The morons are already out here trying to tank Captain Marvel on Rotten Tomatoes

Aux Features Captain Marvel

Just as going for a walk in the woods on a beautiful day will inevitably lead you to pick up some burrs on your pants, so too will perusing something fun on the internet ineluctably point you to comments from the most repellant segment of the population. Call it the Yiannopoulos Effect: No matter how simple the appeal of something, there’s an idiot out there willfully misinterpreting it in hopes of riling their fellow simpletons.

Look no further than the reviews page for Captain Marvel on Rotten Tomatoes for today’s example of insensate behavior. The upcoming Marvel movie starring Brie Larson has yet to come out, but a barrage of brief, pointed negative reviews on the site are trying to create the false impression of a tide of dislike for the film. “brie larson has already said this isnt for me.i’ll spend my money elsewhere,” states a clearly thoughtful person named “Kevin,” to cite one example. “I somehow feel that Skull are not the enemy, but that I am, since Brie Larsen has been careful to state she doesn’t want the Press Tour to include types like me,” goes another assessment. “Terrible movie hate it already!!!!!!” says yet another person who has, again, not seen the movie.

The impetus behind these reviews is as predictable as it is wearyingly misguided: Larson had the temerity to point out that a lot of the press she was dealing with for Disney was overwhelmingly white and male, and she took steps to try and get more diversity in the film journalists with whom she was meeting. Full stop. To a certain percentage of people who are hell-bent on missing the point, this good-hearted attempt at diversity simply Will. Not. Stand. “Tired of all this SJW nonsense,” is the totality of a review from “Jonathan B,” in regards to Carol Danvers, a character who has existed since the ’60s. It’s not yet clear how obtuse you have to be to twist her actions into a statement that you, a (presumable) white male, are not welcome to see the movie, but rest assured the nation’s finest practitioners of dunking are already hard at work responding to these trolls.

Additionally, some of the first actual reviews began coming in last night following an advance press screening, and, unsurprisingly, reactions are overwhelmingly positive. True, this won’t stop the delightful insistence by said trolls that critics have all been paid off by Disney—along with the tens of millions of other Marvel fans whose online enthusiasm is almost certainly the result of payola from Marvel’s corporate overlord. America: now supported largely from underground payoffs to make people pretend to enjoy Marvel movies.


  • bigknife-av says:

    Nice enough place I guess, the people are disappointing though.- Big Knife, reviewing planet Earth

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    Brie can’t act for shit and is ugly to boot. No wonder this movie sucks.

  • rmul93-av says:

    Good news. It’s an MCU movie.It’ll make millions and be a massive success but enjoy getting clicks on this generated controversy!

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Eh, chuds gonna chud.

  • kingpringle-av says:

    Can we just stop pretending these people matter? It’s really starting to get to me how this site can keep writing just enough great and insightful articles to keep me checking it out and then publishing stuff like this which doesn’t matter at all. The critic score will be probably fine and the movie will make a bajillion dollars and will be greenlit for five sequels and all will be well for Brie Larson and everyone else who works on Marvel movies. Who cares what sexist, racist little toads think? They only get to have a voice if we give it to them. If any of these people run into this article it will probably be the highlight of their hopelessly unfulfilling lives.

    I’m getting so sick and tired of this garbage being considered newsworthy. Does anyone know of a website out there that writes good articles on television and movies without resorting to this pointless clickbait trash to pad things out? If so, please share and you’ll do wonders for my mental health. I’m assuming the modern internet landscape makes that impossible to exist or The Dissolve would still be around but I’m hoping you can prove me wrong.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Can we just stop pretending these people matter?

    • breb-av says:

      Seriously! Can we all just not click these articles and go out and see Alita- Battle Angel until Captain Marvel comes out?

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      It’s incredibly frustrating and angering, but I think it really is newsworthy not because these ‘reviews’ are as valid as a normal review and it’s annoying for Larson/Marvel, but because it’s another reminder of the Trumpian angry SWM sentiment shared by a section of the population who go to the polls. I like to be reminded of these people so as not to underestimate their influence.

      • kingpringle-av says:

        That’s a fair point. At this point I just don’t care to hear this drivel anymore and don’t really need these daily reminders so perhaps I’ll just further retreat into my privileged bubble and just live my little life.

        • kirivinokurjr-av says:

          I love my bubble, too. Let’s try not to think about it, hon. Our avocado toast is getting cold.

        • rockmarooned-av says:

          I mean, I’d lightly suggest that one way to do this, and also a way to find a high-quality website without news-of-the-day stuff you don’t care about, would be to just… find a site you like and read the stuff that interests you.

          • kingpringle-av says:

            First of all, after yours and other responses I realized I came across too harshly in my original comment and I’d like to apologize to you and any other AV Club contributor. My problem with this story goes far beyond anything that could be laid at the feet of this website.

            Clearly I just need to take a break from the internet for a while.

          • rockmarooned-av says:

            Oh, no apology necessary! I certainly understand the frustration. I often wonder whether it’s better to call out these worthless MAGA/MRA-type bozos (daylight as disinfectant, etc.) or ignore them, and to what degree either method is effective. The internet is, much like the actual world, horrible and great in (let’s say) equal measure.

          • kinjaplaya011-av says:

            You shouldn’t feel bad for what you wrote, as you’re right. A lot of us here have been pushing back at AV Club turning into the progressive version of The Daily Mail, trying to insert identity politics into every article in order to profit off of wokeness. The old AV Club had a liberal bias for sure, but they didn’t turn every article and point into social justice/politics/outrage. And we’re seeing the impact. These comment sections went down from 700+ per article to less than 100, as many of the regulars from the old days, long ago so they must be feeling the pinch. It probably won’t be long until Univision offloads this site.

      • benexclaimed-av says:

        Have you turned on a TV or gone to a website in the last two years? You need ‘another reminder’ that these people exist?Rest easy: this Marvel Movie will make a lot of money. Captain Marvel isn’t a plucky underdog of a film. It will be algorithmically crafted to make a trillion dollars and get a critic score of 90+% and it’ll probably get a fucking Oscar nomination. 

        • kirivinokurjr-av says:

          Yeah, I’d rather hear about it. It doesn’t have to be a unique incident.  Same of anything like whitewashing in casting, sexual assaults, #MeToo, some rightwing rally, etc.  I’d rather know about this than for people to think that something similar already happened so we’re not gonna talk about it.

        • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

          And there will be articles giddily pointing out that it only made 8 bajillion instead of the projected 8.1 bajillion, and this is a direct result of the boycott organized by Angry Virgins Of America.  There will no mention of the additional Eleventyzillion it will make internationally.  

      • drbobbyflavor-av says:

        We get it. You’re pretending to be a revolutionary, and a revolutionary needs an enemy to fight.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        She judges people by race, gender, and sexuality. She’s a racist. Why do you think people are upset?

      • danielle86-av says:

        I agree!

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      Unfortunately, rage has been monetized and is basically keeping sites like this afloat. Fortunately raging against everything for the better part of 3 years is becoming exhausting so I’m hoping we’re getting to the end of this nonsense. One can only bray at the moon for so long.

      • rockmarooned-av says:

        Your insight into the workings of online publishing is, like all commenters’ insights into the workings of online publishing, flawless and expert. 

      • grayequalitymovement-av says:

        Tragedy, conflict, humor, information, rumors, allegations, etc are all entertainment and are exploited for profit. People enjoy all thiese emotions so they seek them out and that’s what news sources and blogs are all about these days.

      • ften-av says:

        The other side managed for 8, worked out well for them too.

      • gkar2265-av says:

        Because ignoring misogyny and racism has worked so well…

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Because the same assholes who are doing this are trying to weaponize nitpicking for movies like Captian Marvel, TLJ, and Black Panther as a tool to recruit people into the alt-right.

      • bobertjenkins-av says:

        Let’s not pretend that everyone who disliked TLJ is a racist. The movie is not at all good, and for a wide variety of reasons which have nothing to do with the idiots complaining about “SJWs”.

      • curlybill-av says:

        honestly, if you need help picking out plot holes in the last jedi, you’re probably not playing a full deck

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        You know nothing about the alt right. You think THIS is how they recruit? They don’t have to recruit because progressives push people directly into their arms.

      • fanboy3000-av says:

        They also still wield an inordinate amount of political power in this country. 

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      “Does anyone know of a website out there that writes good articles on
      television and movies without resorting to this pointless clickbait
      trash to pad things out?”

    • murrychang-av says:

      Unfortunately, the media has dictated that they do matter.  There are segments on the evening news that I have to explain to my parents are not actual news but are being reported on because a couple hundred thousand people on Twitter made comments about something.  Internet outrage fights get clicks and eyeballs on screens, which are really the only things 99% of media orgs care about.

