Tig Notaro to replace Chris D'Elia in Zack Snyder's Army Of The Dead

Aux Features Film
Tig Notaro to replace Chris D'Elia in Zack Snyder's Army Of The Dead
Photo: Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Comedy Benefit in Support War Child USA and INARA

Today—in a move that heralds future breakthroughs in the field of inserting Tig Notaro into every movie, ever—THR reports that the One Mississippi comedian is being added to Zack Snyder’s upcoming zombie movie, Army Of The Dead. Notaro will be replacing Chris D’Elia, who was accused in June of sexually harassing multiple underage women with the alleged intent of initiating sexual relationships with them.

It’s not clear how big a part D’Elia had in Snyder’s film, which is the director’s first studio effort since leaving Justice League in 2017. The film was shot last year, starring Dave Bautista as the leader of a group of mercenaries attempting to run a heist in the middle of a zombie outbreak. The film will now undergo lockdown-friendly reshoots, which will be used to insert Notaro into itself via “a combination of techniques, from actually reshooting scenes opposite an acting partner to using green screen and CG technology to blend her in.”

Which, again: Seems like a pretty great start to our own personal project of inserting Tig Notaro into all movies, period. Pop a Tig into The Wizard Of Oz, why don’cha; have her grinning out of the photo from the end of The Shining. Hell, this seems like the perfect time to correct Joss Whedon’s hated cut of Justice League (which contains, by volume, zero Tigs Notaro) by working some background Tigs into the Snyder Cut.

Notaro recently appeared in Noah Hawley’s Lucy In The Sky. She joins a cast that also includes Ella Purnell, Ana De La Reguera, Theo Rossi, Huma Qureshi, Omari Hardwick, Hiroyuki Sanada, Garret Dillahunt, Matthias Schweighöfer, Raúl Castillo, Nora Arnezeder, and Samantha Win.


  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Obligatory “When is Joss Whedon replacing Zack Snyder?” given the setup here.

  • returning-the-screw-av says:

    So is this a sequel to Dawn?

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Why did it need to be remade in the first place? The original was fine.

      • returning-the-screw-av says:

        Because it’s not a competition and two things can be good. 

        • dikeithfowler-av says:

          Ah, the innocent words of a person who’s never seen a Zack Snyder movie…

        • modusoperandi0-av says:

          No, one thing can be good. Two things ruins the first one, somehow. Or sells out? Retroactively ruins my childhood? Something like that.

          • returning-the-screw-av says:

            No it can’t. Edit: Ah. You’re jesting. 

          • castigere-av says:

            I mean…there’s something to be said about leaving things inviolate.  If they CGId up Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer I think I’d feel like they were just doing it to make a buck.  If they remade a classic Disney cartoon live action, but shot for shot, I’d think it was dumb.  Thank Odin, they never did that.

      • castigere-av says:

        The original is great…..But the “re-imagining” (ain’t really a remake.  Literally nothing happens the same except zombies) is great.  It hit right when zombies were “cool” again.

        • galdarn-av says:

          The plot of the original Dawn of the Dead is “in a world overrun by the living dead a group of survivors take refuge in a shopping mall” and the plot of the remake of Dawn of the Dead is “in a world overrun by the living dead a group of survivors take refuge in a shopping mall”.

          It’s a remake. In every way, shape and form, it’s a remake.

          • castigere-av says:

            Thunderbolt and Lightfoot – a group of thieves have an intricate plan to steal moneyThe Hot Rock – A group of thieves have an intricate plan to steal moneyThe Heat – a group of thieves have an intricate plan to steal moneyThe Heist – A group of thieves have an intricate plan to steal moneyHeist – A group of thieves have an intricate plan to steal money Ocean’s Eleven – A group of thieves have an intricate plan to steal money Ocean’s Eleven – A much better group of thieves who aren’t drunk all the time have an intricate plan to steal moneyNone of those….not even the last one, are remakes of any other. The last one re imagines the job, the characters, and the heist. It re imagines the motivations and the abilities.Examples of a remake: King Kong(1933), King Kong(2005), Psycho(1960) Psycho(1998), True Grit(1969) True Grit(2010), Ringu(1998) The Ring(2002), Oldboy(2003) Oldboy(2013), Yojimbo(1961) Fistful of Dollars(1965) Last Man Standing(1996), Night of the Living Dead (1968) Night of the Living Dead(1990)—Same plot, similar characters(names are not necessary), same conflicts.
            The Thing and The Thing? ( not to mention The Thing From Another World) Same Premise. Same Locale. Do you think they’re all remakes? Sherlock Holmes(1939) Sherlock Holmes(2009)?Your quotes are the premise, not the plot. The original Dawn has one plot, with one goal in mind. The re-imagining has a similar location but a completely different plot and goal. Snyder’s Dawn has two similarities, TWO. Zombies…Mall. Even the Zombie Rules are different. It’s not a remake. Oh, I agree there’s connective tissue, but it’s very surface level.

