Tom Holland pulls off some Spider-Man moves in this new trailer for Uncharted

The video game adaptation's latest trailer shows why Holland is playing both Peter Parker and Nathan Drake

Film News Uncharted
Tom Holland pulls off some Spider-Man moves in this new trailer for Uncharted
Uncharted Screenshot: Sony Pictures/YouTube

The enormous box office success of Spider-Man: No Way Home seems to have convinced Sony of one thing: This Tom Holland kid is a STAR! Why else would the studio go years without saying anything about its Holland-starring Uncharted movie and then release two trailers in relatively quick succession? The first one came out in October, the second one came out today, and the movie isn’t even in theaters for another two months. We’re not talking about Spider-Man here, where audiences might salivating for every little drop of news. It’s Uncharted! The guy climbs things and then falls and then says “no no no no!”

But hey, speaking of the web-head, Holland gets to show off some spectacularly Spider-Man-esque moves here. It’s all flipping and quipping and spinning, and if not for the fact that Uncharted guy Nathan Drake uses a gun, you might think Holland is playing… pretty much the same guy. The dynamic between him and Mark Wahlberg, playing Drake’s buddy Sully, seems like it will be a big deciding factor in how successful this movie is, and the bits of banter in this trailer a fairly encouraging.

The “helicopters carrying two ancient ships through the air” setpiece seems a little harder to swallow, but that’s the kind of goofy nonsense that would happen in a video game, so sure. Why not? It seems fun! In a similar vein, the video games have a tendency to go supernatural at some point, and there’s still no indication of the movie doing that in this new trailer, so maybe Sony and director Ruben Fleischer are trying to keep that under wraps for now.

Uncharted is a prequel to the video game series of the same name, and in addition to Holland and Wahlberg, it stars Sophia Ali, Tati Garbielle, and Antonio Banderas.


  • gaidin-av says:

    The “helicopters carrying two ancient ships through the air” setpiece
    seems a little harder to swallow, but that’s the kind of goofy nonsense
    that would happen in a video game, so sure. Why not?

    Ships of the line weighed in at 1,500 tons, plus whatever they carried. Which is about 100x more than the skycrane can carry…(21 tons). While I’m pretty sure what we’re looking at isn’t as big as a ship of the line, it probably is a lot bigger than 21 tons either way…Still…we see worse in every Indiana Jones movie… Trends continue.

  • amaltheaelanor-av says:

    It’ll be interesting to see how this pans out. Because we don’t live in an era of stars – we live in an era of stars playing specific characters. RDJ does not sell movies – RDJ as Tony Stark sells movies. (See: Dolittle, The Judge, Due Date).Nothing in Holland’s recent repertoire outside the MCU speaks to me as someone who can sell movies outside of Spider-man. Since Uncharted isn’t perhaps as well known outside gaming circles, I could see a lot of laypeople asking: “What’s this? He’s Spider-man but not Spider-man? What’s Uncharted?” People turn out in droves for Marvel movies because they’ve built a brand. I remain skeptical that Tom Holland Star Power will be enough to turn this into a success, but maybe I’ll be proven wrong.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      There’s definitely something missing with this SM. And he’s 25???

    • drkschtz-av says:

      That’s a really interesting point about the era of star characters rather than star actors. I’d like to hear more.

      • amaltheaelanor-av says:

        I don’t know if you’re being facetious…but from limited view and understanding of it, I know the film industry tends to go through phases as to what sells (stars, studios, genres, directors, brands, etc). Right now is obviously very much a franchise phase. By and large, what’s most reliably getting people to see movies are the next Star Wars, the next Marvel, the next Batman, etc. I would perhaps credit RDJ’s popularity as Iron Man perhaps as the foundation; it built him into a star – one of the biggest in the world. But people love him only as Iron Man. This is a massive shift from how it’s been in the past. If you list off some of what would be considered some of the biggest movie stars in the world over the past few years (George Clooney, Jennifer Lawrence, Matt Damon…) their movies don’t tend to be very bankable.I would add that this is what hurt the Fox X-Men movies. They were relying on Hugh Jackman – but it was Hugh Jackman as Wolverine that was popular (Hugh Jackman on his own doesn’t tend to sell almost anything else nearly as well). Once he was gone, they tried to shift Jennifer Lawrence to the center to help the films sell…except almost no one loved Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique, and everything that made her a mega-star was entirely separate from X-Men. Which is one of the reasons why Apocalypse in particular (and even Dark Phoenix) failed: people aren’t going to see a movie just because Jennifer Lawrence is all over the posters. (Fans will watch lots of interviews and have long conversations about how relatable she is in her public persona; but we turned out in droves to see Hunger Games, not Jennifer Lawrence specifically.)
        This is also why I’m so skeptical about Uncharted. It’s not a brand or a franchise that’s recognizeable to most people (those outside of gamers, anyway). And they have no idea who Nathan Drake is, let alone if they should care about him – never mind that the Spider-man kid is playing him. Sure, No Way Home has already made gobs of money; but I would credit that more to factors like the popularity of Spider-man as a character and the reliability of the franchise (and sure, there are people who love Tom Holland as the character). But Tom Holland the movie star? No, that’s not why it already made a lot of money.All of which is to say…I think Uncharted will have an underwhelming box office performance. And Sony will express lots of public confusion at the results, because studios are having a hard time understanding and adapting to this stars-as-specific-characters era that we’re in (for good or ill).

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Tom Holland makes a fine Spider-Man, but his greatest role is Zendaya’s boyfriend.

      • sui_generis-av says:

        LOL.“Boyfriend”I think he’s her “boyfriend” in that same old tradition of Hollywood publicity machines putting fake couples together. She’s got a very beard-y quality to her and their interactions seem stiff and staged-as-hell.“Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

  • robert-denby-av says:

    Looking forward to Antonio Banderas as the bad guy.

  • igotsuped-av says:

    Mark Wahlberg was born to play a guy named Sully.

  • dr-boots-list-av says:

    Someone’s clearly hoping this series will be Tom Holland’s Indy to his MCU Spider-Man. But I don’t think Tom Holland is on Harrison Ford’s level of leading mannishness. He’s a leading mannish boy at best.

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    I think it’s better than the first trailer. And Mark Wahlberg still comes off more like Drake. Holland still comes off as Spiderman. But I realize since he’s not wearing a mask, all those facial expressions he makes in action sequences makes me take him less seriously as Drake. I am more interested in seeing the movie after seeing this trailer. But Mark Wahlberg is what sold it to me. I wonder if he’s just going to steal the show and outstage Holland, and people will leave liking the movie but liked it for Sully than Drake. I’m really left with the feeling that Holland was miscast. If they made a sequel and replaced Tom Holland it wouldn’t bother me.

  • domino708-av says:

    I take offense to the movie being called Uncharted when it clearly has a map in it.

  • top4s-av says:

    There was the best moment fight on the roof

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