Tom Cruise is back and ready to fly in the trailer for Top Gun: Maverick

Tom Cruise, Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, and Val Kilmer star in the film slated to hit theaters in May

Aux News Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise is back and ready to fly in the trailer for Top Gun: Maverick
Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick Screenshot: Paramount Pictures

Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is officially back. After tons and tons of delays due to COVID-19, Tom Cruise’s Top Gun: Maverick has a shiny new trailer.

In the forthcoming film, Pete, is now working at the same Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program from the original Top Gun (1986) film. As he trains a new crop of TOPGUN graduates, he realizes that a lot has changed in 30 years.

“Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, let me be perfectly blunt: you were not my first choice. You are here at the request of Admiral Kazansky aka Iceman. He seems to think you have something left to offer the Navy,” Jon Hamm’s character Cyclone tells him in the trailer. “What that is, I can’t imagine.”

But, if the clip is anything to go by, all of that naysaying isn’t affecting Pete too much since the scene cuts to him smiling from ear to ear on a motorcycle.

Here’s the official logline:

After more than 30 years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground him. When he finds himself training a detachment of TOPGUN graduates for a specialized mission the likes of which no living pilot has ever seen, Maverick encounters Lt. Bradley Bradshaw (Miles Teller), call sign: “Rooster,” the son of Maverick’s late friend and Radar Intercept Officer Lt. Nick Bradshaw, aka “Goose.” Facing an uncertain future and confronting the ghosts of his past, Maverick is drawn into a confrontation with his own deepest fears, culminating in a mission that demands the ultimate sacrifice from those who will be chosen to fly it.

In addition to Cruise, Top Gun: Maverick will also star Jennifer Connelly. Miles Teller, Jon Hamm, and Val Kilmer. The film was directed by Joseph Kosinski (Only the Brave).

After a run at Cannes Film Festival that will last from May 17 – May 28, Top Gun: Maverick hits theaters on May 27.


  • planehugger1-av says:

    Top Gun: Maverick has been delayed so long that a new Cold War, which would have provided an obvious enemy for the movie, broke out in the meantime.

    • nilus-av says:

      I’m wondering how this movie handles the alternate future where Tom Cruise started WW3 with that skirmish with Russian jets at the end of the first film.  

      • planehugger1-av says:

        That certainly would have been a big risk, but the U.S. and Russia both had plenty of provocations during the Cold War and managed to avoid outright war. The United States was able to tolerate the Soviet Union’s aid of the North Vietnamese, even as that aid was contributing to thousands of Americans being killed, and the Soviets were able to tolerate U.S. aid to the Mujahideen, even as that aid killed Russians. The Russians shot down a U2 in 1960.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        They weren’t Russian! They were . . . well . . . uh, they were black MiG-28’s that looked a lot like F-5’s.

      • drdny-av says:

        Nilus, may I introduce you to Q…?

    • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

      Who are they fighting in this one? Tried to Google it and couldn’t get much of an answer. Surely not the Chinese. There’s speculation, not confirmation that it’s Iran, mostly because there was an F-14 in the first trailer, and only Iran still flies those.

    • lookatallthepretties-av says:

      Top Gun Maverick trailer 2:05 the tooth or Zippo lighter if you prefer shaped tombstone in the foreground on the left is polystyrene it’s the packing material around a piece of consumer electronic equipment probably a video game console or from the size and shape assault rifle inside a cardboard slip cover inflammable liquid in a thin walled glass container or flat plastic envelope friction fuse detonator you can get from a christmas cracker polystyrene packing material bang woosh instant napalm small container Zippo lighter that flat screen television that was in some celebrity’s kitchen that he couldn’t remember who sent it to him fake Fed Ex envelope or one of those USPS boxes with a tear strip model maker’s scalpel is your best bet to open them kitchen fire blanket over them when you do wear gloves you won’t lose your hands they don’t detonate so much as ignite season’s greetings from the little girl in the photograph of the US napalm airstrike on the ville in Vietnam don’t forget to thank your President for it

  • dudebraa-av says:

    I don’t think Paramount should ever release this movie. It’s stronger as a myth than it could ever be as a release. 