          • nesquikening-av says:

            Hitchcock’s film was faithfully remade. Van Sant’s film is a painstaking remake.
            Carpenter’s film was thoroughly remade. Snyder’s film is a complete remake.
            A group of thieves have an intricate plan to steal money: genre ::
            In a world overrun by the living dead a group of survivors take refuge in a shopping mall: two films.

          • castigere-av says:

            Well, a couple of mistakes there, the most glaring is that Carpenter didn’t make Dawn of the Dead in 1978. He made Halloween.The other obvious mistake is that a genre is not a premise Heist film. Western. Horror. Sci-Fi. Spy film. Romantic Comedy. Sword & Sorcery. Comedy… those are genres.Im gonna forego pointing out the dozens of movies that have the same longline as each other that aren’t remakes. Fine, I’ll do one.A group of teens go to a remote cabin. Something deadly is unleashed.Evil Dead, Cabin Fever.  ( but NOT Cabin in the Woods)

          • nesquikening-av says:

            Carpenter = Romero — you got me there.

      • Brodka-av says:

        This is a good example of how dumb you are.  Why was something made by a for-profit business? Hmm. Let me put on my thinking cap. I’m guessing it has something to do with money. Perhaps – and this is just me spit-balling here, perhaps they thought they could turn a profit making that movie. Perhaps they had or obtained the rights to make a movie with the express intent to turn a profit. And perhaps they did just that. I’m speaking of the producers here.The other people involved likely looked at being involved in that film as 1. a paycheck and 2. an opportunity to display their talents.Now you can tell me why my nuanced takes on things like blackface and police violence (takes you cannot and will not argue with me about because, again, my takes are nuanced and you aren’t a nuanced thinker and thus you are incapable of arguing about anything more complicated than Dragonball Z) make me unsuited to understanding the motivations of movie producers.It makes sense now that I think about it. Comics and things are black and white. There are actual good guys and bad guys and so you can be a dialectic thinker safely because it’s an artificial thing with simple and clear motivations. But then in the real world things are a little more complicated and you aren’t really capable of understanding that.This is fun, right?

    • cyrusjavier-av says:

      No, different studio and all that.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Incidentally, the original script for this movie had rape zombies...

  • docprof-av says:

    Well I guess this will fairly definitively answer the question of how much of Dawn of the Dead being actually really damn good was because of James Gunn’s script. My guess is the vast majority of it.

    • lectroid-av says:

      > vast majority of itALL of it except the speed-ramping visuals. ALL the good things about Dawn of the Dead were from Gunn apart from that one visual trick. That has become obvious with every single Snyder movie that followed, because he CANNOT STOP DOING IT. 300, Sucker Punch, Watchmen, MoS, BvS, all of them. He is a BAD filmmaker for the same reasons as Michael Bay is a bad filmmaker. a 110% commitment to “Make it looks AWESOME, BRO!!” and not a fucking care in the world about anything else. And ‘awesome’ in this case will always mean ultra-violent hard core toxic masculinity, male-gazey misogyny and and a determination to make a universe built out of FPS cut-scenes.People need to stop letting him make movies.

      • avataravatar-av says:

        In fairness, Bay is apparently 50% Make it Awesome, 50% drill Sargent who will stop at nothing to produce a profitable film, on time, on budget, no matter how shitty the film.
        Hence the studios are like “yes, Michael, take my 100 million dollars and this turd of a script.”

      • seven-deuce-av says:

        Did you pee yourself a little bit while writing that little screed?

    • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

      I’ve often said it’s Snyder’s best movie. As to how much that actually involves him, maybe this new “Dead” will give a definitive answer. 

    • cyrusjavier-av says:

      What does this have to do with the article?

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Tig Notaro. Tig Notaro is the answer to everything Kinja.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        About as much as you comparing anyone who disagrees with your take on his movies with anti-.

      • antsnmyeyes-av says:

        What does a Zack Snyder movie have to do with an article about a Zack Snyder movie?Not sure.

        • syafiqjabar-av says:

          What does him replacing an actor in this movie have to do with a previous movie he did? Is the original comment saying that Snyder is an SJW for doing this and that Dawn was good because the “non-SJW” (in their eyes) Gunn wrote it?

          • antsnmyeyes-av says:

            Oh. I just thought they meant Snyder making a follow-up to DotD without Gunn would show how much the success was due to Snyder or Gunn.But, um, your take sounds cool…

          • laserface1242-av says:

            For context, Syafiqjaber of Mars thinks compares liking Snyder’s movies to being a black person and thinks that Snyder’s “super progressive” because BvS had some extras playing a gay couple in the background that weren’t even in the theatrical cut.For him, it’s not enough that he likes Snyder’s films. Anyone who doesn’t is wrong.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        How is “a previous Zack Snyder zombie movie would make an interesting point of comparison” not to do with the article?

