This 3D home tour is the best accidental video game of 2020

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This 3D home tour is the best accidental video game of 2020
Home Tour of 8800 Blue Lick Rd. Screenshot: Redfin

“Find the bathtub.” That’s the simple goal behind a fascinating new game devised after a 3D walkthrough of a Louisville, Kent., home went viral on Twitter. “Uh. Found this in a Facebook group; the person who posted said ‘tour in 3D, try to find the bathtub’ …enjoy?” reads a Tweet from actor and writer Jenny Jaffe. The home tour starts off basic enough, a voyeuristic peek into a cluttered home at 8800 Blue Lick Rd. But as the search for the tub continues, the tour turns into something so much more. We will discuss more about the 3D walkthrough below, but we really advise just clicking the link and exploring for yourself. [UPDATE: Because it’s 2020, it appears the walkthrough has been taken down. We did find this YouTube capture of it though]

While “playing” what we are now calling 8800 Blue Lick Rd. (named for the address of the property on display), you begin on the ground floor…we think. Part of the difficulty of 8800 is how easy it is to get turned around in the residence, which you quickly discover is a labyrinth with unexpected hidden depths—perfect for The A.V Club’s Horrors Week. The first sign of something amiss (aside from the massive amount of Rockstar energy drink on the first level), is the double toilets in the bathroom. From there, it begins to become clear that this is actually a workplace of sorts, with multiple group bathrooms and giant rooms filled with random items.

For the property listing on Redfin, the realtor does their best to sell this…unique property: “Church, School, Daycare, Home business this home has been it all. This unique home is just what you are looking for. Two kitchens, a private living space and many more surprises. This is a must see. The pictures do not tell the full story.” It’s listed as having 3 beds, 4 baths, but also acknowledges that “all information provided are [sic] only about the first building.”

We assume that the property is currently being used as an Amazon middleman business—people who buy items at wholesale pricing and then resell them individually online. But who knows? We spent more than 10 minutes trying to find that damn tub and got turned around more than once, to the point that it got a little creepy.

We have a theory of where the tub might be, but don’t want to ruin your fun if you’re going to explore it yourself. Feel free to leave your theories (or your success) in the comments.

Since there are apparently more buildings on this property, we look forward to the sequel game.


  • alexmclevy-av says:

    Just when I was about to give up, I won. It’s exactly where I didn’t expect it to be. Stick with it, Patrick! I know you can beat this thing!

    • Spoooon-av says:

      Found it! It was next to the rack of Girls Gone Wild DVDs! Duh, where else would you keep it?

      • vladdrak1-av says:

        It’s funny ‘cuz it’s true. That seems like more of a shower, though.

      • ahildy9815-av says:

        I thought you were kidding…And that’s quite a bathtub.

        • cdeck-av says:

          The building used to be a church… that’s the adult baptismal font converted into a shower.

          • ahildy9815-av says:

            Interesting! Wonder if they moved it too, seems like most baptismal font’s are usually in the center of the room?

          • hosadikos-av says:

            Yeah I was wondering the same thing when I saw it. It’s not an intricate one but its certainly a large one.

          • ahildy9815-av says:

            Nevermind, walls were built on the “shower head” side, which backs up to the zebra chair desk. From there you’d walk down the stairs straight out the church doors.

          • triohead-av says:

            Yeah, I’ve been in a church like this, these ‘full-immersion’ baptismal fonts are usually behind the altar and the baptised would enter from one of the side rooms.

          • majordawlish-av says:

            That explains a lot. I was going to say that I’ve never seen a step-down bathtub before, especially one with steps on both ends. Also explains why there are two adjacent restrooms with no tub/shower and with three toilets and one urinal.

        • noturtles-av says:

          Yes indeed. I was hoping it would be an interesting bathtub, to justify the tour, and was not disappointed.

        • dianebk-av says:

          It’s the only clean thing in the whole building. Sparkling, in fact. What’s up with that? It’s like there’s a serial killer in the building who scrubs clean the scene of a dismemberment to remove the evidence.Oh god, he’s in the building! And you can’t get out!

      • triohead-av says:

        next to the rack of Girls Gone Wild DVDsi.e. the former sacristy.