  • saltier-av says:

    “Facing an uncertain future…”Maverick’s future isn’t uncertain. He’s a captain with well over 30 years in the Navy who isn’t going to make admiral. His future is that he’s going to retire and work for a defense contractor.No mystery there.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Top Gun 2 coming out 25 years after the first one is why it’s not so weird (if no less boring) that aging comics make GI Jane jokes.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      I think it reflects the decline of the monoculture. There are far fewer cultural touchstones now that you can generally expect people to know. If a little-loved, financially unsuccessful movie not associated with any existing franchise came out today, you could have no expectation that people would know anything about it. But while Rock’s joke was stale and lame, I got the reference, and so seemingly did most people watching.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Plus you definitely have to take the current target audience for the Oscars into account when looking at that joke. I venture most people watching caught the reference immediately.

      • filmgamerone-av says:

        G.I. Jane is a catchy title and strong visual image. Given the age of the presenters involved, it’s probably one of the last times that joke could be made since someone at least as old as Chris Rock (57) has to make it.

        I don’t think monoculture has declined when fewer companies own more things.

    • peon21-av says:

      We’re about on schedule for Cruise to take a cocky pool-hustler under his wing.

    • bunkythemelon-av says:

      36yrs. Damn I’m old

    • tmicks-av says:

      Yeah, but Top Gun was a hit.

    • jomahuan-av says:

      has there been a g.i. jane remake?…..o no. they’re going to remake g.i. jane now, aren’t they?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “Yo Jada! Love ya! You can be my wingman anytime!”

    • erictan04-av says:

      Thirty-six years later, not twenty-five.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    I thought this came and went. (I may be conflating it mentally with Independence Day: Resurgence.)

    • wuthaniel-av says:

      I had the same feeling. Mandela effect, I guess. 

    • planehugger1-av says:

      I don’t expect this to be a towering work of artistic genius, but I’m hopeful it will be much better than Independence Day: Resurgence.

    • nilus-av says:

      It does feel like it has been coming out for ages. I know the official line is “Covid delays” but plenty of movies came out and did well in theaters last year when numbers dropped and people got the jabs.  I suspect this is a real stinker.  

      • croig2-av says:

        I think Cruise really wanted the summer theatrical release, so the original 2020 release was delayed, then 2021 summer was still up in the air (summer 2021 stuff was often released streaming and theaters at the same time, which Cruise was adamant against)Other stuff from summer 2020 like the new Minions movie has also been held back that long. I remain optimistic.

        • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

          The Minions movie has been delayed so long that the merch for it is now clogging up Big Lots and other discount stores.

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    Why are they flying around so much?!?  Haven’t they seen where oil prices are at?

  • sinister-portent-av says:

    Fucking Nostalgia gets me every time. It’s why I’ve watched Spider Man No Way Home 3 times in a week. 

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Looks like you’re getting that here.  Cruise on a bike, beach volleyball, fun times at the bar with his pilot friends, friends ‘splodin’, etc.

      • sinister-portent-av says:

        The difference being that I was 12 years old when the first one came out, and now Tom Cruise looks younger than me.

        • xaa922-av says:

          Ouch.  Ugh that’s so true.  I was also 12, and yeah 48 year old me isn’t looking as spry as 59 year old Tom.  Must be all of those Thetans or whatever.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Miles Teller takes an insane drum solo on “You Lost That Loving Feeling”

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Jesus. Imaging honoring your late father by growing the same shitty mustache.

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      That, sadly, is one of the more realistic elements of this movie, it appears. Terrible lip foliage remains one of the quirks of Armed Forces pilots in all disciplines (I have a friend whose son flies KC-135s and the kid has a truly awful nose caterpillar that you wouldn’t believe).

      • tmicks-av says:

        Not just pilots, I was in the Navy, waaaay down on the org chart, and I sported one of those silly staches. Just about every guy in the military has one at some point in their enlistment. 

        • drdny-av says:

          My kid brother grew a beard while he was on submarines in The Navy that made him look like Grizzly Adams.He got RIF’d right before he decided not to re-enlist because the new Chairman of the Navy didn’t think beards were “part of the Naval tradition(?!?!?!?)“. He still has that damned beard thirty years later….

