This Is Us mixes a great episode about golf with an okay one about sex

TV Reviews Recap
This Is Us mixes a great episode about golf with an okay one about sex
Photo: Ron Batzdorff

The best episodes of This Is Us are often the ones that zero in on a specific story or theme, rather than trying to find something for everyone in the cast to do. “The Club” is almost one of those episodes. It explores a complex father/son story told across three era-hopping golf games. Unfortunately, it dilutes the power of that triptych with tangential present-day subplots for the other members of the Big Three. Kate and Toby rediscover their sex life in a healthy way (yay!) while Kevin and Cassidy turn to sex as an unhealthy outlet for their respective struggles (oh no!). And while both of those storylines are perfectly fine in their own right, they undercut the power “The Club” might have had if it was an even more focused episode.

The main thrust of “The Club” is centered around three golf games: One with Jack and Rebecca’s dad Dave (Tim Matheson) in the 1970s, one with Jack and middle school Randall in the early 1990s, and one in the present day as Randall joins three of his fellow councilmen at the swanky country club where he has an in. It’s been a while since we’ve had an episode that digs into present-day Randall’s relationship with his father, and This Is Us delivers a real doozy as it offers maybe the show’s most nuanced exploration of Jack’s racial blindspots yet.

Back in my review of the second season episode “Still There,” I expressed concern that This Is Us was making Jack and Rebecca just a little too unrealistic “woke” in their ability to spot and call-out racism. “The Club” delivers what is, in my opinion, a much more truthful look at the potential blindspots of white, interracial adoptive parents, particularly in past decades. While out on a Tiger Woods-inspired game of golf, Jack is desperate to draw a parallel between Randall’s barrier breaking as the first black kid on his school’s debate team and his own struggles as a working class kid trying to fit in among the wealthy. And when Randall tries to explain that feeling socially uncomfortable and facing racism aren’t the same thing, Jack falls back on the cringe-worthy chestnut, “I don’t look at you and see color. I see my son.”

It’s a misstep many well-meaning white people make in their attempts to end prejudice—and one that transracial adoptees, in particular, often struggle to deal with. Thankfully, Mr. Lawrence’s mentorship has given Randall a vocabulary and a perspective he couldn’t get from his parents alone. “Then you don’t see me,” he responds.

One of the problems with including Kate and Kevin’s storylines in this episode is that they take up screen time that could’ve been spent fleshing out the main throughline. The last time we saw Randall and Mr. Lawrence, it was during a slight conflict over Randall’s shoes—one that seemed to crush Randall’s dreams of finding an ally in his new teacher. I would’ve loved to have seen the connective tissue that got them from that moment to the close bond they’ve now built in a mini before-school book club where they read James Baldwin and discuss Muhammad Ali.

Still, it’s nice to see This Is Us introduce a foil to explore Jack and Rebecca’s white obliviousness in a way the show hasn’t consistently done in the past. In fact, “The Club” also picks up what’s long been a dangling thread for the series—the all-black dojo Randall attended in the first season episode, “The Trip.” It was a defining moment in the fairly simplistic “Jack-as-hero” storytelling This Is Us tended to indulge in during its first season, and it always felt a little weird that the show never returned to the dojo, especially considering it was set up to be a such an important space for Randall to find black role models. “The Club” turns that lack of continuity into a plot point.

It turns out Jack and Rebecca let Randall quit the dojo after just a few lessons. Maybe that was because he wasn’t that into it and it wasn’t worth the hassle, which is how Rebecca remembers it. Or maybe it was because, as Jack counters, he and Rebecca felt uncomfortable in an all-black space and therefore more willing to take an easy out when it was offered to them. This Is Us lets us linger in that ambiguity, which is a welcome choice for a show that be fairly didactic. Regardless, it’s clear that his parents’ willingness to let him quit the dojo is something that’s stuck with Randall all these years.