      • mikosquiz-av says:

        A couple hundred thousand is wildly generous. Often three or four people with a dozen accounts total make headlines. The ‘news’ is just trying to get more idiots to pile on so they can report on it when it’s a whole several thousand.

        • murrychang-av says:

          Fair enough, point being that a small number of people who like to stroke their internet outrage hardons drive a lot of journalism because drama gets clicks and eyeballs.

      • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

        And don’t forget it’s cheaper for the networks to use free Twitter trolls for their news instead of paying a respectable and educated journalist.

    • gettyroth-av says:

      The Solute – a spin-off of The Dissolve commentariat is very very good and thankfully doesn’t stoop to reporting on nonsense like this.

    • laylowmoe76-av says:

      If any of these people run into this article it will probably be the highlight of their hopelessly unfulfilling lives.

      I don’t think so. As a grown-ass man with lingering insecurities about his masculinity, I can attest these worthless manbabies’ egos are not healthy enough to withstand being called worthless manbabies in the media.Which also answers the question of why this newswire exists. Awful people should be made to feel awful. If this hadn’t been published, some of these imbeciles would not have stumbled across it and had their day made just a little worse. That’s a worthwhile outcome right there.

      • kingpringle-av says:

        I’m certainly willing to defer to you on how this article would make them feel. I’ve always assumed people like this are craving this sort of attention but perhaps that was an inaccurate view. If there truly is value in this kind of article, then fair enough, I’ll just accept pop culture websites are no longer for me and move on.

        • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

          Don’t leave us, kingpringle. You are loved and we don’t want to tip the scales further in the direction of the assholedom.
          (Wow, according to Grammarly, “assholedom” is an actual word)

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        She is a racist. This isn’t about fragility, she actively discriminates against people based on race, gender, and sexuality. These people are CORRECT to be angry.

      • kinjaplaya011-av says:

        Which also answers the question of why this newswire exists. Awful people should be made to feel awful. If this hadn’t been published, some of these imbeciles would not have stumbled across it and had their day made just a little worse. That’s a worthwhile outcome right there. If that’s what you believe, then I have a bridge in San Francisco I can sell you.Because they don’t. At all. In fact, by giving them attention, you give them the impetus to troll harder and even more because that’s what motivates them: attention. They live and exist on trolling “SJW” “fake news” “libtard/jew media” and if you keep giving them attention for every little dumb thing they do it affirms and confirms their biases. They do not feel awful for being exposed, they feel great that its “triggering the snowflakes.”

    • skibo91-av says:

      The quotes are not even reviews, they’re from the “Want to see it” or “not interested” score. It’s acknowledged right in the score that they haven’t seen the movie yet! Which makes the repeated comments about the fact that the trolls are “reviewing” a movie “they haven’t seen yet” completely disingenous.I agree the people criticizing the movie on the basis of her comments are morons, but this article goes beyond even pretending the morons matter by deliberately twisting and withholding information to the point where it is almost outright dishonest.All for clicks.

    • curmudgahideen-av says:

      BREAKING: Internet Still Contains Hateful Morons, As It Has Since Tim Berners-Lee’s Racist Lab Assistant Posted A Crudely-Formatted Rant About Boys N the Hood On the Infant Platform Three Days After Its Launch In 1991. More on this as it develops.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      It’s kind of unfair to just blame AV Club. This is just the world we live in now. Most everything is either disingenuous outrage, bitterness and pettiness coming from the right or disingenuous outrage, bitterness and pettiness coming from the left. Just sort through the garbage as best you can and find the few nuggets of joys left until our mutually assured destruction takes place.

      • kingpringle-av says:

        You’re right. If I could still edit my original comment I would have lashed out less at this particular website and more at the way the internet works in general. The problem is I can’t seem to sort through the garbage without being affected by it so I should probably just stop checking these sites out.

      • recognitions-av says:

        God I love the smell of false equivalence in the morning

        • mark-t-man-av says:

          false equivalence Don’t you fret. I’m sure when Squirrell pointed out the “disingenuous outrage, bitterness and pettiness coming from the left” he probably wasn’t talking anyone here on the avclub.

        • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

          And the rest of us love your inevitably self righteous and incorrect comments.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Keep comparing bigotry to resistance against oppression

          • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

            That’s not what I’m comparing, but you’re proving my point. It would be nice if people could figure out that being on the right side does not equate to everything you can say or do being right.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I mean you said everything is outrage from the left or outrage from the right so I think people can be forgiven for thinking you were acting like bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe sAmE

          • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

            We were discussing these types or articles and people like these idiots making fake reviews because they want to misinterpret things in order to feed their outrage. Yes, I could articulate it more, but I also think it was clear enough to people who aren’t also looking to misinterpret things so they can be mad. Look dude, I’m just weary of all of it so I’m being a bit flippant. I’m watching democratic candidate after democratic candidate already getting sniped on by our own side as people want to care more about their personal tribalism than coming together and the right only gets more unified, meanwhile I can’t even just enjoy a God damned superhero movie for a few minutes without it becoming political shitshow. I just watch to check out.

          • terribleideasv2-av says:

            You’ll wait for recognitions to tell you how you should react and like it. Also you’ll get it wrong because you can never be as woke as said poster. Or as pious. 

          • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

            She made it political and racial. What did she think would happen?

          • recognitions-av says:

            I mean, I think it’s perfectly understandable to want a break from the endless news cycle/river of shit. But I think it’s important to remember that not everyone has the luxury of tuning out. The same people that this article talks about aren’t just gaming movie review sites; they’re going out of their way to harass and ridicule anyone who’s different from them on a one to one basis, wherever they can. And there’s enough people out there who are invested in perpetuating the narrative that the people who are pushing back against them are just as bad as they are. I don’t think we need to give them any more ammunition.

          • muellerbueller109-av says:

            Shut the fuck up you stupid asshole. 

          • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

            She actively discriminates based on race. She is a racist and a bigot.

    • lizbianweedlord420blazeit-av says:

      You forgot something:“Signed, a person who has never had significant dealings with the effects of normalized bigotry in fan communities.”

      • kingpringle-av says:

        I don’t even really know what a fan community is so there’s a good chance I’ve just become the out-of-touch person who should just shut his trap that I never thought I’d become. Thanks for the different perspective.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        Normalized bigotry in can communities? SHE is the bigot. She openly discriminates against people based on race, gender, and sexuality. Fuck her and all her defenders.

    • forevergreygardens-av says:

      This is exactly what folks like you told us to do with the Trump campaign — “just ignore them! They’re not serious at all they don’t matter! Why are you worried about this?!?”And to your credit, you were exactly right. Donald Trump totally didn’t win the presidency and isn’t inflicting massive amounts of harm on the American public and the world!

      • kingpringle-av says:

        You’re right, of course. Just because it sucks and seems petty and small doesn’t mean that when all of these little annoying stories are combined together they aren’t pointing to some vital and nasty truths about our society. The more responses I get the more I wish the edit window was longer.

    • wangphat-av says:

      They write what will get them the most clicks. If you really hate these types if articles, don’t click on them. If enough people agree with you, they will stop publishing them. 

    • martianlaw-av says:

      The endgame for a lot of those people is to get noticed and “trigger the libs”. Articles like this give them exactly what they want.

    • scudworth-av says:

      No, we can’t. Because clicks.Lazy media outlets got plenty of clicks from the (largely trumped-up) Ghostbusters controversy, so they’re gonna ride that train as long as possible.

    • storymark-av says:

      Yep. Leave the garbage people in the refuse bin they deserve.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Can we just stop pretending these people matter?Nah. Because “these people” are the same kinds of bigots and assholes who melded into the alt-right back during Gamergate. And in case you haven’t noticed, that same kind of rhetoric is what pushed our current dictator wannabe into the Oval Office.So no. We’re not going to ignore this bullshit. Because if you think we’re able to, it’s because you aren’t impacted by their behavior.

      • kingpringle-av says:

        Other people have also pointed this out to me and I realize the flaw in my post’s logic. As someone who considers myself as someone with a lot of empathy for marginalized groups and individuals, your response and other like yours have made me realize I could do better.

      • curlybill-av says:

        I think it was sort of implied in that comment that their platform, which this article contributes towards giving them, enables the damage they cause.

        • TRT-X-av says:

          Hi, have you been on social media? They’ve got a platform regardless of if the press shines a light on their hate group or not.

