The livestream launch of the MyPillowGuy's "free speech" social media site is a glorious disaster, everyone

Aux Features Conspiracy theories in the United States
The livestream launch of the MyPillowGuy's "free speech" social media site is a glorious disaster, everyone
Visitors receive this message upon clicking Frank’s “About” section. I did not willfully register, nor log in. Screenshot: Andrew Paul

We’re on Day Two of Mike Lindell’s livestream “launch” of Frank, the MAGA cultist MyPillow CEO’s new “free speech” “social media” “platform.” We feel compelled to use so many quotations because there are many addendums to that statement. “Launch” is being generous, given that technical difficulties made it initially impossible for visitors to sign up for the service—Mike blames this on Antifa hackers, for what it’s worth (which is nothing). “Free speech” needs an asterisk, too, because Lindell at one point alleged, “You don’t get to use the four swear words: the c-word, the n-word, the f-word, or God’s name in vain.” So there’s that. “Social media” also needs clarification, because: see “launch.”

And, finally, “platform” is a bit inaccurate, since it’s hard to describe a flaming, capsized ocean barge of toupee adhesive and crushed Vyvanse as anything close to solid footing.

Last night, Jimmy Kimmel gave a solid summary for Day One of Frankathon (Lindell’s coinage, not ours), including a rundown of the star-studded guest appearances: Gen. Mike Flynn, Ben Carson, Scott Baio, Steve Bannon, and Ted Nugent. “I gotchu, Mike! Happy Springtime to you. Thank you for being on the frontlines for freedom. We salute you,” Nugent said at one point, implying the “frontlines for freedom” is located in the basement of Lindell’s Minnesota undisclosed location McMansion.

At some point during the livestream, Lindell seems to genuinely believe the Frank staff got Donald Trump on the phone. It was not, in fact, Donald Trump.

“I did my due diligence. You can’t take that from me,” Lindell spat shortly before this write-up. “I don’t have to validate!” (He was talking about his research into Dominion voter fraud allegations, not livestream guest vetting).

As of penning this piece, Frank is streaming Lindell’s Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud And The Theft Of America By Enemies Foreign And Domestic “documentary.” Again, we feel the strong need to employ quotations here. Also, we should probably clarify “streaming,” since it’s just the audio playing on Frank’s home page. You have to navigate over to the Absolute Series tab to actually play the movie.

So, yeah. Mike Lindell’s Frankathon is going great, everyone.

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  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Lol this idiot just keeps making it too easy.

    • sadoctopus-av says:

      Completely anti-intellectual, aggressively “Christian”, and thinks authoritarianism is freedom.

      • simulord-av says:

        No need for the scare quotes around Christian.That whole religion is evil, and it’s amazing how many people keep willingly touching that hot stove rather than understand that it burns.People of good moral character should wear open bigotry against Christianity on their sleeves with pride.

        • siras-av says:

          I am dating a life long christian, who comes from a family of life long christian, and I can promise, you it ain’t christianity you hate. Christianity is about loving your neighbor, and helping those that need it most, and respect your fellows.This is evangelicalism. Which is technically Christianity, but is obsessed with condemning sinners and staying pure for the incoming end of the world, and justifying your actions as what god wants.Don’t compare Christianity with these self righteous asses that think Jesus hated the poor, and that worship their own glory. Remember, they were literally worshiping a golden idol recently.Last group that did that wandered a desert for 40 years

          • sgt-makak-av says:

            Well I guess I’ll take the word of a guy who’s dating a christian from a christian family instead of more than 2000 years of documented history about Christianity.

          • siras-av says:

            Historically speaking, churches that live up to their values have been sanctuaries and places of respite. Even in the recent turmoil, many churches opened their doors to protesters to protect them from militant cops and counterprotesters.Al I ask is that you don’t blame the religion for what the false prophets say. When a church begins to worship itself, that’s when God turns their back.Their back has been turned on Mike Lindell and his ilk for a long time, and they confuse disappointment for Grace.Please note, I am not justifying a group that was once considered liberal for saying “maybe these savages have souls after all?” Lots of screwed up stuff has been done in the name of god. End the holy theater, and condemn the gospel of wealth.

