Tigger flag exposes the rot tearing apart the United States

A viral TikTok video of a woman taking umbrage with her neighbor's decorative Tigger flag tells us more than we want to know about ourselves

Aux Features Tigger
Tigger flag exposes the rot tearing apart the United States
Screenshot: Disney+

Three days ago, a woman on TikTok posted footage from her Ring security camera of a recent interaction with their neighbor, someone who quickly asserts herself as an Alpha Karen to rival all Alpha Karens. “Hi, how’re you?” the neighbor offhandedly offers before launching into the real reason for her visit, “I wanna talk about this, uh, Tigger flag. I don’t like it.”

What follows is a minute or so of absolutely surreal, infuriatingly condescending dog-whistling from the visitor, who makes vague claims of nonexistent homeowner’s association rules and community standards, implying that this woman (who is Black) and her home stick out like a sore Tigger tail. Here’s the full video ported over by the same uploader to YouTube. Try not to crack a tooth from gritting your teeth too hard.

“I thought the American flag was real nice. I don’t say nothing about the shrubbery being cut. I don’t say nothing about the backyard. But I don’t like that,” she reiterates for the umpteenth time, conveying that, in the past, this mere declaration of feeling was enough to change her perceived enemies’ minds.

In an astounding display of patience and restraint that we are certain few could muster, the woman (whose name is Ambrosia, judging by her TikTok profile) reminds her neighbor that they don’t live in a homeowner’s association, which we feel confident to read between the lines as something akin to, “Go fuck yourself. Tigger is a national treasure and beloved childhood icon, and you should be thankful this household reminds you of his existence every time you pass by here.”

“No, but there’s rules for the community,” Neighbor Alpha Karen retorts while vaguely gesturing around them. “I don’t like it. It makes it look,” she pauses, searching for the right word, “tacky.” She leaves without saying “Goodbye” or “Thank you for your time,” by the way. But you already knew that.

And just like that, a Tigger flag comes to represent the deepest rot eating away at this country—classicism, white privilege, racial resentment, and, eerily enough, our burgeoning surveillance state. After all, if it wasn’t for the Amazon-owned Ring doorbell installed in the home, none of this would have probably been captured for all to see. How’s that for some irony?

There’s also probably something to be said here about the startling, often unsettling power of online virality, as the Tigger Flag TikTok currently has over 10.2 million views at the time of writing. In a later follow-up post, Ambrosia informs everyone, “I don’t know who told her…[maybe] her grandchild came to it, told her. Somebody told her, because she did what we are calling a ‘Drive-By Apology,’” which apparently literally amounted to a mortified Alpha Karen shouting “I’m sorry!” as she sped by the home.

We seriously doubt the neighbor has truly understood the error of her ways, but given everything going on right now, we’ll settle for shaming people like her back into silence while we let our Tigger flags fly high.

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  • toddisok-av says:

    Offensive Tigger flag?
    Is he like giving the finger or holding a dildo or something?

  • zinea-av says:

    lol absolutely ridiculous. People need to mind their own business and live their lives. This is getting so tiring.

  • Velops-av says:

    I guess this snowflake Karen needs a Tigger warning for house flags.

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      Ambrosia missed a golden chance to just reply, “Ma’am, I’m sorry you were Tiggered.”

      • toddisok-av says:

        Is he a six-figger Tigger?

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        She decided to be the Tigger person.

      • pantrog-av says:

        OMG, this. We’re having a situation with a teen student who chooses to get “triggered” (their term) by just about anything and everything and uses it as an excuse to try and escalate situations to their advantage. We’re turning up the ignore to a thousand to avoid the drama but now I have the perfect description word: “oh boy, here we go, she got Tiggered again.”

    • ghoastie-av says:

      But then we descend into the perplexing question of whether a Tigger warning is itself a Tigger, which makes the whole exercise a farce.

    • haodraws-av says:

      I never miss a chance to call bigots or misogynists or their likes “snowflakes” online just because it absolutely tilts them.

    • oldmanschultz-av says:

      Just one of too many severely mentally ill people who will never be able to face themselves and thus keep trying to wreak havoc in the lives of everyone around them.My heart goes out, first and foremost, to the ones being harassed, but a small part of me can sense the deep, deep hurt of that Karen that must permeate every single moment of her life and I do feel… well, not compassion, exactly. Pity. That’s the word. I feel pity for that person.

    • deathgod66--av says:

      She can say “Tigger” with her ignorance. Meanwhile I rephrased my side as “Trigger” and say “you have 10 seconds to vacated my property before I pull it”

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Somebody told her, because she did what we are calling a ‘Drive-By Apology,’” which apparently literally amounted to a mortified Alpha Karen shouting “I’m sorry!” as she sped by the home.That, right there, is the Gold Standard(TM) for conservative boomer accountability.

    • toddisok-av says:

      More than we got from the last president.

      • bluedoggcollar-av says:

        He would read a stunted apology off a teleprompter, followed up by a dozen pundits intoning that today was the day Trump became president.Followed the next day by Trump denying he ever apologized and doubling down on the crazy, and the pundits running off to chase another squirrel rather than admit they were spun.
        A year later we’d get the same routine, with the pundits insisting this time he’d learned his lesson and was now truly growing into the job…..

        • nawnawnawnawnaw-av says:

          You mean like when Joe Biden said Cuomo did a “Helluva Job” for sexually harassing his staff? Hmmm, I think you don’t know anything about politics.

        • beetlebailey80-av says:

          At least he never tripped while going up a flight of stairs. 

      • nawnawnawnawnaw-av says:

        Oooooh, nasty dunk brooooo…sick burn….from someone who doesn’t know any specific thing about what the last president did, but absorbed the hate and malice from him by the mainstream media.

      • beetlebailey80-av says:

        At least he didn’t have dementia like the one we have now. 

    • nawnawnawnawnaw-av says:

      What kind of dumb comment is that? Conservative boomer accountability? I’m literally just going to say the opposite with the same effect. “That, right there, is the Gold Standard(TM) for leftist millenial accountability”. Dumb.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      There are times that I like the fact that Kinja is garbage, such as when some caterwauling lil’ edgelord gets in their feelings in the grays because they can’t hack the fact that they have no integrity or actual beliefs. ;-* 

    • hyperbolejoe-av says:

      She was just posted online in a video she didn’t know was being recorded and is likely going to face harassment by the online mob. No matter what she said or how she said she had to worry that it was going to be recorded and distributed as another means of attacking her. I also wouldn’t approach the home any longer knowing they were potentially going to distribute a video of me.

  • StoneGoldx-av says:

    I’m trying to figure out if I appreciate the lack of puns for what Tigger happens to rhyme with, or disgusted you missed the low hanging fruit.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    I’m pretty sure she chose to complain about “Tigger” so she could say 83.3% of the n-word to a black person and get away with it.

    • dirtside-av says:

      Tigger, please.

    • toddisok-av says:

      “’Cause I know how forgetful y’all Tiggers are!”

    • lineuphitters-av says:

      It’s a Tigga flag with an A, not the hard ER.

      • Saigon_Design-av says:

        Or is it Tyga? What’s he got to do with it?I can’t keep up with all the young people and their spellings nowadays /sKaren can catch a Taste of that Tyga flag and go Swish herself. Goddam.Am I doing this right?

    • coatituesday-av says:

      I’m pretty sure she chose to complain about “Tigger” so she could say 83.3% of the n-word to a black person and get away with it. Same thing occured to me, but I’m not as good with percentages, so… kudos!

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      She really had to compose herself before she could say the word “Tigger.” Y’know, had to make sure she put the right constonant in there.

    • franknstein-av says:

      It rhymes. You can say it when it rhymes right? That’s practically rap!

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Does she also have a “Black Lives Matter” flag? Maybe this woman has a speech impediment, rather than a problem with any AA Milne character.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      “Listen uh, that flag, that flag’s Tigger…well that kinda sounds like somethin’ else, somethin’ that we aren’t sayin’ but somethin’ that you of all people probably don’t want us to be thinkin’.  So if you don’t want us to look over here and be thinkin’…that…you might wanna take down that Tigger flag.”

    • monkeyhand-av says:

      I thought she was doing that to be racist, then realized there actually was a flag of Tigger.

    • thelionelhutz-av says:


    • endymion421-av says:

      Maybe she’s just sad that Rap City and 106th and Park got cancelled and seeing a Big Tigger flag reminds her of this tragedy.

    • bhlam-22-av says:

      I’m not a bad person if I sing all the lyrics in “Tiggas in Paris.” They’re just words that are part of the song!

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      That made me snigger.

    • stryeee1-av says:

      Did you win gold medal with that stretch there, bud?

    • tarheelbandb-av says:

      I checked the math. It’s 99.83%.  She got away with saying 99.83% of it. 

    • willekerr13-av says:

      True story….years ago, my kids were very small, and we were out for Halloween doing Trick or Treat. It’s dark, and I see an adult in a Tigger costume approaching, and I say “Hey kids, look at that big Tigger!”.

      Adult gets closer, and it turns out she’s a black woman, dressed in a Tigger costume. I felt…kind of embarrassed, even though I didn’t do anything wrong.

      It reminded me that, no matter what, MAYBE my lily white middle classed mouth doesn’t need to be loudly saying any words that end in “igger”.

    • goddessoftransitoryrisesagain-av says:

      Only seven letters between her and Racist Nirvana.

    • themanwoaname-av says:

      Implies this cancer is that clever.

    • KingOfKong-av says:

      Zero chance this bitch is smart enough to pull something like that. She’s just the typical neighborhood busybody who thinks she has the right to tell other people what to do with their property. You know what I do if I see a flag I don’t like on someone else’s property? I think to myself “I don’t like that flag” and continue about my own business. 

