The Promise Ring won't release any new music, and probably won't tour again

Aux Features Music

After witnessing a series of eventful reunion performances culminating with a show at this year’s Fun Fun Fun Fest, fans of The Promise Ring might be forgiven for getting their hopes up for new material from the band. But drummer Dan Didier shut down the prospect in an interview with MTV Hive after Fun Fun Fun Fest. “There’s no interest at all to write new music with us. We’re just doing our songs that people know and love,” said Didier, disappointing nostalgic ex-emo fans everywhere.

Even the reunion shows seem unlikely to continue. Though Didier didn’t completely close the door on future Promise Ring performances, he says they are highly unlikely. The band currently “has no plan whatsoever” to keep playing, meaning that Fun Fun Fun attendees caught what was, as of now, the last Promise Ring show ever. But don’t give up hope entirely. Didier did note that “if something comes up, we all know the songs again.” And there's always Didier and Promise Ring singer Davey von Bohlen's other band, Maritime, to keep you warm, plus the below performance of Adele's "Rumour Has It" that The Promise Ring did for A.V. Undercover this year.

The Promise Ring covers Adele

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