          • oarfishmetme-av says:

            Yes, but do remember that as far as evangelicals are concerned, only their Christianity is the real Christianity, and what anybody else says or believes doesn’t matter because they will burn in the depths of hell for all eternity (accept maybe right wing Catholic Supreme Court justices – they might yet find salvation).

          • formedras-av says:

            It’s Saul of Tarsus we hate. His words make up at least half of the New Testament.

      • oarfishmetme-av says:

        Anti-intellectual, aggressively “Christian” (special emphasis on the quotes) and equates authoritarianism with freedom. That’s sort of like, “stop, cease, and desist” – three different ways of saying what is basically the same thing.

  • giamatt-av says:

    He thought it was Trump but it was a totally farcical call.

  • nerdherder2-av says:

    Can I be Frank? Sure, can I still be Nerdherder? 

  • mullets4ever-av says:

    Im starting to wonder if his claims of being an ex crack addict may also need to be in quotes

  • saltier-av says:

    Lindell has replaced his crack addiction with an attention addiction. His need for the limelight, even in the backwaters of the right-wing Internet universe, is greater than Trump’s. It’s telling that The Donald doesn’t seem to think that light is bright enough to bother with.It’s even more laughable that he values the ideas of Gen. Mike Flynn, Ben Carson, Scott Baio, Steve Bannon, and Ted Nugent, and that they are hungry enough for attention that they showed up on his “platform.”

    • kalebjc315-av says:

      I mean, if you watch him, hes still heavily addicted to crack. Its not hard to see lol

      • kencerveny-av says:

        Anyone who continually insists on repeating that they are no longer using drugs…

        • saltier-av says:

          I agree. I have to wonder how sober someone really is when all they do is talk about how they don’t drink anymore. Sure, mentioning it at dinner when the host pops the cork on a bottle of red is one thing. Example: “No thank you, I don’t drink anymore. I’ll just have water.”“Okay, tap or bottled?” the host asks.It’s another thing entirely when you go on and on about it to random strangers in the checkout line at the local megamart. Example: “I stopped drinking and never looked back and I used to mostly drink vodka because I thought people couldn’t smell it on my breath but now nobody can smell it on my breath because I really don’t ever drink at all anymore ever. Since I stopped drinking I never think about it ever at all. I just put all my energy into other stuff so I don’t ever think about ever drinking the vodka I used to drink so nobody would smell it my breath. Now I don’t drink anymore ever.” “That’ll be $12.95 sir,” the clerk says. “Next.”

        • pontiacssv-av says:

          Yeah, the way he talks and is so fidgety and being all over the place, he reminds me of Robin Williams when he was doing coke, but an unfunny, Reich Wing, QAnon idiot that doesn’t have a clue.  

        • srocket4229-av says:

          I tell my loved ones all the time.

          • saltier-av says:

            Sharing with your loved ones is totally reasonable. They’re your support network.Sharing with others when the topic comes up is also appropriate.Sharing with the universe at large when nobody asks is another thing altogether.

      • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

        The ol Mitch Hedberg “I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.”

      • blpppt-av says:

        Well, either that or he did irreparable damage to his brain when still on crack.

        • helzapoppn01-av says:

          It’s WHY he needed a special pillow in the first place. Monetizing his “crack brain-damaged support pillow” was Lindell’s last coherent idea.

      • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

        I feel like he’s one of those people who’s off crack, but he’s substituted it by doing rails of crushed adderall or some other more ‘respectable’ drug now that he’s got money.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        if he’s still in Don Jr’s orbit, and I assume he does everything in his power to be in that orbit, then yes he’s doing some kind of stimulant

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      Attention and love is the main thing drug addicts have always craved and needed. It’s one of the reasons they start using drugs and why drug dens are a thing. Misery loves company.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      Addicts often need to replace the addiction that they’re trying to get away from with another one that’s (hopefully) less destructive.Like, I know a guy who had a problem with pills and alcohol, and now he runs marathons and triathlons and 5Ks and all that sort of thing. It seems like throwing himself into training and competing in those scratches the itch for him, and good for him.Lindell is pretty clearly still feeding his addiction. Whether he’s back on crack or powder cocaine, using meth, Adderall, or if it’s just seeking attention (which frankly seems unlikely unless he’s also suffering from acute mental illness), he needs to scratch the itch.Similarly, the former guy is famously a teetotaler because his brother was an alcoholic and he didn’t want to fall into the same trap. The thing is, though, that if you have the disease you have the disease, and he became addicted to power, fame, and attention at the very least, and maybe also a few drugs.

