Sylvester Stallone assumes the role of reality star in The Family Stallone trailer

The Family Stallone, a new reality series following Sylvester Stallone, his wife, and daughters, premieres on Paramount+ May 17

TV News Stallone
Sylvester Stallone assumes the role of reality star in The Family Stallone trailer
The Family Stallone Screenshot: Paramount/YouTube

Is it any surprise that after 50 years in showbiz Sylvester Stallone would be a bit of a camera hog? The venerated action star was apparently against the idea of a family reality show, “Yet he sees a camera and he’s like, ‘Am I in the frame?’” cracks his daughter Sistine in the new trailer for Paramount+’s The Family Stallone. Hey, a gig’s a gig!

It’s a little unexpected to see Al Pacino and Dolph Lundgren appearing as guests on a family reality series, but the Stallone sisters seem born for it—they even have predetermined “roles.” Sophia, the oldest, is “the heart,” middle child Sistine is “the risk taker,” and Scarlet, the youngest, is “the scene stealer.” (In one scene of the trailer, an emotional Scarlet finds out she’s won a part that turns out to be for her father’s show Tulsa King.) Coming off of their podcast Unwaxed, the three women are ready to step away from the mic and join their dad in front of the cameras. “We’re in our early 20s. It doesn’t get much better than this. Brain-wise, body-wise, looks-wise, we’re at our peak, ladies,” Sistine declares.

The Family Stallone | Official Trailer | Paramount+

Then there’s mom Jennifer Flavin, “The Queen,” Stallone’s wife of 25 years with whom he reunited after a brief split in the summer of 2022. “I know we’re insane, I know we’re crazy, but we love each other so much,” the family matriarch shares in the trailer. And of course, Sly himself, who spends the trailer dropping pearls of wisdom, disparaging the concept of reality TV, and doting on his pets, which is funny because he’s a tough guy movie star, right?

In case you forgot that little fact (unlike the guys Sophia is dating), the family takes a trip to the Philadelphia Art Museum “Rocky steps.” This star isn’t totally just like us, even if he is painstakingly brushing out his cat’s tail when he’s at home. For the full picture of the family man, myth, and legend, tune in to The Family Stallone on Paramount+, premiering May 17.


  • kinjaburner0000-av says:

    I guess no Frank Stallone?

  • bashful1771-av says:

    Who’s the guy playing Sylvester himself? Looks like someone who could’ve worked as a lookalike back in the nineties.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “There’s a LOT to unpack here!”

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      Oh shit was there an episode sunday? HBO Max doesn’t put them up till so late and then sometimes I forget to watch. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        There was. I actually don’t have HBO Max, I watch the clips on YouTube early in the morning before they take them down.

        • nimitdesai-av says:

 least they always have the long segment available the day after on youtube. There’s a lot of random stuff left out but you’re usually getting 22-25min out of a 30min show

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            I used to see the whole show up, but I guess somebody cracked down on that.

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            Maybe from 3rd parties, but at least they post their own main stories on youtube for free. could be worse 

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Like a freshman at the sophomore dance: I’ll take what I can get.

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            wait, all your dances were separated by grade?? That sucks! Seeing senior girls “freak dance” at homecoming as a freshman was one of the most mind blowing experiences. I got put into a dance circle with a bunch because they knew my older brother who had just graduated and I almost embarrassed myself in a way young men going through puberty could when surrounded by older girls. 

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            There was an underclass dance, the “Spring Fling” or something. Yeah, Homecoming wasn’t segregated, if I remember right. And, yeah you could go to prom if an upperclass-person asked you. I started seeing my high school sweetie when I was a junior and she was a sophomore and it was one of the joys of her sweet short life that she got to go to prom a year early.
            (I was just being silly with the original comment, I didn’t mean to get this into it.)

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            Lol that’s fair I was curious. Have a good one

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            although, Prom was indeed junior/senior only, unless you were a date. 

      • dirtside-av says:

        Not only was there an episode (the main segment was about HOAs), they actually did an entire separate 25-minute segment about Chuck E. Cheese, which you can watch at

  • liffie420-av says:

    Had no idea he had three daughter lol.  Thank got they got moms looks and not dads.

  • pie-oh-pah-av says:

    No interest whatsoever in reality shows, but I’m happy he and Flavin seem to have reconciled and worked things out.

  • paezdishpencer-av says:

    Yea, this sounds like the 7th Ring of Hell.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    What, no Frank Stallone?

    • gruesome-twosome-av says:

      And WHO is responsible for leaving Frank Stallone out of this show?…you guessed it: Frank Stallone!

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    We’ll finally find out what he uses all that water for!

  • sh90706-av says:

    So basically, “Sly and the Family Stallone”

  • magpie187-av says:

    It’s already better than the Kardashians

  • recognitions-av says:

    Too bad Toni-Ann can’t come on to tell her story.

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    Nope.  That’s it.  TV is done.  We had a good run.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Does it spend time showing his wig application each morning?

  • docprof-av says:

    Oh my what a stroke of good luck for Scarlet to have suddenly and definitely fairly won that part that randomly somehow happened to be in her father’s show!

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    *runs up to the comment section, doubled over and out of breath*“Am I … in time to … make the first … Frank Stallone joke?”

  • masshysteria-av says:

    His kids all look like they’re being played by Heidi Gardner. 

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Good P.R., a reality show about Paulie’s robot staging a comeback, premieres on Tubi this summer!

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