    • polkablues-av says:

      I successfully found the bathtub, but then I decided to try and navigate back to the starting point and gave up after ten solid minutes of wandering in circles. This thing triggered a claustrophobia I didn’t even know I had.

      • dianebk-av says:

        Exactly what happened to me. Circles and dead ends and gradually increasing anxiety. Like the walls kept shifting so I couldn’t find the doors. I swear it felt like some of the hallways were elongating as I tried to get out.That thing is a natural setup for a game. Somebody talented should start modding right away.

    • whoistheleader2-av says:

      At first I thought it was some sort of food pantry that left all its stuff behind. Then I found the, errr, prison shower in what at first I thought was a baptism pool behind the porn stash. Yeah, ummmm, what was this place?

    • lagrapadora-av says:

      All I have to say about that tub is, “whoa”.

    • seancurry-av says:

      Yup. Makes perfect sense… if you’re a crazy person.

  • unfromcool-av says:

    This house(?) gave me so much anxiety going through it. Like, I know it’s not a “game”, but I kept expecting something to pop out. There’s so much more “story” here than I was expecting. Like, you enter a bedroom and just see a loose DVD on a bookshelf, all by its lonesome, and you think “what’s the deal with that?” and then you FIND OUT.I did find the tub. Or, what I can approximate is the tub. This place is evil. Pure evil. I feel like I just watched The Ring.

    • cmunch-av says:

      Yes! I got those same tingles I get playing Amnesia or Alien every time I turned a corner.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      It did feel like one of those “Look really hard at the dot with your speakers on! then BOO!” jump scare flash ‘games’ from 2003, didnt it?

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      I imagine this house accurately sums up Kentucky. 

    • ahildy9815-av says:

      Come on, could these guys really be “evil”?

    • MitchHavershell-av says:

      I started feeling a little panicky when I went in a loop with the two basement staircases. You think you’re going back to the main level, but nope, just more boxes. Then I started wondering what would happen if the boxes fell over on me, or if there was a fire. And how many cats actually lived in there? I only saw the one, but you’re not convincing me there’s ONLY ONE cat.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      It would be really hard to design a video game haunted house at this level. Right in the living room there’s a spot where a portrait of two almost identical men is propped against a bookcase beside a discarded NES cartridge. Silent Hill, eat your heart out. 

    • literallyabear-av says:

      It gave me anxiety, but not because I thought things would pop out. It’s because there were times when I literally got lost in the house and felt like there was no way out. Endlessly walking through the corridors of the warehouse room with no egress.

  • solamentedave-av says:

    Yep. Found it, but it’s not at all where I would have thought it would be. Plus, it seems to be more of a baptismal pool, converted to use as a shower. The description does say this place was used as a church, so who knows? There are some odd DVDs here. I’m looking at you, “Bad Meat” and “Have a New Husband by Friday.”

  • bristlingbeard-av says:

    My favorite part was finding the young clown, though I’ll never guess how it managed to know my name.

  • thecapn3000-av says:

    open houses gone wild!

  • cakeisdelicious-andnotalie-av says:

    I found the best part of the house!

  • conan-in-ireland-av says:

    There’s already a speedrun on youtube:

  • ironheadsthingy-av says:

    There are news articles indicating the owners of the house were charged with selling stolen merchandise, which tracks.

  • thwarted666-av says:

    loving the double toilets in one bathroom

  • barstron-av says:

    Find ‘Spring in Tokyo Barbie’.
    I discovered all four baths (2 were a Ladies and Mens Room – what are the devices on the tripods? – of the 2 ‘standard’ bathrooms, 1 is marked ‘men’).
    Wow, did that help distract from ye old Zoom meeting.

  • apollomojave-av says:

    Now I know how Navidson felt descending further and further into the unending labyrinth. I suppose the bathtub takes the place of the minotaur?Also on a more serious note anyone who buys this place had better put in a term that the place has to be professionally cleaned prior to completion and holdback ~$20k until that condition is fulfilled lol.

  • chriska-av says:

    its totally cheating, but the 3d walkthrough has a “floor plan” mode. it DOES NOT help you figure out whats going on with this house.

    also, i can smell that place.