      • 2004-z06-av says:

        Addicts often need to replace the addiction that they’re trying to get
        away from with another one that’s (hopefully) less destructive.

        Lindell reminds me of a segment on an old Cheech and Chong record where a panhandler says, “I used to be all messed up on drugs. Now, I’m all messed up on the lord.”

        • mrfurious72-av says:

          Exactly! I didn’t even mention it, but going all-in on Jesus like Lindell has is also a pretty common thing for addicts to do.And, like my marathon-running friend, I’ve seen people make that pivot in a healthy way. A guy who was talking to me about attending his church (it didn’t take) told me that he’d had some addiction issues in the past, but he’d been clean for more than a decade at that point, had a nice family, and devoting time and talent to the church helped keep him that way. He was a very nice person, at least in our interactions, and he seemed to me to be a solid example of that kind of thing going right.Lindell, of course, is the opposite.

          • 2004-z06-av says:

            A guy who was talking to me about attending his church (it didn’t take) told me that he’d had some addiction issues in the past, but he’d been clean for more than a decade at that point, had a nice family, and devoting time and talent to the church helped keep him that way. Interesting. I’m interpreting your comment to mean your friend didn’t buy into the core supernatural religious claims of the church, but he found psychological satisfaction in being a part of the congregation. I suspect this is not an uncommon phenomenon.

          • mrfurious72-av says:

            Oh, sorry, I meant that him trying to get me to become a member of his church didn’t take. I was trying to figure out where I stood in terms of belief, but – and let me stress that this wasn’t because this guy was bad at evangelizing – going through that process of talking things through with him and another person from that church pretty much confirmed that I was a non-believer. I don’t mean that in an unkind way, it was very cordial and there were no hard feelings on either side.He definitely bought into the specifically religious stuff, too.

          • 2004-z06-av says:

            …going through that process of talking things through with him and another person from that church pretty much confirmed that I was a non-believer. Ah, understood. As a long-time “out of the closet” Atheist in the USA ever since I was old enough to rationally consider the “god(s) question”, out of necessity I have had superficially cordial social relationships with overt Evangelical Christians in the workplace. Even though they were convinced that I would eternally burn in their imaginary “hell” thanks to their “loving god”, I’ve always understood that they were thoroughly brainwashed and full of shit. But you have to play along to remain employed in the Corporate world and do your best to keep your conversations business-related. Fortunately my former, large multinational corporate employer had a strong and broad nondiscrimination policy which applied to me as an Atheist as well.

          • BarryLand-av says:

            I never believed any of it, and made the huge mistake of asking my grandmother, who was kind of scary, “Why do they tell us those ridiculous stories in church?” right as we were leaving. I was about 7, and she gritted her teeth and got up close to my face and spitted out, “Everything in the bible is true!”, as I could feel the spit hitting my face. I never thought the same way about her again. She died just before I turned 9. 

          • saltier-av says:

            Addicts have a tendency to isolate themselves. Often, the few relationships they do maintain are superficial—suppliers (legal and illegal) and drinking/drugging buddies, for example. Involvement in a group that accepts you is a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of isolation and denial. That’s one reason why AA works for some people, by giving them a group of like-minded people who can help them keep things in perspective.

      • saltier-av says:

        Well said. It’s pretty common for addicts to turn to work (and working out) as an alternative to their drug of choice as well as a way to keep themselves occupied.

      • mattballs-av says:

        Also…cocaine and/or UK Sudafed (AKA speed).

    • 4jimstock-av says:

      fuck will that mean he will be the gop presidential candidate then?

    • Velops-av says:

      Lindell’s guests look so uncomfortable to be around him. They look like hostages on a “proof of life” video.

    • 3sstodd-av says:

      You know, I use “Ted Nugent” (in quotes) as a sanity check. I simply say to myself, “Is the thought in my head one that is likely to pass from Ted’s brainpan to his mouth?” If the answer is No, I continue. If the answer is Yes, immediately abort and dump all to an error file. I think anyone in that list of (LOL) cellebs, would work just fine too.

