Terminator: Dark Fate's latest trailer promises bullets, explosions aplenty

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Terminator: Dark Fate's latest trailer promises bullets, explosions aplenty
Screenshot: Terminator: Dark Fate

Edward Furlong’s nowhere to be seen in the latest trailer for Terminator: Dark Fate, but Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor is doing just fine on her own, sparring with everyone from Mackenzie Davis’ cyborg hybrid to Gabriel Luna’s liquid assassin. It’s maybe Davis, though, who shines brightest in this new footage, as her fierce bouts with Luna look thrilling as hell.

Deadpool’s Tim Miller directed the bullet-strewn flick, which eschews the last several Terminator sequels by serving as a direct sequel to 1991's Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Original director James Cameron is also on hand as a producer, and franchise heavy Arnold Schwarzenegger also returns, here living it up in the woods before getting sucked back in. Where’s his mini-pony?

Terminator: Dark Fate arrives in theaters on November 1.


  • agobair303-av says:

    I have to give them credit for the ingenious scene where the cops grab Gabriel only to be stabbed repeatedly.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      They should just fit the Terminators with a nuke. Get line of sight to the target to be sure and then BOOM! Problem solved.

      • Spoooon-av says:

        NO! Only knives and stabbing weapons!

        • laserface1242-av says:

          The Terminator in T3 had an arm cannon IIRC.When you get right down to it, the franchise’s rule that no non-organic matter can go through a time machine rule seems inconsistent.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            They covered the rules in the beginning in the first movie with some handwaving about the field generated by a living organism. That’s why the endoskeletons went through as they were covered in organic material. No reason they couldn’t extend it to weaponry and in T3 with the T-X, they did.

          • galdarnit-av says:

            “No reason they couldn’t extend it to weaponry and in T3 with the T-X, they did.”

            Except that in the second one Arnie very specifically says that no complex machines likes guns or vehicles can go through, which is why the T-1000 didn’t have weaponry inside it.

        • sentientbeard-av says:

          Slappers Only.

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          The T800s and upgraded versions of the same had power cores that were quite explosive in their own right as seen in T3 at the end there. I believe they were nuclear powered. The arms race to an actual nuke seems like a logical end point here. To add, the T-X carried a veritable arsenal. None of this is a commentary on whether any of this was any good or not in the films they were in.

      • agobair303-av says:

        Even a 2nd Terminator at the factory after Sarah crushed the first one could have done the job. Send another one during the 9 months of Sarah’s pregnancy, or any time afterwards. Now that would have made a great TV series!

      • laserface1242-av says:

        I remember reading a Terminator comic where a Terminator had a chest cavity under their synthetic skin that was full of futuristic weapons.

        • gangstawhut-av says:

          I think that was some of the UK Terminator comics. A buddy of mine had those and they were great. They went in some really awesome directions.

        • rogueindy-av says:

          I remember one where they put a bunch inside a corpse, could that be what you’re recalling?

        • modusoperandi0-av says:

          I had that, but instead of a futuristic weapons and a chest cavity it was a fold in my belly and an errant gummy bear.

      • rogar131-av says:

        And do it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

  • durango237-av says:

    It’d take a great trailer to get me excited about this movie.This ain’t it.

  • teh-dude-69420-av says:

    Fucking A

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    “James Cameron is also on hand as a producer”Here’s hoping he had a heavy hand in the writing process, especially with Goyer involved.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      Hopefully his executive producer roll consists of more than “They gave me a huge paycheck to say nice things about Terminator: Jenysis”

    • laserface1242-av says:

      I think you should refer to David “She-Hulk is a prostitute that on the Hulk could fuck” Goyer by his full name.

    • galdarnit-av says:

      He was pretty heavily involved in Alita, and that was severely mediocre…

    • stryker1121-av says:

      That “as producer” credit always has me wary, no matter what the property. Cameron has a magic touch with this franchise, but I’m curious as to how much he was truly involved here. 

  • martianlaw-av says:

    That machine gun to the face was pretty cool.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      Yeah, I did nod my head in approval at that bit.

      • timstalinaccounting-av says:

        Same here, and also with that one quick shot of the liquidy one splitting into two terminators. Though it did make me think “Huh, if T-1000 had thought of that, that movie would’ve gone a lot differently.”

