The Boys‘ Chace Crawford says Aquaman stans send him hate mail

Joke's on you, because that reaction to The Deep is "exactly" what Crawford wants

Aux News The Boys
The Boys‘ Chace Crawford says Aquaman stans send him hate mail
Chace Crawford; Jason Momoa Screenshot: Amazon; WB/YouTube

Nothing and no one is safe from satirization on The Boys, but especially superheroes. Like, the whole point of the series is to make fun of superheroes. If that sounds incredibly obvious to have to spell out, well, some sensitive stans may need the reminder.

The effects of blindly devoted, toxic fandom is exactly something in The Boys’ purview, but for real-life blindly devoted toxic fans, the point seems to have sailed right over their heads. Case in point: Chase Crawford, who plays The Boys’ aquatic hero The Deep, told GQ that certain comic book fans aren’t pleased with the resemblance to another fictional character. He shared, “Occasionally on Instagram I’ll get a, ‘Fuck you, fish guy. You think it’s funny to make fun of Aquaman?’”

Yes, that is precisely (but not exclusively) what The Boys finds funny. In fact, it makes Crawford downright gleeful. When he gets that kind of negative feedback, he said, “I’m like, perfect. That’s exactly what I want.”

If you’re someone who feels protective of your favorite fictional characters (and hey, we’ve all been there), The Boys simply may not be for you. And it’s only going to get worse from here, as the third season will introduce an analog to a much-beloved Marvel hero. Jensen Ackles’ Soldier Boy is essentially a carbon copy of Captain America. The show even released a parody anti-drug ad that looks a whole lot like Cap’s PSAs from Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Evans probably isn’t as precious about the skewering as some of his stans might be–especially because he and Ackles have history. In the same GQ piece, the Supernatural alum revealed: “I’ve known Chris Evans for a million years, back when he and I were fighting for the same roles.” See, it’s one big, happy, spandex-wearing family amongst stars who’ve played superheroes. No need to slide into anyone’s DMs to defend their honor!


  • seinnhai-av says:

    Aquaman stans?  This is truly the darkest timeline.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I hear that scene from Peacemaker didn’t go down so well in some quarters either!

      • capeo-av says:

        Oh yeah, the Snyder stans, as they are wont to do, blew up Twitter claiming how disrespectful Gunn was for making fun of Synder’s “vision” of Aquaman and the DCEU in general. 

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        Tsk, is all I have to say about that. Some people take themselves WAY too seriously.

    • hootiehoo2-av says:

      Hey Fuck you! Aquaman is awesome! Don’t make me use my abilities to have a Great White Shark come and eat you! :-)But yeah Aquaman is cool in the comics and Justice League Cartoons. But the Snyder fans didn’t like Peacemaker making fun of him for fucking fishes! lol!

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I guess anything’s possible.
      My wife has a crush on Jason Momoa, but I think it’s more from GoT than Aquaman.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      Mostly makes me think about how the one thing that ever really pisses me off about Eminem is that “stan” for “fan” is kind of his fault.

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        if so, its taken on a life beyond him, i had no idea it was connected to him, or ever heard it mentioned.

    • scottsummers76-av says:

      Theyre probably people who didnt know who he was before Jason Momoa got the part. I bet theyre really Mamoa fans. noone gives that much of a shit about Aquaman, otherwise.

    • pdoa-av says:

      What kind of life would someone have to get upset that there’s an Aquaman parody character, that’s not even named Aquaman? Go outside! Interact with humans!

      • seinnhai-av says:

        Wait until they look into Aqua Lad’s background. You think they’re pissed now? But, as the darkest timeline exemplifies, it takes nearly nothing to anger the masses enough to be publicly cranky about the dumbest shit.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    What about Fresca fans?

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      I hear it goes good with tequila.  A Fresquila if you will.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Man, last time I went to Rivendell, I got so bombed on the Fresquilas I couldn’t find my way to Mordor!

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Never mind the Aquaman. I’m sending him hate mail for being “Chace with a C”. The only way this is acceptable is if it is pronounced CHAH-see.

    • tvs_frank-av says:

      Is that like saying Chauncey with a Boston accent?

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        1-L Lama: a religious leader
        2-L Llama: a beast of burden
        3-L lah-mah: a really big fire in Boston.
        (I guess this is one of those jokes that only works when you say it out loud)

    • soggytiger-av says:

      I believe it’s pronounced Cha-chee, rhymes with Versace

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Please just stop insisting the way you view the world is the correct way. It is INSANELY annoying. Oh I’m so sorry I don’t align with caffeine spider’s views. Which are clearly the correct ones. 

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        Not forgetting the other racist post you made this week about Moses Ingram as a Goth Mouseketeer. Like seriously do you view everything you disagree with as ridiculous? Ffs. Open your window and stop assuming you’re the smartest person in the room. Nobody cares.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      I do not like you.

  • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

    For some reason I can’t quite put a finger on, this story about hate mail is being treated just a little different than the other recent story about hate mail.

    • youngjeune1-av says:

      Some people have been calling Moses Ingram a n****r and a diversity higher and are upset that a Black woman is in Star Wars. Those people don’t like that she exist, not anything to do with the character. That is very different than a white man doing a parody of a traditionally white character and people not liking it. The writer is following the attitude of Chace Crawford. How you can’t see the difference…

  • scottsummers76-av says:

    Ive read a lot of dumb shit on here, but this is the dumbest. Who the fuck gets mad enough to write hate mail over a comic book character? thats a sad, sad life, its gotta be.

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