    • goddessoftransitoryrisesagain-av says:

      Basically, Trump toady also-rans, never-wases, and exes.

    • mattballs-av says:

      I think he’s also back on the crack now too.

    • mbburner-av says:

      I legit thought Ben Carson and Steve Bannon were dead. Maybe Scott Baio too.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      I enjoy that anyone with a brain can see this is NOT going to end well for Lindell or anyone around him. Eventually the karmic bill will come due for that billion dollar lawsuit; absolute best case, he gets Dominion to let him off with just an apology, which would be delicious to witness, but I hope they want their pound of flesh too; I think they’re entitled to it. As a compromise they could ask for ownership of his shitty company, putting all of those people’s jobs at risk at best.  Worst case, he reaches the end of his rope and Epsteins his way out of it.

      • saltier-av says:

        All those people’s jobs are not at risk. They’re already doomed. Most of the brick and mortar retailers have already begged off selling his products. The crazies who visit his website are the only real market he has now. We know who they are. They’re the same people who buy Trumpy Bears and Election 2020 Chess Sets. Maybe he’ll luck out and some of them will decide to hoard My Pillows in their apocalypse bunkers next to their ammunition, powdered eggs and gold coins, but I doubt there will be enough of them to make much of a difference.As for the lawsuit, there isn’t much motivation to let him or any of the others off the hook. Dominion won’t get everything they’re asking for, but I’m pretty sure each will get cease and desist orders and will have to come up with a substantial settlement of some sort, which will be enough to sink most of them, Lindell included.Lindell has traded in his reasonably successful pillow enterprise and the livelihoods of the people who work for him because he’s succumbed to the lure of the bright, bright lights of MAGA celebrity. I’m sure he believes he’ll find even more success there because, like many deluded people, in his mind every right-minded TRUE American out there thinks the same way he does. And the ones who don’t, well, in his world they don’t matter anyway.

  • robert-denby-av says:

    I can’t promise that I personally will be turning my crank to Frank.

  • brontosaurian-av says:
  • pomking-av says:

    Jimmy spoofed Lindell’s shopping network last Thursday. I don’t know who the actor is playing Lindell but the guy deserves an Emmy.  

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Also, we should probably clarify “streaming,” since it’s just the audio playing on Frank’s home page.”

    Do you think that somehow means it’s not “streaming”?

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Frank is like Onlyfans, if it just had dicks.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    You all will be interested to know that I am launching my ultra free speech safe site today as well.  It’s in the dog park behind the office where I work, and all comers get a free milk crate upon which to stand while they say whatever they want.

  • toddisok-av says:

    Push the button, Frank!

  • buh-lurredlines-av says:

    Remember how smooth the Obamacare rollout was? A bit like this, no?

  • kencerveny-av says:

    I’ve seen some of his “marathon” and every time the smallest thing goes wrong (eg: someone accidently turns off a light, drops something off camera, a call can’t be completed) he immediately declares it the work of Antifa in an attempt to shut him down.

    • sadpipe-av says:

      It’s Antifa’s fault: the 2021 version of “thanks, Obama”.

    • simulord-av says:

      Antifa is all-powerful and Antifa works in mysterious ways. If something goes wrong, it was all part of Antifa’s plan. All hail Antifa. Amen.

    • formedras-av says:

      You know what? If all this stuff that’s happening with no human opposition in sight or presence is Antifa’s fault…Then maybe God* is Antifa? And God Himself* is trying to shut his White Terrorist ass up.*Wow, that was actually a little bit physically painful doing that capitalization. But it’s worth it for the message.

  • etruwanonanon-av says:

    Someone should tell Corey Feldman that this is how you market your truth documentary.  

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    In Yoruba, a language spoken in Nigeria, ‘Maga’ means a fool or rube.

  • praxinoscope-av says:

    Fuck this guy but also fuck EVERYONE who bought one of his plastic-filled snake oil pillows. Jesus fucking christ.  

  • genxered-av says:

    “What’s the frequency Ke … uh, Frank?”

  • unofficialdruid-av says:

    What are the odds on a researcher finding that there is absolutely no functional security on the “platform” and that everything is sent plaintext with exact IDs of who sent the message, where they were when they sent it, what they were doing and with whom, and leaving all of that data and metadata permanently accessible online even when “deleted”? While capturing audio and video and linking it to the post?And sending all of your account data to Russia?
    And drinking all of the beer in your fridge?