          • curlybill-av says:

            yeah but I rarely see that shit at all. unless I seek those morons out, I don’t really see them. I see more of it in the press, honestly. I’m all for banning nazis on twitter though too. It would be nice if both things happened.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            I mean, I don’t see the Klan here in Minnesota but they’re still out and about being the Klan.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        You know zero about the alt right if you believe the narrative that video game fandom led to recruitment. Gamergate has nothing to do with the alt right. The alt right hates gamers and incels. Do your research.

    • danharmon-av says:

      People who write reviews like this are literally the same people who send death threats to women who star in these movies, and harass POCs who review them, and use hate-speech towards LGBTQ people who have the gall express opinions. So yeah, let’s ignore that them and I’m sure they’ll just fucking go away and marginalized people will be much fucking better off.

    • merged-5876237249237691007-aw8qpq-av says:

      If Larson wants to run her mouth about a group of people then those people have the right to run their mouth about her. Larson has won an Oscar (I think?) but is known more for not clapping for Casey Affleck. She should shut up about anything but her movies and stop trying to right every (in her miind) perceived wrong.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I’d argue it /is/ newsworthy, however, because people who don’t follow this nonsense may go on the site, see the audience score/interested in score and take it at face value. They’re not thinking about the fact no one has seen the movie. They’re not reading the comments. They are just looking at the number. Publicizing this nonsense helps put it into perspective.

    • meega-nalla-kweesta-av says:

      Journalism is in a race to the bottom, just be glad there are still decent articles here. At least it’s not quite Jezebel level yet.

    • drboourns-av says:

      You should stop believing the AVCLUB is anything other then clickbait. 

    • jhhmumbles-av says:

      Well. You clicked on it. I did too. So there’s your why, if you wanted one.

    • drbobbyflavor-av says:

      Every pro wrestling angle needs a good heel. That’s why these idiots go to rotten tomotoes and talk shit about this movie and pretend there’s an incel army out there doing it.

    • misscashleymari-av says:

      But they do matter. These people have YouTube channels with millions of subscribers and successfully crippled Han Solo. They are more powerful than you think. 

    • Blanksheet-av says:

      This is what all media outlets like to do, because they’re biased towards conflict and sensationalism. So something offensive and/or very stupid posted by three knuckleheads on Twitter becomes a national news story. It’s an example of the greatest harm media can do.

    • asdfasdfadsfadsfadsfas-av says:

      HAHAHA, No those websites don’t exist. But you are spot on with the rest. No matter how bad this movie is, it will make tons of money and nothing anyone says will change that.

    • trpntoo-av says:

      The people may or may not matter, in the same sense that the actual individuals behind the Internet Research Agency or Cozy Bear matter. What ultimately does matter is the effectiveness of the influence campaign being launched.I think of it this way – Milo Yiannopoulos may or may not exist. Someone using that name at various times launched somewhat effective influence campaigns, until the funding for those campaigns was pulled by the Mercer family, after which the campaigns lost all efficacy and the name faded into oblivion.So it’s not really whether these people or their posts matter or not, it’s more (for me, anyway) a question of “why are people posting nastiness about this movie?” and “what does it tell us that this stuff is being posted?” Those are the things we ignore at our own risk.

    • kevinsnewusername-av says:

      The signal-t0-noise ratio on the AV Club has rendered it almost worthless.

    • peterjj4-av says:

      I do think they matter, as they help shape narrative and conversation. I do agree that there’s also something symbiotic as sites like AV Club need these people to keep their site going. How many clicks did sites like this get out of writing endless articles on The Last Jedi haters? If they didn’t exist what would AV Club be writing about Captain Marvel? I’m guessing they would just end up writing “woke” articles about how Captain Marvel isn’t actually a step forward because it features a white woman as the lead. 

    • the-misanthrope-av says:

      I’m with you. Honestly, with the exception of a few articles, I am usually more interested in seeing what people posted on an article (and interacting with them) rather than the article itself.   

    • labrava2-av says:

      It’s really starting to get to me how this site can keep writing just enough great and insightful articles to keep me checking it out and then publishing stuff like this which doesn’t matter at all.Ah yes. The person who is not the target of the right wing online harassers, is tired…TIRED… of being forced to click on one article out of ~40 that talks about something very real and ugly.You really need to toughen the f up Pringle. 

    • gristley-av says:

      The thing is that these people do matter. We’ve already seen trolls like these skew the debate over the recent Star Wars movies, to the point that anyone who criticises them gets painted as a racist misogynist and anyone who likes them gets painted as an “SJW.” We’ve seen them twist review systems and like/dislike systems to bury things on streaming services they don’t like. One could argue we’ve even seen these same trolls manipulate public discourse and help to elect a president.

    • qvckiv-av says:

      Look at Youtube sometime.Videos about SJWs ruining Star Wars would routinely get up to 1 million views. Easily.Same goes for similar videos about SJW/feminist Wonder Woman or Marvel or the Disney plot to socially engineer their movies with progressive/SJW/feminist ideas.THAT’S why it’s noteworthy. A lot of people are engaging with these narratives of films being “ruined” and needing to fight against it.  It may not mean much to box office ultimately but, never forget, the idea is to get ALL the money a film can make.  Anything that might stand in the way of a few million due to something the studio can easily tamp down, is to be done.  

    • theobserver21-av says:

      “Can we just stop pretending these people matter?”No, because they are the same fuckers who will pick up a gun and shoot someone after enough asshurt, and then cry foul that their masculinity and second amendment rights are being violated. Then more of them will jump on the train.These people are a fucking virus.  You don’t cure a virus by pretending it doesn’t exist and not taking any measures to stop it.

  • nmiller7192-av says:

    Audience reviews without any kind of proof of purchase are bullshit. And even with proof of purchase, it’s an inherently skewed metric…oh, you liked a movie that you went out of your way and spent money to see? Shocking.Why are we allowing reviews of a film that isn’t even out yet?

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Supplemental question: Why do people care about Rotten Tomatoes?

      • breb-av says:

        Rotten Tomatoes is on its way out. I see so many articles and YouTube videos now, highlighting general audience score in stark contrast to that of RT’s critics.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          I usually just spell out Rotten Tomatoes since nowadays RT might mean something different.

        • laserface1242-av says:

          I think one way to prevent shit like this is to require fan reviewers on RT to take a picture of the ticket stub of the movie they want to score. This would reduce the number of shiposting on RT and make the audience score more accurate. 

          • breb-av says:

            Nowadays, it’s pretty easy to photoshop a ticket stub. I’m surprised there aren’t already a bunch of stub memes floating around.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            I admit it’s not a perfect solution. But it would help to weed out all but the most desperate of shitposters.

        • storymark-av says:

          That’s not new. The masses have always had a lower bar than professional critics.

        • serious4455-av says:

          But how do you get a general audience score that isn’t self selective?

        • baloniusmonk-av says:

          It seems like a lot of people still don’t understand that the RT “score” isn’t a grade, it’s just a percentage of critics who found the film decent at worst.

      • wrightstuff76-av says:

        They are great to throw at Penguin when his election campaign falls apart.

      • nunya-biz-av says:

        Because it used to be a place to get a feel for if a movie was worth your money/time/effort, etc.It is not that anymore.

      • thegcu-av says:

        Why do people care about Rotten Tomatoes?

        Exactly. If the powers there can’t be bothered to filter this shit out or prevent it in the first place, then the site’s completely useless.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Potential moviegoers who allow themselves to be influenced by non-reviews like “already hate it” or “tired of all this SJW nonsense” are the same people who would probably have written similar non-reviews.  Fuck ‘em.

      • gristley-av says:

        The problems are 1) these troll reviews just attract more trolls, and 2) they skew aggregate scoring systems that only account for the review scores given and not the actual reasoning given by each reviewer for the review. We’ve seen troll floods like this pull down online ratings for things like games on Steam and shows on Netflix, for example.

    • justanotherburnerday-av says:

      I’m going to go one step further and say all reviews, regardless of the thing being reviewed, without any proof of purchase are bullshit.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      oh, you liked a movie that you went out of your way and spent money to see?I paid money for Lady in the Water, The Happening, and Prometheus. They were shit.

      • nmiller7192-av says:

        Well, yeah. It doesn’t always work. But you wouldn’t have seen those movies if you weren’t interested in them, and if you were interested then you’re already predisposed to liking them.If you’re only reviewing movies you genuinely want to see, that’s a skewed metric.

        • TRT-X-av says:

          If you’re only reviewing movies you genuinely want to see, that’s a skewed metric.So if I watch a movie I have heard is terrible in order to formulate my own opinion (Covenant, Justice League, etc) what category does my eventual review fall under there?Because you’re setting up a weird standard. I only watch movies I “want to see” because if I didn’t want to see it I wouldn’t watch it.

