last Avengers movie was the worst section of the movie.I think I had another point somewhere but now I’ve forgotten. Maybe it’ll come back to me.

    • splintchesthair2814-av says:

      So odd that people who claim to be shitty “for the lulz” don’t seem to spend much of their time actually “lulzing.” One might assume they’re actually quite sincere about being miserable assholes.

    • phegh-av says:

      Yeah, but they won’t be able to drive a wave of negative publicity before the opening.

    • dystopika-av says:

      Those miserable Mens-Rights-Activist incels are totally storing up their garbage “reviews” to flood the opening day. Hell hath no fury like the impotent rage of dorks.The internet as we know it is still exceptionally new. It has grown and evolved so much in a relatively short span of time. There was a time I thought it was amazing that like-minded people could find each other online in ways they couldn’t before — the end of loneliness in the modern world!Of course, the like-minded don’t always produce something good…It’s easy to expect that the future is just toxic online mobs whipping themselves into one frenzy after another.  I’m hoping this isn’t the case.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        Or…OR…Larson make some discriminatory statements based on race and people are rightfully disgusted with her bigotry. Are all these people MRAs?

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Don’t listen to Rotten Tomatoes?

  • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

    Were there bad reviews being left? From what I read it was people flooding the “Want to See” category and driving that percentage down. Rotten Tomatoes is getting rid of that feature because people mistake it for a review score.

    • notedgar-av says:

      That’s what reasonable, inteligent people call “building a narrative”. If people “bombing” the “Want to see” sections, trolls or not, don’t go see the movie, is it still trolling?

    • modjoconcarne-av says:

      Were there bad reviews being left? No because there isnt and there never was a pre release review section.  “people mistake it for review “ how can that excuse even fly ? So what is the excuse of the guy who wrote this article ? A so called journalist couldn t read the words “want to see “ ?

      • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

        What are you yelling at me for? I’m just repeating what RT said. Go yell at Colburn, angry weirdo.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    it’s a good thing they decided to do this after Batman vs Superman, Justice League, Ghostbusters, et al were already tanked while in pre-release…

    • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

      Don’t forget Wonder Woman.

      • kathrynzilla-av says:

        Wonder Woman somehow survived the initial onslaught and is a pretty well regarded film now, but yes, that also got hit early.

        • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

          They also got hit with some of this on the other side, to be honest with you. The left doesn’t tend to tank rotten tomato scores as deliberately for these movies, but I do remember the infamous Slate article that called attention to the scene where she’s lifting a tank, and her armpits are shaved. 

          • kathrynzilla-av says:

            I never said there were sides in this. Most trolls are just trolls, regardless of agenda.

          • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

            My apologies, I never intended to both sides this. i agree: Trolls are awful, awful people. Except for Justin Timberlake in that one movie where he was a Troll. I like that one. 

          • jimisawesome-av says:

            Shit one of the kinjas sites ran a hit piece because Wonder Woman was promoting a protein bar and somehow that would make every girl anorexic or something. But, no problems with WW promoting Dr Pepper.  

          • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

            That’s why I like Mr. Pibb. No fancy degrees. Just straight cola taste. 

          • kathrynzilla-av says:

            I’m a fan of Dr. Thunder, mostly because he accepts all health plans, even self-pay.

          • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

            I can’t say for sure but I think the slogan for Dr Thunder is “yeah, I guess”

          • whorfin-av says:

            Guy From Marketing: “Hows this angle? Dr. Pepper ™ is made using a ancient secret formula and is actually ambrosia! WW has to drink Dr. Pepper ™ to maintain her strength and youth! Because… you know.. the Greek gods drank ambrosia…. never mind…” 

          • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

            yeah Wonder Woman didn’t need any help convincing me it was not good

        • spaceleigh-av says:

          I can think of two reasons that Wonder Woman didn’t get the abuse that Captain Marvel has.  Maybe Larsen should have worn the bathing suit costume.

        • 555-2323-av says:

          Wonder Woman somehow survived the initial onslaught and is a pretty well regarded film now, but yes, that also got hit early. Some of the Wonder Woman flack was along the lines of “how dare they make a movie about a girl superhero??!” Which is ridiculous but understandable from people who are scared to talk to women.The Captain Marvel stuff is also understandable, because — they’ve been tricked! How can a girl be a captain? We have to warn everyone or they’ll start thinking that a girl could be a captain in real life!!!!

          • tombihat-av says:

            This is a really dumb take, Coati.Wunder woman survived because it was a good movie.  Captain Marvel has never been a particularly interesting superhero and Carol Danvers was only interesting when Rogue took her powers.  Trying to make it political in order to shield themselves from criticism is lame.

        • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

          I think Wonder Woman survived the early onslaught because it was actually good, unlike BvS and Ghostbusters (haven’t seen Justice League) 

          • kathrynzilla-av says:

            Ghostbusters was okay, not amazing, yet not anywhere near as bad as the reviews said, but the negative press sunk it before it ever was given a chance.We Nerds have a herd mentality, and all it really takes is a simple majority in a comic book shop crowd to turn the lot of us against something, sight unseen.

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            I actually held out hope that Ghostbusters would be good. I agree it wasn’t as terrible as the early troll reviews made it out to be but it was pretty bad and much worse than some of the generous reviews I read, some of which I suspect were to counterbalance all the troll crap.

    • horsesays-av says:

      Those are all bad films though.People hating them early for dumb reasons barely related to the film doesn’t actually stop them from being bad films that ultimately have user scores that reflect their quality. 

  • curmudgahideen-av says:

    Hey now, the Last Jedi haters don’t have a problem with women. It’s just that Rian Johnson introduced unprecedented plot holes and logical inconsistencies into their space fantasy about laser wizards.

    • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

      I only want my stories about space wizards to make logical sense. 

      • darthsilverstar-av says:

        It’s actually about ethics in space wizard fantasy. 

        • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

          Joking aside, the “ethics” argument was my favorite because so many trolls made it with a straight face while ignoring the ethics of sending death threats to women.

        • bennyboy56-av says:

          I thought that some people had a problem with The Last Jedi precisely because they thought that it had too many of them? Oh sorry, you said ethics…

      • whorfin-av says:

        Yeah, I gotta have my doppler-shifted x-wing fly-by roars. 

    • cordingly-av says:

      Ugh! Everyone knows that a woman with wizard powers wouldn’t be able to do as many space push ups as a man with wizard powers!

    • cc1977-av says:

      There’s different flavors of Last Jedi haters. There’s the woman haters, the diversity haters, the woman/diversity haters, and the, um, plot-hole-perceivers. Which… I’ve said this before, as have countless other posts and blogs and YouTube videos but it’s no more “consistent” or “inconsistent” than anything that came before. RJ was mindful of basing heretofore unheard of powers/abilities/properties of the Force and Star Wars lore on various canon materials. And the very addition of those new elements was what he was tasked with doing. There are actual, provable plot holes, and then there are perceived “plot holes” that are really just story elements not lining up to how someone thinks the story should go.

      • picklehyperion-av says:

        It was death by a thousand cuts for me. From the frothing mad First Order to the “we’re all happy to be reunited… even though we just lost thousands of our friends a few hours ago!” ending. It’s also treading over the “scrappy band of rebels” story again when I would have preferred something different. I was hoping the First Order would basically be the scrappy band of rebels and Rey was truly tempted by that side to mix things up. Instead they’re showing up with a planet that is also a super weapon. So basically a mismatched tone, not a story I’m interested in seeing again, weird story choices (Finn and Rose just… leave. And come back. Uh… put your leadership on a ship and send them off to safety!) the feeling that RJ and JJ didn’t communicate well between each other on their plans (I’m expecting whiplash next movie as JJ takes over again!) Some people like it, and that’s fine. The new movies just might not be for me, and that’s also fine. (I’ve only purchased Rogue One and seen that multiple times, and to me is one of my favorite Star Wars movies. All the rest were seen once in the theater.)
        As for Captain Marvel… can’t wait. She’s long been one of my favorite characters and I am happy to see her on the big screen. I’ve only got a few comic characters left of my favorites to see done well in the movies. Something 20 years ago I NEVER thought would have happened. So anxious to see what Marvel does for the FF and the potential power of Sue Storm (who I long maintain is one of the most dangerous and powerful heroes of the Marvel Universe!)

        • lmh325-av says:

          Not that I want to run the risk of re-litigating Last Jedi, but it’s also okay to not like a movie without going after the actors involved or even attacking RJ on twitter. “I don’t like this movie. I think it messed up the mythology. I don’t think I’ll go see the next one.” Is a perfectly acceptable response to ANY movie. I said it after Phantom Menace, tbh. But that’s not what the most vocal critics did and a lot of the complaints were based in not super nice things to say about women, people of color or social justice. Those people may have been in the minority, but how vocal they were and the choices they made in expressing themselves did a disservice to fandom in general let alone Star Wars fans in particular. And frankly, if I’m Disney, it would make me court the non-fans more because from their perspective it’s much easier to get new people involved than to convince the older fans to play along. Solo almost backs that up – banked on the old fans and they didn’t show up. 

