The Parks And Recreation cast will also reunite to help Wisconsin Democrats

Aux Features TV
The Parks And Recreation cast will also reunite to help Wisconsin Democrats
The Parks And Recreation cast in 2013 Photo: Jason Kempin

About a week ago, we heard that the cast of The Princess Bride (plus director Rob Reiner and all-around fun guy Patton Oswalt) would be getting together for a virtual table read of the classic movie in order to raise money for the Democratic Party Of Wisconsin—you know, the group that was largely ignored for a few elections, allowing the Republicans to assume unchecked power, gerrymander the fuck out of the state to create perfect little right-wing havens, impose restrictive new voting laws, gut unions, fall for laughably terrible schemes from a Taiwanese tech manufacturing company, and ultimately hand the state over to Donald Trump in the 2016 election. Now, recognizing the importance of not letting that happen again, the Parks And Recreation cast has followed The Princess Bride’s lead and will also be getting together for a fundraising event.

Billed as a “town hall” rather than a table read or general reunion (because town halls always went so well on Parks And Recreation, and also the cast just did a reunion), the event—via Deadline—will feature Amy Poehler, Adam Scott, Aubrey Plaza, Retta, Nick Offerman, Jim O’Heir, series co-creator Michael Schur and “special guests” (so… Ben Schwartz and Jon Glaser?) holding a virtual Q&A. The event will be held on September 17, and you’ll need to pay at least $1 to see it, with more information available over at this link.

Of course, with so much of the cast on board, we can’t help but wonder why they didn’t get all of the cast on board. Chris Pratt’s all buff and churchy now, so he’s probably either voting Republican or just wants everyone to get along and won’t vote for anyone, but what are Rob Lowe and Rashida Jones doing during this pandemic that’s so important? Is it because their characters moved to Michigan and there’s probably some rivalry between the two states over which one has the most hauntingly remote and empty upper half? That can’t be it, because otherwise Adam Scott/Ben Wyatt would know not to bring his Minnesota ass to Packer Country. Too bad there isn’t a way to directly ask these important questions and raise money for the good people of Wisconsin (not to be confused with the bad people of Wisconsin, of which there are many). Oh well.


  • mrfurious72-av says:

    When I saw that it was “most of” the cast, my first thought was “I bet Chris Pratt isn’t going to be there.”

  • dirtside-av says:

    Last week, Schur, Offerman, and Scott hosted a virtual event for an L.A. city council candidate (Nithya Raman) which was quite fun. Jon Glaser showed up for a bit as Raman’s “opponent” Jeremy Jamm, and then later Plaza showed up just being her normal weird self. They had a raffle for everyone who donated to the campaign, and the first prize was a Cones of Dunshire prop (sadly, just the box, not including the game pieces) from the show.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    These are all just scams to make people hang around with Josh Gad!

  • spiderdreamerc-av says:

    Lowe is a full-on MAGA/Trumper type, sadly. Dunno what the story is with Jones, maybe she’s busy.

    • cropply-crab-av says:

      Is he? Seems more like an insufferable ‘both sides’ asshole, but on the republican side. Still a piece of shit, but he seems to stay pretty hands off with politics publicly and just to bipartisan shit, like the West Wing reunion. 

    • nothem-av says:

      LITERALLY the saddest thing I’ve read this morning.

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    I’ll definitely check this out, nice to see most (eh hem) of cast and Schur coming together for to help in this election.In related news, a fitting name for a park’s new promenade –

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Let me tell you, Wisconsin can use all the help it can get. Driving around my small hometown and the neighboring areas, I’m seeing far, far too many Trump signs and flags then I’m comfortable with… May Cthulu help us all!

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      He may smite you before casting you into Nyarlathotep’s gaping maw just for spelling his name wrong, though.

    • thedreadsimoon-av says:

      I’m sure some self-righteous celebrities lecturing them from Hollywood will change their minds. 

    • nilus-av says:

      Its going to get worse. All the boomer and Gen X Trump lovers in IL are mad at our Govenor for stupid shit and have been migrating to Wisconsin and Indiana for years.

  • amaltheaelanor-av says:

    I can’t wait to hear Ted Cruz lament how he has now lost his love of Parks and Rec – a show about giving yourself in public service without thanks, and the value of cooperating with those who don’t agree with your worldview.

    • nilus-av says:

      Last time Parks and Rec came up around politics I remember commenting about how left that show as and had someone here keep responding about how wrong I was. Their entire argument seemed to start and end with “Ron Swanson was a libertarian!!” Which is true but one of the shows arcs is how Ron, while never admitting it, realizes that government can do good and respects Leslie for her drive

      • oliverplattsingingaliendetective-av says:

        The worship and unself-conscious memes around Ron Swanson’s libertarian views and quotes are exhibit A that some people are too fucking stupid to be trusted with satire. I shudder to think of their reaction to A Modest Proposal.

      • nimitdesai-av says:

        Also, many of the views Ron holds are show or written not to be envied. It’s not like his weird rants about government are supposed to be seen as normal or good, but when you’re already playing mental gymnastics, I’m sure your takeaway could be that Ron is the main star of the show and the one to be emulated.

  • ducktopus-av says:

    Chris Pratt has lost his fucking mind, so why not replace him with…wait for it…TRAVIS FIMMELonce you see it you can’t unsee it

    • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

      Patrick Wilson. I actually thought it was Patrick Wilson when they showed the first GotG shots, as I had no idea who Chris Pratt was.

    • triohead-av says:

      Frank Stallone?

    • nilus-av says:

      Has Pratt done anything really bad though? I mean I know he is hardcore Christian now but I don’t recall him saying anything career ruining like supporting Trump, actively campaign for pro-life causes or calling LGTBQ+ people sinners.

      • ducktopus-av says:

        For me the way he reacted to James Gunn’s firing was enough.  Dave Bautista had it right.  He’s making boring movies and he belongs to Hillsong which is a cult and he’s lost his fucking mind and it does appear he is thinking about running for office or something at some point but no he hasn’t yet gone to an ICE facility to take pictures with the guards or anything.

  • mcarsehat-av says:

    Should have been called Celebrities and Centrists. 

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    i will only attend if mel & perd are there.

  • fired-arent-i-av says:

    Chris Pratt was always “Churchy,” he worked for Evangelical hucksters “Jews for Jesus” when he was in like his early 20’s i think

  • teenwolfan-av says:

    This sounds cool, and the Parks and Rec cast are all great.Having said that, it reminded me of this Onion article a bit:

  • wangphat-av says:

    I knew Star Lord and Rob Lowe wouldn’t be there because they are Republicans, but I wonder why Rashida Jones and Aziz Ansari aren’t taking part.

  • thenoblerobot-av says:

    Sorry to break it to you, but Rob Lowe is a conservative.

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