  • tuscedero-av says:

    I’m not sure if what I found counts as a tub (more like a gym shower in a pit), but once that pale blue death trap revealed itself I immediately closed the tour window. It was such a relief to be out of there.

    • bluemoonafternoon-av says:

      It’s too late. You are now cursed to roam a 3D house tour in search of a blue bathtub within an ever-expanding labyrinthine home of unopened Girls Gone Wild DVDs and oddly placed toilets!

    • drachmajack-av says:

      The building used to be a church. It’s a full immersion adult baptism font converted into a shower.

  • dbradshaw314-av says:

    Maybe the true bathtub is the friends we made along the way.

  • bs-leblanc-av says:

    So this is what a bootlegger’s house looks like in the ‘20s, huh?

  • michaelmmoore-av says:

    Well, I guess I don’t know how to play, because I somehow jumped outside, then back inside on the 2nd floor, then I found the bathtub right away. So I won? Outside was somehow spookier than inside.

  • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

    Those figurines though :/

  • dannylikestv-av says:

    I was most reminded of old PC games when I accidentally ended up outside, unsure of how to return to where I was supposed to be. Like how when time runs out in “3D Body” and you’re just warped out of the body and into an empty hospital and can go to the parking lot and stuff. anybody know what i’m talking about?

  • diakrino-av says:

    Bonus Game: Find the Cat

  • diakrino-av says:

    Bonus game: Find the cat

  • dianebk-av says:

    I have a few thoughts:1. What a dump!2. It’s a creepy dump.3. It’s a frikkin’ maze of a dump. I’m still trying to find my way out. I’m not kidding – I’ve passed that zebra-skin desk chair about a half dozen times now.4. Found the bathtub! 5. KITTY!6. I felt like I was in a game. I kept wanting to click on things to pick them up. Can I add it to my inventory? Will I need it later? WHAT’S THE STORY??

    • zequio-av says:

      wow…. best game ever.

    • Emuc-av says:

      Good find! Though that news article was in 2014.
      Why wasn’t that stuff all bagged up as evidence?

      • Spoooon-av says:

        The thing I’m hung up on? Even if – oh lets say 5% of everything we see is stolen goods, how did they do it? Dear god, they must have had the stickiest of sticky fingers!

        • Emuc-av says:

          Maybe they had a man (or woman) on the inside. Employee loads a pallet of goods and takes it out the side entrance or loading dock to load onto a truck. I mean look at those cardboard boxes that had titles taped to the front. I don’t think it’s a dvd or two down the baggy 90’s style jeans.

    • joewright-av says:

      Oh wow that explains so much

    • upstatefan-av says:

      “Organized” Crime? Objection your honor!

  • emorymorningstar-av says:

    The creepiest part is the 80s shopping mall picture of the twins in the top main bedroom and the reeeeally narrow bedroom with a lone dvd on the shelf.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    I was more disturbed by the bathroom with two toilets. No, not in stalls, just side by side so you can take a crap with a friend.

    • nilus-av says:

      With labels on them.  The pics aren’t clear enough to read what they say and the mystery will haunt me for all my days

    • grannyshifter-av says:

      I was even more disturbed by the piece of regular old carpet under the urinal in the other men’s room. Best case scenario is that its part of a booby trap and is just lo0sely covering a deep pit.

    • bluemoonafternoon-av says:

      Sometimes, during these difficult times, like a bowel movement, one needs a hand to hold for comfort.

    • gdtesp-av says:

      Basic training. Was like that. Toilets lined up close like they would be in stalls, but no walls. It was weird at first, but you adjusted.When I got to my first duty station (that had private doody stations) taking a dump felt lonely.

  • treerol2-av says:

    What a creepy House.Edit: If only that link showed up blue…

  • nilus-av says:

    I know this sorta house sadly from experience with mentally ill family. This is what the house looks like of the people who sell shit at flea markets. They buy tons of crap in bulk from places going out of business or make trades with other flea market people and end up with just boxes and boxes of shit. In their mind its millions in unsold stock but who wants old DVDS of movies no one heard of. I had an uncle who passed away who did this for years and years. Cleaning out his house was hell, we were filling multiple dumpsters a day with crap for a week to get it all thrown out and I don’t want to tell you the shit we saw crawl and scurry out when you moved enough boxes. After we got everything out the house had to be contemned.Edit: someone posted a new article saying this was a stolen property being flipped but who the hell steals crates of DVDs!?

