The Uncharted trailer sees Tom Holland falling out of a plane in search of treasure

The long-awaited adaptation of the video games is finally—finally!—coming to theaters, with the Spider-Man star and Mark Wahlberg leading the way

Aux News Uncharted
The Uncharted trailer sees Tom Holland falling out of a plane in search of treasure
Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland in Uncharted Screenshot: Sony

There may not be any giant rotating rooms that slowly explode in a burst of long-buried light, but let’s give it time: After it leaked last night, Sony has officially released the trailer for Uncharted, the big-screen adaptation of the popular video game series. And before you say, “Wait a minute, that guy looks awfully young to be the craggy and weathered adventurer Nathan Drake,” let’s go ahead and confirm that, yes, this is a prequel. Hollywood, thy name is predictable.

Still! For those who have followed the 13-year journey to the cinema of Nathan, Sully, Chloe, and more, it’s exciting to finally see this thing come to fruition.

True, it’s not the Nathan Fillion-starring version we initially envisioned (guess he’ll have to settle for that fun fan-made short film he did), nor the brief time we thought Mark Wahlberg might play Nathan Drake (blessings) before returning to play Sully. But it actually exists, which we genuinely doubted might ever happen.

Tom Holland, though younger than the character fans have come to know (or older, if you count all the flashback sequences from Uncharted 4), makes for a solid adventurer-to-be, as the trailer implies we’ll see him go from bartender and amateur historian to globe-trotting hero in a matter of days (hours?).

Here, Wahlberg’s Sully recruits him to hunt for a long-lost treasure, because that’s what these guys do. It’s not long before we’re plunged straight into Drake’s endless parade of close calls, booby traps, and exotic destinations that constitute the typical work week for this guy.

Directed by Zombieland and Venom helmer Ruben Fleischer and co-starring Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle, and Antonio Banderas, Uncharted is scheduled to cry “no, no, no, no!” as it tumbles into theaters February 18, 2022. Hopefully Holland’s Drake makes it out of that whole “waking up falling from the sky à la the beginning of Predators” scenario.


  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    I never thought I would say this about a character named “Sully” being played by a guy from Boston, but I still just don’t get the Marky Mark casting for that role.

    • hankdolworth-av says:

      They decided Wahlberg was too old for the lead role (particularly if they intended sequels, so they cast him in the mentor role despite his looking nearly half the age of the character he’s supposed to be portraying.Honestly, I think the casting would have been worse had they tried to grey Marky Mark’s hair and make him physically resemble Sully from the games.

    • imodok-av says:

      I never thought I would say this about a character named “Sully” being played by a guy from Boston, but I still just don’t get the Marky Mark casting for that role.
      The filmmakers needed a white guy with the right age range and tough guy persona, who was associated with action roles and still considered a box office draw, but was willing to take supporting part in a franchise. I guess Josh Brolin was busy.

  • meinstroopwafel-av says:

    So, the usual ‘Hollywood is singularly terrible at figuring out how to adapt video games’ situation is probably afoot, but I have to say that any modern Naughty Dog game would probably be better as a movie than a game anyhow, given their heavy focus on cinematic storytelling and setpieces and sort of breaking their own logic through the gameplay (Nathan Drake: lovable rogue fighting bad guys. Also Nathan Drake: probably personally murdering more people than the supposed antagonist of the game. He kills like six times Indiana Jones’ Nazi totals in a single mission sometimes. And it’s really weird to go from shrugging off a half-clip of an automatic weapon to being deathly afraid of the bad guy with a gun in cinematic.)

  • gumbercules1-av says:

    Sully: “Hey Drake. Say hi to your brother for me.”

  • laserface1242-av says:
    • hootiehoo2-av says:

      His best role ever. Like it’s not even close (he was good in the departed) but he was off the charts great in The Other Guys. 

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        I fucking love his risingly-concerned, but still politely-restrained “Allan…!” when Hal starts creeping on him. That’s a perfect line delivery right there. And even Ershon’s PA introduces the pair as “Sir, Detective Gamble and the officer who shot Derek Jeter are here to see you.”

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        I liked him in the Italian Job remake. The character suited him well.

      • terrorhawk-av says:

        He’s even better in I Heart Huckabees.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        i’m partial to boogie nights or three kings, but in general when he steps out of his comfort zone (the other guys, i heart huckabees, even something like pain & gain) he rises to the can tell he works harder when he knows he’s not the most important person on set.

  • batchtots-av says:

    We’re finally here.

  • capnjack2-av says:

    Never played the games, but as a movie it actually looks like a lot of fun, mostly by nature of having an Indiana Jones type who is the opposite of worldly and cynical. Fresh-faced, naive Tom Holland bumbling his way through jungle setpieces sounds kind of great if a bit stupid. 