    • benexclaimed-av says:

      Pretty cool that this is followed by 100 examples of (definitely white) AVClub commenters doing exactly that.

    • hersko-av says:

      I know Tigger is half black, but he’s also half orange.  You would think that would even it out for her.

    • westsidegrrl-av says:

      *sing song* Nailed it! [/ss]

  • yourmomandmymom-av says:

    While you’re out judging people, just note that the “Karen” meme is misogynistic AF.

    • usernamedonburnham-av says:

      fuck em. Theyre assholes.

    • xeranar-av says:

      Its centered on white women who flex their white privilege, please, let’s unpack how using ‘Karen’ is destroying white women everywhere.

      • light-emitting-diode-av says:

        I’ll unpack it: Not nearly enough

      • toddisok-av says:

        It’s probably a drag for women named Karen. I’m sure they’re not all bitches.

        • dirtside-av says:

          I do in fact know at least one really nice Karen! She’s not white, however.I do know a couple of white Karens and they seem to be okay, but I’ve never been in a retail establishment with either one.

        • xeranar-av says:

          So, now we’re down from it being misogyny to it being crappy for women named Karen. Kthx!

        • karen0222-av says:

          Thank you, we’re not. Funny, flaky, silly and sometimes snarky…as a a friend from another lifetime ago once told me, “Everyone is entitled to be an asshole, once in awhile.”

        • tampabeeatch-av says:

          I have a friend named Karen, and she collects and posts these stories on her FB page, and she ranks how Karen-ey they are. But she’s hilarious and a good sport.

        • heartbeets-av says:

          Probably not, but of the three Karens I know, it is fully accurate. 

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:
      • jewelq-av says:

        As a white woman, I’m just going to say fuck karens.

      • stryeee1-av says:

        I mean, this is the left for you.Racisim is ok as long as it’s the RIGHT kind of racisim. *nod nod, wink wink*

      • seven-deuce-av says:

        Regardless of your justification, it’s a misogynistic, racist, and wildly overplayed card.

      • joshlaurie-av says:

        Yeah, I’m more concerned with the fact that one of the names I wanted to call a potential daughter has more or less been ruined than I am about the alleged misogyny.

      • hystericalparoxysms-av says:

        The Karen meme has deteriorated as it has spread from The Root, into wider use, and has, unsurprisingly, been appropriated and had the original emphasis on white women weaponizing their white womanhood to harass black people removed almost completely.It was part of a broader discussion about white feminists and the role of white women in maintaining white supremacy. Like #metoo, which also started in black online spaces, it has been bleached of more complex meaning.

      • whatevernameyoulikepal-av says:

        The hard part is recognizing that the baby is going to be a self centered racist asshole and then naming her Karen ( sorry i forgot the male equivalent, but i know there is one).Some parents legally change their kids name to Karen when they hit the teen years and it becomes more obvious that they are going to be shitty people. All true, i readed it on the interwebs.

      • Tuscadero-av says:

        We only call em “Karens” because it’s impolite to say “cunt” in mixed company.

    • drewskiusa-av says:

      RIGHT?! Even this site’s writers are full of hypocritical shit and need an enema or something. They attack sexist males and meanwhile, throw “Karen” around delightfully.Is this how Trump supporters believe what they believe? They just pretend THEIR form of sexism is OK?

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:
      • loyalone-av says:

        Thanks for the parody, I needed a good laugh.

      • nawnawnawnawnaw-av says:

        And if you look over this way children, you can see the leftists, once again, eating themselves.

      • baskev-av says:

        Karen , karen , Karen.Its not sexist or anything.Its just a name for a group of insane people, going off on the litle things that do not matter. Or act like something is a big deal , and presume that everyone not white and straight is out to do bad stuff. Male karens also get called karen. Karen is the behavior.

      • jeanlucpickerd-av says:

        Unrelated note: I’ve always wondered what an enema feels like but also have been rather concerned that I might be mentally unstable since I’ve always wondered what an enema feels like (but don’t REALLY want to experience one).

      • cavemanner-av says:

        Sexism? Maybe, but what it’s really about is punching “up” on someone who feels they are “above” everyone else around them. 

    • kingradness-av says:

      someone should speak to the manager about this

    • ammento-av says:

      Settle down, Karen.

    • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

      I’m a white lady. It’s not misogynistic. It’s fine. 

      • toddisok-av says:

        Hello, white lady, I’m Todd.

      • khalleron-av says:

        Same here. 

      • chronoboy-av says:

        but is your name Karen?

      • raniqueenphoenix-av says:


      • ignatiusreillysvalve-av says:

        Same here. It represents a specific type of white woman that the rest of us would like to disassociate ourselves from as quickly as possible. I’m fine with it. 

      • bigjoec99-av says:

        As a white dude the same age as most Karen’s, I can tell you there’s absolutely glee in taking women down a peg underlying a lot of its use. Us white dudes do the same shit, but get pass the discussion and insult are so intensely gendered.If there were a specific word for “Puerto Rican asshole”, you just know that word would be racially/ethnically weaponized against Puerto Ricans — even if said word had started out being used for specific Puerto Ricans and only when they were specifically being assholes.Let’s clearly define the behaviors we’re hating and focus on calling them out. Leave the gender out of it.

        • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

          I’m not saying it can’t be USED in a misogynistic way, but its intent and creation was very much aimed at white woman acting in entitled white women ways, often with a white supremacist lens over the whole thing. I know plenty of lovely women named Karen, none of whom are particularly bothered by it, and I didn’t see people whining about the poor Felicias of the world when “bye, Felicia” was a thing.It’s not the same as a word being leveled against Puerto Ricans or Black people or Asian women (etc) because white women hold so much power and privilege! We weaponize our tears and our ability to be seen as non-threatening. (Hashtag not all white women, I guess, but it’s very common and often unconscious.)

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Yes, someone should alert the manager.

    • richarddawsonsghost-av says:

      Yeah, nah, it’s not misogynistic. On the other hand, you are an idiot for thinking so. Thanks for trying to be woke though I guess.

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      Very cool to re-center a conversation about racism onto white feminism. The incident in question involved a white woman flexing racial privilege on a WOC, but instead let’s talk about how misogynist it is for this Black woman to call this white lady a “Karen.”That’s really the real crime. Is making white ladies feel mildly bad for having the audacity to deputize themselves as community police. It’s misogynist, really, because the white ladies are the real victims here.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      the “Karen” meme is misogynistic AF.


    • toddisok-av says:

      Wasn’t the little girl from Red Meat who sparred with Milkman Dan named Karen?

    • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

      your name’s karen, isn’t it?

      karen is an earned term. maybe if people didn’t act that way, we’d stop using the word. Did you ever think about that? Changing YOUR behavior?

    • aaaaaaagh-av says:

      it’s definitely not but nice attempt at creating a discourse.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      It still has value right now, but basically any negative term for women based on a specific behavior just becomes a synonym for “bitch” over a long enough timescale.  We’re already about halfway there, eventually it’ll just be like “Cindy was a little pushy in that meeting, what a karen.”

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:


      • on-2-av says:

        Well, only if viewed singularly through a gendered lens…except the whole point of Karen is to highlight racial and class privilege and the entitled behavior that comes with it. It is literally the way white women benefit from aligning themselves with other oppressive powers ….

        • ghostiet-av says:

          Can’t wait for someone to rail on the Black community for using “Miss Ann” all those years ago.

        • systemmastert-av says:

          Doesn’t matter what it means now or meant in the first place. Language drift is real and it’ll just mean bitch eventually because misogyny is also real. People already use it that way.

          • triohead-av says:


          • raniqueenphoenix-av says:

            I have yet to see the term applied to a non-white woman.

          • on-2-av says:

            Misogynoir is ALSO a real thing. No one just calls black women “Karen” … because black women are already subject to the stereotype of the “angry black woman” AND traditionally are not perceived as have the social or economic power in Western society to “ask for a manager” in the same way. And the idea that it is ONLY about gender is literally the whitest white girl feminist failure you can make and literally proves the reason it exists as a particularized insult.

            Basically, don’t be a basic bytch about it :). (The Y makes it feminist).

            But seriously, the idea that you are ignoring that bitch also has serious reclamation going on in current usage means the “language drift” analysis is a bit lacking.

          • dirtside-av says:

            I assume a bytch is 8 bitches?

      • snooder87-av says:

        And? Maybe “Cindy” could try not being such a Karen next time. 

      • westsidegrrl-av says:

        That happened about a week after the Central Park birder incident. Literally, within about a week, every incel and neckbeard in my sci fi fan groups were screaming KAREN and telling women to STFU. I tried to tell them Karen was a racial term—for white women who weaponize their race—but they weren’t having it.It’s still a very useful term for incidents like this.

    • elhoward-av says:

      I see a lot of “male Karens” out there.

    • pak-man-av says:

      The Term Karen Exposes the Rot Tearing Apart the United States

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:


    • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

      The term is misogynistic, and racist. No different than any of the various stereotypical “black” names people use as racist-but-more-socially-acceptable placeholders for the N word.  Difference is, being racist against white people is apparently not a crime.  Some people think its literally not possible to be racist against white people even, smh…  But yea, AVClub readers, and TheRoot even more, lets just keep “fighting” racism with more racism.  No way thatll lead to MORE racism, amirite?

    • gregthestopsign-av says:

      Complaining about the relatively recent mistreatment of the name ‘Karen’ when poor ‘Paddy’, ‘Cletus’ and ‘Olaf’ have been copping flak for generations, is such a Karen thing to do…

    • j4x-av says:

      Oh no, why won’t someone think of the poor white women.

      • raineyb1013-av says:

        Funny how in a video about bad behavior on the part of a white woman turns into someone (and it always happens) complaining about misogyny because someone called her a Karen.No comment as far as I’ve seen so far about the karen’s racist behavior in thinking she has any business telling the Black woman what she (Ms. Ambrosia) can do with her own damn house.