          • nmiller7192-av says:

            There are exceptions, yeah. You might see a movie because a friend dragged you along or because you were curious if it was bad as you heard or you were just bored and there was a showtime that worked well for you.But in general, people go see movies because the trailers/director/actors/premise/whatever intrigued them. They’re biased going in, and that’s why user reviews are always going to be skewed.Critics have biases in play as well, but the actual written review can give you the framework with which they analyzed the movie. It puts it in context. User reviews very, very rarely do that.

    • thegcu-av says:

      oh, you liked a movie that you went out of your way and spent money to see? Shocking.

      So you’ve liked every movie that you’ve ever seen in theatres? Bullshit.

      • nmiller7192-av says:

        I’m not saying that. I’m saying that, if you’re willing to pay money and spend time to go see a movie, you’re probably picking that movie for a reason, and you’re probably predisposed to liking it.For instance, Venom had really good user reviews after opening weekend. But you know who went to go see Venom opening weekend? Fans of the character. They’re already a biased crowd just by nature of that. This doesn’t make user reviews completely worthless, but it does explain why user reviews tend to skew towards the positive the majority of the time.

        • thegcu-av says:

          I’m saying that, if you’re willing to pay money and spend time to go see
          a movie, you’re probably picking that movie for a reason, and you’re probably predisposed to liking it.

          For instance, Venom had really good user reviews after opening weekend. But you know who went to go see Venom opening weekend? Fans of the character. They’re already a biased crowd just by nature of that.

          And those are the same people that would be more critical of the movie about the character that they love.

          • nmiller7192-av says:

            Uh…yeah. Do you normally pay money and spend 2 hours to see movies you don’t have any interest in?Some would be more critical, some would be less, but it’s still a biased metric.

          • thegcu-av says:

            Do you normally pay money and spend 2 hours to see movies you don’t have any interest in?

            Interest is different than knowing I’ll like it before I actually see it. I’ve paid for plenty of movies I was interested in seeing. That doesn’t mean that I liked them all, even though I willingly went to the theatre & paid money to see them. Just because I paid to see it doesn’t mean I’m gonna like it.
            Some would be more critical, some would be less, but it’s still a biased metric.
            If some may be more critical & some may be less critical, then that’s a wash. Where’s the bias?

          • nmiller7192-av says:

            I’m not claiming that paying for a movie means you’re going to like it. I’m saying that you wouldn’t pay for a movie unless you thought you had a good chance of liking it. Obviously, the product can end up disappointing…but you wouldn’t have gone if you didn’t think there was a good chance you’d like it. That creates a biased statistic.It’s not necessarily a wash, though, we don’t know how the ratio breaks down. And either way, it still means the audience metric is kind of bullshit. It’s unpredictable and doesn’t have much in the way of value.

          • thegcu-av says:

            I’m saying that you wouldn’t pay for a movie unless you thought you had a
            good chance of liking it. Obviously, the product can end up
            disappointing…but you wouldn’t have gone if you didn’t think there was
            a good chance you’d like it. That creates a biased statistic.

            No. I buy a ticket because I want to see a particular movie. I don’t know if I’m going to like it, because I haven’t seen it yet. Sometimes, I like what I see. Other times, I don’t like what I see.

          • nmiller7192-av says:

            Would you spend 10-20 bucks and 2+ hours of your time to see a movie you did not think you might like? That doesn’t mean you WILL like it, obviously, but would you see a movie if nothing about it interested you?Because if you would, that’s just really, really stupid.

          • xchrome-av says:

            It was actually frustrating just reading through TheGCU’s responses to what you are saying, so I can’t imagine what you’re feeling.I don’t think they are ever going to get what you are saying, so I’d just give up if I were you.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Yep. If I spend money to go to a movie, either I will like it more or less based on if I feel like I got my money’s worth. It’s a factor that contributes to my opinion of the film.Hence why many people will often say “Theater, rent, skip…” as part of their review of a new release.

    • jason1750-av says:

      And why are they even allowed to review a movie that isn’t even out yet? Audience reviews should not be turned on until release day. At least that would give them less light, because they’ll be lost in the regular reviews. Not that I usually care about that metric. The only time I look at it is if the critics don’t seem to like something I thought was going to be good. Then I’ll say, okay what did real people think?

    • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

      These people are responding to her bigoted comments, not to the movie itself. She made it political and made racist statements. What did she think would happen?

    • baconpants-av says:

      Interesting.I got advance screening passes to a few movies over the years. Dog shit every time. So much that I refuse them now.Maleficent, Dracula Untold, Crimson Peak…. Yeah, eff that. Free and shit.Paid for Black Panther, bleh.

      • nmiller7192-av says:

        I’m not saying that the act of paying for a movie affects your enjoyment of it.I’m saying that you wouldn’t pay for a movie if you didn’t think you had a good chance of enjoyment of it.

        • baconpants-av says:

          I understand what you’re saying. Just pointing out not paying for a film and seeing it before release can genuinely be shitty movies, and paying for a movie won’t inherently bias a person, but it’s still an interesting approach to a potential bias. As I said, I won’t see advance screenings anymore, because they’ve been so shit in the past, that’s my bias.And yes, sometimes you will pay for a movie without expecting to enjoy it.  Typically, that comes with marriage or dating.

    • bashmet1251-av says:

      More frustrating because the audience score is what I always go by on RT. No idea why they allow early reviews.

    • dontaskmeididntevenseethemovie-av says:

      What I’ve learned by looking at regularly is that most people like the movies they go to see. The exceptions are mostly bewilderingly terrible movies, like Serenity, and movies that are poorly marketed/overly hyped by critics, like Hereditary. Before anyone says anything, I loved Hereditary, but it was absolutely hated by audiences.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      “Audience reviews… are bullshit.”

      Fixed that for ya.

    • tophtoyosaki-av says:

      from what i understand, they were not reviews. it was a large number of people saying they did not want to watch the movie using the rotten tomatoes feature that allows people to say if they do or do not want to watch a movie.
      rotten tomatoes then removed said feature from their website and the narrative that it was getting “review bombed” started spreading and spreading because facts have no place in echo chambers.thankfully it can still be watched and enjoyed or not enjoyed based on its own merits.

  • ralphm-av says:

    Honestly why are some people so damn insecure in themselves that they have to try and belittle whatever new thing they think is triggering them?Its just so damn sad.

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      its because they are hanging on to the notion that they are the “norm”,  when the actual norm passed them by a decade ago. 

    • brazillion-av says:

      It seems that “some people” generally are white males struggling with misogyny and diversity. Storytelling/movie making is a tool that frames how we perceive our world/society. Since its inception the film industry have told us that we should fear minorities and make women submit to men. Now just a handful of films change that up and they literally lose their shit. 

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        She is actively discriminating against people based on race, gender, and sexuality. These people are reacting accordingly.

    • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

      She’s a racist. That’s triggering.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Conversely, I also think it’s sad that some people need arbitrary numbers and reviews from others to feel safe with their own opinions. There are just a lot of sad people on both sides of this.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Alternatively, you could ignore these impotent chodes instead of giving them the notoriety they desperately crave.
    I know some people believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant, but these are aggrieved neckbeards who are out of breath by the time they reach the top of the basement stairs. They have zero influence or power.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Yep. The exposure *is* the goal.

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        Nah.  They’re just trying to exert a little control over their corner of the world because they think it’s all been stripped away from them.

        • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

          No, they are responding directly to her racist behavior. She actively discriminates against people based on race. What did she think would happen?

        • Otokogoroshi-av says:

          If they don’t have all of the power they have none of the power! Because reality is a zero sum game! If EVERYONE gets a slice of cake that means I have less cake! Even if I got a slice too! I used to get 90% of the cake! That’s a lot less cake!

    • laserface1242-av says:

      I respectfully disagree. The problem is that these same assholes are using bad faith critiques of movies to recruit new members into the alt-right. If we don’t draw attention to their modus operandi then we risk more people being drawn into it. I’ve already posted this video in a separate thread but it helps with my point.

      • gettyroth-av says:

        Ah moviebob what a guy. Certainly not someone with sociopathic tendencies focused on a demographic containing people who kinda sound like the guys who beat him up in highschool. No siree, bob.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        You know nothing about the alt right. This is embarrassing.

      • asdfasdfadsfadsfadsfas-av says:

        Ummm… Ok… The only way to actually stop them is to getting better funding for schools. A solid education that teaches critical thinking is the way to stop these people, not analyzing their movie reviews.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I really wish I could watch this video, but I find the guy’s really fast delivery too offputting.