        • saltier-av says:

          Same here. The cheesy mustache is a rite of passage.

      • saltier-av says:

        You have to do everything according to regulations when you join the Navy or any of the Armed Forces. One of the first choices you’re allowed when you complete your training and go to the fleet is to grow a mustache. A few discover they can pull it off. Most, after a while, discover that it’s not a good idea. Also, a mustache is really the only facial hair you’re allowed to have. Sideburns can only extend about a half inch or so. Beards are totally verboten, unless you’re deployed and the rules are relaxed (such as for shipboard fundraisers or for SEALS in-country).

    • presidentzod-av says:

      LOL +!

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      That Hollywood thing where sons adopt the exact same personal style as their dads (see also Pirates of the Caribbean).

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Not trying to be weird or critical, but isn’t that “imagining?”

      • lattethunder-av says:

        It was supposed to be “imagine” but I didn’t catch it in time, you critical weirdo.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Lol, thank you. No, really, I see it from time to time and wonder if it’s some new version I missed.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      You bite your tongue! The Goosetache is not shitty!
      (I just made up “Goosetache”, I’m absurdly pleased)

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “Tell me, Latte, while you were hotdogging with the MiG, who was proofreading your comments?”

    • bc222-av says:

      I hope they get this kid to play Stinger’s son.

  • nilus-av says:

    Every time a ticket for this movie is sold a Navy Admiral cums in his pants. Gonna get a lot of recruits hoping to be fight pilots and finding out that if you are lucky you may get to fly a drone, aka the more boring but deadly video game but most of them will find out that the Navy needs people to clean toilets and mop floors far more then hot shot pilotsAlso Miles Teller manages to exceed expectations by realizing that his face becomes even more punchable with a mustache   

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      The upshot is, though, that the Navy completely cooperated on the flying scenes like they did back in ‘86, which means that at least 1/5th of the film is going to look absolutely spectacular.

      • dirtside-av says:

        Not to mention that CGI is excellent at rendering rigid metal objects like planes, so they could pretty much do whatever they want visually even if the Navy wasn’t cooperating.

        • TeoFabulous-av says:

          Except I haven’t seen a single movie where airplanes have been inserted digitally that has rendered flight realistically. It’s a perplexing blind spot in a discipline that has gotten so good at mimicking and recreating reality – but for me, anyway, representing anything aviation-related via CGI is like trying to escape the uncanny valley in motion-capture characters’ eyes.One thing that Maverick does that the original Top Gun didn’t do is put the actors in the actual aircraft (except for that one shot of Tom Cruise in the RIO seat of an F-14 before a catapult shot that was used in the final fight sequence). Each of the hero pilots in Maverick went up in two-seater F-18 Super Hornets and filmed flight and fight sequences under actual flight conditions and G-forces, which is going to result in footage that is magnitudes better than Top Gun’s rock-and-rolling rear projection soundstage cockpits.I am worried, though, that the disparity between the actual flying and the CGI action (e.g. when Maverick barrels upward between two other F-18s) is going to be jarring enough to take me out of the suspension of disbelief. At least in the original, the bits in the flying sequences that weren’t real airplanes were physical models and only seen for fractions of a second (then there’s the brutally obvious split screen during Mav and Goose’s inverted bird-flipping scene, but that’s a whole different barrel of monkeys). I’m hoping that the CGI work is minimal or at least minimized in this one.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Every frame without Tom Cruise in it.

      • erictan04-av says:

        The visual effects for the original were very very very cheap. These are amazing-looking.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:
    • drdny-av says:

      Is that what happened to Val Kilmer, Nilus?All that unused semen just backed up on him while waiting for this movie to come out…?

  • giamatt02-av says:

    So, I’m still thinking about Ice becoming an Admiral!

    • drdny-av says:

      The Island… Shit.I’m still lonely on the Island.
      I can feel the walls closing in on me. Every morning I wake up weaker, and Moreau’s out there in the bush getting stronger….Sorry, I had an Apocalypse Now-Meets-The Island of Dr. Moreau moment there, but I’m back now.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Damn it, the piano version of that anthem got me.

