The FBI just released its Bigfoot file

Aux Features Bigfoot
The FBI just released its Bigfoot file

The FBI’s official Bigfoot testing results. Screenshot:

Today, June 5, 2019, at precisely 12 p.m. CT, the Federal Bureau of Investigation published the details of perhaps its most important investigation. Yes, the FBI Records Vault, which publishes FBI files that have been requested under the Freedom Of Information Act, has released the FBI’s Bigfoot file.

The bulk of the records show correspondence from the mid-’70s between the FBI and Peter Byrne, director of the Bigfoot Information Center and Exhibition, which was evidentially supported by the Academy of Applied Sciences in Boston. In his correspondence with the FBI, Byrne’s request was two-fold. First, Byrne requested confirmation of reports allegedly published in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ “The Washington Atlas” that the FBI had previously tested a sample of hair found in the Pacific Northwest and found it to belong to “no known animal.” Second, Byrne wanted to know if, hey, would the FBI mind testing some Bigfoot hair he had found?

“Will you kindly, to set the record straight, once and for all, inform us if the FBI has examined hair which might be that of a Bigfoot; when this took place, if it did take place; what the results of the analysis were,” wrote Byrne.

“Please understand that our research here is serious,” he added.

While the FBI denied having tested Bigfoot hair in the past, they were, as it turned out, more than happy to analyze Byrne’s sasquatch sample. After agreeing to test the sample in late December 1976, the FBI delivered their findings to Byrne just two months later.

“It was concluded as a result of these examinations that the hairs are of deer family origin,” wrote FBI Scientific and Technical Services Division Assistant Director Jay Cochran, Jr. The FBI, helpfully, also gave Byrne his Bigfoot sample back.

By our interpretation of these findings, two things are now clear. One: the FBI will apparently test your Bigfoot samples if you ask nicely. Two: Bigfoot has deer hair.

You can check out the rest of the FBI’s file on Bigfoot, including a file photo, over at the FBI Records Vault.

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  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    Finding Bigfoot was on for 90 episodes and they never found shit. Talk about false advertising.

    • buckzookas-av says:

      They may never have found shit, but did they find any other non-scatalogical evidence?

    • nilus-av says:

      Yet a little show called “Harry and the Hendersons” proves otherwise. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      How about ‘Malcolm in the Middle’? Sometimes Malcolm was on his own in a room, where he couldn’t be said to be in the middle of anyone.

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      They ran around the woods with cameras banging on trees and hooting like ninnies.
      Any creature smarter than a fruitfly is going to head the exact opposite direction from all that commotion.

    • bigknife-av says:

      I still like to refer to places by their level of “squatchiness” though.

  • grant8418-av says:

    Whenever I think of Bigfoot, I always think of this

  • undercored8-av says:

    I would like to use this as an opportunity to release my bigfoot findings, in full: There Isn’t One. 

  • laserface1242-av says:

    For a second there I thought the FBI was keeping tabs on Canadian superhero Walter Langkowski aka Sasquatch.

  • thecapn3000-av says:

    You know what they say about Big foot?

    • cigar323-av says:

      The same thing they say about men with big feet; that it’s my mission to hunt them down wherever they are and put them on display for the vulgar crowd’s amusement.

    • burnerbburnin-av says:

      Got big shoes.

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    They’ll never find him. Bigfoot/Sasquash is living happily with family and his husband Steve Summers in Canada.

  • noisetanknick-av says:

    So they’ll doxx an American hero but their lips remain sealed when it comes to that piece of shit Grave Digger?

  • anjouvalentine-av says:

    I’m actually more interested to learn that you can mail found hair USPS. If it fits, it ships!

  • binchead-av says:

    First the government decided to disclose that UFOs were real a few weeks ago and now they are planning to disclose that Bigfoot is real too. What is next? The Mothman? That killer doll Robert? Banshees? Fairies? 

  • mfdixon-av says:

    C’mon… they found Bigfoot ages ago.

  • froot-loop-av says:


  • oldefortran77-av says:

    “Bigfoot has deer hair.”
    Excuse me, Bigfoot wears deer hair.Also, you coulda told me Sasquatch was a dude.