      • laserface1242-av says:

        Just gonna re-post my reply to your comment:About as much as you comparing anyone who disagrees with your take on his movies with anti-semetic propaganda that helped inspire genocide.

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Don’t mind Argh, he’s a Snyder Tribalist who thinks that anyone who thinks that disagreeing with his take on Snyder’s movies is equivalent to anti-semitic He lives in his own little world and it’s best to hit the dismiss button on his comments.

    • castigere-av says:

      Dawn of the Dead was Snyder’s best movie. Yep. James Gunn wrote it. But Snyder directed a pretty slick piece of entertainment. He called shots, blocked good scenes, chose angles and honed performances. None of that is on the page. A HUUUGGEE part of what made Dawn good was Snyder directing it. I’ve despised Snyder’s later efforts just like everybody else, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t turn in a good movie back in 2004.

      • docprof-av says:

        Since you bring it up, he actually also had an extremely accomplished cinematographer working on the film with him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_F._LeonettiAnd I don’t know how detailed Gunn’s script was. It may have had quite a bit of stage direction written in. He may have learned to do things in a strange way having come from Troma.The rest of Snyder’s output makes me want to place as little credit with him as possible for the success of Dawn.

        • castigere-av says:

          If you’ve read a script, you know that stage direction is eschewed in a script. That Richmond Hill mall was chosen well after the script got written. The set design happened after the script. Snyder oversaw all of that. His inert, unconscious body was not dragged across the finish line by Gunn or his DP. He made that movie. It’s part his. And it was good.  Could have used more gore….but waddayagonnado?

      • cu-chulainn42-av says:

        I thought Watchmen was…not terrible. Maybe that’s just due to Jackie Earle Haley’s performance and those awesome opening credits, but the only thing about the movie that was actually painful for me to watch was Malin Akerman. Zack Snyder isn’t a great filmmaker or anything, but he’s no Ed Wood.

    • syafiqjabar-av says:

      So you complaining Snyder is an SJW? I have got news for you, bud. Go read Gunn’s recent social media.

      • docprof-av says:

        No, it’s pretty clear what I’m saying is that Snyder is a bad director and Dawn of the Dead was good despite his lack of talent, which has been shown in everything else he was made since.

        • laserface1242-av says:

          I feel bad for the Tribalists like Argh and Syafiqjaber of Mars. They’re so insecure about their own opinions they need to make up this fantasy about who Snyder to other people in order to feel some semblance of validation. They waste so much time and energy on this that they could be spending liking his movies.

  • nightriderkyle-av says:

    Artist’s interpretation

  • nightwingbegins-av says:

    Guess I’m not seeing this movie. What a bitch move. Innocent until proven guilty. Chris is innocent. If a teenager is already sexually active, who cares if you’re over 18. A 16 year old can be held accountable for murder but not sex? Get real.

  • flrjcksn-av says:

    I may be way out of recognizing new/newer actors/actresses, but the only name besides Tig that I recognized was Garrett Dillahunt. Who always plays a serial killer or good hearted doofus, hoping for a mix of both here.

  • tuscedero-av says:

    Having seen ‘Under A Rock with Tig Notaro,’ I can forgive her for not knowing Snyder’s work—and thus, accepting this role.

    • cyrusjavier-av says:

      If she doesn’t know him then she probably knows Zack as someone with a significant gay fanbase (mostly due to 300).

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        (whatever it takes)

        • syafiqjabar-av says:

          Snyder managed to include a random gay couple in the background of a BvS scene, that was cut from the theatrical release but present in the Ultimate Edition bluray.I have a feeling if 300 was made in the future, Snyder might have included the thing where Spartans allegedly have sex with each other to psych themselves up before battle.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            Yeah, random unnamed extras playing a gay couple that weren’t even in the original cut and mattered so little to the plot that they could be easily removed from the film entirely definitely is a clear example of Snyder being progressive. /sAnd I’m well aware Disney has this problem too. I’m simply saying that just having unnamed extras kiss or having the one of the directors play an unnamed extra talking about his boyfriend is not enough to claim actual representation nowadays. Neither WB nor Disney have actually had a main character that was explicitly LGBT+ in these types of films. Besides, using unnamed LGBT extras that weren’t even in the theatrical cut as an example Snyder being progressive when Disney let’s them at least said extras be in the final cut in the US release isn’t really that much evidence…Just like the movie. You don’t need need other people to validate your opinion by making baseless claims about Snyder’s views.

