The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

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Waylaid by destruction and divisive war, and even his own weary body revolting against him, one small, furry creature never lost sight of his quest, certain that at the end he would claim a vast fortune. And so it was that Peter Jackson did release this trailer for next year’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey as a testament to his adventure, which should make a ton of money and briefly bring peace to the Internet-land. Given the endless casting and development announcements over the past year and more, this really needs no introduction—particularly as it plays as such a close recreation of Lord Of The Rings movies. (You saw those, right?) But we will note that, not surprisingly, Martin Freeman seems right at home in the role of Bilbo Baggins among the more familiar faces—and familiar Hobbit mullets, in Elijah Wood’s case. And for those wondering how the story will pad things out to justify its being split into two parts, Jackson offers some hints: Dwarf parties! Lots of very slow, very portentous walking! Galadriel and Gandalf getting it on, maybe! If that last bit hasn’t produced a YouTube tribute set to an Adele song by the end of the month, then we don’t know this world anymore.

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