      • zipp333-av says:

        The movie is a total SJW movie and its for people like you who hate themselves. I won’t see it and will tell everyone I know not to……..SO NOW WHAT? SOYBOY.

    • shlincoln-av says:

      There is a line of thought with some basis of evidence I’m too lazy to look up right now that says ignoring trolls just means they step up their attempts to get you to acknowledge them, and that’s obviously not good either. Punch Nazis and shout down chuds.

      • bartfargomst3k-av says:

        These people aren’t Nazis, they’re angry losers who are spending their time making reactionary rants on the internet. They’re too stupid and lazy and antisocial to organize and exert any real influence. Nazis are dangerous because they actually get out there and cause destruction/violence.

      • gristley-av says:

        This. Ignoring trolls works about as well as ignoring schoolyard bullies.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      They’re sort of impossible to ignore because they have such a domino effect on film conversation. We will now have another Last Jedi where you can’t have an opinion on the film itself without being called either an SJW or a Nazi. At least with Jedi it all happened after I got a chance to see the film so it was easy to enjoy it on it’s own merits. With this one it’s going to be hard to shut off my brain and just watch the damn thing for what it is.

      • mikosquiz-av says:

        The domino effect is entirely because these dipshits whistle a tune and the clickbaiters dance to it. 

        • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

          Not going to argue with you on that. It’s also going to make some people automatically call this a great film even it ends up being terrible just to fight them, which only makes it worse and keeps it going.

      • bartfargomst3k-av says:

        If you have a legitimate criticism of the movie and people shout you down for being an alt-right troll, ignore them as well and move on.

    • 555-2323-av says:

      They have zero influence or power. That’s true, but on at least one other news site this morning, the headline has been along the lines of “Captain Marvel gets negative reviews”. The story itself goes into what these people are, that the “reviews” are by people who haven’t seen the movie, they mention the anti Star Wars campaign… and I’m sure this won’t hurt box office for an MCU movie enough to notice. But the headline, which is what most people will see (and not read the story) is misleading and irresponsible.(And now I can’t find the headline – it was on the MSN site or Salon or Slate.  Maybe Huffington?  Anyway you have to trust me.)

    • newnamesameme-post-av says:

      these ppl are running the presidency, the SC, and the Senate, so i would say that they, in fact, have a great deal of power. 

    • hasselt-av says:

      Your second paragraph about neckbeards made my day.

    • greenspandan3-av says:

      the problem with the “ignore the trolls and they’ll go away” response is that not only does it not work, it allows them to continue to operate and flourish and accumulate and recruit. Public humiliation is essentially the best (perhaps only) defense. make them a laughing stock. expose them as the disingenuous pigs they are. make them and their actions notorious. make them a joke. that’s how you prevent them from multiplying like cockroaches. that’s how you prevent other young and/or impressionable people from becoming them. every day, remind anyone within earshot that these stupid pigs are not acting honestly, and their ulterior motive is ugly as hell.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      The only reason you think it’s okay to ignore them is because you aren’t a victim of the harassment campaigns they routinely run.You likely weren’t impacted by Gamergate, or Comicsgate, or the alt-right, or any other several hate groups that operate in online spaces.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        You don’t know who the Alt Right actually are if you think they give a shit about gamgergate. You’ve bought into a bullshit narrative without doing the research. The alt right mercilessly kick gamers and don’t give a shit about video games. They are identitarians who want a white ethnostate. They don’t care about this shit.

    • merged-5876237249237691007-aw8qpq-av says:

      McLevy and the like can’t ignore them because they don’t report on real news but instead rely on having “content” that people on message boards respond to. 

    • mindfultimetraveler-av says:

      AVC needs to quit with the “4Chan Has a Crazy Theory!” and “Toxic Men Are Fucking Up Rotten Tomatos!” stories. Every time an article like that gets posted this underground group of dickbags get excited.

  • curmudgahideen-av says:

    you wouldnt believe it but i earned $7532 last month wokring from home just pretending to hate dc movies and care about democracy. thanks marvel and george soros lol! for more info its super easy just look in the drudge reprot comments section

  • chuckandmac-av says:

    Does RottenTomatoes have a character limit for the user submitted reviews? Besides the chuds hitting all of the keys at once out of anger, it is the only reason I can think of for the mis-spelled words.Also, the anger from the people giving it negative reviews before seeing it just makes me so….happy in some way. I love it. 

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Sigh, these fucking beta males. 1st the Wonder Woman, then Last Jedi, then Black Panther now Captain Marvell. No wonder I love being a large brown man who goes to shitty bars in my mid 40’s only to have young attractive white women hit on me so it can make these MAGA chuds go online and cry about how women are the worst and minorities are evil.These crybabies are the worse, Brie Larson is a really good actress and outside of like 3-4 movies Marvell movies are usually at worst passable. Sigh.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Hey now, Breibart loved Black Panther. After bending over backwards to pretend the point of it suited their own personal narrative.

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        You mean the point of it being about a xenophobic ethnostate?

      • xchrome-av says:

        One of my biggest issues with Black Panther is its muddled message about Nationalism vs Globalism though. The movie does show that Wakanda thrived in part to its Nationalist ways, which does reinforce Breitbart’s stance.  Morally, the movie does make a statement that you should try to help others when you are able to though.

      • Otokogoroshi-av says:

        It’s very easy to pretend a movie is about something 100% different if you ignore the ending.

    • miraelh-av says:

      Just curious, what are the 3 to 4 movies that you think aren’t passable?

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Hated Thor 2, Iron man 2, Hulk and even Avengers 2. Granted Avengers 2 was okay… I think the other 3 were badish with Thor 2 only being saved from being awful because of Loki. Once he is gone that movie is crap. 

        • miraelh-av says:

          Yup, pretty much what I would consider bottom of the barrel, with Hulk being at the very bottom.The only upside of Thor 2 is the play scene in Ragnarok.

          • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

            “I didn’t do it for him”Also“Lady Sif, get help!”Sif runs off, panicking “Somebody help!”

        • dantanama-av says:

          Avengers 2 is the reason I quit paying attention to the MCU. Like I literally have no idea what happened in Infinity War and don’t care. That movie was trash besides the Scarlet Witch performance. My friend fell asleep next to me in the theater which usually would piss me off but I looked over and was just like ‘I agree’

          • gkar2265-av says:

            I look at it more like a tv series.  Not every episode of a show is a winner, but I don’t stop after one bad one.  YMMV

          • dantanama-av says:

            Well, I watched Ant Man after that and… yeah. Confirmed my opinion. Even after all that I went back and started Doctor Strange. I loved the comics as a kid. Turned it off almost immediately. I still haven’t seen Black Panther because I just can’t make myself go back. When I was younger I always lamented that Hollywood seemed unwilling to ever take a series beyond a trilogy when Japan had like 87 Godzilla movies. Ah, the innocence of youth…

        • gkar2265-av says:

          Not to mention the underutilization of Christopher Eccleston.

      • thegcu-av says:

        Thor 2 was meh, Iron Man 2 was completely forgettable, Incredible Hulk was weak and Civil War was a complete mess.

        • curlybill-av says:

          I thought Civil War was dope, but I’m big into the comics, so maybe some of that bled unfairly into how I felt about it as a movie.

          • thegcu-av says:

            I thought Civil War was dope, but I’m big into the comics, so maybe some
            of that bled unfairly into how I felt about it as a movie.

            I wanted Civil War to be dope, but I thought it was two movies trying to co-exist. One movie was the fallout from Ultron & the Sokovia Accords that followed. Baron Zemo getting revenge was the other movie, and that’s the part that didn’t work. Civil War didn’t need an villain. It should’ve been about whether the team works for the government or humanity & how that splits the team. Not only did they shoehorn in Zemo, they let him win, too. I saw it when it first came out & thought it was a mess. Watched it a month ago hoping to see it differently, and it’s still a mess.Now, I’m glad they didn’t, because I’ll watch Chris Evans as Cap until I die, but I still kinda think they should’ve shot Cap at the end of Civil War, like in the comics. Maybe not kill him, but something that would reunite the team at the end. It would’ve been a great credits scene, so viewers would know that the team is back when the next movie comes out.

