Stephen Colbert gets the harrowing details on Trump's failed coup from two lawmakers under siege

Stephen Colbert gets the harrowing details on Trump's failed coup from two lawmakers under siege
Stephen Colbert, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) Screenshot: The Late Show

Taping as he does in the mid-afternoon, Stephen Colbert was ideally suited to get a couple of United States lawmakers on the horn right in the aftermath of Wednesday’s coup attempt by right-wing terrorists. Yes, that is a sentence we have to write, now and forever, as Donald Trump and his Republican enablers in Congress (Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Marsha Blackburn, others who are about to find out what “ignominy” means for their political careers) actively fomented an attack on the Capitol building that saw MAGA-hatted goons ranting in the people’s chamber, carving Trump slogans into the walls, and looting congressional offices, when not being filmed taking selfies with some of the suspiciously permeable Capitol Police. (Oh, and one woman—shot by police while attempting to breach security while draped in a Trump flag—is dead, while at least three of the less physically formidable terrorists succumbed to medical emergencies during the attack.)

So, yeah, plenty to talk about, with the visibly furious and shaken Colbert turning to a pair of lawmakers willing to share just what the fuck happened. First up was Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), who laid out not just Trump and his anti-democratic white supremacist goon squad, but her own (all Republican, all white) colleagues in the Senate who have pursued the farcical claim that the presidential election was “stolen” from their Glorious Leader, despite some 80 judges’ rulings to the contrary, and, you know, the fact that it’s complete bullshit. Colbert was adamant that, while the terrorist mob literally set upon the halls of Congress might be “ignorant,” Klobuchar’s colleagues (who also spent their afternoon in lockdown, watching “the chickens [come] home to roost,” according to Colbert), “actually know better.” Klobuchar agreed, telling the Late Show host that it was she that asked for the TVs to be turned on in the chamber where every senator and their staff were in hiding to bring home to Cruz and his seditious gang just what they’d wrought. (And presumably, Kobuchar could stare death-daggers at Ted Cruz.)

As for consequences, Klobuchar wasn’t as forthcoming about, say, another impeachment vote or invoking the 25th Amendment on a president actively attempting to whip up an insurrection to keep his one-term ass in power as Colbert would have obviously liked. She did say that everyone involved (and filmed, at length) in the terrorist attack should be prosecuted and sent to jail. (Oh, the FBI is asking for tips on identifying the camera-hogging terrorists, so if you spot your racist uncle in some B-roll, here’s the link.) And she was fully aware that those GOP seditionists who sheepishly changed their minds about the whole “object to certifying Joe Biden’s landslide win” likely only did so only because they saw the real, deadly consequences of their cowardly bootlicking in action. “I don’t want anyone to mistake this that I forgive them,” said an incensed Klobuchar, while reassuring Colbert that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in on schedule on January 20, and that all investigations and prosecutions of every single person involved—directly or by proxy—in this ongoing Republican coup will continue well into Biden’s presidency.

After Klobuchar, Colbert spent a few segments talking to Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) one of the pitifully few Republicans who’s been vocal about what a sham Trump and his cronies’ attempt to undermine democracy has been. And here we will simply amplify those who ask why Colbert or anyone should give a platform to one of the white Republicans who actually faced up to the reality the rest of us have been living in as if that takes some extraordinary degree of courage. (Everyone in your family who told you you were being hysterical for talking about Donald Trump and the GOP’s dictatorial ambitions can now shut the hell up for all of eternity.) Keep in mind during Kinzinger’s otherwise on-point dissection of the anti-American rot festering in the Republican Party that he voted along with Trump’s agenda fully 92 percent of the time, and voted against impeaching Trump for that last time he attempted to destroy American democracy. (Kinzinger’s response that “I would certainly, probably consider that” to Colbert asking if he’d like another crack at impeachment shows that Republican moral courage only goes so far.)