          • picklehyperion-av says:

            Oh yeah, I’m with you. Not interested in relitigating TLJ, aleady done that with my friends countless times 😀 I’m with you about the crazed hysteria from people on TLJ. I mean its Star Wars… there is gonna be good and bad. Another thing about this story to me is it seems so…. sudden? Like this entire trilogy is taking place in a short period of time (like a month? Maybe a week? Even less??) It sort of loses its scope. Anyways, I said I’m not gonna relitigate, sorry 😀 Solo was a weird case for me.. I think I might have overall enjoyed it if they toned it down. It also had a scope problem to me. Basically like “Han Solo’s Big Week!”. He gets his name, his blaster, Chewie, Falcon, meets Lando… its like ok come on! If it was just a Solo adventure without all those winks, or just a story about a random mercenary type I’d have liked it better. It is… mid range for me among the Star Wars movies.

          • lmh325-av says:

            I hear ya. And I’m a-okay with people liking or not liking anything they want! I just think some of the most vocal opponents to something like Star Wars or any other major IP are going to find the studios not leaning into their demands, but instead leaning away and courting other people if these types of reactions keep happening. There’s a lot of kids out there that don’t share the hardcore fan contingent concerns.

        • kimcardassian83-av says:

          From the frothing mad First Order to the “we’re all happy to be
          reunited… even though we just lost thousands of our friends a few
          hours ago!” ending.I really, really don’t want to get back into a debate on the merits of TLJ, but…In the OT, the Empire had a choke-happy space wizard killing his own commanders left and right, while Leia lost her entire home planet a couple of days before handing out gold medals with a big ol’ grin on her face.

          • yankton-av says:

            Or how her home planet is destroyed in front of her and she briefly looks sullen at her boots before everyone movies on.I think about the mounds of disingenuous Youtube video critiques of the new movies and can easily imagine a three-hour take down of Leia emerging from the garbage pit with her dress still white and pristine if it were made today.

          • dalesams-av says:

            The OG take down was “Carries acting sucks” I spent decades defending her. And her perfectly reasonable use of an accent.1. People use dialects all the time when communicating.2. Shes being denigrating. Like Kevin Kline in a Fish Called Wanda.

          • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

            The prequels still take my vote for favorite tone shift –
            Anakin: “Fuck the bureaucracy. Someone should just slam their fist on the table and get shit done!”
            Padme: “That’s not democracy Anie, that’s fascism.”
            Anakin: “Should we call Chancellor Valorum and see what he thinks?”
            Padme: “…”

            (The really sad part being, Lucas could have fixed this one REALLY easily with another couple of lines and even built Padme’s character while he was at it. Instead he just kind of ignores the fact that what Anakin’s advocating is exactly how his heroes solved the previous movie.)

          • picklehyperion-av says:

            Yep, a cold, mechanical extremely powerful being that rules his subordinates through fear and ability. Did you purposely skip the “Frothing Mad” part of the description? Go watch again and see how many times the higher leadership of the First Order has spittle flying out of their mouths as they rage about this or that and get to be the butt of “your momma” jokes. They are COMIC RELIEF. Which is a big problem when you make me laugh at your bad guys. Also… not sure if you’re aware… but at the end of a New Hope… they WON. They sure as shit weren’t passing out medals, smiling, giving hugs and high fiving at the end of Empire.. and the Rebellion wasn’t even in as bad a shape at the end of Empire compared to how they were at the end of TLJ. Seriously… 20ish people on the Falcon is all that is left. That…. is not a happy ending.  And those two things, combined with many other little dings… are enough to just take me out of the movie and not care anymore.  I don’t even know the bad guys names aside from Kylo!  That’s how little they made me care about them.  Tarkin is still my favorite bad guy from the series… and in comparison the First Order is just a bunch of clowns. 

          • kimcardassian83-av says:

            Domhnall Gleeson’s character is a zealot and a clown, leading a military cult. The other antagonists are not portrayed the same way. And you might want to take a look at the emperor in RotJ for some prime ham.As for endings, even if we grant that the rebels had won at the end of Star Wars – that’s negated by the sequels, but not an unreasonable assumption in 1977 – Leia barely noticed a genocide of her people. If that’s a more believable scenario to you than military survivors of a massacre taking comfort in being reunited, I don’t know what to tell you.Not everyone shares your inability to recall the characters’ names.

          • picklehyperion-av says:

            Kylo: Emotionally unstable clown. Gleeson’s character: Clown. The commander of that dreadnaught: clown. When EVERYONE is a clown, it makes the bad guys jokes. Write good characters, and I’ll remember their names.
            Once again… Leia WON. I’m sure in the days after the Death Stars destruction she was sad. But at an official event she put on a good face. She also couldn’t react the moment her planet was destroyed cause she was surrounded by enemies. Why give them the satisfaction? The Rebellion also seemed to be in a good spot at the end of New Hope. TLJ they are in the worst position in any movie. In the immediate aftermath of a DEVESTATING loss. No, I’m not being all happy. Am I shouting with joy seeing family members and friends I haven’t seen in a while at a funeral? No. 20 seconds after escaping on the Falcon I’d expect a tearful reunion and some grim determination to match the scale of their loss.Like I said, this is my opinion. The movie falls completely flat for me because of this and so much more. Every movie has little flaws, but when damn near every scene has things that bug me I don’t like the movie. As I said, death by a thousand cuts. You seemed to have liked it, and that’s fine. I view it as one of the weakest films in the series to the point where it killed my following of the series. It is what it is.