  • phyllis72-av says:

    We all know this is the real Bigfoot.

  • ghostjeff-av says:

    Many cultures have a legend about a missing-link creature that exists unseen in uninhabited areas. It makes me wonder if perhaps at one time they did exist. I hate to be captain bring-down, but this point has been made and it’s an incredibly good one: we now live in an age where everyone essentially carries a camera on them at all times. What’s more, cameras are constantly recording both inside and outdoors, including people who live deep in the forest and have cameras outside their homes… so where the fuck are the aliens, the ghosts and the bigfoots? Shouldn’t we, by now, be inundated with proof of their existences? Instead we have nothing.

    • caffeinated-snorlax-av says:

      “we now live in an age where everyone that lives in the big city essentially carries a camera”Fixed it for ya. Even then, not everyone has a phone with a decent quality camera. You’re living in a bubble of privilege. But yeah none of that shit is real in the first place.

    • nebulycoat-av says:

      What’s more, cameras are constantly recording both
      inside and outdoors, including people who live deep in the forest and
      have cameras outside their homes.I live in the British Columbia Interior, in an area rich in Sasquatch sightings going back decades, and the people who live deep in the forest here don’t have cameras outside their homes, largely because most of them don’t have electricity. There are trail cams in a few places, put up by naturalists, but they’re few and far between and largely in areas fairly close to an urban centre.Plus people who don’t live in a place like the B.C. Interior have no clue how vast the wilderness really is. Within a 100 mile radius of where I live there have been three people recently who disappeared and have never been found, despite massive searches. There are multiple instances of planes crashing in the B.C. woods and not being found for years or decades (if ever), even when the crashes happen within a few miles of a major centre like Vancouver or Victoria.If there is such a thing as a Sasquatch, it would be pretty easy for them to stay hidden. I know that there are bears (black and grizzly) around here, plus cougars, wolves, moose, bobcats, and lynx, but in all my time in the woods I’ve rarely seen one of them, and I suspect most people I know who spend any time in the woods would say the same. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist, just that they’re smart enough to keep out of sight when they hear me.

    • ryubot4000-av says:

      Many cultures have a legend about a missing-link creature that exists unseen inuninhabited areas. It makes me wonder if perhaps at one time they did exist.Thing is that they kind of don’t. If you, for example, look into those native American legends of 12 foot tall, hairy ape men that gave us the word Sasquatch. What you find is said legends were actually about literal giant human tribes. That spoke human language, lived in huts, and traded with other Native American tribes in the area. Those stories were then formed the basis for tall tale style “weird news” coverage around the turn of the century and that’s what the true believers reported as native legends that prove it’s true. More careful research into Tibetan culture and linguistic analysis shows that myths about the Yeti are essentially mystic/mythic stories about the Himalayan Brown Bear or Asian Black Bear. And that the word “Yeti” itself probably originally meant “Bear”. It was white folks that heard the stories and turned them into missing links, and locals reliant on the financial support of Yeti hunting westerners simply kept telling them what they want.

      A lot of those supposed “local legends” you’ve heard about backing up cryptozoological claims run that course. You look at the stories and the actual local beliefs in their own context, and without pressure to conform them to monsters. And they’re very, very often not supposed to be literal creatures. But spirits, metaphors and entities within the local religious tradition. The sort of things that shape shift and possess your ceiling fan.

      On that particular angle I can’t recommend this book enough:

  • lemmiwenks-av says:

    Bigfoot is real and he fucks his mailman.  

  • amoschaos-av says:

    My personal theory has always been that Sasquatch was simply a bear with grotesque birth defects.Loch Ness Monster – a bear with grotesque birth defects who was an excellent swimmer.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    The FBI spokesman, identified as one Special Agent Mulder, went on to say he “dearly wished the data were different”.

  • 9evermind-av says:

    The ONLY thing funny about the movie Strange Wilderness was that [SPOILER] he was shot immediately upon being found 90 minutes into the movie. Well, that and the shark.

  • tobasco-larry-av says:

    Here are my bigfoot findings: It’s difficult to find comfortable shoes.GET IT? Get it?  hahaha….ha…………………………*gunshot*

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