    • tommelly-av says:

      I think the original intent was okay(ish), but it’s now thrown at pretty much any female not behaving meekly enough for the men, so yeah.

    • stryeee1-av says:

      I mean, this is the left for you.Racisim is ok as long as it’s the RIGHT kind of racisim. *nod nod, wink wink*

    • Skunch-av says:

      #notallkarens amirite?

    • birdgofly-av says:

      There’s nothing misogynistic about calling a Karen a Karen. If anything about this is misogynistic, it’s that Kens aren’t called out nearly as often. But then again, Kens usually aren’t as likely to complain or call the police or make a public spectacle, they’re more likely to just simmer until they’re angry enough to start breaking and beating on things. Karens are almost always 100% in the wrong and should absolutely be called out when Karening. What these people are doing isn’t somehow okay just because they’re the only ones being called out for it.As this article points out, just because you don’t like something (ie Karens being called Karens) doesn’t mean it’s wrong, Karen.

    • desertbruinz-av says:


    • trollfa-av says:

      Yes. White Women NEVER live up to it

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Naw, these people deserve even worse ridicule for their behavior. Calling them Karen lets them off easy.

    • PlaidNinja-av says:

      Echoing what others wrote… how?

    • thefanciestcat-av says:

      Absolutely. Let us also not forget that “asshole” is body shaming.

    • familycar-av says:

      Would you prefer “Becky?”

    • lagrapadora-av says:

      I’m a woman, the person who interacted with her/posted the video is a woman: no. At least not in this context.

    • themanwoaname-av says:

      51% of white women voted for trump.

      • johnshireley-av says:

        Gawd that’s horrifying. Every single time I’m reminded of that, I just recoil thinking about the implications of it.

    • sweatyitguy-av says:

      Yup. Racist White Women are the real victims here. Good thing they have you to fight the good fight!

    • kamaireturns-av says:

      Oh won’t someone think of the poor white women.

    • ndlb-av says:

      yawn… Jezebel is thataway —–>

    • raineyb1013-av says:

      THAT is what you got from this? Nothing about the racist ass Karen who came up to a Black woman’s house to try to tell her what she could and could not fly from her own damn house?You’re the reason why Karens think the can get away with their fuckshit.Next time Ms. Ambrosia should put out a BLM flag; that’ll show the Karen.

    • lithiumfox-av says:

      Then I’m going to be a misogynist now. Doesn’t matter since I’m already a misandrist.Just means now it’s fuckin equal opportunity i guess, you cunt.

    • stridercal-av says:

      So are you a ‘Karen’ or a ‘Tucker’ yourself?

    • citricola-av says:

      Karen refers to weaponized privilege. In some ways, declaring all terms that you don’t like as misogynistic is in the same category – you have the privilege to decide something is okay, and use it to silence people calling out a (very specific) behavior.

      • triohead-av says:

        ‘Karen’ refers to weaponized privilege wielded by women. It is fundamentally a gendered insult. OK, weaponized privilege is generally a good target for ire, I agree, and I know people like to say there’s a male version too (‘Chad,’ I gather).
        But a) it’s much less specific and kinda expanded to cover general douchebaggery, and b) it hasn’t caught on to the same degree. When an insult specific to women is outpaces the similar male insult… you’ve got to step back and think that just maybe there’s a sizable chunk of misogyny involved there.
        And if so, maybe leave it alone. It doesn’t hurt to just say instead what you said at the start, “that’s some Weaponized Privilege,” instead.

        • beyond-the-joystick-av says:

          Well, no, not quite. There’s room for nuance here, and I’m sure that some misuses of “Karen” are rooted in misogyny. That’s, sadly, still how our society functions; terminology, especially from social justice areas, gets taken and watered down and misused, and it almost always ends up just harming women. Using it to refer to an annoying woman in general is misogynist and incorrect.“Karen” itself comes from Black people and is meant to describe a very specific archetype they face that is rooted in whiteness. Insisting that the term is misogynist is…. well, to be frank, it’s racist. Not necessarily intentionally, to be clear. But “Karen” is, at its core, about the intersection of whiteness and how women are socialized to behave. It’s a specific designation for what we see, not from white people, but specifically from (usually) white women in the context of race. Yes, #notallwomen and #notallmen, etc., but when white men are confronted or are caught being racist, they’re often much more confrontational and aggressive. There’s more shouting, more physical imposition, threats of active violence, and so on.White people that are socialized as and present as women, though, often act differently. Not just the scoffing and insistence of “I can’t be racist!”, but also the weaponized use of crying, the overconfident “Let me speak to your manager”-type behavior, the framing of Black people as “aggressive” or “threatening” when the Black person has been nothing but calm. women who start shit with Black people and then turn around to play the victim; if there’s violence involved, it’s rarely ever throwing fists or other things we most often associate with men.“Weaponized privilege” doesn’t cut it here. “Karen” refers to weaponizing not just white privilege, but also femininity within that. It’s inextricably gendered because it’s about white femininity wielded as a weapon against Black people. Just as “gay men at large have a problem with misogyny” isn’t homophobic, “Karen” itself isn’t misogynist.https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/very-online/the-karen-meme-isnt-a-slur-its-a-social-critiquehttps://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/28/karen-memes-jokes-arent-sexist-or-racist-let-karen-explain/

        • dirtside-av says:

          We’ll know the term has really become a problem when we start hearing “you son of a Karen”

      • benexclaimed-av says:

        lol, posting a comment on this stupid website equates to privilege?

    • beyond-the-joystick-av says:

      When it’s misused, maybe. But it’s specifically about the use of white femininity as a weapon against Black people. When whiteness AND femininity are used to harm people, it’s not misogynist to call it out.

    • ysubuffoon-av says:

      I’ve decided to start calling them White Noise Machines instead.

    • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

      From one Darth to another, no it’s not.  Act a fool, get a foolish name. 

  • gargsy-av says:

    “she reiterates for the umpteenth time”

    What you quoted was her FIRST time reiterating it.

    I know, I know, words don’t mean anything here, just thought I’d point out the weird and inaccurate statement.

  • gargsy-av says:


    Wait, what does this have to do with “the following of ancient Greek or Roman principles and style in art and literature, generally associated with harmony, restraint, and adherence to recognized standards of form and craftsmanship, especially from the Renaissance to the 18th century”?

  • gargsy-av says:

    “And just like that, a Tigger flag comes to represent the deepest rot eating away at this country…our burgeoning surveillance state.”

    Wow. You’re suggesting that his homeowner having a camera on her front door is part of what’s wrong with America?

    That’s a pretty bold declaration.

    Please explain how this homeowner having Ring is part of the problem of this video.

  • xeranar-av says:

    So, this is like 99% about an older white woman trying to passively flex on a black woman and getting fucking destroyed by the ring camera. This bullshit goes on everywhere and I can’t help but be glad this dumb white lady was put in her place.

  • artofwjd-av says:

    I wish my neighbors had a Tigger flag. It would be a vast improvement over the fading MAGA flag my dipshit neighbors have.

  • coatituesday-av says:

    Y’know, as an old-school Winnie the Pooh fan, I consider any non-E.H. Shepard illustrations to be non-canon. But jesus fucking christ, I wouldn’t tell anyone that, because..Oops, just did, and I seem pedantic now. Told ya.

  • cab1701-av says:

    Hell is other people.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    Don’t know what Tigger flags represent, but Pooh flags let travelers know that your house is a safe space they can come and walk around with no pants on.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    “i don’t like it.”  wtf?  who gives a shit what karen likes about somebody else’s home?

    • wakemein2024-av says:

      I suspect Karen has been looking for something to complain about to Ambrosia since she moved to the neighborhood. As she herself notes, she’s been keeping a list, none of which seemed like enough, although she mentions them all. I will say though that it’s entirely possible (albeit unlikely) this has nothing to do with race. There is no shortage of people who think they are in charge in any situation.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      To be honest, I find the ostentatious display of Disney shit to be incredibly weird and tacky, but I’m not gonna come right out and say it without the cover of anonymity.

      • gritsywitsy-av says:

        if i see a house flying disney characters on a flag, my thought is not “fuck that’s tacky”, my thought is “oh, they probably have kids”i try to understand people sometimes and this one is very clearly a case of complaining about a thing because she feels powerless otherwise

        • craigo81-av says:

          yeah that’s the read I get on many of these incidents. An insecure person picking on people they perceive as weaker than them, in this case very possibly for racist reasons. And there’s others – younger people, people of perceived lower social class like retail workers or some combination of all the above. Many of them also appear to have deeper mental health issues – impulsive, unreasonably angry.

        • fever-dog-av says:

          My thought WOULD be “that’s tacky.” My next thought would be “Not really my business plus, generally speaking, I have better things to do besides talk to a neighbor and I assume they don’t want me to bother them anyway…”

      • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

        I mean it’s weird and tacky but I’m not going to come to your door to bitch about it. More like “oh jeez another disney cultist”

      • alferd-packer-av says:

        It’s less tacky than flying the flag of your country, in my opinion.People should be a lot happier to be associated with AA Milne (Disney? Who dat?) than showing some sort of nationalistic pride. Generally, where I live, if you have a St George’s cross in your window then it’s because you are a racist. At the very least, the sort of person that thinks their country is better than other countries. Which is a bit of a stretch if you are British or American.

      • nilus-av says:

        To me its not any more tacky then flying a flag of a country or a sports team.  

    • hemmorhagicdancefever-av says:

      I don’t say nothing about the backyard. Great, since it’s behind the house, fucking stalker.