          • kimcardassian83-av says:

            Well, it seems to me that you’re applying a vastly different standard of emotional realism to the two films (and overstating the “happy ending” of TLJ), but as I said, I’m not particularly interested in debating the merits at length, so I’ll leave it there. Different strokes for different Snokes.

      • jazzya1--av says:

        I just didn’t like the movie.

        • nilus-av says:

          And that is a perfectly valid response and I, and many others, respect that.  The problem is for every 10 people like you there seems to be one loud, trolly, dude yelling about SJWs, NPCs,Mary Sues and Mens Rights.   And since the internet is an echo chamber of hate their ugly message amplifies and drowns out respectful discourse. 

      • cgo2370-av says:

        Their line of “thought”:- I think this movie is bad.- Bad movies have plot holes.- Therefore this bad movie must have plot holes.

      • kingkongaintgotshitonme3-av says:

        what about us who thought the plot was just bad, holes or not? ps: rey is cool as shit. 

      • phegh-av says:

        Surely there are a few who are just really serious about ethics in gaming journalism.

      • ammo-av says:

        What about those of us who didn’t like the movie because it was too long and felt like two movies edited down (poorly) into one and a half?

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        Thank you for that last sentence. “Plot holes” has become a meaningless phrase.

    • drumpfhaternumberone-av says:

      I liked the part where none of it mattered.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I hate to be the one to break the news, but if you don’t like plot holds and logical inconsistencies, you better watch out for this guy named George Lucas.

    • jimisawesome-av says:

      Exactly. These same assholes did the same to the Transformer franchise because they hate women.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      UGH. This “argument” drives me insane. First off, I loved “Last Jedi” and don’t think it has any “plot holes” or “logical inconsistencies.”But when people say, “I can’t believe you’re complaining about logic in a movie about space wizards!” it drives me insane.You can ABSOLUTELY complain about logic and story issues, even in a movie about space wizards. In fact, in a movie about space wizards, it’s even MORE imperative that you make your plot as sound as possible, since your brain is already spending its “suspension of disbelief” energies on the space wizards part.Even sci-fi fantasy needs to make sense and abide by its own rules. You can make up all the fantasy you want, but you damn well better make it consistent and at least internally logical. Otherwise, nothing in the narrative fucking matters and you might as well be throwing shit on the walls.To suggest otherwise is to just shrug and straight up admit that you don’t give a crap about the narrative in movies like this and that, no matter what, the story won’t really matter to you and won’t engage you on that level. Are you literally only in it for the bright colors and things that go “boom”?

      • galdarnit-av says:

        “But when people say, “I can’t believe you’re complaining about logic in a movie about space wizards!” it drives me insane.”

        Because you don’t understand hyperbole?  Cool, but that’s hardly anyone’s fault but your own. 

        • laurenceq-av says:

          It’s not hyperbole at all. They use it to dismiss any criticism of a movie’s legitimate flaws by shrugging and saying, “well, it’s a fantasy movie, so it what did you expect?” As if they should be held to lower standards because of their subject matter. But, hey, it’s nobody’s fault but your own that you utterly missed the point.

          • marsupilajones-av says:

            Except they don’t use it to dismiss LEGITIMATE flaws. They use it to dismiss ridiculous “flaws” that only exist if you take a movie about space wizards way too seriously.That would be the point you are missing.

          • laurenceq-av says:

            Not true. At least not *always* true. I’ve seen countless people do this. The entire phrased is specifically used to suggest that in the context of a movie about “space wizards”, logic need not apply. Which is patently not true.  

    • cless6-av says:

      I’ve had people list off all of the stupid complaints about the movie that they think are objective, then follow it up by saying, “It would have been better without all the SJW bullshit though.” It’s like they make up points for why they didn’t like the movie after they decided they didn’t like it due to the “SJW” bullshit. 

    • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

      The only gripe I have is that every space battle prior to TLJ is now rendered irrelevant and unnecessary. after TLJ I found myself wondering why we don’t just hook hyperdrives up to empty ships (or hell, chunks of metal or small asteroids) and jettison them at the enemy’s capital ships.IV, VI, and Rogue One have much simpler solutions if you can just launch a Mon Calamari cruiser through it at the speed of light

    • radek13-av says:

      And they killed Luke, which set a lot of people off. Han’s death was a little more accepted because they knew it was either Han eats it onscreen or no Harrison Ford at all. 

