Ted Lasso cast says no one wants more Ted Lasso just for the sake of making more Ted Lasso

Apple may want to continue the Ted Lasso saga, but the cast isn't convinced

Aux News Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso cast says no one wants more Ted Lasso just for the sake of making more Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso Photo: Apple TV+

Everyone in the TV world is operating under the assumption that the Ted Lasso universe will continue on in some form after its recent series finale, even without its title character, and while we all assume that’s what’s happening, the cast of the show—the non-Jason Sudeikis cast, at least—doesn’t seem to know any more than we do. Or so they say. Who knows, Apple TV+ could be as hardcore about this sort of thing as Disney, and this is just the first time they’ve ever had a secret worth sitting on.

Anyway, some of the Ted Lasso cast addressed this topic at a For Your Consideration event on Saturday night (via The Hollywood Reporter), during which actor Jeremy Swift said that he doesn’t know if there will be any more seasons, but, “you can see that there is potential for other things.” Swift says that you can see where the characters will go from the last episode, even if we don’t literally see it in some kind of continuation, and he’s okay with that.

Phil Dunster weirdly seems like he’d be more okay without doing more Ted Lasso, saying “it’s wonderful that people care,” but he’d hope that there’s only more if “it’s done with integrity.” He also went a step further by saying that “there’s enough TV around” and “no one wants more for the sake of it,” which is a radical concept for the entertainment industry these days. He also mentioned that he believes the creators of the show will only go ahead with a continuation “if they feel like it’s the right thing.”

So that all kind of throws a wrench in the argument that Apple is just waiting to announce a new Ted Lasso-less Ted Lasso, because then the stock answer wouldn’t be “I hope they only do it if they have a good reason,” it would be “ohhh, I don’t knowwwwww” with a dramatic wink. Maybe the Ted Lasso franchise is really dead, who knows.


  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Marge: Will you stop saying “Ted Lasso” so much?

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    Nobody wants to do it just to do it.Lots of people probably want to do it to make more money.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Sweet! I’m now free to do my wholly original show, Ed Lariat, about an American ice hockey coach who takes up coaching a field hockey team in Liverpool!

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        Not until I have my show about an American baseball coach who goes to Norwich to coach a cricket team!

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          As long as the coach is culturally-appropriate and played by Ice Cube:These are the only Americans who understand cricket.

  • letsbeirrate-av says:

    I’m all in on no more Ted Lasso.

  • brobinso54-av says:

    I can see why they’d want to continue…I mean, look at how successful ‘Archie Bunker’s Place’ and ‘AfterMASH’ were! (I know, I know…”What about ‘Frasier’ or ‘Laverne & Shirley’?” Just go with me on this one joke, OK?)

    • underdog88-av says:

      I would say “What about Better Call Saul!” – but let’s be honest here, that was a flash in the pan that I just don’t see many other shows being able to pull with their own spinoff idea.

    • elforman-av says:

      It would’ve worked better with something other than Archie Bunker’s Place. It wasn’t great or particularly memorable, but it did run four seasons. Now, had you substituted Joanie Loves Chachi or The Tortellis…

      • furioserfurioser-av says:

        I don’t know. I’d tune in to the endless cycle of self-imploding romantic gestures in *Keeley Loves Jamie And Roy* on the condition that nothing ever gets resolved.

        • murrychang-av says:

          And Roy says ‘ffffuuuuuckkkk’ at least once per episode.

        • cosmicghostrider-av says:

          wasn’t that just perfect tho. I love the reverse Archie-Vernonica-Betty non-ending.

          Who were those jabronis that wanted Keeley to make a definite choice? (or furthermore Ted and Rebecca *shudders*). To be clear wanting Ted and Rebecca together is akin to shipping Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson.

          Or Liz Lemon and Jack to be quite honest. I don’t understand why audiences can’t grasp healthy male-female work relationships between workers and subordinates. 

        • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

          I just wanna see them bang

      • rob1984-av says:

        Wow, I had completely forgotten about The Tortellis.

      • brobinso54-av says:

        How you describe ‘Archie Bunker’s Place’ is exactly my meaning: “Wasn’t great or particularly memorable…” Why even do it if it can’t be at least ONE of those?

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    “BREAKING: People who have been saying this thing for basically a full year continue to say this thing they’ve been saying for basically a full year.”

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    Additionally, Ted Lasso viewers who watched season three of Ted Lasso don’t want more Ted Lasso.

    • phillusmac-av says:

      Polite disagree despite chuckling at the snark. While the 3rd series was a step down in quality I wouldn’t say it got to an irredeemable level, it still had a high hit-rate for it’s jokes and the chemistry of the cast was still top-notch.
      A refreshed format both on and off-screen could be just what this series needed. Of  course it might crash and burn, but any green-lit show has the ability to crash and burn.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    How long can a show that I stubbornly presume is about a talking lasso go for, anyway?

  • murrychang-av says:

    Says ‘everyone’ assumes Ted Lasso will return somehow, links to 2 articles on this very website.smh

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    The only thing that bothered me about the finale was that there were so many little moments that seemed like the producers saving the show for “next season” like Keeley choosing neither, Roy as coach, Rebecca comes back, etc. It actually felt like it robbed the finale of some dramatic stakes.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    I like these characters good and fine but I was okay with three seasons. Some aspects of the show felt like it was spinning its wheels by this point. I loved Breaking Bad calling it quits after 5 seasons maybe it should have even been a tight 4. I don’t understand the desire for shows to run themselves into the ground. Get a tight story and move on. It sorta speaks to our collective arrested development that people are having issues with the concept of saying goodbye to Ted Lasso.

    Ted would want us to move on.

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    “He also went a step further by saying that ‘there’s enough TV around’ and ‘no one wants more for the sake of it’”Once again, Jamie Taht is the smartest person in the room. Also can AVC stop creaming itself to the tune of two articles per day about whether or not this show will continue? It wasn’t even that good by the end, most of us are relieved it’s done. I’m not looking forward to the alluded-to-Keely Jones-manages-a-female-football-club offshoot, since it gives the writers further chances to fuckup her character. 

  • rob1984-av says:

    You know, the show was fine.  It wasn’t the greatest TV show written by any means but it was entertaining.  But I think it’s done.  They said they only wanted three seasons and that seems fine.

  • respondinglate-av says:

    Now that both shows have ended, it’s time for Barry and Ted Lasso to end up sitting next to each other on an airplane or something on SNL. Or maybe a story where Ted replaces Fuches. Perhaps Beard uses connections from a prior life to hire Barry to take out Nathan in an alternate timeline of the Lassoverse. Or something like the auditions sketches they did with Hader. I’m curious what it would look like to put those two characters onscreen together.

  • nooyawkah-av says:

    I think they could continue focusing on Roy Kent or Keely Jones characters. There seems like a lot going on there

  • radarskiy-av says:

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