      • nilus-av says:

        Yeah that was some real A game level passive aggressive shit. “I am not gonna say anything about your bushes or you backyard” translates to “I think your house looks like shit overall, but this Tigger flag is over the top

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      My response to “I don’t like it” would be, “Huh. Good to know.” Then I’d shut the door.

      • goddessoftransitoryrisesagain-av says:

        And order ten more flags for overnight delivery, then festoon my entire yard.

      • t-rumblesbumbles-av says:

        I get old men telling me I modified my classic car the wrong way and I always get a really excited look on my face and tell them “Thats awesome!, You’ll be really glad to learn its not your car!” and then they usually fuck off. 

    • wirelessjoe-av says:

      “You don’t like it? Well I’m sure you’re a huge property rights person, and that flag is on my property.  I don’t like your stupid fucking face on my porch. Guess who’s opinion matters?”

      is the proper response.

    • goddessoftransitoryrisesagain-av says:

      “Well, I don’t like your FACE. Removing it from my sight would be a win-win situation.”Honestly, my first reaction to this scenario, if it happened to me, would be “I truly hope it’s the voices in your head that made starting this seem like a good idea because at least you’d have an excuse then.” But I’m white. It’s pretty clear this woman just needed a hit of racism and her phone died so she couldn’t start shit on line. She scanned her neighborhood, saw a Tigger flag belonging to a Black woman, and went for it

    • kamaireturns-av says:

      Right?  My response would have been “okay,” followed by closing the door in her face.

    • vaguedreams-av says:

      This is an old person thing, not necessarily white person thing. I’ve had neighbors like this that I have politely told to fuck off, and in some situations, had to eat my words because there are rules for HOA’s and Subdivisions without HOAs. I honestly have no idea if this is a Karen sitch. The neighbor went and talked to them, expressed their opinion, let them know there are rules to the community, and that was it.Probably would have been nice if they knew what the actual rules were, or if she could explain what her tigger issue is though.  But again, old.

  • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

    I think there’s a greater conversation to be had about sharing things like this. Why did the homeowner decide she needed to post this online? The woman isn’t threatening, she just had a stupid opinion. Now that it’s out there people are trying to imply that she’s racist (maybe she is maybe she isn’t). Why not just chalk it up to “my neighbor is weird” and move on?

    • toddisok-av says:

      Because “Pix or it didn’t happen”, I guess.

    • alexpkavclub-av says:

      I don’t know, man, if I get some video of some hilarious shit, I’m probably putting that online too.

      • toddisok-av says:

        It’s a big internet. There’s room for it among the boobs, the ‘hang in there’ kittens and the images of naked breasts.

      • goddessoftransitoryrisesagain-av says:

        Especially if it’s in the category of “None Of This Would Exist If Said Neighbor Hadn’t Decided Today Was The Day To Start Shit About A Tigger Flag.”

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      I think there’s a greater conversation to be had about sharing things
      like this. Why did the homeowner decide she needed to post this online?

      Why did the neighbour decide that she needed to complain about a flag featuring a cartoon character?
      The woman isn’t threatening

      This time, and the homeowner didn’t know how the neighbour was going to act when she first answered her door.
      Now that it’s out there people are trying to imply that she’s racist (maybe she is maybe she isn’t).

      Yeah, I’m going with she’s racist.

      • nawnawnawnawnaw-av says:

        You’re going with she’s racist because you want to believe she’s racist… because…. you’re racist.

      • don-kiddick-av says:

        It is physically possible to have an issue with something a black person does without being a racist.

      • seven-deuce-av says:

        Read your post back to yourself and recognize the leaps in narrative you’ve decided to author.

    • dummytext2-av says:

      I agree. The actions in this story are unneighborly at best. And that’s what society is, it is your neighbors and how you treat them. Whether you like their flags or not. Whether you’ve surreptitiously filmed them or not. And it seems strange to me, when discussing the “rot” in our society, to overlook that fact.

    • zhimbo-av says:

      She’s is threatening, though. She lists all the things she’s “not said anything” about -YET! – that apparently are violations of “the rules”. She’s clearly implying that if the homeowner doesn’t get in line, she’s going to report her for these violations. She may be bluffing, or she may believe it, but she’s absolutely trying to threaten with repercussions for, if not the Tigger flag, then the shrubs or the “backyard”.

    • Velops-av says:

      That white woman had no intention of simply moving on. Her lie about the existence of community rules and the “I’m gonna find out about it” line is just code for this isn’t over.

    • hammerbutt-av says:

      She could just be a flag nut. I couldn’t find anything online showing both flags but if the Tigger flag was bigger or higher that can trigger some people.

    • seinnhai-av says:

      It’s one thing to have to constantly catch microaggressions while at work or in line at the bank (or from actual bank tellers) but at your front door? Really? You’re gonna bring your opinions, lies, and complaints to my front door?Meanwhile, you reverse the colors on this conversation and cops are involved. Ambrosia doesn’t have the option to weaponize police for perceived (or falsified) grievances but still has to tolerate this bullshit. Her best option for retaliation is public shaming because it’s hyper effective and doesn’t risk anyone’s life.  And before you try that “turn the other cheek” shit, remember who started this whole shit.  It’s the commonly know rule of “fuck around and find out.”  Karen fucked around, Karen found out.

      • bif67-av says:

        Thank you. Conveniently ‘SlurmsMcKenzie’ did not mention that in their post.

      • nawnawnawnawnaw-av says:

        Does it not risk someone’s life? That seems like a poorly thought out comment given the fact that people who have a spotlight shined on them online are frequently the target of death threats.

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      Because there are levels of “weird” that white people feel comfortable subjecting their neighbors of color to which they don’t feel comfortable subjecting their white neighbors to, and which they’d call the cops or pull a gun if their neighbors of color tried subjecting them to. Being a person of color means that some white strangers feel compelled to offer you unsolicited opinions about things that have nothing to do with them. Sometimes (like the lady in this video) they’re going to lie, and pretend that they have been invested with some authority to tell you what to do, or to require you to divulge information about yourself, just because they’re white and you’re not. And frequently, when an encounter like this occurs, the next step is for the white person to lie and claim that the person of color reacted with threats or violence, whether to the other neighbors or (a depressing number of times) to the police.So yes, that lady with the Tigger Flag should be documenting and publicizing this “weird” encounter with her neighbor, if only so as to have proof that she didn’t didn’t do anything wrong, because that, sadly, is the world we live in. And if the video deters the next busybody from giving their neighbor of color a piece of their mind for no damn reason, all the better.

      • newsom303-av says:

        Bravo, I can’t give you enough stars. Don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a pointed, thorough, and succinct breakdown of both the subject at hand and the comment being responded to, in all my time on the internet. 

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:


    • nuffsed-av says:

      Thank you!! I really wish more people would assume other people are just weirdos instead of going straight for the race card. SMH I’m a jerk to all people and I’m nice to all people and I really couldn’t give a dman what your race is.

    • eulogia-av says:

      Because the woman complaining is White. And the recipient of the complaint is Black. And the complaint is insufferable white privilege ranting. 

    • haodraws-av says:

      I want to believe that it’s just for the lulz. But another recent incident with the baseball team Colorado Rockies’ mascot Dinger makes me think many people just get off on having a perceived moral high ground.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “But another recent incident with the baseball team Colorado Rockies’ mascot Dinger makes me think many people just get off on having a perceived moral high ground.”

        Sorry, what’s the “perceived moral high ground” of “did that guy just yell the N-word”?

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I’m going to bet that without the video being shared, that neighbour would be back again with another complaint. Now that she’s received some consequences for her behaviour, I doubt she will.

    • j4x-av says:

      I’m guessing you are young.The next step might be that crazy biatch calls the police and they shoot the homeowner dead when she answers the door with a cell phone in her hand; the homeowner is simply taking the only defensive measure afforded a black person in America. If that scenario doesn’t sound plausible to you, you haven’t lived much.We are far past the point where any POC can afford to assume the best of a white person who feels the need to come to their front door and complain about their decorations.

      • benexclaimed-av says:

        lol, of course this dumbass lady complaining about a Tigger flag is LIFE AND DEATH to some dork in the AVClub comments. A fun game is to imagine this exact same video posted, let’s say, seven or eight years ago. Everyone laughs at the lady and moves on.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          A dumbass white lady complaining was LIFE AND DEATH to a young man named Emmett Till, and countless other Black people over the years and to this very day.  Read a book before you start posting nonsense.

          • benexclaimed-av says:

            No shit, you fucking idiot. Far more often it’s just some busy body with waaay too much time on their hands and nothing better to do. I know it’s 2021 so it is your job as a dumb person online to act this way, but this was an interaction between an old, bored idiot and some lady with a Tigger flag. It isn’t a big deal. Get a life.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Which part exactly was “no shit” to you, because this comment of yours still indicates zero understanding of the historical underpinnings of interactions like this and why the Black neighbor might have felt threatened.

          • benexclaimed-av says:

            Pretending “interactions like this” are similar to Emett Till is the issue here. Sometimes black people and white people interact, believe it or not. You might see it sometime if you log off. Sometimes the white person is an idiot. That doesn’t make it analogous to Emmett Till just because you’ve managed to draw this convoluted line from one to the other in your head. Was there any indication that the black woman felt threatened? She thought it was funny. It is funny. That’s it. 

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I’m not pretending anything. You said a lady complaining is not life or death. I gave you one example in which a lady complaining was indeed life or death, and the fact that you think that’s the only example there is tells me that you, indeed, have no idea about the historical underpinnings of interactions like this. You don’t even know how to spell Emmett Till’s name. I again encourage you to read a book or two before you feel competent to engage on the subject of weaponized whiteness and why interactions like this make Black people feel the need to protect themselves. You ask if there was any indication that the Black woman felt threatened. If you paid any attention to the subject matter or read anything about it (or just listened to me, a Black woman who has existed in this country her whole life and has indeed interacted with white people, as we can’t really escape that), you’d know that she did.But since you don’t actually want to understand what she was thinking and just want to dismiss her as ridiculous because that’s easier for you, then I can’t stop you. 