    • docprof-av says:

      Also, how dare someone in a leadership position of a rebellion have purple hair. It’s just totally unthinkable.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Company Does Completely Logical Thing That They Should Have Done All Along

    • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

      Why? This wasn’t a review feature, it was an audience anticipation feature. Now how will users express their anticipation?

  • 555-2323-av says:

    I don’t read Rotten Tomatoes regularly at all, but I applaud them for (finally) doing this. I think it might actually make some difference, as the trolls who want to tank a movie before its release will have an uphill battle after real reviews come in.For a good movie I mean, which I assume Captain Marvel will be.

  • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

    The feature was not a “review” feature, it was an anticipation feature. Disney pressured them to shut it down because there’s a backlash against Brie Larson’s weird politicalization of a comic book movie. She has insulted a large audience demographic and now they have no way to voice their displeasure. But I guess they’re all trolls.

  • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

    Good. Now maybe Goodreads can do that, too. 

    • cuzbleh-av says:

      Was just about to write this, but you beat me to it.The Winds of Winter currently at 4.41 stars with 6,099 ratings and 376 reviews.

      • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

        Yeah. Google “Young Adult Controversies” if you want to delve into some truly dystopian stuff. I’m all for being sensitive and respectful and reflecting on your writing because of it, but there are armies of people who TANK ratings if there’s a whiff of something they might not like. The high profile ones have been featured lately, but I’m more terrified of the ones that aren’t. 

      • yipesstripes123-av says:

        I guess they figure the 9 chapters on GRRM’s site is all we’re ever going to get out of WoW, so now’s a good time as any to review it. Hey, I get it, it’s hard to wait until 2919…

    • 555-2323-av says:

      Now maybe Goodreads can do that, too.I stopped using Goodreads a while back when I noticed “reviews”, even full discussions, of books that weren’t actually out yet. It was almost … Pierce-ish.

      • horsesays-av says:

        Not saying it’s a good thing because it is a publisher tactic but it’s pretty easy for anyone established as a book reviewer to get hold of review copies of books well before release.So Goodreads has almost the opposite problem (outside of stuff like AOSIAF) where books if anything have inflated scores prior to commercial release.
        Given that Amazon owns the site I doubt this will change.

  • mindpieces79-av says:

    The real question is, why would anyone in their right mind pay attention to user reviews for movies? The tastes of the general public cannot be trusted. Hell, even the taste of AA Dowd can’t be trusted, much less Jimmy Bob the Ghostbusters stan from Kentucky.

    • lucilletwostep-av says:

      Rotten Tomatoes is different though .. .it’s an aggregate of user votes and actual movie reviews from news sources. So it’s at least a little bit better … 

      • shillydevane2-av says:

        So you depend on popular opinion to come to a conclusion as to what you “like”?

      • jeeshman-av says:

        Rotten Tomatoes is different though .. .it’s an aggregate of user votes and actual movie reviews from news sources.True, but they keep the two sources separate. Actual movie reviews make up one rating (the “Tomatometer”) and user votes make up a different rating (“Audience Score”). I tend to ignore the “Audience Score.” 

      • kjordan3742-av says:

        I don’t watch nothin ‘less the TODAY SHOW say it a good’un.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        Clearly not.

      • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

        Speaking from experience, that still doesn’t guarantee things – faith-based films, for example, will inevitably have higher user scores since most general people won’t seek them out, and the ones who do are usually the proverbial choir being preached to, so it’s right up their alley regardless of whether it’s a good movie or not (I’m looking your way, God’s Not Dead series.)

    • picklehyperion-av says:

      Yeah, I just use Rotten Tomatoes as a general “Can I see this in the theater?” guide. Shit is expensive, and I already have a nice home theater system that is good enough for most movies. If it is sub 40% for a genre movie its a hard pass from me and I’ll just catch it on cable. Never payed attention to user reviews.

      • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

        agreed – if it’s under 50% critic score it’s a red flag. Have literally never read a user review because why would I do that

    • kinjaplaya011-av says:

      Apparently AV Club/Kinjaverse and other types of media looking pump out several articles about the subject. 

    • toasterlad-av says:

      I’ve never understood how “reviewer” got to be a paying job. Forget user reviews, why would I want ANYONE’S opinion of a subjective art form rattling around in my head when I’m watching a film…or a tv show, and art showing, etc.? I only read reviews AFTER I’ve seen something, and then only out of morbid curiosity to see if their opinion matched mine. If I like the premise of a film, I’m going to see it, no matter what someone else thinks about it.

      • stewart8-av says:

        I sort of agree with you – IF the movie is one I was going to see anyway, like a new Coens or PT Anderson film, or an adaptation that I’m really excited about. But for a film I’m on the fence about, or for more obscure stuff that I may not have been aware of, the old Tomato-meter can be very useful.