        • Spoooon-av says:

          No kidding. We have instances of disembodied bits of the T1K moving on their own (after the hospital escape, oozing back into the boot springs to mind), so it could have been a viable approach.Mind you, being attacked by 4 Billy Barty sized Robert Patricks would be . . . odd.

    • galdarnit-av says:

      It was so cool and different from when Arnie did the exact same thing to the T-1000…

    • manwok-av says:

      I completely flipped out at that part. (I raised my eyebrows a little at my desk while watching on my phone)

    • ubrute-av says:

      It would cut down on the time I spend shaving. I might try it.

  • Spoooon-av says:

    The franchise hasn’t been as damaged as, say, Alien – but there hasn’t been an entry worth a damn since the T2 ride at Universal (and yes, I include the gawdawful TV show in that – it was starting to show promise with the skynet civil war subplot, but I couldn’t stand anything to do plots centered on the leads. I wouldn’t follow that John Conner into a coffee shop let alone into battle).This. . . I have to admit looks – well, I wont be so bold as to say good, but it at least doesn’t look terrible. I am guardedly optimistic.

    • croig2-av says:

      You really think Alien is doing worse than Terminator? There was some excitement for Prometheus and Covenant (that quickly deflated, granted). I can’t remember Salvation or Genysis (especially) ever approaching a similar excitement.Dark Fate, probably because of Hamilton and Cameron being back, is the closest it’s come.

      • Spoooon-av says:

        Well, going strictly by the numbers, Alien has a worse hit/miss ratio. Six (or eight, depending if you include the AvP movies – which as they have the word Alien right there in the title, I do) movies and only two of them have been any good. Meanwhile Terminator has three terrible movies and two awesome ones. Even if we’re generous and give Alien 3 a meh (none of which I will lay at Fincher’s feet, poor guy), Terminator still ‘wins’.Cant beat the math, man.

        • croig2-av says:

          I hear what you’re saying on a strictly mathematical perspective. But I think the average movie-goer would still be (and has been) more excited by a potential Alien film than a Terminator one, regardless of how the ultimate quality or financial success of the individual film turns out. In those terms, Alien has been damaged less, maintains more goodwill, than Terminator. I think fans still hope a good Alien film could be pulled off. I think fans don’t really see the point of more Terminator films, especially with what we’ve been getting. Some of this has to do with how the last “great” films of each franchise left off. T2 was a phenomenal story, that had a really great conclusion that seemed to really end that story. Aliens was similarly great, but the basic concept of the xenomorphs lends itself to the hope of another great scary movie. Future Terminator films are always going to have a sense of “T2 ended so great, why bother?”

          • bcfred-av says:

            I’d call this one a draw. I haven’t been enthusiastic about a movie in either franchise for as long as I can remember. This one has potential simply because of the cast, but other than that it’s tough to be optimistic.

        • ickyrickyb-av says:

          Fuck the numbers, I loved AvP.

        • rogueindy-av says:

          I’ll still go to bat for A3’s Assembly Cut.

          • Spoooon-av says:

            I can see that. If I had to undergo the Ludovico Technique, and they made me choose which version of Alien 3 I had to watch, I’d go that way 10 times out of 10.

      • nilus-av says:

        Yeah I was not a fan of Prometheus or Covenant but they are worlds better then anything with the Terminator on its since Terminator 2(or the ride, that was fun too)

        • croig2-av says:

          I just remember being really excited for Prometheus. That trailer made it look epic.I saw the trailers for Salvation and Genisys and couldn’t help feeling like, “Why?” (I actually ended up liking some bits of Salvation. Basically the stuff that focused on the future war and less on Sam Worthington’s weird pseudo cyborg)

      • laylowmoe76-av says:

        The Alien franchise had its creative visionary return and make not one, but two disappointing films. The Terminator series hasn’t had that happen to it – yet.

    • cocainelasers-av says:

      I’m going to go into the theater w low expectations and hope to be pleasantly surprised. Now I’m almost curious how bad Genisys was.

      • Spoooon-av says:

        The frustrating thing about JennySis is that it had the nugget of a good idea at the core. The whole “Hold on, we’ve got a time machine. Lets keep doing this whole ‘kill Sarah Connor’ thing over and over again until we get it right!” premise could have been interesting. All of a sudden we’ve got a proper time war on our hands.But instead of BTTF2-ing the first Terminator, they piss away the concept half way through the movie for a much less interesting premise. Plus why the hell do you cast Doctor Freaking Who in your time travel movie and then turn him into a disembodied and modulated voice cameo in the last act?