          • benexclaimed-av says:

            You don’t have to explain that sometimes people complain and it’s life or death. I explained to you in my first post that far more often, perhaps 99.9999% of the time, a lady complaining is a lady complaining. The lady with the flag posted the video. Did you even watch it before you started with your silly shit? She had text on the video that indicated she thought it was very funny. Btw, I’ve read plenty of books. In most of them, when a white person and a black person interact it isn’t life or death, though in some rare cases it is. Read some other books, maybe.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            So you say that “far more often” and “perhaps” a lot of the time it amounts to nothing (would love to see your data for these assessments). Let me ask you this. How am I, as a Black person, supposed to know which one it is in this case? Am I just supposed to close the door and hope that this lady’s jacked up grandsons don’t burn a cross on my yard or fire “ warning shots” into my window for being rude to their grandma and not taking down the flag? Because you do realize that Black people have faced greater consequences for less, right?Of course I watched the video, and just because she thought it was funny (or said she thought it was funny) doesn’t mean she didn’t feel some level of threat. Haven’t you ever laughed or tried to make a joke out of something that made you feel vulnerable?When I said read some books, I didn’t mean read books that just included a white character and a Black character who talk. I meant actual history books or academic writing. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. I meant books to educate yourself about what we’re talking about here. I didn’t mean, like comic books or Harry Potter.

          • benexclaimed-av says:

            Well, if you’re suggesting that most interactions between white people and black people result in death you are absolutely beyond help. You also cited exactly one example contrary to what I said, so, uh, there was that time Barack Obama gave Joe Biden the medal and everyone cried about it or whatever. There – we’re even. 1-1.
            And yeah, history books do include interactions between white people and black people that are positive! I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, I’m saying that, despite the fact you’ve worked yourself up into a frenzy over this stupid video, there is no indication that this lady felt threatened. Since you love evidence, the evidence I’m citing is what the fucking lady who posted the video said. The evidence you’re citing is “I’m mad online and have decided to pretend the lady felt scared for her life to make a point”. Take a breather.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            “Well, if you’re suggesting that most interactions between white people and black people result in death”I am at a huge loss as to how you could possibly have gleaned this from my comments.“You also cited exactly one example contrary to what I said”I’m not sure what this means. History is full of examples of white women lying and resulting in the deaths or harm of Black people. Again, read a book. I’m not sure what you’re trying to convey with the Obama-Biden sentence.“And yeah, history books do include interactions between white people and black people that are positive!”
            Again, I’m lost. I never said that there are never positive interactions between Black people and white people? I married a white man, so this isn’t news to me. You didn’t answer my question about how I’m supposed to know that this woman who walked away telling me she would continue making an issue out of this wasn’t going to escalate in a dangerous way. Could you please answer that? That would actually be super helpful to me.“I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, I’m saying that, despite the fact you’ve worked yourself up into a frenzy over this stupid video, there is no indication that this lady felt threatened.”Can you show me where in my comments it indicates that I am in a frenzy? I’m asking because you’re able to conclude somehow that I am in “a frenzy” even though I never said I was upset or excited or in a frenzy, even though I’m just carrying on a conversation just like you are, but you have also concluded that this woman definitely wasn’t feeling threatened because she didn’t say she was threatened. So I’m just wondering how that works. “I’m mad online and have decided to pretend the lady felt scared for her life to make a point” I never said any of this, so the quotation marks are inappropriate and dishonest. Perhaps your being in a frenzy has caused you to start making up lies. Literally the only true thing in that sentence is that I’m online.

          • benexclaimed-av says:

            So, to be clear, I need to cite countless positive interactions between black and white people or else you’re convinced they don’t exist (and yes, you implied exactly that when you criticized me for using words like “perhaps” when I said the majority of interactions weren’t life and death) but I need to “read a book” if I’m telling you that bringing up Emmett Till of all people in this mostly harmless interaction between two people is a stretch? And, further, when I point out that the lady gave zero indication whatsoever that she felt threatened despite your insistence she did feel that way, you continue to talk about Emmett Till and how you might have felt in this situation. To be honest, I don’t care how you might have felt because that has nothing to do with anything. Based on this short interaction, I can’t begin to predict how you’d feel about any given situation considering the leaps you’ve made here.
            It’s very telling that you had to wholesale make up me calling the lady with the flag ‘ridiculous’ to bolster your point. And, yeah, the indication you’re in a bit of a tizzy here is that we all watched a funny video about a Tigger flag and you’re invoking Emmett Till’s name and implying this could have led to murder when the actual lady involved just said she thought it was funny despite your continued insistence that she somewhere, deep down, felt her life was on the line.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            “So, to be clear, I need to cite countless positive interactions between black and white people or else you’re convinced they don’t exist”No. lol Since I never said or implied that positive interactions between Black and white people don’t exist. Are you kidding? Can you read? I didn’t criticize you for using the word “perhaps.” You completely (SOMEHOW) misunderstood that entire comment. I quoted “perhaps” and “far more often” to highlight the fact that *not all interactions between Black and white people end positively.* And certainly not interactions in which a white person shows up at a Black person’s door as this white woman did, with intentions of threatening her (which yes, that’s what all that talk about the “rules” was) to take down her decorations. And my question was since they aren’t all positive, how am I as a Black person supposed to know that this interaction, which absolutely was not positive and in which the white woman positioned herself as the aggressor, how am I supposed to know that this is one of the “far more often” cases that “perhaps” won’t end badly? Can you answer that? That’s the third time I’ve asked you and you keep pretending I didn’t ask.“when I point out that the lady gave zero indication whatsoever that she felt threatened despite your insistence she did feel that way, you continue to talk about Emmett Till”I mean, I also gave zero indication whatsoever that I was in “a frenzy” (you’re the one who started out using all caps, so I guess you’re in a frenzy also) but you still felt comfortable reaching that conclusion. And for the record, I mentioned Emmett Till exactly once, and then again to tell you how to spell his name. The reason I talk about how I might have felt is because I have been in this Black woman’s position. You haven’t. You claim to know how she felt despite the fact that you’ve never been in that situation. Why is it a problem for you to give some credence to someone who has been there? “yeah, the indication you’re in a bit of a tizzy here is that we all watched a funny video about a Tigger flag and you’re invoking Emmett Till’s name…”
            So you’re just going to continue to ignore why I mentioned him? You’re going to continue to ignore the fact that lies by white people have in the past (and I mean in the recent past, not just with Emmett Till—look up Pervis Payne, look up Trayvon Martin, look up the fact that killings of Black people by white people are more likely to be ruled justifiable, look up the fact that innocent Black men are more likely to be wrongfully convicted of rape) have led to real harm for Black people? That’s really all I need to know here. You want to see this as just a funny interaction and you want to ignore the long and current history of weaponized white womanhood, and that’s fine. That’s totally fine. Just say that? Just say “my name is benexclaimed and I don’t care about white women aggressing Black people in their homes.” We could have avoided this whole back and forth.  Don’t pretend you know anything about it when it’s clear you don’t and when you have made it abundantly clear that you don’t care to learn. You want to ignore it because laughing is easier than reading, and I won’t argue with that. Have a good day. I’m going to yoga. You may have the last word. I won’t be reading it, since I doubt you’ll answer the question I asked three times already anyway.

          • benexclaimed-av says:

            My name is benexclaimed and I’m going to take the word of the lady in the video (the one who said it was funny) over the, uh, perfectly sane woman in the AVClub comments writing a fan fic about burning crosses and murder because she’s absolutely mentally healthy.You know you read it, btw.

          • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

            My name is benexclaimed and I’m going to take the word of the lady in the video (the one who said it was funny) over the, uh, perfectly sane woman in the AVClub comments writing a fan fic about burning crosses and murder because she’s absolutely mentally healthy.You sound fun. You should write children’s books.

          • benexclaimed-av says:

            Also, hilarious that you say I dismissed the lady with the flag as ‘ridiculous’ when all I actually said about her was ‘she thought it was funny’ (based on the evidence I mentioned above, where she indicated that she did, in fact, think it was funny). I’m dismissing you as ridiculous, roughly on par with the lady complaining about the flag.

    • virgo47-av says:

      Do stupid shit on someone else’s front porch, you are threatening. My front porch comes with a complimentary 9mm stuck in your face. F your “conversation”.

    • raniqueenphoenix-av says:

      Are you for real?

    • stryeee1-av says:

      I mean, this is the left for you.Racisim is ok as long as it’s the RIGHT kind of racisim. *nod nod, wink wink*

    • Skunch-av says:

      you’re right, people should be allowed to be crazy and not experience any consequences.

      • bryanska-av says:

        Dude it’s a HOA. People are fucking crazy in HOAs. Old people move into HOAs for a reason. I am a home inspector. I don’t know ONE single HOA that somebody hasn’t rolled their eyes at. HOAs and the problems they have, are how-the-sausage-is-made places. You learn real quick that how YOU think the world should be is only shared by maybe 25% of the population. It’s really humbling OR it’s really angering. Choose humbling; it’s more accurate.

    • birdgofly-av says:

      Ummm because people like posting bat shit crazy things to the internet?How is that a greater conversation than the insane altered reality this women is living in where she thinks it’s ok for her to just barge up to a neighbors house and complain about their completely innocuous yard decor?

    • alsosprachalso-av says:

      What is being online even for if not dragging people for having stupid opinions?

    • desertbruinz-av says:

      Why not just chalk it up to “my neighbor is weird” and move on?Welcome to the Internet?Uh… watch the video. She’s racist. At BEST she’s a Gladys Kravitz who needs to stay out of people’s shit.Would “Kravitzes” be better than calling people “Karens?” Or is that antisemetic?“Maudes” (after Flanders, not Bea Arthur)?