          • cinesnark-av says:

            Yeah but the whole point of Civil War is that the team breaks down. Infinity War happens directly because of that, it is the consequence of Civil War. People yelled about “no consequences” because no one died in Civil War, but a couple years later, Tony still can’t make that call to Steve. Thanos wins because the Avengers were not united and not working in a coordinated effort against him. Maybe if they had been, Thanos doesn’t get all the stones. I agree there are kind of two movies shoved into Civil War, the save-Bucky movie the Russos wanted to make for Cap 3, and then Civil War, but what brings it together for me is that Zemo wins. Like the Avengers could have handled either problem on its own, either hashing out their oversight problem or dealing with Bucky, but Zemo manages to make it all come together and they can’t cope with the split focus and everything goes to shit. I thought that was a pretty brilliant masterstroke. And then the way the Steve/Tony divide plays out in Infinity War is what opens the door for Thanos’s victory. It’s a solid through line. Civil War is the only team-up movie that still stands up, years later. (Infinity War is unwatchable.)

          • thegcu-av says:

            Infinity War happens directly because of that, it is the consequence of
            Civil War. People yelled about “no consequences” because no one died in
            Civil War, but a couple years later, Tony still can’t make that call to
            Steve. Thanos wins because the Avengers were not united and not working
            in a coordinated effort against him.

            Debatable. Everybody that was on Earth fighting were definitely united against Thanos. Same with everyone on Titan.
            Civil War is the only team-up movie that still stands up, years later. (Infinity War is unwatchable.)

            Wrong on both counts.

          • parkito805-av says:

            That’s a stretch saying the Avengers didn’t win because they couldn’t group up together… It’s not like Tony Stark didn’t have Black Widow’s number or Falcon’s number. He admits not being able to track Vision and not being in touch with Cap, but doesn’t mention not being in touch with Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, or Falcon, all of whom are with Cap while Iron Man, Spider Man and Dr. Strange were in outer space. 

          • gkar2265-av says:

            Not to mention that Zemo’s motivations are understandable, and parallel to what breaks up Steve and Tony.  T’Challa neatly sums it up when he says that while Rodgers and Stark are consumed by vengence and Zemo has been consumed by vengence, he will not be.  I think Civil War worked really well.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      Wonder Woman really only got slagged because of the Alamo Women’s only promotion and BP and Jedi didn’t get pushback until after the films came out. No film has gotten attacked like this during pre-release except for Ghostbusters. The hate for Captain Marvel is maybe the craziest I’ve ever seen.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        I was going to say GB as well. Personally I never read about Captain Marvell and remember the one that died of cancer better. But because of this stupid hate, I am going to see a movie I didn’t care to see before on it’s opening night!I didn’t see Strange/Ant Man movies until home release but because of this stupid hate, I am going to see this movie Thursday night. 

    • davidawhitesell-av says:

      Both Wonder Woman & Black Panther are sitting above 80% audience score on RT, don’t lump those great films in with the trash pile that is The Last Jedi.

    • merged-5876237249237691007-aw8qpq-av says:

      Wonder Woman is really good. The Last Jedi sucked. 

      • parkito805-av says:

        Wonder Woman was sooo good… until the mediocre third act with the overused, generic CGI villain in Ares. I actually rewatch Wonder Woman a lot, but 85% of the time, I’ll turn it off after the trench and church scene. I’m totally fine with skipping the last half hour of that film.

      • parkito805-av says:

        Wonder Woman was sooo good… until the mediocre third act with the overused, generic CGI villain in Ares. I actually rewatch Wonder Woman a lot, but 85% of the time, I’ll turn it off after the trench and church scene. I’m totally fine with skipping the last half hour of that film.

    • serious4455-av says:

      You couldn’t get laid in a whore house.

    • trask482-av says:

      Nobody hated on Wonder Woman, BP was overly praised and you couldn’t get laid coming off a plane in Hawaii. 

    • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

      We discriminating against people based on race. That’s why people are pissed. And you support this?

    • keuric-av says:

      See, here’s the problem.These films – all of them – have problems. They’re critique-worthy.Wonder Woman’s final act is laughably bad, her declaration of “I believe in love,” as some kind of climax within that act is really poorly delivered and the emotion its meant to invoke comes from nowhere. The villain is awful, the casting for the villain is especially bad (and the effects for him are just not good – and with such a small frame, having him be this massive powerhouse of a villain is nearly comedic), a few pacing problems. But still a good film. B-/B.The Last Jedi is not that good. It is one, enormous story cul-de-sac. The performances are good, the cinematography is gorgeous, I’m okay with Luke’s representation in the film, but all of the story writing itself is just grade-A crap. Kelly Marie Tran is fun (until her last scene, then I really dislike the character..), the inclusion of DJ is.. dumb, the whole foray onto the casino planet and the animal pen breakout is just a waste of time. It’s to give two characters something to do, and it’s poorly disguised as anything but. It’s a series of doing something counter to the audience’s expectation. It’s a series of bad twists. Doing that a few times? That can be effective. When it’s repeatedly done, why should an audience give a shit about the film? When the director’s goal is subversion for subversion’s sake, it’s a bad film. The last act is kinda awesome except for what happens with Finn and Rose. Kylo and Rey’s competing allegiances and possible cohesion is kinda cool, until.. it’s.. nothing. That part’s silly. C/C+.I really do like Black Panther, a lot. I think it has some problems (like a lot of Marvel films) – the cliche “hero fights darker version of himself” is very present. I think the performances are great. I think the fight choreography (when there are no suits) is great, I think the special effects (of all things, Marvel!) are very hit and miss in some areas. The last fight is bad VFX wise. Really not good. Showing the tribes of Wakanda, up the hillside, the VFX are downright crap. I’m sure they had to pick and choose what to take the right amount of time rendering and what had to be rushed, and that was one of the casualties. The hero is proved to be wrong in the end, and sees it, and I love that kind of arc. I think people claiming this as the most amazingest film ever in the history of cinema are nuts. I think people claiming it’s even the best Marvel film are nuts. It is good. I think it’s top 5. I understand the cultural importance of it and I applaud it. And I think we need more diversity in our popular culture – not just Marvel films, not just comic book, popcorn films, but in general. B+/A-.The problem with assholes like these on Rotten Tomatoes is not just polarization – provoking knee-jerk reaction from entertainment-covering websites. It also creates a web that ensnares people who have honest critiques of those films in question, that they are also just doing the same thing. “You don’t like X, just like Y people, you’re clearly a Z.”And that’s unfortunate. No film is above criticism.At the same time, those of you who insisted that criticism of Ghostbusters (2016) was a bunch of women-hating asshole men, did you see the movie? ‘cause it was fucking bad. And its trailers implied it WAS connected to the original franchise (narrator: it wasn’t). It was a comedy that wasn’t funny. It wasn’t funny in the trailers. It was loud, it was obnoxious, it looked b-a-d bad. There was a small number of assholes in the comments (because we can’t have any thing good or bad not touched by assholes), but by and large it was an audience of people who felt like the trailer looked like shit. Of course, the irony was that the most obnoxious person in the trailer somehow turned out to the the funniest (Leslie Jones), I was sure it was going to be Kate McKinnon.The point in all of this, is this:Rotten Tomatoes has no business allowing reviews before an actual screening for critics. Certainly not from some asshole named Kevin. At the same time, this kneejerk reaction to critiques of these films does not a shitty person make. There are honest criticisms of films where there is a lead female protagonist. Or *gasp* four. Or there’s a cast made up primarily of African-Americans. Don’t let shitty people like Kevin define critics themselves who have a problem with actual story, writing, acting and pacing. Don’t paint with the wide brushes of people you would condemn as assholes and trolls, simply because someone disagrees on substantive elements of art.

    • iaatb-av says:

      I love being a large brown man who goes to shitty bars in my mid 40’s only to have young attractive white women hit on me

      In the real world, you are a middle aged white guy with a beer gut who watches way too much interracial porn.

  • 10cities10years-av says:

    I’m being paid off by Marvel to say they make consistently entertaining movies. I’m being paid in the form of movies, and all I have to do to receive my payments is give $12-$16 to some kid in a glass box.

    Now that I think about it, it’s a pretty convoluted system.

    • marcus75-av says:

      For another $6 they even provide refreshments!

      • Otokogoroshi-av says:

        WHERE do you live that 6$ will get you anything more than 1 single small item!!??! Hell I live in Arizona and getting a single large drink is 6$. Add in anything else and it’ll easily reach 12+

  • dankburner420-av says:

    fuck!! my products!! people are saying mean things about my products!!

  • firejoebuck-av says:

    Looks like someone hit the thesaurus hard this morning. 

  • wearewithyougodspeedaquaboy-av says:

    Female lead with prominently placed african-american protaganist?  Armond White hates it already.  He’s probably written his full review before seeing it.

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    Why can’t they just weirdly over sexualize it like that reviewer did with Elastigirl in Incredibles 2.  Maybe that was worse actually.

    • nunya-biz-av says:

      “weirdly over sexualize”Uh, did you see her?