    • obtuseangle-av says:

      Considering how awful the security turned out to be on Parler, which seemed to be much better run than this (a sentence that I never thought I’d say), the chances are quite high.

    • mattballs-av says:

      About 100%. The moment people can actually sign up is the moment all their personal info will be leaked, if Parler and the others are any indication of how well these idiots do the cyber.

  • bigbydub-av says:

    If you want to talk about disastrous roll outs, how about the Obamacare online marketplace you cucks!!

    • juan-rulfo-av says:

      Which was so much better than this. So much better. And they fixed it.
      And that was for a national healthcare platform that was required to deal with people’s health, while this?

      It’s required like being tossed with gravel and rolled with salt is required.
      And still?
      This is crashing. 

  • 4jimstock-av says:

    There must be a liberating feeling that everything is antifa’s fault and that you yourself have no culpability in anything that goes wrong. It must feel like religion.

    • kinggojira-av says:

      Nah the bible boils down to it all being a womans fault. 

      • raptureiscoming-av says:

        A bit of Bible trivia (if I recall my minimal reading of the Bible correctly)… nobody ever actually tells Eve about the apple and the tree. God tells Adam about it prior to Eve’s creation and nobody clued her in afterwards. She’s basically innocent.

        • kinggojira-av says:

          Yeah but nobody blames Adam for being kicked out of the garden.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Well, We know that, but…

        • voon-av says:

          That’s not accurate at all. The rule is given before she’s created, but she tells the serpent the rule when it approaches her. So someone told her in the interim. The serpent convinces Eve, Eve convinces Adam. Adam blames eve, Eve blames the serpent, they all get punished.
          But if you still want some trivia: it’s never said to be an apple.

          • raptureiscoming-av says:

            Wonderful post. Thank for the corrections. Wasn’t sure about this. I’ll make sure I check my quotes next time before offering some, what I thought was, fun trivia. 🙁

          • formedras-av says:

            Well, hey, you admitted up front that you might have been misremembering. It’s good that people have corrected you, but your error is perfectly fine.

        • mauricemossimo-av says:

          “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?’2 The woman said to the serpent, ‘We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but
          God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the
          middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”-Genesis 3

          • raptureiscoming-av says:

            Thanks for the quote. I was just commenting for fun and wasn’t 100% sure I was right. /bow

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Thank You for that shout out. Do better, Christians.

      • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

        OK, substitute “Hilary” for “antifa”.

    • coasterspaul-av says:

      Antifa is clearly stealing all my dating prospects, I demand a hot antifa gf/bf as compensation!

    • mrfurious72-av says:
      • formedras-av says:

        Well, they’re certainly watching him right now. (I’d say “we’re,” but I don’t feel right calling myself antifa if I’m not actually doing something to stop Republican terrorist action.)

  • turk182-av says:

    PillowGuy starts a platform….

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    Wait till Dominion sues him in front of an Antifa judge and jury. He’ll get a lot of mileage out of that and his lawyers will get new boats.

  • sybann-av says:

    Please tell me COVID positive and suffering Nugent was there in person…

  • priest-of-maiden-av says:

    technical difficulties made it initially impossible for visitors to sign up for the service—Mike blames this on Antifa hackers

    At some point during the livestream, Lindell seems to genuinely believe the Frank staff got Donald Trump on the phone.

    You could see the reverence for his master shining on his face. It was fucking creepy as hell.
    “I did my due diligence. You can’t take that from me,” Lindell spat shortly before this write-up. “I don’t have to validate!”

  • Axetwin-av says:

    If the MAGA people can’t use the N-word loudly and proudly, then what’s even the point of them using the platform?

  • pongping24-av says:

    Which F-word? 

  • farleyfarleyfarleyhafar-av says:

    I visited the site earlier today and for a cutting edge social media site that is a supposed to be a mashup of twitter and youtube, it sure looks like someone just vomited up links from various right wing news sites all over the front page under the GIANT video. I too see the “Logged in” message (even though I did NOT log in, nor have I registered), so I clicked the Log Out link under the little person icon (top right) and got this:

    Hmmm. Must be Antifa….