    • nilus-av says:

      It helps that Tom Holland can move like an action star.   Sure he looks young and is not buff as hell but you can see his dance training and his experience with being Spider-man here.  

  • actionactioncut-av says:

    Every time I hear about this, I’m like, “Oh, that’s still happening?” They have a full on trailer now; this is actually going to come out. With Mark Wahlberg as Sully. Mark Wahlberg. Someone thought that casting made sense!

    • ronniebarzel-av says:

      They have a full on trailer now; this is actually going to come out.Not necessarily. We have trailers for “Don’t” and “Werewolf Women of the SS,” but neither film has shown up for more than 10 years.

  • argiebargie-av says:


  • isaacasihole-av says:

    “Sully doesn’t have any friends, I should know, I’m one of them.”…Wait, so he does have friends?

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Looks fun enough.

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    Yeah, I’m sorry. Tom Holland comes off as Peter Parker still, while Mark Wahlberg comes off as the real Nathan Drake. I like Tom Holland, but he doesn’t come off as the lovable rogue. A little more like Morty.

    • willoughbystain-av says:

      Toms don’t make lovable rogues. I am a Tom so I can say that. Exhibit A; Tom Hiddleston in Skull Island.

  • destron-combatman-av says:

    This looks like absolute dogshit, and while I initially enjoyed this kid… his range (or lack of) is getting very, very obvious.

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    Uncharted is one of my favorite video game franchises so I wanted to hate everything involved here but dammit, it melted my cynical heart.That said, casting a mustache-less Wahlberg as Sully is still an incredible unforced error.

  • nilus-av says:

    I never played the games, now that they are coming to PC is it worth trying them?

    • ronniebarzel-av says:

      Sure! I think it’s…4 and ‘Lost Legacy’?…coming to PC, right? Both are really good, and LL, shortish that it may be, is actually cool in a “proof of concept” way of how the series could go more open-world in the future.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      They’re fun, if you enjoy a lot of climbing.

    • robert-denby-av says:

      The Uncharted games are like playing an Indiana Jones movie. They have some of the best-written and -performed dialogue in all of gaming.

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        …so they completely miss the point of gaming?

        • gdtesp-av says:

          Gaming has a singular, defined point?Let people enjoy things.

        • theunnumberedone-av says:

          This is literally one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen anybody willfully put to words.

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            Have a fucking cry about it.“I want games to be more like movies because movies have the cultural and artistic credibility I wish gaming had but being a left-brained dire nerd I have no idea how to do that in games, so I’ll just copy an established artform.”- Every fucking basement-dweller who thinks the best thing for games is to become movies. 

        • robert-denby-av says:

          They sure do. There’s no ability to yell racist or homophobic slurs at your fellow players, much less the ability to sic a SWAT team on them. It’s like do you even game bro?

        • davedrummer88-av says:

          yeah dude games can’t have stories. 

    • brunonicolai-av says:

      I really don’t think 4 is worth playing if you haven’t played 1-3 first since the game is so heavily story-driven, and it’s got a ton of wrapping up of storylines and fanservice. It doesn’t sound to me like anything before 4 is coming out on PC, which doesn’t make much sense to me. It’s a somewhat fun game on its own merits, but at least half the appeal are the characters and you’d really be missing out starting with 4.

    • castigere-av says:

      They are incredibly fun and, to me, have always played as interactive movies rather than games. The dialogue and backstory continues through many playable sections.  Good stuff.

    • doubleudoubleudoubleudotpartycitydotpig-av says:

      not remotely. there’s nothing in the gameplay that actually makes the brain light up. the encounter design is rote, point-n-click shooting galleries where you can’t do anything too fancy because all the weapons are hitscan (thus forcing you to hide behind cover every 15 seconds so your health can recharge) and in between encounters is the same “look for the white ledges and follow them” navigation time-waster copy-pasted about 40-50 times a game. you do the exact same things in hour 1 of the first game as you do in hour 10 of the last. but it looks pretty so i guess that’s convinced everyone that it’s good!

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    To old to have a perm?Not only does that not make sense, in and of itself, but… Marky Mark doesn’t have a perm.

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    I like Holland but I hate Wahlberg. The question is, do I like Holland more than I hate Wahlberg?

  • ronniebarzel-av says:

    After pouring one out for Victor Goddamn Sullivan’s mustache, I have to confess to being pleasantly…not irritated by this trailer. Sure, I’ll go see it.

  • beer-on-the-sun-av says:

    PS5 graphics look amazing!

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Not enough killing. Every Uncharted game has a main villain who has somehow hired about 500 armed mercenaries to help them find a piece of treasure, and Nathan Drake kills every. single. one.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    I’m still waiting for Cara Loft: Tomb Restorer coming this fall from MSNBC!

