The Sonic trailer's been recut with the speedy blue hedgehog as you've always known him

Aux Features Sonic The Hedgehog

When the, let’s say, long-awaited trailer for Sonic The Hedgehog premiered last month, it must have felt a bit like a finger had closed on the Monkey’s Paw for fans of Sega’s long-running and oft-beleaguered video game series. Finally, they had the live-action version of the supersonic critter they’d been clamoring for, but, alas, they could not bear to look upon the cursed, haunting visage of the terrible beast the trailer had on offer.

These fans recoiled in horror and attempted to wish away what they had seen of this Sonic with his nightmare legs and horrid, human teeth. Once more their wish was granted, but at a terrible price: fans will have to wait until next year to watch James Marsden watch Jim Carrey devour the scenery. (Oh, and all that extra VFX work is probably going to be absolute hell on the crew.)

But, it is not all ironic curses for Sonic fans. Unable to wait for the studio version, YouTube animator Artur Baranov has gone ahead and made a re-animated version of the trailer, which you can see above. It works pretty well! The look is probably a little rougher than the official Paramount version will be, but certainly Sonic no longer looks like a guy in onesie pajamas who has invested either too much or not enough into veeners. For fans, it’ll have to do until February 14, 2020, when they’ll be able to take their Valentine’s dates to see a proper blue hedgehog in running shoes like God intended.

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  • noturtles-av says:

    So, this almost certainly terrible movie will look different now. Yay?

  • dirtside-av says:

    Fuck off, humanity!

  • seriousvanity-av says:

    The design may look ‘better’, but now it looks like a Who Framed Roger Rabbit style mash-up of real world and cartoons—it just looks…not very good. I think the studio should just release the version they already have and see what happens. I seriously doubt them spending more money redoing it is going to net them more profit; it’ll probably earn the same amount yet cost more.

    • archbishop-avclub-av says:

      My theory is that for every extra dollar they spend on redoing effects they are cutting 2 from the marketing budget. They’ll release it in February to lowered expectations and shift any blame to the fickleness of the online community.Producers will have lost less money with the new dumpster-fire than they would have on the dumpster-frying-pan they already had.

    • atnightmostly-av says:

      It is pretty hard to make judgments on the final product based on how some youtuber has decided to reanimate it. We still don’t know what the final animation will actually look like.

      • seriousvanity-av says:

        I’ll make my final judgement when they release the Snyder cut version of it. 

        • anjouvalentine-av says:

          I’ll wait until the whole Sonic Trilogy has been released and I can watch Topher Grace’s edit.

        • JoshG_FTD-av says:

          I’ll make my final judgement before seeing the film and assuming the Snyder cut is superior in every way and the only thing that’s holding it back is SJWs or whatever.

    • narwalt-av says:

      Who knows what the official retooling will look like as this is just a fan made video. But I for one think a “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” aesthetic would be a million times better than the ghastly creature from the uncanny valley seen in the official trailer.

    • mellowstupid-av says:

      if It increases the probability of a new franchise it’s worth it

    • vbfan-twitter-av says:

      On the other hand, I wish Michael Bay had done those fan suggested alterations to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so they didn’t look quite so much like mutant horrors on the screen.
      Frankly, this Sonic the Hedgehog movie is only going to be seen by fans anyway, so you might as well make them happy.  It really shouldn’t be that hard.  Have you see the Sonic cartoon?  These people do not have a high bar to clear. 

    • docprof-av says:

      Who Framed Roger Rabbit was fantastic though.

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      Yeah, probably time to face the music: a Sonic the Hedgehog movie was always guaranteed to be a farce and a debacle.I mean, can you imagine if they made a movie that actually appealed to the dwindling, aging “Sonic fanbase”? It would look exactly the same as this movie, only instead of Jim Carrey it would have hardcore sex scenes between the rats and the people.

      • coasterspaul-av says:

        I just want Sonic Boom (The TV Show): The Movie.

      • shenanigans2990-av says:

        They could have at least tried to appeal to the other side of the Sonic Fanbase. That is, ya know, kids. But even my 6 yo niece, who loves everything Sonic, was traumatized by that trailer. (disclaimer: I don’t give a fuck about Sonic beyond loving this Brian David Gilbert video, but I’m enjoying watching this train wreck from the sidelines)

    • mikosquiz-av says:

      I dunno if I’d say it looks better. Actually, I’d say it looks even worse.