  • argiebargie-av says:
  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    Summer of 1987, when Top Gun came out I was living in my college fraternity house. Just down the street was the movie theatre that had air conditioning, unlike the house. We knew the students that worked there and got in for free. Probably saw TG 10 times that summer. Twice cuz it was a cool movie and eight times to enjoy the air conditioning. I’m destined to see this in the theatre and Mrs. F. has grudgingly agreed to accompany me even though our domicile is air conditioned.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Now this is a summer blockbuster. Take THAT “Where the Crawdads Sing”

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    Congratulations to Hollywood on giving Tom Cruise a love interest that’s less than 10 years younger than him.

  • djburnoutb-av says:

    Given Val Kilmer’s condition these last few years, I’m very surprised he was able to partake. I wonder if Iceman will be sick in it?Also, wonder who the bad guys will be. Definitely not China. 

  • jennymanythoughts-av says:

    What is the ongoing appeal of Miles Teller?  He’s in the same camp as Ansel Elgort to me.  Who is casting them?  Why?  Do audiences like these ding-dongs?

  • whyysooseriouss-av says:

    Okay, but this is 2022.  Are they going to make the homoeroticism less subtle this time?  LOL

  • secretagentman-av says:

    Are people really excited for this film? I would see it for Glen Powell (who should be a bigger star) but it feels tired. 

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    I feel like I’ve seen the movie now. If that’s the case, good movie! Enjoyed all three minutes! Took my breath away! See what I did there?!  OK, onto real life.

  • leonthet-av says:

    I made it about 40 seconds in before I started laughing so hard I couldn’t hear the audio. Jesus this looks bad.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    Bradley Bradshaw…

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I’d have to go back and check, but the the movie ever refer to Goose by anything other than his call sign?

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        I couldn’t say.  I was sure his name was Mitchell Goosen, until I googled just now and realized I was remembering the main character from the 1993 not-quite-hit Airborne.

      • hankdolworth-av says:

        I assume it’s either part of the script that never made it into spoken dialogue, and it might have been written outside the cockpit of the plane.Either way, I just don’t see Goose and his wife as people who would have named his kid “Bradley Bradshaw.” That being said, if a stupid name leaves to Miles Teller getting punched in a barfight, then so be it.

      • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

        According to his wiki (yes, he has one), the character name is Nick Bradshaw. But I don’t recall that from the 10 times I saw Top Gun in the theatre when it came out. Maybe it was on his dog tags that Mav tossed away not realizing his widow and son might like to have them.

      • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

        Nick Rivers

  • npr-pledge-drive1-av says:

    Given the movie has been shelved for so long and the political tides have shifted it’ll be fun ( well vaguely amusing) to see all the ways this movie probably wont have aged well Spoilers the movie ends with the caption“Top Gun would like to thank the brave fighters of the Russian imperial airforce”

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I’m starting to think you  can’t be a naval aviator unless you got serious dead daddy issues.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Lock up the chickens! Little red Rooster’s in the air!

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    But then, Maverick encounters Lt. Miles Teller, call sign: “Cockbag,” and he thinks “Christ, this kid is the biggest asshole I’ve ever met; and I’m Tom fucking Cruise!”

  • gravelrash06-av says:

    This is one of those nostalgia grabs that shouldn’t excite me in the least, but against all logic kinda does. I really dislike Tom Cruise, but jets are cool and this doesn’t look like CGI garbage.

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      Watch it for Goose, man. Watch it for Goose.

    • drdny-av says:

      Oh, thank the Gods I’m not the only one!I’m looking at all those flying sequences and going “Whooo!”, even though I know this film will be 100% War Porn.
      I feel so dirty and used….

  • filmgamerone-av says:

    This is the last major movie to be released that was made before COVID-19.

  • eftalanquest-av says:

    god…i totally forgot this was still a thing

  • erictan04-av says:

    The PhotoShopped older Val Kilmer photo is OMG bad.

  • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

    30 years later they better explain what the f this was:

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Are they bringing back Mel Gibson for Maverick: Top Gun?

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