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I love how that guy who wrote the ‘Incredibles 2′ review was so confident that his viewpoint was universal. He never doubted that every other guy in the cinema was getting a boner for Elastigirl. Someone really needed to tell him, “This is really just a ‘you’ thing.”

      • haodraws-av says:

        I don’t know, based on what I’ve read on conversations about the movie on social media(having not seen the movie itself to this day), quite a lot of people shared his viewpoint.

      • Otokogoroshi-av says:

        I think it was less an assumed universality and more to do with guys generally thinking their boner is Super Important.

  • raycearcher-av says:

    Oh my god we need to get a rumor going that the story from the comic where she can’t bring herself to touch men is in the movie

  • Kormanmatt-av says:

    Are these the same-ish groups that do things like this to video game reviews?There’s trolling, which, fine, has existed for a while and is as annoying as it’s always been; but it’s at least expected. But there’s the other element, which is that people like this think movies/games with female characters or storylines or whatever are THE MOST IMPORTANT cultural movements of their lives. I guess that’s what happens when consumerism is the only mechanism of connection you have to other people.

  • trenkes-av says:

    You are really sticking it to these attention-craving trolls, keep up the important work. 

  • nerdherder2-av says:

    One reason I was pleased with the success of Wonder Woman and Fury Road (aside from them being genuinely good movies) was because it drove the unwashed little edgelords mad with anger.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I will admit I actually saw ‘Fury Road’ just because it was making man-babies angry. Now, I will freely acknowledge that’s not the best reason to see a film, and I might have gone to see it anyway once it started getting glowing (deservedly) reviews. But I saw the movie as a “fuck you” and I still don’t regret that.

      • haodraws-av says:

        Remind me again what was the outrage at Fury Road for?

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          Some people believed based on the trailers that their manly hero Max was being sidelined (and therefore emasculated) by Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron, and as such the film was some massive misandrist attack on poor oppressed males.Hilariously, some of the same people complained that this was a travesty against an iconic American hero, despite the fact that Max is an Australian character who fights in post-apocalyptic Australia, in an Australian film starring a man who, though born in America, grew up and trained as an actor in Australia.

        • neuroradicalsphonebroke-av says:

          There were some ladies doing stuff in it 

  • wsg-av says:

    I hope that the people writing fake reviews like this stay home, so that it is easier for the rest of us to find seats, get popcorn, and generally enjoy the movie. The film will make a bajillion dollars regardless, and I am looking forward to seeing it.And, I hope that people like Ms. Larson continue to use their platforms to work toward a more inclusive, understanding, kind world.

  • 555-2323-av says:

    I like the movie already despite having not seen it. I think I might even love the movie, if that will get me a bigger critic check from Disney.I’m not a professional movie critic, but if they pay me?  That would change my amateur status, so it’s a win for both of us.

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    It’s like 5 pages maybe. Hardly a concerted effort to sandbag a movie. Most of those are bots, anyway. Click though and see. About half of the Not Interesteds (when not actually saying they want to see the movie) link to dead accounts. It’s so incredibly easy to manipulate these sorts of things, but even easier to see through them if you look. The only real question is who are the bad actors. Could be Nazi’s and MRAs and Magas. Could also be Disney looking to stir up free publicity because entertainment sites will happily cite Twitter User Mary_Lumpz_Larry as a fucking source.  Either way, this is probably pretend.  

  • kaingerc-av says:

    I don’t give a shit about any of this.I didn’t go watch Ghostbusters (2016) because it looked like a BAD movie.I will go watch this movie because it looks like a GOOD movie.everything else is just noise.

    • nunya-biz-av says:

      Yeah, shame that GB2016 was ultimately bad movie. I wanted it to be good, but hey, since it was trash we are getting GB3 so I guess it all worked out.

      • kaingerc-av says:

        I’m reserving judgment but honestly, I don’t really see a scenario where that movie will turn out OK either. (what, they will bring back the old actors who probably don’t really want to do this?! without Ramis?!)The best GB sequel we were probably ever going to get was that 2009 game

        • nunya-biz-av says:

          I am reserving judgement as well, but still excited it is happening. My first movie theater memory is seeing GB2 (which is fun, but not good). I have been a GB fan for life and seeing GB3 will be amazing… hopefully it doesn’t suck. I can’t imagine it will be as awful as GB2016 though.

        • docnemenn-av says:

          I don’t either, but I will probably go to see it in the cinema anyway like I did in 2016 because I am a damn, damn fool. A fool and a whore for Ghostbusters.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    This seems like a good place to note that my wife and I could not get through Roma because it was soooooooo fucking boring. Bring on the space lasers! Pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew!!!!!

  • orenthaljames-av says:

    I’m fine if they want to tweet pictures of their bloodied faces and say a woman beat them up at the opening night show

  • rafterman00-av says:

    Whether is Marvel, DC, Star Wars or Star Trek, they all share one thing. Moron “fans” who end up ruining a franchise to the point that studios don’t even want to bother anymore.

  • toasterlad-av says:

    I’ll thank you not to refer to Manimal as a moron. He is a living, breathing person with feelings. Feelings of intense rage against Marvel flims.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Don’t pay attention to these nerds says website drawing attention to nerds.

    • mark-t-man-av says:

      You actually think these trolls are nerds? They just need something to hate, and a woman or minority in the lead of a popular film suits these needs perfectly.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        Morons or trolls is better, I agree. Point was more that the only reason people notice this stuff is because sites point it out. And to quote specific user reviews only gives morons or trolls more reason to write fake reviews – write a terrible enough one and now you get five minutes of internet fame!

      • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

        They are responding directly to her racism and hate. Sorry.

  • pantophobia-av says:

    One note over the past several years about this split between critical and fan reviews on RottenTomatoes site no one ever points out is that while films like Last Jedi, Ghostbusters and now Captain Marvel get shat on by the fans, you get the opposite effect of how DC films or the last Fantastic Beasts film.the thing that raises a few flags about that is DC and the Potterverse are distributed by Warner Bros, WB bought RottenTomatoes in 2011, and still holds 30% of the company when they sold the bulk to Comcast a few years back, that is just a little eyebrow raising

  • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

    It’s Ghostbusters all over again! Except that Captain Marvel actually looks like a good movie 

    • neuroradicalsphonebroke-av says:

      Or Wonder Woman or Black Panther all over again, except those were good. The same crowd of bottom feeders were trying to tank the Rotten Tomato scores of those films too. Heck, they probably would have tried with Aquaman only they weren’t sure whether or not Jason Mamoa was a man of color

  • grimweeping-av says:

    God, people suck. It’s exhausting just how much those losers suck.

  • gabrielstrasburg-av says:

    Why does rt allow reviews before a movie has been released? I think that would be a more interesting article.

  • koochness-av says:

    I have a solution. First, go see the movie.Second, decide if you liked the experience when the movie is over.
    Third, allow others the pleasure of the same experience.Fourth, repeat with other films. NB. This strategy can be used for other media, too. 🙂

  • TRT-X-av says:

    For people who are still on their “can’t we just ignore the trolls….” kick.No. We can’t. If you think the trolls aren’t bothering anyone, it’s because they aren’t bothering you. But talk to women and people of color online and you’ll see pretty quick that this kind of bullshit is part of the current hate-wave elevating the likes of Milo, Cernovich, etc.You’re part of the problem.

    • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

      Milo and Cernovich could not be more irrelevant. Jesus, you don’t know what you are talking about.

  • modjoconcarne-av says:

    Are we going to also talk about the “critics “that are doing their best to bomb Alita battle angel ? Are we going to talk about their articles talking about the “oversexualisation” of Alita ? Or how James Cameron shouldn t be allowed to write female characters anymore because he does such a bad job ? Or the movie s “whitewashing” ? Meh i guess not … i mean she s not the new marvel princess who was sold for over a year as being the second coming of Jesus and the first female hero…

  • jdaprile73-av says:

    As someone who has been both a video games and movie journalist, I can absolutely confirm there are in fact too many lily-white nerd boys covering this stuff. Myself included. Brie is absolutely correct and more diverse voices in all media/art coverage/criticism is vital for any of it to actually evolve and improve.

  • merged-5876237249237691007-aw8qpq-av says:

    is there a chance when this movie is released that IT WILL GET LESS THAN A 90% RATING On Rotten Tomatoes? it’s a Marvel movie. 

  • thegcu-av says:

    This is why everybody should completely ignore Rotten Tomatoes. If they can’t weed out bullshit/fake reviews, then what good is the site at all?