    • rogu3like-av says:

      I’m actually of the mind that the Alien franchise has done a bit better with its ongoing “sequels” or “prequels” or whatever you want to call them. I know I’m not alone when saying that Alien3 is not a bad film, considering it was the third in the franchise. It’s not even possible to say that Terminator 3 is even remotely on the same level (I have vague recollections of it, mainly because it was the last time I gave a rats’ ass about the Terminator series…talk about disappointment). I even give the fourth Alien film a pass, as it was done by two of my favorite French filmmakers, has Ron Perlman, and great visuals. 

  • lattethunder-av says:

    So the bad guy disguises himself as a Border Patrol agent? That certainly won’t get anyone’s panties in a bunch.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      Yeah, I saw that and went “oh no, this scene will not age well.”

      • formerly-cubone-libre-av says:

        Let’s hope it doesn’t. I would love to have to explain to my grandkids what a ‘Border Patrol’ was and why some bedwetting authoritarians thought we needed one.

  • monsterdook-av says:

    WB/DC made a Deathstroke v. Dr Fate movie? Cool!

  • berty2001-av says:

    I’m in. Action looks interesting enough. Still no real idea what the story is – except a bit of a T1/T2 merge/rip off. 

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    Gabriel Luna as Robert Patrick 2.0 looks cool.

  • aleph5-av says:

    Still kind of “meh” on this one, but I do like Sarah Connor saying “I’ll be back” in a nonchalant way. I’m worried the film will have too many such homages/call backs/lack of anything original.

  • rmul93-av says:

    The first trailer definitely got me interested but this one has me excited. I think Tim Miller is gonna do a good job with this one and make it good enough to where we can forget 3-5 altogether and just have a good trilogy with this one or at least a sequel somewhat worthy of following T2.

  • thefifthdentist-av says:

    With each new Terminator film I am guardedly optimistic, but hoo boy this looks terrible. Maybe it will look better in the theater, but here it looks like they used the CGI team from Sharknado.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      It’s out in two months, so I’m willing to bet all the effects aren’t complete yet.

    • dirtside-av says:

      On the other hand, the CGI looked completely fine, what the hell are you talking about?

      • thefifthdentist-av says:

        Completely fine! Strong words, my friend. Would you go so far as to say they were “totally ok”, or “comprehensively adequate”? At any rate, I thought I could trust my own eyes, but I have to say your comment has me doubting not just this comment, but all my life choices. I’m off to take a vow of silence and join a Buddhist monastery. I expect the experience to be “spectacularly average”. Thanks for this. Godspeed.

  • galdarnit-av says:

    I’m hoping that the next “first movie in a new trilogy” will skip the tired “newer, more technologically advanced” terminator villain and instead replace it with a good script.

  • nextchamp-av says:

    I’m so numb to this franchise. I just don’t find myself caring to see this after so many horrible sequels that came before it.Although I will say, at the end, when Arnold was just point blank shooting the bad Terminator in the face? That was cool.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Hot Take: I’m hopeful but worried, as I found that none of the Terminator movies after T2 were, um, good.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Action films this year are odd. Hobbs & Shaw, Angel Has Fallen, Ad Astra. Everybody seems so OLD in these films! Vin Diesel is the baby of the bunch at 52. I’m not against older actors getting work, I just wonder what a 17 year old in the theater is thinking while watching a 62 year old woman with a sawed-off shotgun. Maybe the ‘generation gap’ trope of my own youth doesn’t apply these days.

  • nilus-av says:

    “James Cameron is also on hand as a producer” AKA Jimmy needs more money to make his Avatar movies so he is more “hands on” on this one then the last few,  hands on the checks that is!

  • stryker1121-av says:

    I’m excited about the talent in place here, but how is this different from the franchise’s other entries, besides the pieces being moved around? And I’ll Be Back should be canned, c’mon Tim Miller you know your shit, so I thought. 

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Why does a T-800 feel the need to retire to the woods?Or is Arnold now playing some human that the machines decided to base their terminators on?Whatever, I’ll watch the trailer later. I’m actually trying to do work.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Its too bad that the TV series “Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles” isn’t considered canon for the films.  I’d love to seem some more of that Summer Glau terminator.

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