    • mattjakacki-av says:

      1st, its an artists personal rendition not from the studio so this isn’t how it’ll actually look. 2nd Its not supposed to look “real” its a cartoon character with a long history and fans want justice made to it not that crap they tried to peddle…especially not if the“real” look they went for makes it look like a retarded inbred Chernobyl mutant human hybrid with verneers for teeth the original design was horrid, they could very well have made it “real” while staying close to the source material but they went with disturbing inbred mutant and caused massive outcry from Sonic fans. And 3rdly it shouldn’t cost the studio much more to change the design all they have to do is animate a properly designed one and insert it digitally into the movie they won’t have to redo any of the motion capture just the design itsself which shouldn’t cost much more a cost they wouldn’t have had to make is they didn’t do such a piss poor job in the first place. I don’t even know how to use their CGI software and I think I could have done a better job.

    • 9021090210-av says:

      What the hell is so wrong with Who Framed Roger Rabbit? It’s 100 times better than the original. And this is just a youtuber. Sonic is basically a f*cking cartoon character, he should look like that!

    • soaringparakeet-av says:

      If the backlash is anything to go by they would be better off scrapping it entirely than to release the abomination that is the original. Ain’t no one gonna pay to see THAT.

  • teh-dude-69420-av says:

    Did Disney do a bunch of re-work when everyone made fun of the Will Smith Genie? Of course not, because they know children (both the young and the too-old hatewatch bloggers) will still buy tickets. Have some dignity and never cave to internet “pressure.”All together now: Twitter isn’t real life.

  • chriska-av says:

    rabin bait.

  • shelbyvillesucks-av says:

    Imagine giving a shit about any of this.

  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    Jaleel White or GTFO

  • spacesheriff-av says:

    this movie still looks fucking wretched and now sonic’s horrible monoeye has never looked worse, so congrats?

  • nilus-av says:

    Still looks like a shitty movie.

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    Too bad it’s impossible to re-cut it into a Sonic the Hedgehog big-budget movie being a good idea, ever, in any possible manner of execution.

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    Too bad it’s impossible to re-cut it into a Sonic the Hedgehog big-budget movie being a good idea, ever, in any possible manner of execution. I mean, not even the video games have been any good for over a decade at this point. And it’s exactly because they went the opposite direction of Mario and focused on the “characters” and “story”.

    • morningraven-av says:

      The last decade of Sonic games have been focusing on a simple boost formula and adding in Mario power up inspired gimmicks in here wisps. Definitely not story and characters. The ones they have been focusing on have been reduced to caricatures of the original characters. The writing had been terrible the last decade. The early 00s had the story and proper use of the characters. What they have done is a huge amount of management turn over and strict deadlines forcing them to rush through debugging. Most of the series would be good-to-great if they could be re-released heavily debugged.So I don’t know where you’ve been but not following the series.

    • coasterspaul-av says:

      But they have done incredibly story-focused Mario games, and most of them have actually been quite good. Because even if they play differently from the main platformers, the core gameplay is fun.Sonic Generations isn’t quite a decade old yet, and plenty of people liked it. Sonic Mania (which really doesn’t focus too much on the story) was very good. The Sonic games aren’t doomed, but more of them need the love and attention Mario games get.

    • 9021090210-av says:

      That’s not true at all. Sonic hasn’t been story focused since Sonic Adventure 2. That was 2001, almost 20 years ago, buddy.

  • cakeisdelicious-andnotalie-av says:

    This is the 2nd time I have seen this trailer. New Sonic and old Sonic aside – this movie looks like abject trash

  • boijoki-av says:

    There!Was that so fucking hard?!Still looks like a shit film though. Lol

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “One last render and the model should be .. what the? How did Henry Cavill’s moustache end up on Sonic?”

  • haikuwarrior-av says:

    I still think the bullet time scene at the end is the most offensive part of this whole disaster.

  • hudsonsnephew-av says:

    They should have stuck to their guns. My interest in seeing a perfectly well done kids movie adaptation of this franchise has always been zero. My interest in seeing the abomination promised by the first trailer was equivalent to my interest in watching a twelve-car pile-up when it’s right in front of me. They were gonna get my ticket money, guaranteed.That said… The Tim-Burtonesque CG rodent was so far from being the worst thing about this movie… So I really don’t know what they’re thinking. After spending all that time, money, and humiliation fixing their horror-Muppet into a bland cartoon, they’re still going to have a bad movie, it’s just going to be less transendent in how bad it is. I’ll take The Room over Air Bud any day.

  • flyingwasp-av says:

    I guess they decided Pumas weren’t canon? 

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