There's still no new Switch, but Nintendo did announce a new Metroid game today

Metroid Dread is coming to the Nintendo Switch, along with an Advance Wars remake

Games News Nintendo
There's still no new Switch, but Nintendo did announce a new Metroid game today
Metroid Dread Screenshot: YouTube

There are few better ways to expose yourself as a complete and utter fool than by trying to predict what Nintendo will do in any given situation, since it really seems like the kind of company that digs through Twitter and Reddit to find what people want just so it can do the opposite thing and trick them into wanting that instead (how else would you explain the 3DS?), so we’re simultaneously surprised and not surprised at all that Nintendo’s 2021 E3 presentation has come and gone without any mention of a new, more powerful version of the Switch console. We described the new Switch as a “very poorly kept secret” back in May when we guessed that it would be announced soon, because we are fools, but no. If it is a poorly kept secret, Nintendo’s still going to hold onto it for now.

That being said, Nintendo did have some cool and exciting things to share today, including new footage of the sequel to The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild and the announcement of a remake of Advance Wars, but the most exciting new thing just might have been the reveal of Metroid Dread—a game that Nintendo is describing as “the first new entry of the 2D Metroid saga in more than 19 years.” Metroid Fusion on the Game Boy Advance came out in November of 2002, and since then there’s just been remakes of the first two Metroid games (not counting the first-person Metroid Prime series and the excommunicated Metroid: Other M hybrid game). Speaking of the first-person Metroid Prime series, Nintendo announced a new one of those in 2019, but it’s been nowhere to be seen since then.

But hey, new 2D Metroid! Available on October 8 of this year! It looks cool, because 2D Metroid always looks cool, even if the new Resident Evil Nemesis-style enemies don’t seem especially exciting. Really, most of the excitement comes from the fact that nobody could’ve predicted Nintendo would do something like this again, which brings us back to that whole “only a fool would try to predict what Nintendo will do” thing. You can see the Metroid Dread trailer up above, and below this you can see Nintendo’s full presentation.


  • genialblackman-av says:

    I wonder if Nintendo remembered it was Metroid’s 35th anniversary and commemorated thusly. LOLI’m happy this game exists. Looking forward to getting a Switch and firing up a new Metroid game.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      I’m waiting for the Switch to drop in price and my son to get a little more mature. I’m not sure either one is going to happen though. 

  • jhelterskelter-av says:

    “Sorry that we don’t have news on Prime 4, I guess you’ll get a game you’ve wanted since 2002.”

  • yodathepeskyelf-av says:


    Now if Konami would lease Castlevania to someone capable…

  • sticklermeeseek-av says:

    When people say new Switch, do they mean a whole new console or an upgrade? If it’s the latter, who the hell cares?

    • r31ya-av says:

      Its still all speculation. We have no idea whether it’ll be NSwitch Pro or NSwitch 2. In one hand, seeing NDS and all of its incremental upgrade, this maybe NSwitch Pro. Tough seeing limitation of current SoC (NSwitch is using ARM CPU from the problematic Snapdragon 810 era), Nintendo might need to just jump all the way to NSwitch 2 all together next year, ending NSwitch main sales time at 6 year.
      But current NSwitch still outsold both PS5 and Xbox X/S combined sales. Its selling like hotcakes which maybe cause Nintendo not to divulge anything that may hamper that sales. Like a new console that may cause new buyer to hold out not to buy NSwitch.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      I care, I’ve been holding out for an upgrade.

  • seanpiece-av says:

    I jokingly suggested that this Direct would skip right past Metroid Prime 4 and announce Metroid Prime 5. I was partly right.

    I’m actually more hyped for this than another Prime installment, to be honest. I love just a little dash of survival-horror in Metroid. And I’m all about Samus’ new look. Just let me buy the amiibos before the scalpers get them all, please.

  • thatguy0verthere-av says:

    why would you need a new switch?

  • cleretic-av says:

    There has literally been no evidence that Nintendo are or ever have been working on a new Switch, and yet the internet keeps saying ‘oh yeah the Switch Pro is coming and will be announced at the next big thing’.The Switch Pro is the internet collectively making up a guy, and then getting mad that he didn’t turn up to fight them in a Wendy’s parking lot. At what point do we accept that it’s not happening?

    • r31ya-av says:

      The only actual “evidence” is that Nintendo is prepping to buy some 7″ OLED screen. The rest is mostly speculation.The most recent rumor being there is a new serial number for NVIDIA Orin based SoC pops out. It causes everybody to guess whether Nintendo going to use Orin based SoC

    • Axetwin-av says:

      lol ikr.  Ahead of ever major gaming convention over the past 2 years “leaks have confirmed” that Nintendo will announce the Switch Pro.  And then the convention happens, and nope it didn’t get revealed.  By this point, I don’t get how people still fall for this rumor each and every time.

      • cleretic-av says:

        The best part is that you KNOW the response if they ever do release the Switch Pro will be these exact people getting mad that it somehow doesn’t match what they’ve convinced themselves was leaked.

    • Djab-av says:

      May be because Nvidia is stopping the production of the current Nintendo Switch SoC.So if no new Switch is released, there will be at least an upgraded model.

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