Movie theater stand-up comedian gets the attention that she ordered

Tiffany King performed an impromptu set at a Burbank AMC and went viral

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Movie theater stand-up comedian gets the attention that she ordered
The movie theater comedian herself mid-performance Screenshot: Charley Damski

Andy Warhol said that “in the future, everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes.” It really is too bad that the artist didn’t live long enough to see Twitter; this week’s main character on the social media app was Tiffany King, a psychic medium and self-proclaimed “momic,” who performed an impromptu stand-up routine at a Burbank AMC before a screening of The Lost City.

The movie was running late due to technical issues in the projection booth and according to King, her daughter dared her to go to the front of the room, and do a set while the audience waited for the film to start.

The set was captured by Twitter user and musician Charlie Damski who chopped up the set and added the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme music to the end of the clip. The clip went viral when countless Twitter users retweeted it with their own pithy comments, truly teaching King a valuable lesson about what happens when you make a bid to get attention.

The real question is, was the set funny? Who knows? The viral video is nothing but a collection of jokes chopped up into soundbites. One Twitter user compared her to a “theater kid who desperately needs love,”(a theater kid in Burbank!?). But when one audience member in the clip tried to force her off stage by shouting “Put us out of our misery,” two people in the front row encouraged her to get back at it where she proceeded to turn in a fifteen-minute set. In this writer’s personal opinion, King should have focused on a tight five…always leave the audience wanting more.

In a recent interview with Buzzfeed, King took the opportunity to promote her Momic Productions, a nonprofit that pays for up to a month of childcare for “single mom artists” as they work towards a showcase for their art. Calling her performance “victory against misogyny” may be a bit much, but her heart seems to be in the right place.

At the end of the day, Charlie Damski and Tiffany King both got to go viral, and everyone got the attention that they ordered. Who wants to place bets on when King gets her own show on Netflix?


  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    Tiffany King, a psychic medium
    So she’s a scam artist.
    and self-proclaimed “momic,” Ugh. The real question is, was the set funny? Who knows? Judging by the number of people laughing in the video, no. One Twitter user compared her to a “theater kid who desperately needs love,” Nailed it. Momic Productions

  • abraslamlincoln-av says:

    1. Props for the courage to get up there and do that while everyone eats candy loudly and fucks around on their phones. I’d melt into a puddle at the mere thought (introverted as hell)2. Though we don’t get to hear a full joke, I’m confident saying that her material is hacky as a sack3. Fame is dumb and viral is the dumbest form of fame

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Dear God all of California sounds insufferable

    • thefilthywhore-av says:

      The redwoods are nice….Well, some of the redwoods.
      …You know what? Fuck the redwoods.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Dude. The eucalyptus are right there.

        • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

          And yet nobody thought of importing Koalas to California when Australia was burning. So what if they’d be invasive? And that California also burns? They are cute.

          • maulkeating-av says:

            Ah, the gum tree. The only tree that makes a sound, and that sound is “whumpf” when it ignites and all that oil goes up. 

          • narwalt-av says:

            California is already bad enough in regards to Chlamydia.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        You know what? Fuck the redwoods.OK.Note that they welded two fucking 10′ saws together to feel this big bastard.

    • pocrow-av says:

      One in 12 Americans in the US lives in California, so no, most of California is not insufferable.

      We get all the world’s most delusional would-be entertainers, though, so we have a very noisy and needy contingent here, especially in Southern California. (Silicon Valley folks are insufferable in different ways.)

      • hankholder1988-av says:

        Im pretty sure 1 in 2 Americans are insufferable. 

      • coolmanguy-av says:

        Meant to specify Socal. Northern CA seems fine

        • pocrow-av says:

          Jesus, no.  They’re insufferable in a different way.

          Northern California is right up there with NYC and Texas for everyone congratulating themselves for living there when, it turns out, we’re all legally allowed to move anywhere we want (and can afford) in this country.

      • jayrig5-av says:

        Counterpoint: way more than 1 in 12 Americans are insufferable. Having said that, yes obviously there are lovely places and people. Most of my time there was Orange County, which obviously has numerous issues and many many assholes but it’s also beautiful and had plenty of genuinely great people, too.

    • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

      Good, we’re full, stay out.

    • bobbymcd-av says:

      Lots of California is pretty great, some of it is terrible. Kind of like any other state, but the good and bad are both a bit more intense. 

    • ladytron2000-av says:

      We are. Please don’t ever come here.

  • cash4chaos-av says:

    At the end of the day, Charlie Damski and Tiffany King both got to go viralHow fucked are we as a species that “going viral” is a life goal for people?

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Don’t know how funny this lady was, but The Lost City was actually really funny. It’s a total shut your brain off movie, but almost everything about it clicks.

  • TombSv-av says:

    This reminds me of before the first Suicide Squad movie the staff had found a cosplayer in the audience and tried to make her be in character while we waited. It was, incredibly awkward. Especially in Sweden.