      • about-faces-av says:

        “I’ve never understood how “reviewer” got to be a paying job.”Because things like movies cost money and take up valuable time, and before you waste either or both, you’d first like to know the opinion of someone whose taste you trust to align with yours?Also, criticism is an art form unto itself. It takes special insight to articulate the thoughts and feelings that art can invoke and what makes it work (or not). A good critic can give you a whole other perspective on a work, or at the very least, they can provide an entertaining read. If you’re not interested in criticism, then that’s fine, but enough people are that it’s totally cromulent for writers of art to get paid for their work. 

        • toasterlad-av says:

          I wasn’t advocating for all reviewers to be stripped of their property and hounded into the street.If you place value on reviews, knock yourself out.

          • about-faces-av says:

            I never said nor implied any of that. You said you didn’t understand how it got to be a paying job, I just tried address that. Hell, I even took into account that reviews wouldn’t be for you, and how that’s OKAY. I don’t know where this reaction comes from, dude.

          • toasterlad-av says:

            I didn’t believe that anyone would seriously believe that I DIDN’T understand where reviewers came from. I believed that most people would recognize that as hyperbole. Maybe don’t take everything on the internet so seriously? I was not trying to provoke, nor am I interested in, a fight. I’m still getting jackasses trying to badger me about why the Vision was worthy to pick up Thor’s hammer, for christ’s sake. My plate is full.

          • i-am-not-av says:

            You’re a remarkable idiot

          • 98sd7i87wer6gbtwre-av says:

            I know where that reaction is coming from. His first comment was a couple paragraphs about how every else’s opinion is worthless. Of course he was gonna react poorly if you disagreed with him. He has difficulty dealing with ideas he doesn’t like. It’s why he hates reviewers. And why he can’t emotionally handle a random internet stranger saying anything other than his own opinion back at him.

      • eastxtwitch-av says:

        Toasterlad, here to argue against not only film criticism, but also all art criticism. :O

      • 2lines1shape-av says:

        Art and culture reviewers are worth their salt because (hopefully) they’ve studied the history and techniques of the medium they’re reviewing, giving them better perspective into a film’s rightful place in history, and the ability to articulate the vague sense a normal viewer might have as to why “This movie sucked,” or “This one was pretty good except for the ending.”Put it this way: after Reservoir Dogs came out, there were a BUNCH of really shitty movies about gangsters in skinny ties being quippy and violent with each other. If you had no prior knowledge of Reservoir Dogs, you would need a reviewer to explain why THIS movie about quippy gangsters is far superior to all the DTV knockoffs.That, plus every reviewer dreams of maybe convincing a reader to see a hidden gem they might have initially blown off.

        • toasterlad-av says:

          I don’t think it follows that you need advanced study or experience in film or any other medium to know whether you liked a bit of art or not. Certainly, an informed opinion can help you appreciate something more, or expose flaws you might have missed. But it’s not at all necessary for your own evaluation of a piece of art. Either something speaks to you, or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t and you WANT it to, if you believe that you’re missing something and someone else can help you see it, that’s perfectly fine. But it’s not necessary, or, it shouldn’t be necessary, to rely on others to shape your view of art.

          • 2lines1shape-av says:

            Very true, which is why I added the last bit. More than attempting to make you NOT see movies you want to see, film reviewers want to help you see movies you might not otherwise be interested in. Think about Corbyn Dallas in The Fifth Element. He was probably the last person in the world to give a shit about Diva Plava Laguna, but once he was in his seat, her performance really stirred something in him.  Professional film reviewers are trying to get you in that seat.

          • 98sd7i87wer6gbtwre-av says:

            whether you liked a bit of art or not.Yeah… that’s not what a review or criticism is. It’s not a like or dislike thing.

    • stewart8-av says:

      Agreed, I don’t even look at the user reviews.  Top Critics only.  Still not a perfect scale of movie quality but better than anything else we have. 

    • violetta-glass-av says:

      I give the taste of A.A. Dowd a B+, at least….

    • chibbsvic-av says:

      Never trust a critic named after a type of battery.

    • ooklathemok45-av says:

      The users gave Transfomers 85% which was more than enough to burn the feature to the ground. 

    • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

      Agreed. People love love LOVE Transformers and the Fast and Furious movies. People are idiots.
      Decide what you like on your own.

  • horsesays-av says:

    Thank god someone is finally standing up for the billionaire studios against any threat to their manufactured hype.

    • laylowmoe76-av says:

      Boy are you backing the wrong dog in this fight.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        The studios just pressured a review site into scuttling their audience anticipation feature because people were rightfully expressing their displeasure with Brie Larson’s bigotry and politicalization of a super hero film. You are backing the wrong dog.