    • gargsy-av says:

      Yeah, why is this woman documenting her neighbor’s racist behavior? THAT is the real question here.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      As a lesson to the others.  Go be white on your own time.  Don’t bring it to my door.  I’m in my house minding my own business.

      • bryanska-av says:

        “I’m in my house minding my own business.”This person is in an HOA. It’s everyone’s damn business, all the damn time. Don’t move into a HOA. Life lesson.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Also I love how you think the “greater conversation” is about how much of a victim this old white lady is and not how she harassed a homeowner in her own house.  Enough about harassment of Black people in white neighborhoods.  Let’s have the greater conversation about the mistreatment of this racist old white lady.

    • deesee79-av says:

      because it’s an OBVIOUS dog whistle moment. F that ole rayciss granny.

    • shartinyourjacuzzi-av says:

      “The woman isn’t threatening…”If you were black and had this woman accost you, how safe would you feel?  What if just one racist in this country decides not to act racist today, just for fear of being exposed on the internet?  That’s why.

    • raineyb1013-av says:

      I’m sorry but why does this rancid white woman think she has the right to go up to someone’s door and interrupt their day to tell them she doesn’t like what they’re hanging from the house that the karen isn’t paying a goddamn thing to maintain? This heau took it upon herself to try to bully the homeowner but you’re concerned about what was done to the karen?Interesting in how even when white women are out of pocket somehow she’s the victim in the scenario.

    • daddddd-av says:

      Get a NextDoor account for your area and you’ll understand the importance of knocking nosey boomer neighbors down a peg. It’s a sea of Gladys Kravitzes.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Because BIPOC are constantly disbelieved when they talk about their experiences with racism, from incidents micro to macro. For all its ills, the benefit of being able to post easily on the internet means these incidents are documented. Look at the central park woman who called the cops on the Black birdwatcher. She’s already trying to spin the story a different way. Posting that video both helped show how insidious and prevalent these interactions are and helps keep the accounting honest.

    • hadr-av says:

      theres no way shes not racist, like what commends you to walk over to someone else’s property and tell them that you dont like something that they actually do? Im going with shes a racist ass Karen who thinks that when she says she doesnt like something everyone is going to agree and she prevails.Plus its the fuckn internet if there is rule 34 stuff everywhere I can watch a video a Karen act stupid

    • bigjoec99-av says:

      Ok, let’s have the conversation. What’s your issue with putting out a video showing someone being intentionally annoying and unintentionally hilarious?

  • revjab-av says:

    The woman might just be insane.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      The woman might just be insane.

      Stop using mental illness to excuse assholes acting like assholes.

      • craigo81-av says:

        I think mental health is a component of it. It doesn’t have to be an either/or thing. Judgey racist assholes are everywhere but its a uniquely odd one that goes on someone’s porch to tell them they don’t like their Tigger flag. I bet the rest of this lady’s life is morbidly bizarre.

        • i-miss-splinter-av says:

          I think mental health is a component of it.

          And you’re qualified to make that determination because…?
          It doesn’t have to be an either/or thing.

          “They’re mentally ill” is the common explanation given by randos on the internet, like you.
          Judgey racist assholes are everywhere but its a uniquely odd one that goes on someone’s porch to tell them they don’t like their Tigger flag.

          No. That’s just a confident racist.

        • elhoward-av says:

          Did she know a black woman lived there before she came to the door?

        • rogersachingticker-av says:

          I wish there was anything “uniquely odd” about it. She’s just someone who thinks she has the right to tell a person of color what to do. That’s neither a rare attitude among white people nor a mental health condition. For more than a decade, far right media has hyped people up, convincing a good portion of them that the bravest thing they can do is to “stand up” to people of color by demonstrating open contempt for them. That’s one of the reasons so many of them regard Trump as a hero: they consider him the unimaginably brave soul who finally thought to punch down against people of color, women, and liberal children.

          • beetlebailey80-av says:

            “That’s one of the reasons so many of them regard Trump as a hero: they consider him the unimaginably brave soul who finally thought to punch down against people of color, women, and liberal children.” lmao

        • newsom303-av says:

          I feel safe assuming you’re definitely not Black, and presumably White. Because, as any Black person can tell you, this isn’t unique, odd, or a sign of mental illness.It’s simply business as usual in this nation, and a daily experiences for everyone within the global Black Diaspora. This is how things happen, every single day. I had the cops knocking on the door because the neighbor called them over the soft jazz I was playing at 5pm on a Sunday. They had their fingers and their triggers the entire time. Black People experience both microaggresions and blatant violent racism over the smallest of things. White People will literally try and create some laws or ordinances to justify their behaviors. My neighbor mentioned above told the cops he wanted to file charges for “harassment of the elderly” because of my music. It’s appallingly immoral, unethical, and potentially dangerous. But it’s just as appallingly common.  

        • triohead-av says:

          As the commenter below points out, I’m certainly not making any qualified diagnosis from a short video shot on a doorbell, but that was my take as well. Something about the speech patterns and body language is very recognizable.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “Something about the speech patterns and body language is very recognizable.”

            Yeah, you’ve seen it on a million videos of racists being racists.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “Judgey racist assholes are everywhere but its a uniquely odd one that goes on someone’s porch to tell them they don’t like their Tigger flag.”

          Why is it unique or odd? Is it general form for racists to NOT nitpick what POC do?

          You’re as much of an asshole as she is.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        I have a mental illness. This lady is fucking crazycakes.

    • beetlebailey80-av says:

      Nope just a racist old woman. 

  • lonewolf2cubs-av says:

    You had me at “Don’t say nothing.”  Shut the fuck up and sit down.  Go home.  

  • bedstuyangel-av says:

    Homeowners Associations = excessive, worthless “government.” Student council for housewives with too much time on their hands.

  • kinjabitch69-av says:

    My mom, who is in her early 80’s, would definitely want to tell someone to take down their Tigger flag. But she would never actually do it. I think. I hope? I’m pretty sure. Don’t hold me to that.

    • toddisok-av says:

      Maybe you better go check on your mom.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      One of my neighbors has had two of those giant Pod storage containers just hanging out in their drive way for over a year. It’s an actual impediment to my walks, in that I sometimes have to take a step or two out of the way because they hang on to the sidewalk. It’s ever so slightly annoying, but it’s about the only think I can imagine that would bother me about anyone else’s property short of Mrs. McFearly’s compost heap.I just don’t get why anyone else would care about the way someone else decorates their home. 

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        I just don’t get why anyone else would care about the way someone else decorates their home. Well, it depends on what they’re decorating their home with. A flag featuring a Disney character would draw no comment from me. But a Confederate flag (very common in many areas) or a Nazi swastika flag (becoming more common in some areas) is a very different story.

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          Yeah, I thought about adding an addendum for Hate Paraphernalia. I’ve seen a few confederate flags hanging around my city (unsurprisingly paired commonly with trump flags), and there was even a famously giant unavoidable one at major interstate junction here that people often complained about. I haven’t seen a nazi flag, although I don’t doubt they’re around too.I still probably wouldn’t approach someone with those, not unless I did have some sort of HOA or municipal code to leverage to actually remove it. It’s not like I’d expect to change the mind of anyone shitty enough to hang a flag like that.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            I’d also call a Trump flag (or any Trump paraphernalia) a hate symbol.
            there was even a famously giant unavoidable one at major interstate junction here that people often complained about.

            And nobody defaced it? What state are you in?
            I still probably wouldn’t approach someone with those

            I wouldn’t approach them either. There’s no point to approaching them, you can’t reason or have a constructive conversation with people like this. I would show up at night or when they’re not home & remove their hate symbols.
            some sort of HOA

            HOAs should be banned by law.

          • nawnawnawnawnaw-av says:

            And you’d risk your health pulling some nonsense like that. The hate and malice here are dripping from your gaping pie hole. You are a bad person. You must realize that before you hurt someone or yourself.

          • wabznazm-av says:

            Yeah, if there was an actual Nazi flag in my neighbourhood I’d go and set fire to it during the night, and remonstrate with whatever no-neck comes out of the house. Fuckin Nazis.

          • beetlebailey80-av says:

            Just hope they don’t have any cameras on the outside or any no trespassing signs posted. I will agree with you about HOAs though. 

          • beetlebailey80-av says:

            Cause you might get shot too. 

        • nawnawnawnawnaw-av says:

          Why? It’s my house and none of your business. You don’t have a right to come up and voice your opinions or tell me how to live my life in my property. ***I can’t wait to hear how you’re going to justify this one***

        • beetlebailey80-av says:

          Bet you wouldn’t say anything about the Confederate flag I have flying. 

        • nilus-av says:

          Well the best way to deal with a Confederate flag(and especially fucking Swastika) is to sneak over in the dead of night, pull it down and take a giant shit in it.  

    • joejoetruffles-av says:

      I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but based on everything I’m reading your mother is a racist who likely wants to say the n-word. I apologize sincerely, but you should probably go ahead and dox her so she can be appropriately scrutinized 

  • merk-2-av says:

    Look, I support bouncing, okay, I just don’t agree with the way Tigger always makes it a political issue. He’s really divisive (“I’m the only one”) and has harmed the bouncing cause more than he has helped it.

  • marceline8-av says:

    It would have been so much easier for her to say “Hi. My name is Karen and I’m an alcoholic.” Because this heifer was drunk.

  • franknstein-av says:

    There are rules! I have no idea what those rules are, but I am 100% certain they support my unreasonable BS, because that’s how it usually works for me.

  • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

    Should’ve come with a::puts on sunglasses::Tigger warning.::yeahhh::

  • themoopofvenice-av says:

    Who the fuck likes Tigger enough to buy and display a flag with him on it?It’s like the dipshits who get Taz tattoos.  So many great Looney Tunes characters, you pick one who is utterly worthless.

    • obviously-overtly-oblivious-av says:

      Uh … are other Looney Tunes characters not “worthless”? I am asking because I was unaware that they were anything other than characters who do looney things … Where does the worth come in? 

  • instantmonkeysonline-av says:

    I for one, fully support the BTFP* community.*Bouncy Trouncy Flouncy PouncyI’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.

  • nameiwillregret-av says:

    “We have rules, I don’t… have to go find out what they are.”This is what you say when you are confident that whatever exactly the rules are, they were either written in your favor or will be interpreted in your favor.

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    “We have rules for the community” + that accent = ah, pretty clear exactly what her actual problem is here.

  • theeunclewillard-av says:

    She should have told her it’s a Karen flag, in that it exposes your neighborhood Karen so you can avoid her. Seriously, there’s no way I’d have the patience to.listwn to a c$nt like that. Then again, I’d never live in a place with an HOA.

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    “We have rules. I don’t want to have to go find out what they are.”Well maybe you should find out, asshole. I would’ve told her to go fuck herself & get the fuck off my property.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    What the fuck is a Tigger flag?

    • sandsanta-av says:

      Yeah, wondering that myself. Would think an image of the flag in question would be the first thing in this article….Is it an actual flag with a picture of tigger? Just standing there? Or is he jerking off? Or what?

  • kencerveny-av says:

    Why do I get the feeling that several neighbors currently have Tigger flags on order and the neighborhood will soon be rife with them?

    • thundercatsarego-av says:

      I truly hope that’s what happens. Something similar happened in my sister’s neighborhood after a neighbor’s pride flag got torn down and defaced. Within two days (thanks, Amazon Prime!) the street was a rainbow flag extravaganza. I want this lady to have to live in a Tigger-induced nightmare. 

  • bataillesarteries-av says:

    The laugh is going to be on Karen when she finds out that the Hundred Acre Wood Neighborhood Association actually mandates the flying of Tigger flags.

  • dirkdisco-av says:

    You all are being trolled, it’s so obvious.

  • therealprg-av says:

    Yeah, you’re probably right in this case, but animosity between neighbors isn’t always racially motivated. I’ve seen it go every way you can imagine: white on black, white on white, and yes, black on white and black on black too. Sometimes people are just irrational.

  • nilus-av says:

    Honestly this lady is lucky she doesn’t live by me, because I take passive aggressive BS to the extreme.  The moment she complained about my Tigger flag, I would be on Amazon ordering 2 more. 

  • old-man-barking-av says:

    Andrew,  I’m the President of our local HOA.  No joke, this post is going to make me review the flag restrictions to make sure something like this can’t happen in our neighborhood.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Tigger, please!::raises hand awaiting a congratulatory high five::::sees dirtside has already posted this comment::::sheepishly lowers hand::

  • weedlord420-av says:

    The awful thing about Karens
    Is Karens are awful things!
    Their complaints are generally petty
    To any old bullshit they’ll cling!
    They’re bitchy, kitschy, twitchy, snitchy
    Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!
    But the one wonderful thing about Karens is
    …they provide excellent viral content.

  • opioiduser-av says:

    I’m proud of the way the woman handled herself by just saying she has the right to disagree.  But who the fuck has the nerve to knock of the door a bitch about a frickin Tigger flag when the world is burning?  Priorities people, priorities.

  • gelatinouscube-av says:

    I would have smiled and nodded, saying we’ll take care of it asap. The next possible day… two Tigger flags.

  • dbwindhorst-av says:

    Oh, bother.

  • nextchamp-av says:

    I love that she didn’t even knock on the door to set up an apology. Just drove past the house, prayed they were there, and screamed “SORRY!”.What a fucking asshole.

  • DarthClem3-av says:

    Maybe this Karen had a Tigger flag of her own and wanted it to be… the only one.

  • fraterconcoctopus-av says:

    Je suis Tigger

  • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

    Confused as to why you assume this was at all racial? If a black person does ANYTHING I don’t like, and I say something, does that mean I am racist or acting on privilege just because they are black and I am white? I’m sure this bitch would do the same thing to a white neighbor. Ambrosia being black was irrelevant, but nowadays race-baiting is even more prevalent than racism, which is sad, because they fuel each other and the more of one, the more of the other is soon to come…

    • nilus-av says:

      “I’m sure this bitch would do the same thing to a white neighbor”Well then you think more highly of her then I do. I am 100% this is because they are black. Old white ladies are racist as fuck. I’ve seen that shit first hand. I have moved into communities and they have been all nice and smiley to me(because I am white) but the moment they see my dark skinned wife and children, there racism switch immediately flips. The fact is old white ladies love Disney bullshit but they hate black people.  So that is 100% what is going on here

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I’m sure this bitch would do the same thing to a white neighbor.”

      If you’re so sure, produce the video of it happening.

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      Keep trying to sell that. The things that convince me this isn’t just a bossy old lady situation are: 1) Ambrosia, who apparently knows this lady, the lady’s family, and her own neighborhood, and who actually had the interaction, thought it was racial. She’d know better than you or me. 2) As someone who’s experienced a fair number of racist interactions, the tone of this one rings familiar. It’s not angry or mean, the lady doesn’t curse her or spit on her porch. She just addresses Ambrosia as if she was an employee at the local supermarket or fast food joint (which is where the whole “Karen” thing comes from), rather than a neighbor or peer. She doesn’t apologize for insulting her neighbor’s yard and home. She doesn’t even return her neighbor’s “Have a nice day!” or have the decency to actually go apologize to her face-to-face after the video becomes public. So I’m willing to give Ambrosia the benefit of the doubt on this, because unless you’re that old lady, she knows better than you.So no, having any conflict at all with a black person doesn’t automatically make you a racist. But the fact that you’re trying to repurpose “race-baiting,” and insist that it’s more of a problem than actual racism isn’t a good sign.

  • sukhoiromanticdunnomyoldlogin-av says:

    I don’t understand how you are reading ‘classism, white privilege, racial resentment’ from all of that. All it is is a neighbour who doesn’t like the flag. Tough bickies for that neighbour, and no doubt she is an annoying busybody, but I think you are overthinking it

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    Oh I wish instead of “Have a good day”, she said “T.T.F.N:  Ta-ta for now”

  • waynemr-av says:

    Every street or neighborhood I’ve lived in has a self appointed mayor.Many years ago a bitchy woman who had a crazy clean tick came to my house to tell my wife who had a 3 year old and a baby in the house to go out and chop the ice in the gutter because the water was backing up in her sidewalk. My wife told her if its .bothering her chop it yourself.She did

    • nilus-av says:

      The first legit house we rented, we lived next door to the actual Mayors mom. She was a mean ass old lady. She had a tape mark at the end of her cane that was at the exact level your grass could grow to(per the city standards) and she would write down the house where the grass was to high and call them in. She use to have it out with us all the time because my landlord would get lazy on cutting the grass but it was not my job to do it. She would insist that as the home renter it was and I eventually just kept a copy of my lease handy to show her the that it clearly said that outdoor yard work(including grass cutting) was the landlords responsibility. It actually got bad. At one point she cornered my wife and was yelling about how “We don’t care about this town and people like us should not even be allowed to live here and her son was going to make it illegal to rent homes in this area soon”. We started to get the cops called on us constantly for noise complaints or “suspicious activity”. That activity was my weekly D&D group coming over and we were in the basement so no one heard our yelling about elves and wizards and shit. The last straw (sorta, we were planning to move anyways) was after confrontation about the snow not being cleared from the side walk(again, not our job. See the lease), we got a visit from DCFS about an anonymous  complaint that our son was in an unsafe home. Judging by the questioning it was clear she claimed we were drug dealer or doing crimes or some shit. The investigation showed nothing(of course, we weren’t dealing drugs or doing crimes) but it took months to get done and it cost me a few grand in lawyers fees. The worst thing is that this lady knew exactly the right buttons to push and the right ways to do it so there was no way to retaliate legally.

      • goddessoftransitoryrisesagain-av says:

        So, how did her son get elected mayor with this hag doing his unofficial PR around town? Was he running unopposed?

      • the-muftak-av says:

        Holy shit, man.

      • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

        The worst thing is that this lady knew exactly the right buttons to push and the right ways to do it so there was no way to retaliate legally.Actually, a legal way t0 retaliate would be to sign her up for every PoC publication imaginable.  Then start on the LGBTQ list. 

    • thundercatsarego-av says:

      We live on a very small street, only like eight houses, and we’re very lucky that we nipped our “mayor’s” bullshit in the bud. A few summers after they moved into the neighborhood, they basically started calling in bullshit noise and code violations on three of us. They said our fence was “in dangerous disrepair” because a windstorm had blown down two pickets and we waited until the weekend to nail them back into place. They called in a noise complaint on the people across the street who were having a summertime cookout midday on a Saturday. The cops came up to my porch, where I was sitting outside reading, and asked if the noise from the party across the street was bothering me. “What party? I haven’t heard a thing, and I’ve been out here for two hours,” I said. I swear I didn’t even know they were home, that’s how little noise there was. Another neighbor had a new driveway poured and the mayors called the city to report that the neighbor was illegally parking his car on the street overnight. A cop came to write the ticket and saw the new driveway and the temporary parking permit from the building department, and told the mayors that everything was above board. This went on for a few weeks of that summer, until five of us got together and told them to cut it out. Basically we said this: We don’t know what your problem is, but this has got to stop. This is a perfectly normal street with people living perfectly normal lives. We want to all get along and be cordial. None of the violations you’ve called in have been legitimate. So stop it. The mayor got a bit huffy and defensive, but he didn’t have a leg to stand on. He basically retreated into his house, and I’m not kidding when I say that neither he nor his wife spoke to any of us for at least 25 years. Not a hello in passing, not a nod of acknowledgement that any of us existed. If we said hi or waved, we were met with stone silence. Oh well, better that than having to deal with the harassment. 

