This rescue raccoon is too cute for its own damn good and wants you to wash your hands

Aux Features Coronavirus
This rescue raccoon is too cute for its own damn good and wants you to wash your hands
Screenshot: “Racoon washing his hands!”

Mariah Carey and Gloria Gaynor have got nothing on this rescue raccoon from Costa Rica. “This little guy wanted to remind you to wash your hands for 20-30 seconds!” reads the caption to a video posted on Facebook last week that has since gone viral. “Stay safe!”

The raccoon appears to be as concerned as the rest of us about the coronavirus pandemic. Or at least his caretakers at the Jaguar Rescue Center—which apparently takes care of more than jaguars—are concerned. But it’s not all doom and gloom over at the JRC. While we’re busy fighting after the last roll of toilet paper, one of their monkeys, Nerea, seems to be getting fresh produce with no problems.

“Here’s Nerea with a treat box,” reads the caption to a video posted on JRC’s page . “listen to her little giggle of happiness!”

We will, JRC. We will.


  • praxinoscope-av says:

    That raccoon is far cleaner and more intelligent looking than the human garbage stuffing their shopping carts (or just standing around yacking into their phones) at my local grocery stores.

    • seriousvanity-av says:

      Don’t let em fool you. They’ll be coming for your toilet paper next.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        On Halloween a few years ago we left out a metal bowl of candy, and I forget to bring it in. The next morning the last few pieces of candy had been unwrapped and eaten, and the bowl was dented up and covered with claw and bite marks. I assume a raccoon unwrapped and ate all the candy and then found its reflection at the bottom of the bowl, hence the clawing and biting. I really, really, really wish there had been a camera to capture that. 

      • yepilurk-av says:

        See, practicing social distancing, too!

  • perfectengine-av says:
  • bigsassydan-av says:

    The “it’s” in this headline should be “its”, the possessive form.

  • dirk-steele-av says:

    The possessive form of “it” is “its.”

  • emodonnell-av says:
  • franknstein-av says:

    Language tidbit of the day: the German word for raccoon is Waschbär.And yes, that means Wash Bear.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Sure, it’s cute now, but in a couple of years it’ll be raiding your garden and taking a bite out each and every strawberry before dropping it on the ground.*.
    * {cite:my back yard, 1983}

    • moggett-av says:

      This is what squirrels do in my plum tree. A bunch of plums rotting on the ground each with one or two little bites. They are such dicks.

  • bs-leblanc-av says:

    Can’t help but post this again…

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