  • raniqueenphoenix-av says:

    Oxygen thief.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    So they’re launching this new site on (checks notes) Hitler’s birthday? Yeah, that seems about right.

  • wasgtithengtothennovathengtinowa4-av says:

    Fuck it’s embarrassing being a Minnesotan right now. 

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    I’ve taken to calling this “Two Cucks-in-chairsathon”

  • theresnocheekslikemocheeks-av says:

    I have crushed Vyvanse before because I was an idiot at one point in life. It made me an irritable, moody prick after a short time and I now immediately see a connection.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    also, they have such broad security that they ask you a simple math question when you attempt to log in.what’s going to stop the bots???? 1+3=???btw, it accepts any answer.diamond and silk already dropped EIGHT EPISODES in one day as well.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      I can’t even tell if you’re joking or not, this whole boondoggle is so ridiculous.

      • kathrynzilla-av says:

        not joking, i’ve been playing around with it since last night, watching them basically build the website out of nothing, then using mirrors to make it look like it was working until they get something up.

        • taumpytearrs-av says:

          Brilliant. I guess we are seeing the end result of late-night coke-binge ideas and the resulting follow through. “Wait, I thought YOU were going to set up the website? Well how hard can it be, just get something up there, this is launch day dammit!”

          • mattballs-av says:

            “YouTube and Twitter already exist! How hard could it be to invent a platform from scratch that does what they do? I gave you three whole weeks and an 8 ball of crack, gosh darn it!” – Crackhead pillow guy, probably.

          • kathrynzilla-av says:

            well, we’re three days past launch, and none of the video links work, you’re automatically registered and signed in when you visit the site, and it doesn’t look like the link to register is working.Also, most of the pages are still just mirrors to the actual pages, so this is going amazing!

          • taumpytearrs-av says:

            Man, I really hope a good media writer is watching and taking notes on each step of this fiasco, cuz I feel like there is a hilarious long-form post-mortem article to be written once they inevitably give up on the whole thing. Heck, I’ll even take a podcast episode about it.

          • kathrynzilla-av says:

            I really hope it’s a tech journal that’s just keeping tabs on how much the code for the page has changed over the last 36 hours. It’s gone from this expansive web of pages to basically nothing.
            This is quite possibly the Fyrefest of pages if he got private donations to build it.

    • sadpipe-av says:

      Knowing the mentality of the clientele, a lot of them won’t get even that right.  Some of those probably think that arithmetic is some libtard commie plot anyway.

      • kathrynzilla-av says:

        I don’t think there really IS clientele at this point. I seriously believe he was never planning to have it with the way the site is structured. I think he just wanted to make a platform that never really was going to exist to gaslight Trump supporters into giving him money.
        …Or he really did want this to work and spent less than 40 dollars on the entire web infrastructure.

  • nothaburna-av says:

    Its a little annoying that I dont think Frank is all that bad of a name for a social network…

  • kinggojira-av says:

    Free speech platform but also censors you. I think he should have slept on that idea a bit longer.

  • josephclarkmcintyre-av says:

    Damn, Kimmel is living rent free in that guy’s head.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Congrats on your upcoming vaccination. You are not a jerk, btw.

      • josephclarkmcintyre-av says:

        I need to try harder 🙁

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Maybe you were shamed as a young-un and so now when you assert yourself you feel like you’re over-stepping? I have read your comments for a long time and I don’t ever once recall saying to myself “what a jerk”. It’s possible that we may have disagreed about the Gorilla Glue-hair Woman (I felt bad for her) but, hey, tomayto tomahto 😀 Give yourself a break.

          • josephclarkmcintyre-av says:

            You’re very kind, but I wasn’t really being serious. Like anyone, I can be a jerk from time to time (just ask my kids), but I was just having a little fun on that other post.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Sorry for the unnecessary (and useless) free therapy, lol. Trump’s been gone since 1/21 but I still haven’t recovered my sense of humor. Baby steps (or watching gifs of cute babies falling over).

          • josephclarkmcintyre-av says:

            So much better than ignoring someone who might be hurting, and making a human connection is always a good thing. And I know it’s so hard to read tone in these posts. This was a great interaction, all told.