  • DerpHaerpa-av says:

    Tigger warning.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “We have rules. I don’t want to have to go find out what they are.”Man, if that sentence isn’t a bleak summation of the times we live in. “I would rather have faith in my ignorance than learn the relevant information.”

  • menage-av says:

    land of the free, until I don’t fucking like it.

  • aei31-av says:

     The vast majority of Americans are stupid dirt trash hick Christian freaks. You rednecks are what, starting to understand this?

  • theanarchistsneedlogisticalsupport-av says:

    HOA’s have empowered so many jerks who otherwise would have had to seethe alone in their kitchens…

  • agobair303-av says:

    It’d be great if one of her white neighbors saw this and put up Tigger flags to see if it’s a problem

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    This isn’t a sign of endemic “rot”: there’s 330M+ Americans and some of them are batshit crazy and can be caught on film in a time where videos are ubiquitous.Get a grip.

  • dripad-av says:

    Funny. It’s all about freedom – freedom to use a mask, freedom to vaccinate, freedom to carry a gun, etc.But…when a person does something another doesn’t like, all the sudden “rules” come up. Usually made up. Or all the sudden “Jesus” decided it was wrong (see “abortion”) or pagan (“Jesus” is usually the person’s interpretation of a cherry picked passage, and not the man himself). Of course we all know it’s a power play. “Ambrosia” had the freedom to put whatever she wanted on her property, as long as it wasn’t a public danger to others.And finally, I would like to salute “Ambrosia” for her composure, intelligence and what appears to be “Southern Charm” to expertly diffuse a potentially volatile situation.

  • michael5188-av says:

    Imagine if instead she’d said goodmorning! I just wanted to say I pass by your Tigger flag every morning and it always brightens my day a bit, so just wanted to stop by and say thanks for cheering up the block a little.Imagine the positive energy that would have passed on, and how that would have carried forward in the homeowner’s day.I wish people thought about that more, how they can set a tone for someone else’s day, and how that can grow exponentially. Even the smallest little interactions between strangers can make a big difference. One of my favorite things in life are small, positive interactions I take part in or witness on the street. It just feels like one of the bright spots of humanity shining through for a moment.

  • BebeLush-av says:

    These are the same people who won’t let anyone park in front of their house because . . . they just don’t.  Fuck her. I’d put up 10 more Tigger flags just to piss her off.

  • desertbruinz-av says:

    Bitch, please. The wonderful thing about Tiggers is that Tiggers are wonderful things. So why don’t you bouncey, flouncey, ouncey, pouncey the fuck out of here with that nonsense?

  • avoiceinthecrowd-av says:

    Or she’s just the neighborhood psycho who does this to everyone for virtually any reason. I know I have one on my block.

  • iusedtobefkpaes335-av says:

    the guy who voiced tigger, Paul Winchell, invented the first implantable artificial heart.

  • udairi-av says:

    I believe there is an unaddressed undiagnosed generational mental health issue with this “generation of sociopaths” (I am referring to Karen here). How can so many people of the same generation believe they can act the same way… are we finally starting to see the long term effects of Teflon, or TV dinners or insert 1960-70s innovation here…? Are we on the brink of a whole generation plunging into an abyss of borderline dementia (look up the symptoms)…

  • nilus-av says:

    Wow several comments on here are like “Why is this racist, she is just an annoying old woman”Bitches please, you know this is racist. This shit happens all the time. We never see video of karens telling other karens to take down their flags. Its always against POC

    • buh-lurredlines-av says:

      That’s because there’s no “white lotto” for them so they don’t bother to record stuff like that. Also media likes to push race narratives so of course they’ll single this video out of millions of vids just like it. It’s a scam and a sham.

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    Tigger? Please.Ed: it’s funner when I say it, as opposed to the 188 people before me who said it.

  • Spderweb-av says:

    I dont think this is race related.  But it is pretty wtf.   Like maybe she thinks the Tigger flag represents something?  Tigger is all about freedom, so I dont get why any American would be against Tigger.  

  • pearlnyx-av says:

    But she loves the american flag!

  • deesee79-av says:

    where can I buy a Tigger flag..?

  • timbales-av says:

    “I wanna talk about this, uh, Tigger flag. I don’t like it.”
    My response would have been “Nobody asked you. Goodbye”

  • hetzer21-av says:

    I think they will be flying a new flag soon. wp4704656.jpg (1500×1500) (wallpapercave.com)

  • mooplaid-av says:

    The first thing it made me think of was the Christmas Gargoyle incident. I am forgetting his name at the moment, but it was a beautiful and funny story. 🙂 This article reminded me of that.

    Related to the story I mentioned, what she should do now (if possible) is put out even *more* Tigger (or Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, etc.) stuff and thank the Karen for pointing out how great Tigger is. 🙂

  • rabbiddog-av says:

    “There’s rules for this. I don’t know what they are but there’s rules”….That says it all right there.“Now get the eff off my property!”

  • eugene-s-huckleberry-esq-av says:

    “I wanna talk about this, uh, Tigger flag. I don’t like it.”

  • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

    Tigger is a “national treasure”? Yes but of the U.K.

  • ceptri-av says:

    You should be fired for not tagging this post with “Tigger warning”

  • jtrctylr-av says:

    Seems like the kind of complaint someone in a Tweety Bird shirt would make.

  • eham-av says:

    No racist interpretation necessary (although it probably applies).  Not sure anybody’s seen the video of the flag itself. In the background you can make out what kind of neighborhood it is — it’s F’n Camazotz: a golf-course analscaped nightmare. No wonder Karen mentions the bushes. They probably haven’t been trimmed for a full 20 minutes. My take is that if you gauge that you (or your brother) are the type to do something so outre as to put up a Tigger flag, don’t move into a neighborhood like that.

  • balderdashian-av says:

    You wrote a whole article about this? Like for real?

    • innie-audi-av says:

      This is what happens when you scrape the bottom of the barrel so much that you bust through and start scooping up mud from underneath…

  • jjfflloo-av says:

    I can’t watch the video right now, and only read through the article… So I don’t have any opinion about the Tigger flag and I can’t really evaluate the dynamic of the people in the video.But as far as some neighbor “disputes” go… sometimes you never know until you ask. I have a neighbor who had a cheap windchime on the side of their house, but right next to my living room. I didn’t mind it per se, but man if it did not start to drive me crazy when winter came, it was windy and the windchime seemed so loud and was constantly making noise… until I asked if they’d mind taking it down and explained why. She immediately walked over and took it down.I also have a neighbor whose Christmas decorations (lights on the gutter with a section in the middle where the lights aren’t working, and wreaths/snowflakes) are UP, and ON since last November, as I type this in the following August… In addition to the dumpster that goes against city code and inoperable vehicle (broken down 90s Mustang) in the driveway that also goes against city code, a big ugly plastic paddleboat leaned up against the house. I think it’s pretty tacky to be honest! However, I never have said anything to him because I don’t think it would be productive. He’s not the diplomatic type… Hey, at least the RV he has parked on the street (also against city code) in front of his driveway acts as somewhat of a privacy fence!

    • radarskiy-av says:

      “sometimes you never know until you ask”That has nothing to do with the scenario described here. This person didn’t ask, she rolled up with assumed authority to tell the homeowner what to do.

  • imodok-av says:

    “My Tigga…” 

  • frankiels3-av says:

    Super interesting interaction hindered by a shitty article. The old hag is white, the Tigger Fan is black, it HAS to be racial resentment and white privilege right? Has to be! There’s no way the Karen is just an old miserable opinionated cunt who would probably gives her shitty opinion to everyone lol? So I’m going to go ahead and assume if the people involved in any of your articles are different races, you make that the focal point. Makes writing easier huh? And classicism? What? Lolll I don’t think that word means what you think it means… Anyway the untalented writers do tend to try and stoke fires to boost reading because originality is just so tough isnt it! (Sad face). Or maybe you went beyond woke to ignorant.Either way A Tigger is a wonderful thing.

  • clarkyboy-av says:

    This awful woman reminds me of my mother (!) who has a habit of phoning the cable company twice a year to complain about all the “mexican channels” on her TV. “I told them to take ‘em off. I don’t want ‘em,” she says to me occasionally. I, however, have never managed the patience the homeowner above displays.

  • vilniusnastavniak-av says:

    When Deng Xiaopeng was asked to comment, his response was… ”Oh Bother!”

  • kinjabitch69-av says:

    Some of my best friends are Tiggers.

  • Kirkaiya2-av says:

    Not sure if it’s just me, but I didn’t even see the Tigger flag in the video. Was it just off camera? Or am I blind….

  • bigjoec99-av says:

    Come on, you didn’t give us the *best line* from the whole thing?“We HAVE rules. I don’t wanna hafta go… find out what they are.”

  • Gajillion-av says:

    Nice try with the race baiting, but the only thing you need to know about this video is this: “We have rules… I don’t want have to go find out what they are, but I don’t like that.” THAT is America in a nutshell.

  • ysubuffoon-av says:

    I have a glaring example of classicism right here in my hand:

  • frankdorritt-av says:

    These look-another-Karen call-outs are tiresome. Another 60-second context-free breeze blowing through our lives. Maybe the older woman has mental health issues — listen to how she spoke. Of course, that doesn’t give her a pass. But that I know so little beyond the apparent basics is frustrating. Everyone here goes from armchair judge to hang-em-high executioner in the blink of an eye. Stop with the call-out videos and stop with the judgement.

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