Yet “The Club” balances its critique of Jack’s parenting with a celebration of it as well. The juxtaposition between the 1970s golf game and the present-day one offers a lovely depiction of how parents can use their own mistakes to inspire their children to be better. While it’s understandable that Jack would bristle under Dave’s gross, classist, paternalistic attitude, it’s also true that he looks a gift horse in the mouth. Jack’s pride causes him to get drunk and lash out, rather than trying to make the best of a bad situation and maybe even get a swanky job interview out of it.

In retrospect, 1990s Jack realizes his pride set a limit on how high he could climb in life. He doesn’t want his son to put those same limits on himself. He encourages Randall’s interest in golf, since it’s a sport that will come in handy in his son’s future encounters with the rich and powerful. But more importantly, he also passes on a lesson in the value of humility and the importance of being tactical. Randall puts those lessons to great use as he bonds with Councilman Wilkins by pretending to be terrible at golf. In presenting himself as a self-deprecating underdog, Randall wins the friendship of his fellow councilmen, who no longer view him as an outside threat coming to shake things up.

While I had a feeling the “Randall is actually great at golf!” twist was coming, the montage that reveals that information is very well done. As is the fact that Randall’s final tribute to his dad is a golf ball sent into the water. It’s a lovely encapsulation of the fierce but flawed man Jack was. If only “The Club” had been willing to focus on that throughline alone.

Stray observations

  • Kevin’s almost-fling with Smoothie Girl is the prime example of a time when I’m not sure This Is Us is fully considering the fact that Kevin is a celebrity. Her flirtations initially feel motivated by his fame, but then his career never comes up on their date, so it plays out like a generic “girl fawns over hot guy” storyline without any specificity.
  • On the other hand, Toby’s weight loss adds welcome specificity to what would otherwise just be a fairly familiar “sex after baby” TV drama storyline.
  • There are two moments in this episode that I’m genuinely unclear if we’re supposed to see as flawed or heroic. One is Jack parroting Dave’s paternalistic “Do you see yourself there?” speech back to him. (Does Rebecca get any say in her own future??) The other is Jack somewhat condescendingly suggesting that Mr. Lawrence is at fault for not calling Randall’s parents to tell them their son is “asking complicated, heavy questions about his place in this world.”
  • Especially because Mr. Lawrence’s (very funny) microexpression at meeting Jack seems to imply he didn’t know Randall’s parents were white. And “I expect someone to call and tell me when my black son is struggling with systemic racism” seems to be an attitude that would be very specific to white parents raising a black child.
  • Jennifer Morrison doing pull-ups!!
  • Jack promises to “listen better and lecture less,” to which I wrote “Amen!” in my notes.


  • karenb74-av says:

    Jack at the club with Rebecca’s dad is eerily similar to Luke with Richard on Gilmore Girls. Purchase in pro shop, networking, drinking too much, not good enough for his daughter- all boxes checked 

    • cb1211-av says:

      Yes!!! I was thinking the same thing!

    • lmh325-av says:

      I have a sinking suspicion that we’re going to get some parallels between Rebecca’s dad and the Malik situation with Deja. He and Beth are certainly trying so far, but they also seem to be working on the assumption that young man with a baby is not good enough for Deja. I think it’s going to be a nice juxtaposition to perfect Dad Randall.

  • oopec-av says:

    Talk about a hole-in-one!

  • brenden197-av says:

    Great review, Caroline! I agree that while all of the storylines worked relatively well on their own (even Kevin and Cassidy’s, which, while slightly cliché, does make total sense), the Jack-and-Randall arcs outshone the others in terms of thematic cohesion and poetic elegance.. . . Jack somewhat condescendingly suggesting that Mr. Lawrence is at fault for not calling Randall’s parents to tell them their son is “asking complicated, heavy questions about his place in this world.”I interpreted this moment as showing both Jack’s good and bad sides: on the positive, he wants to be equipped with the knowledge to be able to help his son as best as he can; and on the negative, his pride was struck because he felt unprepared and blindsided by Randall bringing up such a confronting topic. Jack overall learned his lesson of simply listening to and learning Randall’s point of view; but I think that final scene is meant to put on the asterisk that says he will always try to be the ultimate hero, even when unwanted. I appreciate that This is Us continues to complicate the saintly image of Jack and leave some of his personality and parenting behaviors up to interpretation.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I personally think it highlights both Mr. Lawrence and Jack’s blindspots — if Kevin asked those types of questions about his place in the world at school in a way that suggested he was scared, concerned, or uncertain while also working one on one with a teacher each morning on non-school work, his teacher probably would tell him. Mr. Lawrence was working on the assumption that Randall has black parents and as a result these questions wouldn’t be a surprise. I also wonder if Mr. Lawrence has been working on the assumption that Randall’s parents had fewer opportunities than he did. I think it would be interesting to see how this news changes his perception of Randall, if at all.