        • laserface1242-av says:

          Just gonna repost my reply to Syafiqjabar of Mars’ comment in case he dismisses it:Yeah, random unnamed extras playing a gay couple that weren’t even in the original cut and mattered so little to the plot that they could be easily removed from the film entirely definitely is a clear example of Snyder being progressive. /sAnd I’m well aware Disney has this problem too. I’m simply saying that just having unnamed extras kiss or having the one of the directors play an unnamed extra talking about his boyfriend is not enough to claim actual representationJust like the movie you don’t need need other people to validate your opinion by making baseless claims about Snyder’s views. 

        • laserface1242-av says:

          Just reposting my reply to Argh’s comment in case he dismisses it again:Has it ever occurred to you to just like his movies? You don’t need to keep spamming every comments of anyone who doesn’t like Snyder’s films with baseless and/or heavily opinionated claims without any evidence about how he’s “not an objectivist” (Even though the name of his production company is literally a reference to Atlas Shrugged).I’ll just leave this tweet for you again.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        Has it ever occurred to you to just like his movies? You don’t need to keep spamming every comments of anyone who doesn’t like Snyder’s films with baseless and/or heavily opinionated claims without any evidence about how he’s “not an objectivist” (Even though the name of his production company is literally a reference to Atlas Shrugged).I’ll just leave this tweet for you again.

        • syafiqjabar-av says:

          That tweet is a good message to the annoying people whether they hate Marvel, DC, Snyder or whatever.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        Just reposting my reply to you that you dismissed. I’ll make sure to repost it anytime you try to dismiss it:Has it ever occurred to you to just like his movies? You don’t need to keep spamming every comments of anyone who doesn’t like Snyder’s films with baseless and/or heavily opinionated claims without any evidence about how he’s “not an objectivist” (Even though the name of his production company is literally a reference to Atlas Shrugged).I’ll just leave this tweet for you again.

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Don’t mind Argh, he’s a Snyder Tribalist who thinks that anyone that disagreeing with his take on Snyder’s movies is equivalent to anti-semitic propaganda that helped inspire genocide. He still doesn’t see anything wrong with this fucked up comparison. He lives in his own little world and it’s best to hit the dismiss button on his comments.

      • galvatronguy-av says:

        What a bizarre fandom. There’s some directors I really like, but I acknowledge sometimes I may not have liked a particular movie they put out, it doesn’t diminish the other output they’ve had. I can’t imagine being that blindly devoted to them.

        • laserface1242-av says:

          There are people who just like his movies and don’t need to seek constant validation from other people for liking them. Hell Hbomberguy has said he likes his movies and Moviebob liked Sucker Punch IIRC. I just think the Tribalists get the most attention because they’re the ones who constantly need to prove to other people that Snyder is a god among men and they’re wrong for not liking his movies.

    • moviesmoviesmoviesallfree-av says:

      I’m going to go out on a pretty big limb here and guess that she took the role because she likes money. 

    • galdarn-av says:

      “Having seen ‘Under A Rock with Tig Notaro,’ I can forgive her for not knowing Snyder’s work—and thus, accepting this role.”

      I mean, she worked with Louis CK for years while knowing what he was up, but you’re right, she has no principles because she took a role in a movie being made by a director you don’t like.

  • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

    I guess Christopher Plummer wasn’t available

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      The phone was a stage phone, because he was in character as himself waiting for a call.

    • cyrusjavier-av says:

      Still disappointed Deadpool 2, a Fox movie like All The Money In The World, did not do this to replace TJ Miller. It would be both be ethically the right thing to do, and something that would fit Deadpool’s style of humor. Instead they just sorta brushed it under the rug.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Seamless, huh?

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I remember hearing from my brother about a scene in Scrubs where they showed how through the years, Zach Braff’s JD didn’t visually register women with wedding rings.Many years later, I actually saw the scene in question which was Elizabeth Banks inserted into scenes from older episodes of the show.It was … not executed convincingly is the most charitable thing I can say about the attempt.Even with the better technology of today, this is just one reason I’m hesitant about hearing people are going to do this sort of thing, the history of such attempts has been uneven at best.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    talk about a massive upgrade in every conceivable way.

  • drunksteven-av says:

    Pop a Tig into The Wizard Of Oz, why don’chaI hear you and I think we’re on the same page. She’d be great as Professor Marvel/the Gatekeeper/the Carriage Driver/the Guard/the Wizard of Oz.

  • peteena-av says:

    I’m not opposed to Tig Notaro, and could even get behind inserting her into every film.  This movie is looking more and more like a train wreck, though, that no number of Tigs Notaro can fix. 

  • syafiqjabar-av says:

    Hilariously, when Snyder reshoots his own movie it becomes less problematic, the opposite of Justice League.

  • galdarn-av says:

    Christopher Plummer is PISSED.

  • the-colonel-av says:

    Hey it worked great with Superman’s mustache, why not with a whole entire person?This movie, like all Zach Snyder movies, will be pure shite.

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