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    it’’s a good trailer i’ll give them that. i still remember when this movie was gonna star hugh jackman!

  • refinedbean-av says:


  • thebillmcneal-av says:

    Irregardless of how this turns out, I’ll always have that Uncharted fan film with Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake and Stephen Lang as Sully.

    • skipskatte-av says:

      As good as Nathan Fillion was in that fan film, he’s definitely too old for the role. That was from four years ago and even then Fillion ran like a middle-aged guy being very careful about his knees.

    • amaltheaelanor-av says:

      Stephen Lang was truly an inspired pick for Sully.

  • mdiller64-av says:

    Looks like they’re going with CG stunts, rather than trying to beat “Mission Impossible” at its own game. That leap back into the airplane cargo hold from a bundle dangling out the back would, if attempted by a stuntman, have resulted in an “in loving memory” section in the credits of the finished film.

  • mattyreads-av says:

    Nothing says ‘this movie was a video game’ like having your main character platform-jump his way across giant crates falling out of an airplane.

    I’m so excited for this movie.

  • jasethomas-av says:

    Not super sold on Marky Mark as Sully, but damn did they nail the casting of Chloe or what?

  • worthlesslester-av says:

    I’ m here for this, looks fun. There’s just no way you can jump back into a plane like that.

  • jasethomas-av says:

    The Uncharted franchise are my favorite games of all time, and surprisingly, this looks okay. Not sold on Sully here, but I really like the casting of Tom Holland as a young Nate. Dude’s good at climbing stuff.

  • phonypope-av says:

    “I’m looking at an alien armada that will destroy Earth or those nachos aren’t agreeing with me. Your call”

  • bluesalamone-av says:

    The promise of this entire endeavor deflates with the words “from the director of Gangster Squad and that sh*t first Venom movie”

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    Never played the games (sorry Sony fans, I’m with Xbox) so I’ve not no frame of reference for this, but it looks pretty good. Are the Uncharted games similar to the Laura Croft games, because that’s the vibe this gave off.

    • worldwideleaderintakes-av says:

      You’re not too far off. There’s probably more Indiana Jones in the DNA, but there’s definitely a reason some have labeled these games “Dude Raider.”

  • arrowe77-av says:

    I like Tom Holland but he looks miscast. I really don’t like Mark Wahlberg and he also looks miscast.I’m not a huge Chris Pratt fan – I don’t think he has a lot of range – but Nathan Drake would probably be more in his wheelhouse. Depending on the age not being a factor, of course.

  • mbburner-av says:

    Trailer looks entertaining. The hard part about taking Tom Holland seriously in an action lead role is not just his looks, but his voice as well. Neither of those are his fault, but it just is.
    The weird thing is that although Nathan Fillion seemed to have the personality for the role, he had aged/weighted out of the physical part of the role since his Firefly days.

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    That looks kinda cool, but it makes me want to go play Uncharted 3 more than anything else.

  • tjsproblemsolvers-av says:

    That was a chore to watch, to be honest.It just doesn’t look fun.

  • amaltheaelanor-av says:

    The games are a riff on Indiana Jones for sure, but they also have a lot of emotional depth to them. Especially in the third and fourth games. And that’s something I worry that the films just won’t know how to capture.So much of what makes Nathan Drake came from Nolan North. And I’m certainly not against letting different artists bring something to the table. But nothing about the years in development hell says to me that Sony is really pretty much at all concerned with making sure they do right by the characters. And that’s my biggest concern with Tom Holland: I don’t think he was cast because people felt he was right for the character; I think he was cast because he’s a hot young new talent that the studio hopes will bring in money by being the headline to multiple of their franchises.The fact that they hung onto Mark Wahlberg (after initially casting him to play Drake) to play Sully instead, regardless of whether or not he’s actually going to be a good pick for either role, doesn’t give me a lot of confidence.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i don’t even think he was cast. i think sony wanted to stay in the tom holland business post-spider-man and gave him a list of properties, he picked uncharted.wahlberg was probably still under contract so they just rolled him into the sully role now that someone so much younger was drake.

      • amaltheaelanor-av says:

        Yeah, I do seem to recall that Sony just basically handed him the role because he asked for it.Aaaaaand that’s why I’m not really all that wild about Tom Holland.

  • pocrow-av says:

    More Tati Gabrielle is spectacular news. She was woefully under-used in Sabrina.

  • darkmoonex-av says:

    I was interested until I saw Mark Wahlberg was in it. He’s one of those actors I refuse to watch due to how big a shitheel he is in his personal life. Oh well, guess I’ll wait for the next adaptation…

  • taylorswiftsscarf-av says:

    I guess the wait for a really good video game adaptation continues. This looks truly awful, and not even in a dumb fun kind of way.It’s all up to “The Last of Us”

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