TIFF omits Ezra Miller from Dalíland’s cast credits

Mary Harron's Dalíland is set to close out the film festival on September 17

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TIFF omits Ezra Miller from Dalíland’s cast credits
Ezra Miller Photo: ANGELA WEISS/AFP

As the legal woes continue to pile up for Ezra Miller, some (not Warner Bros.) are trying to add as many degrees of separation as possible from The Flash actor. According to Variety, Mary Harron’s (American Pyscho, I Shot Andy Warhol) Dalíland will close out the 47th Toronto Film Festival, with a tinsy omission: Ezra Miller appears in a lead role in the film.

Ben Kinglsey stars in the film as the surrealist painter Salvador Dalí, with the supporting cast made up of Barbara Sukowa, Christopher Briney, Rupert Graves, and Suki Waterhouse. Miller plays the younger version of the visionary painter, although that was not made apparent in TIFF’s official announcement, which excluded Miller from the cast and crew list. Sales agent Bankside Films and TIFF both declined to comment on the omission to The Hollywood Reporter.

In 2021, director Harron spoke openly about Miller’s dedicated involvement in Dalíland.

“We started looking at Dalí in the 1970s, the older Dalí, with flashbacks to the younger Dalí, which are rendered like an old movie,” Harron told Deadline last June. “That format really excited me. Ezra had like three days between finishing Fantastic Beasts and starting The Flash, and insisted on coming and doing our film. The story is all played out through this kind of Nick Carraway figure [Christopher Briney], who comes into Dalí’s life as an assistant and sees it all.”

Among the wild and cultish accusations levied against Miller this year, the actor has been arrested twice in Hawaii (once disorderly conduct and harassment and another time for second-degree assault) and currently faces a felony burglary charge in Stamford, Vermont for allegedly stealing alcohol from a residence.

Dalíland makes it worldwide premiere at TIFF on September 17.


  • hankholder1988-av says:

    Flash burglary joke

  • hasselt-av says:

    This and a related article on the BBC were the first Ezra Miller stories I’ve read where the awkward use of pronouns didn’t make the text confusing to understand.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62473652I must admit, I didn’t think the first felony charge in this saga would be for stealing booze, of all the things.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Must have been some good booze.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      That sounds like it’s more your issue.

      • hasselt-av says:

        I’m just pointing out that putting a little more thought and effort into how these articles are written can respect the preferred use of the pronouns and be clearly written for the reader. The BBC article does it particularly well.I’m not the only one who found those previous AV Club articles about Miller awkward to read, based on the comments.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Why yes, never using pronouns of any kind does maximize clarity at the expense of other things. In any text, you might not know which person “he,” “she,” or “they” refers to if there are multiple possible antecedents. Do you have a hard time with every use of pronouns, or are you just pretending in this case because people choosing to be respectful of trans and nonbinary people simultaneously brings out both the grammar pedant and the bad reader in you?

          • hasselt-av says:

            Geez, back off, I’m just complimenting two examples where the text was well written and not confusing on an issue that has resulted in unclear writing in the recent past when not so well done.  The BBC article I referenced does use non-binary pronouns, but does so in a way that is easy to understand the flow of the sentence.

          • ghboyette-av says:

            You need to chill the fuck out with your performative anger.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Their username does not check out.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            That was perfectly calm, prick.

          • ghboyette-av says:

            My name is Hunter! Prick is my father.

          • capeo-av says:

            Oh, chill out. Hasselt has no issue with singular they. They’re just pointing out, like many of us have here, that AV Club writers are… not great writers, and have written some incomprehensible sentences regarding Miller because they clearly don’t know how to use singular they and obviously don’t have an editor. In any text, you might not know which person “he,” “she,” or “they” refers to if there are multiple possible antecedents.That’s bullshit. If the reader can’t tell which antecedent a pronoun refers to in a sentence or passage then the writer screwed up. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            He suggested this was an issue in every story about Ezra Miller, not just on AV Club. He wasn’t talking about one specific writer or publication, just the confusion anytime Miller is discussed.  Because pronouns.  And then this article didn’t bother him.  Because pronouns.