  • bs-leblanc-av says:

    The audible groan after she said she’s psychic medium was the chef’s kiss.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Is “Twitter user” like an occupation now?

    • pocrow-av says:

      There is a whole scene on there where people (sometimes with insane follower counts) without even a pretense of a job or expertise or anything else just yell and opine and threaten to call Twitter on each other if they add them to a list, so … yes.

      I know that the Kardashians are supposed to be famous for nothing, but they’re Rhodes Scholars compared to this nebulous scene of Very Online Twitter folks.

  • artofwjd-av says:

    And this is the reason I hate going to see a movie at the AMC theaters in Burbank. Dirty theaters, literally 30 minutes of commercials and shitty trailers and a room filled with rude idiots who think they should be the center of attention and not the movie. The ArcLight would have politely shown this delusional psycho the exit if they tried that there. 

    • killa-k-av says:

      Even if the screening was delayed?

      • artofwjd-av says:

        Even if the screening was delayed?yeah, who asked this woman to subject the audience to her standup? Whatever happened to quietly waiting for something that is delayed?

        • killa-k-av says:

          lol ok boomer 

          • kubrickhatedking-av says:

            He’s a boomer because he doesn’t want to hear some hack get up and force you to lister to her weak as attempts at comedy?And I don’t care what age you are, the commericals and amount of trailers before the actual movie is totally obnoxious.  

          • killa-k-av says:

            Nah he’s a boomer because he expects an audience to “quietly [wait] for something that is delayed.” It’s a very specific type of person that expects everyone to behave the same way during an unanticipated events like a movie being delayed. IDK what the amount of commercials and trailers before the movie, or what age anyone is, has to do with anything.

          • kubrickhatedking-av says:

            Not in any single sentence of what he said did he imply that.  There is a difference between sitting and talking with who you are with and having to listen to some pathetic hack who clearly has mental problems force you to listen to her lame attempts at comedy and attention. 

          • killa-k-av says:

            Whatever happened to quietly waiting for something that is delayed?^ That is what artofWJD said. There are an unspoken set of rules people are supposed to adhere to during situations like watching a movie. Getting up and telling a bunch of strangers your jokes breaks the social norm and is weird, but like, she’s not really forcing anyone to pay attention to her. Everyone is free to ignore her or walk out. But also, expecting everyone to “quietly wait” while a screening is delayed comes off as peak “back in my day everyone knew how to behave” boomerism to me.It was one lady (who, according to you “has mental problems,” which in my book would mean she’s entitled to some compassion, but I guess you don’t think highly of people suffering from mental disorders) in a random screening on the other side of the country. Who cares? Will Smith is out here punching Chris Rock. Let’s move on.

          • kubrickhatedking-av says:

            There is a difference between having a conversation with the person sitting next to you and some dumbass mystic psychopath spewing her ridiculously unfunny comedic routine at you.  And he wasn’t talking about people sitting there talking.  He was talking about the variety show that people try to put on now during these moments because they want to go viral.  There is a difference but you of course twist it into “everyone sitting in complete silence.”

          • killa-k-av says:

            There is a difference between having a conversation with the person sitting next to you and some dumbass mystic psychopath spewing her ridiculously unfunny comedic routine at you.I don’t think I’ve said otherwise. I also think you’re getting way too emotionally invested in something that didn’t happen to you. he wasn’t talking about people sitting there talking. He was talking about the variety show that people try to put on now during these moments because they want to go viral.Citation needed.Seriously, move on.

      • narwalt-av says:

        I’d much rather silence over nonconsensual amateur comedy.

        • killa-k-av says:

          Me too. But realistically people are going to talk amongst themselves. And that’s really the middle ground in between silence and amateur night at Auditorium 3.

    • pocrow-av says:

      Anyone attending a showing at the ArcLight has zero patience for anything that’s not Film.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      Wouldn’t the arc light also have a real projectionist, and not just have it be a case of having to wait around for a manager with the right key to open things up and stare at everything uncomprehendingly for another several minutes?

      • gildie-av says:

        Not the one in Pasadena. They weren’t quite as awful as AMC at its worst but I had some bad experiences there like the house light coming on for 20 minutes and no one being able to find an employee. Hollywood was always great though.

    • gabrielstrasburg-av says:

      I went on my first date there. Romeo & Juliet with Leonardo Dicaprio. Good movie.

    • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

      I like the 6 (the one under the old Barnes and Noble) mainly because it’s a cellular deadzone and less people know about it and/or more prefer the “big theater”. When MoviePass was a thing the 6 was my jam.But these days Alamo is where I’m at until the Vista reopens. 

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      A friend and I once had the idea of doing quick puppet shows on the subway train when it stops. We then quickly realized “that’s not why people are on the subway” = annoying.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        It’s basically hijacking strangers attention and in no way should be perceived as “I earned this audience viewing me”.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Went to see “The Batman” at an AMC. Ah, I remember the good old days when the pre-movie commercials and trailers added up to a mere 17 minutes. It was a good 35 minutes after the posted showtime that the movie actually started.Holy shit, I fucking miss the Arclight.