Still, an on-the-ground report on the failed, Republican-plotted coup is pretty riveting television, as Kinzinger explained how, having anticipated some sort of Trump-incited fuckery, he’d told his staff not to come in that day. (He was a little smug about it, honestly.) But his first-hand account of being informed that Trump’s conspiracy-addled thugs were actually inside the Capitol was as shocking to hear about as it was for all of us to watch all day Wednesday. “We’re kind of under siege here,” Kinzinger told Colbert of the then still high-alert state of things that afternoon, telling the host about the “escape hoods” the lawmakers were instructed to don in case of gas attack, and comparing the whole scene as being from “an end of times kind of movie.”

And, to be fair, Kinzinger was pretty unsparing when it came to excoriating his fellow Republicans (a majority of which, as Colbert pointed out, were in on the fraudulent election steal plot), saying this “was absolutely a coup attempt,” aided and abetted by his own party members. Kinzinger refused to take up Colbert’s challenge to “get into naming names” when it comes to just who he was talking about (again, see “Republican courage: limits of”), but the congressperson did sound genuinely aghast at the fact that there are now scars in the Capitol that people will have to point to “in 50 years” as evidence of a time when the Republican Party engaged in a thoroughly un-American power-grab at the behest of Donald fucking Trump.

And while here’s to Klobuchar and Kinzinger for at least coming on The Late Show during an actual violent coup attempt where their lives were no-joke in danger, here’s also to Colbert and his late-night colleagues inviting those lawmakers like Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Cori Bush (D-MO), and Mondaire Jones (D-NY) who have been vocal from the jump about impeaching and removing both Trump and GOP seditionists like Cruz, Hawley, Blackburn, Tommy Tuberville, and the rest from office. Like, now.

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  • nonoes-av says:


  • kasley42-av says:

    If one of the Senate aides hadn’t had the wit to grab the envelopes and take them away during the evacuation, we would be in a confusing state. There is no provision for replacing the envelopes sent from the states. They were noted as appearing to be ‘true, original, authentic’, etc. They couldn’t say that if they were working with replacement envelopes, and if you think there were doubts about the election counts, think of how many there would be with “replacement” envelopes. Also, the individual states probably don’t have a policy for replacing the envelopes, either. Little stuff matters.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Oh that’s interesting, do you have a source on anything about them grabbing that. I had no idea and considering how things have to be done in such specific almost useless pageanty ways with all this I could see this being a weirdly huge issue if that were to happen. Then the stupid fraud crap would get brought up again with replacing them. 

      • noisypip-av says:

        I saw it mentioned yesterday about an aide grabbing those envelopes, too. Possibly it was on Pramila Jayapal’s (my rep!) statement after she had gotten to safety? I read so many – I wish I could remember where to provide you a source. It sounded like the aide just grabbed them reflexively and it wasn’t even something they had been told to do.

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        It’s more old-timey leather bound boxes than envelopes

    • toddisok-av says:

      Little staff monsters.

    • bogira-av says:

      Any attempt to swap out the letters or destroy them would at best be an administrative kink that the SCOTUS would immediately shoot down.  Also, those are the posted results letters, so while it may not be administratively clear how to replace them, legally those votes were read into congress weeks ago and thus this is all a formality.

    • singleuseplastic-av says:

      While it’s a scary scenario, I can’t imagine many of the people on the front lines of the charge would have had the wherewithal to know enough about the process to know what they were considering what they were there for. These are people that took selfies in people’s chairs and walked around with a podium. 

    • radarskiy-av says:

      There are six original copies of the Certificate of Vote for each state. They are set to different locations. If the copy in the Senate were to be damaged, the only delay would be the travel time to get another copy to the Capitol. Two of the copies are sent to the National Archives, which is less than a mile from the Capitol.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    “I would certainly, probably consider that” Stunning and brave, compelling and rich.

  • ceallach66-av says:

    Everyone will talk about how awful it is, and how “Fighting never wins” (or whatever T-shirt-ready slogan they come up with next), how they should invoke the 25th Amendment or Impeach him again, how surely the GOP has learned it’s lesson this time, etc., ad nauseum.And in the end… absolutely nothing will be done. Nothing.

  • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

    Is that a headline or a command?

  • kate-monday-av says:

    Kinzinger was talking big talk about restore the GOP and calling this coup attempt what it is, but then he wouldn’t even say that he would now, knowing what he does, have voted for Trump’s impeachment – “limits of Republican courage”, indeed.  

    • soveryboreddd-av says:

      He was on MSNBC a hour ago saying that they should use the 25th amendment.

      • kate-monday-av says:

        That’s something, I guess – still hasn’t earned back the respect he lost with his “I’d certainly, probably consider that” nonsense and refusal to name names when it comes to other culpable parties (Klobuchar loses points on that front, too – sure, you’re angry, but not angry enough to want anyone in positions of actual power to face any consequences for supporting this nonsense? ok)

      • TRT-X-av says:

        Pelosi put the Articles of Impeachment on the floor of the House for a vote and Kizinger said no.He had his shot, fuck him.

    • bartongeorgedawes-av says:

      I can’t find a source, but I believe Kinzinger also voted against the 2k stimulus because of course he would.

  • kpinochle-av says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the taping was live after 11:30pm, not earlier in the afternoon. So they were no longer under siege at the times of the interviews.

    • vorpal-socks-av says:

      The show itself was aired live but it’s unclear when the interview segments were actually done. They could have been taped earlier in the afternoon/evening.

  • priest-of-maiden-av says:

    This waffling over whether consequences are warranted is exactly what brought the US to this point and why this will happen again.

  • iamamarvan-av says:

    It’s disturbing how much she refused to say Cruz and Hawley should face serious repercussion 

    • TRT-X-av says:

      What’s she going to do about it? Democrats don’t run the Senate yet. This was also before Hawley ran his mouth during the vote when it restarted.She’s gotta be careful herself. The last thing we need is Mitch using his final days as Senate Leader to sanction Klobuchar in a way that makes it harder for her to do anything once Dems are in charge.

      • iamamarvan-av says:

        I was talking specifically about her response in the interview.  I didn’t even remotely suggest she could do something about it by herself.  But within the context of the interview, she could have easily said that the congress people actively trying to overthrow our election deserve serious consequences.  Pivoting when Colbert asked her specifically if she thought Cruz and Hawley should face consent is straight up good old fashioned Democrat cowardice. Regardless of whatever reasons you think justify it

  • isaacasihole-av says:

    Kicking Trump out now is like arresting a child molester when he’s 80 and has already violated thousands of kids. Sure, it has to be happen, but the worst damage is already done.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      “the worst damage is already done.”Plenty of people would have said that last week, then we had an armed insurrection.Trump always gambles with other people’s money, and these chumps are already planning another trip to DC.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Hey so can we not with the Adam Kizinger rehabilitation tour? Dude had his chance and voted against impeachment and then voted for Trump in November.It’s just like people who took Justin Amash’s bait. Kizinger’s going to leverage this new found “both sides” support and try to turn it in to something that’ll likely fuck over Dems.I’m serious. We already did this with Justin Amash and then we’re going to act surprised when Lord Ratfucker pops back up in 2024 with the Libertarian Party and Lincoln Project at his back.You want this guy trying to knock off Tammy Duckworth? Because that’s where this leads.

    • aliks-av says:

      I don’t think this article or Colbert are trying to rehabilitate him. Its good to have Republicans who are willing to speak out publicly against a coup attempt, but acknowledging that he’s right to do that is not rehabilitating him.

      • TRT-X-av says:

        Kinzinger refused to take up Colbert’s challenge to “get into naming
        names” when it comes to just who he was talking about (again, see
        “Republican courage: limits of”)
        This is where Colbert should have relentlessly mocked him for lacking any of the conviction needed to actually call out the people who’ll still be in power two weeks from now.

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    Smart audible called mid-day for him to tape live vs. at 4:00 or 5:00 when things weren’t entirely settled. 

  • russell0barth-av says:

    fuck Colbert
    He has helped this by having scumbags on his show and treating them politely
    anything form ratings with that cunt

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