          • youpeopleareallthesame-av says:

            Do you practice your performative rage in the mirror every morning?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Dude, I’m not the one here who is bent out of shape over pronouns.Sorry, poor little white boy who can’t understand how anyone can have strong feelings about anything.

          • jgp-59-av says:

            You seem to be the one bent out of shape…..

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Well, forgive me for getting nearly as irritated by a half dozen transphobes coming for me as the OP was by the existence of transpeople.

          • youpeopleareallthesame-av says:

            Did you miss your anger management appointment?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Transphone with “you people are all the same” username makes the same tired dad deflection as every other transphobe on the thread.

          • youpeopleareallthesame-av says:

            You sound like you missed your medication, though.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            This lame bit was funnier the first half dozen times a week ago. No one ever accused bigots of creativity.

          • youpeopleareallthesame-av says:

            You do know that calling people “bigots” whenever they disagree with you is a very common self-report these days, yes?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Well, maybe because asshole bigots are feeling empowered these days.I know that “you call everyone who disagrees with you a bigot” is a popular talking point, but it only works when you haven’t said something objectively bigoted on the thread, son.But yeah, nothing screams “mental health” like keeping an argument you weren’t even involved in going on an internet thread a week later!

          • wuthaniel-av says:

            You’re kind of a fucking idiot huh? You’re not doing anyone any favours with your self-righteous nonsense 

          • youpeopleareallthesame-av says:

            Nonbinary isn’t a thing.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You’re clearly one stupid fuck.

          • jgp-59-av says:

            Back off you. It is confusing…..

    • rachelmontalvo-av says:

      Remind me not to go to a party at that house.

  • nilus-av says:

    At this point the WB should just announce a slight plot change to the Flash where the main character will now be played by a young latin girl who dresses like a Bat

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Desperately shepherding that Flash movie through to release because all those Flash Enters The Speed Force guys are totally going to show up with their dollars

    • pete-worst-av says:

      *their mom’s dollars

    • liffie420-av says:

      I think they just have WAY to much money involved versus Batgirl. Plus I think The Flash is 99% complete at the point, where as Batgirl likely JUST entered post, and so likely had many months of work/money to go to get to release. At least that’s what I gathered from what little info there is, but it may have been further along. I mean fuck Miller, they are off their rocker, but eating a $90 million loss is easier than eating a $200 million loss.

      • capeo-av says:

        WBD doesn’t eat the $90 mil from Batgirl or whatever Scoob cost. Because they were unreleased, merger accounting allows WBD to take a full production cost loss on them against their taxable revenue. WBD also is taking losses on the remaining amortization on the released WB films they pulled from HBO Max. This window extends to the 18th of this month. Theoretically, they could do the same with The Flash, but it’s a lot more complicated because there are multiple financiers involved on a production that big, outside of WBD. If WDB tried to write it off they’re still on the hook for their financiers. Many of whom, I would assume, would rather have their cash back, because taking a huge tax loss doesn’t make financial sense for them. Either way, financial aspects aside, how the hell can WBD release this film at this point? Miller can’t be involved in any press tour, assuming they can even get themselves together to do a press tour, and every question is going to be about them going bonkers. I mean, around the projected release time they’re going to be in court for felony burglary charges. It’s a bonkers slow motion trainwreck. 

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    from The Flash actor —> from the Flash actorAmerican Pyscho —> American Psychotinsy —> tiny? teensy?Ben Kinglsey —> Ben Kingsleyonce disorderly conduct —> once for disorderly conductmakes it worldwide premiere —> makes its worldwide premiere

    • mchapman-av says:

      from The Flash actor —> from the Flash actor
      The movie is called The Flash, so it’s not that bad. If you wish to use the definite article outside the title it would be “from the The Flash actor.”

    • tobeistobex-av says:

      you got a couple more than I did but I stink at all things English. You probably weren’t even trying; I was trying after the first two or so. 

    • xirathi-av says:

      Dude, we get it. We all know the writers are sloppy here. Your bit is as lame as their sloppy errors.

