The animated Aquaman: King Of Atlantis makes its splashy debut

Plus, What We Do In The Shadows, new HBO Max premieres, and Paramount Plus's Guilty Party

TV Lists Atlantis
The animated Aquaman: King Of Atlantis makes its splashy debut
Aquaman: King Of Atlantis Image: HBO Max

Here’s what’s happening in the world of television for Thursday, October 14. All times are Eastern.

Top pick

Aquaman: King Of Atlantis (HBO Max, 3:01 a.m., series premiere): Cynical superhero fans, or those self-conscious about the things they like being perceived as “silly,” might hate the series of Aquaman: King Of Atlantis specials right out of the gate simply because they’re not like the movies or other animated versions of Aquaman. But anyone who writes off this series is doing themselves a disservice. Aquaman: King Of Atlantis is an absolute joy. The series may seem like it’s chasing the self-aware irony or kid-oriented stories of Teen Titans Go!, but it’s carving its own niche. There’s plenty of superhero action; King Of Atlantis just happens to be more concerned with being funny than anything else. And it is, thankfully, very funny.

The 45-minute runtime can sometimes drag, since it’s a fluffy comedy without a lot of meat to it, but that also gives it the freedom to let its jokes breathe in a way that something like SpongeBob SquarePants—possibly Aquaman’s most direct comparison point, in terms of sense of humor—simply doesn’t allow. Also, the voice cast is phenomenal, with Cooper Andrews’ Aquaman serving as an understated counterpoint (if not a total straight-man) to the lovable weirdness of Gillian Jacobs’ Mera and the over-the-top screeching of Dana Snyder’s Ocean Master. It might not be for everyone, but it’s definitely a ton of fun. [Sam Barsanti]

(Side note: How can you resist this adorable animation?)

Regular coverage

What We Do In The Shadows (FX, 10 p.m.)

Wild cards

What Happened, Brittany Murphy? (HBO Max, 3:01 a.m.): Emmy nominee Cynthia Hill directs this two-part docuseries about the life, notoriety, and death of Brittany Murphy. Look for Lisa Weidenfeld’s review on the site later this morning.

Phoebe Robinson: Sorry, Harriet Tubman (HBO Max, 3:01 a.m.): Here’s a debut comedy special that looks funny and fresh and very of the moment.

Guilty Party (Paramount+, 3:01 a.m.): Kate Beckinsale leads this new series as a disgraced journalist trying to exonerate a wrongfully convicted woman (Toni Latimer) and maybe find some redemption for herself.


  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    I can resist anything by Victor Courtright pretty easily. Dunno if anyone here watches Chicago PD, but man, watching Halstead punch Voight was so, so satisfying after all the bullshit he pulled in recent episodes. My only complaint was that Voight only got punched once.  

    • sulagna-av says:

      Why don’t you like Courtright? Is he a jerk or did you not like his past work? Legitimately surprised to get pushback on this show, haha.

      • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

        I utterly despise Courtright’s artistic style. Hated the similar styles when I was a kid, and I like it even less now.
        I also have a very, very low tolerance for “super wacky sugar rush goh-kay!” cartoons. I was the kid who would rather watch Doug than Ren & Stimpy and Spongebob never, ever appealed to me at any level whatsoever.
        The only wacky, high energy cartoons I actually liked were Earthworm Jim, Invader Zim, and the various Steven Spielberg cartoons.

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    A new Aquaman animated series? OUTRAGEOUS! They need to use the Brave and the Bold Aquaman. 

  • arriffic-av says:

    It’s unclear to me from this coverage whether Aquaman is, indeed, a kids show (the HBO throws me, too). I hope it is, because it’s hard to find things to watch with my kids that doesn’t make me want to claw my eyes out.

    • zirconblue-av says:

      The art style alone makes me want to claw my eyes out.

      • arriffic-av says:

        My youngest is obsessed with Little Baby Bum. The bar is extremely low for me right now. 

      • sulagna-av says:

        seriously asking: why? And what type of animation do you prefer? I really like it because it’s more buoyant and fun than a lot of adult animation. But I love hearing other people’s opinions on animation!

        • zirconblue-av says:

          It just looks so goofy. I like a pretty wide range of animation styles, but a lot of recent animated works, including this, are just. . . ugly, to me. And silly, in a bad way.

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