    • emisasaltyb-av says:

      Yea the Kevin and Cassidy thing had me going back and forth. I fully expected them to hookup when the season started but then with the last episode where Kevin talked to her husband and he said stay away and all that I though “Huh, maybe not.” Then this one they go and flip it right back around.

  • ErinOB-av says:

    I love the title of this article. I agree 100%! And I love sex and am impartial to gulf.

  • yllehs-av says:

    Ironically, the actress that played Cassidy’s competition for Kevin’s attention was the same one who played a character named Cassidy on The Middle.

  • bucdaddy-av says:

    The episode’s overall theme was obvious. It was all about putting one in the hole.bada-BUMSeriously, an excellent review of a good ep, one that opted for story and character advances over schmaltz. And maybe Kevin shouldn’t be too proud to check out the Zippo museum. But he’ll be in for a shock when he finds out how cold Bradford can get in the winter.

  • lmh325-av says:

    I hope they might explore that more next week. I think Mr. Lawrence’s assumption was that Randall had black parents and they wouldn’t be caught off guard. I do think it’s odd in the 1990’s that a teacher who is taking such a personal interest in a student wouldn’t reach out to his parents. Had Randall been white with similar weighty questions, I think Mr. Lawrence would have reported it as a concern. I actually didn’t see the “secretly good at golf” thing coming. I was kind of like “weird choice to have him own all this golf stuff…” but I just thought that was a show issue. Randall saying he only played once sold me that we were going to see more of a fight between him and Jack. I liked seeing that he was good at it, and I think showing that Randall plays up and down to the competition is a nice note. He can come off as a little perfect and try hard, but it’s nice to be reminded that he was also an extremely successful futures broker who is savvier than he lets on.On the Kevin front — I still highly suspect he’s going to end back up with Sophie. I think the kid from the future is going to be his kid with Sophie, and ultimately he and Cassidy will fizzle out so that she can go back to her husband albeit having made a lasting impression on Kevin.

    • emisasaltyb-av says:

      Agreed on all fronts. I didn’t see the “Randall is actually good at golf” thing coming either but I did love the ode to his dad by putting one in the drink. Afterwards I realized I should have noticed when the part where Jack was telling him he’d need to “play the game” was happening.

  • marceline8-av says:

    I have to admit that this seemed an interesting commentary on the juxtaposition of race vs. class. Young Randall was right. He wouldn’t have been allowed on the course. Meanwhile all it took for 1970s Jack to go incognito was a few clothes from the pro shop. I also think there were some class issues playing out with present day Randall and the councilmen based on Randall’s remark that the councilmen thought of him as a “carpetbagger with wealthy friends.”

  • moswald74-av says:

    I completely agree with you… I would have much rather they left out the Kate and Kevin stuff and focused on Randall. I figured Randall was playing poorly on purpose, but the end, when he hit the ball deliberately in the water for Jack? Punched me in the gut. It’s the tiny, touching moments like that that make me love this show.

  • mightymisseli-av says:

    I saw the Randall-Jack-Mr. Lawrence interactions as being quite mixed. Was Jack being racially oblivious? Definitely. But I also think he was pretty jealous that Randall went 100% “Mr. Lawrence said …” It’s clear that Jack wants to be hero and friend to all of his kids and having a rival for that unnerved him.Or, to cite our local meme – it can be two things.

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