Today in Donald Glover: Lando is now a movie, Mr. & Mrs. Smith moves release dates

The strike will probably keep Glover’s next Millennium Falcon ride grounded for some time

Aux News Donald Glover
Today in Donald Glover: Lando is now a movie, Mr. & Mrs. Smith moves release dates
Donald Glover Photo: Jamie McCarthy

It’s been some time since our eyes gazed upon the gas giant way out in the “Lando system” known as Bespin. Communications with the tibanna refinery run by the coolest cape enthusiast in the galaxy, Lando Calrissian, have been dead silent since the disappointing release of Solo: A Star Wars Story in 2018, which unofficially began a pumping of the brakes on Star Wars as a movie series. That might be changing. For years, there have been grumblings of a Lando Disney+ series to join the galaxy of Mandalorians, Ahsokas, and Book Of Boba Fetts. Now, it seems like it’s going to be a movie. Stephen Glover, the brother of Donald, lead story editor of Atlanta, and co-writer of Lando, told the Pablo Torre Finds Out podcast, “It’s not even a show. The idea right now is to do a movie. Right now, because of the strike, it’s like [a game of] telephone.”

Earlier this summer, Donald and Stephen Glover took over writing duties on Lando from Haunted Mansion director Justin Simien when it was a show. Sources at Disney have confirmed that Donald Glover’s Lando will be a movie, but there has been no movement outside that because of the strike. There has been no development or negotiations because that would require WGA writers. So until Disney returns to the bargaining table and reportedly responds to the WGA’s latest offer, there won’t be any Star Wars for anyone. Of course, a Star Wars movie is one of the worst things any aspiring franchise installment can be right now, so we’ll see what happens with all that.

In other Glover-related news, per Variety, Amazon Prime is moving the release its Mr. And Mrs. Smith series, starring Maya Erskin and Glover, from November 2023 to 2024. Many networks and studios are scrambling to fill fall and spring content calendars because the AMPTP has yet to settle its multiple strikes. For example, Warner Bros. Discovery, which will take a $300 to $500 million hit to avoid paying their writers a collective $50 million, moved Dune: Part Two to next March. The AMPTP’s refusal to end the strikes has cost the California economy (the world’s fifth largest) $5 billion. The WGA proposal would cost Amazon $32 million. Amazon is worth $1.25 trillion. We don’t get it either. We thought these guys loved money.


  • gendry-baratheon-av says:

    FWIW, Glover is only four years younger now than Williams was when he played Lando.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Han and Lando in the Eeeeempire

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    Give Disney two or three years and they’ll quietly shelve it.We thought these guys loved money.Could be it’s about more than money this time. Could be it’s about control, and they’re serious about breaking the unions.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      It’s absolutely about that. Warner Bros has admitted it’s already lost $500M, which is more than ten times the amount the WGA wanted.

    • cinecraf-av says:

      No, no, they’ll fire the director, and reshoot 80 percent of it so it is more “on-brand” and then the film will badly underperform at the Box office.

    • ghoastie-av says:

      “I think maybe the shareholders are going to sue if you’re losing $500M to avoid paying $50M.”“Oh, sorry… sorry… no. Only certain shareholders matter.”The suits should still be filed just to show everyone in the light of day that the legal’s systems fig leaf over oligarchic tyranny is just that — and quite tiny. There can be no doubt that judges will stop cases from even going to juries based upon the theory that short-term losses can always be justified so long as “screw labor” is the overarching purpose.Now, short-term losses for other reasons, like, say, making sure your industry even still exists in 50 years instead of having to transition over to Thunderdome-related activities? Nah. That’s when leadership has an obligation to the next quarter’s numbers (which we give the nickname “the shareholders” to, just for funsies.)

  • bcfred2-av says:

    Man, can’t wait to watch that Mr. & Mrs. Smith sexual tension between Glover and…Maya Erskine?

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    That’s probably for the best since a lot of the Disney+ shows, both MCU and SW, seem like they are movies that were stretched out to fit into 6 episodes and the suffer because of it.But that quote about it being a game of telephone right now is giving me doubts. I love the Glovers, but given their work pace with Atlanta and they are still just in the “maybe its a movie, maybe its not” phase for Lando, I’m gonna bet this doesn’t get made. At least not for several more years

  • iambrett-av says:

    They need to make it a fun movie. Do a heist! I’d totally watch “Oceans 11 but it’s Star Wars” with Lando as our main protagonist in the ensemble. 

  • davidwizard-av says:

    I honestly need someone to explain to me why shareholders aren’t holding these companies accountable. Don’t the companies have a fiduciary responsibility to settle the strikes since that’s cheaper than letting them go on?

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Me: Generate some dialogue Lando Calrissian might say regarding the relative merits of hamsters and cats as pets.
    ChatGPT: Well, my friend, when it comes to pets, it’s all about style and charisma. Now, hamsters, they’re cute and all, but they lack that certain… charm, you know? Cats, on the other hand, they’ve got that mysterious swagger, like a smooth gambler in the heart of a sabacc game. Cats are the real deal, my friend, they’ve got that Lando flair.Me: Now what would Lando have to say about the WGA writers strike?ChatGPT: Ah, the Writers Guild of America strike, my friend. Strikes can be a necessary move when negotiations hit a rough patch. Just like in the game of sabacc, sometimes you’ve got to make a bold move to win the hand. It’s important for writers to get fair compensation for their creativity. Negotiations can be like navigating an asteroid field, but in the end, both sides should find a way to make a deal that benefits everyone in the galaxy. I say full light speed ahead!!

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