      • horsesays-av says:

        Nah Disney, WB and Sony using a small group of reactionaries to try to discredit all criticism of them isn’t new and people really shouldn’t still take it at face value.Hell 50% of Ghostbusters’ marketing campaign was going “look at how horrible the people being mean to our movie are”

    • anokato-av says:

      “There is blame on both sides.”

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    Or just don’t pay attention to Rotten Tomatoes and make up your own damn mind whether you should see a movie…

    • martin-edwards-1955-av says:

      I’ve always ignored then and mercilessly mocked anyone following their lead.

    • whoiswillo-av says:

      Not all of us have the money to see every single movie that comes out.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      If you read around enough you get a sense of which reviewers your personal taste lines up with most frequently. Or you can tell by their writing if you’ll enjoy parts they may have hated. It’s like reading the news and knowing who has better sources usually. Take a moment and check a couple other things and be smart about it, but much less important because it’s just a movie. 

      • gilgamesh0-av says:

        Yea, hard pass on doing 2 hours of research into whether to see a 2 hour movie.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          It takes you two hours to click and skim through a few reviews from critics you usually agree with? 

          • gilgamesh0-av says:

            Step 1 is figuring out what reviewers have my taste. 30 years hasn’t been long enough, why would 2 more hours get the job done?

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            One might say you don’t check out reviews often and it’s not a thing you’re really interested in then? If it’s not something you’ve never familiarized yourself in at all in 30 years then cool, pay attention to your other interests more diligently.

    • i-am-not-av says:

      You’re a remarkable idiot

    • maxx747-av says:

      But I can’t and don’t want to see everything, and I frequently have no opinion whatsoever as to whether I ‘should’ see a given film or not simply by virtue of not being aware of it—and any opinion I do have is probably not an informed one. Using aggregate scores (of critics, not users) helps me determine what’s most likely worth my limited time and money. Same for the theatre, or choosing a restaurant, particularly when traveling. It’s not about outsourcing your choice but making use of others’ superior knowledge/experience (they’ve eaten there; I haven’t) to make a more informed choice.

    • MWarnerM-av says:

      I don’t have the time or money to see every movie, so I do rely on RT to a certain extent to filter out the garbage. But only the critic reviews. User scores are utterly meaningless.

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    But this movie is about a girl superhero!A GIRL!!!!!!

  • drumpfhaternumberone-av says:

    Women are equal to men, which is why they must be protected.

  • stewart8-av says:

    How about connect it to your Fandango account (or Netflix or whatever) and only allow you to review the movie if you’ve paid to see it? There are some technological and privacy challenges but I’m sure it could be done.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    They can now give it a shitty review the day it’s released.

  • toasterlad-av says:

    “Captain Marvel is the best film Marvel has produced yet! Enthusiastic C+!” – A.A. Dowd

    • firedragon400-av says:

      Given that the early reactions were mostly praising the cat and the action scenes, I can very well see that happening. Though I don’t think it will be as bad as the io9 Ghostbusters review.

  • modjoconcarne-av says:

    Except you were never hable to “review” a movie before it s release . It is people s intent on seeing the movie . Will you go see the movie yes or no ? Leave a comment on the reason if you like ….End of the story . Now if Bob from tulsa doesnt want to see the movie because “ endgame comes rigth after so i save my money” then he s free to do so . Now whats amazing is how the media thats so adamant about Trump gas-lighting people non stop is now using the same strategy .   You all know that it was “want to see” and yet now you are calling them reviews because it suits your narrative . How the hell are you supposed to be trusted over someone like trump ? What s the difference ? 

    • notedgar-av says:

      That’s what reasonable, inteligent people call “building a narrative”. If people “bombing” the “Want to see” sections, trolls or not, don’t go see the movie, is it still trolling?

    • x23-av says:

      your sloppy vaguely incoherent block of ESL nonsense has surely convinced me!

  • hebroohammr-av says:

    These groups are not about inclusion. Inclusion is not an issue. These lunatics want preferred treatment. And these lunatics are usually white, extremely privileged women who don’t care about making anything better. They only care about themselves. Larson is the textbook Hollywood hypocrite and narcissist, and she’s a racist, sexist, rude, weak, insufferable little b*tch.I feel like he probably needed new keys halfway through typing that.

  • phillamos-av says:

    We live on a toilet planet. I can’t even imagine why the Skrulls would even want it.

  • martin-edwards-1955-av says:

    RT was founded as a website for male celibate Trolls to vent their one-handed anger at the world of people who actually create stuff.
    They pretend to be film critics wearing suits and ties now but in reality they are just Trolls sitting in their basement bedrooms in their underwear

  • eshuster-av says:

    Again… those aren’t bad fake pre-viewing reviews of the movie. They are comments in the want to see/don’t want to see area. Every single news source reporting this keep calling them reviews. They are not reviews!