  • ktowndelerium-av says:

    Did anyone here actually click on the link? These aren’t reviews (will not affect the review rating) but people staying whether or not they are interested in seeing the movie.  Perfect example of journalists manipulating the story and people falling into an outrage spiral before checking the facts. You’re better than this, don’t be so gullible! 

  • precognitions-av says:

    Neat.Unrelated, but: remember in James Bond when the villain Jaws fell in love with the girl with pigtails, Dolly?Does anyone else remember her having braces?

  • cjob3-av says:

    What she actually said was “I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him!” Now if this upsets you enough to boycott the movie, you’re probably an idiot, but I thought I’d include the actual quote since this it’s kinda the point of the article and it wasn’t included for some reason. You’re welcome AV Club! Now I’m off to read your white guy review of What Men Want!

  • franknstein-av says:
  • drbobbyflavor-av says:

    Nobody is trying to tank anything. Stop trying to outrage market your shitty girl power movie.

  • tshepard62-av says:

    Those aren’t reviews, they’re just a bunch of nitwits adding comments to the Want To/Don’t Wan’t to See tally.  This has nothing to do with actual reviews of a film that won’t be released to the critics for several more weeks.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    I would say this is why we can’t have nice things, but I’m gonna go see this. Their idiocy has no bearing on my choices or enjoyment. All they’re doing is making a foolish spectacle of themselves for nothing but maybe a bit of amusement.

  • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

    She flat out said her last film wasn’t for straight white men and is currently judging press members based on race. She’s a racist. 

  • trask482-av says:

    If the movie is good then it’ll make money. If people are offended by Ms. Larson’s comments then it’s their right to express their opinions. Her words are being twisted by some to make it into more than it is but let’s not pretend that what she said is ok. Intelligent people don’t judge others based on race. It doesn’t matter what race you are referring to. 

  • collinabullock-av says:

    Finally, someone’s sticking up for the multi-billion dollar entertainment conglomerates! 

  • fanboy3000-av says:

    Help please. I am a white man, which obviously means I’m hated and despised by Brie Larson, Carol Danvers, Marvel, Disney, SJWs, modern music, young people, democrats, fast-food commercials, several constitutional amendments, and the MEDIA.  Yet I am also very excited to see this movie.To take Disney’s generous payments to extol the movie sight unseen, or to troll it with unwarranted vitriol – I’m in a bind.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    I just think that all white male comic book fans have a little
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  • danielle86-av says:

    I wanna know where I can get some of that sweet Marvel Movie money!!

  • karakuwa-av says:

    These people suck, and I know that’s the point, but please stop using the phrase “out here” and “out there” in headlines. It’s had its run.

  • tipbasedonly-onservice-av says:

    Too Feminist sounding for me NOT seeing it.

  • eclecticasm-av says:

    This is some poor…is reporting the right word? I thought we already figured out these are from Russian troll farms?

  • phegh-av says:

    Just get Alamo to schedule a viewing party for women. The bros will fly a thousand miles to try to get in.

  • hibby159012-av says:

    You’re already setting up this movie to be immune from criticism. You called me a moron for clicking “not interested” on RT. I’m active on that site and I voted. I’m tired of superhero movies and this one doesn’t appeal to me. But hey I’m an idiot right? You shouldn’t be bothered enough by an idiot to write an article about it

  • gkar2265-av says:

    So, the reviewers are basically saying that unless a film is all about white men, and all of the journalists covering it are white men, then a film should not be made.  Fantastic.  Maybe the original Birth of a Nation would be more their style (since even the black characters are played by white folks).

  • erictan04-av says:

    Stop giving these misogynistic retards and hate mongers any coverage.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “Good news everyone! The numbers are in, ‘Captain Marvel’ made $1.4 billion!”“That’s good, but the cost of paying off all those film critics and moviegoers to say nice things has just crept over the $3 billion mark. Maybe it’s not a worthwhile strategy?”“Shut up, Jensen! You’re fired!”

  • praxinoscope-av says:

    So some sad mamas’ boys are writing nasty things on the biggest restroom stall wall in the world. You don’t have to read it and for crying out loud you don’t have to be one of the idiots scribbling a heated reply all down the side of the wall to the floor tile. The movie will make buckets of money and wedge open the door for more women-fronted films a little bit more and every bit counts. Just ignore the assholes. None of what they are doing matters.

  • Lizardflix-av says:

    You should have titled this “We’re clickbaity clickbaiting clickbait for Captain Marvel clickbait. 

  • Lizardflix-av says:

    You should have titled this “We’re clickbaity clickbaiting clickbait for Captain Marvel clickbait. 

  • kwenty420-av says:

    This is a bad and misleading article, the segment of ‘want to see it’ and ‘not interested’ do not even reflect the % aggregate on RT. How is this trolling when they click not interested (there are also some interested takes on there) then leave a comment, these are not reviews, and each one states why they do not want to see it…

  • squamateprimate-av says:


  • p1t1o-av says:

    Guys, guys, guys.Remember, its is not possible to discern actual adults from 10, 11 or 12 yo children, on the internet. Except from what they write.If we all remember that, suddenly the internet makes a whole lot more sense, and we can stop paying so much attention to the vast, predicatable and ubiquitous massive piles of garbage that litter the web.

  • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

    I honestly don’t understand why Rotten Tomatoes (or Goodreads, for that matter, but that’s another topic. Everything with book reviews is terrible. Just. Terrible.) even OPENS the audience scores before the release date. Yes, there are some advanced screenings, but the number of people who would seen it advanced is so low that honestly, does it matter before March 7th? Of course it’s going to attract trolls. Shut it down until the day it opens. Then they can troll all they want vs. people who have seen the damn movie.

  • zagreus1-av says:

    This is another article that gets this wrong. I can understand the dislike of the comments. Sure. Fine. These are NOT reviews. They are comments regarding does the user “Want to see” the film, and if so, why or why doesn’t the person want to see it. How ALL the “journalists” miss this is, frankly, amazing to me.  Actually, it’s not, (most people are not that bright) but still, it’s disappointing. 

  • neuroradicalsphonebroke-av says:

    I’d just like to say that I am very disappointed in Disney’s payroll department. I’ve not only been waiting for my checks for nearly 11 years, ever since Iron Man came out, but I’ve also been unable to file my taxes because they never send me my damn W-2 

  • curlygraymeat-av says:

    There’s really no story here. You’re overhyping peoples’ opinions. I went through all the not interested comments. You’re exaggerating. Get over yourself. People have opinions that might not agree with yours. Who cares? You’re just giving them the attention you claim they want. Don’t do your “story” on them and let them blend into the background noise. Don’t be a hack writer. And why are the reasons someone who wants to see it more valid than the opinions of someone who doesn’t want to see it?! Reporters used to be objective. But I guess you’re not a reporter, just a sensationalist who wants to keep people divided. Opinions are just emotional responses and deserve very little credence. A true evaluation based on evidence should be examined more closely and that’s what you should give us – an objective evaluation. These are just opinions in a forum that has asked for them. Treat them as just a fart in the breeze and move on. Pfft! There, treat my opinion as a fart too. I said it – who cares? I don’t define myself by it. It’s not the end all be all. It’s just an opinion that should also blend into the background noise….

  • PoobahIII-av says:

    I haven’t seen the film yet, but I’m hopeful it will answer my big question about Captain Marvel:  Why didn’t Fury call her once Loki had attacked the SHIELD base and stolen the Tesseract?

  • Audacityscape-av says:

    I will never understand why these sites allow user reviews before a film is released. Accredited / vetted critic reviews pre-release is one thing, because media screens early all the time, but I don’t give a FUCK what some slob off the street thinks about a movie that’s already released, let alone one that I am quite sure they haven’t seen yet.

  • outsiderlookingin-av says:

    I just don’t like the discrimination that has been shown towards those that are white. It doesn’t matter what wording Brie Larson used or even if it was taken out of context which it wasn’t. What was said is still considered an act of racism and if you want to be technical gender discrimination. By completely separating, a skin color and gender from reviewing a movie because this is how she feels it should be. Before everybody goes on, clamming I’m Far Right much like Ohio my political views time to change based off of the person’s actions, promises, and past actions. I’m biracial so I’m not trying to show or claim white pride, I’m just a guy who hates seeing a double standard being put into place. Mainly, since now we’re basically in an age where Reverse Racism, it’s going to become the norm if stuff like this isn’t called out.

  • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

    I absolutely, 100% believe it’s wrong for this to happen. The movie isn’t out and it’s a group with a terrible agenda.But I think it’s disingenuous for some people who have been complaining about this to scream that this is terrible when they used the exact same tactic to censor books they don’t like, and did so just last month.Stop using reviews before something comes out as a weapon.

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