    • ahildy9815-av says:

      I don’t really think stolen as much as pirated? Or just bootleg shit. They’re making some kind of discs here:

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Clearly someone with excellent taste:

    • bthomp01-av says:

      but who wants old DVDS of movies no one heard of.I think you underestimate how much random shit you can sell on Amazon if you list it as the cheapest item and just let it sit. I doubt there’s anything in that house that’ll go for much, but if you listed all of it I’m sure you’d be making dozens of sales a day. I have friends who hobby-flip stuff out of thrift stores and they’ll randomly pop up with shit like this: for $42. I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff in that house that is pure trash, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see someone making upwards of six figures on that stock.  There’s SO MUCH.

    • smartbunny-av says:

      You couldn’t even sell the house? I wonder what shape this craphole is in, after all the sleaze gets removed. And WHY use these pictures to sell a house???

    • andaristofdriftavalii-av says:

      That “Jake and Nog keep trading up from self sealing stem bolts” DS9 episode has a lot to answer for.

  • slickpoetry2-av says:

    Found the tub. Don’t give up! 

  • heathmaiden-av says:

    I couldn’t get past the entry level. It’s like I could SMELL the cat pee saturating the carpets.

  • ahildy9815-av says:

    I’ve spent far too long looking through this house. And weirdly enough, it appears to be mostly alphabetized… 

  • ldubb-av says:

    I found the Tub in about 5 minutes but not because I was trying to!

  • raptureiscoming-av says:

    “Click for tour of Amazon!”

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    We have searched every square inch of this house and all we have found is porno, porno, porno!

  • allergic-to-crunchy-av says:

    That virtual tour gave me an allergy attack and scabies. But I found the bathtub! Yay me? 

  • djclawson-av says:

    I love the distinction of them being women’s bathrooms, when it’s clear no woman has ever set foot in there and left the house alive.

  • metagodzilla-av says:

    Was this the House of Leaves of which my emo friends spoke circa 2001.

  • Blaine-av says:

    I don’t think your Amazon middleman theory is correct. Most of the inventory stocked in the house is of the disc type (DVD, CD, etc.), and there’s a room full of CD/DVD replicators, which are pretty expensive machines. This is obviously a small scale manufacturing operation.

  • rfmayo-av says:

    Found it. Now what?

  • coffeejedi-av says:

    I found it! I mean, I found A tub…. and I think its more of a baptismal pool….. but I found it!

  • anoldgui-av says:

    2020 Game of the year. This was too fun. And I agree with other commenters. There’s so much more story to this house. I would play much more of this is someone recreated it into an interactive environment. Get to work somebody.

  • Mageranger_Red-av says:

    My dad does real-estate appraisal for a living and when I was younger I would often go out with him to the various houses he would look at. So in a way, this reminds me of that. Though I have NEVER been in a “home” like this one. Though I have seen some pretty torn up houses, usually ones that were foreclosed on.
    Also, I couldn’t find the bath tub in this one. Sad. 

  • qwedswa-av says:

    Patrick, you should start the sequel. Find the cat. There are spoilers for it in the comments.

  • drkarate098-av says:

    I showed this to one of my co-workers yesterday and they spotted some rare merch on one of the shelves. He then searched for that stuff on ebay, found a seller in Kentucky and well, here’s the owners ebay store.

  • triflersneednot-av says: If anyone is genuinely looking for answers to this house

  • sircletusthree-av says:

    $375k for this pile of shit? No thanks.Loving the Exit signs. How cozy. And I’m really glad they cleaned up for the photo shoot!EDIT:  Whoa.  I understand now.  Went to the basement.

  • thesquirrelgamer-av says:

    “Church, School, Daycare, Home business this home has been it all.a.k.a. polygamous compound

  • sircletusthree-av says:

    Here’s a new game: can you find what I found?

