Casket company takes full, appropriately ghoulish advantage of appearing in a Taylor Swift video

The video for "Anti-Hero" shows Taylor Swift emerging from a casket made by a very proud company

Music Features taylor swift
Casket company takes full, appropriately ghoulish advantage of appearing in a Taylor Swift video
You and I may just see a regular old casket, but real heads immediately recognize that it’s a Titan Orion series. Screenshot: Taylor Swift

It’s not only obsessive Taylor Swift fans who are picking through every minute detail and accompanying bit of promo material associated with her latest album, Midnights. The casket makers of America, it turns out, are also paying close attention to Swift’s latest offering—and finding, in the process, that the video for the record’s “Anti-Hero” includes the appearance of a burial product they’re very excited to see recognized.

Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero (Official Music Video)

Partway through the video—whose non-coffin-related aspects we covered last week—Swift emerges from a casket that the uninitiated will think little of but that real funeral fans will recognize as part of Massachusetts company Titan’s popular Orion series of corpse-holders.

Titan co-founder Josh Siegel spoke with evident pride to about this part of the clip, saying “[Swift’s] one of the top ten famous people on the planet climbing out of our casket, so nothing comes close to this scale.”

The appearance of his company’s very own sexy, wooden baby was brought to Siegel’s attention after one of Titan’s employees “recognized the casket based on its color and sunburst design.” The company reached out to the video’s production company to confirm they had sold the product in question earlier this year for what was previously “an unidentified music video.”

Instagram fan account Taylor Swift Style highlighted the casket in a post from a few days ago, noting that anyone wanting their lifeless body to be laid to rest just like Taylor’s would need to set aside $1,199 for the honor. Titan, eager to capitalize on its newfound fame, discounted the model to all eager buyers with the code “SWIFTIE.”

Siegel says this unprecedented moment has helped bridge the gap between two groups we had no idea were at odds with one another: Casket makers and funeral directors. “They’re often not a natural ally for us, because they sell caskets and we do too,” he explained. “A few [funeral directors] that were Swifties saw this and reached out—now we’re having conversations with the handful of fans that are also potential partners of ours.”

He also said that he’s happy that the “Anti-Hero” video “brings a whole new audience who doesn’t think about this difficult topic” into his company’s world of death and gloom, seeming delighted that a bunch of kids listening to pop music will now doodle Orion series caskets on their notebooks in homage to Swift.

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  • dirtside-av says:

    Getting rid of corpses is already expensive enough without shelling out for a fancy box the corpse won’t even appreciate.Did I say “corpses”? I meant, uh, the remains of loved ones. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    ““[Swift’s] one of the top ten famous people on the planet climbing out of our casket, so nothing comes close to this scale.””

    Didn’t realize the celebrity zombie outbreak had gotten that intense.

  • nimitdesai-av says:

    Spending money on a coffin maybe one of the dumbest things you can do. Right next to renting a funeral plot. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I’m just going to steal one.

    • cavalish-av says:

      Alternatively, gate keeping and judging people on how they grieve their loved ones is fucked up.This isn’t a topic you need to score “I’m better than everyone” points on.

      • dbrians-av says:

        There’s room for an objective discussion here. The funeral industry capitalizes enormously on how grief-stricken families over-spend on stuff like this after a loved one dies. Thinking and talking about it in advance is a very good idea, so when the actual death occurs, the big financial decisions have already been made.

        • nimitdesai-av says:

          I’m sorry, but the Abrahamic religions funeral services are 100% a waste of money and space. Cremate your dead, or better yet, donate them to science. but ultimately, we’re just trash when we’re dead. I’m thankful that, while not very religious, I am still hindu and will be cremated after my organs are donated. 

      • nimitdesai-av says:

        how you grieve is not how you bury the dead. even in india (where my family is from), people are conned into buying more expensive funeral pyre wood because of people preying on their grief. Thankfully, we use cremation so we’re not wasting hectares of otherwise good land (that could be used to, idk help our housing shortage, grow more food, etc). The idea that good land is wasted on the literal dead is not “gatekeeping”, it’s logic.This is how everyone should look at dead bodies. They’re trash. You don’t dig the body up to spend time with it, or take it on vacation with you. You honor the memory of the dead, and you don’t need to take up space to do that.

        • cavalish-av says:

          “How you grieve is not”Oops there you go again. Not everyone is the same as you. Not everyone is the same as your culture. Put your ego away. Stop being outraged at other peoples cultural traditions.Ironically it might make you happier.

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            Lol ironically, as a hindu I am pretty happy and have no problem with other religions. I have a problem with silly made up religious beliefs taking away from real live people who need things, like affordable housing and water not wasted on keeping lawns green for dead people. Put YOUR ego away. Just because you believe something doesn’t change that it’s detrimental to the earth as a whole, and by extension, all of us on it. 

          • cavalish-av says:

            “I have no problem with religions, here’s how other religions are inferior to mine”Ok buddy. Happy Diwali but please don’t use any electricity for your “stupid little lights”. People are going without socialised healthcare in some countries and all that celebrating is a waste of resources.

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            Don’t worry, we use candles and they don’t burn all day lol and btw the candles themselves (or lights) are not NECESSARY to celebration. If you can’t, there is nothing in our religion saying you’re going to get reincarnated as a shit for doing the celebration wrong. btw we’re talking about America. India has plenty of problems, I’m more than happy to discuss them. The ganges is basically an open-air sewage pipe at this point, and you’re right, wasteful religious celebrations are detrimental to the earth as well lol it’s cute you think I don’t hold the same energy for my own religion. Yet another reason why being a hindu is better for your worldview and society as a whole. We don’t even convert people hahhaah 

          • dbrians-av says:

            How is it that you feel justified in telling others how they should view the world? People burying their dead isn’t as common as it once was but it’s not going away quicker because of individuals like you sharing their thoughts so obnoxiously. To eliminate something detrimental to this conversation, you should just stfu and we’ll all be happier.

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            Lol you’re right. We should put lead back in gas and paint too while we’re at it! Female genital mutilation is part of religion too, let’s all adopt that as well! Child marriage! Killing your sons because god dared you to! Shit changes. The world changes. We learn shit and fix the stupid shit our species did prior to knowing better. We now know better. So, yeah, kindly jump up your own ass and choke on your own shit. 

          • dbrians-av says:

            Focus on the part where you’re less obnoxious, please. 

  • jackklugmann-av says:

    I’m pleased someone is building affordable caskets. When my dad died in 2001, we bought the cheapest casket we could get (this side of a pine box) and it was still $11,000. Fortunately, we were able to get him buried at a veteran’s memorial cemetery. But the cost of that casket still angers me more than 20 years later — the last thing you want to do when a loved one passes is have to find tens of thousands of dollars just to get the body in the ground.

  • spongyfrog-av says:

    You can get one of the caskets in 20 colors, including purple. Holy shit!  I wanna go out looking like a concord grape!

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