Taylor Kitsch to give science fiction another shot with Neill Blomkamp's next film

Aux Features Film
Taylor Kitsch to give science fiction another shot with Neill Blomkamp's next film
Photo: Rich Polk

Seven years after Battleship and John Carter, Taylor Kitsch is ready to join up with a sci-fi movie that hopefully won’t be a huge flop. Unfortunately it’s a Neill Blomkamp sci-fi movie, so this could go either way, but let’s put Chappie and Elysium out of our minds and be optimistic about this. According to Variety, the movie is called Inferno and it’s about a cop investigating a “seemingly ordinary murder” in the desert who “uncovers a deeper conspiracy” and starts to uncover evidence that the killer is actually a “humanoid beast.” Kitsch will play the cop, making him the square-jawed straight-man to something fantastical which—and this is not meant to be a comment on whether or not this is a good thing or a bad thing—is basically the same kind of role he filled in Battleship and John Carter. He doesn’t deserve the blame for those movies not working out too well, so maybe this just means he’s taking on the sort of character that he has a lot of experience with and will act as a grounding force in whatever deep conspiracies and humanoid beasts that Blomkamp has in mind for this.

Speaking of Blomkamp, this is could be the mysterious horror film he left Robocop to work on, but that was months ago and it seemed like he was ready to start filming that project soon, so there might be a different Blomkamp thriller in the works that we don’t know anything about.


  • cartagia-av says:

    “Science fiction to give Taylor Kitsch another shot” would probably be a more accurate headline.

  • scja-av says:

    Hollywood, stop trying to make Kitsch happen! It’s not going to happen!

    • SweetJamesJones-av says:

      It’s already happened.  He’s 38 years old and has been acting since 2006.  He’s had a good Hollywood career with a brief stint on the A List.  Nothing wrong with that. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      He’s just kind of cheesy, you know? A bit too campy, a bit too tacky. I don’t know what the word for it really is.

  • dr-boots-list-av says:

    Taylor Kitsch to give science fiction another shot…Yay! We like Kitsch! John Carter was underrated! Clear eyes, full hearts, green goos!
    …with Neill Blomkamp’s next film.oh, well, then, nevermind.

  • luckymc44-av says:

    My friend and I used to do this thing where we either streamed or requested the DVD of what looked to be crappy movies that were possibly fun, but also had good looking dudes in them. Things like Pompeii, Seventh Son or Jupiter Rising. We got John Carter for one of those movie nights, and were both surprised by how not terrible it was. It’s a shame that Disney couldn’t seem to figure out how to market it, because I was entertained as hell.

    • ithinkthereforeiburn-av says:

      Yep, The Mouse really dropped the ball on that one. It’s rare, but they do make mistakes every once in awhile.

    • bonhed-av says:

      It wasn’t terrible. The biggest problem is that the director thought more people knew the character, and that’s just not the case. Even for geeks & nerds, it’s an obscure one. I knew of the character, but didn’t read the stories until fairly recently (some few years before the movie).

      That, and no one was naked.

    • killdozer77-av says:

      It had a terrible title. “Princess of Mars” was right there and they went with “John Carter?”

      • czarmkiii-av says:

        I think that the Asylum beat them to the title with their take on it as their’s was called the Princess of Mars and came out a few years prior.  

        • killdozer77-av says:

          I had no idea that Asylum movie existed. I would not have guessed Traci Lords would be the Mars princess. Still they could have reused the title (plenty of films have the same title don’t they?) Or at least come up with something better than “John Carter.”

          • czarmkiii-av says:

            I’d argue it was a more entertaining movie than the Disney one despite the greater deviation from source material.

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        Disney wouldn’t let him call it that, because “boys wouldn’t want to watch it.”

        • killdozer77-av says:

          Some good shots of that tight brunette they got to play the princess would get some boys to buy tickets.

      • skpjmspm-av says:

        Insofar as John Carter had an arc, it was deciding whether he was John Carter of Earth, or John Carter of Mars. The title John Carter of ? would have too on the nose. By comparison, to my eyes, A Princess of Mars, is John Carter deciding whether he wanted Lynn Collins in a bikini and tats. The movie is remarkably good for its source material, emphasizing “reverse Superman” to try to take away some of the white savior stink. Except I don’t recall anybody noticing (online or in print.) Maybe they didn’t want to acknowledge what a real white savior story looks like, preferring to libel Avatar instead.

      • the-other-brother-darryl-av says:

        Hollywood decided anything with “Mars” in the title would be box office poison. In fairness to them, you try naming a “Mars” movie that wasn’t a resounding flop.(The Martian doesn’t count.)

    • old-man-barking-av says:

      John Carter is one of those films that will show up in 20 years as a “Why didn’t this do better” compilation. Good cast, good acting, excellent CGI, good plot.Terrible marketing.

    • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

      It did a great job of being EXACTLY the type of movie it wanted to be.I saw it with my entire family in HS – my mom, my 16 year little brother and I found it hilarious, silly, and awesome…while my 12 year old brother LOVED IT, and was upset that we had been laughing at the cheese.

  • secretagentman-av says:

    Poor gorgeous bastard.

  • tossmidwest-av says:

    As a defender of both John Carter and Elysium but who acknowledges the wholesale awfulness of Battleship and Chappie I am very half-offended by this Newswire.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    …and it’s about a cop investigating a “seemingly ordinary
    murder” in the desert who “uncovers a deeper conspiracy” and starts to
    uncover evidence that the killer is actually a “humanoid beast.”

    No Country for Old Monsters

  • bassmanstarman-av says:
  • radioout-av says:

    John Carter was a spectacle of an excellent movie. I saw it in IMax 3D.Disney messed up advertising it and the title. And even the title is not that bad all they would have to say is, “by Edgar Rice Burroughs”. Or even “Who is John Carter?” and show action clips.

  • notnowjs-av says:

    So does this mean we won’t get another episode of “Adam”? 

  • docprof-av says:

    Huh. An actor who continually fails and a director who has fallen on his face with two of his three movies. This will definitely be awful.Also, seriously people, no, John Carter was not good.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I liked John Carter… and I begrudgingly admit I liked Battleship, if only for the badass ending with the USS Missouri (as wildly impossible that scenario is).While the remaining battleships turned floating museums are technically able to be brought back into working condition, it would take months, and millions to get done. I digress.Give me a Gods of Mars movie please.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    He looks like he’s trying to will himself into becoming James Franco.

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