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    I can’t wait until 10 years from now, I’ll have a conversation with someone and we’ll discuss the Trump worshiping pillow guy and not even remember his name. The sooner he sinks into obscurity, the better.

  • paraduck-av says:

    Someone will have to tell this pussy-ass bitch that there are a lot more than 4 swear words.

  • barada-nikto-byotch-av says:

    “Launch” is being generous, given that technical difficulties made it initially impossible for visitors to sign up for the serviceLol, yeah, kinda like…

  • mattredondo-av says:

    Mr. Pillow needs to get together with the Lazy Horse Matress guy:

  • null000000000-av says:

    Somehow this guy was able to co-opt all of Trump’s mannerisms and tics, like calling everything the biggest, best, worst, down to the way he holds his hands while speaking.The really crazy thing is that he has somehow found a way to be less charismatic and more repugnant than Trump, something I honestly did not think was possible

  • sadpipe-av says:


  • TheExplainer-av says:

    Does he clarify anywhere which gods’ names aren’t to be taken in vain?

    • darthmole-av says:

      By Jove, that’s a good question!

    • mattballs-av says:

      I’m sure they will be banning people for denigrating Allah, right? To do otherwise would be downright hypocritical, and we know how much these dip-shits hate hypocrisy! You can tell by how they ban a bunch of speech on their free speech site how much hypocrisy irks them.

  • marcus75-av says:

    So how could you mention guest appearances and not include, apparently, guest host(?) Lou Holtz and then about 2 clips later Lou Holtz sitting on Lindell’s other side and wearing some sort of hairpiece so that he looks like Lou Holtz trying to look like a younger not-Lou Holtz.

  • John--W-av says:

    That picture is so funny. I can’t even come up with a caption for it.

  • wunderblund-av says:

    I just went to the website and it says “file not found.” Which, is, uh, something.

  • Robdarudedude-av says:

    I wish I can make Mr. Pillow Face do this to himself on the livestream event:

    • obtuseangle-av says:

      Wait, isn’t he already symbolically doing that?

      • sadpipe-av says:

        Doing what: being a larger than life captain who beats up Klingons & bangs green women?

        • obtuseangle-av says:

          The joke was that he was already hurting himself in front of everyone, just symbolically, not literally. I was not comparing him to Captain Kirk, who despite his faults, was competent at doing things and would often help people.

          • sadpipe-av says:

            Totally understand.  I tend to praise William Shatner wherever I see his visage, & whether he deserves it or not.

  • fiberman-av says:

    You don’t get to use the four swear words: the c-word….“The” c-word? He’s overlooking a plethora of naughty words that start with “c”: Cunt, cock, communism, caca, choad….Now I sort of want to join just so I can try out every vulgarity I know that starts with “c” just to see which one gets me banned.

  • johnbeckwith-av says:

    Looks like they’re experiencing some technical difficulties

  • Mekhi-av says:

    (((Yawn)))Not for nothing all these folks that think trump gives a shit about them -well, notice trump ignores them? Trump is about trump and doing his trump grifting thing – not about these idiots. They actually believed he gave a shit about them. He endorsed them to feed his base. That was it. No, he ain’t on the phone.He’s busy double billing his base of idiots.

  • garland137-av says:

    “You don’t get to use. . . God’s name in vain.”
    Jesus fucking Christ.  So it’s a social media site for fundie nutjobs?

    • haywooodjabloume-av says:

      Did he specify which one? After all, even his God acknowledges other Gods exist.“I am the Lord, you God, you shall have no other Gods before me” So, can I use Zeus, Odin, Thor, Mercury in vain? And if I can’t bitch about Mercury, how can I complain about my car? God, being a fascist is confusing.

      • kathrynzilla-av says:

        It doesn’t matter. from the build out i saw, it doesn’t even allow for comments yet, so it’s a free speech site that doesn’t even allow speech. The only people who can talk are Lindell and whatever cronies he has on with him at the moment. I don;t even know how this thing is supposed to pull a profit because the site doesnt even have basic hyperlink text built into it yet, so they can’t run ads outside of the videos.

  • stevesnj2-av says:

    If you are a fan of him raise your hand so we can launch you off the planet.

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    These willfully ignorant dictator-cravers (as long as said dictator is a white Repub man) make me want to puke.