  • signofthenine-av says:

    I’m pretty sure this was the house that Resident Evil 7 was based on, only they turned on all the lights before taking pictures this time.

  • hosadikos-av says:

    So many questions about the shit just laying about the house.I need a shower.

  • nommon-av says:

    The bathtub is totally worth it, too. You get there after way too much searching and it’s just as glorious as you’d expect for this wild house.

  • brentisangry-av says:

    What’s blowing my mind about all of this is that I grew up about 5 minutes away from this house, if that. I don’t remember this specific house, but I know the area well. My folks still live out there, and I’m going to visit them on Friday for my Mom’s birthday. So…I may have to swing by and take a look!

  • familycar-av says:

    The cheat code for the game is “doll house view”

  • hotrod1701-av says:

    Wow I’m actually hooked! I found it btw…Not what I was expecting..This would be a great eye spy game and treasure hunt!

  • RedRobin84-av says:

    Did anyone else find the Gamecube?

    • RedRobin84-av says:

      Oh shit, I found the tub! I have…. absolutely no idea where I am or how I got here, though. 

    • upstatefan-av says:

      Yes! I’m just trying to puzzle out what the machines next to the Gamecube do.

      • spoontrex-av says:

        Those are disc resurfacers. And somewhere else close by was machines for resealing discs. Meaning: I can’t trust “new” items on eBay anymore. 🙁

  • thedarkone508-av says:

    i found the tub, and my way out. the girls gone wild dvds was a helpful hint. do you get the business with the house? 375k is a bit much for a place that’s obviously haunted as shit. it’s amazing how no room easily connects with the other half. like, you have to go down stairs to reach the upstairs on the other side of the house.

  • macklemoreorless-av says:

    The duelling toilets were an amazing find. With one person either hoarding TP, and refusing to share, or maybe just too damn lazy to put the roll on the roll thingy.

  • upstatefan-av says:

    Myst: 2020 Edition

  • drunkenathlete-av says:

    Jesus, imagine surviving a fire in this place!

  • dest-av says:

    Phasmophobia got nothing on this shit.

  • zeroblade-av says:

    Hyper creepy

  • seancurry-av says:

    Amazon/Ebay store and DVD bootlegger. And I don’t want to know what that tub is used for.

  • tzepish-av says:

    This was absolutely the grossest shit.

  • threedayante-av says:

    Didn’t take me very long, but also I knew right away it was going to get creepy, so I was kinda just taking the tour. That was pretty fun. Looking forward to episode 2…

  • steeplejack-mk2-av says:

    Success.I was NOT expecting to find it there. Nor was I expecting to find what I found.

  • ummyeahnintendo-av says:

    The scariest part, after finding the bathtub, is turning around and trying to escape by finding the way out of the house, only to slowly realize there is no escape…

  • lukaszz-av says:

    Found it at last. The issue I had is I went past it twice, because you don’t expect a turn there. I’m trying not to spoil it for anyone still looking. Once you get it, it’s not that hard to get to. That said, this place is something else. I wouldn’t be able to trash my place like this even if I tried.

  • jeremyschultz1-av says:

    Play it with this on:

  • sickerthanmost-av says:

    because im me and at work when my co worker told me about it, we went on a journey and found the source and reason for the madness. after almost an hour, we deducted that the place obviously had to be some kind of third party seller, like ebay or something. after further exploration and many MANY zooms, we figured it was amazon due to the diverse options for film, music, and books. after cross referencing obscure movies and narrowing it down to a few sellers, we found the seller…based in kentucky.

  • Robdarudedude-av says:

    Only lists for $375,000 total? In SF that’s a down payment.

  • muttons-av says:

    I couldn’t find the link for the 3D tour. The pics were enough. I learned one thing though. Home prices in Louisville are insane. Is it basically just sitting on a large parcel of land? Because $399,000 is a whole hell of a lot of money when you consider that you’d need to raze all these buildings to the ground and start fresh in order to have anything livable.

    • salsayourface1-av says:

      Me neither. I’m wondering if it was removed because of all the attention. What a shame, I’ll never get to know where the bathtub is.

  • tarheelbandb-av says:

    Bathtub is at 49:51. Worth watching the 30 seconds prior. Y’all welcome.

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