Now it all makes sense: The Osbournes getting a new reality show on the BBC

The new "docuseries" will follow Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne as they return to England

Aux News The Osbournes
Now it all makes sense: The Osbournes getting a new reality show on the BBC
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne Photo: Gregg DeGuire

So much for that gun violence story, huh? The Osbournes cited a lot of political issues when explaining their move from the United States back to the United Kingdom, but it seems there may have been an even greater lure in returning to the homeland—that of “getting paid to be on television.” According to Variety, the couple will soon star in a new reality show (pardon, “docuseries”) called Home To Roost.

Yes, exactly 20 years after their seminal show The Osbournes on MTV, the rock-’n’-roll fam will welcome the public back into their home–except this time, it’s their country estate in Buckinghamshire. Per Variety, “The series will follow the Osbournes as they celebrate one of their most important years yet–with everything from Sharon’s 70th birthday to Kelly’s soon-to-be-born baby, Ozzy’s tour, and of course the big move itself.”

Clare Sillery, head of commissioning on BBC documentaries, said in a statement to NME: “Twenty years ago the Osbournes left Britain for a life in LA. Now they are coming ‘home to roost’, back to their family home, pretty much as they left it all those years ago. In this new series, BBC viewers will be able to follow the family as they settle back into their new life in a Buckinghamshire village… it promises to be a funny, moving and honest insight into their new life back in the UK.”

Giving them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps they were being honest about gun violence, taxes, and lack of unity driving them out of the U.S. But it seems clear that lucrative television deals were also a factor in the decision. After all, Sharon already has another gig over there (hosting The Talk on Piers Morgan’s network) and her career in America has somewhat stalled (after a racism controversy pushed her out of The Talk on CBS). If the family is still craving the spotlight, they’re obviously going to the right place. Maybe we’ll just wait for the movie version to see how it all turns out.


  • nilus-av says:

    Old rich white people go back to where they came from, Not News at 11

  • recognitions-av says:

    Hasn’t Ozzy said over and over that doing the Osbournes was a huge mistake and he hated the way they made his family look and what it did to his kid in particular? Come on man.

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    Hopefully this will be the death of the Beeb. 

  • panthercougar-av says:

    While I don’t doubt that Sharon and Ozzy love each other, she has never missed a chance to get is much money out of him and his image as possible. I’m a lifelong Ozzy/Sabbath fan, and I can still remember how bizarre the first Ozzfest post “The Osbourne’s” was. Instead of the usual audience that was a sea of black metal t-shirts, it was probably 25% polo-wearing frat bros, many of whom left after Ozzy played 3-4 songs just so they could say they saw Ozzy. 

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      Yeah, agreed. While we can probably credit her with keeping him alive I think that’s about it. The Iron Maiden debacle showed us who she was. Not that she really hides it. Imagine how Ozzy feels about people like goddamn Piers Morgan!Think we got tickets for the o2 show in 2019 or something. Fingers crossed it’ll actually happen one day.

      • panthercougar-av says:

        I hope it happens for you! I question how live it will be though. To me it’s quite obvious his recent performance of Paranoid was lip-synced. I think the vocals were recorded for the event, but it sure doesn’t look like he was actually singing live. Some are okay with seeing shows like this, I am personally not.

        • alferd-packer-av says:

          er, yeah, fuck thatI’ve seen him a few times and been surprised at how good he still was. But that must have been at least 10 years ago now.

          • panthercougar-av says:

            I haven’t seen him since the last “real” Ozzfest, which was the Iron Maiden year, so ‘05 maybe? I saw him every year at Ozzfest or other places from ‘98-’05. I recall his performances varied wildly. At some shows he was great, at others not so much. I distinctly remember one Ozzfest where he began singing completely off tempo, and I watched as Zakk Wylde and whoever was playing bass at the time gathered near the drummer to try and salvage things. Other times he was fantastic. Regarding the tempo thing, you can actually hear a recorded example of this on the live Black Sabbath reunion album from the late 90s. At the beginning of War Pigs when Ozzy starts singing with nothing but Bill Ward’s high hat you can hear him come in at a different tempo, and it’s very clear Bill adjusts to accommodate for it lol.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I saw him on the last Black Sabbath tour and he was all over the place vocally, could barely hold a tune. But he was much better when I saw him at a solo show the next year.

          • panthercougar-av says:

            I unfortunately missed that last Sabbath tour, but I have seen them in the past. It’s a damn shame Bill Ward couldn’t be part of that or “13″ for whatever reason. I enjoy “13″, but to me it’s clear as day it misses the Bill Ward element. His playing was so unique on those early Sabbath albums, and I think most of that is down to him being a fan of jazz. There were so many places on “13″ that I would find myself thinking the song was good, but if it had Bill Ward’s swing it would really push it over the edge to greatness. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            The drummer that they had with them, Tommy somebody, was very good. I haven’t heard 13 though.

          • panthercougar-av says:

            I should have been clearer that I didn’t mean that as a knock on Brad Wilk who played drums on the album. He’s a fantastic drummer, he just isn’t Bill Ward. It’s very much the same as AC/DC with Bon Scott vs Brain Johnson, or The Rolling Stones with Mick Taylor vs Ronnie Wood, etc. all were well suited to their roles, but the bands’ sounds took on different characteristics with each of them.

          • alferd-packer-av says:

            Ha ha! That’s mental. I will have to check that out, cheers.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Yeah, but look at it this way: if Ozzy were left alone to his own devices, he’d probably just sit in a room all day. I’m sure he’s fine once you shove him on stage, but he’s not one of these Mick Jagger types who runs off stage and then sits with his accounting team going over every cent.

      • panthercougar-av says:

        I don’t think anyone denies that Ozzy would have been dead long ago if it weren’t for Sharon. Funny you mention Mick Jagger. I’m also a big Stones fan and saw them again last fall. It’s absolutely amazing how that man can still perform at his age. You can say what you will about his hunger for money, but he clearly still has a strong dedication to his craft, and can still make a football stadium feel like a 3,000 seat club. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Well I’m glad they’re all going to be ok!

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    lack of unity driving them out of the U.S.
    They’re not going to want to hear what’s been happening in the U.K., then…

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