  • krinj-av says:

    “…the MAGA cultist MyPillow CEO’s new “free speech” “social media” “platform.””
    You left out “crack head.” So… the MAGA cultist, crack head MyPillow CEO…”

  • dbwindhorst-av says:

    Did Nugent mention his “never been so sick in my life” bout with COVID?

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    My day job is writing reviews; usually gambling sites, but occasionally apps and other websites. I had to do one on I-can’t-even-be-bothered-remember-its-name, which was very much like how ‘Frank’ is supposed to be. I was surprised that all these “free speech” sites and apps seem to be awful cesspits of people who think making the same horrendous and ignorant point enough times constitutes “truth”. Anyways, I had to dig deep into these sites to give a “fair” review of the one I was writing about and felt like I needed to scrub my eyeballs with bleach afterwards. I’ll admit, my life consists of being sheltered from such sites, so I honestly had no idea they existed. That day, I lost the last of my innocence. *cue Wonder Years theme*

  • voon-av says:

    We got some MyPillows years ago, before we knew what this guy was like.  They’re absolute garbage.  Limp sacks of foam chunks.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    He’s currently pitching his sale on his pillow now….. $29/19 for a piece of crap pillow that’s worse that a Basic Editions $5 pillow.
    The funniest thing i caught this morning is that one of the other “Chad” hosts was using Lindells chair, and it’s purposely set to make Lindell look taller than everyone else.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    They’re legit interviewing the creator of Periscope, and he’s got worse background graphics than Lindell.
    Speaking of, why is the globe behind them centered on the atlantic ocean, and not a land mass? If anything, it’s a Eurocentric globe, which is kind of the opposite of his messaging. Did he just not choose to spring the $3 for a GIF of a spinning globe?????It’s also way disorienting that every time the camera changes, the graphic stays the same in the background and reorients the person talking to the left, so in wide shots, lindell is on the right, with the globe in the center, but in close up, he;s on the left with the globe on the right.They’re also mirroring the “guests” so all of their backgrounds show up in reverse. lol

  • fcz2-av says:

    Let’s see, I’m an Aquarius who enjoys skiing and long walks on the beach. I live on the east coast with my beautiful wife, precocious 10 year old daughter, and cat Sam.

  • dirk-steele-av says:

    I was able to register for the “platform” on Monday and it is not, in fact, a social media platform at all. It’s a generic wordpress template with right-wing content contributors fighting each other for the most recent article posting. Users can’t even post on these articles. One of the top articles is titled “Test 2″ and it’s just a picture of part of Trump’s border wall. That’s the kind of quality we’re looking at here.Fake edit: I tried to login to get some tasty screenshots, but the site’s down on a 521 error.Real edit: If you’d like to register, use this link: please DO NOT take popular, right-wing commentators’ real names as your username.  This would be very unkind to these very fine people.

    • formedras-av says:

      Yes. Very unkind.Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go change my username to “Pat_Robertson”.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    The whole site is back down again, it’s now claiming that it’s had “Over 2B in requests” which is weird because the “create an account” link has been a dead stick since day one.
    We’re back to just a small window of PillowGuy420 and Mike Flynn talking about Pillows.

  • blpppt-av says:

    Last night on Kimmel, it sure seemed like Lindell and Kimmel were expecting to do a show in the very near future.Maybe not in bed surrounded by pillows like Jimmy demanded, though.

  • sakaprout-av says:

    The front page has about 50 words, yet they managed screw it up.
    “share Absolute Interferene Everywhere!”It does look promising.

  • geraldnopp-av says:

    Watching angry Conservatives failing just never gets old. It’s like a non-stop train-wreck of right wing fail lately.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I loved watching him lean real close to the phone when he thought it was T***p, like teenagers do when they’re in love. I am disappointed that a really good T***p impersonator didn’t call him and fuck with him for a little while before giving it up, that could have been unbelievable.  I’d like to set up a GoFundMe to pay the guy who imitated T***p on the President Show on Comedy Central to call Lindell and troll him for a bit, he’s hilarious and does a spot-on imitation, and he’s smart enough to keep Lindell on the line for a while.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    Two Months Later, and it still hasn’t Launched…. It’s even less in depth than it was in April. Now they just ask for your cell phone # to send you an access code for when they actually launch.

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