    • notedgar-av says:

      That’s what reasonable, inteligent people call “building a narrative”. If people “bombing” the “Want to see” sections, trolls or not, don’t go see the movie, is it still trolling?

  • trenkes-av says:

    Forever gray but articles like this are so fucking boring. Quick, everybody jump into the comments to really stick it to people who aren’t here and don’t care and be the 1,456th person today to declare your allegiance to a really long toy commercial.

  • slammillionaire-av says:

    Let’s only allow negative reviews for movies starring cis straight white men

  • scottscarsdale-av says:

    Can we at least be honest, we all get a thrill out of D and F reviews on AVclub?

  • tzins-av says:

    Not sure why this was ever allowed anyway. I’m immune to “Star” ratings. I love some stuff that’s universally panned. I also like some stuff that’s universally loved. It’s like your favorite ice cream flavor, how can your love of a movie be wrong.

  • firedragon400-av says:

    So, on Sunday night I went over to the page and actually looked at the comments themselves and… if this was a troll campaign they were really bad at it. Most of the comments were “Meh, the trailer looked boring, IMO” and other such comments. There were some comments that were typical troll-y, but not many. Most of those posts were actually posted in January or December.
    At the time, the percentage was around 45%, and even that felt weird since most of the pages had about 75% positive comments until the very, very end.

  • zirg-av says:

    You clearly don’t understand the definition of the word ‘review’.

  • steveresin-av says:

    What do they even get from doing this kind of thing? Maybe I’m just an old fart but I can’t understand it. If something’s not your thing then just avoid it.
    *hobbles away on walking frame, confused*

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    The AV Club’s (sight unseen) presumptuous championing of this film is a bit disconcerting. I understand the it purports to address all the current issues so near and dear to the newly woke masses but is a Marvel film really the best forum for these ideas? You guys never went near “Period. End of Sentence” or most of the Oscar nominated documentaries. I kinda doubt your commitment to anything nowadays. But you hate Trump. That’s cool. So do I. 

  • kirkspockmccoy-av says:

    How is this any different from the scores of people on these very websites who take great delight in writing about how much they hate The Big Bang Theory and how much it sucks while also writing that they have never watched the show?How’s that for a run-on sentence?

  • qvckiv-av says:

    Good.No more “Marvel sucks!” or “SJWs/Feminists/Women ruined my childhood favorite film!” bullshit, at least until the film opens..

  • mr-ducksauce-av says:

    Good, god damn incels and those damn cucks should be barred.

  • splintchesthair2814-av says:

    When I was a kid I loved “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” to the point where I became angry when “Coming to America” knocked it out of the top spot in the box office. That was an idiotic thing for even a nine-year-old to walk around thinking, and it terrifies me that there are people out there DRIVING! CARS! who apparently still have that mindset.

  • kyletawlks-av says:

    Spoiler alert. They didn’t let you review it before it released in the first place. 

  • caffeinated-snorlax-av says:

    Of course she upset the outrage culture. She said she doesn’t need an old white man to be the critic over a movie like A Wrinkle In Time, that the movie isn’t for them. That’s going to upset a lot of very sensitive people. Notice she did not say white men cannot be critics or should not be critics. She just wants more diversity because she doesn’t care what the older white male thinks about a movie not directed at them. It does bring up the question if we should even listen to a critic not represented. Most critics are going to follow a similar guideline*. Which doesn’t include an emotional impact that someone who is represented may feel. That emotional bit may be important because it can give you a new viewpoint. But not everyone is going to care.*

    • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

      So she discriminated by race, gender, and sexuality by your own admission and you’re okay with this?

  • bros402-av says:

    So why did CHUD become the popular term for trump loving douchebags?

    Another site I am on has an amazing term for them that just makes sense – redhats.

  • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

    I was done with RT after I watched Pacific Rim because it had a 90+ score on RT. Never again, RT. Never again.

  • vulcansareheartbreakers-av says:

    Noting, in the understatement of the year, that it’s “seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling,”If it were women trolling the next Superbad shitfest then they’d openly call it “terrorism.”

    • flairschippedtooth1-av says:

      That’s the first good movie anyone has mentioned in this post or the piss poor comment section. Your disdain for it tells me everything I need to know.

  • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:


  • devilsadvocate-av says:

    Boys act like that then complain that everyone is out to get them. Maybe don’t act like a 12 year old man child who can’t handle a girl being in the same tree fort and we’ll give you some respect.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Imagine thinking review fixing was somehow manly or helpful to men.  It’s so pathetic.

  • haodraws-av says:

    The amount of misinformation and lack of fact-checking in the reports about this thing have been ridiculous.

  • sabieleven-av says:

    I tried to report some pre-comments, but they didn’t go against the stated reasons something could be reported for. Loophole finally closed.

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