  • milligna000-av says:

    (a theater kid in Burbank!?).

    er? yes? have you been here? they move here by the thousands

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    On one hand, it would have been nice to hear a complete sentence.
    On the other hand, it wouldn’t have been nice to hear a complete sentence.

    • pearlnyx-av says:

      I wanted to hear the rest of the “Jesus wasn’t married” thing to see how much she ripped off of Sam Kinison.

  • dummytextdummytext-av says:

    More like a victory against the entire concept of humor. Yikes. 

  • npr-pledge-drive1-av says:

    So do we get to actually hear the jokes?Sounds like she had some set ups and certainly isn’t lacking confidenceMaybe it’s not the most cutting-edge material (can’t really tell) but a lot of comedians starting out tend to tread on the same groundWe’re all living in our bubbles watching the same news, reading the same articles on Facebook and we all have a bunch of things we want to say And a lot of times those things we want to say are really not that different. Now I don’t know if this person does this a lot, if this was a dare or if they’ve been getting up on stage every day of their life, seems like their not a seasoned vet. Honestly the video seems a little mean-spirited. It’s easy to take out your phone and say “oh this is cringe.”  I get that she seemed to lean hard into the im a “California mom” angle and thats easy to dismiss. If anybody else did that would we be getting in as much flack.. idk.So what if she drank a few bottles of wine while binging se 4 of Maisel and thought “i could do that!” she did r is at least trying.Home Girl saw an opportunity and went for it.Sucks she inturupted your Wordle but I wouldn’t knock her for getting her stage time in.

    • daddddd-av says:

      Have you ever been to LA? Everyone is self-promoting all the time. It’s neither admirable or takes guts or whatever, it’s just annoying and desperate. Flappers is literally next door to this theater if she wants to go to an open mic lol

    • lsrfcelvr-av says:

      Lol you suck so bad 

    • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

      Counterpoint: Home Girl is a needy untalented narcissist who should have helped all of us by staying in her bubble

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Isn’t it wild how many commenters on a pop culture website hate famous people/people trying to be famous?

  • marcus75-av says:

    “Tiffany King, a psychic medium”who showed up on time for a movie that was delayedhmmm . . .

    • synonymous2anonymous-av says:

      ….no….she KNEW it would be delayed THEREFORE went to the screening to take advantage of the situation and her psychic mom powers!

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Good joke, but technically a medium bridges the gap between the world of living and the dead. A clairvoyant is someone who can see into the future. ‘Psychic’ is just an umbrella term for these and other sorts of frauds.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Well of course she was a medium. She was neither rare nor well done.

  • qwedswa-av says:

    She’s a needy person who desperately craves validation from kind words and likes on social media. Definitely not a comic. A comic is a needy person who craves validation from making people laugh.

  • edkedfromavc-av says:

    Where was the movie? If this was a negative thing to happen to the audience at all, then the blame is 100% on the theater for not getting their shit together before an audience member felt impelled to go up front and launch into their own show.

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    Apparently, she broke out an extended singing bit at one point. That’s the first comedy red-flag. As a follow-up, she did the “Wicked witch of the west” shtick. She was toast before she ever got to her “rappin’ mom” bit.

  • halgsuth-av says:

    I can empathize with Ms. King.  As illustrated by one George Costanza, getting a big laugh from fellow theater patrons feels like you just had all your blood replaced with pure cocaine.  Unfortunately, as George Costanza also knew, you get in, hit the high note, and get out.  You want to leave the audience wanting more.  This seems like a classic case of an insufferable stage daughter trying to profit off her mother’s talent.

  • lsrfcelvr-av says:

    This would be a very different piece if a man has done this. 

  • bartcow-av says:

    And now we wait for her to be Milkshake Ducked. Set your timers.

  • cjob3-av says:

    Bad enough I gotta listen to Nicole Kidman before the movie.

  • macthegeek-av says:

    Who wants to place bets on when King gets her own show on Netflix?
    No bets on when it happens, but I bet I know exactly how many season it will get before Netflix pulls the plug.

  • bembrob-av says:

    Imagine bringing a date to this movie and struggling to resist the urge to shout “SHUT THE FUCK UP”.

  • necgray-av says:

    I dunno. If her set included a bunch of transphobia maybe Netflix would come calling.

  • c2three-av says:

    She’s the new King of Comedy.

  • zk0000-av says:

    I would have been so so very annoyed 

  • kubrickhatedking-av says:

    Props to her? I don’t think anyone in the room signed up to listen to her “comedy” material. If anything they should have completely ignored her. Its one thing to go to amatuer night at a comedy club and hear this shit. Its another to have it forced on you by someone desperate for attention who is too stupid to tell that no one was listening to her.  

  • coldsavage-av says:

    Would just like to add that there is a fair amount of hubris here to assume that people who came to see a movie wanted to hear her comedy too, such as it was.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    You joke, but you’re just feeding her.

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