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    Ya know, WB would have probably been able to move past Ezra by now if they had just rushed through the special effects (Yes, I know about the io9 article) and released the Flash movie earlier. Then they could just quietly have pretended Flash was always busy off screen when team ups were needed.

  • sysonby-av says:

    Do we, in fact, know that Ezra Miller is in this film?I don’t read “Ezra had like three days” to film their part and translate that into a “lead role.”Sounds like they’re in easily excised flashbacks, the cutting of which, while perhaps artistically detrimental, would be a good financial (and, yes, ethical) decision.I personally have no idea, it just sounds like this is a movie premiering next month, and no one quoted says that Miller is in it.

    • lmh325-av says:

      My understanding from the summary of the film is that most of the film is in the 1970s focusing on the later years of Dali’s marriage to Gala, specifically dealing with various affairs that happened in the 70s.I think it’s possible that he was edited out or that they intend to recast/edit him out before it is released. Too bad Christopher Plummer is no longer available…

      • bembrob-av says:

        Too bad Christopher Plummer is no longer available…

        I guess we’ll have to settle for Bruce Greenwood. Not the worst plan ‘B’.

    • capeo-av says:

      This is AV Club now. Saying Miller has a lead role in the same article where they quote the director saying, “Ezra had like three days,” to film. I expect the reason Miller isn’t credited is because they are not in the final cut of the movie.

  • lmh325-av says:

    If he only had 3 days to film, I can’t imagine his screentime is substantial. Any change they are editing him out? From what I’ve read most of the movie is in the 70s.

    • milligna000-av says:

      freeing up more room for Ben Kingsley to act bonkers is an easy call to make. 

      • lmh325-av says:

        Yeah, and knowing about Dali and his wife, I assume this is going to be about her having an affair with the assistant far more than it is about whatever Ezra Miller is doing.

  • GameDevBurnout-av says:

    I’m all for cancelling people who act like this…but if hes in the movie that will be shown at TIFF he should be on the list of people in the movie.Edit: it seems they just don’t mention him in the PR. Thats good. Good movie. I think this article could be clearer. Is this “cast and crew list” meant to be a list of all cast and crew? Or was he just omitted from PR material.

    • cinecraf-av says:

      Yeah it definitely feels like a bait and switch.  I’d be pissed if I paid good money to get a ticket into a major premiere screening, only to discover there was a highly problematic actor in the cast.  That’s something I’d want to know about, before I lend my implicit support by going to see the film.

    • bembrob-av says:

      They could just credit Ezra as “They”, kind of like “the Shape” in Halloween. Not the best example but whatever, fuck them.

  • capeo-av says:

    I somehow missed the Miller was caught on surveillance cameras breaking into a house to steal booze news. Apparently it happened in May but the news came out because they were served the citation this Sunday in Vermont which, I would assume, means they’re back at their guns and pot farm there. Other articles mentioned that things like the restraining orders couldn’t be served because Miller’s whereabouts were unknown. Apparently, their whereabouts are now known. Also, good to know that, at least in Vermont, felony burglary is not that big a deal, even if you’re an obvious flight risk.Seriously, how can WBD go forward with Flash at this point? It’s getting beyond ludicrous. Has an actor ever had a sustained meltdown for this long in the history of film? There’s none that I can remember. It would be impossible to have Miller take part in any of the press tour leading up to the film’s release. WB certainly can’t use Miller as an actor going forward in any of their DC plans.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Not going to look it up to confirm, but I remember Gibson’s fall being particularly terrible and protracted. It was more of a twice a year event over the course of several years though, instead of Miller’s Three Thousand Days of Fuckery.

    • youpeopleareallthesame-av says:

      Does that mean they can arrest him and get that child he abducted back now? You know, the one he’s likely holding at gunpoint and feeding drugs to.

  • awshucksdawg-av says:

    Obviously the real victims are the people these loonies abuse/assault/harass. But I also feel really bad for the normal people who either star alongside them in films or work on them in some other capacity. A couple hundred/thousand people on each movie whose hard work gets scuttled because one person is problematic. That would be a bummer. 

  • gregorbarclaymedia-av says:

    They know that doesn’t remove them from the movie, though, right?

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